On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we do our monthly wrap up show! Join along as we take a second look at August 2022’s shows, listener comments, new findings, future shows and more! Follow me on LetterBoxd and check out the ranking of the Halloween films! https://letterboxd.com/isaacweishaupt/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:02
Welcome back to conspiracy theories and on popular culture. I’m your host, the half shirted Isaac wise up today, we are doing a quick informal show I do monthly called the monthly microdose. You’ll love it. Surprisingly, you love it. So I’m gonna keep doing them as long as you keep loving them. And today we’re gonna go through the month of September. This is where we go through and revisit the shows that I did
Unknown Speaker 0:30
I review any pertinent Comments or questions from said shows. We’ll talk about the social media posts and some, I don’t know, drama in the comments.
Unknown Speaker 0:43
movies I’ve been watching what’s coming up next month what’s coming down the pike for you, my dear listeners. So without further ado, because it is a micro dose, which means we’re trying to keep it under 15.
Unknown Speaker 0:55
So without further ado, let’s talk about September 2022. I like to start out with personal wins, big events for what’s new and Mr. Wise hops life. Nothing no wins in September.
Unknown Speaker 1:10
I got so tired of winning, that I no longer one. No, I didn’t. I wasn’t on any one show. I need to get out there. I need to get out there and do some more interviews on other people’s shows.
Unknown Speaker 1:22
I didn’t have any interviews for our show lined up primarily because I had some family matters to attend to
Unknown Speaker 1:30
back east back in PA in South Jersey. You know my favorite places to be. But there was an extended trip I had to take, I wanted to say had to mix the sound painful.
Unknown Speaker 1:43
But the point being I didn’t have as much time as I normally do. All right, but your boy is back. I’m here to take care of you. Now a personal win you know I did Eddie Bravo show which is a big dream come true for me.
Unknown Speaker 1:58
I did his show called look into it. It’s on rockfon exclusively the video. He also had now he posts those shows on the free feed on his apple podcast free feed but they’re delayed by several months.
Unknown Speaker 2:10
My parents should be on there soon. If you’re one of those free feed
Unknown Speaker 2:16
I’m gonna call you a free feed winner if you’re a free feed winner
Unknown Speaker 2:20
the Eddie Bravo apparents will be out there it’s like two hours long two and a half hours we talked about flat earth and CrossFit and why he’s wrong I’m right it’s great it’s classic if you if you’re on his free feed the next one who publish if I’m looking at it right should be Alex Jones obviously a legendary interview then there’s gonna be three or four more other people and then I’m up then your boys up so within the next month maybe it might be in October it might be in November, but I’ll be on there to check it out.
Unknown Speaker 2:52
He in fact he just dropped an interview on his rockfon I think today with crow triple seven the legendary crow triple seven fun fact I didn’t know Crow was still you know mask on anonymous there’s not many of those guys left right. So he’s still you know as you know if you follow me for several years I was mask on anonymous for a long time. Don’t make me second guess that decision either. By the way.
Unknown Speaker 3:18
It takes a bit of vulnerability to get out there and especially with you weirdos, right. Especially with you conspiracy wackos. Oh man.
Unknown Speaker 3:27
I got security cameras and guns and all kinds of stuff now. Anyhow, moving along movies and music that know social media. Let’s talk social media next. We all love it. We all hate it. It’s out there. I made a cool video plugging all my great supersoft shirts. I sold a bunch thank you if you bought one. There’s still a few left. I’m running out of sizes though. You know where to go go to my Gumroad store gumroad.com backslash Isaac w.
Unknown Speaker 3:54
And I made a new tic toc because my old one got shadow banned. I confirmed it because I started a new one under Isaac von Hammerstein which is my second alias. I actually prefer that one over why xOP I think that’s much more funds.
Unknown Speaker 4:09
While my old tic tock got shadow banned so I made a new one where I’m like okay, I’m not going to say the big trigger words conspiracy Illuminati those things. And so far I’m trying to make sense of it. Do I want it to be like commenting or do I want it to be some info already posted a Coolio video and talking about Adrenochrome so there goes that already right.
Unknown Speaker 4:30
But I posted a great parody clip of Daniel Daniel Mac that guy runs up on big famous like Bugatti and Lamborghinis and it’s like, hey, what do you do for a living and you get to hear with these rich people do for a living how they make that kind of money. Well, me and Josie made one for my badass vehicle. So if you want to see what your bowling Isaac drains, you can check it out on my Tiktok at Isaac von Hammerstein. Yes, very easy to spell, or I posted it also on my Instagram minister.
Unknown Speaker 5:00
am.com backslash Isaac wise up.
Unknown Speaker 5:02
Links are always in the show notes.
Unknown Speaker 5:05
I also have a cool video on both of those places have me and Josie went to the Home Goods type store. Right? And they had Christmas decorations out. Why not? It’s September. And they had a Nativity scene.
Unknown Speaker 5:21
And Jesus and the three wisemen and Mary and
Unknown Speaker 5:27
who else was in the picture there?
Unknown Speaker 5:30
It doesn’t matter. The other people in the in the nativity, my brains mushy today. I’m very sorry.
Unknown Speaker 5:38
I keep thinking Paul, but it’s not Paul is Mary. Anyway, it doesn’t matter, though. The, the the manger scene, they were all white people, right. And
Unknown Speaker 5:50
I pointed it out. Because Joseph Oh my word. Why was that so painful to come up with?
Unknown Speaker 5:58
I pointed out because there were there was snowflake white on this nativity in particular. And everyone you know, everyone’s Be sure to tell me all those white people in Egypt and in the Middle East. Okay, it’s just a joke. It’s just a joke. Just Just kidding.
Unknown Speaker 6:16
But anyway, I I’m trying to not get ensnared in the comment drama when I’m just trying to make a joke, trying to be fun.
Unknown Speaker 6:24
And it’s okay, you know what, like, it’s fine. movies and music that I’m consuming. Now, as you know, I’m going through a real struggle with hip hop.
Unknown Speaker 6:33
Some weird things have happened in my life. I don’t know. You’ve been with me long enough. I stay very current on my hip hop. I love it so dearly. And I don’t know what happened in the last three or four months. I can’t stomach it. Every time I turned on hip hop nation. Nothing. Every song they play. I’m like, this is all bad. I don’t like any of this.
Unknown Speaker 6:56
So I’ve been listening to other stuff. And country music came on my radar, which I’ve always hated country music.
Unknown Speaker 7:05
Period point blank.
Unknown Speaker 7:07
And I’ll be damned if I’m not getting getting pulled into Chris Stapleton.
Unknown Speaker 7:13
I don’t know. I don’t know what’s going on. I’m having a real internal struggle with it.
Unknown Speaker 7:20
Now movies, right I’ve been consuming a lot of film lately and it’s spooky season right? So you know what that means?
Unknown Speaker 7:29
And I’m going to pull up my diary so as you know if you don’t follow me on letterbox you can follow me on letterbox that’s at Isaac wise up.
Unknown Speaker 7:36
banged out some movies this month. We’re going to briefly go through body of evidence from the 90s with Madonna. Yes, please love to
Unknown Speaker 7:46
a movie called you won’t be alone. The hell is this? Oh, it was like a Witch movie. It was fine. Not not my favorite. The Conjuring. That was the rewatch course I love it. Halloween nating. I watched all the Halloween movies every single one I watched one. Then two. Then Rob, Zombie’s Halloween, one and two. Then Halloween for five then h2o, then resurrection. Then Halloween six because I had hard time tracking down a copy of that. Then 2018 Halloween then Halloween kills. I ranked all of them on my letterbox. Be sure to check out the list of the rankings. Okay. It’s very fun to put a lot of thought into that. So I watched all the Halloween movies. Every single one. I watched facing Nolan a documentary about Nolan Ryan. I watch that on the plane going to Jersey. Fantastic. I’m a sucker for documentaries. Who would have thought right? I know you think you think Isaac sports balls, not your thing. I know it’s not.
Unknown Speaker 8:43
There was a time when it was and that was in Nolan Ryan’s heyday. And I’ll be damned if that wasn’t a fascinating documentary.
Unknown Speaker 8:50
I watched the Wolfman from 1941 hated it. I watched licorice pizza hated it. watched the devil’s reign. It was okay. That was the film from whence they got the mask from William Shatner for the Halloween films. And fun fact guest who’s in the devil’s reign. Anton LaVey
Unknown Speaker 9:12
you’re going to hear about it when you listen to my Halloween 1978 film analysis.
Unknown Speaker 9:18
I watched
Unknown Speaker 9:21
and you can and you got to look at the rankings for my Halloween films. They’re going to be controversial. I can tell you right now. There’s going to be some hate.
Unknown Speaker 9:31
But you’re gonna check it out for yourself. And of course the worst one was Halloween resurrection. That was
Unknown Speaker 9:36
an atrocious film by any standard.
Unknown Speaker 9:40
I watched Edward Scissorhands for the first time I thought it was good. I watched Rob Zombie’s new the monsters like I say in my review, don’t even bother looking at me for any kind of criticism. I love Rob Zombie too much. I’m too close to it. So I thought it was good. You know, I’m just a sucker for anything he does. And then
Unknown Speaker 10:00
Yeah, that’s it for September. So be sure to check out my Halloween ranking and tell me if you agree or disagree in the comment section of letterbox show recaps for September.
Unknown Speaker 10:12
We did Stranger Things September now, of course, that season one and then four episodes, covering season four, right? Very controversial month. Some people absolutely hated this idea. And, you know, from my perspective, I always, like I said, I read, I don’t think there’s many comments that go by unread from from me, which is exhausting and taxing emotionally.
Unknown Speaker 10:39
But I do it because I want to know, I want to be plugged into you guys. I don’t want to I don’t want to farm out my social media and not really know what you want. Like, on some levels. I care what you think on other levels. I don’t like it’s hard to find that balance. So I just get a vibe check, right?
Unknown Speaker 10:55
Because I can’t listen to everyone’s opinion. I got to just give you what I think. All right.
Unknown Speaker 11:00
But I do want to get a vibe, check on what you want from me. All right. Because I can be whatever you want. So I read the comments for that.
Unknown Speaker 11:10
But when I say sometimes I don’t care about your comments, I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about the trolls. There’s trolls out there and they love to just troll away and get me to get out of my skin.
Unknown Speaker 11:24
And I don’t talk to them anymore. I just ignore them. Hell, I might even restrict them.
Unknown Speaker 11:31
Now, one common I always see is people want these mega deep dives. They love it. They love the longer shows that seems to be more people than not all right.
Unknown Speaker 11:42
My shows have thus been closer to an hour, sometimes even more, because of this idea that they want more info deeper dive. But I’m also in the camp of like I like Joe Rogan. But I’m not listening to every Joe Rogan show that’s just like four hours long as too much. We all got things to do, right?
Unknown Speaker 12:02
Trying to find a balance there. So Stranger Things season four are the whole month of September was an experiment on a mega Deep Dive. Some people were into it, some people were ready to move on, I get it right.
Unknown Speaker 12:15
Just a fun experiment. I don’t know that I’ll do something like that, again, on the free feed.
Unknown Speaker 12:21
Maybe the supporter feeds will get something like that because they’re perhaps more into this than the free feed.
Unknown Speaker 12:28
Unknown Speaker 12:30
only one common to address from Stranger Things beside that. On episode two, we talked about Kate Bush, I had many, many, many, many people on Patreon telling me that Kate Bush was in fact not a Mandela Effect.
Unknown Speaker 12:43
But some people did say look like Cheryl she was on the same page as me
Unknown Speaker 12:48
saying like, look in Florida, they didn’t play it. Same goes for PA I never heard that damn song. Maybe it was a coastal thing.
Unknown Speaker 12:57
Now, we did manage to squeeze in some non Stranger Things content. All right.
Unknown Speaker 13:04
Queen Elizabeth and the lizard people, Queen Elizabeth, she actually died whilst I was in New Jersey, so I couldn’t do nothing for you. Right.
Unknown Speaker 13:12
And shout out Barry on the Patreon commented and said like, you know, this is what I’m here for. Right? And and that’s true. That’s true, right? That’s what a lot of people, they like that. I don’t know, sort of.
Unknown Speaker 13:27
I don’t wanna say old school. But that that’s kind of where it all started for me is talking about some of these theories and trying to explain very complicated ideas and make make them make sense. You know what I mean? So, what I’m doing is I’m building buckets. All right, I’m reading a book. Whereas I’m reading a book, I’m doing this all for you. All right.
Unknown Speaker 13:51
On this book, it’s about sort of content marketing.
Unknown Speaker 13:55
And I’m reading it because I want to understand what I can give you that you want. So I’m making buckets and one of those buckets I don’t know where my damn bucket list is I got it somewhere. One of those buckets is just traditional conspiracy discussion explaining
Unknown Speaker 14:13
some of these things right.
Unknown Speaker 14:15
So I plan on doing a bit more of that if I can right
Unknown Speaker 14:21
hence the polls I released a bunch of polls on the social medias and Patreon asking like how did you find me? And it seems the large majority of people that found me was through the podcast
Unknown Speaker 14:34
I’m using that for information like Where should I focus my efforts where do you want to find me that kind of stuff
Unknown Speaker 14:42
now Oh, yeah, and I got a comment slick fishes on Patreon.
Unknown Speaker 14:47
Oh, slick fishes. That’s an interesting name. It makes me think of wrestling and slick you got to tell me if I’m on the money with that. Because I think a Sid Vicious and then I think of slick the manager. Is that a calm
Unknown Speaker 15:00
donation name or is it something else? Anyway?
Unknown Speaker 15:05
This is in relation to the Queen Elizabeth lizard people show listen to this. You’re not going to believe this. Slick says you hit it on the button at the 42 minute mark you said Maybe Jeff be Bezos had his own little golems Well, sir, I used to program and QC Amazon Alexa products and the internal nickname Amazon used for the Echo Dot was Gollum. I always thought it was worried AF because my conspiratorial mind knew what a golem was. And I would think to myself and say, Damn Amazon really once our souls. If you think about it, Amazon Echo devices store our voice along with our facial recognition patterns. They are modern versions of golems. Good work, sir. No good work to you.
Unknown Speaker 15:50
Slick vicious. Yeah, that’s isn’t that interesting. And that goes along with the show we did with Nick Hinton.
Unknown Speaker 15:56
Unknown Speaker 15:58
That idea of AI manifesting and technology and all the dangers from within right.
Unknown Speaker 16:04
We also did a show on Coolio recipes, Coolio. And we’ve got more info. I shared this on my tic tock and then went semi viral, as well as my Instagram. I think he talks about Adrenochrome actually got tagged on Twitter, the source of the video was unknown. So I just sort of re crafted it and got rid of all the busy noise around the screen.
Unknown Speaker 16:28
So I don’t know who who found this interview. I would give them the appropriate you know, props do.
Unknown Speaker 16:36
Yeah, Coolio was talking about how the how they be doing the Adrenochrome. And we know from my show that he was definitely interested in in the Illuminati talk, right.
Unknown Speaker 16:47
Also, as you know, I’ve got that other show, inside the mind of a conspiracy theorist on rock Finn. And we finished the mastery of love book club. So hopefully you enjoyed that if you’re on there. What’s next for that? I don’t know. I have to finish another book. I don’t know. Let me think about it. I’m not really sure I’ve abandoned the truth or drama segment because that brought way too much drama into my life. And it wasn’t worth it to me.
Unknown Speaker 17:19
I don’t know we’ll see.
Unknown Speaker 17:22
Bring social norms the show I do with my wife that’s very different than this one. All right. very divisive show. People don’t like it because it’s like longer content, Joe Rogan to three hours of us opinions and shooting the breeze and getting side tangents. But we did two shows on my experience with ketamine therapy. So if you’re interested in that, to check it out. I did a show explaining to her because she plays the role of the sheeple the Normie and very much true to our lives, right. She’s not into the stuff I am. And she gives me the perspective of the sheeple. I give her the perspective of the truth. And we debate and discuss and try to find common ground. We just, we talked about 5g.
Unknown Speaker 18:05
And then last weekend, we did a show about the house of hammer documentary series on discovery about Armie Hammer. Remember the guy that was trying to eat chicks?
Unknown Speaker 18:15
Talk about cooking up their MC ribs and eating them on the grill?
Unknown Speaker 18:19
Well, I’ll give you the if you don’t want to listen to the whole show we did.
Unknown Speaker 18:24
short version is that army hammers family turns out is secret society elite, satanic analysts,
Unknown Speaker 18:33
their words, not mine.
Unknown Speaker 18:37
If you want more on that checkout, breaking social norms.
Unknown Speaker 18:41
The bonus show every month I do bonus shows for the supporter feeds. I think I screwed up. I think in September, I didn’t catch one.
Unknown Speaker 18:50
I’m going to cover that in the next section.
Unknown Speaker 18:53
And it’s time for the next action future shows for you to be excited for.
Unknown Speaker 18:59
Because you know, I suffer from depression. I don’t suffer as a normal human being and humans have depression and anxiety. And guess what? I’m a human. So I like to have things look forward to so I’m going to give you this to look forward to.
Unknown Speaker 19:14
I published two bonus shows in August.
Unknown Speaker 19:20
And I think I’ve missed one a bonus show in September.
Unknown Speaker 19:24
However, I will make it up to you if you’re on the supporter feeds. What I’m planning on doing is a film review of mazes and monsters. That’s the Tom Hanks. His first film appearance about Dungeons and Dragons because it fits into Stranger Things.
Unknown Speaker 19:40
And I know most people are so tired of Stranger Things but we’re going to put a bow on with that.
Unknown Speaker 19:47
But I’m also going to do a live chat, asked me anything. I’m going to send the link
Unknown Speaker 19:56
How am I going to do this? I’m going to figure it out because I got kicked off of
Unknown Speaker 20:00
Hey kicked off somebody kicked off a Vimeo. What do you use that maybe I can use a private YouTube link? I don’t know. I’ll figure it out and I’ll put a link in the show notes for mazes and monsters. Alright, so look for that. Even if you don’t wanna listen to that episode, check out the show notes to find the link and we can hook up do a little live chat to make up for my August flub.
Unknown Speaker 20:22
Unknown Speaker 20:24
what else you got coming in this month? It’s spooky season.
Unknown Speaker 20:27
So we’re going to do a deep dive on Halloween 1978 John Carpenter the probably the greatest slasher Halloween movie of all time.
Unknown Speaker 20:37
Hocus Pocus two. If you’re on supporter feeds, you probably already listened to it. If you’re on the free feed. You’re going to get it Monday, October
Unknown Speaker 20:46
Unknown Speaker 20:49
We’re going to do a show on Ezra Miller, who was doing some really bizarre stuff and Luminate confirm. We’re of course, you know, whatever else pops up this month. I have a growing list of pop culture TMZ subjects we need to get to. So I’ll probably do that. A little TMZ roundup illuminate confirm. You know, Tom Brady’s wife’s a witch we talked about this in 2018
Unknown Speaker 21:14
Kanye is wearing white lives matter nonsense, dark Brandon’s legalizing weed, my goodness, what is going on in our world? I’m actually very okay with that.
Unknown Speaker 21:27
I got an interview plan to
Unknown Speaker 21:31
I don’t know. And it’s gonna be really great. I don’t want to kiss and tell in case something comes up and my guests can’t make it because I hate doing that to them. I don’t want to put them on the spot.
Unknown Speaker 21:41
I’m gonna give you a hint, though.
Unknown Speaker 21:44
It’s we’re going to discuss and you’re going to learn all about the most important UFO crash in American history. And I’m not talking about about Roswell.
Unknown Speaker 21:56
It was actually before Roswell. There was witnesses.
Unknown Speaker 22:02
This is going to be a banger of an interview. So get ready. Get your alien hat on.
Unknown Speaker 22:09
Because we’re about to get jiggy with it.
Unknown Speaker 22:12
Finally, top supporters, rock fin tips. slow month rockfon Tip Sammy Baker’s Davis Jr. hooked it up. Then I got my tear for folks. I got PB a mail. I mailed some books to PB. So hopefully PB got them. Then I’ve got my tear for folks on Patreon I got I got John P. I got Joshua v. I got Cheryl and then I got Barry W always holding it down. Always making things happen. Thank you, everybody for your support. And again, you know, thanks for the support non tear for folks. I don’t I don’t think there’s no elitist stratification of supporters.
Unknown Speaker 22:54
You’re all on my team. And I appreciate you being on my team. And sticking with me through all these years. Especially when I when I dropped those polls on social media. I couldn’t believe how long some of us have been on my on my team here.
Unknown Speaker 23:06
Very grateful for that. So thank you. Oh, and and shout out Chase. I forgot. A fun story. I’m going to wrap this up. We went over already.
Unknown Speaker 23:16
I was going to watch hocus pocus too. And I thought there’s only one way I get through the pain of this movie. And that’s with some cookies. So I went to crave cookies, shout out crave cookies. Not a sponsor, not an ad.
Unknown Speaker 23:30
And I’m standing in line.
Unknown Speaker 23:32
And the man next to me here. So a What’s your name? Oh, buddy.
Unknown Speaker 23:38
And I tell him and he says okay, I know you’re a podcast. You’re the podcaster I listened to I said you got to be kidding me. What are the odds here?
Unknown Speaker 23:46
So shout out.
Unknown Speaker 23:49
And then he bought me he bought me all the cookies. I can’t believe it. So thank you for you helped me get through hocus pocus to chase appreciate you. Shout out shout out shout out. Okay. All right, everybody. Thanks for listening. stay plugged in on all the social medias letterboxes fun
Unknown Speaker 24:06
this month is gonna be off the hook for cheesy
Unknown Speaker 24:10
guy. Thanks, guys. Stay Woke
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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