On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we talk about that mysterious monolith found in the deserts of Utah! We’ll go over the occult history of the monolith from the 2001: A Space Odyssey film which will get into alchemy and Luciferian alien evolution!
- Check out my Kubrick’s Code project- FREE to supporters on Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher! It has a 2.5 hour film I created looking at the symbolism behind Kubrick’s most occult films: 2001, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all Patreon Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is given to all Patreon supporters- join the IW Patreon team at Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher!
because this kind of stuff. It’s being described as the stuff of sci fi sagas. A giant gleaming metal slab was found last week in a remote part of the Utah desert. Okay, the intrepid explorers go down to investigate the alien life form. It was discovered by a helicopter pilot and Utah wildlife officers who were in the area looking for bighorn sheep, a protected species in the state. They landed a plane to take a closer look, but found no obvious indication as to how the metal Mona Lisa got that or why it was there, cut it in pilot brat touch and said he assumed it must be the work of a new wave artist, or a fan of the sci fi film 2001 A Space Odyssey.
It’s big.
It’s black.
It’s back. It’s the monolith. Oh my god, we’re gonna talk about the monolith today.
People are clamoring. I’ve never had more messages. There’s been a few instances in my career, my little truth or career here that I’ve had multiple messages about the same thing.
The same topic. And this one, I believe is number one. I’ve never had so many comments, messages, tweets, Patreon, folks, lots of Patreon folks sliding in the DMS want to know.
Isaac, have you seen the monolith in Utah? Yes, I have ironically.
And, you know, you know, as much as I do about it. So I don’t have any groundbreaking information. But what I will give you is the history of the monolith from the 2001 Space Odyssey,
show, movies, books, to read all the books and read all four of the books.
Great books.
Terrific books. Now, what are we talking about? For those of you that aren’t familiar?
And I wish I could remember the first person that sent me this, I actually read about this, this monolith they found in the deserts of Utah. I read about it, like two three days prior to the mainstream media picking up on it and almost the mainstream media picked up on it. That’s when everyone was hitting me up like Dude, what is this? What’s going on?
Because as you know, I live in Utah. And as you know, I told you the aliens were going to be the final boss of 2020.
Right? And this is a looking like this is it. Now
let me explain you what got what the official thing that happened here. Some Utah Department of Public Safety BLM was a blob bureaucrat group.
They were out there doing their work. corralling bighorn sheep.
I mean, we just talked about the bathmat, how ironic. We’re talking about the big foreign goat, and their other corralling these goats getting their Brokeback Mountain on or whatever they were doing. And they found, they found a monolith basically, on the middle of nowhere. They were flying around on a helicopter. The pilot was like, Yo, what does that Stop, stop the cut the music, cut the music. And they landed. And sure enough, there’s this like 10 to 12 foot high, shiny chrome
monolith of sorts planted in the ground.
They confirm this has not been dropped from above, someone actually took this massive thing.
minute from the looks of it. It looks like it’s maybe two feet wide. It’s hard to tell they don’t what I guess they didn’t measure it. I don’t know. I assume there’s going to be more research onto this thing. And thank goodness, right. I was hoping so. Because when I first saw it, I thought that’s all they told you was they found this thing. And they’re like, oh, it must be some weird piece of art. And I’m like, dude,
we need more info. Don’t just assume this is a piece of art. Let’s dig into this thing. But as of
November 25, they haven’t yet.
They, they didn’t publish the location. But if you dig around, I retweeted it. Some losers on the 4chan found it. digging through the Google satellite images, I went on Google Earth and punched in the coordinates.
And I mean, it’s hard to tell in the Google Earth app, it looks like you can see the shadow of it, confirming it. It’s there. So I’m, you know, very sure that’s where it is.
That being said, the next question you’re probably asking is, well, Isaac, aren’t you gonna go check it out? You live in Utah? I mean, I could.
It’s like four hours away.
I got nothing better to do, right.
But they the Utah Department of whoever they said that this is very remote. They don’t want to get people stranded trying to find it. Otherwise, they would have published the coordinates.
But apparently, it’s been there a few years, according to the satellite imagery.
But again,
when they say it’s so remote, we don’t want people getting screwed up and stranded and
hoes try to find this thing. Doesn’t that just beg the question even more of like, who How? Why did they put this? What appears to be pretty big structure? I mean, it’s not so massive that I mean it is Matt right. It’s not so massive that you need a forklift. But they’re saying this thing’s been planted in the ground. And it looks pretty big. I mean, it could weigh. I mean, I don’t know what the materials are this thing, because they didn’t give you anything.
I mean, as light as if it’s just thin, sheet metal.
Fashion together as light is 50 pounds, it could be 1000 pounds. But it’s like it’s been there for years through, you know, storms and wind and animals and all that stuff.
Got to be pretty heavy.
They assume it’s art? I don’t know. And what is really bizarre to me, what’s even more bizarre is that if they think that this was just some artists doing a prank,
it’s not the same dimensions or shape or color as the monolith from 2001. Because they’re immediately saying, Oh, it’s like 2001 joke about 2001?
I don’t buy that either. I mean, it’s a monolith. Yes. But it’s not black. It’s not of the same dimensions, same size.
And why put it in such a remote location? I mean, so many questions, right?
And like, didn’t they take better photos? Like Didn’t they get up close? And they look at the seams. I mean, it’s perplexing. The little bit of information we got out of this thing, which
points to psyop, right? A psyop.
Meaning, they’re purposely leaving it vague. Like how Tom DeLonge, Peter venda, and the to the stars Academy and all these folks are talking about this space material from another world
with no other information. They didn’t tell you where it came from. If a crash happened, I mean, nothing. I got nothing.
Very big. And you know that the skinwalker Ranch folks, Brandon fuel and all the guys I talked about in my user illusion, one book, you know, they’re on their way to this thing, the priority there. And thank goodness, I want to learn more about those things. So hopefully, they’ll give it to us.
But the Yeah, so that’s it, you know, as much as I do.
But let’s go through the history. What is a monolith? Why are we talking about this at all, even whale you go back to the great Stanley Kubrick’s movie 2001 A Space Odyssey, what some argue is the greatest science fiction film of all time. I don’t know that I disagree with him.
Besides, it’s three hours long.
They in this story, they and this is in the book sort of follows the same thing. It’s a little different. But they find this monolith on the moon, right.
And this monolith is called the Tyco monolith anomaly one. And it’s emitting these moon around the moon waves. It’s emitting these EMF waves, electromagnetic frequency waves.
Now prior to that, the beginning of 2001 Space Odyssey they show you back in time before mankind when it’s just apes running around Africa.
And out of nowhere pops the monolith, which is actually dub TMA zero, right? This is the one that evolved the apes at the beginning of the film. And they learned to sort of
whoop that ass with a bone with a femur bone, and introduce the idea of conflict and war and violence and
you know, arguably like capitalist tendencies.
Then in the story, you know, you fast forward a couple thousand years man is on the moon, and man finds a monolith TMA one on the moon, buried 40 feet underground, it was emitting waves, and that’s how they found it. So they dig it out.
And they’re taking a look at it. They’re like, What is this thing? and next thing you know, the sun hits it, and boom, it activates a signal, trip signal, and it sends a signal out to Jupiter, which in the book, it’s actually a moon of Saturn actually goes to Saturn, which you know, is the alchemical planet. The symbol for the blackening, the Negredo the first stage of alchemy, alchemy, the evolving of mankind.
It didn’t make the film because Gutenberg officially said that he couldn’t make the rings look realistic enough. I don’t know if that’s true.
He made all this other space stuff look pretty realistic, but some argue that it’s it was too, too on the nose of the call doctor.
So in the movie and the book, they
TMA, one of the moon shoots the signal to TMA two over there by Jupiter or Saturn.
Long story short, David Bohm and the astronaut, he gets out there, the TMA two and it’s massive. It’s the same ratios.
But it’s like, you know, two kilometers long.
And he goes into it. It’s like a black hole. It’s like a wormhole. And he’s Oh my god, it’s full of stars.
And the dimensions are the same, though. They have dimensions of 149, right? Some of the width, the height and the length,
which are perfect numbers, because it’s one, two and three squared. those are those are the, you know, one times one is one, two times two is four. Three times three is nine. Okay.
So the monolith in the Utah desert, definitely does not have those dimensions. So I don’t know that this is just art.
Well, okay, it could be just art. I don’t know that it’s a play on 2001. But it is strange that you find this model at the middle of the desert is just bizarre. Oh, right. And that’s what everyone’s asking me on paper. And I sorry, I’m not gonna message everyone back. I just forgot shotgun blast us on the podcast. It is bizarre. I think this is very strange. If it’s art, it’s not. It’s sort of based on 2001 kind of, but like, why not make it the same if you’re trying to just joke around and make it look like aliens are here.
And they did it years ago. But the bigger question is, how did they get it out there?
They said it’s so remote. They don’t want people to know where it is. They had to get in by helicopter. So what did Brandon fuel is billionaire from Utah did he fly in a fake monolith? I mean, it’s just so many questions.
But in the story 2001 the monolith is the symbol for evolution of men.
It occurs to mankind first through astronaut David Bowman when he hits that TMA two out there by Jupiter, or Saturn, if you read the books. And in the in the story, he goes into this, basically hotel, the aliens create this environment that appears to be a hotel.
And he gets enlightened and he becomes the Starchild he evolves out chemically to a new form of being a new entity. Now on the books, if you keep reading, which I advise you to do so
there are many monoliths there are many Lego but this one is mine.
And these monoliths, what we find out is that they are controlled by alien consciousness life forms. They’re in these higher dimensions. They’re not sort of flesh and blood type aliens, meaning they’re not
Interstellar, but they are interdimensional.
And they do various things like they’re trying to evolve mankind much like they evolved the apes.
And what’s curious in 2016, or no 2010 sequel, second book,
they actually increase the mass of Jupiter by creating infinite monoliths and implodes and becomes a sun an exploding star.
And this is a they call it in the book a better brighter sun. And guess what they call it? You know the answer. They call it Lucifer. And the books because Arthur C. Clarke is illuminate confirm.
And in the story, they take TMA one from the moon, they put it in front of the UN building. I mean, it’s the it’s the globalist agenda nightmare loose very nightmare.
Now I talk about the monolith in more detail in my book Kubrick’s code which you can get on Patreon patreon.com. Slash Illuminati watcher, you get a FREE when you sign up as a tier one supporter, you’ll get coupon code and also I made like a two and a half hour video. On Kubrick’s most popular films eyes wide shot Clockwork Orange, the shining and of course 2001 Space Odyssey with all the ideas, fun clips, and a good time, and you’ll get all that you sign up.
Now, I’m going to read you from the book some excerpts about the monolith, okay.
Ba ba ba ba ba. This knowledge is the concept of violence and evil not so different from many religious tales about the introduction of evil into the world. Whether it be Adam and Eve tempted by the forbidden fruit, or the occult beliefs of the Gnostic are con evil shapeshifters that came into the world as the force known as the demiurge
I believe the alien model is stone is a projection of this evil force because it shows the apes how to use violence to kill one another as opposed to teaching them to share resources.
Right now, besides my Marxist Communist Manifesto, element there, we’ve seen this idea elsewhere
about nefarious forces disguised as good do you remember it was in raised by wolves their gods saw which means son, which I would argue is the Black Sun. This attorney and sun the Luciferian sun, the one they create in 2010, A Space Odyssey
is the same thing like it. It promises these great things but it ends up being a bloodbath.
Let’s keep reading from Kubrick’s code.
The model is stolen from 2001 was made from Lucite, a patented form of Plexiglas. I’d like to go out on a limb and toss out the idea that this closely resembles the name of Lucifer the light bearer. Lucifer is the evil presence, who provides the sin that Lords mankind into violent behaviors like the apes, john, the analogous nature of the stone with Lucifer himself.
And of course, you know, Lucifer is like the What does that mean? Like the phosphorus or whatever?
And that’s what they made. They made the monolith used on set from Lucite. Is there a connection there? I mean, that’s a stretch but it’s worth pointing out right. Now ski buried, the dimensions of the stone are 2.2 by one, that’s where that’s where we get the one by three by nine. Okay.
Now, when you lay that out horizontally, it is the same dimensions of the film on screen, which is the aspect ratio for superfan division. From You know what, how Cooper filmed it.
This could be an argument suggests that Kubrick was conducting the alchemical transformation of all of mankind through the film itself.
And this is a big a big idea. We see often
Kubrick took you, the viewer on an initiatory tale of our chemical transmutation by watching the film and waking up the mind waking up the third eye, the pineal gland, the all seeing eye, you’ve now been initiated,
which is the same concept you’ll see in Hodor. Rouse he’s holy mountain, he tells you right at the end, you’ve been on this journey you’ve been initiated. Welcome to the Brotherhood illuminate confirm you.
In the book I elaborate on that idea. He is taking the viewer on a journey of enlightenment a concept no different than that of the alchemical transmutation of man that occultist adhere to. Followers of alchemy believe that they will achieve enlightenment through the great work that seeks to find the eternal elixir, sometimes referred to as the fountain of youth. The goal is that of eternal godlike status, and is depicted in several manners, such as the blackening of the sun, which is similar to the black monolith.
Now you see the, in the tail, David Bowman, through alchemy through the monolith, becomes the star child living in mortally as the alien godfathers and a higher form of consciousness, immortal streams of consciousness. That’s what you read in the sequels, you find out.
Let’s finish up here. Final excerpt from the book. The darkness of black is used to portray the dissolution of the physical body. The black abolition of the physical body also represents the shedding of material cares and desires shape represented by the four sided square, or in its three dimensional form the cube.
This black cube is known as a known symbol of Saturn, which is where the black cubic monolith is featured in the novel form of this story, the Sentinel by Arthur C. Clarke, because that’s what 2001 was based off of a short story called The saddle, okay.
We see the black cube in all forms of entertainment in our work as a silent nod to the occult beliefs of those who follow. And in the book, I go through some photos, like all spark from transformers, the Borg cube from Star Trek and so on.
Now, conclusion, let’s wrap this up.
And 2001 A Space Odyssey. The monolith is like the promethease evolving mankind, stealing fire from the gods giving man the tools technology and the capability of becoming God Himself. That’s where it ends with God with man becoming God.
Could and you’ll notice in the books
in one of the sequels, I don’t remember which one they make. Note that
Frank Paul, I believe is the one who makes note that like, hey, there’s no religion in the future here, because he kind of gets read reanimated back to life after, you know freezing to death out in space. They bring him back to life and he’s like, there’s no religion here and that Yeah, we we abandon those silly I did a long time ago buddy
right or wrong that’s what they believe. Now could this monolith in the Utah deserts have been placed to evolve mankind much like Prometheus they founded in 2020
This is the time of the great reset, they tell you when man is forced to evolve and enlightened and become better.
So what they say. Now another idea.
You tell is of course, we’re skinwalker Ranch is
you heard I was on tinfoil hat with Ryan burn, or Yeah, Ryan burns, was it was it last year anyway, it doesn’t matter in the last 2019 or 2020 2020. And we did a show about skinwalker Ranch,
talking about all the stuff he saw out there.
Now, so you can check that out too. But skinwalker Ranch is where they’ve been messing around with these unseen forces for a long time.
Bigelow Aerospace was out there. Now. You got these
highfalutin new Tom’s like Brandon fuel, and I talked about them in the book, Use Your Illusion one.
But this monolith it was it was in the desert, right? Much like we’re team TMA zero was out in the desert with the apes evolving man, you have to understand the desert is a place for the initiatory practices to go down. It’s a surreal environment.
And the initiate can sort of become enlightened out in the desert is kind of the gist of how the occultist view this.
Now in my aliens UFOs, and you call it usually in one book, which also by the way is available on Audible. Now, for those of you that were curious,
I talked about this mantra of thoughts become beliefs become reality, okay.
And even if this model without noodle is just some artists playing a prank or whatever,
this still supports the Alien Agenda.
Because even if an artist did it as Oh, March to 2001, which I don’t even understand, because the dimensions are so far off and doesn’t even look like it. My whole book is based on the idea that entertainment influences us by communicating with a subconscious through symbolism, where it can later manifest as reality. So when they show us all these alien movies and stuff, they are creating reality by influencing us on the subconscious level.
In fact, I go through some examples in the book about how technology created from the outlandish ideas Arthur C. Clarke wrote about in the books, like iPads, they were unheard of in the 60s, right? Well, he basically came up with that and that influenced the scientists and engineers to crazy thing.
I’m gonna read you from user illusion, one real quick, from a Project Blue Beam surgeon and asked the guy who claims all this stuff, okay. manasse claims that entertainment is forcing its unsuspecting viewers to question their dogmas and religious beliefs through entertainment. Quote, this is from the Project Blue Beam.
excerpt that certain Nastro that I used to talk about Project Blue Beam because I went right to the source for that, okay.
Psychological preparations for that first step have already been implemented with the film 2001, A Space Odyssey, the Star Trek series and independent state all of which deal with invasions from space and coming together of all nations to repel the invaders. The later films such as Jurassic Park, deal with the theories of evolution and claim God’s words our lives.
So in 2001, A Space Odyssey they showed the manifestation of the New Age, would man go into the monolith to chemically become the star child, so that man can become God, removing the limitations of the human body?
A gnostic principle. So Could this be similar in some bizarre way? Yes. It could be even if this just is an art piece.
It’s an direct example of an influence of science fiction upon reality, right? Because a monolith doesn’t exist in reality. But guess what? Now it does.
Alright, if you want more on qubix code, because it’s a fascinating topic, you can get Cooper’s code, get it on Patreon, Cypher Patreon your cheapest way to get to patreon.com slash Illuminati watcher, you’ll get it on the tier one plan there.
You can get the alien book on Amazon or audible or I got still got a few signed copies here. Get them on the gumroad gumroad.com slash Isaac W. Thank you for time. Until next time,
Stay woke
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A round of applause for your blog post.Much thanks again. Will read on…