On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we do a special show where only nerds are allowed! Join along as we discuss nerd gossip, nerd fights and aliens! We’ll talk Elon buying Twitter, China, Grimes dating Chelsea Manning, nerd beef between Gates, Musk and Bezos, and NASA’s pursuit of aliens! Let’s go!
- Want more nerds? Listen to the Top 10 Most Evil Nerds countdown on my other show “Breaking Social Norms!” Part 1 is right here: https://breakingsocialnorms.com/2022/04/12/most-evil-nerds-countdown-pt-1-hot-nerds-eating-little-ones-and-6-10/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:08
You’re listening to conspiracy theories and unpopular culture. I’m your host, Isaac wise up and today, we’re doing a very special show. We’re calling it oops, all nerds. All nerds all the time. That’s all we’re going to talk about today. We’re talking about your favorite nerds Elon Musk. Billy Boy gates. Jeffrey Bezos. Little Pete Davidson. He’s a nerd. Just he’s he’s got a big hammer doesn’t mean he’s not a nerd. Right? NASA full of nerds. 1000s of nerds. And aliens of course, because you know if there’s anyone that’s gonna call the aliens in and aliens will subsequently eat us and enslave us it’ll be the nerds to thank. So without further ado, no, I do have further ado, check out this shirt. If you’re on the tier two and up or on the rock fan. You’re watching the video version of this show. If you’re not that’s Okay close your eyes. Picture this or go to my Instagram at Isaac was up. I’ve modelled this shirt. It’s a three quarter sleeve. Beautiful shirt, you can buy the support the show. It’s got the 70 logo on it. Very beautiful. Four color print. On an ultra soft I did many this months and months in the making here. Ultra Shot soft one of the softest shirts you’ll ever buy. I guarantee it if you if you disagree with me. I’d love to hear why. Because I’m telling you. I don’t sell Gildan cardboard. This is a premium shirt. There’s a raglan 6051 All right. You can get it on my Gumroad. So gumroad.com backslash Isaac W link in the show notes to get them on the last because in fact, by the time you’re listening to this, it might be too late because I posted it on the socials. And I sold a bunch already. So we’ll see if it’s popular enough, fret not I will order more. I didn’t buy a ton of them. Because, you know, I spent 1000s on the shirts. And you know, sometimes they sit there for a while and it is what it is right? Speaking of which I did replenish my original shirt, the ultra soft shirt with the conspiracy theories logo. And on the back it says these nerds are going to kill us. It’s one of the most popular shirts it was the original first shirt that I did. People love it because people all agree. I’ve had people wear that shirt and tell me that others have stopped to talk to them about how nerds are in fact killing us all. See, you’ll be very popular with that shirt. I reordered the inventory. Again, if you get on there and it’s sold out, fret not I will order more. But you want to get that limited first run I know you do. So you support your favorite show. And one more piece of housekeeping. If you want to support your favorite show. There’s a second show I do called breaking social norms. You’ve probably heard of it. It’s with my wife Josie, who’s not everyone’s favorite, and that’s okay. You don’t have to make her your favorite. She’s my favorite person. But you know, I get it right. I get it. She and I do a show about breaking social norms, a very different format. We have a light hearted discussion. It’s not as much information as this. This is a very information dense show that I do. I try to keep the housekeeping side talk to a minimum. Whereas breaking social norms. It’s all about side talking all about housekeeping. Anyway, we did two episodes, counting down the most evil nerds. I know you’re dying to find out who the most evil nerd was. So without further ado, you can check out the two episodes because they’re both out right now. On the podcast breaking social norms. Find it all the places. Okay, do is over. Let’s get into the show. First topic, Elon Musk, of course, is going to be Elon Musk. He’s the world’s richest nerd. And he bought Twitter. Oh my god, everyone’s got an opinion. And the reality is, look, Elon Musk, he’s just a troll with money. That’s all he is another guy who got his start because mommy and daddy set him up for success. Not that impressed. You know me, I’m a hater. I am. I hate hate hate. No, but a lot of these guys who are these zillionaires, they did it because someone handed them a lot of money, give them a lot of opportunities that most people don’t get. And that’s not taking anything away from him. But let’s call it what it is. And the media and these nerds they want to act. They want to perpetuate this fantasy lie that they’re these mad scientists genius Albert Einstein people, they’re a gift to us and they deserve all these great blessings when the reality is they you know, not saying anyone could do what they do. I’m not saying that. I mean, they’re smarter than me. Maybe.
But there’s a lot of people arms that get greased in order for these people to get in these positions. And the sad part is a lot of the times, it’s from the the taxpayers through the government that like Google, right? The guys have founded Google, the government funded for them to buy all that server space for their dumb nerd gear when they started out, so in a way, you kind of helped invent Google. Yeah, these nerds take all the all the accolades and money. So Elon Musk, oh, he bought Twitter. Everyone’s got an opinion. What’s your opinion? Isaac, I don’t really care. I really don’t. And in fact, is he hasn’t actually bought Twitter yet, as of this recording Thursday, April 28. And you have to get into some financial nerd talk that I don’t understand. Finances are not my strong suit. All right, let’s just say that. But I guess he’s got an option to back out of this deal. And there’s lots of reasons he won’t, According to various sources I’ve read. One is because it would take some kind of financial hit on Tesla, because he would have to sell off stocks to buy the Twitter or something. The other is because China, China, they don’t like Twitter, they banned Twitter back in 2009. They don’t like free speech over there in China. But guess who does love China? Elon Musk? Yes. He’s beholden to them. They’re the ones that give him they they manufacture like half of his cars for Tesla. They give him I think, like almost all of the lithium for the batteries. So yeah, he needs to communicate with China on what he’s doing. And if China doesn’t like Twitter, then maybe he won’t be buying it. Or as fellow nerd elitist, Jeff Bezos would claim, he suggested he floated a conspiracy theory, if you will. That maybe China is part of this whole thing. Maybe the Chinese government could own Twitter through Elon Musk. And, and look, I get on I get on the tick tock, actually, like tick tock a lot. It’s very entertaining. But I can’t lie. That when I’m on there, I see an awful lot of pro socialism videos from what seems like Americans. And I’m not saying there’s not people in America that are pro socialism. And I’m not even saying there’s anything bad with socialism. But I do find it very curious how there’s a lot of this warm reception for communist ideas on tick tock, a Chinese owned app. So I’m sure their algorithm is more than happy to show me these ideas. And again, I’m actually like, fairly socially liberal, so I don’t even oppose a lot of their thoughts. But But look, I I’m not deaf, dumb and blind to these things. I know what’s happening here. So if you don’t think China is who’s dead taken over, or at least that’s the fear we’re supposed to believe in. I don’t know if it’s true. How would I know? But perhaps they would also be interested in owning Twitter. And how could they do that well, through their boy, Elon Musk. If you don’t believe me about China owning a lot of stuff. Look at what was it John Cena? Who made an apology in Mandarin? Because he talked poorly upon the Chinese government or something like that. Or no, he was like pro Taiwan or something. I don’t know. Anyhow, back in March, Elon Musk he broke up with his little booth and Grimes you know Grimes right. She’s doing all that alien, transhumanism symbolism. We’ve talked about her many times on the show. Well, and she’s a nerd, too, right. She had two kids with Elon Musk. And now Grimes after she broke up with Ilan, she’s now dating Chelsea Manning. And you probably recognize who that is. That’s the now transgender woman who was in the army, but got court martialed and busted for selling classified data or giving classified documents to WikiLeaks. And she, uh, I guess Grimes and Elon Musk used to be on trans rights when they were dating. That’s what this article on consequence.net was saying. They’re alluding to the idea that Elon Musk is somehow not so sensitive to the LGBTQ plus community. And back in 2020, he tweeted pronouns suck. Right? And that’s part of the cultural war. You’ve got this idea that
only far left extremist post their pronouns on their profile Earl and Ilan voiced his displeasure to that. Now when Ilan heard that Grimes was dating Chelsea Manning he, he, okay, I’m going to read you from the article. This is what happened. Musk shared an image from the sad Pablo Escobar meme template. You got to know a lot of cultural language meme right made a joke meme. He shared an image from this meme. It shows the character of Escobar played by Wagner Muira in the Netflix series Narcos sitting on a bench and looking for line for Lauren as a tough word. The ungrammatical text reads Netflix waiting for the war to end to make a movie about a black Ukraine guy falls in love with a transgender Russian soldier. Now this was interpreted as very not sensitive. And the timing of it was right when Grimes was revealed to have been dating Chelsea Manning. Now these two have got a past of a call activities, including their babies there. In fact, there was an article where was it? A New York Post about the astrology of these two nerds. You remember that a baby named x it was like Arch Angel blase blah X something or the other. And now we just found out they’ve got a secret daughter also named x, dark side rail and some name based on Sailor Moon, which is some anime I don’t know. All this stuff. Not my thing. All I know is Elon Musk couldn’t pull out of a garage. He’s got at least seven kids. When is he going to stop? Now I’m going to read you because I’m not super hip to astrology, if you can believe that. I’m not opposed to it. It’s just one of those topics I haven’t deep dived into. I’m gonna read you from the New York Post. This is even further emphasized in her astrology profile. Because Saturn the planet of restrictions, isn’t in an exact conjunction with Uranus, the planet of revolution. Conforming to her is as painful as death. She has a knee jerk reaction to establish authority and is drawn to the vision of creating her own structures for herself, her family and society, which fits her mold of her image that she puts out there, right. She’s very much this avant garde unique artists type. This is a clear reason she and musk click so well. They’re both visionary in how they wish to create a new world and not be bound by previous ideologies or traditions. Then when you add in the fact that her son ruling Sqn really her lifeforce clashes with Uranus to dama halen paedo in the sun clashes with Uranus it was gonna win that battle the sun and you hear my halwa there they’re saying you got a son your testicles to increase your testosterone you believe that? I don’t know about that seems kind of crazy. I know. This adds to her unpredictable impulses, where she is eager to rebel and express every depth of E. E Centricity she possesses. She’s eager to rebel. She’s the rebel Angel, which is exactly what she shows us. In her music videos. We talked about Grimes a whole lot of times in the past. She’s always depicting herself as the fallen angel of Lucifer. Could it be that she believes the stars have put her in the position to actually portray the fallen angel the rebel Angel meanwhile, Elon Musk he’s he’s somewhat tangled up in this Johnny Depp Amber Heard trial if you can believe that. Johnny Depp accused Amber Heard of cheating on him with Elon Musk while they were married, where she said listen to this. The claim is that a threesome went down of Elon Musk Amber Heard and Cara del Levine I know I’m pronouncing her last name wrong. I’m very sorry. She’s a model chick. So Elon Musk is doing all right for himself. Okay. Now, some even goes as far as to claim the Amber Heard who has a baby through a surrogate father that she’s yet to identify? Allegedly, it’s Elon Musk, which gives him now eight kids, which would make sense.
Now, Elon Musk, in the midst of this Ukraine Russia thing he challenged the Lattimer Putin do a fistfight. Of course on Twitter, why not? The most toxic cesspool of social media basically a whole social media platforms. set up for fights after class by the flagpole. He said on Twitter, I hereby challenge Vladimir Putin to single combat. The stakes are Ukraine. Yeah, anyway. Now who would win that fight? I don’t know. They say Elon Musk is trained in Brazilian Jujitsu, Taekwondo and Judo, and he’s six foot two. So hype is a big advantage here. Now, Putin on the other hand, this is a former KGB guy, surely hell of a lot tougher than Elon Musk. But he’s also he’s also a judo Black Belt. Or was I guess the World Taekwondo organization removed his yet an honorary black belt, which I don’t know what that means. Maybe he doesn’t really know how to fight. And he’s five foot five. I guess he wears shoes and wedges and stuff. You know, shout out to my short kings out there. But in a fight. I think I got Elon Musk on that one. Now, maybe not. I mean, height, height goes a long way. A little kickboxing in my day. And let me tell you, I had a big kick me and I felt that one for days. But you know, Elon Musk is not soft. He’s a nerd. Who’s gonna win between a nerd a fully trained tall nerd. And a short guy that’s probably really tough as nails. Sure Putin seen some things in his day. Even though he seems like a real jerk, right. Now, moving on. Elon Musk, you know, there’s like, always tie back to Elon Musk. We’re gonna segue to Bill Gates now. Ill Gill Bates here. He issued a warning to the world about Elon Musk. He’s basically saying they look, Elon Musk is a dangerous man. And I agree with him. And he was saying that based on the banking of the value of cryptocurrencies, because Elon is always dicking around with the crypto markets. And Gates was saying, AND gates is like anti crypto, whereas Elon is pro crypto. Elon espouses the very libertarian idea of like, hey, no rules, no laws, no law enforcement, that kind of thing. And Bill Gates is more of the liberal nanny state of hey, you know, the Kryptos. Lots of lots of energy goes into mining Kryptos. And that’s bad for the environment. And Bill Gates suggested that the crypto market was dangerous for people who don’t have a lot of money because like Elon Musk, he can afford to lose a ton of money. But normal people trying to invest in do something with their money. It’s pretty dangerous. And Bill Gates is just warning us to be a buddy right? And more seriously, his warning is more for those who are trying to get rich off of investing in Kryptos. And don’t have these massive fortunes that like Elon Musk, they have this safety net. Even if the value of the crypto they invest in drops. And then, Elon Musk fired back at Bill Gates, because he’s an Angry Nerd. I told you when I talked about on the breaking social norm show, when we counted down most evil nerds, you heard my stance, the most dangerous kind of nerd is the dangerous Alpha nerd, right. And that’s Elon Musk. Elon Musk posts an emoji of a pregnant man. After he accused Bill Gates, of shorting Tesla stocks, which was a text message exchange that you can see online, I’m telling you, these guys, very TMZ now, and he captioned it in case you need to kill a boner and had a picture of Bill Gates and this pregnant emoji man. And at least Elon Musk appreciates humor, you know what I mean? I’ll give him that much. The irony here is that people hate Bill Gates, more than Elon Musk, it seems like in general.
And the the emoji of the pregnant man, a lot of people are confused about this. The way the way I understand it is if you’ve got someone born biologically as a female, but they identify as a man, they’re then transgender man. All right, meaning they’ve got the plumbing of a female, but they identify and present as a man. And that’s what when they say there’s a pregnant man. Yeah, pregnant man. That’s what they’re talking about is someone born with the biological functions of a female, but they identify as a man, and obviously they can get pregnant as a female. But there are men, therefore pregnant man, a lot of people get confused about this. Say, Well, that’s crazy. You can’t Well yeah, you can. I mean, that’s how you do it. Is it a little unconventional? Absolutely. But I mean, that’s what it is. Now, the irony in all this, because a lot of people support Elon Musk, they love them. They’re like, Oh, yeah, take Twitter over free speech and In some ways I’m cool with that too. I’m like alright cool but we got to be careful here because we hate we you know quote unquote hate Bill Gates because he wants to be ACC i n a t everybody. Right? That’s a fact. And a lot of us disagree with that myself included. But Musk wants to create a microchip, the neural link, a microchip that directly goes in your brain. Like he for real is about that action. So how comes that’s okay. Because voluntarily, right? Like you don’t have to do that yet. So maybe that’s the big difference. Maybe we just answered that question. Moving on to Jeffrey Bezos, and Pete Davidson. Pete Davidson was gonna go to space but now he’s not he’s gonna go in. Jeff Bezos is Big Blue Origin phallus rocket. But they have since bailed on it. He’s of course still dating Kim Kardashian. They’re actually hanging out together with the Bezos and Lauren Sanchez. And the Corey Gamble and all that. But, well, I guess now’s a good time to talk about space. We’re gonna talk about space and aliens. There were some energy bursts that came from space a few weeks back. And there was a guy named Uri Geller, who supposedly had all these supernatural paranormal abilities. He was investigated by all the ABCs if you know what I’m saying, Project Stargate type stuff for all these paranormal things that he could do bend spoons with his mind and all this. And there’s a documentary Gosh, what’s it called? I just watched it. A guy who exposes Uri Geller he was sort of his nemesis. Exposing all the tricks he was your yeller was using the fraud the people to believe he had the supernatural powers. I can’t think of the name of it. And I know you want to know Hold on, let me look it up. Let me look it up. I’m going to look it up. Maybe you already know an honest liar. It’s called yes from 2014. It’s pretty good. Pretty good. I know you’re a girl. I still follow him on the on the Instagram and all that though. I’m curious to hear what he has to say. And there were some energy bursts that came from space. And this is what your Geller had to say. He said, My dear friends, a team mapping radio waves in the universe has discovered something unusual that releases a giant burst of energy three times an hour. And it’s unlike anything astronomers have seen before. No doubt in my mind that this is connected to alien intelligence, way, way superior than ours. Start deciphering their message. They’re preparing us for a mass landing soon. Now login, whether you believe in your wrigglers abilities or not. He’s connected to some high up stuff. So when he says that kind of thing. It makes me pause and think about it and think are they preparing us for a mass landing a mass sighting? Is this the project Bluebeam. Or if you watch, Steven Greer has got a new documentary out. I think it’s called above top secret or something like that. I’m only halfway through it. I’m gonna do a show on it if it’s important. So far, I’m not so far I wouldn’t recommend it. Because you got to pay for it. I bought it for like 12 bucks or something on Amazon just shout out Jeffrey Bezos. But they they imply that we’re going to be duped into a fake alien invasion. Without saying the word Project Blue Beam. That’s what they’re saying is going to happen. So here’s your yellow saying the same thing. Now, if you recall, my 2017 book, the dark path, I talked about the impending alien invasion. Right.
And we talked about how NASA’s chief scientist told us that aliens would invade, or I’m sorry, they would find existence of alien life forms by the year 2025. And they’re setting themselves up to do so right now. Through various methods. There now is a James Webb telescope, that they’re saying, Look, this thing’s gonna find the alien planets out there. And they launched it. On what better day than Christmas? Yes, December 25 2021. When everyone’s celebrating one of the biggest days in Christian, the Christian religion. They launched a telescope on top of Ariana five rocket little Ariana Grande rocket. And what this thing is going to do, it’s going to take $10 billion with a bee and it’s going to uncover the history of the universe from the bees. BIGBANG to the formation of planets, meanwhile, looking for alien life on planets by finding pollution. In 30 days, it will go a million miles to a point in space where it will orbit the sun. Now, this is all very curious, NASA James Webb was the name of the telescope, right? Well, James Webb was a NASA Administrator. He was he was running shit in the 60s, he retired just before the Apollo mission. And the article on space.com says he quite literally retired a few months before NASA put their first man on the moon. Curious time to retire, though, right? If you were part of NASA. Why would you leave just a few months before this biggest thing that ever happened in human history? Many people were mad at this guy. He was apparently anti gay, anti lesbian, very Elon Musk, like apparently. But why? Here’s the whole thing, right? James Webb, why do this on Christmas Day. And the rational excuses be? Well, it’s because when you launch stuff into space, based on the location, things got to be in alignment, because you got to hit a certain yellow geosynchronous orbit, blah, blah, blah, all this stuff, right? And that’s all assuming space is real. But here’s my thing. Isn’t there a massive band of junk and space just floating out there? How do they know that when they shoot these things out there? It’s not going to hit those you can’t? Or maybe they can precisely tell where they’re at when, right. Maybe, but the Christmas thing a very controversial day to do it the pagans? Of course, if you look at the holiday of Christmas, the pagans say all the Christians took that from us because it was Saturnalia. When Christ wasn’t even born in December. And the reason that we celebrate it is it all goes back to the Illuminati and these pagan gods and all this stuff. It could also play into the secret space program and I’m gonna quote the late great Jim Nichols recipes, Jim Nichols, a legend in our conspiracy world. This is what he said. He said on one of his he’s got lots of great articles on his website. He said control of space is serious business. On January 7 19 58/33. degree Freemason Senator Lyndon Johnson made this cryptic statement concerning the future status of our NASA national defense and the race for space. Control of space means control of the world. From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the Earth’s weather to cause drought and flood. To change the tides raise the levels of the sea to divert the Gulf Stream and change temperate climates to frigid there is something more important than the ultimate weapon. And that’s the ultimate position. The position of total control over the earth that lies somewhere in outer space. Ain’t that something? Zoom Nichols man. He knew what was up. And if you watch that, Steven Greer documentary. He basically implies that the Space Force is jockeying for position in space. It all kind of fits together.
And if you recall, back in December, NASA employed a bunch of priests to discuss how alien life and evidence of it would change the world religious views. I’m going to read you from the times. Which times the New York Times I didn’t put it in my notes My apologies. The article is called heavens above NASA and least priests to prepare for an alien discovery says the Reverend Dr. Anderson Davison, a priest and theologian at the University of Cambridge with a doctorate in biochemistry from Oxford Hold on one second. You know, it’s it’s, it’s hitting summertime here at the Isaac wise up household, and we got the windows open because it’s hot. And your boys Gizelle focused. We don’t turn that air conditioner on until we absolutely need to. And unfortunately, dump trucks and every we have full parades whenever I record a show. So my apology anyway, let’s read this again. Geez. Reverend Dr. Anderson Davidson, a priest and theologian, the University of Cambridge with a doctorate and blah blah, blah, is among 24 theologians have taken part in a NASA sponsored program at the Center for theological inquiry in Princeton in the US to assess how the world’s major religions would react to news that life exists on worlds beyond our own. So they’re trying to figure out how to change the hearts and minds. And I think this is a slow process. It’s a 10 year process. I mean, when a guy like me, says, back in 2017, five years ago, like hey, they’re gonna say aliens are real, and then it happens. It’s not because I’m no strict Dominus or some prophet or God whispered in my ear. It’s just very clear when you look at all this stuff, where they’re headed. And there’s another hairless redo from full fact.com. The fact that NASA had hired the theologians was also reported towards the end of 2021. The Times article featured an interview didn’t already read this, I read this. Come on, Isaac, get your notes together here. Okay, here we go. Sorry. NASA was not involved in the selection of researchers for this study, and individuals who receive grant funding from NASA are not employees Advisors, a spokesperson for the agency. Thus, the researchers and scholars involved with the study were not hired by NASA, but instead received funding through CTI to conduct this work, CTI Of course, being the center for theological inquiry. So NASA funded this research, but it wasn’t like NASA hired these people. So a lot of the news, I wanted to talk about that a lot of the news headlines are making a sound like NASA hired these people, but it was funneled through some, some contracts, basically. But what’s the point? The point is, NASA is preparing mankind for the spiritual acceptance of aliens. Which the concern here is that this paves the way for acceptance of a new religion, the alien religion, an alien gods, a pagan pantheon of alien gods. And if I’m correct in the wild theories, I’m pitching on these aliens. As you’ve read in my first Alien book, Use Your Illusion one. This could lead to Adrenochrome harvesting. Yes, you got to feed the bloodthirsty gods and what better way than with the baby blood? Whoo. I mean, it sounds crazy. It sounds crazy. I just want to be real careful about things as all I’m saying. We’ve done it before. We fed babies the Moloch the Aztecs were doing human sacrifice to the gods. Releasing the energy back to the universe and Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox are drinking blood. Why not? Why not? It’s a matter of time. All right, last nerd. Last nerd standing Jeff Bezos. He wants to put us into space. He wants Earth to be a vacation home, not even a real home. And oh, by the way, he believes in aliens. So there you go. And he was in Washington DC giving a speech at the igneous forum and an event called our future in space. That was at the Washington cathedral of all places. included other speakers like NASA admin, Senator Bill Nelson, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, and Dr. Avi Lo, Eb. That’s that’s the guy that was the professor of science
that was talking about that. The the Obama object Obama Lama, you’re talking about? Your book is called extraterrestrial the first sign of intelligent life beyond Earth. And he talks about how this object back in 2017 it was called the ANA llama Dhaba on Malama dingdong big rock out in space and some people were postulating that this was an alien craft of some kind. And he says it was an intergalactic attempt to contact Earth. Who knows? Anyhow, Bezos let’s talk about we’re here to talk about Bezos. This is from TMZ. They said Bezos thinks planet Earth is going to be more like Disneyland in the future, rather than home base. In other words, he doesn’t think people are going to be inhabiting the planet full time. Rather, it will become more like a vacation destination. Bezos spoke at the igneous forum in DC and suggests the outer space will be where humans will live. He talked about floating space cities that are so massive they contain forest, wildlife, rivers, the works, he said all manufacturing will be performed in deep space. And here’s where we go where to put a big bow on this show. All this nerd talk and ever the competitor he took a shot at Elon Musk by saying it’s way more likely these colonies will float in space, rather than settle on Mars. Because you know, Elon Musk thinks we can move to Mars. All right. As for Earth, well, as he said, it will just be a place you visit the way you visit Yellowstone National Park, he told the crowd over centuries, many people will be born in space, it will be their first home. Now, if you read the 2001 Space Odyssey book and the three sequel books after it, that’s what happens. Mankind ends up traversing the stars and mankind eventually gets enlightened by the alien intelligence to become digital consciousness, which is what these nerds are trying to do. That’s what Elon Musk wants to do. That’s why they’re building a digital matrix. Twice. Zuckerberg makes the metaverse all this stuff. They’re trying to sell us on this idea of leaving Earth, the place that literally has everything just to sustain life at the moment. Are they trying to make us prepare to live in space hell, or a digital matrix hell. And I don’t really know what to make of all this right? In my books, going all the way back to 2011. I talked about the transhuman movement, and the idea of a digital matrix being what they want to bring in between the aliens. Possible climate change issues. You know, lots of drought happening right now in the West. And these nerds taking all the money and trying to tell us what we’re going to do in the future. As if these guys are anyone you’d want to take advice from. There’s only one conclusion all of this and you know what it is? It’s these nerds are gonna kill us they’re gonna kill all of us. So there you go. Oops, all nerds talked about nothing but nerds. I gotta go shower. Now, Tom, all these nerds, I can’t take it anymore. If you want more nerd talk, there’s about five hours of nerd talk on breaking social norms. I’ll put a link in the show notes. Like I said, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay if it’s not, but some people really love the show. And I think you’d really enjoy listening to our top 10 Nerds countdown. I’ll put a link in the show notes or you can just go to breaking social norms.com Or go to Apple or Spotify or wherever you listen to the show. And check it out. Alright everybody, thanks for listening. And by the way, again, if you want to get a supersoft t shirt, a three quarter sleeve, so many sleeves right now. Go to my Gumroad store gumroad.com backslash Isaac W and get down on it while supplies last. Thanks for listening to the show. Thank you for support and until next time, stay WOKE
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