On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we do a film review of the hard-to-find, enigmatic sequel to Rocky Horror Picture Show: “SHOCK TREATMENT!” If you’ve never seen this film, let me take you on a trip to a world where Richard O’Brien predicted the future 30 years ahead of its time!! We’ll talk about the creation of this film, Richard O’Brien’s controversial sexuality and gender, the cast and more! I’ll then do a plot spoiling breakdown of the film with some clips (taken from trying to record off the TV because this film is ONLY available in USA on DVD- not even blu-ray!). The film shows us the global elite planning their takeover of our minds and health by appealing to the Freudian shadow; all through entertainment and the manipulative television set! It’s wild- I assure you! Last, and DEFINITELY not least; we’ll be joined by a listener who will sing us a tune from Rocky Horror Picture Show! Thank you Al- you’re a real one homeboy!! Be sure to check out all the images from the film, discussed on the show at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
- I explored the topic of Netflix being “liberal” on Breaking Social Norms with Josie Weishaupt, take a listen to part 1 here: https://breakingsocialnorms.com/2021/07/14/netflix-conspiracy-pt-1-what-are-liberal-shows/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:09
That’s very good. Hello. I’m Dr. cosmin McKinley. I’d like to tell you about a new film from the gang which gave you the Rocky Horror Show. They inducted
Unknown Speaker 0:35
me Good boy. Seen Kimmage seen. But if you open your heart to a smooth operator, he’ll take you for all that you’ve gone. He’ll hand you a curse. It’ll be with you later. It’ll shake in the way he takes off, like a shot. You need to jump in to realize why. Define your blind. Yeah, condition is special. Good. Bye. Bye.
Unknown Speaker 2:24
It’ll be pathetically crazy about shock treatment. Trust me. I’m a doctor.
Isaac Weishaupt 2:39
everybody listening to conspiracy theories on popular culture. I am your host, Isaac Weishaupt. We’ve got a controversial show for you today. We’re going to film analysis. Yes, film analysis is a movie you’ve probably never seen. I will ask you to stick with me until we get to the plot where the plot spoilers begin. And then you can make that call of whether or not you want to go watch this movie and then come back, or just plow through and let me ruin it for you. Because I’ll do that. It’s actually got a lot of background information to get into, before we start discussing the plot and the movie, and then wrapping up with the ideas of what this movie was. And then a very, very special treat at the end. We’re basically going to be joined by my man owl over there across the pond, who’s going to do a rendition from Rocky Horror Picture Show for us. And the most beautiful part about it is he is not a singer. He doesn’t know how to sing, which is great because I actually thought he was and I’ll tell the story of how this happened. And that’s gonna be the very end of the show. So if you get through this first part, and you’re like, you know, I don’t want to ruin the, the, the movie so I’ll come back. You could make it to the end of the show. It’s going to be roughly maybe 15 minutes before the end of the show. You can fast forward okay. shock treatment. What is it? Who’s in it? Well, shock treatment if you didn’t know is the counterpart to Rocky Horror Picture Show. Now I’m certain you know a Rocky Horror Picture Show is maybe you’ve seen it maybe you haven’t. I will refresh the Rocky Horror Picture Show podcast episode I did a few years back because I wrote a whole book on Rocky Horror Picture Show if you didn’t know that. You can get it everywhere. Of course Amazon audible You know the drill sign copies on the gumroad links in the show notes but Rocky Horror Picture Show I grew up loving, which explains why I’m so deranged. And there was a sequel made in 1981. And I dare Well, according to the actors and producers, it’s not the prequel. It’s not the sequel, it’s the equal because it stands on its own, which is the most appropriate way of describing it. And Josh Freeman was made about it was really six years after Rocky Horror, Rocky Horror was 1975. To put this into context, in 1981, they released shock treatment. And if you watch our treatment, you can see it’s very much got the DNA of Rocky Horror all over the damn thing. But you have to, you have to really know you’re not getting Rocky Horror Picture Show. because me and Josie started this movie, and we both tapped out about 15 minutes in and said, This is terrible. But then I went back in, I went back in for my man owl, because owl promised me he said, Isaac, if you do a show about shock treatment, I’m going to send you whatever song you want for you to add to your little show. I said you know what I’m gonna do this for for the people for the listeners. Want to Be a man of the people. So I went back and I watched it and then I watched it twice after and now I’m like, you know what, this is great. It took a minute to wrap my mind around it. I gotta be honest. I mean, when you’ve seen rocky har 50 times you you have a hard time with it. You really do. But listen to who’s in it and who was responsible for it because if you’re on the fence about watching this and you love rocky heart, it’s got the same people the directors, James Sharman, just like rocky har. And it says he also directed a play about Francis Bacon called three furys. But I’d be curious to see. It was written by Richard O’Bryan, just like Rocky Horror Picture Show. You know, of course, Richard O’Brian, infamously was riffraff The hunchback character. And of course, Richard O’Brian, a legend. He was in dark city, right? We did a whole film analysis about that. One of the greatest films of all time, he hosted a show called the crystal maze that’s very popular that I’ve never seen. I think it’s a British show. Now, this is where when I said this is going to be controversial, here’s the controversial part, right?
Because there was an interview with him in 2020. On the Guardian, we discussed his gender and sexuality because he’s notoriously, you know, what’s the right term here? Non cisgender. Right. So they wanted to clarify what his sexual preferences were, because everyone wants to know, right, apparently, and, and what an appropriate subject to discuss right now, given the drama that occurred between Netflix and Dave Chappelle. Oh, my goodness. In fact, if you listen to breaking social norms, my other podcast I do with my wife, Josie, which is a very different format, by the way, a lot, because a lot of people are like, they hate it, because we go all over the place, and it’s like a much longer form. Whereas, you know, conspiracy theories on popular culture is very concise, right? To the point, which I understand totally fine. But we did two episodes discussing Netflix is Netflix, a liberal organization? And I read the whole book from the guy who started it. And yes, indeed, there’s a lot of liberal ideas around the basis of Netflix, and you’d have to listen to the two episodes where we discuss that. I’ll put the link in the show notes if you want to try it out. Listen to what Richard O’Brien said in the interview with The Guardian, he said, because they asked him about the stuff right? And he says, he’s very intelligent guy apparently, says you I have to be very careful here. We’ve seen what’s been happening with JK Rowling. Which if you didn’t know, JK Rowling, I think JK Rowling came out and said that she didn’t believe that transgender women meaning men more biologically, as sorry, women born biologically as men, who identify as women. JK Rowling said, like, I don’t think they are real women like the cab kids. Right? Which was where the controversy lies, because everyone’s like, yeah, how would you have kids you don’t have the plumbing. But apparently, it’s like transphobic and that’s what he says weeds. We’ve seen what’s been happening with JK, and I could be wrong on that. But I think Well, let me look it up. Hang on. All right, I wanted to get this I’m back now, I wanted to get this right. I was gonna gloss over it. But you know what, this is a very sticky subject. But yeah, she basically said, what I what I told you, she, but you know, she says I respect every trans person’s right to live any way that feels authentic and uncomfortable to them. I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female, I do not believe it’s hateful to say so. Alright, so that’s what he’s saying, because it was a huge backlash on JK rally. And he says, I think anybody who decides to take the huge step with a sex change deserves encouragement and a thumbs up. As long as they’re happy and fulfilled, I applaud them to my very last day, you can’t ever become a natural woman. I think that’s probably where Rowling is coming from. That’s as far as I’m going to go. Because people get upset if I have an opinion that doesn’t line up with theirs. They think I’m being mean spirited, and I don’t want that at all. Then it goes on to say he came out as transgender comparatively recently saying at the time, I believe myself, probably to be about 70%, male 30% female, I think of myself as a third sex and it makes things easier. And I’ve read elsewhere that he’s talking about how each human being has a spectrum, a scale of male and female attributes, which I get that, right. But like for you to believe that is for you to believe in the social construct. So like, in some ways, I’m like, well, what’s a man? What’s a woman like? Not biologically, but like, socially, or gender speaking? Right? Like a stereotypical, socially constructed male, will say, they love hunting and guns, and sports ball. And I don’t do any of those things. Right? I’m pro Second Amendment, by the way, I know, I know, have user like, Who is this is a guy talking about, you know, you’re in the conspiracy community, you have to love guns and hunting and sports ball. And I’m here to tell you, I don’t I’m pro Second Amendment. I’ve got some straps myself, but like, I don’t care. Like, it’s not my favorite thing on earth.
So like, in some ways, I would say, Well, I mean, I guess I’m not like 100% male, like, I’m not I don’t do all the male things. But who made those who made those socially constructed ideas up? Right. So what we’re told is a real man or a real woman, I can only speak coming from the male perspective. But women get the same thing. You get shamed. If you’re not, you don’t look a certain way, or you don’t fit into a certain size clothing or whatever. And it’s like, none of this is true. This is all bullshit. So like, why are we fighting over what we identify as because you’re fighting to say, I fit into the social construct X amount and why I’m out? I mean, it’s an interesting discussion, right? But here’s my here’s the thing is Richard O’Brien, who was making these films in the 70s and 80s, with trans, the cost transexual, which I think is a problematic term nowadays. But Frankfurter was transsexual or transgender or I don’t know, and I get hung up on the exact verbiage here I think you would call Frankfurter, a deer a crossdresser? I don’t know. Anyway, see, I don’t even like talking about this. I’m like Richard O’Brien. I’m just gonna not insert my opinion here kinda. But he was basically promoting the acceptance of LGBTQ rights way back when it would literally get you killed. Many, many years before. I mean, I remember growing up in the 90s, there was a big to do about a thing was a girl who was gay in Wyoming that they killed. It was like on the national news. It wasn’t clear in the late 90s. This guy’s making movies about in the 70s, like, Whoa, that’s dangerous for him. So he’s a pioneer for this community. He’s worried they’re going to cut his head off. He mean, probably the most influential LGBTQ oriented film of all time, and even he’s worried he’s not pure enough for these in like activists that are off the rails, I think, because he won’t agree that trans women meaning biologically born male, equipment plumbing, can get pregnant, which I myself don’t understand at all. Either like How would you do that? implanted uteruses? I mean, maybe this can be a teaching moment for me, but like to me like you’re not born with a blooming, then how are you going to create life? Right? That’s no, that’s no dig. And that’s kind of what Dave Chappelle was, was talking about making jokes about when he got you know, roasted. Little Brian, he and another interviewer says, You can’t be a woman, you can be the idea of a woman, you’re in the middle. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s like, yes, that’s a very rational idea. I would never demand me being a man. If I woke up tomorrow and said, You know what, I feel like I should identify as a woman. I would never demand that the public say, okay, Isaac, you’re now a female and we identify you as a woman, you can use the women’s restrooms and such. I wouldn’t take that the step further be like, and, and I could get pregnant, right? Because I can’t. This is biologically not possible. Right? I don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong. Yeah, this whole the whole LGBTQ movement is, you know, I mean, they don’t do themselves any services when they die on these hills of, oh, you can’t make jokes about them. Like who’s above getting made fun of. You know, like, I’m, I’m below average height. Okay. Someone called that short. But I’m not that sure. What am I five, eight, which is below the average? I think five nines the average. So like, in theory, I’m sure his theory. So what am I gonna throw fit because they make sure people don’t know you just laugh it off. It’s a joke. Now there’s a difference between a comedian making a joke and your supervisor at work making a joke. I’ll give you that. Like, there’s nuances there. But we are advanced human beings with brains in our head, and we can distinguish between the two things. Yeah, maybe I’m misunderstanding how all this works. But I’m with a Ryan like that’s encouraged people to not feel shame about what they would identify as. But we could stop short of saying that biologically born men could have a womb to produce life. I mean, isn’t that offensive to cisgender women who have this amazing capability. Now a guy like me, a biologically born male is going to demand that I’m just as I have this amazing, magical creation ability.
Like I said, I’m not very well versed on this subject. I just know that Dave Chappelle made a joke about it. And O’Brien has made similar statements that seem very common sensical. And you know, it’s a it’s become quite the quagmire. Quite the deal. Now, Lou Adler do move on Jesus move on Lou Adler. He is the film and music producer who made Rocky Horror Picture Show He also made shock treatment. He saw an infamously here’s a curious little history here, he saw the play version of Rocky Horror Picture Show. And he’s the one who was like, you know, I need to make this a film. And it says that when he wants to play it starred Britt Ekland. You remember who she is. She’s that smoke shone Wicker Man. We did a whole show on Wicker Man A while back several years ago. She was married to Peter Sellars and David Rod Stewart and such. But as far as the cast, almost the entire cast came back. The character the actors who play magenta and Columbia and Mr. No neck narrator even the the half shots came back the half shifts. But the big hitters the big changes. Tim Curry’s Frankfurter not even in the story. Brad and Janet are now played by Jessica Harper and Cliff de young. Now, they of course replaced Susan Saran and and Barry Bostwick. Which, of course you know, the, those are the three biggest characters Rocky Horror, but everyone else came back. Now, how do you replace Susan Sarandon? Well, I mean, Jessica Harper was in suspiria. One of my favorite movies, and in fact both suspiria as it were the remake and 2018. She was also in minority report with the great Tom Cruise. There’s your six degrees the Tom Cruise. One degree off that cliff the young he was an interesting guy. He was the lead singer of a 60s rock group named clear light touring with the doors and Jimmy and Janice. But he was also in a flight of the Navigator. He played the dad bill, old 80s dad bill We talked about flight of the Navigator. I think we did a whole show on that, didn’t we? Yes, because it was in my second alien book alien UFOs and he called us religion to Amazon audible sign copies on gumroad. You know the drill. Hello books I’m plugging, sorry. Sorry if I’m plugging products here I just have a lot of books that like if you want to go deeper into these subjects, you can go as deep as you want. It’s all I’m trying to say. Who’s also in the hunger labeled as an erotic horror movie based on Whitley Strieber his novel about vampires, also starring David Bowie and Susan surrended. It’s kind of a weird movie. It’s kind of avant garde a bit as you would expect from David Bowie being an interesting take on the vampire story though. starts out really cool. You got to watch the beginning it has, has like this very new wave, dungeon dance club scene. Then it gets kind of weird after that, anyway. Richard O’Brian. He thought about doing a sequel where frankenberger and rocky oh yeah Rockies on this movie either. We’re Frankfort and rocky get resurrected. And Brad and Dr. Scott a Dr. Scott. It’s also not in my bad brand, Dr. Scott, they commit to their new gay lifestyles. And Janet gives birth to Frank invertors. Baby would have been an interesting story. But Tim Curry was out. Jim Charmin didn’t love it. Susan’s random was out. She wanted too much monies. So they just came up with the the equal novice equal not the prequel, but the equal. Now should you watch it? This is very tough. It’s very tough. I would say yes.
But you have to be ready to give up and hate the movie. And give it a second stab. Because you really got to make it to the end. And then then it was on this because you don’t know what’s happening. It’s hard to follow because you’re like, what the hell is this crap. But then by the end, you’re like, Okay, I get what happened. Then you watch the same time, then the song start getting in your head, you’re like, Okay, okay, this is good. This is good. So, and then on top of that, you can’t stream the thing anywhere. In America, you can’t get a blu ray. All you can get is a DVD to buy us DVD over eBay. That’s how I had to watch this thing. which is surprising. It says it even has its own little cult following. Obviously not as big as Rocky Horror. But it’s very prophetic. It’s a pathetic movie, you won’t believe what we’re going to talk about on this thing. You won’t believe that this movie was made or released in 1981. You’re not going to believe it. One of the reasons I watched it was, what had happened was I was listening to a podcast and the guest on the podcast, did some blasphemy and said that sock tema was better than Rocky Horror Picture Show. I said no freakin way and I’d never seen shock treatment. I’d heard about it. I said, Get the hell out of here. There’s no way. And I stand by that. Not even close. Not even close. It’s really good though. And I was like, Well, now I gotta watch it. And I mentioned it, I think on a live stream and then a listener named al emailed me. I’m gonna redo what he said. says, I know that it is reviled by most of the Rocky Horror Picture Show fans, but I personally think it’s a great film I would pose in simple terms of the concepts are mainly around identity, mind control and the unification of entertainment and the surveillance state. It is also story of an attempt at dual EPA, EPA theosis. Between Janet and Farley manipulated by the latter, we’ll talk about all those characters. The soundtrack is fantastic. In my opinion, I have recently been listening to it a lot. I paid attention to this particular email. Because Alan I were just having previous discussions where owl told me he basically has a job that requires him to hang out in the homes of customers. And he said, how he always kind of looks through their DVD collections. And he said the two most common DVDs he sees in people’s collections are the matrix. And Donnie Darko, which kind of surprised me, I didn’t think Donnie Darko was that popular either the matrix I get. But we’ll hear more from Al later a lot more from our later. We’re going to hear him sing a rendition of a song just for us. That was the agreement that he lived up to it. Like I said, I thought I thought it was a setup. I thought okay, we’re To do all this, and he’s gonna send me this beautifully polished song, like some American Idol bs to get his name out there, which I was still okay with. I was like, that’s fine, whatever. And then, when I did my part, he was like, okay, damn it. He was like, Well, I’m not a singer. It’s, it’s beautiful. It’s beautiful. And I’m going to tell you about the beauty of art being in the imperfections, when I really drop a knowledge hammer on you at the end of the show. Last thing, how long is this movie? 94 minutes perfect. And one Fun fact, it was recorded at the Abbey Road studio. So there you go. Now you’ve been armed with all the knowledge you need. If you want to go watch the movie and come back, knock yourself out. You know, I don’t know if I tell you what the movie is about? Is it going to ruin it for you? Probably not. In fact, it might even help you honestly, it might even help you understand what’s going on. Because I didn’t know anything about it. I just went in completely blind everything on it. And that’s why part of the reason I turned off because I said what the hell is this crap? What are they doing? What are they singing about blenders? You know? So yeah, I don’t, I don’t know that this is gonna ruin it for you. If you listen, so I don’t know. Just listen to it. Or unless you’re like a real purist, then come back. Alright, here we go. We hear the narrator discussing an idea about this guy, a guy who had it all and wanted more, more, more, more. Everything he did was fast. And he wanted to spread his fast philosophy, particularly with a woman who was taken and her name, of course, is Janet.
Unknown Speaker 26:40
Once upon a time, in a town, not far from yours. They lived a real fast guy. His life was fast. His friends were fast. Even his food was fast. But he was still not satisfied. He wanted to share his fast philosophy with someone else. Beautiful girl. Travel was she was in the arms of another man.
Isaac Weishaupt 27:12
So the next thing we see is a television studio. And they do this song and dance singing the praises of Dayton, Ohio. And we see the debt and dossier TV new show start. we’re introduced to judge Oliver right. That’s Mr. No neck from rocky har. He’s a judge the column judge Oliver. Right. And it’s interesting because you have this TV set, and then you got the audience. And that’s kind of where you’re at. And you’re like, Okay, we’re watching a TV show the news specifically. And they’re interviewing judge Oliver, right. And the, the producers that work for this TV station, are going into the crowd, and they start a conversation with Brad and Janet. And what they’re doing is they’re starting a manipulation on purpose. And like, I don’t know if you know that yet from watching the movie, I just know it from completing the movie. So the the judge is talking about how the song and dance of debt in Ohio is a form of manipulation and seduction. And if you listen closely, he talks about how they’re calling and this is all done while they’re on the camera that you see the producers talking to Brad and Jana in the crowd. But you can hear what Josh Oliver judge Oliver right is discussing he talks about the technocrats. The Illuminati, he refers to them as the spider even. And you can hear you can hear the discussion back and forth as Joe Java right is dropping the knowledge hammer on everybody.
Unknown Speaker 28:49
Judge right. Did you enjoy our anthem? way? I detect a note of reticence. Are you perhaps one of those amongst us who feel this emotive form of presentation is overly manipulative? Well met
Unknown Speaker 29:09
in many ways the Spider Man catch the fly. There are monetary inducement. Hi, Janet. I explore marriage seduction,
Unknown Speaker 29:21
and exhausted working on this documentary for Farley’s new show. Our new sponsor. I tell you, Janet, that guys as close as we’ll come to a successful man in this town.
Unknown Speaker 29:38
Thank you judge Oliver. Right. And now for a commercial break.
Isaac Weishaupt 29:44
Yeah, I thought that was a very clever trick by the people to put this film together. Because they’re showing Brad and Jana and the discussion there but you can hear the audio interject with judge Oliver write statements which are foreshadowing the whole big idea the big concept of this movie. Which is all about manipulation through entertainment. And ironically, it immediately cuts over to kids being indoctrinated with this song about this fast food company by a guy named Farley flavors. Now, Farley flavors is played by this is one of the confusing points out what the hell’s his name I forgot his name. The guy who plays Brad and his name is Cliff a young clifty young plays folly flavors, any plays Brad, but folly flavors is like the evil version, kind of like he’s got slicked back hair and the fancy suit and he’s a fast food, corporate billionaire. And Brad’s just Brad right. And Farley flavors, he runs the fast food, but he owns this whole network, his whole studio. The whole town of den exists only in the studio, which is very bizarre. So like the audience, they never go home that is home. And it’s like this big manipulation. And all photo again, Instagram, Isaac Weishaupt, like in the show notes. I’ll have photos from this movie that you have to see. You have to see it you have to like and you have to subscribe. So john oliver, right? He You know, he gets done with a little TV spot. And he goes backstage and he’s with Betty happ chat. And she says her and Ralph split up. And he mentioned that oh, you know, Betty, you’re a free thinker. And she says, everything’s free here. And this is, you know, maybe a critique on like, maybe this is the communist fascist sort of idea where if you’re entertained and taken care of too much, you’re also being manipulated. An interesting idea. The next show on the TV set is a show called marriage maze with another character named birch knit. And it’s it’s like German kind of guy who acts like he’s blind. And he’s a slick talker. And you’ll notice that the host of these TV shows they get the crowd really amped up for everything, right. And you can tell they’re very good at manipulating. It’s very much like watching if you ever watched those, like American Idol, or the voice or whatever. Like how it feels very fake. I don’t know how to describe it. I don’t. I’ve seen those shows before. But they have like a Hunger Games vibe of, you know, the host from the Capitol, where he’s very smiley and very much steering the crowd towards his will, like actual magicians, right? That’s kind of a birch knit is. And he’s talking about this new show called The Fate factory show. That’s going to be hosted by Ralph HipChat and Mary Struthers whose rail half assed new booth after he left Betty half shot. And the judge Oliver right he sees brand Jana in the audience. Any any mentions how they represent the old values of Denton the old ways, meaning they’re not taking part of this new, manipulated form of Denton. So that’s a problem to folly flavors. The God of the Denton TV studios, aka the town of Denton. So birch Nick, he calls down Brad and Janet as the next contestant on marriage maze. But it’s not really a game. They just they calm down and kind of mocking Brad the whole time. Tom how he’s an emotional cripple. And Janet, you know, the cameras rolling the audience is laughing there was birch knit. And they’re like, yeah, Brad is an emotional cripple and Janet’s kind of like going along with it because he’s being seduced by the cameras. And the whole time this is set up by Farley flavors he wants to split up Brad and Janet because he wants Janet for his own purposes. And birch knits like you know what we’re gonna do worse than Brad over to den Vale which is a another show it’s actually a mental hospital in the studio there were these neuro specialists will take care of him. And Janet needs to sign off to send Brad in for treatment with these neuro specialists. The McKinley is right. And Jan is kind of falling for this and Brad’s just kind of being Brad you know, he’s just like, Good way to do it. You know? And
then birds mocking Brad audiences laughing and what’s the tides turn on you like that? It’s a wrap. And Janice, it comes to the pressure and then she turns around and gets mad at Brad for embarrassing her in front of everyone that a bit. So Brad and Janet before before they haul Brad off to the mental hospital. They start singing about blenders and toasters. And this is where me and Josie tapped out. This was our first attempt at watching this movie and we’re like, this is stupid. What the EFF is this crap? They’re singing the song bitching in the kitchen, no crying in the bedroom all night, which ironically would later be stuck in my head after watching this a couple times. This part is curious because the whole city of den we understand now they’re part of the filming of the shows and it’s all just about product placement. They’re selling products to this town. Which if you’ve seen Truman Show is very much like that. And this song is all about the struggles of monogamy. bridging in the kitchen or crying in the bedroom all night. And they set it up so Brad can get taken away to denville after Brad convinces Janet This is the best thing for them to work on our marriage. Meanwhile, in then bill were introduced to Dr. Cosmo McKinley goes by the nickname Mac. This of course is played by Tim O’Brien or Richard O’Brien Excuse me, Mr. riffraff himself and his co worker slash alien sister if you go off of the Rocky Horror Picture Show magenta, magenta and die. Dr. nation McKinley. Okay. So Dr. Cosmo McKinley and Dr. nation McKinley, they run the nuthouse, known as denville. And they try to get Janet to sign this contract, right? Very Luciferian. And notice, notice the play on words because they call Dr. Cosmo Mac as a nickname. So Mac and nation machination, which means to plot or scheme. Now they start accumulating data about Brad, they want to know if he’s got blood relatives. And then birch Nick, he’s playing a game trying to get more details out about Brad and Janet’s pet parents. Because they’re in the crowd, right? They live there in Denton in the TV studio. They reveal that Brad was in fact adopted, which will come back later in the story. And he gives them a prize he gives the the parents have prize and it is a home in Denton and you see all this sponsorship with the corporate oligarchy manipulating everyone all over the place. And Burt shares this final diagnosis of Brad of infantile regression. That he, you know, ascertain from the family, with doctors machination. And at this point, denville has a new, we’re told about dentons new, I’m sorry, didn’t unveils new sponsor slash owner.
Unknown Speaker 38:27
I can’t wait to get on him. Really bad. I don’t know what we do without you. I must confess. The decision to have had committed was not three. No, of course there’s Janet. But if she was so keen on getting him in here, why wouldn’t she sign the contract? Wasn’t Janet exactly it was, in fact, your new sponsor, sponsor. So you endorse his faith factory and he endorses you research. How dare this person take advantage of my weakness? I don’t think he intends to go that far.
Isaac Weishaupt 39:21
Janet goes back to her home, which is just another set on the TV studio set for a show called Happy homes. Now think about this. How far ahead was O’Brian with coming up with these concepts? reality shows, product placements, shows about homes. You know those are some of the most watched television shows are those, you know House Hunters and the renovation shows and all that crap on HDTV. So Janet goes to her home. We have more product placements for outfits and coffee makers and all this other crap. Plugging, they’re plugging other shows for den TV, they’re keeping everyone trapped inside this sort of inner loop. And dad goes outside to do some yard work after he gets pissed off here about Mexicans, because I guess he doesn’t like Mexicans. And he, you know, the, the image they’re presenting is a very 1950s American middle class family. And he’s singing a song about how a real man should do this and do that role, social contract, construct kind of stuff. And the song even says, always remember to follow the rules. And even there’s a line in there that’s very problematic. He says, fa GG OTS, you can’t say that word anymore, right? That’s a very cancelable word. Do the history of it. He says that though those are magnets. Right? We’re real our real ironic statement considering Richard O’Brien is very much not heterosexual. So clearly, he is trying to put this idea of the social construct on full display and showing that Denton and all of society are in fact trapped in their own mental prisons. Kind of like the ideas of Rocky Horror Picture Show right? Well, then all riffraff Dr. Mack, Dr. Cosmo, McKinley, whatever you want to call them. He talks about the the big owner of this whole thing, Farley flavors and even says something very curious. He says that Farley is going to feed them fast food. And you even hear him talking about mental control going along with that.
Unknown Speaker 42:02
conscious mind a labeling system.
Unknown Speaker 42:06
Coming from the gourmet that’s phrase indeed.
Unknown Speaker 42:12
With fast food folly at the helm, it will probably be TV dinners from now on. Family is already a TV winner every shell
Isaac Weishaupt 42:24
and if you listen close, because this movie moves along really fast. If you listen close, there’s some conspiracy talk about Frawley flavors and the indie in the fast food that he serves causing What do you call indigestion? Sorry, I can think of it. And how all of the money from the fast food operation is funding this religious movement, the faith movement. So you see all these connections here and Betty have shot judge all over right Mr. No neck, they think there’s a conspiracy in the town slash tv set studio. And then, as they just become aware of the conspiracy, their show gets canceled as planned by the powers that be because they are on to them. You know,
Unknown Speaker 43:13
I’m convinced that some kind of conspiracy,
Unknown Speaker 43:17
conspiracy, that’s a little far fetched.
Unknown Speaker 43:21
Remember, leftenant, Orpheus, he disappeared into the underworld series and never came back.
Unknown Speaker 43:27
Sounds like my husband, he never came back either. Not after flavors, give him a commercial break
Unknown Speaker 43:34
the flavors you know, I find it remarkable that his faith factory is being financed by the entire nations in the gesture.
Isaac Weishaupt 43:42
Now, what’s curious is again, O’Brian decades ahead of his time, because what’s happening all around us, we see the censorship of a lot of conspiracy ideas, in the name of protection of fill in the blank. It’s always liberty for safety. And I’m in luck. I’m one of those guys that thinks we as traders need to be very responsible for our wording and our language. And these are very powerful ideas. And that’s why I tried to convey to the listener when it’s something that’s more opinion based, right? Like when I went through the great reset series, I think I’m on I think I’m on six episodes with it, I’m sure six more to come. There’s actual facts you can pull from their books of where they want to take us. And that’s a fact you can read right from the books. But now, the opinion comes in when you base it upon the history of all conspiracy theorists talking about what this leads to. The opinion would be that they want to usher in a Luciferian agenda where we’re going to worship the Fallen Angel I don’t know that for a fact. That’s my opinion, though. I think that’s where we’re headed. But like, if you convey that as a fact, that could be dangerous, because there’s people that see all this stuff, they don’t like it as they shouldn’t. But then they make that big leap of like, well, what are we going to worship the devil after that. And you got to be careful, because some of those people, you know, maybe they take it a step too far. But I always advocate for, you know, first amendment free speech, you got to leave it up to the people to decide what’s what, and that’s why as truth is we just got to be careful with our wording, we had to be very careful, kind of like if you watch Ancient Aliens, or Darwin’s all time, if you watch Ancient Aliens, you’ll hear the language they use, they say, What if bla bla bla bla bla, for the things that they are trying to present his theory. And that’s all I’m trying to say, we just got to be careful, because they’re using these ideas as weapons against us, because we’re the only ones talking about it. No one else talking about the great reset. But you and I know that’s a real thing. And we’re really headed that way. And the real question is, why? What’s the true intentions, because I don’t believe the intentions of Klaus Schwab or Santa Claus. He’s not going to give you the gifts. Anyway. So here’s Brian talking about how the people who were exposing the conspiracy on the set get canceled by the powers that be How interesting. And in the same scene, if you look closely, and you can look at the image I will put on Instagram, as it was up. You can see Time magazine has a cover that talks about cult classics, and it’s got Rocky Horror Picture Show lips read on the cover, just a fun little easter egg. Next, at den Vale in the mental hospital. The doctors are telling Janet that happiness is controllable somehow people think they’re happy but they’re not really and then finally flavor starts laying in the level two indoctrination talking about selling mental health to the world through Janet the new poster girl and she’s promised all this fame and fortune and so on.
Unknown Speaker 47:15
Special guest star
Unknown Speaker 47:20
come to see Bran has the question. He’s sleeping like
Unknown Speaker 47:25
a baby. If you were concerned about Janet,
Unknown Speaker 47:28
Janet, how are you? Are you happy? All on snappy. There are countless people in this world Janet, who believe that they’re happy but they don’t really think
Unknown Speaker 47:42
oh, well that doesn’t make any sense.
Unknown Speaker 47:48
This my Janey
Unknown Speaker 47:55
Welcome to my new delegation. This is Farley and I’m here with a score. We’re going to package and sell some mental health to the nation with my dream of the girl next door.
Isaac Weishaupt 48:10
Now this is curious because, again, refer to my Instagram to see this image. While the flavors is shown giving us the Hidden Hand the classic, free Masonic symbolism that you see all over the place. From the legend real global controllers, it’s like this little hidden the hidden hands the hidden symbol they give to each other by inserting one hand within their coat hidden. So the cue of the song, and he probably flavors is like, Hey, who draws in a perfect circle anymore? I’m gonna take on the entire human race. And he’s got the attitude of your typical fast food corporate capitalist technocrat. Right perfection through the science through the lab, we’re going to make these fake foods frankenfoods. And they’re better than real food, which is all fake news. He says, The sun is in the sky is a spotlight just for him. He’s a he’s a real narcissist. And you got to be careful with these people. They get this attitude that they are chosen from God. And given this platform, this leadership this power, that’s what the Hidden Hand means is like this symbol of leadership. He’s been chosen and he’s going to take care of the human race. Through his own ideas. He is the modern day God. He doesn’t care. The people just want to go to work and take care of their family and live a good life. He wants to get involved, right? This is what’s wrong with the Illuminati. That’s one thing we all agree on. Stay out of my life. Right now the doctors their plan these ideas Janet’s heard about how Brad doesn’t really like her anymore. And he needs her to be desired by the people. If she gets higher ratings, Brad will like her more. So they’re grooming her to be a celebrity very American Idol style. Kind of like in what you see in Hunger Games again, we’ll just say an Orion. He called this many years ahead of all these films and ideas and themes and reality. She thinks that she’s going to try to put on the show to get Brad more interested in her but they’re really grooming her for Farley. Now, this town, this studio is very odd. It’s a weird movie, they, they sleep in their audience chairs. After the actors sing this good night song. It’s very weird. And the next morning, Eric comes blind Bert, and the doctors prepping to debut Janet on the Denton morning show The Breakfast Show. And is the name of the show with Charlemagne and DJ envy and all the breakfast now that’s The Breakfast Club. Anyway, the Breakfast Show in a fabulous dress with the promise then that Brad is going to be really into this whole thing. She comes out onto the show. She’s singing mee mee mee the how she’s coming out, because they’re really filling up her ego. And when you watch this scene, I’m like, 99% sure volley flavors is masturbating during the scene, when you watch it, by the way he’s responding. But they say the they say that. This is the secret version of Janet coming out. This is a reference to the shadow. And they do this whole song about her coming out in the black dress. The black dress is symbolic of the Black Shadow. And we’re gonna come back to that in the conclusion. So Betty and Oliver, they’re suspicious of this conspiracy going on in den studios. They’re onto it. They’ve been fired. They’re watching the events the rest of the film because now they’re really curious about what’s going on. And Mr. No neck, he kind of becomes the narrator again, which is great. He’s saying stuff like the blind leading the blind, referring to blind Bert, who faked being blind this whole time until he started dancing around. Brad was a little straightjacket on as they flaunt Janet’s newfound fame. And you can tell the brainwashing is working because now Jen is even referring to Brad as an emotional cripple, a sort of form of neuro linguistic programming downloaded into her because they use this exact phrase many times in the film to convince Jana that something’s wrong with Brad. He’s an emotional cripple. And the handlers they repeat this to her, I mean, at least three times here. And she now repeats it because it’s working. The indoctrination is working.
Another photo for the Instagram, you see Sigmund Freud, on the night, a picture of Sigmund Freud on the nightstand of doctors, Cosmo, McKinley and nation McKinley, riffraff in magenta, magenta, and then they do a song. And the lyrics are saying, Look what I did my ID, and other ideas of creating this new self. And the lyrics include the devil and rock and roll and Helen, the music. That’s what it’s about. It’s about unlocking this sort of dark side within this shadow version, which is why which is why Janet comes out with the black dress, which is why Jana is staring in the mirror because that’s a trope. Thank you, Robert Solomon, who wrote the cinema symbolism books, trope when they’re looking in the mirror, and indicates they’re doing some internal reflection and summoning the the shadow, much like in the film, Black Swan. And they’re starting to use a new mantra, a phrase, kind of like how Brad’s an emotional cripple you say that enough. And now Janet saying it too. Well, they start using a new mantra sanity for today to represent this new movement in mental health and folly flavors is cooking up. And she’s getting ready to go back out on stage and the doctors, Dr. riffraff in magenta. They force a bunch of pills down the throats and she’s all zoned out now, right? Meanwhile, Betty has shot she’s hacked onto the computer. And we see riffraff home origin is 1981. Mind you. I mean, I know computers existed back then. But I don’t think they were super common were they? And I was too young. But Betty hacks into the computer she sees that doctor Dr. Cosmo McKinley aka riffraff his home of origin is not from Denton then she sees that Brad is connected to Farley flavors with and I’ve got the image as you guys see these images the microfilm file when she finds it is 4711 which harkens back to Rocky Horror Picture Show because Dr. Frankfurter infamously has 4711 tattooed on his leg. Fun fact, I also have that tattooed somewhere I don’t know where I lose track all these tattoos. I’m getting real waste of money. Let me tell you. But the, the, the newspaper clipping, it’s very curious because it talks about the the orphans, right? talks about these orphans and the orphans are none other than Farley. And Brad. It’s very curious. But there’s other interesting headlines on this paper and I took a screenshot again, you got to check out the image is says, you know, fast food for Denton showing how the Western diet came in via Farley flavors, and dumbed everyone down. That’s what this is all about. That’s what you know, we all agree that big brother does not have our health and nutrition in mind. They feed us poison, literally, poison. The air is literally full of pollutants and poison, so is the water. And this is indicative of what folly flavors is doing to the town. Now he’s also entertaining them and dumbing them down in the studio. And another interesting catch is if you look at the very bottom of that newspaper clipping you can see barely half the headlines as UFO sighting over Denton, which implies that from Rocky Horror Picture Show, I would assume at the end, when they all take off from the castle and the UFO or whatever. It goes to Denton. Very interesting. So then we find out okay, Farley flavors and Brad they both got adopted, they were orphaned and adopted. And that, of course, is the big reveal. Meanwhile, Judge Oliver, right, sneaks into the debt and Ville mental hospital rescues Brad from the cell while they’re playing a song called breaking out by Oscar in the drill bits, but the lyrics are about breaking out of the closet, right? Because there’s a parallel with sexuality in this movie, as a song about breaking out could be just an analogy of bread. You know, whatever. Because Brad Of course,
realizes that he’s got some homosexual tendencies in Rocky Horror Picture Show. Remember that? Remember how Richard O’Brien wanted to make a sequel where Brad embraces homosexuality with Dr. Frank convertor. And even though I think I guess Dr. Frankfurter would be considered bisexual. I don’t know. But Jana was supposed to have his baby as well. Yeah, remember the whole thing. But we hear that Janet is being used for her image of decency. And the perfect ending, that everyone will get behind to do this new form of therapy that they keep talking about the sanity for today. And he says he wants to put sanity back on the national menu. Much like fast food. And given the pills, we saw them dumping down Jan throws it seems to be a narrative on Big Pharma and antidepressants, SSRIs. Again, many years ahead of his time, a lot of things way ahead of its time. And that’s kind of the ideas of the antidepressants. Oh, you got depression here, pop some pills. And that’s just a band aid. You got to do the work and get in there and get inside your brain and figure out what’s going on. And I’m not saying people out there don’t need them. Some people need them. But you got to do the work to get through that if you can, and I would argue most people can, but the American way is eat what you want. Here’s some pills have negative thoughts all you want here some pills they want to dumb you down and keep you easily controlled. So Janet, she’s crowned Miss mental health. And she comes out with he’s all blissed out from these drugs. She’s zombified and the crowds cheering on but she’s you know on another planet and they they try selling the manipulation all she’s absolutely speechless. Then they call birch sneaked. The stage. At this point he reveals that he’s not blind. He’s been fixed. He’s been fixed. As far as he’s got the answers, and they call him out and they say the all knowing and now all seeing verge stick. His eyes are not open. Much like Rocky Horror. There’s a Luciferian inspiration, waking up people opening their eyes. And he thinks he thinks that this is all you know, the celebratory thing but the crowd, they don’t suspect anything. They don’t suspect they’ve been duped this whole time. They’re just like, yeah, Birkin. See now, because they’ve been dumbed down with fast food, and he wants to dumb down further with medicine. So Bert, thanks Farley, for all the great things he did for him calls him the stadium or the podium. Farley announces that they’re going to connect sanity with vanity and use Jana as the model for all of this. But then here comes Brad Bossman with Oscar or I’m sorry, Oliver, Brad bustin. And he calls out Farley as his twin brother in front of the whole studio. Janice starts waking up. And she reveals you know, she she kind of realized she’s been duped and she’s like, Brad, I never signed that contract. Thank God. Now Brad Janet Oliver and Betty HipChat, they’re all joining forces to fight this manipulation of barley flavors and crew. And they start calling everyone out in show tunes of course. And Farley basically says, Brad you lost your balls and now you lost your girl. And Burt says, you know and you hear Bert say that should be sent down to the newbie River at dawn I think it’s implying he’s got some Nazi background or something. Ralph was just like what birds like Oh, just and that just memories so Brad, Janet Oliver Betty they all get escorted off stage to Farley can continue to plug his new cult movement of the the religion mixed in with the the the pills, the mental health pills. And this new call religion he says sanity today is the springboard for hygenic tomorrow’s any asked the audience to follow him to denville to the mental hospital. And everyone’s like, yeah, they’re cheering and they FOLLOW Him to the mental hospital prison. And they in fact, get handed shirts on the way in the shirts of prison bars on their straight jackets. So Brad and his crew, they distract the prison guard so that they can escape. But not before doing a great little show, too. And one of the best ones in the film. Just saw we’re gonna do it anyhow.
And it’s sort of an allegory for sex if you listen to the lyrics, because there’s always this sexual element of these movies. Meanwhile, and in fact, if you if you if you don’t want to watch this movie, but you liked the first rock, like Rocky Horror, and you like the soundtrack that’s this is probably the best song on the shark dream of soundtrack we’re gonna do it anyhow. Anyhow. It’s much better than the way I sing. So check that out. So Meanwhile, with the film’s wrapping up, and they show the inside of denville the whole town is happily behind bars except their prison they’re singing about they’re gleeful about it. They’ve got the straight jackets on. They love it. They love their prison. They’re the sheeple and Farley flavors, and Dr. Riff Raff and Dr. magenta, their Bay, they’re in another room. They’re bathing themselves in money and champagne, and they’re loving it. And Brad and his crew, the woke stirs there. They have in the car and they escaped the studio. And that’s the end of the film. Now in conclusion, let’s wrap this up here. The if you watch the extras on the DVD, which I did, they talk about how it was all about reality TV. This is clear back in 1981. They were lampoon they were lampooning primetime television 40 years before it existed before it even happened
Unknown Speaker 1:04:27
in the States, and that that was a fantastic sort of integral part of the design. Costume wise for shock treatment is just that cartoon of the audience.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:42
shock treatment. We you know, here we’re talking about 8182 years before the real world and big brother and survivor and American Idol and it became, you know, something that people can look back and say, gee, that was really ahead of its time.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:59
We were many many decades ahead of reality television in predicting,
Unknown Speaker 1:05:04
there’s no question, search watchshop treatment was lampooning in 1980 is now regular primetime TV. I think it was, so far I had an idea that I don’t think anybody really knew what it was getting. In that
Unknown Speaker 1:05:26
way, chapter eight was pretty far out. I mean, Richard was onto something there. Just turn the camera on the on the people, and you’re going to make them crazy, and you’re going to make them want to be famous, and you’re gonna make them want to be a bigger star than the other family member. I mean, if you’re a moral person, and somebody comes in and says, I, you know, I want it, you can be on television tonight, if you do this, this and this, which normally would seem an immoral or a bad thing for you to do, how many of us would say sure to be on TV, you know, after all that morality, and all my personal beliefs out the window, because you know, this is America. If you ain’t on TV, you don’t really quite exist.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:10
I’ve got a lot going for me, you know, I’m going places, I’m going to be someone, I’m going to win my way into the lives and hearts of the people even if
Unknown Speaker 1:06:19
I have to chill to do.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:22
I’ll make the pathetic little Chrome.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:06:27
And it’s curious because they get and there’s even a commentary about social media a little bit. They get Janet to act all stupid to get this fame, which is pretty immoral. And that kind of happens today. And the the perfect quote, The takeaway is, if you ain’t on TV, you don’t exactly exist, do you? Same with social media, you don’t have a following you don’t really exist. So let’s wrap Oh, man, we got a lot of conclusions here. I’m trying to be brief. Before we get to our song, or the real gift at the end of this, we’re going to talk about folly flavors, or and talk about sanity on the national menu. We’re double shadows. But yeah, this movie truly a shock treatment after watching Rocky Horror Picture Show so many times over the years. This was a tough pill to swallow, but I stuck it out and watch it twice. And I gotta say, The songs are great. The film is great. It really grows on you. It really does. It’s hard to believe. Just me. I know, some of us are going to try to watch this and say, Isaac, you couldn’t be more wrong, buddy. And I’m telling you make it through once. Then watch it twice. And it’ll be great. Yeah, but that’s the first time and at first you wonder you’ll say why do I hate this movie so much. It’s kind of like the same actors, similar songs, a similar setup, and narrative. The fingerprints in the DNA Rocky Horror Picture Show all over this thing. And to be honest, the content of what they’re talking about is actually more applicable and more smart and more intelligent. It’s about the global elite getting what they want through manipulation, specifically television, reality television, to be even more specific, product placements. For the flavors, he’s wrapping up all this manipulation in red, white, and blue throughout the whole film, patriotism as the Trojan horse. And of course, we’ve got this shadow, an ID talk. And this is throughout the whole movie, you saw Freud on the nightstand. And there’s a whole song called Look what I did to my head. And what that means is Freud, he’s the guy who came up with this model of human psychology, and the human mind, and the ID is kind of like the instinctual, reptilian brain. The ego is the personal version of reality. And the super ego is like the collective reality the social construct. The ID is where your primitive animal drives are for sex, which is why sex is always such a big theme in these movies. The super ego is the collective morality that tells you you know, this type of sex is bad or whatever. Then you got the ego that mediates This is the voice that tells you not to do something that the kid wants to do. Because the super ego says this is not acceptable. So that’s why you see Freud on the nightstand. That’s why there’s a song Look what I did in my head. What Jana is wearing the black dress. And she’s looking in the into the mirror and saying things like, I’m going to be famous and they’re going to love me even if I have to kill somebody. And she leaves her man’s. She leaves her man’s bread. She got duped. You’ve been played. You played yourself, Janet. Brad’s an orphan, and his brother is probably flavors and that’s on purpose. This quality flavors is the shadow to Brad. He’s like evil bread. And his whole film is about a struggle between the ID and the super ego. And Denton is a prison, prison of the mind repressed sexuality all that kind of like Rocky Horror Picture Show. We already talked about the Big Pharma idea but yeah, that’s kind of a big a big theme here they want to put sanity back on the national menu. If you watch the news, you’ll see the gang of Big Pharma medications you can take you see how much Big Pharma contributes to the the mainstream media companies the government Congress lobbyists. Then we’ve got the clip off talk you want to go a call a call? devil in this hair. Devil Nish is a mix sense. Barley flavors, f being the sick letter and we’ve lots of them. Barley flavors, faith factory.
FF, double s could be 66. If you go by numerology with a clear path, which ironically showed up in my Rocky Horror Picture Show analysis. The whole chapter. In my book, I wrote a book I did have a todos I wrote a whole book on Rocky Horror called it’s just a jump to the left. It’s like a little mini book. It’s also available in a compilation book I wrote called Alison rocky Heartland, which features my articles on Alice in Wonderland. Google’s transhuman hell idea is I wrote that like back in 2014, by the way, a long time ago. And the alchemist review of the book The Alchemist and you get all these books, you know where to get them. Oh, and I’ve plugged a lot of books on this show this episode. You can actually buy if you want to get all of my books, the cheapest way to get them is a massive bundle package on my gumroad that’s the only place you could do this. You’ll save a grip of money gumroad comm backslash Isaac W. You get all the books, buying in one fell swoop, you get them all signed. It’ll be great. Now, in the Rocky Horror Picture Show book, I have a whole chapter called the vampire clip off of Rocky Horror about how Frankfurter and company could very well be the fallen angels of the ClearPath. They do call Frank Dr. x, right, X being the unknown, the resurrected or Cyrus the Antichrist from the abyss. And riffraff in magenta are the archetypes for semi L and Louis. And you can read more about that in the book. But when Bert comes out at the end, and he announces that he’s no longer blind, he can now see he attributes it to folly flavors, the six six the Luciferian Klee Pathak force that opened his eyes just like Frank Frankfurter did in Rocky har for Brad and Janet. Now I’ll put a link in the show notes where you can get that massive book package or not at all, link you to the rocky heart. No, I’m gonna I’m gonna refresh the Rocky Horror podcast that I did a few years back. To keep it real easy. It’s definitely worth taking a listen. You know, since we’re doing the sequel, why not right. Now for the best part of the show. And I need to preamble this. The best part show is going to be owl a listener. Another another truth are out there. Al’s rendition of rose tint my world. And my request is my favorite song from Rocky Horror. It’s a long one. And I told him I said, Yeah, you don’t have to do this. Because this is the longest song on this soundtrack. But it’s my favorite. This is the part on the stage show. Where all the rookies do Rocky Horror, they start tapping out because they’re bored, because there’s no more toilet paper to throw. But it’s the most emotional part of the film. It’s where everyone all the characters, they drop their guard, they drop the super ego and they put it all out on Front Street, they let that Id go out they crush the ego and they’re just living their most authentic lives. And that’s why I love the song. That’s That’s why I asked Alison and now before warned before warned the auto audio quality is not good. About halfway through it actually switches to a higher quality. So hang in there a little bit. And of course putting this at the end of the show in case you’re really not into this. So it’s a no pressure listen. But let me try to explain to you why you should enjoy this and why I appreciate it. I myself find art in the beauty of imperfection kind of like sometimes it’s it’s more fun to watch crappy backyard wrestling over this polished WWE stuff so sometimes you can apply that logic to most any form of entertainment. Sometimes the SoundCloud rappers are better than the top 40 rappers and I actually prefer that this audio quality is shit. I think it’s even raining in the background. I don’t know what’s going on over there. This is a real listener a real a real one out there. I thought I thought he was gonna be this guy and trying like a real singer trying to get his way onto the voice onto the podcast which I was okay with. Still I was like, whatever. But no, after some email exchanges, it’s just a guy. He’s He’s vulnerable. Nobody’s gonna do it. I wasn’t gonna I wouldn’t sing a song for you guys. We love each other. This guy he lays off like Bravo l bra bow.
He actually didn’t think I was gonna do any of this. He did the guys are gonna do the show at all. He didn’t think I’d watch the movie said he’s never got anyone to watch doc treatment. So I did it. And I held on my end of the bargain to the show, which I thought was very valuable. And here’s his part of the deal. Bonus points for the British accent. You’ll hear him talking. He’s adding commentary. These are the column responses from the show. Right? A bit shaky in it. And for the first 30 seconds or so you hear some conspiracies he’s in to talk about 5g fluoridation, shite TV, movie programming. You know, everything’s a conspiracy until it comes knocking well like that true. So this one’s for, for all you do. Let’s do thank you, Al. I love that you did this even though you really didn’t expect this to happen. Thank you everyone for listening. And here’s the show. Until next time, stay woke.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:01
Man, the boy conspiracy 5g Tower going up on the end of the street. Jab was coming to schools near you check.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:18
fluoridation rollouts in your area check
Unknown Speaker 1:17:25
shots, seeding programs and films everything’s a conspiracy theory until it comes knocking that’s okay so it’s still well children of the stone This is where we live screw conspiracy place Yep, that was me picking the cat litter to clean just one more language this is high tech was great when it all began I was a regular Frankie to start working in muscle me now the only thing that gives me hope is my new job well keeps me sane oh yes I’m just seven hours old and surely beautiful superior home so my libido hasn’t been controlled comes trust is an orgasmic rush of love roses my world and keeps me safe from my trouble and is the SB you see Jake mastery right away see oh me oh yeah. Here. crees reality TVs Thank you gonna have to wait for it danika drapes to stop as I was saying but my parents wouldn’t allow us to drag their cell phone pledge swim along waters of naughty glass beyond measure day wash after dry dreams I suppose we got to get got to be strong try to hang on mind for the Hey Frankie Paul. Let’s be predictable Mama Mama. Mama Mama be with a deadly Friday select a party Mr. Sam Brock. We’re gonna shift rows to keep you safe from a trouble lamb pain. We’re while we’re at B with a dead state. You get a hit and your mind goes. Yeah. So let the party MSS rock home. We’re gonna shake it to rose to my well to say from a troubling Don’t want to just give me the same thing will be with a deadline. You get a hit and your mind goes so that the party and the sounds Welcome to the rose. Party. Bailey styles to extra prayers.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:55
We Transylvania trains join yourself I have to say smile. Blue Sky yeah me too. You can come You can come with us welcome I’m Ray Massaro cars with pay. Blue Sky yours
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
오피스타 공식사이트 says
Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic article.Thanks Again. Much obliged.