On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we wrap up our discussion of the Matrix films with the fourth film from 2021: Matrix Resurrections! We talk Modal Morpheus as the Baphomet and the alchemical reconciliation of opposites in the film! We’ll wrap up with my opinion on this divisive film…
- The Matrix Film Analysis Pt 1: Symbolism, Oracles and Neo as the Christ Figure! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/the-matrix-film-analysis-pt-1-symbolism-oracles-and-neo-as-the-christ-figure/
- The Matrix Film Analysis Pt 2: Philosophy of Socrates, Descartes, Kant and Plato’s Cave! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/the-matrix-film-analysis-pt-2-philosophy-of-socrates-descartes-kant-and-platos-cave/
- The Matrix Film Analysis Pt 3: Matrix Reloaded Symbolism, Gnostic Doors of Light & False Gods! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/the-matrix-film-analysis-pt-3-matrix-reloaded-symbolism-gnostic-doors-of-light-false-gods/
- Matrix Film Analysis Pt 4: Revolutions Symbolism, Neo as the Gnostic Christ & False Worlds of Duality! https://wp.me/p2ijVF-bd9
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:03
Thomas You seem particularly triggered right now can you tell me what happened?
Unknown Speaker 0:10
I’ve had trains that are just like crazy we don’t use that word in here when one makes you smile one’s mother gives you don’t do anything. Go Scout us when she’s 10. Fly
Unknown Speaker 1:16
if you want the truth, you’re going to have to
Unknown Speaker 1:24
the only thing that matters to you is still here. I know it’s why you’re still fighting. Why you will never give up
Isaac Weishaupt 1:37
today, we’re going to talk about matrix resurrections. The fourth film from the franchise, you know, we covered matrix 123. And I’m working on a bonus show only for the supporters on the Animate tricks. But you know, and granted it’s been a couple of weeks since matrix resurrections was released in the winter solstice pagan holiday. And I finally watched it, I watched it with my man Jimmy the jackhammer, I told him, I’d wait for him and we watched it together. And I’m gonna reserve my real opinions until the end till the conclusion, we’re going to wrap up what this was all about, because there’s some good hidden messaging and symbolism in the film worth discussing. You know, Alchemy, reconciliation of opposites questioning the nature of reality, all the things you would come to expect, right? So let’s do the little pre amble that I do with the movie reviews. And first off, go listen to the four episodes I did on the first three matrix movies, then come back. Okay, because we’re not going to retread over the same areas. There’s a lot of philosophical context that we covered already. I’m not gonna hit you with that again. How long is this movie two and a half hours? Should you watch it? Yikes. I don’t know. I don’t know. Down a film I would recommend if you’d like The Matrix movies, sure, give it a whirl. On its own, on its standalone. If you didn’t watch any of the matrix movies now. Don’t Don’t waste your time. And like I said, Boy, I had some real feelings about this movie super high excitement the first 30 minutes. Then my body went numb. I had to watch it a second time. I watched it a second time just to make sure I understood what I had seen. And during the second one, it was very clear that the director Lana will Koski. She was making a very clear statement that she did this against her will more or less and we’ll cover that later. Who’s in it? Who cares? Who cares? He done better. Laurence Fishburne is not in it. Hugo Weaving is not in it. Which is fine. Kiana Reid is in it again. Carrie Anne moss is in and again. And Jada Pinkett Smith. And this time we’re joined by Neil Patrick Harris, which should have been a great move and I’m torn whether I liked his character or not. I believe it added too much humor to the movie. I don’t like my matrix is my major sees as it were to be feel good movies. It’s what made me think not making you laugh and carry on and anyway. Plot spoilers coming Look, I gotta hurry up and do this because I’m not feeling too good. I’ll be honest. Bill Gates might have got your boy, I might have got it. I’ve been dodging it. Like Neo in the Matrix. I’ve been dodging the dreaded thing from 2020. And it might have got me I might have the dreaded the dreaded Delta cron might have got me, my God, what am I gonna do? I think that I think that it might, it might take out a weaker man, but a tough guy like me, you know, I’ll be all right. I’ll be alright. No, for real, though, I gotta get this movie. analysis done. I’ve been talking about it for weeks and weeks. I got a lot of sticks in the fire, a lot of shows to do. But I do feel like I’m on the precipice of staying in the bed for a little while, you know, I’m saying, but we’ll see. We’ll see. Maybe I’m just tired. You know, maybe it’s just allergies, or maybe it’s the great Utah air full of pollution from the the, you know, whatever’s anyway, that’s another argument for another show. about the true nature of the air pollution in the state of Utah. They released this big report blamed it on all the people that all it’s all your fault. Everyone driving around, and they got their woodstoves it’s all your fault. But if you look at the data, like 40% ish of the fault was because we have these massive oil refineries.
And they don’t ask them to do one damn thing. But everyone, all the people, we got to we got to get rid of all kinds of stuff. Anyway. That’s a rant for another day. People always you know what I mean? That’s what to me, that’s like the big blind spot in the truth. The world is the oligarchy. That is the corporations that run everything in this country. And clearly, that’s what happened when the CEO of Delta wrote that letter to the CDC and said, hey, you know why it’s messing with our profits? Maybe you should cut down the quarantine down to five days instead of 10. You got a buddy right or wrong? I’m just saying that that’s the way things go here in America, but we’re not here to talk about that. This is the greatest country give me the freedom. I look at me like a free I am to talk about this. He think the Chinese people are allowed to talk like this. Hell no, they hell no. I’m over here. talking mad trash. Anyway. Alright, here we go. Matrix resurrections. Let’s go down the rabbit hole. plotz was coming, you’ve been warned. We start off hot, it starts off hot. Like I said the first 30 minutes. I’m like, I’m here for this boom, killing it. We got the green screen of the font type we’re familiar with from the matrix, you get this conversation between two new characters seek and bugs. Don’t worry about remember their name completely useless to the story. They note they I’ll try to keep my negative comments down. They note how the code appears to be old code, alright. And we find out that it’s being written by Thomas Anderson, who of course is Neil, but he’s in the matrix live in like a normal peon in his cubicle hell, except he’s not in the cubicle hell anymore. They used to now he’d like this world famous gamer, which if you recall from the first film, cipher made a deal to go back into the matrix. And he was like, Look, I want to be this famous rock star or whatever. And they were like you got it, buddy, whatever you want. So they kind of hooked Neo up, Thomas Anderson up, and I Alright, well put you back in the matrix, and you’re gonna be a big dog. And he’s now Okay, so he’s a big dog game coder. And he’s creating this thing called a modal. And if you look closely, and I put the images on the Instagram, as always, at Isaac Weishaupt, like unsubscribe link in the show notes. There’s a modal 101 is the name of the model that he’s creating. Which is just like matrix one. When we find that Neo, or I’m sorry, Thomas Anderson, who’s living in the matrix, is in his apartment, which is room 101. He is the one. And remember, they found Trinity in room 303. And all this makes sense when you find out what a modal is, right? And what we see is this reenactment of the matrix one with different sorts of people playing the character somehow they’ve even got the heart of the city hotel bugs and seek they’re watching it they’re like inside the matrix watching. They’re like whoa, we’ve seen this before. They recognize the origin mythology of what happened with Neo the Savior to all mankind. And bugs. She gets caught by the by this these agents, which there’s now several different agents, not just one agent And she gets out and you know, gets out of the grip of the agents. Then this, this, the guy who plays Morpheus, he’s an agent and he catches up with her, but he’s like a friendly agent. He’s like, Hey, uh, no, she, she, she awakens him. She kind of red pills. She’s like, look, you’re in a modal. This is a simulation used to evolve programs. Alright, that’s what a modal is. And we find out that this guy who ends up playing Morpheus, he’s a digital sentience, right. He’s just a digital program. And they realize they’re inside of Neil’s room, Thomas Anderson’s room back when he was in the real world, you know, they got the, the the monitor with the big CRT monitor, you know what I’m talking about the big 200 pound monitors. And they share stories about how they became woke, right? He saw he the Morpheus guys, like, look, I was in the bathroom, I saw this code flicker in the in the moisture in the mirror and all this stuff. And she was like, Yeah, I saw Neil on the rooftop step off. And he didn’t fall. They both realize they are not in the real world. They got this sort of red pill themselves, they both have this purpose. And the purpose for Morpheus is to find Neil, this new Morpheus.
So we zoom out, and you find out that Thomas Anderson Neil, he’s actually typing the code. You know, he’s the game designer who won all these awards for a game he created called the matrix, which brings into question how real the matrix movies were, you think, Oh, they’re trying to say it was all just a video game? Not really. But now he’s working on a game called binary. You see some awards? Like do you see word for like, the deuce machina? Which means got out of the machine. Makes sense, right? The simulation theory idea. And Thomas he’s got a buddy named Jude a co worker, and they go to this cafe bar called the semi latte, right? Very funny. And the co worker he sums up for the audience how the matrix game introduced the concept of freewill versus destiny, which is we talked about that extensively in the first four matrix shows I did you immediately Hey, dude, I don’t know why I immediately it was like I hope this guy dies I don’t like him. So Jude, and Thomas right these are the apostles. We got more spirituality ideas here. But Jude and Thomas they see Trinity at the coffee bar. Dude approaches, dude approaches Trinity. Who’s now her name is TIFF. Right. And any introduces Thomas to TIFF. She’s married to a guy named Chad and she’s got two kids. Fun fact, I guess the I don’t look I’m not part of this world. But some of the Reddit 4chan type nerds. They the term Chad represents an alpha male. I don’t know that was done on purpose. Slang right from the recesses of the internet. So to introduce and you can tell there’s like a connection there. Thomas goes back to work. He find out his modal 101 was purged from the game. He’s like whoa. And he goes to his boss’s office. And his boss is basically Agent Smith. I mean, he’s not played by Hugo Weaving different guy. You can tell it’s like the same voice kind of. They even show you flashes of Smith if you didn’t pick it up. And this new Agent Smith, he’s talking to Thomas about his therapy, which is very odd for your work to talk to you about therapy. Because trust me, I myself have gone to many hours of therapy. And my bosses never want to ask about it. They’re just like, it’s fine. Just don’t come in here with a duffel bag. You know, I’m saying like, Yeah, fine. I’m not that kind of crazy. Different kind of crazy. I’m gonna beat myself up kind of crazy. But he he the new Agent Smith, is Donna Thomas about therapy. And then he starts talking about the parent company Warner Brothers. Take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 14:27
Billions of people just living out their lives. oblivious. I always loved that line. You wrote that one? Yeah. Every time I stand here, I mean, oh, em. Gee. It’s so perfect. It’s got to be fake. Right? Yeah, sure. Ever see Smoke
Unknown Speaker 15:05
bunchy Quit.
Unknown Speaker 15:07
Quit calling it a habit. Now it’s just a guilty pleasure.
Unknown Speaker 15:13
Oh, maybe I can make this CC free. I know binary is over budget.
Unknown Speaker 15:19
This is not about binary, Tom. It’s bigger than that. This is about our future, which is a sticky subject given our past. What do you mean? How’s the therapy? Good? Any episodes? Now? No. That’s terrific. Look, Tom, I know we’ve always had our differences. What did you say about our first meeting? We had all the chemistry of an FBI interrogation. But look at this place. We did this. Together. Yeah. Now what? Things have changed the markets tough. I’m sure you can understand why our beloved parent company Warner Brothers has decided to make a sequel to the trilogy. One, they informed me they’re going to do it with or without us.
Unknown Speaker 16:19
I thought they couldn’t do that.
Unknown Speaker 16:22
Oh, they can. And they made it clear, they’ll kill our contract if we don’t cooperate. I know you said the story was over for you. But that’s the thing about stories. They never really end do they are still telling the same stories we’ve always told just with different names, different faces. And it same kind of excited.
Isaac Weishaupt 16:53
So he’s saying that Warner Brothers is going to make the sequel to the game the matrix with or without them, right. Mirroring the real events of what’s going on with this matrix. Now fourth movie. And they threatened to kill the contract if the people don’t cooperate. So they’re being forced into it now, clearly, and maybe people were more aware of this on their first viewing of this movie for me didn’t have a second viewing. I thought, well, this is very odd. This is very much a revelation of the sort of threat that what Koski must have felt from Warner Brothers Warner Brothers basically proposition will cascade is like, look, we’re making a fourth matrix. You can be part of it or not. And Lando Koski is the director Lily did not participate. She said she was exhausted and needed a break. But in the meantime, she was making claims that the original trilogy was all about transgenderism, which if you listen to my first three shows, I believe there’s an element of that in there, I get that. There’s clearly a lot more going on than just that though, right. But the new agents Smith, he’s talking about how we repeat the same stories over and over. And it’s like the same people with new faces. Implying that this is kind of like the hero’s journey idea. They just recycle the same story over and over. And it’s interesting because there’s a new Agent Smith, there’s a new Morpheus, same same people new faces, right. So the cut to Thomas in his therapists office. Now his therapist is Neil Patrick Harris. And Neil Patrick Harris, he’s talking about how he feels he’s either Thomas is talking to him about how he feels like he’s either slipping from reality go nuts, or he’s actually living in the matrix again, that that was previously an issue of his. And if you look around the room, and I’ll put these images up there on the Instagram, you see in the background, the butterfly, symbolic of Project Monarch, the MK Ultra sub program that was messing with people’s minds. A little bit of brainwashing, if you will. Persuasive coercion, if you will. And Thomas basically gets a refill, he goes home and it’s a blue pill, of course, it’s a blue pill. And if you look real close, you’ll catch a glimpse of him in the mirror and he’s like an old man. And I saw that what that what was that? You know, more to come on that. So he gets into work. He’s all blue pilled up, goes into this dreaded day job they’re giving a presentation this height meeting is launched its kickoff meeting for matrix for the video game. And she says it’s kind of funny and you can hear the disdain and sarcasm in this film because the woman who’s heading the launch deal, she says these keywords associated with the matrix brand are originality and fresh, which are great things to keep in mind while working on matrix four, and you could totally detect her sarcasm. And the account, skis apparently felt like there was no way to make this revolutionary again. So I argue she didn’t even try. Didn’t even try. And in some ways, I respect how she didn’t want to let them just completely demolish the story. But she wanted to expose the coercion involved with this of ruining the story. So like, in some ways, I tip my hat to Lily for that right. So I gotta drink tea. I gotta drink this throat coat. I got the I got the dreaded Delta cron, the transformer variants. not know. Now. Okay, where are we? Okay, so, the cue the White Rabbit song Jefferson Airplane, different starships, sorry. And they’re doing the this brainstorming, you know, 80s Montage type stuff, going back and forth between the workplace trying to create the matrix for talking about how great the first three Matrix films or video games were, I should say. And how to make a sequel, and they juxtapose all these ideas with Thomas living his normal, boring, loser life. He can’t even do a roundhouse kick. Can you believe it? And we hear Jude, his co worker talk about how they need to revolutionize again and use bullet time as the motivation. And at this point in the movie, um, I’m really excited. I’m like, this is really cool. This is really good.
And it is good up to that point, right. And Thomas sees tiff at the latte bar. Again, they have a talk that catch up, they flashback. They play flashbacks to the original matrix movies. And she asked, she’s like, well, in the video game you created the matrix is Neil based on on you? And he says, Yes. She even says, I liked this character named Trinity and your game. effect. I build but tiff builds motorcycles. She builds bikes. And she recognizes the similarity of her to Trinity. And she expresses frustration with Chad for not seeing the similarity. Like he laughed it off when he mentioned it, right? No, it’s Carrie curious is that Reese Witherspoon recently tweeted something about how we’re all going to have virtual avatars, which is the transhuman matrix I’ve been talking about for many years. And that’s almost like what Thomas and Tiff are talking about is their digital avatar matrix. And this blurring of lines of reality. And during this conversation, you catch a glimpse of her on the table. She’s an old lady to what the hell’s going on. So Thomas, he goes back to work. And he gets a text you know, very matrix one esque says go to this certain bathroom because everyone’s evacuating for a fire alarm. And here’s New Morpheus and he’s in there, right? And Thomas plays again the doubting Thomas role. The Doubting Thomas from the Bible, he says, You can’t be real your character created and we find out that this Morpheus 2.0 was in fact created the modal as an experiment by Thomas that modal one on one at the beginning of the movie. And Thomas Pro, is how I understood it. Thomas programmed the modal Morpheus to find Neo. And sure enough, there’s modal Morpheus staring there looking at Thomas, sort of proving that he is Neil. He woke himself up from The Matrix, he read pilled himself. So there’s this big gun fighting scene. New Agent Smith, he you know, he’s like Mr. Anderson. If you still didn’t understand he was Agent Smith. And Thomas sees a black cat before waking up in his therapist office again. And we see the the Black Cat in the office, named deja vu right with the old Doogie Howser there. And he says, Well, you know modal Morpheus was supposed to save me from this virtual reality matrix. And he continues to flirt with this idea in his mind, how he made it all up, or maybe it’s real, he doesn’t really know he’s still kind of confused. And he contemplates all these ideas, he flashes back to the original trilogy. And they show what sort of set off this requirement to go to therapy. And you know, it’s, it’s interesting. They show him on the rooftop drinking, he’s standing on a ledge, he sees a bird fly off, which I thought was a reference to the birds aren’t real sigh up. Near comes bugs. To like, save him, I guess. Right. And she says that she was woken up by him when he previously jumped, but didn’t fall. She says, Look, all these agents. They’re all bots now. Right? Because he’s, he’s talking about jumping off this roof again. Maybe I didn’t make that clear enough. If you haven’t watched the movie. He’s like, he’s like, Man, I just don’t trust anything. You know, I might jump off this roof. And here comes bugs. And bugs is like, look, you’re gonna come with me. She shows a rabbit tattoo. And he follows her through a doorway of light just like matrix one. Right? The Gnostic doorway opens up. And now they’re on this Japanese train because they don’t use Bumbles anymore. And modal Morpheus. He guides them through, they go to this theater, where they’re playing the original blue pill Red Pill scene from Matrix One. And he says, you know, set and setting are important meaning they created this whole theater illusion to facilitate Neo taking the red pill. Now, it’s curious if you read Michael Pollan’s book about hallucinogens. That’s kind of what he says set and setting are important.
And bugs explains how everyone else sees him as an old man. They’ve been looking for him to find out why the machines kept him alive this whole time. In this machine, city guru pod
Unknown Speaker 27:01
set and setting. Right now, it’s all about set and setting.
Unknown Speaker 27:08
After our first contact went so badly, we thought elements from your past might help ease you into the present
Unknown Speaker 27:14
nothing conference anxiety like little nostalgia.
Unknown Speaker 27:18
This is footage from your game.
Unknown Speaker 27:28
Time is always against us, etc. etc. No one can be told what the matrix is. Blah, blah, blah. You got to see it to believe it.
Unknown Speaker 27:47
Time to fly. Wait, if this is real, if I haven’t lost my mind, does that mean this happened? But if it did then we died.
Unknown Speaker 28:15
Obviously not. Why the machines kept you alive and why they went to such lengths to hide you. Questions? We don’t have answers to me.
Unknown Speaker 28:26
I’ve been at a company making a game called The Matrix doesn’t seem like they were trying to hide anything.
Unknown Speaker 28:32
We’ve been checking that company for years. We screened every time Samsung we found what we didn’t understand was that they could alter your DSI paths generate your digital self image through a feedback system called semblance. This is how you look to yourself. Somehow they were able to alter your DSI. This is how everyone else sees you.
Isaac Weishaupt 28:58
So Neo takes the red pill. He sees the therapist in the mirror trying to persuade him not to take the red pill because it’s like this really well established system okay. The SWAT team gets into theater. They all escaped through this doorway. Agent bots take over all the people in the train. It’s a shakey cam nightmare. None of this is fun. It was and it’s like this weird blurry made for TV looking effect, like a slowdown effect. I don’t know is it was not impressive. For me. Thomas he anyways he goes through the mirror, right? He red pills finally wakes up in the goo pod. She’s Trinity across from him. Is the goo pods like in the first movie, right? But he’s in the VIP section. He’s in the VIP guru pod. This isn’t a normal battery of cells like with a million you know, mouth breathers and it’s just a special VIP section. Speaking of which, Hope you’re in my VIP section if you go to Illuminati watcher.com Go to VIP you got till January 31. And that’s over. For two bucks. You’re gonna get in there. Two bucks two months, you get that price. No more ads. All the bonus episodes over 100 Bonus episodes since I started doing this. And two free books the dark path and Kubrick’s code where we go to Stanley Kubrick movies. How fun is that? With a Stanley Kubrick two and a half hour video documentary I put together myself for $2 What more could you ask for link in the show notes? Use promo code no more losers all one word. Illuminati watch calm VIP section. No more ads. Just for you. The Neo he’s in the VIP goo bod. And this this weird Robo bug snags him out of the pod takes him past all the Machine City stuff right We’re about an hour in and at this point I’m still here for all of them I okay is still good I like this but the the weird bug takes him to the new ship and we see him wake up in the construct you know the like the white construct we seen wake up in the construct and is all seeing eyes wide open. Right as one would expect awake to the Gnostic wisdom of reality. Then modal Morpheus greets him he’s got this 70s cocktail looking thing going on. And he explains how he Morpheus isn’t modal Morpheus by the way. Not Laurence Fishburne, Morpheus it says look, I’m out. We’re in the balance of two forces you that are I’m sorry. I’m an algorithmic balance of two forces that helped you become you. He is a balance of Morpheus and Agent Smith. So when Thomas Anderson writing the matrix video game created the modal he used the attributes of Agent Smith and Morpheus to create modal Morpheus right. And this explains a lot here when you consider the big idea to take away from this is the baffle met, which we’ll briefly recap I know you guys have heard this from me many times. It’s the idea of reconciling opposing forces Morpheus good Aiden Smith bad right. And to give examples if you go to Alice to Crowley, he talked about these opposing forces and he wanted his followers to explore the dark side the evil to understand like look, you don’t need to fear this that’s a construct that’s a social construct to fear evil. And he said and I quote the true magic of Horus requires passionate union of opposites so I Crowley signed his name as the bathroom and he called himself that he said the bathroom was a divine androgynous entity of perfection of both male and female The star child for formed through alchemy sex magic that’s why the bath met God has solved and coagula means separate and to join it’s alchemy and to these occultists the reconciliation of opposites principle is the key to enlightenment and contacting the divine the Divine Being in a capitalistic sense where the true light the true God exists, and we’ll come back to that because it’s always about evolution right? The okay so moto Morpheus, he takes Neo to the dojo, right? We’re back to the dojo scene wearing the the gayest thing possible. Now that there’s a problem with that.
It was odd, like, we don’t know that he’s gay, but he’s definitely gay. Right? Again, not a problem. Huge LGBT Q supporter right here. I will not say a bad thing about my LGBTQ brothers, sisters, non binaries, all that stuff, right. Well, they still hate me. Probably. That’s okay. You know? They, they fight right. Morpheus and Neo get into a fight. Somehow a very lackluster scene again, this is like the fourth fight scene and you’re like, Dude, why is this so awful to watch? You don’t really know yet. And this is the point where I start changing my mind about this film. Oh, boy, maybe this isn’t gonna be what I thought we’re about an hour into the movie at this point right almost halfway. And at this point, you get probably the best example of the philosophical debate in the film, bugs talking to Neo about the matrix but yet it still got a bunch of digs against Warner Brothers if you listen closely and from that perspective in my opinion Take a listen and see what you think aid in
Unknown Speaker 35:14
this plug is actually real life turned into a video game I don’t know I don’t even know I’m no
Unknown Speaker 35:36
That’s it, isn’t it? If we don’t know what’s real can’t resist took your story something that meant so much to people like me untended into something trivial to the matrix does blue weaponizes Every idea every dream
Unknown Speaker 36:09
everything that’s important to us about it to bury truth than inside something as ordinary as a video game.
Unknown Speaker 36:18
Sounds like the Oracle.
Unknown Speaker 36:22
That’s a much about her. She was gone before I was free. Gone when this new version of The Matrix was uploaded was a patch
Isaac Weishaupt 36:40
so find out the matrix use Neos life for a video game, they took a story something that meant so much to him to Thomas and turn it into something trivial. What does that sound like? It says how the matrix weaponizes Every idea and game Neo says it feels like everything he did, none of it mattered. That’s got to be how Koski feels. That was like the biggest idea I could take away from the film that seemed to be the prominent theme throughout the whole movie. And it also sounds a lot like David Ickes discussion about the archons right, the archons have no creative ability. The Archons of course, a concept from Gnosticism. The Archons need the humans for their creativity because they have none so all they can do is take something and pervert it. That’s all they can do. We’ll come back to that. So finally we see a ship I don’t know how to pronounce this MIMO sign. I looked it up says the Greek goddess of memory. And we find out is made in the European Union in 2274. Apparently they’ve determined what year it is. Because if you recall previously they didn’t know. We’re introduced to the crew of the ship which has zero impact on the whole film not even worth discussing. total waste of time. Save yourself 10 minutes skip right past it. They introduced some machines that are now on their side and Qt including this this cute little machine called Luminate they went the way of every awful Marvel movie and Transformers movie with the cute lovable I don’t know whatever. Again, it shows up like twice in the whole movie. Just to ruin it. It’s the Jar Jar Binks of matrix so moto Morpheus who remember moto Morpheus is just a program he can manifest in the real world were on the ship, but with limited functionality he’s like nanobots right so he’s on the ship Neo wants to free Trinity but bug says there’s no way to retrieve Trinity also they they blew their shot on Waking up out of the VIP section with Neo they can’t wake up Trinity to that’s the instigating incident in this movie is it’s all about Neo trying to wake Trinity have also. So they go to Zion or so we think Zion through an invisible wall. But they go to a city called IO. And they go to meet the general and I call her the the Dollar General Niobe because it looks like she’s wearing general dollar makeup. Budget cuts I guess right? Anyway, she’s not impressed that they brought Neo back to life. Okay. She said look, I never believed in the one she reprimands bugs and the crew for doing it because she’s an authoritarian, she has this death grip on her city and keeping it safe quote unquote. And, again, you don’t See a single person in the whole city? We’re just led to believe they all live there. Which to be fair, maybe it’s good because they might have given us another rave scene. But again, it just felt had a corny vibe to it. It felt like a cheap sort of glossing over and she takes Neil round shows them where they grow food. We find out that Zion after the events of matrix three, There were machines that were fighting each other the war ended up continuing. Morpheus was elected high chair of the Council. He was always preaching spirituality of Neo thinking, well, Neo saved everyone the prophecy was supposed to keep everyone safe. But apparently it failed because the city of Zion got all screwed up. So Dollar General Niobe she throws Neil in the prison. And almost immediately he’s freed by modal Morpheus so that they can go save Trinity. But the conflict here is that Dollar General Niobe wants to keep IO safe because Neo is like so extra, right? But he’s the savior. Right? So socket Niobe. So just that fast that scenes over the crew goes into the matrix because Neos like I gotta go red pill, Tiff, my girl Trinity, right? You got another fighting scene. Smith tries to stop them.
And the conflict here is that Smith is actually trying to get to the therapist who you know Doogie Howser who’s actually the architect of this new matrix you find out so Agent Smith, he just wants revenge. He doesn’t really want to mess with Neil that bad. But he’s worried that Neil is going to screw up his revenge. And here you see the Merovingian he’s all washed up and homeless now whining about how he lost everything since Neal screwed with them. And Smith and the Merovingian they want their lives back so they gotta take Neil out because he’s gonna screw it up because again, he’s so extra right Minji and talks about how all he saw how also great back in the day before people were glued to their phones and Zuckerberg and all this stuff. So Smith, he has this interesting I’m gonna play this clip. He talks about the binary of the light and dark while fighting Neo on top of a black and white checkered floor check it out. But photos on the Instagram also.
Unknown Speaker 42:38
I’ve been thinking about about binaries form the nature of things, ones and zeros. Light and Dark choice in its absence.
Isaac Weishaupt 42:57
And so of course, you could refer to the previous argument about opposing forces. You could consider the the masochism argument of duality. Where the true God is a world of light, which is why Neil always goes through the doors of light. The evil God is the One who created the material prison. Who would that be? That’s God, God the Father, the Abrahamic God. He’s the bad guy. Meanwhile, back on the ship sigue is watching Neil when the fights and he fist bumps that cute little robot Luminate. And my soul leaves my body for a brief second. I died inside an hour and 30 minutes. I said, Why are they doing this to me? How could they do it to me, you heard how excited I was for the first three matrix movies when I did those shows. And the fist bump was where a part of me died. When he fist bumps, the matrix Jar Jar Binks. And again, the Merovingian makes another statement about another awful sequel. So I think we’ll Koski tank this on purpose. And in some ways, I can appreciate that with the idea of sticking it to the man trying to come What do you call a commodity? kind of talk commoditize you know what I’m saying? Try to turn a quick buck on the greatest films of all time. But then on the other end, I think like, bro, you could have made it. Was it a brown? No. Sister, you could have made a great matrix for that actually started off really well. Anyway, so Neil makes his way to TIFF. He tries red pilling or she’s talking about her dreams and I talked about this. If you didn’t know I do. Another show. called breaking social norms with my wife, Josey wise, whomp. And we recently did two full episodes on the basics, the very foundations of symbolism and what it does. I’ll put a link in the show notes in case you don’t know what I’m talking about. It’s called breaking social norms. We talked about this, where Freud was who was like the guy always talking about dream interpretation. Well, this apparently comes from Kabbalah. Pretty crazy, right? So again, you got another connection to the occult philosophies in this movie. So Neil is trying to red pill, Tiff. Doogie Howser shows up. Like now he could slow down and rewind time, he uses the bullet time thing against Neil. He says, because I look I was there when you died in matrix three. And I resurrected you and Trinity I rebuilt you to the show scenes of them getting rebuilt. He’s any suggests that they were connected on some weird level and it was very, they need to be kept apart a certain distance because it was too powerful when they connected. So in some ways, you’ve got ideas of quantum entanglement here like they were connected over distances. And here’s where you get this is gonna be a long clip. But this is a big ideas. And it’s actually quite important. It might be the most important part of the whole film, to be honest. He talks about how he’s the new architect. And if you listen to him talk about how the more they would screw with the humans and make them live in a state of fear, the more energy they would output for the machines.
Unknown Speaker 46:48
I was there when he died. I said to myself here is the anomaly of anomalies. What an extraordinary opportunity. First, I had to convince the suits to let me rebuild the two of you why her getting there. And don’t worry, she can hear me, resurrecting you both was crazy expensive, like renovating a house took twice as long cost twice as much.
Unknown Speaker 47:18
I thought you’d be happy to be alive again. So wrong. Did you know hope and despair are nearly identical ENCODE.
Unknown Speaker 47:30
We worked for years trying to activate your source code. I was about to give up when I realized it was never just you alone, neither of us have any particular value. Like acids and bases. You’re dangerous when mixed together. Every sim, were you too bonded. Let’s just say bad things happened. However, as long as I’ve managed to keep you close, but not too close, I discovered something incredible. Now, my predecessor loved precision. His matrix was all fussy facts and equations. He hated the human mind. So he never bothered to realize that you don’t give a shit about facts. It’s all about fiction. The only world that matters is the one in here. And you people believe the craziest shit. Why? What validates and makes your fictions real feelings. Allow me cushier is one of my handlers that are everywhere. It’s such a pain cloning agents over a Coppertop far more effective just to saturate a population. And bonus swarm mode is sick fun.
Isaac Weishaupt 49:01
So the crew goes back to IO Dollar General no b choose amount. Neo visits Sati from the third film, she’s now an adult, and we find out that her dad built those resurrection pods in the VIP section. And Doogie Howser killed her dad so sad T she wants revenge. And she reveals that Neo leaving the pod created an imbalance that threatens to reset the matrix to a previous version because of this failsafe trigger. But Doogie Howser knows this. He knows this he actually paused the reset because he thinks he can get Neo to return back to the pod by threatening to kill Trinity. If he doesn’t go back so his options are returned to the pod or watch Trinity die yet again. And what they plan to do his trick Doogie Howser, they, they, they’re going to save Trinity from the pod doing the old Indiana Jones switcheroo. Right. As Jimmy the jackhammers analogy, a great one. So I’m using it. But the bugs, the bugs chick, she’s gonna be the bag of sand in this analogy. They’re going to jack her in at the same time they’re jacking Trinity off, right? That’s bad enough. Boy skin. It’s getting already to real quick. But you know what I’m saying, right? But they need Trinity to have some freewill in all of this to accept this. So they’re in a real dilemma here. So all Neil’s got to do is convince her and they’re going to make the switcheroo happen. So Nia goes to the coffee shop. He negotiates with Doogie Howser says look, if Trinity chooses me, you’re going to let us go if she doesn’t, then you can have your way. And he’s and and do he’s like why would I even do this? And Neo he says, Look, the crew back on the ship. They’re gonna unplug me from the matrix which is going to kill him right? Which makes that failsafe active and go all the way back to the matrix, previous to do you houses matrix, so he’s no longer the God of the matrix, basically. So do he’s like okay, fine. So Neo goes had a discussion with Tiff, he’s trying to read pillar here come the kids and Chad, which had curious names, the names of the kids were Brandon and the other one was Donnie. Right. Which I thought was curious because you had Donnie as and Donnie Darko and then Brandon as in the you know, Joe Biden, let’s go Brandon thing. No clue what that means. If it means anything. So the family they’re like, Come on, mom. We got we got to go home, right? Well, you know, mega some sandwiches or whatever. You know, cuz, and I know, I sound sexist. I’m saying that because that’s the impression that Chad’s putting out. Chad’s like a real alpha traditional male. And you can tell he’s, like, angry. He’s like, he’s like, let’s go, you’re my scroll. You got things to do at home, right? And she’s like, Hey, Neil, I’d love to take the red pill, but I gotta go. I got a family. I got responsibilities. So they grab. So the crew on the ship, they’re grabbing Neos plug. They’re like, well, this is a wrap. It’s over. But as expected at the last second before tiff walks out that door. She’s like, you know what? No, I’m Trinity. She calls chat a bitch, I think. And it was supposed to be a big hurrah moment in the film. But it didn’t work. Didn’t work. Jimmy the jackhammer, he said it’s because we didn’t have an understanding of who Chad was or why like why should we even care about the family like they were throwaway disposable characters? No significance whatsoever. Like you we knew the whole time. She was going to go with Neo we knew it. Not a surprise. So Neo and Trinity they’re fighting the agents Smith. He goes after Dewey because remember, that’s what he wanted the whole time. The crew does the swap the swap roof. Do you realize what happened but now it’s too late. And now Neo and Trinity are connected. They shake hands and the Freemason lionpaw grip kills everyone. Smith blast a bunch of holes in the Doogie Howser killing them and I guess he thought his job was done because you don’t see him again. anticlimactic
Neo and Trinity they escaped via motorcycle and we get the the the swarm they call the swarm. No tinfoil hat pun intended. Because the agents can take on any person in the matrix right. And they teased this swarm mode no less than two or three times earlier in the film, right dude, he’s like, I created swarm mode. And you’re like, Oh snap, it’s swarm mode. But like the rest of the movie like doesn’t quite live up to the hype. It was basically a zombie attack. The fact that like, was it 28 Days Later like fast zombie attack and not to be a total dick about everything. There was kind of a cool part because the agents in the swarm mode they like dive bomb out of windows of high rises. That was kind of cool. Like they commit suicide essentially. That was pretty trippy, right? So Neo and Trinity they go inside a building. He stopped and bullets with his hands that says go to trick the whole time the only trick he does In the home movie and they do this on top of a black and white floor I put the image on the Instagram black with white squares again. They’re they’re evading the agents they’re on the rooftop bar blocking bullets with his hands. This time he takes a whole missile and moves it with his hands. Trinity and Neo they embrace on the rooftop with the sunrise that’s the Morning Star Lucifer perhaps. And she reveals her dream ends here. She was dreaming about this but it ended here. And it can’t go back. So they hold hands and they jump because the swarms common right. They’re falling. And this is like the Vanilla Sky View seen the Vanilla Sky movie. Kind of like Vanilla Sky. They fall leap of faith. Only Trinity is able to stop Neil Neil sucks at this point, right? He can’t fly. He tried to fly and he couldn’t fly. They jump off the roof and he’s like fallen to the ground. He doesn’t believe he’s Doubting Thomas again. But Trinity not she knows she’s got the Wisdom. She’s the goddess. She’s the Sophia. She’s now the one and she flies them up and out of the matrix. They wake up on the ship they embrace because you know, it’s a love story. Like I said earlier. Now that’s the end of the film. But I mean, we got an epilogue as to that. Neon and Trinity they visit Doogie Howser. She beats him up a bunch. He says that, you know the suit couldn’t revert the matrix because they couldn’t control the source code and Trinity. She is the Sophia she’s the one he says that the suits didn’t purge the Dougie because he’s so good at knowing humans and Neo and he knows Trinity. And he’s like, you know the people like my matrix. And if you guys think you guys made a Neo and Trinity, you guys want to rewrite it go for it. He’s like people want to be controlled. And they talk about creating a rainbow to show people what a free mind can do. Cube a very lame remake of Rage Against The machines wake up. And that’s a fun fact. The lead singer from the read the band who remade the wakeup song and play at the end is Sofia your Rista Sofia of course the name for Gnostic wisdom. Was it on purpose? I don’t know. seems very odd. So in conclusion, let’s wrap it up. In conclusion, the film has got the the taste of Marvel in it. which I hate. Just a taste. It’s too much it spoils the whole thing. Alright. It’s got a taste of it. Because Dougie is to like funny. These cute robots Luminate like why did you even do this? Why are you doing this to us? This isn’t transformers. Transformers is like mindless entertainment. This is for thinking people. Okay. Then the second time I watched it, I didn’t hate it as much as the first the first time I watched I was numb. The first half I was super excited. Like oh my god, what are people talking about? This movie was great. And then it all fell apart. And I it was over and I was like I don’t know if I like that or not thought about it a bunch watched it a second time and I was like no, I don’t like it. I don’t hate it. I just don’t like it. Okay, rollercoaster of emotions.
And I think why didn’t Fishburn return? Why didn’t Hugo Weaving return? And ironically, I looked it up weaving said he declined larvas and he didn’t come back because of scheduling supposedly. But apparently he was in some Marvel films. And he wouldn’t return for them because he didn’t like working with them. Because their movies are lame. Now not that bad. I’ve actually seen a bunch of Marvel movies that just there’s just too many stop. But why was it bad? What made this bad? There was no revolutionary special effects. In fact, they look cheesy, no revolutionary fighting scenes. The special effects were on par with Hellraiser. Six. It was just cheap. And if you look at the budget, it was cheap. It was 150 million bucks, which is a lot. But if you account for inflation to keep it on par with the first three films, it should have been like 250 million bucks. Right? I mean, those were 20 years ago. So they they kneecap this thing right out the gate. The fighting scenes were definitely not as good The first three films they definitely didn’t step it up definitely didn’t push the envelope. No compelling enemy. No evil force. I mean, Doogie Howser was the worst guy, but like he was kind of funny. No, none. I mean, there were ships. But I mean, there’s this wasn’t. I don’t know. I didn’t felt like there was this big end of the world type threat. You know what I mean? No real interesting philosophical ideas to think about. I mean, it was a lot about what Kelsey whining about how Warner Brothers cheap in the Matrix movie. And that’s kind of what happened, right? Because the original trilogy, they have this feeling of like, man, we need this miracle to happen to save all of humanity. Against all odds, the prophecy. This one just fell flat on its face. No suspense. I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t know how you fix this movie. But you know, I don’t get paid to do that. So to be fair, why would I know? Now? Let me leave with a couple of good note. One good note. I do like how they talked about alchemy. It shows up when Smith is talking about the binary stuff on the black and white floor. The Alchemy is the subconscious reservoir, the archaic remnant. Right. And I thought it was interesting, that dialogue about fear about how fear was making people output more energy for the archons for the Demiurge. This is exactly what David like talks about. That’s his theory. That’s the Adrenochrome theory. Right? They need that life force that life energy, these vampires, the shape shifting lizard people which years ago, I thought that was crazy shapeshifting lizard people, but I don’t know, maybe it’s true. Maybe it’s true. So I thought those were a couple of cool ideas. They floated out. It wasn’t all bad. And finally, this and this kind of explains my feelings of the movie overall. Would I watch another matrix? If they made matrix five? Would I watch it? I would, I would probably watch two more. If matrix five is as bad as matrix four, I would probably give six a shot just out of sheer curiosity. But that would be it. No more, I would give it two more movies. Depending how those go. So there you go. Was it bad? Yes. Was it good? No. Was it somewhere, you know, in between, depending on your mood and what you’re looking for probably. So there you go. That’s the matrix resurrection. Take a look at the images from the movie on my instagram at Isaac Weishaupt link in the show notes. Take advantage of my very generous offer. You’re going to get two books, ad free podcasting. Bonus shows over 100 bonus shows that’s 100 hours. 100 hours plus probably 200 hours, honestly 150 hours, maybe a bonus shows that the free fee doesn’t see or get going back to 2018. For $2 for $2. But only until January 31. Then it’s over. It’s a wrap. It’s the VIP section, you go to Illuminati, watch calm, go to the VIP section. How about your boy, if you liked the show, and you don’t like ads, and you like free books I wrote, you get two books with it. And a two and a half hour Stanley Kubrick documentary, where we talk about the shining Eyes Wide Shut Clockwork Orange. What’s the other film 2001 Space Odyssey?
Let’s do it for the two months that I’m doing it for you for two bucks. Then turn it off. Right? See if you like it. Just see if you like it. That’s all it is. And I’m the one that owns that. So don’t feel like this is some shady business. I had too much threats of censorship going on with other places. Which turns out like I’m fine. I haven’t. I haven’t heard anything that made me think I’m getting cancelled, but I thought you know what, Greg Carr would from Fireside Chats did this right right off the bat. You get your own little thing going and that’s what I got now. I mean, I’m still on rock fan. I’m still on Patreon. It’s on and poppin over there as always, but if you want to get the VIP section that’s your best bet until January 31. Two bucks. Till next time Stay Woke
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