On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we look into the passing of actor Michael K Williams. We’ll explore statements he made that suggest he was in contact with dark energies for the roles he played in Hollywood. He also discussed how he would seek spiritual refuge after playing roles such as the ones in Lovecraft Country which were using occult practices to channel dark entities. I’ll also explain my sudden cancellation of the Salt Lake City FanX appearance (*seriously- my deepest apologies on that).
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:00
An American actor Michael K. Williams, known for his role on the wire died at 54 years old on Monday, according to the New York Police Department. An NYPD spokesperson said he was found in his Brooklyn apartment after an afternoon emergency phone call. Williams his most well known role was Omar Liddell, a robber who stole from drug dealers, but he also found fame for his performance in Boardwalk Empire. Earlier this year, he received an Emmy nomination for his portrayal in hbos, Lovecraft country, many of his co stars on the wire took to Twitter after his death, when dehl Pierce said, quote, the depth of my love for this brother can only be matched by the depth of my pain, learning of his loss. an immensely talented man with the ability to give voice to the human condition portraying the lives of those whose humanity is seldom elevated until he sings their truth.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:03
You’re listening to conspiracy theories in popular culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. Today we’re going to discuss the death of Michael K. Williams. As you know, I’ve talked about many celebrity deaths in the past. unexplainable sometimes, right? is a relatively young man was 54. died. No, he wasn’t that old was he?
Unknown Speaker 1:32
Yep. 54.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:35
But he, you know, that’s pretty young. Right. And officially, well, unofficially, they’re saying as of this recording, September 7 2021, that he died from a drug overdose. And maybe right people die from drug overdoses. But that’s not we’re here to talk about the day I’m here to represent the voice of the truth or community, the conspiracy world because I find this to be a valuable service. And some may look at this as a disrespectful thing. And that is not my intention. There’s plenty of truth is out there that are disrespectful. That is not me. I’m here to discuss the possibilities that there’s some some buggery afoot here, okay? Because I find that to be a service that we need to consider some other ideas and not just take the official word, because sometimes it’s a manipulation. So today, we’re going to talk about some very sort of out there ideas that are you that basically this actor was in contact with some dark forces. And that may have led to his death from one way or another. All right. We’re gonna talk about specifically, most importantly, we’re gonna talk about Lovecraft country had the show he was on. Because I think that is what contributed to his death. Call me crazy. But that’s if you if you force me to provide an opinion of how the Illuminati are connected to the death of Michael K. Williams, I’d say it’s through love, love craft country, the Dark Arts. And we’re going to get into that. Now, first, you know, it’s housekeeping time. Give me two minutes. And I’ll be done with it. I recently posted on my socials that it appears I will not be able to provide my lecture at the Salt Lake City Comic Con fanox. It’s called fan x not Comic Con. They used to call it comic comedy. They got I don’t know, sued or something. It doesn’t matter. Anyway, I wanted to and I posted it a little vague. He I was vague booking My apologies. not my intention. What I was trying to do was to give fair warning in case because I I lightly plugged to this lecture. And I even said it many times I said look, I’m not carving this in stone yet. And originally I didn’t carnism because I thought they were gonna shut it down because of the virus. Okay. But that’s not the case. It appears I will have to not do it. And it’s out of my own safety. More specifically, the safety of my beautiful wife. Now the specifics on it. I don’t want to get too specific. But I received a death threat. And I’ve had those before, right. There’s Guess what? There’s crazy people all over the world. And sometimes those crazy people say crazy things. Now do I really genuinely think my life is in danger? Not really. No. But then I I received a second from a different person who didn’t directly threaten lives, but ominously suggested violence towards Miss Josie wise, which is where I draw the line. And I said, You know what? I’m not doing this. Like, this isn’t I’m not doing a sock, I’m doing stand up comedy, and I’ve got a security guards. I mean, this is just me being vulnerable out there, presenting all of this. And I was gonna bring Josie with, because I wanted to sign books, and I needed assistance doing it. And I’ve got this whole speech. I mean, it’s a real, it’s a real kick in the in the teeth. Got this whole thing, this whole lecture. Done, I was already memorizing it. I’ve got the slides done. And all this happened in the matter of three days. And I said, Dude, I gotta build a blog. This is crazy. I’ve had a weird ominous feeling about this anyway. And sometimes I gotta go with my gut. And in fact, if you think I’m being crazy, if you think I’m being paranoid, look no further than there was. This was years ago. Yeah. Give me more the two minutes. Sorry. We’re gonna go housekeeping. housekeeping extra. Back, man, when was it? Okay, there’s a guy named Max spires. Right? If you look them up, if you googled her max spires, he was a researcher. And they similarly They say he died from a drug overdose. But there’s the it was this whole uproar. I mean, it deserves a show on its own about how
there’s allegations that he was murdered. And there’s allegations about how he was reading a book about satanic sacrifices and how he was investigating in areas that he shouldn’t have been with satanist. And I mean, it goes on and on and on. Right. So this whole saga was coming on CNN. Well, this is where I come in, because the book he was reading was my book, sacrifice magic behind the mic, my hip hop conspiracy book, which is not a cookbook for satanic rituals. And if the mainstream media did their job and contacted me and said, Hey, what’s this book about? Then you would have gotten a genuine story from them, but they did not. They just said Oh, the book in the title is sacrifice. Yes. He’s reading out of sacrifice people or whatever. But they didn’t where they got it wrong. Okay. And anyway, me and Max were supposed to do a conference in Poland. In fact, he was and I haven’t really talked about this much in the past, okay? Because it’s scary stuff that I it’s a scary territory that I tried it okay. I know people probably look, you Boosie go do it. And I’m like, I don’t really need this in my life. Thank you very much. And this was maybe six, seven years ago, whenever you can, whenever max died, right? I was supposed to go out to do this conference. I don’t remember fall of whatever year that was. Max was like, I’m gonna go out there to do a conference in the spring of whatever year. I said, cool, bro. I got screenshots to prove all this. I’m not making any this up. And he went out there. And he was going to like, sort of do some recon on like, where hotels, we would stay at blah, blah, blah. But he never made it home. That’s when he died. Now, here’s where it gets really bizarre was prior to his death in this small window of time between him and I talking about this whole thing and planning it and whatever. He says, I’m gonna go do this thing. I’ll let you know. I’m like, cool, bro. And then he was a funny guy, man. And it was funny he was. People say that he was the point the interviews he did where he was kind of like slurring his speech and kind of doped up. But every time I talked to him on Skype, which was, um, I don’t know, around five times less than 10 he was he was very Donald charming and normal. Like there was nothing weird about them at all. That the one one time I had a hard time connecting through on the video. He was it was with another person that you know, some people close this one to remain anonymous, and that’s fine. this other person that was involved they were in this I could see the chat room they were messaging and he was like go Hollywood Isaac showed up late or whatever, like yo ribbing me or whatever. is a funny guy. I liked the backs a lot. It really saddens me that we lost him. But he it was he says hey, I’m gonna go to the spring I’ll let you know as a cool Thanks, bro. Then I do Richard Hoagland show and I get kicked off a Richard Hoagland show, which I found really bizarre. And I talked to Josie that night I said me it was like two in the morning or something. Because it was a late night live show. And he kicked me off for reasons that didn’t make sense to me. I was like, I don’t understand what happened. I just blew it. Like I got kicked off a Hoagland show, because he didn’t like what I was talking about. And, and that’s a whole nother show in itself. Because Hoagland, whatever I have, no, there’s no bad blood between me and Richard Hoagland. But at least on my side, it was a very bizarre situation. But anyway. And that was the night I talked to Josie and I felt numb, I thought, Oh, my gosh, here was this huge show. I just got booted. I don’t know what’s going on here. And she felt weird about it the whole time. And she was like, are you sure you want to go to another country? As they’re talking about the stuff you talk about? When you’re getting kicked off of conspiracy shows? You’re going to tell people stuff they don’t want to hear? And I thought my goddess of wisdom is right. She’s always right. And that’s when I contacted my person that was putting this together. I said, Look, I’m not ready for this. I can’t do this. And the person was like, Okay, cool. Sounds good. Whatever. No big deal. And then, I don’t know, a week later or something like that a month later, Max dies. And I thought, Oh, my God.
Like, how terrifying is that? I could have been out there. And like, if if there was some foul play, and I don’t, again, no clue. I’m way too far removed to know what the truth is with what happened to max Byers. All I know is that the guys seem normal. When I talked to him. He seemed like a great guy. But who knows. And the the, the inquest or whatever, his mother asked for a second inquest. I mean, there’s you you can read about it. It’s a long story. I’m surprised I haven’t done a documentary about it yet. But anyhow, I’ve been close to these weird things that have happened that sometimes when the sixth sense, tangles, you just got to go with it. And I was okay, I was still okay with with doing the lecture, even with the death threat, because I thought, you know, people are crazy, whatever. What am I gonna do? But then when they, when then when someone else brought my wife’s name into it? That’s and I was like, Hell no, nope, pulling the plug. I’m losing all this money on it, too, by the way, so and you can, and you know what it is, you know who these people were, they were truth. There’s hardcore truth, there’s that thought I wasn’t being hardcore truth or enough. So like, in some ways, we got to blame our own people that can’t handle anything. That’s the most open minded group that exists and they can’t handle hearing things they don’t like. And I don’t want to do specifics, because I don’t want to give it more. More. More, when what do you call it? And we breathe more life into it than it deserves more than I already have. But it was basically, you know, people ribbing me because they’re like, oh, you’re shilling. You know, they’re they’re basically saying I’m shilling for the mainstream. And I was like, Oh, brother. That’s like, cool. Like you guys stormed the Capitol where you’re going to come, Michael, David Chapman, me here, you know, and I’m saying, Mark, David Chapman. Anyhow, I’m very sorry. This was not a decision made easily, lightly. Like I said, I’m losing hundreds of dollars, I put reservations down for stuff that I can’t get back. I bought a ton of books. I even put another order in for more shirts, which by the way, there’ll be on gumroad if you want this stuff, I’m gonna have it on gumroad. So there you go. There’s the whole thing. I was a little vague about it. Because I was still kind of like, do I want to do this? Like, my heart told me I had to, I had to bail on it. But everything else was like, Yeah, but do you want to do that you’ve been planning for this. You did the whole lecture. But what I’ll do is I’ll present the lecture on the podcast and the future here. Once I get over the butthurt of the whole thing. Cuz ultimately, like, what matters to me most is my my family. My wife, I will fold the whole thing up. If I feel like I need to, you know what I’m saying? And you in the normal rational people out there can understand that. So there you go. That’s what all the vague posting on the social media is about. Like I yeah, yeah. So there you go. With a fun little tie in to the subject today of Michael Williams. That was a you know, we talked about sacrifices in people getting too close to the dark arts and well Could be we’ve got the same situation here. Now officially, we, you know, if you don’t know who I’m talking about, there’s this actor Michael Michael K. Williams died on September 6 2021, from an alleged drug overdose. Which is possible, right? Like they’re putting fentanyl and everything. Now, this deadly drug, they’re cutting into everything. But also knows that whenever there’s an overdose, these are kind of the most easily dismissable claims to shut down honest investigation and honest, taking a second look at things to say, well, is that really what happened? You You say that someone died from doing too many drugs. And most people say, Well don’t do drugs, idiot. Moving on to the next thing. And that’s why I think I’m doing a service here. And I try to do this as respectfully as possible. And here’s a real dude with a real family. And on top of that, I liked the guy from what little bit I what he presented to the public. He seemed like a good dude. What do I know? Maybe he’s a jerk. But, yeah, so then into me. Michael was he was jockey. Like, that’s how I knew. I loved Boardwalk Empire, if you haven’t seen Boardwalk Empire is one of my favorite Shows of All Time. A lot of people he was Omar from the wire, which ironically, I’ve never seen, even though it’s like right up my alley.
But I was too broke for HBO back when that show was popular. So I should go back and watch it. I just haven’t. But yeah, I was too broke back then back then. They didn’t want me Navajos all my I could, I could rewatch him or watch him from online. So I should but today we’re gonna take a look at some of his work to see if there’s some Illuminati buggery involved. Now First, let’s talk about the background of the rational ideas behind this. This guy he grew up in Brooklyn. He went to this is what Wikipedia tells me. He went to like a vote tech school, which some real stuff there. I did that too. I was I used to be an automotive mechanic back in the day, till I found out that it didn’t pay that well. And you had to buy a million dollars and tools. But he apparently was he went he he tried to apparently he was trying to help out African Americans in many different ways, which was cool. Like he’s trying to give back to his community. We should his dad’s name was Booker T. He was working with ACLU. And if you go to his Instagram, you’ll see all these different sort of ventures he was trying to do to you know, give back to the community. Now what was curious? Was, and if you watch his breakfast club interview from 2016 This is how I know he’s a real dude. They asked about because on the wire, there’s his character was Omar, which again, never seen the show, from what I understand. He was like this gay dude. In prison, I think. And they asked if he had reservations about playing Omar, because he, you know, was doing gay stuff. He said no, I had reservations about not eating. Because he was he was kind of homeless intermittently, trying to get these roles trying to get different jobs. But then he also he said stuff about he didn’t have to wear heels for that role, implying that he had to for other roles, and how he played multiple gay dudes. Which, on one hand, it was very surprising, almost shocking how Frank this conversation was. This was 2016 a very different time. But when you listen to it, Charlemagne, you could almost paint out a bit of I don’t want to say disdain against a black man playing a gay character, but that’s kind of the vibe I get. And I thought Lee were dancing or dancing on the cancel line here, buddy. But what was curious was if you go back to when Dave Chappelle talked about Martin Lawrence going crazy, and how Hollywood makes these strong black men dress up as women and play gay characters, it made me think of all that. And I don’t know enough about Michael Williams, his film history. I haven’t looked up every single role he played, but he implied that he had to do this multiple times. Almost like a humiliation ritual or something. On The Breakfast Club, he reveals he was molested he didn’t really get into it on the show. He talked about how he did drugs he was doing coke. on Wikipedia, it says he worked as a temp for Pfizer, which I found ironic. But when Janet Jackson’s rhythm nation came out, it motivated him to quit the day job, that dreaded day job. And he pursued dancing and entertainment. Again, homeless for periods of time, says he choreographed the 100% pure love video, Crystal waters, if you remember that. Then he got his real start acting from Tupac for the film called bullets, which I’ve never seen. So there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of instances of stuff that I’ve never seen talk about on the show. But I wanted to hurry up because it’s kind of a hot subject, and people are interested right now. So hence, the quick release on this guy. That big scar he has on his face is real. Got to in a bar fight on his 25th birthday, according to Wikipedia. He was on JJ Abrams show alias if you’ve ever seen that. I have not. This was a CIA propaganda show. And unlike a lot of the reason I haven’t seen a lot of these things, because in the 2000s either I was too broke for cable or I was in college or both.
Because college consumed my life for good eight years. So my apologies for not being hip to the 2000s era of show. But alias is curious. And I only know this because I heard Freeman fly talk about this many times how this was a CIA propaganda show, because it’s a whole show about Jennifer Gardner playing the CIA agent. But it was used to paint the CIA in a certain light a bit of a propaganda piece, if you will. And I can prove this to you by reading to you from the Atlantic, where it says in March 2004, the CIA announced the Garner reflecting the growing merger between Langley and Hollywood, meaning the CIA and Hollywood had filmed a recruitment video for the agency. The video emphasizes the CIA’s mission and its need for people with diverse backgrounds and foreign language skills. The agency’s press release stated, Miss Garner was excited to participate in the video after being asked by the Office of Public Affairs. the CIA’s film industry liaison worked with the writers of alias during the first season, to educate them on fundamental tradecraft. Although the show alias is fictional, the character Jennifer Garner plays embodies the integrity, patriotism and intelligence the CIA looks for in its officers. So it’s kind of like a big commercial, to get people interested in the CIA, to get people to find sympathy or intrigue into the CIA. Because these people are killers, man, they lie, they cheat, they steal. And they have to find a way to make it palatable. Because the American public supports this through their checks through their taxes. And it’s also curious, when you dig into secret societies in the occult and these intelligence agencies, you find out very quickly that the to run in parallel. secret societies and intelligence agencies run in parallel because it’s the same idea come from the same place. JOHN D was like the first intelligence agent. They have. They have secret names and secret agendas and rituals and secret secrets. If you watch the Matt Damon film, Good Shepherd, they’ll show you some different angles of this. And on that film, they talk about how they learn intelligence secrets from the Brits, right? where it comes from. And they tell you it comes from the Dark Arts. And that’s only one line in the movie. But to me, I think they’re all connected here as as do many other researchers. So anyway, he was on that show. He was in a bunch of music videos are Kelly’s trapped in the closet if you remember those cameras killer season. But most interestingly, he was in a video by Marilyn Manson called the Mephistopheles of Los Angeles, where he talks about how he found the devil. And when he found the devil, the devil says, hey, it’s how you think. Which is much like Arthur C. Clarke’s childhood end with the overlords these aliens are the devil and they have to hide their parents because They’re like, Look, you’ve been, you’ve been duped, you’ve been manipulated to think the devil is bad, but the devil not that bad. And oh, by the way, Marilyn Manson sacrifices a woman in a bathtub, which we’ve talked about many times being in a call ritual sacrifice in the bathtub. Just like Whitney and Bobby, know they died from drug overdoses in the bathtub. Which Oh, by the way, it’s a passage of the goddess ritual, a cleansing ritual. And I’ll get that, I’ll get that image for you. And put it on my Instagram as it was like and subscribe. Look in the show notes. As always, you can. You can take a look it up. I put a couple photos on there. But yeah, now, we’re talking about secret societies. And the intelligence agencies. Well, that takes us into this talk about love, love craft country, which I was very excited to see. Because as you know, in the research of the occult, you can’t look into this without looking into the fact that there’s a cultist that seek to channel entities and aliens through ritual magic in HP Lovecraft, who was into the dark art stuff, and he was kind of a racist.
He talked What are kind of, he’s very racist. He. He talked about how artists could channel the aliens Cthulhu, right. In this show is all about racism, and secret societies and jailing aliens, because it’s about HP Lovecraft. And I was very excited to watch this show. But then, I think I made it through about four episodes, and it completely lost me, then maybe it was just the place I was at at the time, I should try it again. I told you the theme of this episode of the shows that I didn’t watch. So I’ve got notes on the first few episodes. So we’re going to talk about those. But this whole thing we look at, if you want to look at the history of African Americans and secret societies, there’s, of course, you’ve got Freemasonry, right. But the Freemasons who claim to be looking for equality and liberty and justice for all men are doing it through an exclusive white male only secret society where they won’t tell anyone the secrets of what they’re doing. And the sorry, the dogs outside of barking. It’s high amounts of drama here in suburban hell, very sorry. But the Freemasons, not wanting African Americans in their groups started a separate group, who they claim is equal, separate, but equal, the prints all Freemasons. And then you’ve got the Secret Society of the boulais that supposedly exists. But in case you don’t believe me, I got a quote here from Albert Pike, who said, I’m not inclined to meddle in the matter, I took my obligations to white men, not to negros. When I have to accept negros as brothers or leave masonry, I shall leave it that’s 33/33 degree Freemason our bikes, I’ll take that for what it’s worth. And also, it should be known that, from what I understand, every Freemason Lodge is sort of independent and does their own thing. Some are part of one big network, some are kind of on their own. I don’t understand the whole ins and outs of how it works, but apparently doesn’t represent all Freemason lodges. But that’s the history of it is that it was for white men only. That’s why they created the prince Hall Freemasons, which comes up in the show kind of now, he wasn’t he obviously, Michael Williams, from what I’ve read wasn’t in a secret society at all. And we’ll we’ll cover more on that in a little bit in the conclusion. But he was in love craft country, which talks about all these different secret societies. Now, what was curious and yeah, let’s talk about it now. I guess. He was there’s a video clip that I was tagged in on twitter at Illuminati is like and subscribe by all dads. So shout out all underscore does this zoom call, and I don’t know the context of this call. I’m gonna play the clip for you. So you can see listen to what I listened to. And he talks about how when he was filming Lovecraft country, how it really mess with him. He has this real emotional breakdown.
Unknown Speaker 30:00
Lovecraft country took me on a on a point of emotional and mental roller coaster that I was not prepared for personally. And thank God, I had the cast. And these these, these amazing angels around me to hold me up. Man.
Isaac Weishaupt 30:25
Amen. Amen. All right, yes. Okay, Mike. All right, Michael only do it. Now you can hear how he was on this mental roller coaster that he wasn’t ready for. And he talks about how angels helped hold them up. Now, I think I know what this is all about. Because I talked about this in multiple books. The dark path, I talked about it, aliens UFOs. And you call it user illusion, one, I talked about it, but it’s about and to sum it up. Looking at the literature of the occult, we can, we can say that they believe there’s a creative zone that artists can tap into, to get their Mojo in this is on the dark side of the cabbalistic tree of life where the fallen angels reside, the damaged Gods kind of grant call to the realm of the damaged gods. And this is where the demons reside. So these artists, it’s argued arguable that these artists who go crazy, are doing some kind of ritual thing, invoking these spirits, these entities into their body maybe to get this sort of create creativity flowing. It could be then that’s what happened to Michael, did he do that? Did they persuade him to do that for the character? I argue Yes, they did. And here’s why I say that. I don’t just say that because it fits into the narrative real nicely. I’m gonna reference you to his interview on The Breakfast Club, where he talks about this dark energy. And he talks about how he has to take on these characters, this dark energy, but you need to sort of go through practices to wash it from your brain because you you channel these things into you,
Unknown Speaker 32:20
you know, cast. Now, how do you get that energy out of you? And I mean, this would all arose because I mean, you play Oman, the way you played chalky on Boardwalk Empire, gangsters, and you play a lot of gay roles. How do you get rid of all of that energy? Man Charlemagne, I’m so glad you asked that because you know, I had to learn how to wash my psyche man, this kid this kid man is my little brother man in Atlanta. This brother like 21 years old we was chilling that lands on a set of Bessie the kid was like he said my you look stressed out as me. He said man, do you meditate? Uh huh. Say maybe to wash your you wash your brain bro. You know, you take it all these characters and I was like this kid told me this I was like, You got got to wash your brain Mike. You know so so you know I you know prayer. I had to get back into Bible man just doesn’t get on my knees and just like wash I had to reconnect with my family people who matter me I’m 50 years old November so you know my I reconnect with my kids you know, my eldest son, you know, he you know he got some he had some issues with the joys I had like no family came first and that and that kind of balances me out with these characters that I play you know, when he says
Isaac Weishaupt 33:27
taking on all these dark characters requires techniques like meditation and prayer. He confirms he was focused on the Bible which tells me he was trying to counteract the dark demonic forces by focusing on the on the prayers, the training and the vitamins of the Bible and Jesus Christ which is the same argument you would see people say will will urge you to give us your worships the devil was you will cross is because they make contact with these dark energies. And they know there’s only one thing that can combat the dark energy same with the alien abductions. You say the name of Christ you profess a belief in Christ and that’s what counters all this dark energy and that’s what he was doing. Or so I argue and should should my dear listener, still have doubts? further into the interview, he goes on talking about how when you’re filming and you have to like murder somebody The reason it feels rails because he actually goes through the feelings as if it really happened. It creates energy and the energy has to go somewhere
Unknown Speaker 34:41
that beat me up and let’s talk about make you want to relapse. Yeah. word you had to keep picking it up. You put it together. Yeah, I don’t play with that. You know, it was real, you know, those fields were not when I got when I when I’ve committed murder in a character. I got I those. Those those Emotions are real, bro. If it feels if it looks real to you is because it felt real to me. Right? You know? And you got it like you say, Wait, what do you do with those feelings, those emotions, those those things create energy, you got to they have to go somewhere and you can’t you can’t keep them in you, you know, it’ll cross you up.
Unknown Speaker 35:18
You ever go around killing people, you know, you can’t go but you can’t get into work on time and taking care of your responsibilities
Unknown Speaker 35:31
a time or two, you know, but uh, you know, I would like to say that I have a pretty good track record in my 20 some odd years in this business. You know, I like to say that, you know, I’ve been I’m known for being on time show doing the work and being respectful. And keeping my my, my master shoe level, as we say.
Isaac Weishaupt 35:53
An angel Angela Yee asks, If this screwed with knows Angie Martinez, sorry, Angie Martinez asked if this screwed with his schedule. And he said, No, it didn’t. Meaning like he could manage all of this dark energy. But this was before we did eight HP low crafts. Sorry, love craft country. So he doesn’t love craft country. Has the breakdown confirming that was really messing with him. And then he dies. Do you see the connection here? Am I making it up? Maybe I’m making it up. Maybe I’m looking too deep into I have a paranoid guy. So let’s talk a little bit more about the show. I’ll walk you through the first few episodes because that’s all I could hang in there for. I thought they screwed this whole thing out. This whole show is such a great idea. But it was so hard to follow. Now maybe I should try it again. It had everything I was interested in. I just don’t know where it went wrong. But it wasn’t just me because they had a second season plan and they canceled it because it wasn’t just me that thought they really butchered this thing. And it was Jordan Peele, which he does great. Usually, I don’t know what happened. But Episode One, they set up the show. It’s a series about I’m going to redo the thing. It’s a series about a young black man who travels across the segregated 1950s United States in search of his missing father. Learning of dark secrets plaguing a town on which famous horror writer HP Lovecraft supposedly based the location of many of his fictional tales. And I’m just gonna pull out the important pieces. The main character’s name is Atticus Freeman. Michael Williams is in the show and he plays Atticus his father, Montrose Freeman, okay. When you watch this show, it’s very reminiscent of john Carpenter’s in the mouth of madness. If you haven’t seen that movie, I did a whole film breakdown on Patreon and rock fan and the supporter feeds basically. And it’s also in my book user illusion to the film analysis book about aliens. But the show very much reminded me of in the mouth of madness, there’s these people traveling into HP Lovecraft territory through a dimensional slip of sorts. They’re looking for Atticus his father played by by Michael here by by chalky. They get lost driving through the woods. And it’s almost like they say directly they’re driving in circles much like the plot of in the mouth of madness and the trying to reach art ham. Okay, very similar to our cam from HP Lovecraft super heavy on the races, right. It’s part of the plot. That’s what it’s all about. And right off the bat. You see there’s this war with aliens. And this is all just like a dream, of course. But there’s this war with the aliens. You even get a sexy alien who is downloaded from a UFO Cthulhu pops up. And Jackie Robinson kills Cthulhu and I couldn’t help at the time I wrote notes about this when I was watching it. I’m reading from my notes. Chadwick boseman. died. The same week I watched that episode, same week released. And Jett Chadwick boseman. Of course, played Jackie Robinson in the movie 42 I found that very curious. Not much, nothing, how much further I can take it besides a curiosity, right? But it started off and I thought, well, this is gonna be intense. But somehow it just got boring. Anyway, I’ll quit bitching about the show. So we see the protagonist, Atticus Freeman, reading a princess on Mars book called love making on Mars. He tells a woman he’s into the pulp stories. And makes this nice statement about overlooking the flaws of people in entertainment. And I want to unpack all of that. First off, let’s talk about how Freeman is allegedly a an Illuminati bloodline. If you look at Fritz spring Meyers book, bloodlines of the Illuminati. That’s one of the 13 bloodlines according to Fritz spring Meyer. And he claims it goes back to the founder of the Priory OSI on one Gaylord, aka Gail Freeman. Fun fact, Osama bin Laden was reading the same book bloodlines of the Illuminati on the bookshelf when they killed him. Or so we’re told they say he was reading Manley p halls, secret teachings of all ages as well.
I mean, it could be more of the whole conspiracy theorists or terrorist angle, right. So anyway, the prior of Saigon or Zion, this comes from the holy bloodline holy grail book as well as Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code. Da Vinci Code, of course, being fiction, Holy Blood, holy grail, allegedly nonfiction. And the claim is that Christ whilst on earth here, started a bloodline and this is the code for Holy Grail. The bloodline goes back to the merovingian. We’re seeking to dominate the globe. And the idea is that the Knights Templars and the calf ours, they’re protecting this bloodline. That’s why they were persecuted by the church. Because the Templars and the campfires they’re all Gnostics. I think we’re being lied to about everything. But there’s elements of anti semitism in it, hence the name cyan or Xi’an. Now another fun fact, there’s a character named Gail Freeman in Hunger Games. I think it’s a minor character. Same exact name. Now another more curious idea is that Freeman is also also the name of my friend Freeman fly, but also used as a term free man is used by a cultist many times. You’ll see it in holder ruskies holy mountain film. The occultist are seeking man’s freedom from the Gnostic oppression of the demiurge God, the false god. So you see how it’s all tied together right liberation, Lucifer, the rebel Angel and Lightning Man thought kind of the same thing. Alastair Crowley wrote in the book of the law, this is implied throughout the true will of every free man is essentially Noble. It’s all about freedom. Freedom from Whoa, from the demiurge from the false god that the church does you to worship. Also, I found it interesting that Atticus Freeman in the Lovecraft country show. I don’t think I could say the word love craft country. There we go. He was reading pulp stories. He says he likes reading the pulps. And if you read aliens UFOs and he call it usually isn’t one you know that. That was the Pol books were started by the founder of the order. Ordo templi orientis. Carl Kellner, the Oto, of course, being a magical order, one of these sort of secret societies, kind of practicing magic initiation, rituals, grades of initiation, all that stuff. So anyhow, they’re driving through these towns racist cops trying to kill them, they get into the woods. Here come the lovecraftian creatures killing everyone. They finally make it Artem. And they show up at a mansion. And the people that answer the mat and that live in the mansion, are are the white folks with the blonde hair and the blue eyes. These are the Nordics. These are the integrated Ascended Masters of bloodbath, skis, fantasies of the Great White Brotherhood. Then in Episode Two, they get inside the mansion, the autumn Lodge, a curious name, of course, the lodge is what they call Freemason lodges, no to lodges. And we find out there’s a guy named Titus, who’s the founder of this secret society that lives they’re called the sons of Adam. And he’s a magician. And the sons of Adam at this point, I say, oh boy, this is a reference to Kabbalah. The teachings that go all the way back to Adam the secret language. Titus also looks a bit like Crowley’s got believe he has the devil’s haircut, meaning he’s bald. The show Titus doing this ritual and pulling someone’s heart out. He’s reading the order of ancient dawn book talks about how Adam gives the names and the hierarchy of the animals. And this is a sort of Darwinian evolution idea also a play on the the power of the name. That’s why the magicians, you secret magician names they used to keep their real name private, because there’s power in the name. The stained glass serpent, on the, the window of the lodge, because again, the serpent is the wisdom giver, the gnosis the real God, the Luciferian, real God trying to save us from the oppressive demiurge God.
Hell, they even talk about the sun of the sun. And we talked about this many times. The sun behind the sun, you’ll hear about it on my 911 shows, we go into it. The blazing star Freemasonry, star Sirius Lucifer, is what it’s all about. And you’ll hear speech on the second episode talking about how the order of the ancient Dawn is how they’re in the principle of Freemasonry. And the descendants of Titus are the sons among the sons. And that’s where Atticus plays a role because he is the last blood heir. He is the reservoir of Tituss power. And you’ll find out their pursuits are of course, in mortality as they always are. And they even do a ceremony to open up this portal to go back to Eden. And the second episode, everything goes awry, and the mansion crumbles. And they’re like, what happened? That was the coolest part of the story. So then they start Episode Three, you’re like, Okay, I’ll hang in there. Let’s see where this goes. And they move into this big house and they find out that the previous owners name was Hiram Epstein. Which, of course, is a play on Hiram abiff, the, the mythological god of Freemasonry and of course, Jeffrey Epstein. I mean, maybe right, I don’t know. That’s a very curious name. And I’ll put the image on the Instagram as well that. But at the end of the episode, you hear about rituals with a cipher using the language of Adam. And again, this is coded language for cult capitalistic ideas. The nokian language was supposedly given the atom this language used to talk to the gods to talk to the aliens. Then an episode for your comms, your comms jockey, right? jockey shows up more in Episode Four. He’s reading from the ancient dawn book. And it has this whole story about how he was having sex and unleashing monsters into the world. Because this is some dark stuff. And you hear more about the theory of the two sons. And again, you have to understand that this talk about the sun behind the sun and the two sons. It’s exemplified in Arthur C. Clarke’s 2010, Space Odyssey, the sequel to 2001, where they manifest the second sun, and they call it Lucifer. It’s brighter than the sun that we have. Of course it is. But we’ll hear that there’s these last book of names and how Hiram Epstein kept it hidden in the vault. And they want to the characters want to learn the language of atoms so they can start casting spells now. And, you know, it’s pretty wild and chalk, he says, he can find the vault. So they head up to this museum in Baltimore, they go in after hours, and they go under ground into the vault, right? We’re climbing ropes like they’re cross fitting down into the volt down into the earth, and even makes a comment. It’s like the Journey to the Center of the Earth. It’s initiation ritual when you go underground. And that’s where I tapped out. And, and reading through my notes. I think, God, why did I tap out there? That sounds really interesting. Well, it was a very boring show. That’s why. And I was probably trying to write books or something. I’ll give it a second shot. I’ll, I’ll take another stab at it. But anyway, we’re talking about Michael Williams. In conclusion, was he killed? Was he sacrificed by the Illuminati? I don’t know. How would I know I wasn’t there. But to labeling a drug overdose sure makes it convenient if that was the case, if there was more to it. We saw, we saw Michael in a video with Marilyn Manson, where Marilyn Manson sacrifices a woman in the bathtub. And Michael talks about how he faces the devil, which is Marilyn Manson. I think in the video. he confronts the devil. And then he goes on Breakfast Club, and he’s talking about how it really takes a lot out of them to get in touch with these dark characters, these dark arts. And after that interview, he starts Lovecraft country, which is entirely about dark arts and channeling alien demons for gnostic and capitalistic ends.
Then we have video, proving that he broke down saying that it really did mess him up doing that shell. And another anomaly here that I had already posted. On Instagram, he had this post talking about how his grandmother died at the age of 93. Which the number 93 is the number of dilemma Alster Crowley’s religion. Is it a connection? I don’t know. I mean, it’s a loose one, right? But it’s surely strange. Like maybe this information was sort of pumped into his brain subconsciously, and it was manifesting in weird ways. And finally, one thing that’s very weird. Just a couple days before he died, he posted a video on his Instagram of Tracy Morgan, who was on The Breakfast Club. Okay, I’m
Unknown Speaker 51:41
glad misfortune accident, don’t cry for me. Cry for others, man. My grandmother children who you thank you for doing bad. So somewhere out there worse. There’s people out in the world with nobody in love. Nobody loved them. How about that? What is happiness? What is happiness? What is happiness? Just simply is way simpler. You don’t have to have a something to look forward to.
Isaac Weishaupt 52:10
Now, what’s interesting here is that I’ve been actually saying that for a while now. Because I suffer from depression and anxiety not debilitating. I mean, people gotten way worse than me. But one strategy I use the breakout of depression and anxiety is to look forward to something fun anything. This is a very simple trick. simple tricks they don’t want you to know. Like, for instance, I’ve been going through a lot of anxiety recently, for reasons already discussed, see housekeeping for 20 minutes at the beginning of the episode. And one thing I guess we throw is, this is gonna sound dumb, but whatever. If it helps one person, I don’t care, you can make fun of me. But like, the new matrix movie is supposed to come out in December, I’m really excited to see it. So there’s days where I think I’m really bummed out or, you know, down on life. And I think about that, I think, oh, man, that’d be fun. And just something that dumb. This is the same as dating. You know, when you’re if you’re married, and you got to keep dating your spouse, you plan dinner dates. It’s something for your spouse to look forward to something simple. It can be just that easy. So anyway, in conclusion, What a bummer Ryan, this guy seemed pretty real. Even if he wasn’t involved in some crazy ritualistic sacrifice theory, we do see a more tangible idea that he was working with dark subject matter, playing roles of characters, they were involved in dark arts. And if he did, in fact die from a drug overdose, then maybe that contributed to his passing is that he had to cope with all of this dark energy, and maybe it was simply too much. Which is what my argument always is, for people who want to start getting into this stuff. Like I don’t have a judgment against it, like whatever like you, do you. But know that there’s some dark energy attached to it. That’s like ghost hunting. You don’t bring that stuff home with you. Is it fascinating? Absolutely. But there’s some dark energy taps there and you’ve got to be careful. And look, how do you be careful with ghosts? You don’t have that. What do you Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? I am. You don’t have that power of discernment. But you know, and there’s again, no judgment, even if you do end up doing that kind of stuff. The one technique and this isn’t me Bible thumping, but one technique they claim is that the power of Jesus Christ and the belief in Jesus Christ will get you out of it. So there you go. That’s the whole purpose. Donald Michael k Williams and his death real tragedy What a bummer. He seemed like a good dude. I don’t know if he was doing Illuminati stuff. I don’t see anything to suggest that he was dabbling into the occult arts but I do see obviously plenty of evidence that he was putting on a he is putting energy into playing the characters that had dark energy, and it affected him. That’s a fact. Thanks for listening. And again, my deepest apologies about canceling on the the fan x and Salt Lake phones got to do with the fellas got to do And on that note if you want to buy sign books and stuff, I got them on my gumroad store gumroad comm backslash Isaac W. You get signed books. I got to update the quantities trust me I got a lot more quantities and want to shows on there. And I also ordered some new shirts. I don’t know what I’m getting them should be soon. It’s going to be the same conspiracy theory logo but on the back instead of it saying these nerds are going to kill us. It’s gonna say stay woke. It’s the stay woke variant. And I should have those up mid September. Everybody thanks for listening. Thanks for your support. Thanks for understanding. Until next time, stay woke
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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