On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we dive into the controversial territory of geo-politics with a discussion about the occult beliefs behind Russia & Putin! We’ll discuss a man named Alexsandr Dugin who is referred to as “Putin’s Rasputin.” We’ll talk about the occult belief system called Traditionalism, Russia’s authoritarian system of state propaganda, how the truthers are being manipulated, Great Rest, fake news, the Eurasian party’s Chaos Star symbolism, double headed eagles of Freemasonry, parallels to the Jan. 6th events, Yzhinskii Circle, the Black Order of SS and the satanic inspiration behind all of this! This might be the most controversial show I’ve ever done when we consider the contradiction from everything else you’ve heard from the truther world! *THIS IS PART 1 OF 2!*
Steve Bannon: Dark Age of Kali Yuga, Chaos Magick, COVID and the Occult with Professor Ben Teitelbaum https://illuminatiwatcher.com/steve-bannon-dark-age-of-kali-yuga-chaos-magick-covid-and-the-occult-with-professor-ben-teitelbaum/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:07
Welcome back to conspiracy theories and on popular culture. I’m your host, Isaac wise up. Today we start a two part journey into a very controversial topic. The Russian dark arts we’re gonna dive into this controversial territory of geopolitics, a topic, I don’t frequent, with a discussion, focus more on something I do frequent. That’s the occult beliefs of the architects of our global events and drama. Specifically Russia, and Vladimir Putin and a an enigmatic man named Alexander Dugan. He’s often referred to as Putin’s RAS Putin, if that tells you anything about the guy, right? We’ll talk about the occult belief system called traditionalism we’ve talked about many times in the past. And here we are. Russia’s authoritarian system of state propaganda. All the truths are being manipulated. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, that’ll be part two. Part two is gonna be way juicier than part one, but part one is gonna be great to great reset fake news. symbolism of the chaos magic with the Eurasian party, double headed Eagles of Freemasonry parallels to the Jan six events. And the inspiration behind all of this, which of course, as always, the Dark Lord Satan, this might be one of the most controversial shows I’ve ever done, when we consider that I will be contradicting a lot of what you hear from the truth or movement, we’ll say, because, you know, I keep abreast of what my fellow truth or folks are saying. And it’s really bizarre to me that a lot of them appear to be co opting the Russian narrative in some ways, and I get it. I get it, because they say, they’re like, wow, you know, everything the mainstream media says in America is a lie. everything they say is a lie. Therefore, when they say Ukraine, good, Russia bad. It’s actually Russia, good Ukraine bad. And I don’t believe it. I deny that wholeheartedly. The media doesn’t always get it wrong. But that’s why I said, you know, I told you is a very controversial show. So if you’re offended, easily, if you’re triggered, easily. Don’t listen to these two shows. We’re gonna drop some scary dark arts truth bombs, and says no one else seems to be saying, I’m gonna say no one else. I mean, I act like I have a real close finger on the pulse. It seems like in general in passing, that a lot of the truth movement isn’t talking about this stuff, the way I’ve been thinking about it. And I’ll go through why that is. This, this part one will lay together, how all of these pieces are coming together for this new global New World Order. And I’ve said this before, there’s a massive sigh up pushing for this. All right. Eternal white boy summer, the dystopian Handmaid’s Tale. I think it’s true. Everyone is worried this is just my ideas. Just my opinion, just a theory. I mean, a very well supported theory out I, as I will show you. And of course, it’s all based on my worldview, which could be wrong, right? I’ve been wrong before. I’ll be wrong again. And that’s all right. We’re gonna talk about it all. And if you’re open minded, and you really want to hear some, some theories, some real truth or isms, then you’ll stick around if you’re easily triggered. I’ll hit you on the next show. And yeah, there’s, let’s talk about now, and I’m doing sort of preamble on this because I realized this is a very sensitive, controversial topic, in the truth or world. So I do want to talk about my worldview, right? Because I’m a Christian, not a good one. I’ve never profess to be a good one. Nor do I want people to look to me as a way of living as a Christian because I do not do a good job of that. I try to embrace the philosophy of just trying to love other people let people have freedom to live their lives. The adults do what they want to do as long as they’re not hurting anyone else.
And sometimes that clashes with Christian dogma, right. But I’m also a military vet, right for the the US military. Which makes me susceptible to some level of brainwashing, right, you go through basic training, they strip you down to the basic, and then they rebuild it. So in some ways, you do get a level of dosage of brainwashing. And that’s okay. So sometimes I’m real susceptible to some patriotic bullshit is what I’m trying to tell you. Okay. Like when 911 happened, right? I was like, Oh, my God, we gotta get these terrorists. But then afterwards, you know, 20 years later, I’m looking at all these crazy things around and I thought, Man, this is not what it added up to be. This is not what I thought it was. Same with Vietnam, there’s some really shady things that happen. And the real question is, and this I have no answers for, but are there? Are there people looking into all these global events and sort of keeping us ignorant enough to be entertained and go to work? And they’re really handling the bad guys? Because we can’t really know the truth about how scary this world can be. I think that’s always a possibility, right? Like, for instance, if the stuff I’m about to tell you today is true. Is it possible that we’ve got intelligence agencies that are worried about the same things I said, Look, they’re gonna bring us a Titanic, New World Order and take over America. We can’t tell the American public that they’ll be terrified. We need to keep them watching Real Housewives of Salt Lake and going to work. So you know, keep them a little bit distracted. Like that’s an option, right? That’s a possibility. But anyways, one thing I do know, one thing I do stand behind is American democracy now a capitalist system that we have in America. Good, not great. There’s issues with it. But overall, it’s a pretty great system. America, it’s got issues Overall, it’s a pretty great country. And it’s my country. Yeah, screw it, man. There’s my people here. So when there’s a threat to American democracy, that triggers my patriotic brainwashing, all right. But here’s the thing, ultimately, I don’t do politics, I don’t do geopolitics. I’m not a historian. This is just my take based upon reading a few books. There’s no way I could fully grasp and understand the history of Russian and European history and politics. As well as all these occult philosophies that I’ve been digging into, right. There’s a million things going on behind the scenes is what I’m trying to say that we’re not privy to. A lot of people want to pretend they know it all. But there’s a lot of history and a lot of people involved with all of this, and this goes way above my, my, my level, as a guy with internet access, you know what I mean? In politics, the reason I don’t talk politics, it’s such an earthly affairs divisive thing. And it’s always this fear based, you know, gang banging kind of thing. Not the fun kind, not the fun guy. gang bang, like the gang warfare, right? You know what I’m saying? And I’d like to focus more on the spiritual elements, the occult philosophies, the dark stuff, sometimes. The bigger questions why we’re here, what the people who practice these occult practices, what they think, is the truth to reality. And I say all that to also shout out Professor Ben Teitelbaum. We did a show in 2020. And little did I know, it might be one of the most important shows that I’ve ever done. We did a show time of Steve Bannon and the war for eternity and this occult philosophy called traditionalism which will show up throughout this two parts more so in the second part, the second part, we get more into the the dark occult fantasies of what’s really fueling, I believe, a lot of this stuff going on in the world right now. Now, I want to start out by reading a passage from a book, right? This is a book called The occult world. It’s a big book. Let me open her up. So if you open up to page 632, yeah, I told you is a big book. 632 There is a an entry in this. It’s more of an encyclopedia. It’s called contemporary occult war. Alright.
Now it’s like two paragraphs, and I’m sorry, but I gotta read both. Given its prevalence on both sides of the Second World War, it is unsurprising that occult warfare beliefs persist into contemporary esotericism as well as popular culture, such as in diverse occult conspiracists speculations concerning the involvement of secret societies, most prominently the Illuminati in the promotion of terrorism and counterterrorism, exemplified by 911 conspiracism in rap music, popular films widely available on the internet, such as Zeitgeist and so forth. In the specifically esoteric and or occult Milu me Lou, how you pronounce that? You know what I’m saying? Milu and throw posa Oh boy. Anthro pasa, he retains extensive conspiracist dualism, various interpretations of tradition, including those influenced by the work of Eveleigh as Julius Avila, which is a name you’ll find often in this traditionalism occult philosophy continue to attract adherence and have established themselves beyond the strictly far right and ultra fascist Milu. Although the those associations remain persistent within the traditionalist seen the work of Neo Eurasian Neo traditionalist Alexander Dugan features conspiracism and eschatology and has acquired some influence in Russian political circles. Radical traditionalism in the West orient itself towards contra cultural conflict, and occasionally aligns with the agenda of the new right, that goes on talking about Satanic and left hand path groups. So what are they saying? They’re they’re talking about a far right occult philosophy. And that is the topic of discussion for these next two shows. And we’re going to start with the rational side of this conspiracy theory. And slowly delve into the madness that I believe is behind all of this fueling the whole thing. Spoiler alert, it’s Satan. Hello. Alright. Just some few ideas, as opposed to let’s throw out there first. Russia times the RT they banned RT America recently. But our T is state propaganda, right? It’s literally Russia’s state controlled news by the Russian government. And I don’t understand why the why the truth is cozy up to this channel so much. I know that they’ve been and I casually follow them the same way, because I heard once a while ago. So AlJazeera, right. A friend of mine, follow them. And I said, Why do you listen to Al Jazeera? He said, Well, you got to get a voice outside of our own media and our own government. Because you need that sort of outside opinion sometimes. Just to know if you’re being lied to, which is fair, I think that’s a fair thing. So I casually followed out zero and RT. But the confusing thing is that in the conspiracy world, we’re very skeptical of the mainstream media. Now, imagine a mainstream media which is run by the voice of the the political leaders of your country, very bizarre. It’s government controlled media, they tell them what they’re allowed to say and all that right. And over in Russia, they have laws against fake news. You can even talk bad about the government or Putin or any of the political leaders. All of these things are massive red flags. But the ends justify the means to people right. And I’m not look I’m not saying that the truth, the truth or movement is dominated by white supremacist. All right, folks who want eternal white boy summer and Handmaid’s Tale dystopia. But you got to consider that you got to consider that when you hear people trying to defend this country that’s doing all of the things that conspiracy people have constantly been complaining about. Putin he quite literally changed the constitution. So he could remain the president for longer. They allowed it to go through in 2020. So he could be president for two more six year terms. And it appears they did it by tying it to a ban on same sex marriage, which is Yeah, apparently the ultimate evil dictators are okay. Gay people not much
for these folks. So, again, like it’s got all these authoritarian vibes of all the things, we as truth eaters should call out and point out and say, because you imagine that magic Joe Biden was like, You know what we’re getting rid of Fox News, CNN OAE n or whatever it’s called, we’re getting rid of all the news. And we’re just gonna have the White House news. That’s what we’re gonna do from now on. And that we’re gonna, if you’re on Twitter, your social media talking about fake news topics, we’re gonna throw you in prison. If you talk bad about Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, you’re going to prison. And also, we’re going to change the constitution so that I can run for another, you know, two terms, beyond the two terms that the Constitution allows. Imagine if that happened, the the outcry as it should be, like, to be fair, the outcry that belongs to be there, if someone were to try to do that, you know, because that was always my concern with Trump was I was with Bill Maher on that. I was like, Dude, this guy’s got a lot of tendencies that really seem like he’d be the kind of guy that would that would stretch out the Constitution and try to make it so he could just remain in power forever, like every dictator does. Another idea of float, I told you, this is gonna be controversial. So if you’re getting triggered along the way, I’m very sorry. That’s not my intention. Putin, some claim that he’s really secretly into communism. Yes. Again, one of the big ultimate evils. If you go to dystopian death calm. That’s a blog that has an article called Putin is bad. Actually, I think that’s the name of the link. I think, I think the name of the article changed, and it was still being death, tweeted, you know, tweeted at me on the Twitter, because you mentioned my discussion on traditionalism on the blog article. And it’s actually pretty good articles, a lot of interesting quotes and ideas to consider. And they dug in pretty deep, which I liked. And I read the article, and I liked it. So be sure to check it out. They one of the ideas floated was that because Putin was an actual eight, intelligence agents for the KGB, right, the Soviet Union. He’s remained loyal to the communist state. In 2016, his speech he gave, he said, and this quote comes from dystopian death.com. Unlike many functionaries, and I was not one, from the party point of view, I was a rank and file member, I did not throw away my party ID, I did not burn it. I quite liked and still do the communist and socialist ideas. If we look at the code of the builder of communism, which was broadly circulated in the Soviet Union, it is very much like the Bible, it is not a joke. There is in fact, a similar passage in the Bible. Now, I’ve always been critical of communism for the reason that it eventually turns into some kind of authoritarian dictatorship, just like the alt right movements. Do you know? Like Hitler, became a dictator approaching from the right side and the communists do it from the left side. Another massive red flag. Putin is part of this World Economic Forum thing, right, the great reset. Schwab owed Klaus Schwab Santa Claus. He said that Putin was a young global leader of the civil Economic Forum within the World Economic Forum. And Russia also joined the World Economic Forum center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is another massive red flag. We talked about the fourth industrial revolution. I did six episodes on the great reset. And I don’t remember which one episode two or three we talked about the we went through Klaus Rob’s book on the fourth industrial revolution which is of course Tigers into transhumanism. But remember how Russia was trying to win the 5g race? I don’t know if you remember this. There was this they call it the new space race to build a 5g network. But anyhow, Russia was trying to win the 5g race, because there’s a belief that the Internet of Things which basically is saying everything is going to be connected to the internet, which to me I read as ultimate traceability. trackability
but the Internet of Things and 5g, they are competitive edge technologies for each country. And Russia was pushing misinformation through RT America. They’re state sponsored news for strictly for Americans trying to scare us. Remember that we examined this, I did two episodes on 5g. And we talked about RT, and we talked about some of the news stories they posted. And they were interesting ideas, right. And the idea was that they wanted, Russia was trying to scare the American public. So that we would push back on local 5g infrastructure building, which I support because I’m anti 5g, is it going to really kill us? I don’t know. I don’t really dig it, though. But meanwhile, Russia was building their fight. They’re rolling out their 5g network as fast as they could. And they’re trying to get Americans to slow down the effort so that they could win this new space race. And that’s just one small component of this massive Russian misinformation and trying to get the conspiracy theorists truth eaters to push Russian agendas. It’s a very insidious thing going on. You’ve heard a Russian bots on Twitter, for kind of like that. Which by the way, I saw a tick tock claiming that the activity from Russian troll bots decreased a pretty significant amount once the Russian government banned Russians from posting on social media. Isn’t that funny? The Q 10 Days of Darkness turned out it was it was done by Russia. They made their own 10 Days of Darkness over there. Anyhow, let’s stick with it. Let’s stick with the script here, folks. Now, the irony here is that Alexander Dougan and company who were in it gonna get into who he is in one second here, but Alexander, Alexander Dugan and company they are pretty much anti technology as well. Right. But there’s a possibility that could all be for the chaos of conflicting ideologies. Like when I say they’re rolling out, 5g Quick, maybe they’re just trying to cause chaos, create order out of chaos, which brings us to the free Masonic double headed eagle, which we’ll talk about. And I think part two point is the point is Putin and the Russian government, they do all the things that we as truth are always concerned about state run news. censorship. And we talk about canceled culture. This is the ultimate canceled culture, banning fake news of whatever the government says should be the news, making it illegal to talk bad about the leaders, changing the Constitution to allow them to stay in power longer. And then all the leadership they’ve got all these ties to communism and military intelligence, which are always like the big naughty words, right? It’s quite literally all the things, the truth or movement talks about in one place. And it’s very alarming that there’s not more people in the truth movement talking more about this. But the dangers here. So let’s talk about Alexander Dugan. This is a guy born into Soviet military intelligence, again, communist military intelligence, the thing and the intelligence agencies that’s this is a topic that comes up constantly. That has a lot of overlap with the occult. There, the two seem very much connected. They both use like secret passwords and secret names. And there’s, you know, Alistair Crowley was one. You know, it goes on and on and on. There’s a Richard Richard Spence, Professor Richard Smith, I’m thinking of Richard Spencer, I’ve been looking at all this all white. All right, nonsense. Professor Richard Spence, I think is his name. He did a whole book about this anyway. Dougan. Like I said, He’s considered to be a mystic. He’s the rasp Butan character, and many describe him as Putin’s brain. The guy named James hyzer, author of the book called The American empire should be destroyed Alexander Dugan and the perils of magnetised eschatology. That’s a mouthful, huh?
But I read And we’re going to talk about it. But anyway, Doogan allegedly influences Putin, to subscribe to this philosophy in this political movement called Eurasian ism that he had founded. And if you look up the political parties Poons affiliated as an independent, so is this true? I don’t know. The idea espoused by this movement is that Western democracy needs to be destroyed. So the great communist Soviet Union can come back into power because these guys get real nostalgic about this apparently, right. But the good old days, because they look at it, as you know, America came in and ruin what they had, it was a really good thing. They were threatened by the Soviet Union. The great power. If you think I’m making that up, here’s a quote from Putin himself. The collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century. So the idea about Doogan, and by extension, Putin, if you subscribe to that, they believe that Russia has a mythological, ancient destiny to fulfill. And this goes back to a better time when things were great. You know, they want to make Russia great again. This is the eternal white boy, you summer. We’re always talking about here. Because they think that the Western values is American decadence, and it’s destroying the whole world. And this is the traditionalism that Steve Bannon and Julius Avila and Rene gained on they all love this so dearly. And a lot of the end, look, again, just my opinion. I’m no expert on geopolitics or Russian history. But there’s a lot of weird overlap in the evangelical movement, fantasizing about Russia and Putin and, and the very white dominant culture and the banning of homosexual marriage and all that stuff over there. They think that a real strong dictator can make this Handmaid’s Tale fantasy, because there’s so much decadence in America. You know, they see the Cardi B when as pussy and they’re like, we can’t have that. That’s destroying the world, which I get right. And I would argue, no, we need free speech, quit it with the canceled culture. Have a conversation with the children, judging here the when asked, but you better have a conversation with them and say, Look, kids, some stuff for adults and some stuff is not. And unfortunately, the the 90% of the media owned by six companies wants to blur those lines. easy conversation to have now Dougan, he’s also at odds with Ukraine. He doesn’t like the Ukraine. And this is to support the idea that he really isn’t fact Putin’s brain. Putin Dugan are in lockstep I argue, I think there’s many smarter people than me that are pointing this out, too. It’s not just me. Ukraine, declared him persona non grata for violating a Ukrainian law in 2006. And listen to this, he tried, he got caught trying to enter Ukraine and disrupt it from the inside. And then in 2009, he was publicly after they kicked him out. He publicly advocated that Russia needs to invade Ukraine and then look what happens right? Because the fantasy for these folks is to create this Eurasia, this massive continent this global empire under this traditionalist philosophy, which is a very totalitarian why voiceover Handmaid’s Tale, with Putin, Dougan and Russia running the whole thing. Now let’s look at this Eurasian party a little bit more. Their logo is quite literally the star of chaos, the eight pointed star, the eight of wands and tarot. And the logo, of course, the star of chaos. You can’t talk about them without the classic sign up of order out of chaos. Ordo AB kayo. Right. And this is a symbol for the double headed eagle, which is a Russian symbol. And this goes way back to the imperial powers of Rome, which is always the fantasy right? They love the Roman Empire.
But the Scottish Rite they use the symbol to the eagle represents the Phoenix. And it’s symbolic of the great work. AKA the great reset maybe I don’t know. But it’s harkening to this alchemical androgynous perfected form of man that they believe in this prototype of men. And if you read Manley P Hall secret destiny of the ages, it says one day we’re going to get back to this perfected state of man this androgynous state where man’s got two spines, it’s gonna be wild it’s gonna be trip. And if you read our Mackey’s encyclopedia Freemasonry, he says that Russia adopted this symbol as the two heads represents the double empire, back when they took Poland. But Mackey talks about how this all goes back to Russia under the Byzantine Empire for Constantine. But anyhow, Mackey confirms the double headed eagle is the Phoenix. And it is in fact, the symbol for the 33rd degree Freemasonry. Now, curiously, in this book by hyzer, what’s the name of it again? The American empire should be destroyed. Right? They talk about a an arrest in 2014. In Ukraine, listen to this is gonna blow your mind. This guy named Oleg Bach ter of bhakti Arev. Oleg. We’ll call him Oleg. That’s his first name. He was arrested in Ukraine in 2014. Now, what’s curious is this guy, he’s a scientist. He’s a psychologist. Right. And he worked for the Soviet Union, because He’s Russian. And he was researching the psychology of consciousness amongst other various similar mental things. That sounds very MK altra. Right. And if you recall, that’s the roots of MK Ultra in America. We were, we had heard that the Russians were trying to invent a truth serum. So we started trying to figure it out on our end to that’s what they claim MK Ultra was all about. Anyhow, march 2014, homeboy gets arrested in Ukraine for what you may ask what’s the Soviet psychologist doing in Ukraine. He was quite literally, storming the Capitol, he would storm the Capitol Building of Ukraine to disrupt the election in 2014. And he recruited 200 people to help him. He was destabilizing the country and trying to disrupt the presidential election. Now. That sounds really familiar to me. I don’t know about you guys. sounds very familiar. Similar strategy, I would argue, could have possibly, maybe, right. happened here. And we call it that. At the time President Trump there he was on the phone with Ukraine. Remember how he picked up the phone he’s trying to get the Hunter Biden laptop has a lot of weird connections there. Okay. And I didn’t dig into them all because politics aren’t my thing. There’s a lot of strange connections here. So Oh, leg. He was trying to disrupt the Ukrainian election. And we find out oh leg is actually part of the Eurasian political party. Yeah, that’s right. Duggins Eurasian party. So arguably, Dugan was the mastermind and the architect behind Oh leg trying to disrupt the election by storming the Capitol with 200 people. Now, I’m going to read you. From that book from hyzers book. A few years ago, scholars could shake their heads in disbelief at diggans, eclectic, even bizarre mix of sources. For example, Wayne Allensworth wrote of Dickens fascination with the occult, including Satanism, erode of the postmodern quality of dragons, eclectic philosophy, including European geopolitics and strategy, Gnostic mysticism, occultism. Listening.
I’ll repeat that. Gnostic mysticism occultism traditionalism, and his advocacy of leftists, fascism and rightist communism. As early as 1993. Walter lacquer observed that with Doogan we moved from the realm of a quasi rational approach to the depths of irrationality. For Dougan, the inventor of conspiratorial world history has to be rewritten. The end conflict between Atlantis and Eurasians began in ancient Egypt and it leads to the struggle between the good Eurasian and the bad Atlanticist. Now, we’re going to wrap the show this first part up right here because this takes us into a much deeper topic, but listen to the words they’re using here. Duggins into Satanism, Gnostic mysticism occultism and He’s the inventor of conspiratorial II. So what does this tell us? It tells us that the conspiracy, truth or movement, for sure is being watched, if not manipulated an architect architected by Doogan. And when he talks about Atlanta CES, he’s talking about basically the American way, the western values, right, the Western way of living. So the good is your Asian and the bad is America. And you’re doing a whole bunch of books about this stuff. He wanted to bring down the American empire. That’s what the title of the hyzer book is. So there you go. That’s part one. And that is basically the the alley oop, part two, which will be the slam dunk. Part two. We’re gonna get into all the things we’re gonna get into the truth or two. All right, pipeline, we’re gonna talk sexy time, sexual mystics. The black order of the SS. It’s like a death metal band, right? The black border of the SS, destroying liberalism, bringing down the American empire, traditionalism, and more. All of these occult fantasies are coming true. For these, these folks that are into this stuff, and we’re gonna talk about it all and I’m not holding back. We’re naming names on part two. Alex Jones. There’s connections there. I’m not gonna deny it. I’m going to point it out. Do I like Alex Jones? Yes. I’m on the Mount Rushmore with Alex Jones. Alex Jones is a he’s a Hall of Famer in the conspiracy world. But as truth matters, we have to remain open minded. And consider when we talk about this, this idea that it’s not our Jones’s fault, and we were gonna talk about in part two, I don’t want to talk about it right now, but it’s not Alex Jones’s fault. I think that Dougan is a mastermind manipulator trying to get the truth or movement to co op his theories of bringing down the American empire because there’s a lot of mutual interest there in some ways. You know, the truth is want to get rid of the windows pc so to Doogan except live my beef is I don’t like we’re doing takes it you know what I’m saying? He takes it to white boy summer Handmaid’s Tale. I’d rather you know you want to win, I suppose you can keep the warehouse policy is what I’m saying. Alright, anyway, stay subscribed to the show for part two is going to be a banger. We’re gonna get into all the darkness, the black magic black order of the SS on this whole ordeal. So stay subscribed to the show. It’s gonna be gonna be some heat. And if you want to the time being you can listen to my interview with Professor Ben Teitelbaum. About his book War for eternity. I’ll put the link in the show notes. We talked about this. And I believe it’s April 2020. As if there wasn’t bigger things going on, right. But yeah, that’s it’s a very it’s almost like I should have three parts of the show and that should be a third part. So take a listen to that show. And then come back for part two cuz we’re about to drop the knowledge baby. Alright, thanks for listening. Until next time, stay woke.
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bc代投 says
Wow, great article.Really looking forward to read more. Cool.