On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we conclude our journey into the Netflix series Midnight Gospel with Duncan Trussell! We’ll cover some big ideas on meditation, forgiveness, Buddhism, Indra’s Net, telling ourselves stories, connection and love! We’ll come to the conclusion of whether or not Duncan Trussell is illuminate confirm… (*not really).
- Check out part 1 of Midnight Gospel analysis here: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/midnight-gospel-part-1-occult-symbolism-damien-echols-crowley-magick/
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- Our guest from Conspiracy Considerations this week can be found on his website (where you can link to his book): https://www.southsidetarot.com or on his Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/southsidetarot/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Midnight Gospel Part 2
Isaac Weishaupt
Isaac Weishaupt 00:05
Welcome back, everybody. You’re listening to conspiracy theories on popular culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. Today we’re going to cover midnight gospel on Netflix part two. Part Two meaning the second half of the first season. We covered the first half of the first season already on part one. If you didn’t know that already, you already know this. We talked about Dr. Drew Pinsky. He was a naughty boy. We talked about Damien Echols. And we talked about the occult symbolism, the abraxis the Gnostics croley. High magic low magic Knights Templar My God. My God, what have we done? Well, I know what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna talk about part two. Where we will cover Oh, man, what are we gonna cover? There’s like some real sad stuff on the second half. Jason Lowe. He’s the magic guy. And, yeah, we’re just gonna get into it. There’s a lot of stuff to talk about. And we’re gonna wrap up is Duncan Trussell illuminate, confirm? Oh, my God. Oh, no, say night. So say night. So. Alright. Let’s have rambling. Let’s get into it. Let’s let us and I will assume you’ve listened to the first part. So we don’t need to retread over the same territory of magic and the occult and all that stuff. But oh, and and we’re going to have a little special something going on the day, halfway through the show, I’m going to do a new a new bit. Conspiracy considerations and what it is, okay, let me tell you what this is. We’re gonna have one of you, one of the audience. Come on, and kick knowledge to me. And this is reserved for my highest supporters, Patreon, tier four, or VIP VIP section, tier four legs in the shownotes, you already know the whole script. But the people that supported that level, they can come on to the show. And for about five, maybe 10 minutes. You could talk about whatever you want, you could talk about the conspiracies, you’d like you can talk about the conspiracy stuff that I’m missing that I don’t talk about enough. You can explain whatever it is you want to explain. And you’re in luck, we that’s a very low price for the size of audience. Not to talk business, because you don’t care about the business side of the show business. But you could be hitting you know, we hit 20 to 30,000 listens per episode, you want to you want to fill up Madison Square Garden, and give him five minutes to your time. Well, here’s how you doing. Because here’s the thing, I thought this would be a really cool way for me to get to know my community a little better. And bring them up on stage as it were. So we’re going to do that halfway through the show. It’ll be a little break. And it’s going to be a good time. We’re going to talk with our guest today on conspiracy considerations. He’s going to talk to us about the Baphomet. So stay tuned for that. Now. Let’s get back into Monday gospel on Netflix with Duncan Trussell, Episode Four, because we already covered the first three on part one. And this is a lot of talk about, you know, forgiveness and the mindful meditation stuff like setting your intention for the universe, to meet your energy has flavors of the hermetic hermeticism of As above, so below, which is an alchemical principle, the God of the Hermes, the God of knowledge there and magic, aka sloth. He’s supposedly down during the time of Zeb Tapi when the gods walked amongst us, gave man the secret wisdom, the secret knowledge. Some say these are on the Emerald Tablets that have been hidden from humanity from the great flood. And this holds all the secrets. The esoteric wisdom needed to enlightened man to unlock the inner God potential. And one of these actions that dropped from that secret wisdom is as above so below, meaning the universe can be used in conformance with the will of the magician. But you know, this doesn’t This doesn’t apply to every single person that gets into mindful meditation. But mindfulness, they are used necessary to communicate. So you know, it’s all about it’s all about monitoring the inner monitoring your awareness, your inner state your emotions, which is all very good stuff. However, when you’re treading into the realms of the occult and the esoteric, the people that that explore the idea of becoming God would say that you need to do this from within. I’m actually talking about this right now, as you know, I’m writing my book, aliens UFOs. Nia call us allusion to which is all about different films and symbolism found within them. And right now I’m typing up a chapter on the prince of darkness. Yes, quite possibly the greatest horror movie of all time, john carpenter, living legend. He’s still alive. Yeah, he’s still alive. But uh, anyway. Yeah, the way the way out is from within. And they talk about how meditation is a good practice for death. And Clancy, who is the character? Because it’s a cartoon, right? Because you didn’t listen to part one. Duncan Trussell plays this character. Clancy well gets back home from going on this trip to the other realms. And the computer tells him that he had an avatar that could experience the full ecstasy of death. Which is a very curious statement. This is Alistair Crowley talking about the stuff saying death is the ultimate orgasm. Very strange, right. But Episode Four is pretty good. You know, talking about meditation and death, keeping in contact with your, with the people close to you, it’s good episode. All these are good episodes, all of them. And I’m not gonna go through every single symbol you see throughout because there’s tons of symbols in the whole series. Duncan Trussell knows, he knows a thing or two about a thing or two in the realm of the occult. Okay. Now is the illuminate verb? That’s the big question. I don’t know the guy. But we’ll we’ll address that in the conclusion. And I’m going to plot spoiler, you’re not going to get a real firm answer out of me. Jason Luke, Episode Five. This is one of my favorite episodes, called annihilation of joy. And the whole thing is talking about how our souls are all connected in this cosmic consciousness.
We were talking about in new theory indras net, right? So the concept is that all the consciousnesses in the world are connected. Imagine like a giant net like a glowing blue net and infinity like a quilt. No more like a net. The Hindu view on this is that it’s the nodes that are important right? And the points on the net, the connections between the lines, those are consciousnesses, right, those are othmar. Yes. The mind is conscious. That is consciousness mph individual consciousness is God. Yes. And in its own way is the totality
the soul of a butterfly, the soul of a, of a I don’t know, like a single celled organism of bacteria to the soul of like, the Dalai Lama to the soul of some as of yet uncontacted hyperintense. All through the God, the gods themselves, like it’s like every soul is like photons coming out of the sun, right?
So the Buddha looks at indras. net, and it’s basically the same typography. But he says, it’s not the nodes, connections. Right. So this is the diagnostics of the Moodle. We think we exist and therefore we suffer.
Here’s the thing.
Isaac Weishaupt 09:05
The This is the idea of perennialism. A lot of the geopolitical globalist type folks subscribe to this idea, if you are from the Christian standpoint. Father Seraphim rose warns about this the ecumenicalism of it, of being like well, you know, all the gods come from the same source Jesus just was just one embodiment of God. That is it. When no and you know, the orthodoxy Christian faith, it’s like no, like Jesus Christ was God. That was it. He’s only one case closed. Everything else is a distraction to get you off the true path to salvation. And look, I don’t know what do i know i i am a Christian but I on the spectrum, I am on the scale closer to agnostic than You know, full blown. Let’s pick it in right against gays and abortions and all that stuff. Because like, I don’t know, I just don’t know I, I’ve never had a lot of people, a lot of people in the Christian faith, they’ve, they pray to God and they think God talks to them. And I’m like, wow, I wish I had that. That clarity. I’ve been very blessed. I live a very blessed life, there’s a million things that could have, you know, I think about that, right? Like, there’s a million things that could be worse about your life. So we got to praise God, thank God for giving us what we’ve got. which ironically, which ironically, is what the Buddha taught us to. It’s your attachment to wanting something that you don’t have. That keeps you in a lower state. But in this episode, you’re talking about this net about how we’re all connected. And the Hindu theory of the indras. net, which was very close to the internet, right, which is where they’re taking us with the transhumanism. They will connect us all in the the digital consciousness. I don’t know if you listen to the show I do with Mrs. Weishaupt. You really sure it’s called breaking social norms. Let’s do it for free. We broke down transhumanism. And I’ve got a lot of great feedback on the most recent episode. Because a lot of people get confused when I talk about this transhuman stuff. And the beauty of the show I do, and this is why it’s out is she stops me, she slows me down when I start random riffing. And she’s like, well, we’ll stop with that nonsense. What are you talking about right now. And it’s a real basic primer. So if you haven’t listened to it, go to breaking social norms on your little podcast app. And check that one out. And like it subscribe, as always, you always like and subscribe, don’t you. But indras net, is this Hindu theory that all the consciousnesses are connected through this net. And that there are nodes that connect the mesh together. Now these nodes are very important. These are the points of consciousness, the at mons. In each consciousness, game set, each consciousness is part of the structure. Thus, each one is God. Thus Every man is God. Because we’re all connected in this together. And Buddha, Buddha looks at the Nan says it’s not about the nodes. It’s about the connections. And broader things, these separate points, these points of I don’t know individuation. These sort of like, build the ego, right? And make us think we exist, which then introduces suffering. I mean, these are huge concepts, we’re gonna gloss over them. But these are very interesting ideas. But we think we are separate because we’re the nodes, which contributes to the Grand illusion and suffering because the ego then wants to take that separation, you know, do all kinds of stuff and make you think you’re an idiot or whatever. And maybe you are, right, maybe you’re an idiot, and that’s okay. We all fall short of the glory of God. Okay, but the truth is, there’s no individual, there’s no separate being in this Buddhist philosophy. They call this non essential reality, non existence. And then they clarify to say, this is not nihilism because nihilism says that nothing is real. So that’s an important qualification to make. But they are saying there’s no true thing. Nothing really exists. This is the illusion of they call it Maya. Sometimes. When the truth does rock connected, we’re all one. We’re all gods. We’re all people connected together. And look, I’m no, I’m no, theologian. I’m sure there’s fine points. I’m missing on this whole thing. You could clearly dive much deeper on these topics. Then, let’s see Jason Lu tells us he did sex on DMT on December 21 2012. Very curious date. If you recall, that was the day the Annunaki were supposed to be here. They never happened or it did happen and we’re all dead. Who knows. And he says, whilst making sexy time on DMT he experienced the fundamental nothingness of the non essential reality. The French called the orgasm, little death. The Death is the big orgasm because it’s the relinquishment of the self and says The self doesn’t exist, what does that mean? Just means we come to full enlightenment, we understand whether we are all connected. And we can let go of this attachment to the suffering. I don’t know to talk about some meditation, Buddhist meditation, you sit with the feeling like if there’s, you know, a feeling of, I don’t know, anger, whatever. They say anger is a secondary emotion. What’s a good one shame, you feeling some shame. When you’ve been trying to escape, you sit with it until it changes on its own. You stare at it through your mind’s eye. And you wake up to this being an illusion. This is what Byron Katie walks you through step by step in her was a call for questions or whatever. This is the idea of you look at something from multiple perspectives until it takes the sting away. This is like exposure therapy. Sometimes when you simply focus your attention on something, it will go away, just by looking at it. It’s kind of like the inverse of Schrodinger cat. That famous idea of quantum physics where it’s like, okay, there’s this cat, in this box full of radiation that is going to kill the cat. Is the cat alive or dead? Even though you can’t see inside that box? Well, you don’t know. You would say, Well, he’s dead. No, he’s not. He’s, the cat isn’t. And I don’t want to assume the cat’s gender here. He or she is in a state of superposition, alive and dead at the same time, until the observer effect takes over and you open that box and you’re like, yeah, this, this cat’s dead. He or she is dead. Gender is a construct, by the way, so is race. You know that. Biologically, there’s no such thing as a, I’m sorry. Biologically, there’s a male and a female, who biologically there’s no such thing as race. And the idea of a man or a woman is created by society. So when they get us fighting over which pronoun we want to use, it’s all bullshit. All this bullshit. none of it matters. Which points us to indras net, it says, none of this matters. We’re all connected. We’re all we’re all human beings. Trying to divide and conquer us Illuminati. And in the episode, and I’m, there’s a lot of big ideas. In this episode, I’m just pulling out the big ones. We’re constantly trying to tweak ourselves, right? Trying to get our Instagram game up trying to get our beauty contest on or whatever. But the Buddha’s compare this to adding experience points to a game that doesn’t exist. It’s like virtual reality. And you keep trying to tweak your avatar, like what a waste of time. It’s all just a game. And we want to stay locked into the game. And we want to repeat things that have already happened. Why are we doing this ourselves? Are pro the mind is like a program and you burn these, you know, they call it neuroplasticity person that wasn’t synaptic plasticity. You know what I’m saying? nerve neurons fire together wire together and like you keep reliving this trauma to keep looking for the same trauma over and over and over. It’s exhausting. Maybe that’s why I say death is a big orgasm. You let it all go, you’re like, cares, I don’t care anymore. I’m dead. The fact that nothing is permanent. And everything dies. is the source of great suffering. Until the nerds come through with the transhumanism will make us live forever. Once you accept, things are hopeless, you just look I’m gonna die. I guess what happens? You don’t need to hope anymore. And guess who talked about this? The great philosopher Charles Manson. I said it. He was talking about prison cells. He’s like, Look, the way to get out of the prison cell. You have to stop wanting to be out. He knew about a little bit of Buddhist philosophy. Charles Manson is probably the most intriguing person to ever I don’t know. Walk the planet. I don’t know. That’s a bold statement. But he said a lot of really interesting things. I mean, he was kind of a whacked out, bugged out, dude, but he wasn’t that stupid. Crazy. That’s stupid. Episode Six. They talk more about meditation. They love the meditation. It’s called the meditation gospel. Let’s take a listen.
Here we go.
The moment I just accepted where I was, instead of wishing on somewhere else, everything just got better. Fantastic. Yeah. It’s like for a second, my thoughts weren’t much of anything, like I said, like I just was.
Yes, you see Duncan, Clancy Oh.
If you’re caught up in your story,
it’s like living in a tiny apartment with just enough room for you and your little mattress. The moment you get a little space between yourself and your thoughts, it’s like moving into a much bigger house.
Isaac Weishaupt 20:49
This time they’ve got guest, David, Nick, turn, Pro. I pronounce that wrong. Sorry, David, Nick turn. And he’s talking about how we fill our minds with stories. It’s like having a crowded apartment or your hoarder, you keep packing more in there. Next, you know, you’re sitting on a mount of diapers, taking a dominant bucket. This is another Buddhist teaching. Again, Byron Katie, it was when you know, I, I approached all these things, not from the religious standpoint, but from self help stuff. And only did I later find out these were all Buddhist philosophies. I thought man as Buddha, Buddha, Buddhism joins off the hook as a philosophy. Now I got to ask my priest about that. He probably told me it’s bad. I don’t know. Who knows what he would say. I should ask him I should go to church again. Not not I haven’t been to regular Okay. Now, if you if you’re jammed in there, to tighten your hoarder apartment, with all your diapers and dead cats and, and poop buckets, there’s no room to let other people in. Now you can have no one else in your life. And what he means by that, metaphorically is you have to be able to accept other people hear their experience and listen to them, and let them in. But if you’re like too jammed up with stories and divers, you don’t have the bandwidth to do it. And that was the big that was a big takeaway from Episode Six very powerful idea. Today, we’ve got a very special segment, I started called conspiracy considerations. I wanted to get in touch with the community a bit more. And what I did was I unlocked tier four on patreon.com backslash Illuminati watcher and the Illuminati watcher comm VIP section. And tier four basically gets you all the benefits of tier one, tier two, tier three, which is ton of books and all kinds of stuff. But tier four, which is limited in number, only got five slots on Patreon, Illuminati watch coms VIP section, I can’t actually put a limit on but let’s just hope 100 people don’t sign up, which I doubt they will. Because it’s the highest tier. But with that highest tier, you get to be part of the show. Yeah, you are now part of the show is is like an extra mega shout out. Because what I’m going to do is, you and I are going to set up a little phone call. And I’m going to give you five minutes, maybe 10, we’ll see. We’re gonna give you five to 10 minutes, it’s gonna be once a month per supporter. And during that time slot you and you’ve got a lot of options here. But the gist is you, you and your opinions, thoughts, maybe a conspiracy, you think that I’m neglecting that everyone’s neglecting whatever idea you’ve got, you get to share that with the entire audience, which is a pretty big audience.
Isaac Weishaupt 24:10
the the options here is you can either send me a typed up sort of script that I can read within that time spot, or you yourself can be on a phone call with me and we’ll record the conversation. Or you can send me the mp3 file and I’ll put it in here. But the point being, your voice, your ideas are going to be spread amongst the entire community. And it’s going to be a beautiful thing. And today, we’re very honored. A longtime great supporter, Southside Taro. He’s going to share with us some of his ideas, because I know he had a lot of interesting ideas. And he’s going to share some ideas about the bathroom met. And yeah, get ready strapping because he’s gonna hit you with the fire hose. All right, let’s go Well, Jordan, your the, my first stab at an idea that I had, I don’t know if it’s going to take off or not a tear for idea to keep the because I thought you know, it’d be really interesting to get the listeners ideas out here somehow. So I thought we’ll do like a, you know, five to 10 minutes sort of, I don’t know, you can express your ideas of what you think the community is missing maybe or maybe something you like, yeah, it’s kind of your kind of your Florida, take whatever you want. So,
okay, um, well, I mean, I think, for folks who were, I guess, in the, in the truth movement, or wherever you want to call it, getting a hold of what bathmat really is because if you look at it as the picture and say, okay, what’s another devil or something like that, or a hermaphrodite? It’s taking a cold approach to it, in trying to figure out what it really means. And from my investigation into the occult, I guess, if you could call it that. Being a tarot reader, you’re, I think it’s common practice? Well, there’s kind of two paths that I found for Taro people, there’s the spiritual people that say, this is what I believe in. And then there’s the occult people that approach it more as a theosophist kind of scientific philosophy approach. And that’s my approach. And in doing that, you, you at least become aware of ordered peoples, and you can call them secret societies, but I usually refer to them as ordered, because that’s the main thing about them. And that’s how they excel, you know, the Masonic, the fraternal, the Catholic, all the different sides of the orders, because there’s this, you know, understanding that hard work pays off. And that’s basically what bathroom it is. It’s like a push up, you go down first, and then you push up.
Isaac Weishaupt 27:05
What does that mean? What does that mean with the Baphomet? Because, like, just for me to sort of erase any ideas I have of the Baphomet. And to just for the common sort of person, they would say, What are you talking about, dude? Like, it’s a good, man.
Well, you know, if I were to explain to like my kids, or something of the sort, I would say that if you want. So I may have mentioned this before, you know, my daughter wants a horse. And a horse sounds great. But you have to understand that a horse takes a lot of work. And you have to kind of earn it, you have to you know, understand that if you want big, you have to give big and bathroom that you push down to go up, right. JACK Parsons? How do rockets work, you push down to go up. And I think for most folks that are in ordinary lives, they understand, alright, if I want something, it’s gonna take a lot of work. And if I want a lot, it’s going to take a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice. And, but there is a I think there’s a part of that and that that’s related to psychedelics in that you dwindle yourself down to the most basic consciousness. The the primal fire, whatever you want to call it, and that’s usually found from what i’ve, again, poking around in places where people say you’re, you’re not a member, so please leave. But ordeal pipe initiations seem to be the what’s universal. Taking yourself and putting yourself through an arduous. Sometimes sexual, right I mean, that’s not unheard of. At least amongst the Templars and the Masons but all of them seem to have a I’m going to do what we don’t myself down to nothing and then build up so much bigger from that nothing
Isaac Weishaupt 29:04
from like that’s kind of like the bathroom it’s alchemy message of dissolve and then coagulate is that
yeah, I mean, so you could do it by like hiking a mountain by yourself or you know, taking DMT but your your your what you’re searching searching for is a sort of primal consciousness that Steven Greer might call God consciousness. or other people may call that as well. That Okay, I’m awake, and I’m alive. And you build up from there but in our society, it’s doesn’t seem to be something people strive for. It’s more about let’s make life as easy as possible. Where on the other hand, the people that seem to Excel or in leadership in the society, they’re all ordered peoples that know the bathroom that very well if I’m accurate in what the best met is.
Isaac Weishaupt 29:57
Could you I And I know we were talking five minutes here and we’re already but when you say when someone climbs a mountain, could you explain what you mean by that? When they climb a mountain, they find their primal fire? I don’t really understand.
Well, so I mean, okay, you you were in the military, right? Yeah. So people in the military go through a boot camp. And what that is, is a lot of physical and, you know, probably emotional strain, to whittle yourself down to something very, very basic. So when I say climb a mountain, I mean, obviously, that could be a metaphor for other things, and it is, but also getting yourself to where Okay, it’s only me and then in that aesthetic, activity or exercise, that’s when maybe the head of john the baptist is found where they, you know, they say that you’re on top of the world mountain, you look down, you know, this is this is my world, so there’s a responsibility to it. So this is kind of seeing so looking at yourself, I don’t, I don’t I can get a little bit into Kabbalah Kabbalah here, but in the top three, Sephora being a Hawkman Keter. The looking at, okay. My, my approach or disposition towards this thing is me being kind of a third, look into myself as kind of like third person, the person in my experience, what would be expected of someone in my life? What would they do? It’s kind of an alien approach to looking at or, you know, it’s very Jewish mysticism.
Isaac Weishaupt 31:42
Yeah. Okay. Well, interesting. Thank you for sharing that idea of the bathroom. That sounds to me like, this is a little bit maybe you take the approach of the bathmat as a dare I say source of inspiration, perhaps for a cultist, they may follow this sort of thing.
That could be right. But also and this ties into politics has professional wrestling that if people are practicing bathmat, there is a little bit of, Okay, if I say that I am Pro, a certain group, and I’m a bath and that person, then maybe what I’m doing is actually trying to harm that group in order to make it stronger, and that can be holding more controversial. But so for example, if a bathroom that person is a part of Black Lives Matter, their interests would be to make black lives have more suffering to make them stronger. Now, I’m not saying that’s what they’re doing. But if, if people kind of become aware of bathmat secondhand, it might be a different perspective of looking at what’s going on in the world. And so, if someone is very, very pro LGBTQ, but they’re bathmat, Masonic, whatever, then they might actually be trying to make lives harder for LGBTQ people.
Isaac Weishaupt 33:00
Okay, so So, so we could we could even talk, like on a global scale. Oh, yeah, we, there’s people interested in this bathmat idea and sort of pushing humanity to the, you know, find its inner primal fire. So they’re like, okay, we’re going to have this war on terrorism. And then next, it’s like, okay, we’re going to have this virus and everyone’s going to be pushed to their breaking point, in the order in the idea that they’re, we’re compressing these springs, so that in the end, we can come out the other side more resilient and stronger.
I think that’s part of it. But, you know, the whole when you declare war on something, it seems to make it stronger, you know, declare war on drugs and drugs became a much bigger problem and society was saying, it seemed like the same with war on terror. You know, terrorism was a thing, and then it became a world terrorism and then now it’s, it’s, you know, it’s what we’re doing for 20 some odd years. So I think that pushing against something does make it stronger. But if someone says, Let’s all fight something, what they might be really saying is, let’s make this thing stronger. We have a, we have a war on racism, maybe what we’re doing is strengthening racism. So again,
Isaac Weishaupt 34:13
this is like a dark art, then to worship the bathroom and these kind of practices.
You know, I live in off grid year. So I’m following the backup bathroom, that type of life. It’s hard as hell, and it’s cold all the time. And I think one of the reasons why I’m doing that is to strengthen myself and you know, I have a family in there several buildings here too. So there’s different components to it, but the life that me and my family are leading are is more of a maybe it’s harder in some ways, but more spiritually rewarding in other ways. So hardship, spirituality seems to be found in hardship, per the ordered peoples. Well, I think that looking at hardship in a different way, because Right now it seems to be about looking at hardship and give me sympathy or something like that.
Isaac Weishaupt 35:06
Interesting. Well, you really, you really walk the walk my friend. And now, before we go there any, and I’m going to spring this on, are there any books that you would recommend to people? Sounds like you’ve read a lot of a call type studies, are there any really great books maybe for beginners or great books for people looking for specifics on baffa met or, you know, I don’t know, any inspirational kind of books that you’ve read that you’d recommend.
Um, I mean, you know, I could do to one is a shameless plug for my own book. Eight faces of the garlis I wrote under a pseudonym, which is, you know, a goofy thing, but it’s got a meaning to it. But I mean, realistic, you know, kind of real answer to that would be the Divine Comedy by Dante. Because the whole thing seems to be about what happens when you push a certain way someone else is going to push back in a different way. And the entire Inferno purgatorio and parody so is about all right. In the beginning, you’re you’re wanting good, so you got to be bad. And you it’s all it’s very much a push in energy in different directions, which is very basic understanding of bathmat. And I can’t think of a better book that I’ve read than all three in the Divine Comedy. It’s it’s a little tricky, and it’s you know, obviously written 1000 years ago. But that’s that that would be top of my list. Nice, dude.
Isaac Weishaupt 36:34
Okay, I’ll definitely pick your book up, that’s for sure. Do any social medias you want to shout out or any websites?
I’m on Instagram. So that’s where folks can find the website and stuff. But yeah, I’m not super active on it. But I basically just do readings to see what happens in the real world. It’s more of a personal experiment, but that’s where that’s where I am I don’t have a Facebook, my website Southside hero calm okay.
Isaac Weishaupt 37:01
Southside Taro calm and I G is what does the at Southside Terrell?
Yeah. Okay.
Isaac Weishaupt 37:08
Got it, brother. All right, man. Thanks for your time. Hey, appreciate, man. Hi, what do you think of that? That’s the first segment of the the first iteration of the conspiracy considerations that would be a regular recurring part of the show. And you can check out Jordan at Southside Taro calm or on Instagram at sellside. Taro, you can get his book eight phases of the goddess outside Taro calm. And I’ll put the link in the show notes. As always, yeah, check it out. If you want to be a part of the show. You want to go beyond just the tier two shout out the tier two and three shout out. You want to go beyond the monthly live streams? You can hit that tier for conspiracy considerations. It’s a limited number of people. You can you can, you know, spit knowledge at us. Let us know what we’re missing what we need to know what you think maybe, or maybe you don’t have any of that. And you just want to say hi to everybody who wants to Hey, this is what I liked. This is the conspiracies I’m into. And these are the best movies you’ve ever seen. Maybe you like you think Britney Spears is the greatest singer of all time. Maybe you think Drake is a much better singer than Michael Jackson. I don’t know. Anyway, sign up, and you can check it out. links in the show notes for Patreon and luminati. Watch calm VIP section. Episode Seven moving right along called the turtles, the apoc. Now the apocalypse turtles of the eclipse. And there’s that turtle talk again, I don’t know if you remember the turtle talk. When I interviewed Dr. pusaka on one of the greatest episodes in conspiracy theory and unpopular culture history, we talked about her book American cosmic. And in the book, she’s talking to the UFO visible College, The Secret Society of folks talking to these aliens. And there was a whole theme of the turtles which ties into Stephen King’s it as the great creator. And in the interview he’s actually interviewing that mortician from YouTube, Caitlin dodi. Probably pronouncing her name wrong again, sorry. But I really need to like, take notes on how to pronounce these names. I just type them anyway the interview and death and trying to get advice on how to deal with it. And what happens when we die to the body of course. And he’s interviewing the mortician. They’re talking and what’s curious is they hit the elevator There’s buttons shaped in the capitalistic tree of life, implying that they are in fact traversing the cabbalistic tree of life. I’ll put the photo on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt like and subscribe. So if you haven’t liked and subscribe my Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt The links are in the show notes. I don’t know how you want me to flip this into being an IMG influencer if you don’t like and subscribe, but that’s okay. If you don’t I guess none of it matters, right? I already failed my first lesson of Buddhism there. none of this matters. I want to add points to my avatar for this game of life that doesn’t matter. So anyway, they’re in the elevator. And you know, the shows are hard to it’s hard to sort of watch and listen and take notes because there’s like so bizarre. Like the tree goes down a waterslide with Clancy. I mean, it’s so strange. Then, like a black cube goes up to the heavens with a gate with a tree and then pass this tarot card of the magician guy. Oh my goodness. Now it’s cute curious about the black cube because Tracy Twyman talked about this in horror, her communications with the spirits of Lucifer and Cain, how the black and the white cube will meet up in the skies to bring about the end of time. I don’t know if he I don’t know Duncan Trussell is trying to bring that about. Who knows. But the black cube of course symbolic of Saturn. Ironically, death is the you know, the Grim Reaper and the safe that is symbolic of Saturn as well. Then, like it goes past Adam and Eve, in Eden with the serpent colder on the tree. And, you know, and there’s all these theories about the tree of life in the Garden of Eden. You know, was it the tree of knowledge was the tree with the knowledge of life and death? Did the serpent come and say to Adam and Eve like, hey, look, I’m going to teach you how to be like Gods all these different ideas of immortality of course. How can we shed this prison? This prison planet, the skin suit and achieve this higher level of dimension that these Ascended Masters go to? Do we even want to do that? Now episode eight, Clancy. Oh, is this the last episode? Yeah, this is the last one Oh boy. If you haven’t if you haven’t made it through the series. You got to make it to this one. Because Doug drossel interviews his now deceased mother, and they’re talking about his childhood and the aging process and Oh man, tear jerker city klancy experiences pregnancy after talking to his mother about it we don’t even watch this one you’re gonna you’re gonna cry your eyes out when you when you come to the realization and understanding that like this conversation happened before she passed away in real life this is the one that if you listen to tinfoil hat as you should Sam Tripoli same triplea had Duncan on was last summer. And I remember I was outside I had my my air pods on I was doing some yard work. And man, it was tough. This toxic masculinity wanted to keep the tears inside where they belong. And couldn’t get the job done. cry like a little baby with a skinny terrible air is not terrible that’s the toxic masculinity inside me. But yeah, you you got to watch this midnight gospel episode and guy listen to that one with the Duncan Trussell on tinfoil hat because, oh, powerful stuff. Anyway. She she’s talking about all these interesting ideas, accepting death, about getting sad. And inquiring into hurt, and the painful feeling and finding love.
It’s just like, it’s just so intense. This experience of love energy is so powerful. That to combat against it. We build an entire life and entire ego to try to not feel it. Yes, it is so overwhelming.
It is. It’s a killer. It’s ego again. Yeah. not desirable, it is desirable, and that’s why it hurts. It’s ego death. Your heart cracks open and your ego is dying. Right? But you find that ego death is a transfiguration. It’s an alchemical train. figuration.
Yeah, cuz Yeah, who wants to carry around this fucking? Wait, you don’t?
Isaac Weishaupt 45:09
We’re talking about this ego death, right? And ego death, because we talked about the ego earlier like the ego is the source of the suffering according to the Buddhist, that’s my very rough understanding. That’s the point in the note of indras. net, right? Like, you think you’re individuated. But really, we’re all the same. And that’s the ego that does that the handles that work. I’ve talked about this before, you’ve got like, the three parts of the mind, according to this young are Freud. You got the sort of inner reptilian desires the ID, that’s where the libido comes from libido. Then you got the ego, then you got the super ego.
And the,
Isaac Weishaupt 45:57
the ego is the mediator between the super ego and the ID. And it’s sort of like, takes the social constructs of what’s acceptable and what is not. And sort of mediates between the reptile version that wants to like, be all, you know, self serving, and the super ego, which is like, the community person that’s like this. We’re all in this together kind of guy, I guess. I don’t know. It’s not a good way of explaining that. But, but they talk about ego death is the alchemical transfiguration and open up your heart destroying the ego, which Crowley talked about when, when he talks about crossing the abyss. The idea of crossing, and this gets really bizarre, real quick, you got that tree of life, right? Well, on that tree of life, there’s a hidden realm called day off. And the initiate attempts to cross day off and get to the other side. And in the process, it destroys the ego. And all that’s left is the divine capitalistic Spark. And don’t ask me, it’s an ego death thing. I’m sure there’s like some metaphor in there. All I know is that I cried watching this episode. The second time, I was even paid attention to the damn thing. Really. It’s worse than the notebook. It’s worse than you know, having you know, let me tell you a story here. This is wise. I would, I don’t remember what year I think I just got back from being overseas in the military. And she had already seen the notebook. I don’t really watch that kind of stuff. But she drove into the theater to watch the notebook. I want to tell us and and you know, the end scene I don’t want to spoil the plot if you haven’t seen it, but there’s a scene at the end that’ll break the break you and I was stuffing those tears inside like a real man. And I couldn’t stop it anymore in the dam broke and I was in the middle of the middle is quiet theater. Loser blubbering real loud. Oh, it’s terrible. Anyhow, on the show on midnight gospel, it ends with this cool little Omar’s to ROM das, who actually died December 2019. With his you know, famous be here now from the from the book. And yeah, so overall great show. Are there some occult ideas in there? Absolutely. We’ve got these alchemical ideas. We’ve got the ego idea. We got the symbolism of the tree of life. You got frickin Damien Echols on there doing Mr. Crowley magic himself. It’s trip the shows a trip. You kind of you kind of get high as you watch the show because it’s so trippy. It’s this abstract changing of the perspective, which is done on purpose. It’s not just for silliness. It’s like Alice in Wonderland you like as a child watching Alice in Wonderland. It’s like you’ve got this bizarre realm where everything’s twisted and upside down and on its head. It’s to change the perspective of the viewer to allow room for the message to get in. So in conclusion, is Duncan Trussell. Illuminae confirm. I don’t know. Seems like a funny dude. And my man Sam Tripoli vouches for him, so I will take that and run with it. As you know, you know, I haven’t done tinfoil hat a minute. I’m, I’m scheduled to get in there this summer. We’re gonna try to do the summer. I’m the biggest honor of my lifetime. In 2020. I was voted in on Sam’s Mount Rushmore of guests. Big deal to me, I’ll take that to my if I put it on my tombstone. Right now I’m ordering my tombstone and my coffin on Amazon. I’m here I was really fascinating. You can buy a coffin on Amazon and get a prime delivered save 1000s of dollars as a free plug for Amazon coffins I guess. I was Sam Sam’s buddies with him apparently. And, you know, I don’t know. He seems like a good dude. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with these Buddhist philosophies. Now, when you start dipping into the magic stuff gets a little dicey here. If you want to take it from the Christian viewpoint, which, you know, in the Bible, it tells you not to eat meat, basically even but they tell you don’t mess with the stuff don’t mess with the divination tools the witchcraft the astrology says you don’t do know that. So do the Christians don’t control so might be illuminate confirm. Now his website, if you go to Duncan truffles website because he’s got a podcast. He has the the eight pointed chaos star right on there. So he’s for sure knowledgeable about the occult and magic. He’s interviewed Mitch Horowitz many times. But Horowitz, a unabashed occultist, very knowledgeable on the subject. Damien Echols the same. And I’ve talked to Sam Tripoli about this on the show about how I think the occult is, you know, it’s kind of like this white magic black magic thing, like, not all the occult concepts are bad. But like, on the same hand, like if you ask a hardcore Christian, they would say, no, they’re all bad. All of it is meant to take you away from the spiritual path to God. But I personally, kind of like, I don’t know, I think God gives us tools that we should use to try to keep ourselves mentally clear. When we’re supposed to be like, Opus Dei, and within myself on the back every time I’m feeling shame about something. And I If you ask me, I think Duncan Trussell would be on the white magic side of the house. I don’t know. Maybe I’m biased on that. But yeah, you see all the symbols on the show, you see the turning in cubes, you see the or bores of the snake eating its own tail, you triangles, the all seeing eyes. cabbalistic tree of life, you see everything. And I’m fascinated by all these ideas. But I’m very cautious about using and propagating these symbols. Because the magicians like Elvis Lavie himself talks about how they take on a force of their own. And that’s always kind of stuck with me. But ultimately, I would say, Sure, there’s probably some good in a lot of these ideas. A lot of good. I mean, does it feel better or worse to look at some of these, these concepts, mindful meditation, the Buddhist philosophies, opening your heart being vulnerable? I mean, how can you knock that? I’ve been looking at these sorts of things and incorporating elements of them for four years. The Buddhism practices, I mean, not the magic, right? Not, I don’t do I don’t do the ritual magic stuff, like, I pray and give thanks to God. And that’s about the extent of it. Now, is it heretical as a Christian to use Buddhist practices of mindful meditation, to try to remove some of these traumatic stories of living on this, on this planet in this experience? I don’t think so. But look, I’m not a theologian, nor am I a good Christian. I would guess that like if Christianity is your path, maybe it’s not advisable. However, to me, I’m kind of like, man, God gave us a brain. And, you know, he created this world in this realm. And we’re susceptible to damage and traumas and like, I don’t know. It’s up to us to navigate the world. And this sin that encompasses the world. It’s kind of like science, God gives us these tools, you do your best with it. In some ways, the the heresy is to say you can’t just rely on prayer to fix everything, I guess, is what I’m what I’m saying here. So I get that, but at what point does God want us to sort of like, quit, quit, you know, wishing for things to happen and do some work? I don’t know. So I’m always like the camp, but you do both. You ask God and prayer you give you give you gratitude for the experience that you’ve got. And you try to do your own work, try to come to your own conclusions, your own understanding of the world, and how to navigate it. Try to stay on the right path. I mean, anything could take you off your path. So there you go. Hope you enjoyed that. That was the breakdown. I promised you for a year now of midnight gospel, the series
Isaac Weishaupt 55:03
What can I ask you to do now? What are the things well, you can support the show. If you’ve got the resources, if you don’t, that’s cool too. I enjoy you listening. Thank you, thank you for support. leave a review leave a rating if you don’t have the funds to support the show that helps me out. Thank you. Thank you for listening. If you want to support you know, I’ve got three platforms, links are in the show notes rockfon comm slash creator slash Isaac, you get access to like all my shows, I do like an exclusive show over there. You can do patreon.com backslash Illuminati watcher, which is a really good system for me. I can communicate with you guys directly I can, you know, like I’ve given out free promo codes there for my audible books. Or you can go directly to Illuminati, watch calm, go to the VIP section, sign up, where you’ll basically you know, on all the platforms, you’ll get to add free content, you’ll get the bonus shows that I do. And I’ve got, you know, four tiers now, that fourth tier, you could you could be on the show yourself conspiracy considerations. Alright, my friends, thank you for your time and until next time, you know what you got to do. Stay woke
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