On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we’ll hit the first half of our journey into the occult ideas behind Netflix’s Midnight Gospel show with Duncan Trussell! We’ll get to the first few episodes of the show- Dr Drew Pinsky (*and some hot goss about him being a naughty boy) and Damien Echols (from the West Memphis 3 child killing case). We’ll hit some occult symbolism of the Abraxis, Gnosticism, Crowley, High vs. Low magick, Knights Templar and more!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Which universe would you choose today?
My name is Clancy good. Can I interview you for my space gas? Are you worried because it seems like we’re all about to die? Is that a yes?
What does death look like to us?
I think we need to simplify this
your life and you thought was real was just a dream. Holy shit.
You a metaphor
stop fighting
you just be here now.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:01
Welcome back to conspiracy theories an unpopular call Dr. Rosie was up. We’re going to discuss midnight gospel the show on Netflix. You’ve seen it by now I’ve given you a year because it’s dropped April 2020 2420. Just notice that of 2020 and I watched it back then. However, I was very busy researching the jabby stabbings. The whoo hand flu all those things. I was very busy and this got buried in the bottom of the queue is going to be a two parter. I gotta warn you ahead of time. Why? Well, it’s because I’m busy. Okay, I’m busy. I’m writing my I’m in a you know, sometimes when you’re writing, you get writer’s block. And I had that for a while and the fog is lifted. The Good Lord above is blessing me with the focus. I’m writing my second book usually allusion to the alien book. I want to get this this bad boy out ASAP. Rebel, preferably by June. We’ll see before the big disclosure stuff that’s going to be popping off. We want to get that alien hot girl summer. But yeah, this is gonna be a two parter. Due to lack of time, because there’s a lot of content to get through here. Okay, I actually had to watch this a second time through. And I got a lot of information here. So I got to break it up into two parts. I’m very sorry. Some people like to do barters. You know, I advocate for two partners. I don’t like I don’t like a four hour movie. Give me two two hour movies. So you’re going to join me on my journey. But I have a lot of notes. And what happened was I was doing a Shawn rockfon I do inside the mind of conspiracy theorists I do that but live maybe once a month. And someone asked me about and I thought, Oh, I got to do it. I’ve been telling you guys more than a few times that I would cover this midnight gospel series. And today’s the day we do it. So I rewatched it Yes, I rewatch the whole series again. It’s actually better the second time if you can believe that. And we’re going to talk about it. We’re gonna talk about Duncan Trussell illuminate, confirm, talk about the show and all the ideas mainly we’re going to focus on just a couple episodes really are we’re gonna deep dive into the Buddhism aspect of meditation Damien Echols. The Magic Oh my god, you’re called history. Manley P. Hall. They’re all here. The whole gang is here. But first, I got to sell you something. What can I sell you? I don’t know what to sell you. You got till May 1 to sign up for the VIP section. That’s like my version of Patreon. In case I get the boot from Patreon, someday, I want the infrastructure in place for a seamless transition. So you never go without your bonus episodes, or your ad free episodes. You don’t have to do it. But it’s luminati. Watch calm. Hit that VIP link. You’ll read all about all the different support platforms. I compare them all because I have so many. I got rockfon I got Patreon and I got the VIP. You can compare the three but the point I’m getting across by May 1, you gotta sign up to get 20% off for three months. use promo code hot girl summer as promo code hot girl summer. Go ahead and sign up. Check it out. See what you think. You get all the bonus episodes I talk about you’ll get all those Eyes Wide Shut up says My god, I dropped three bonus Eyes Wide Shut episodes in April alone. I got another one coming out yet. The mask of the Red Death. It’s not a bonus. That one’s gonna go in the free feed for the free feed losers. So you can check that out for free now. I joke a joke. Don’t get offended. Lots of lots of very offended people I’ve been I read. I read comments and reviews. Lots of people get very triggered by the way I talk and I’m very sorry. Let’s get into Minda gospel. What is it? Well, there’s this guy named Duncan Trussell. And to be honest, I don’t know his background Really? I know he’s a he’s kind of a famous dude. Right? He is a stand up comic. I don’t really follow him. I know he was sort of came up with Joe Rogan on some levels. Don’t ask me what their relationship is. I don’t know. But yeah, he, he is plugged into, like Sam Tripoli, and Joe Rogan. And that real cool, so cow comedian, vibe. And he had this show on Netflix called midnight gospel, and it’s a series of episodes very short, like 20 minutes apiece, I think roughly. And it’s illustrated. It’s very cool. It’s very entertaining and very original, the illustrations remind me of the Beatles, Yellow Submarine artwork. And what it is, basically, it’s a podcast, overlaid on a cartoon that simultaneously is running an interview with a guest while playing a story for you to watch with your eyeballs. Sometimes they break out into course, it’s very bizarre. It’s very like, add ish. It’s like kind of hard to follow sometimes, because you’re like, what’s going on? So basically, I think he got real high when he came up with this idea. But it’s kind of brilliant. Honestly. That being said, I am not going to talk about the fictional storylines of the episodes. I’m really just here to talk about some of the occult ideas because there’s very powerful ideas in here. And you can be the judge as to whether or not you want to illuminate confirm the show or not. But there’s lots of big names big guests on the show. Drew Dr. Drew Pinsky. Natasha leggero. Damien Echols. Maybe you’ve heard of him. Pauly Shore. From the Comedy Store blood line there is mom. I think it was his mom started the Comedy Store in LA, Jason Lou. And hell, even Rahm das shows up for a second. And the show the cartoon is about this guy named Clancy who’s voiced by Duncan Trussell, who are we could argue that’s Duncan’s avatar on some levels. And in the cartoon, he’s interfacing with this universal simulator, which is a triangle of manifestation, by the way. And then kind of it’s very bizarre. He chooses an avatar on the computer. His avatars used to traverse to new worlds. he shoves his head in a big vagina And off he goes into some other world using this avatar. And then when he’s ready to leave that world, he blows the trumpet, the third eye opens bada bing, bada boom. The third eye is the old that’s the old Brow Chakra, the pineal gland, the all seeing eye. The horns of Moloch the two peddled horns of Moloch Oh, my goodness. Side note, you know, Nick Hinton is right. He’s a researcher. And I’ve had some weird weird synchronicities with Duncan Trussell and Nick Hinton lately. I hit Nick up, I think I listened to him. I think it was on higher side chats. I don’t remember where I heard it. And I, I was like, Oh, this guy’s he’s plugged into the same stuff I’m looking at with like aliens and AI and all that digital consciousness stuff. So I follow him on the tweeter. We’ve been in communication. We’re gonna get him on the show. I got to read his books, though. So I got to read the books. But first, we got to finish writing my book. I am busy and busy, busy. So hopefully by the end of summer, I’ll get Nick on the show. And then then boom, next thing you know, I get to my podcast, subscribe to Duncan Trussell podcast, although I don’t listen to podcast too much anymore like I used to. And I see it’s, it’s my man Nick. When I said holy crap. big celebrity big Hollywood celebrity. Now look at him, Go shout out Nick Hinn. But on the show on the Duncan Trussell podcast with Nick, which I recommend, if you like my stuff you’re gonna like Nick into because he’s researching in the same areas that I’m researching. We’ll compare notes here in a few months when I get him on the show. But they are talking about extended intelligences, which is very fascinating. It’s the idea that aliens can talk to us through this electromagnetic substrate through the internet, which is very curious, because that’s kind of what you see on this show, sort of, in a way kind of, in the sense that you’ve got this entity who’s our main character Clancy You got class, he was able to choose an electronic avatar in order to, I don’t know, sort of fuse his consciousness into and traverse to a new world, which is very trippy, right? I mean, that’s a very much along the lines of the idea I’m trying to sort of convey in my first alien book, and I will with the second one, when I get it done, like this idea that like, I don’t think these are biological entities from another planet, I think these I mean, in the extended intelligence idea could be it right? It could be the main idea, but I don’t want to harp on that too long. But when you watch the show, it sort of puts you in an altered state, kind of like Alice in Wonderland. When you watch it, it’s especially as a child and impressionable child, your imagination runs wild, you’re seeing all this imagery, and it’s very fascinating. It’s all new and wacky. And it’s kind of how this show is. And you want to talk about illuminate, confirm symbolism, my God, tons and tons and tons of symbolism embedded in this thing. Because I think, you know, Doug, and Russell, he knows a thing or two listening to his podcast, he knows a thing or two about this stuff. Just watch the first episode. And you’ll see we got the triangles in the all seeing eye, the number 23, which is your discordian stuff. Harry Potter’s was I got a little triangle with a circle in it. You could do CEUs they pointed chaos magic star. I mean, this is like it’s all over the place. In some ways, usually I pull out those images and provide them on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt logins, which we’re gonna link in the show notes. But I didn’t do that here, because it’s just too much. It’s too much. You want to look at 100 images, you already know what it is. It’s like pointless to screenshot them all. But I’ll have a few I’ll pull up put a few winners on there. But as far as the show, in some ways, it’s almost easier to listen to it than it is the watch it if you’re interested in the conversation, the podcast element, which in this new world, they are called space casts not podcast. But there you go. That’s the setup for the whole show the whole series. It’s the same formula each episode different topic, different guests. Episode One. talking to Dr. Drew, Dr. Drew Pinsky. And basically, just some of the whole episodes are talking about like medication, meditation and medication. The Dr. Drew is very controversial. This guy. Let me know that I like I like Dr. Drew seems like a good dude. He was on the Jersey Shore couple weeks ago. How bad of a guy can it be right? He got he got he got canceled. He got canceled in the past. He’s been canceled already. Back in 21 2016 when they were running when Trump and Clinton were running for president. He was questioning her health. And he was on CNN they canceled his ass. You know, because a doll it up totally no buys there. He also if you recall back in March 2020 suggested that the Wuhan flu was fake news. He said it was quote press induced panic. Which look no matter where you stand on the issue. Let’s agree that that happened. Okay. Because you could tell me you decided the via the the wilhem virus talk. You could tell me, you know, you convinced me either way, choose your own reality. But for sure the mainstream media scared the absolute piss out of everybody. And then ironically, Dr. Drew got COVID in December 2020. Now what was curious to me, this is something I always found interesting. This is kind of fun. a fun little side note about all Dr. Drew is has nothing to do with the show, by the way. But I promise you we will we’ll go so deep into the show you Won’t you be crying. Cry for mercy. But the he was part of a massive lawsuit back in 2012 when GlaxoSmithKline who’s like you know, big pharma. They got hit with a $3 billion fine, it’s a billion with a B. B as in Bodie. They gave us a $3 billion fine for influencing medical experts to promote their drugs that weren’t promoted by the FDA or approved by the FDA. And what they how he got dragged into that. The the lawsuit showed that back in March and April of 1999, he was paid $275,000 to promote Wellbutrin. Which was like an antidepressant? I guess I don’t know. The court reviewed the transcript from a show he did the honors love line, maybe in the 90s. I was I was before podcasting. So it must have been loveline there was a show where a woman said she had 60 orgasms in a row non stop. He said that he was like, Well, you know, this because some antidepressants apparently cause a decline in libido. Right. And he was like saying that? Well, you know, Wellbutrin doesn’t have that effect, which I don’t know, apparently wasn’t true. Don’t ask me I don’t, I don’t know the details of it. But that’s what happened is, he supposedly got paid off to make claims and weren’t true. But on the episode, they talked about how drugs, they could be used for good or bad. And they talk about mindful meditation, which is a very powerful subject that comes up often in this show, which I argue is a safer path than drugs than antidepressants. And that’s what you know, mindful meditation is all about, sitting with yourself, observing emotions, observing feelings, becoming aware of what you’re going, you’re, you’re feeling in your body. I listen to this one app, and they, they walk you through it. They say seeing and letting be seeing and letting go. Because you don’t have to attach to those feelings. It’s about getting into a state of awareness as the observer, because when you don’t do that, you are in the egoic illusion of self and you cannot separate from the observer if if, if you let the ego take over and the ego is where the social constructs fill your it’s, it’s full of all the social contracts that tell you what to get upset over, okay. But, and we’re going to revisit a little bit of meditation. But the episode, the trip, it ends, and Clancy’s Third Eye opens, and boom, he departs Episode Two. He chooses because he chooses a different Avatar and every episode for a different sort of journey. And he reluctantly chooses this character called br axis, which is an avatar that has like the head of a chicken and the body of a human and the phaedo snake.
Now, any
Isaac Weishaupt 17:44
occult researcher knows where this is gone. This is the abraxis. And that’s, and that’s kind of all I have do, because the episodes about interviews and the Mont, and the whole show is about how to accept death. Let’s talk about abraxis for a minute. And I should have a photo of this one I will put on Instagram. Let me just make a little note ski. I’ll make that happen for you. But abraxis again, a gnostic concept, the chicken headed chicken head, isn’t that a project pet song? Well, what chicken head is, in this case, it’s the ditty with the snake feet, and the idea you can read about and Manley p halls, secret teachings of the ages. And the second part of the book The ancient mysteries and secret societies, or Manley p Hall says that abraxis symbolically represents the divine powers and the capitalistic emanations from God. Now this God, he argues, is the real God the be? What do you call it? There’s a bunch of terms for it in Gnosticism, the invisible spirit, not the fake God, the the, the demiurge, the demiurge fake gather that rolls over our Earth, but one that’s really up there, making things happen. And abraxis represents this through the the reason why it’s got like the body of the human and the head of the Rooster and the legs or the serpents, because it represents different embodiments of the Sephora on the capitalistic tree of life, different attributes of God, the real God. Manley p Hall in his book, he quotes from a writer named CW King, which quotes from St. Irenaeus, who in the book calls a Christian Bishop and martyr which was curious Because he was the guy because you got to understand back in the, you know, from from Christ’s ascension to the establishment of an official church. There were different branches of Christianity sort of floating around different ideas, different theories, different versions of Christianity. And when they decided to really be like, okay, let’s come up with one truth, and let’s stick with it Irenaeus was the guy who the early church hired to basically shut down the Gnostic movements because that was a competing idea in the early Christian thoughts. But they dictated that that was a heresy and they were like, okay, radius, right up some, some disinfo here. So he did that he was trying to shut down the Gnostic movement. But in the book, Manley p halls book here are the reference in his book they describe abraxis as the Gnostic Pantheon most of the Supreme Being with the five emanations, which is what I was, I just said, it’s basically the sort of the Sephora on the cabbalistic tree of life. And the Serpents on the legs symbolizes the divine mind of the noose, right? Notice the logos, as well as the, the meaning word, right? These are the power of the inner senses. And the rooster, the COC. They is the front asis. The burden of foresight and vigilance. So that’s what the abraxis is all about. Does it clear anything up? Not really, it’s pretty confusing still. But that’s what that’s all about. And that’s the avatar chosen for Episode Two. Let’s move on to the big dog, Episode Three. Oh, my goodness, this is a big one. So the guest here is none other than Damien. Echols, goes by the name Darrell on the show. And he’s talking to Duncan Trussell, here his character about how he got through his time in prison. Because if you’re not familiar with who Damien Echols is, this was one of the three young men convicted for the murder of the the how many boys that they kill one, two, down in Arkansas, the West Memphis three, right. And you know, he is a convicted killer. The way they got out was to an Alford plea, which basically says, look, yeah, I killed the kids. But let me out for time served. Don’t ask me the legalities of it. But there was several HBO documentaries focused on pronouncing their innocence. And if you recall, back in like 2015, I had a guest, William Ramsay on my show, who wrote a whole book about the West Memphis three, going through the documents, the interviews, the transcripts. And he lays out a pretty good argument to suggest that those three did in fact, kill the boy or boys. I don’t know. The details of the case elude me at the moment. But the I read the book, and I thought, I think they killed those kids. And they haven’t called the killer yet. So I don’t know. I wasn’t there, I don’t know. But either way, he spent many years in prison. Sounds like you didn’t have a good time in there, as one would expect. Because if you’re a convicted job killer, from what I hear, you are not very well accepted in prison. But he talks to Duncan about how he got through his time in prison through with spiritual magic, which he was doing before and that was part of the reason why they sort of convicted him. Because they were talking about how he was like, you know, following these Satanists like Alister Crawley and you know, Arkansas stereotypically doesn’t have the most open mind for that kind of stuff. And that’s the argument is like, all these guys got convicted because they wore black Metallica shirts. Well, we went a little deeper, but like I’m also with the idea that like now just because, you know, just because you’re renounced to grow stuff doesn’t make you a job killer. Right? Like I’m always on the side of making sure someone’s 100% guilty before you connect them. I’m not super big on like law and order. You know what I’m saying? Like, I think I think the judge The system gets it wrong. Sometimes the police get it wrong, you know, they put blinders on too, right? They just want to move on to the next case. So always hesitate to ask for too much protection, right? You don’t want too much protection because crazy stuff starts happening. Anyhow. So ackles are Darrell, I should say on the character. He talks about how he spent his time in prison pursuing enlightenment by reading Alistair Crowley. Now, if you don’t know Alistair Crowley is I suggest you listen to my other podcast called breaking social norms I do with Mrs. wise up. We did a two part episode going through the real basic ideas of who Alistair Crowley is, was, excuse me, he’s dead. He’s dead. But he died right after Roswell by the way. But Eccles talks about how he uses meditation to get into this magical state. He claims the Bible’s magic Oh, man, it’s it’s a lot. It’s a lot. He was a hero. Let’s listen to the first clip, I got several clips where they talked about how meditation and magic are used to focus and train the mind.
Just a little explanation before we even start, oh, are sorry.
Okay, magic is what I am. The reason that meditation is so important and magic is because whatever we fasten our attention on, that’s the direction that our energy is going to flow in. So when you’re doing magic, you want to keep your mind as single pointedly focused on whatever you’re trying to accomplish as possible. So that’s what meditation does. That trains your mind, you know, so it’s not constantly scattered and going into, you know, all different directions and dispersing the energy that you’re trying to build up. All right.
I know you’re talking about I’ve read some books on magic. I mean, I Crawley. Wow. But Jesus, He sure comes across as somber. Sometimes he does.
Low and it takes forever to, to sort of crack open what he’s even saying, you know, you’ve got to learn so much other stuff before you can even begin to understand what the hell he’s actually talking about a lot of times, because so much of it is written in a kind of code.
Yeah, yeah, I’ve noticed magical stuff gets put into code. It’s like they’re trying to protect. Yeah, I’ve noticed that compared to some magical writings, some of the Eastern traditions seem way more simple yet.
And the reason for that is because you know, when you’re talking about Eastern traditions, Eastern paths, most of these practices are set up to lead you to this state of what they call enlightenment, what in magic, we call crossing the abyss, Eastern traditions are focused on doing that over a period of several lifetimes. Magic is like pouring the jet fuel on that process. It aims to accomplish it in one lifetime. So what you’re trying to do is cram several lifetimes of spiritual and energetic experiences into one. And that can be a little overwhelming sometimes.
Oh, that’s right. Yeah. And is that Tantra that reminds me of Tantra, its dimension. Yes.
It’s Tantra actually plays a huge role in certain aspects or certain traditions and magic, like the Oto. You know, which Crowley was the head of whenever he died?
Isaac Weishaupt 28:23
Here’s the thing when they say that meditation and magic are used to, you know, sort of retrain the mind, there’s truth in that there’s actually like, scientific proof of this idea, right? Like, if you hear the term energy flows, where attention goes, there’s a truth that there’s these, these, this idea of neuroplasticity, that there’s neural pathways in the mind. And a trauma can cause instant fusing of a path. Repeated periods of shame or, you know, oppression of some kind can cause a pathway to fuse in the mind. Because, like our brains, they use this neurotransmitter called glutamate, to have to, for neurons to communicate with each other, okay? And like this is where some of like if you’ve ever read up on ketamine therapy, like what ketamine does, and these ketamine in anesthesia is that it blocks the glutamate so that the brain can like sort of communicate. But the idea of Academy there was like, you go down to really low doses, and it’ll actually ramp up glutamate production. And it causes like this hallucinogenic effect, but what it does is it re energizes weak glutamate connections in the brain, which happens in traumatized, damaged or depressed parts of the brain. It’s regenerating connections. And that’s part of this sort of synaptic plasticity idea. And you know, the neurons that fire together wire together like same idea. Dr. Joe dispenza talks about this in his books. But anyway, there’s like some truth to that, right? And in that clip, you heard that Mr. Crawley says they were talking in code. Like they were trying to protect these secrets of magic. Yes, they were. These were handed down through the ancient mystery school teachings through ideas like Gnosticism, all shoved underground. And the only when Boulevard ski and croley came around, did they decide to pursue the revelation of the method and let everyone know about it? Now, I don’t know how that works. Exactly. Did they have like a little secret society gathering of the sort of United Nations gathering? They said, okay, now’s the time. But either way, yes, Crowley did sort of, sort of spill the beans, right? Like he was talking in code. But then, over time, people started putting those pieces together. And then you got the internet with and the age of sort of communication and information and makes it pretty easy, right? They talked about the eastern paths set up to achieve enlightenment, through reincarnation, meaning every lifetime, every time you come back, you get a little closer, a little closer to enlightenment. Then when they’re talking about, they even use the term crossing the abyss, which you’ll find out when you check out my I’m gonna do I got a whole chapter on under the skin in my new book that I’m working on. And you’re out, I’ll, I’ll try to knock a podcast out for you. Now, I guess you don’t want to read the book, you can just listen to the podcast. Take care of people here. Okay. But magic is all about getting, you know, this, this, this Western magic, it is all about cramming in many lifetimes in one to get enlightenment in the first go. He talks about how Tantra and you know, which is tantric sex right, as part of Oto which Crawley, you know, was part of the Oto. He created those top three levels, all using the sexy time little, little, you know, homosexual activity, little masturbation activity. Because the sex and the orgasm and death are all connected, which we’ll hear later in the show in the series. Yeah, you’ll hear it I’ll tell you all about. Now, here’s another interesting idea, maybe Echols. He got that Alford plea deal. Maybe through mental magic, He willed this into reality. He willed his freedom into reality. Maybe those documentaries were the first shot at these occultist trying out mass, you know, sort of manipulation steering of multiple wills, which is the argument I’m making in user illusion to by going through many films and saying this is what they’ve showed us. How much of this is going to come true? Because we focus our energies on it. It’s why people like Johnny Depp, we’re all about a and you know, my best friend Dave Navarro over there, who’s got the Alister colita, Lima, universal hexagrams on his elbow tattooed, maybe they’re all trying to fulfill the magical concept. Maybe, maybe where two things have happened, right. Next, here’s an interesting idea that I talked about all the time.
I had to learn that stuff from scratch. So it was like learning an entire different language. Whereas magic deals with Western iconography, symbolism things that, you know, we’ve grown up having shoved into our psyche, from the second we came into this world. So I think part of us some really deep internal part responds to it a lot quicker than it does the Eastern.
Right. I’ve heard different versions of what you’re saying. That’s cool.
Isaac Weishaupt 34:27
So they’re basically saying magic utilizes symbols that get sort of shoved down our psyche in the Western world through entertainment. And this is what I’ve been talking about. For many years, the symbolism seems harmless, but in some ways, it talks to the subconscious now extrapolate that to millions and millions of people, focusing their wills focusing their intent, and you’ve got a whole different thing going on. Now. This is the one talk about Eliphaz lovies, magnetic chain charging of the sigils Creating a force on its own. This is where it comes from. And they revealed that truth did a little bit of revelation of the method. Right? Right on the old Netflix. Another curious part of the show that talks about the roots of magic, you know, ceremonial magic. And they know where it comes from comes from Mesopotamia. That’s right. Land of Moloch. Land of the, the early Mystery Schools. And it’s very interesting.
What do you what are the roots of magic?
Magic, ceremonial magic, what we call high magic, originated in ancient Mesopotamia, somewhere around 3500 BC. So it is uniquely Western, you know, that’s not entirely the West, it’s more than Middle East because it originated in a part of the world that would now be, you know, present day Iraq, in a city called nim core. What happened the way we got it in Europe was whenever the Knights Templar were sent over there to you know, escort pilgrims through back and forth from the Holy Land to make sure they’re not attacked by bandits, things like that.
Your cats are really talented.
Thank you,
the Knights Templar come in contact with this current. And when I say current, what I’m talking about,
you know, how
in certain Buddhist traditions, yeah, like, say Tibetan Buddhism, they talk about, what’s the word they use empowerment. You know, it’s like a current of energy that is passed along from Master to student ceremonial magic is the exact same thing. The Knights Templar started receiving this current whenever they were over there. That’s how it makes its way back to Europe. Eventually, that makes its way to the United States through the hermetic order of the Golden Dawn, which was the order that Crowley was a member of before we, you know, went off to the Oto you had MacGregor Mathers, Dion fortune, the poet wb Yeats, all of these people were members of the Golden Dawn. That’s how this current makes its way to the US one second.
Isaac Weishaupt 37:01
Now, he talks about high and low magic, we got to just we got to distinguish between the two. Okay, isn’t magic you have these terms of like black and white magic? And most people think of like, okay, it’s good or, or bad magic. And if you if you’re a Harry Potter type, from the potter verse, you’d see the terms malah faecium and better faecium it’s the same idea. That’s I mean, that’s Latin for malice or benefit. They don’t they don’t they don’t look at the duality in a way of saying well, this is good and this is evil, it just is. Which is exactly what Dr. Drew said in episode one about drugs right. They could be used for good or bad. Below magic, it what it does is it uses the the natural world and intuition to perform our chemical operations. To improve the initiate, they can basically go through the the solve and coagula the dissolving of the ego break down the ego and rebuild it, rearrange it into a state of perfection, enlightenment again, talking about the idea of the the western paths of occultism of getting it done in one lifetime. And you have to go inside the mind to get there. The low magic is the inner space. This is why gnostic Carl young got into psychology and psychoanalytic psychoanal ism. So the right term psycho analytics, you don’t I’m saying? Then you have high magic. You can you can remember this with a fun little idea I call highfalutin magic. It’s the ceremonial ritual magic. You can think of this like karate karate versus wood you know karate and these martial arts you have you have to learn these stances that don’t really have much relevance in a fight it seems right you’re going through all these stances like what am I going to fight people you know, another brag I’ve done a couple years of karate in my lifetime okay. You know, I grew up in the 80s new was a good time. The then you’ve got low magic that’s more of your UFC MMA, right? I magic uses uses Grimoire spellbooks. to summon entities you through these more formal and rigid structures like the Golden Dawn or the Oto or Crowley Silver Star, or agenda masteron. Whereas high magic has a bit more of like a theater vibe to it more of the ceremonial aspect of it than over low magic. Anyhow, then he saying that the Knights Templars brought this magic through a current an occurrence defined in that clip as the energy passed from Master to student required to make the magic happen. These Nights they brought the magic back to the hermetic order of the Golden Dawn. They were indoctrinated in Middle East, arguably through like the assassins and such, the old man of the mountain. And that’s why they got charged with heresy for worshipping the bathmat, which you know, that gets us back into that solve coagula thing. That’s what the bathmat represents the reconciliation of opposites. They’re basically spreading the mystery teachings all around. And that’s why they got the money’s dolla dolla bill, y’all, they got the monies because they were they were transferring the current to folks with the monies. And that’s, that’s the real scoop, apparently, I mean, allegedly behind all of it. We got another clip here. This one’s very interesting. They talk about oral tradition,
times when we’re talking about something being an oral tradition, we sort of live under this mis understanding that that means it’s just a bunch of stories told handed off. That’s not what this means. What an oral tradition is, it means the way this current of energy is passed from one person to another is through the voice. You know, our voice is sound waves. We’re creating sound waves which carry information. That’s why you know, in the Bible, I always tell people, the Bible is the greatest book of magic ever written once you know how to read it. You know, the whole thing in the very first chapter of the Bible they’re talking about in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. That’s because this is an oral tradition.
Does that make sense?
So that goes all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia. And I forgot maybe
further back, is it the Is it the words that have the energy? Or is it the energy coming out of the person saying the word combination of
both, for example, you can only pass the current if you’ve received the current, like, you could say the exact same words that a person who’s holding the current would say, and if you’re not holding the current, it’s not going to transmit you have to be holding the current and have the right words.
Isaac Weishaupt 42:33
The old tradition is referring to the power of the spoken word, which is what Kabbalah basically means is oral tradition handed down in the call, it’s the way in which that current of energy that the Knights Templar got is basically passed through the line of succession is basically the occult blockchain and the idea is that the it’s more than just hearing words and remembering them it’s it’s the idea that you know God had the logos the word and spoke the world into existence. The Voice carries information on sound waves which ironically, you know, the Bible says the beginning was the word that ties us into the abraxis the logos, but you can only pass this energy if you have the right current and the right words the right you know spell and this is the power of the grimoire the spells or the rap songs as I talked about, and sacrifice magic behind the mic. Magic can be used for calling energy and intelligences in to absorb into your your your energy system your aura. And this is again with the use of the ceremonial magic the high magic and you know this this alteration, it passes down to the lodge to the order whatever you want to call it, the secret society, from the master to the student. You need that line of succession in order to unlock the energy that’s the argument and the dogma how we should be focusing energy on what you want now on the things you don’t like because if you do chart if you do charge up these negative thoughts, you’re you’re giving energy to it. Curiously dogs about how Beethoven said the man’s mission is to get as close to the divine as he can. So he can come back and share that with the world which is a very Joseph Campbell Hero’s Journey type thing. That’s what you saw your boy Luke Skywalker doing Star Wars. Finally, finally, in conclusion to part one, there is a very curious statement made at the end You got to hear it to believe it the whole the death of the old Aeon and the birth of the new. Yes, on this show on Netflix heard by millions of listeners, Damien Echols, he evolved into this new entity and proclaims the whole the death of the old Ayaan and the birth of the new fulfilling Alister crawlies fantasies of bringing about the a out of Horace the new age. The time of for the crown and conquering child the age of magic, the Age of Aquarius, it’s all here, it’s all connected. And in a mass ritual way. Damien Echols pronounced it on this show. Heard by millions. My goodness, the proclamation was made. What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do? I tell you what you’re going to do, you’re going to subscribe to the show, because you’re going to come back for part two that I’ll knock out here in the next week. Where I go through the remaining episodes of the series, where we’ll hear more about forgiveness. We’re going to talk a lot about the magic stuff. We’re gonna get real deep like Buddhism talk. The idea of the self. We’re gonna talk I mean, we might cry a little bit I don’t know. I mean, I cried. I’ll tell you why. Because there’s a very sad touching, touching way very sad and touching moment on the show. We’ll talk about what’s how Sam Tripoli Oh, this isn’t truth or drama, but we’re gonna talk about Sam Tripoli. And when he had Duncan Trussell on his show, a lot more a lot more to get into and we’ll get into it in part two. Again, let me let me talk to you about that VIP section. If you want to join you got to do it now. Now’s the time the wind The Doors closing promo code hot girl summer go to Illuminati watch calm, go to the VIP tab. You can read all about it. See what you’re doing. If you’re, if you’re done with these commercials, if you want all the bonus stuff that all the all the people on Patreon and rockfon get you now get it on VIP. And check it out. If you want to support the show. Regardless of what you do, I still I still love you for coming around and listening to these ideas with an open mind. So until next time, my friend you know what you got to do. You got to stay woke
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