On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we do a plot-spoiling film analysis of James Wan’s latest horror film “Malignant!” We’ll go through the whole film, discuss all of the symbolism of MKULTRA, the devil, serpents, Q @n0n 17, the Caduceus, Carl Jung’s Shadow and the occult initiation ritual the characters go through to ‘know thyself!’ Screenshot images discussed are at my Instagram, like and sub at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt We also hit our Tier 2+ shoutouts for October!
- Q @n0n part 1 with the Q-17 connections to Osiris ritual: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/q-anon-and-the-occult-pt-1-americas-secret-destiny-resurrection-of-osiris-and-symbolism-of-17/
- THE DARK PATH goes into the Shadow concept further on Amazon, Audible or signed copies at Gumroad.com/IsaacW, get more info here: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/the-dark-path-conspiracy-theories-of-illuminati-and-occult-symbolism-in-pop-culture-the-new-age-alien-agenda-satanic-transhumanism/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:00
To the body of Dr. Florence Weaver was found brutally murdered in her home this morning. Did you know her? But I saw I’m seeing I’m seeing as they’re happening Hello. says his name is Gabriel. Someone from my past
Unknown Speaker 0:47
I happened to you before you joined our family hurt you in a way that I can’t even imagine. Daddy, when you talk to Gabriel is here whatever it was he killed again. He’s getting he wants to talk to you. What do you know? Coming from me.
Isaac Weishaupt 2:17
Everybody. It’s your, your humble and happy hosts, Isaac Weishaupt of conspiracy theories in a popular culture. And today we are going to talk about the film, malignant. malignant and we’re going to get into plot spoilers not yet I will warn you. You and here’s the question. Should you watch this movie before you listen to this show? I mean, maybe it’s me. It’s very it’s fine. If you love horror movies, maybe you want to check it out. Because honestly, there’s a pretty insane plot twist. But the movie kind of sucks. Okay. And in a weird way, you know the movies two hours, okay, which you know, violates everything I love. It’s got to be 90 minutes especially if it’s a horror movie like a vapid horror movie like come on. Two hours do we need this? What is two hours and ironically it’s surprisingly doesn’t feel that long so Cheers to that. But I was disappointed because this was directed by James Wan who’s done a ton of great movies he’s done the Condor rings and Sidious is insidious is his was the other ones he did. Like the none. I even like the none I thought that was great. I don’t people hate that movie i thought was great. But this one is clearly the worst one of the bunch that I’ve seen. But it’s not even that not even that awful. I’ve seen worse. I’ve sat through worse. It’s, it’s fine. You sometimes I would say it’s good. Not great. This one. It’s fine. Not good. That’s where I put it so and I watched it for free on HBO so you don’t throw that stuff in a blender and use your subjective opinion or whether you should watch this or not. I’m not recommending it, but it’s fine. The poster for the movie, we see a woman with a big knife looking thing going towards her eye. It’s symbolic of the all seeing eye so we know we’re in for some illuminate confirm time and I will illuminate confirm the movie. And you can go to my Instagram and Isaac Weishaupt Be sure to like and subscribe and I will have a post there with plots spoiling photos. about all the subjects we’re going to talk about. So I got I don’t know how many photos 10 photos, maybe screenshots photo, I call photos, screenshots from the movie. And before we get into plot spoiler territory, let’s talk about who’s in it for one brief second, the main character is played by Annabel Wallace. The main character’s name is Madison Lake, which sounds like a great lake up in Wisconsin, there is their town, Madison, Wisconsin. But she and she looked very familiar. So that’s why I looked her up. I mean, I look up all the stuff for you to pull out anything interesting. She was in the tutors, which I I enjoyed immensely. I loved that show. I thought it was great. But that was about it as far as people you’d recognize from the movie. And bloody disgusting, which is a website for harsh stuff. Back when I was bought back in the golden age of blogging in 2011. Ironically, bloody disgusting was one of the things that sparked my interest in blogging about the Illuminati, because I used to check him every morning This was and maybe my memory doesn’t serve me well, because I had been on my space and I’d been on Facebook. But I was still in the mindset. Because I’m like an old Gen X turd. You know, I like candy corn, which is an old person thing. Like that’s kind of about how old I am. The the I used to go to I used to bookmark web, this is what you used to do before social media, you would bookmark websites. And every morning, you get your dumb little coffee and sit down and you check each website to scroll through what they’d posted in the last 24 hours. And then you were all caught up. Whereas today you go on social media and you just follow these companies and websites and things. And then hopefully if it passes the algorithm, Zuckerberg will show you what’s new for them. Which I hate right? I mean it’s it’s great in the sense that it saves you time it’s terrible in the sense that they filter out what you see.
So anyway, bloody disgusting. They I read their little piece on it and apparently back in 2019 they were saying that this was supposed to be a jello film and I greatly beg to differ but I can see how it has those elements. And if you don’t know I’m talking about jell O’s and this is not official This is me spitballing off the top of my dumb brain. I think in like the 60s or 70s the some of the bigger Italian filmmakers like Dario Argento or Mario Bava they even Lucio fulci did movies where they there was like a killer usually with a hand wielded a weapon like a knife that would kill people and you’d see the killings through the eyes of the killer with the idea that it was sort of a sort of a murder mystery and you didn’t know who the killer was until the very end and sometimes there were you know very sexy ladies along the way I mean it’s a really kind of a cool vibe you know if you’re into horror movies if you’re not you probably think it’s demonic trash. Like I just watch and I’ve been I’m pretty new to like really digging into jalo Films because I hate modern day horror movies like they’re generally not good. I don’t know why they just on the heart that there’s old 70s ones did watch the New York River and so great, so great. But Dario Argento did a bunch of good ones like the bird with the crystal plumage and usually have like a really weird name. Really very wordy title. I can’t think of the Red Queen kills seven times I mean weird as stuff you’re like, what the hell is this movie about? And it actually influenced the if I’m not mistaken, influenced Friday the 13th part one where potboiler the mom’s doing it not Jason. But that’s how that movie went where you don’t know who the killer is. You’re just watching them happen. Watching the killings happen. And I like them because I like those old 70s horror movies because like you I mean, the effects aren’t so good. Like it doesn’t look real like you’re really witnessing all these murders. That’s why I don’t like about like when hostel and Saul really came to prominence, that’s when I sort of disliked modern horror. I mean, it’s fine. I still watch him, some of them. That’s why like James Wan movies because he’s not too heavy on the gore. Right? I like gore like everyone else, but sometimes they make it too much like it’s torture for me. Anyhow, this movie’s got some gore and So yeah, the Is it a gentle film? I mean, kind of Not really. I mean, barely. So I think they got it wrong. There is what I’m trying to say. Okay, all right. It’s a plot spoiler time. So if you wanted to watch this movie, I’d advise you to go do it now. Because we’re going to start talking about the plot and somewhere along the way, I will ruin this movie for you. Which I already told you. It’s fine. Not good. But you know, it’s up to you. Let’s keep it moving. All right, the movie, it starts out, showing us. We were like in a hospital scene. It’s 1993. So like, Nirvana is real hot right now. I guess. I don’t know. Is that right? Nirvana? Yeah, it was hot. 93 still is the golden age of music. You got Nirvana and Tupac. Man, what a year to be alive. And the doctors are treating a patient named Gabriel. And this Gabriel character, he’s going nuts. And he’s got superpowers, right? He’s flexing on these superpowers. He’s got the CDs, which I talked about with my fanox lecture. Right? Because I talk about superheroes and superpowers and how they relate to the CDs. And Dr. Weaver is working at the hospital. She’s very much like Dr. Loomis from Halloween. She’s even got she’s even got the English accent. Right. And Dr. Loomis, if you don’t know who that is, that was from the original Halloween movies. Played by Donald Pleasance, who I showed great adoration for Donald Pleasance in alien geophones, Nia call us religion to where we went through alien movies and talked about the symbolism within the movies and how they relate to the cult and how the Oh called excuse me, and how we’re all gonna die, right? By the satanic alien worshipers.
And it was during Gosh, was Prince of Darkness chapter or talked about john Carpenter’s apocalypse trilogy. I talked about Donald Pleasance, and how fascinating this guy was. Well, anyway, he played Dr. Lewis. Then he died. And then Rob Zombie rebooted the Halloween franchise, which a lot of people hated, but I love Rob Zombie. I love everything. Rob Zombie, which I know counters. The point I made three minutes ago. Okay, so take it easy. I know that it’s ultra gore and almost torture ristic I’m a complex, complicated dumb guy. Okay. But he rebooted it with Dr. lumas. No, I’m sorry. Women, Okay, I gotta look this up, Michael. Now I won’t I won’t waste your time. Michael McDowell or Malcolm McDowell. He was the guy in Clockwork Orange, right. But I believe he was in the Rob Zombie ones. And he might even be in the new ones. Got it. It gets so confusing. Doesn’t matter. You know who I’m talking about. Dr. Loomis. Dr. Weaver is very similar in nature. Anyhow, we’re in the hospital. They’re listening to Tupac and Nirvana. Gabriel stars catching bodies. He hijacks the radio, the RF signals from the radio and he’s like, I’m gonna kill everybody. Cue the credits. And you’re like, well, this is gonna be wild. This might be the greatest James Bond movie ever is what you’re thinking and you’d be thinking completely wrong. And they okay so then the credits are done. They fast forward to present day and we’re introduced to a character named Madison also referred to as Maddie in the shit in the movie. And she comes home from work pregnant. Okay, like she’s all the way pregnant. Okay, mega pregnant. And her man’s is in the bedroom. He’s on the bed watching sports ball in the TV. She has a nerve to bother him for Tylenol. Can you believe that? And then she turns off the sports ball with the remote a big no no in the world sports balling. You know, you can’t shut off the big game when it’s sports ball time. So naturally gets in her face. And this guy’s a real creep, okay. He talks about how he goes. When she went low, he went lower. He talks about how she keeps letting his children die inside of her My God. And then he shoves her head against the wall so hard that it causes her to miscarry the baby. Now this would trigger an event that will be revealed in due time. So her head hitting the wall is what conjures up Gabriel. Okay? And we’ll find out why later. Now, our man is he still tired from being a dick? That he’s sleeping on the couch. And here comes Gabriel. stray from 93 and he comes in and kills him. And these bodies severely deformed his head looks like a Pez dispenser. And Madison or Maddy, she, she sees it right? She passes out, the cops come, don’t ask me how. And they send her to the hospital. When this is where she she comes to and her sister Sydney’s Now there were introduced to a character named Sidney. And she’s like, Hey, your baby didn’t make it. So they get back home. And Maddie, she’s trippin, because now she’s seen stuff. She sees in a weird way, Gabriel, murder and all kinds of folks. And that’s kind of like, the first half of the movie is her like witnessing these murders. Then we cut to a scene where there’s a woman giving a tour of the Seattle underground. And she eventually, like all these other people get snatched up by Gabriel, after everyone leaves the tour. And it’s interesting, because you see an image that says, The Seattle underground starts here. And again, photos, images are going to be on my Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt. Like and subscribe.
And this is interesting, because the idea that the Seattle underground starts here, this is the idea that since we’re at the beginning of the film, we’re starting the journey of the initiate, which as I’ve talked about, many, many times, it begins underground. That’s where they start the rituals. And this woman is about to go through a ritualistic awakening process. But who is this woman? We don’t know. We don’t know. We don’t carry up. We do know that Gabriel snatched her up and taped her up to the wall of an attic. And I’m going to tell you, because I told you we’re spoiling plots. big hint is actually Matty’s blood Mother, what? What? But more to come on that. Now the next day, we’re in Dr. Weaver’s office. And she you know, like I said, this was we saw on Dr. Weaver 93, watching Gabriel catching bodies, fast forward X amount of years. And she’s studying genetic stuff, as per the smart books on her desk. And if you look closely, like a real psychopath would like me, you would see on the wall, there’s an evil eye, the all seeing eye. She’s confronted evil, the devil Gabriel, which we will confirm later. And now she’s trying to keep him a bay with the evil eye on her wall again. Instagram, as it was, like in the shownotes, like and subscribe. She retrieves her file in our little office, on a person named Mei. And you’re like, Who are these people? Well, later on you find out may is, is Emily May, which makes more sense later. But Emily may is another hint. And Li Mei is actually Maddie. Yeah, we’ll find out later again. All these things are adding up. You’re like what is happening? So back in Madeline’s house, we see she can she’s having these visions right have Gabriel murder and folks, and she sees Dr. Weaver attacked by Gabriel. And curiously enough, he grabs one of her award trophies for being Dr. Dr. Great times. And you’ll notice it’s the medical staff have Hermes, it’s the caduceus, the double snake around the staff, which we’ve talked about many times, and To the untrained eye, that just looks like the symbol for the profession of medical care. But it’s not it’s more than that. It’s an occult symbol. It’s the staff of Hermes and it symbolizes the baffa met. It symbolizes the reconciliation of opposites. And here comes Gabriel, the Dell grabbing it. And we’ll revisit this and we’ll take a deep dive in the conclusion on why this happens because this is very important. And again, you got to check out the images on the Instagram now Gabriel removes the serpent from the statue and makes it this murder weapon. Knife thing. And Maddie, she she witnesses another murder This time though she sees Gabriel kind of looking at her during the murder. He’s looking at her. And we catch a shot of his all seeing eye again, with the all seeing eye, symbolic of the awakening, symbolic of the understanding of the Luciferian wisdom of embracing evil and Gabriel’s killing folks. He’s killing a guy. This guy’s involved with that same hospital from 93 this simian Research Hospital that they were working with Gabriel so apparently he’s on a revenge quest. So Manny, she keeps having these weird visions she goes to the police she tells him I look I think I’ve seen all these murders happen and they’re like oh come on now you’re not you’re not for real and she’s like yeah, let’s go to this guy’s house I witnessed his murder last night and they walk in and Yep, sure enough he woke up dead. And Maddie goes to the bathroom where she spent some time staring into a mirror and this is symbolism of call young shadow which she also is called by Gabriel on her cell phone at the same time right and this all this all fits together with what’s going on with his movie.
What is going on here I will stick around for the conclusion and MLA you know, because the the symbolism of the shadow and the mirror and Gabriel color at the same time. It all fits together and it makes so much sense. So then they go to maddies adopted mother cuz we find out she’s adopted right? So we go to her adoptive mother. And because she’s like, I gotta get some information on my background. I don’t know much about where I came from. And through a VHS tape, flashback. She gets the whole scoop. Take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 22:26
Maddie, I just oh.
Unknown Speaker 22:31
Are you holding up sweetie? Are you eating? Like skinny? I gotta cook more. I need you to remember during the adoption today say if I had a brother or anything? No. The only thing they would say is if there were siblings, they tried to place them in the same family
Unknown Speaker 22:55
and whose house What do you know?
Unknown Speaker 23:15
You wanted a party so bad Maddie. You nagged us until your father gave him and invited your whole class but I thought it was a freak.
Unknown Speaker 23:23
I had no friends. I remember Manny, you talking to Maddie about why wasn’t? Well then who are you talking to? Gabriel exhale, imaginary sounds like you are. You’re not my real family.
Isaac Weishaupt 24:32
So yeah, that’s crazy. Okay, she was talking to Gabriel as a young girl scene stuff. Meanwhile, the police are coming through some clips from Dr. Weaver’s place. And they find out that Maddie was involved in some experimentation, experimentation type stuff and her name under the experimentation was in fact, Emily May, right we already covered that. And for the first time we hear confirmation that Gabriel from the the straight from the horse’s mouth, the Gabriel is the devil.
Unknown Speaker 25:26
First day, July 23 1992. Today marks the seventh years, Emily Mae was interested into our care. She remains unlike any test subject we have ever encountered here at the clinic. Though in recent months, Emily started because reading signs of psychosis, she says she’s seeing visions, and hearing thoughts from the devil. I’ve contacted dr. john Gregory at Hopkins, as well as Dr. Victor fields from the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital, just to help determine the course of action
Unknown Speaker 26:01
after Florence Weaver to fit the fields within the same case with Dr. chakra, who is
Isaac Weishaupt 26:11
so the police are starting to piece this together, right? The research facility had Maddie and they were researching her. And now the doctors are getting whacked one by one. Now this third doctor, he’s the last one that’s alive. He’s now in danger. And of course homeboy decides to go take a nice little bathtub a bath. So you know what’s going down next? It’s murder. And yet, here comes Gabriel. And he kills him in the bathtub, which you already know, symbolic of the passing over the witch craft cleansing ritual. We talked about this so many times so many times. You already know the whole drill with that. If you haven’t, check out my shows on I think it was the Madonna show on memory. Everyone. Remember when 2020 kicked off and Madonna was singing about fried fish in the bathtub. I did a whole show talking about the bathtub symbolism. Kim Kardashian, Whitney Houston, Bobbi Kristina, so on and so forth. And use and you also see this on, there’s a commercial for Facebook groups. I don’t mess with Facebook. So I don’t know. But there’s a kid wearing you’ll know because there’s a young young man, a boy wearing pearls and you’re like, oh the guys are doing now and yes, that’s what they’re doing. But then they flash through a group of people in the Facebook group that they’re doing all the occult New Age stuff. They’re wearing the shocker stones, they’re levitating. And that includes a bathtub sequence, the cleansing ritual of witchcraft, right. So the police, they visit Maddie and they’re trying to break down what’s going on here? Because she doesn’t know. And they talked to her about going to a hypnotist so that she can relive out her experiences being adopted and understand more about how Gabriel followed her to her new home.
Unknown Speaker 28:33
All three victims were involved in the same case study they call patient may. You were the case study. They were your doctors.
Unknown Speaker 28:42
Sorry, salt blank before Cindy’s parents adopted me.
Unknown Speaker 28:50
I think you were born Emily May.
Unknown Speaker 28:57
That’s what he calls me.
Unknown Speaker 29:01
Madison the department works with a hypnotherapist that helps unlock repressed memories, trauma, sexual abuse PTSD. Would you be willing to see one? Do it. She’s not a psychic. Goddamnit
Unknown Speaker 29:20
we’re going to turn back the hands of time, the bygone years we constructing themselves. I want you to go back to before the adoption. I don’t remember any of you’ve gone back beyond your conscious memories. Can you tell us why you’re in the hospital? I’m not sure. That’s fine. So I do parents They’ve come into mind she’s hurt who was Gabriel? souffrant he says he is but
Unknown Speaker 30:31
I’m the only one that could see he ruined your mother’s cake I didn’t it with Gabriel
Unknown Speaker 30:36
you can’t keep lying like this Maddie there’s no Gabriel Go to your room
Isaac Weishaupt 30:43
that doesn’t go to your room right now. So every time Gabriel does something a little cheeky Matty we get in trouble growing up I think that a bitch also ate that the plot from drop dead Fred Are we just watching drop dead Fred for James Wan talking about how innovative and intelligent This story was. is basically just drop dead Fred it’s gory drop dead bread. So Maddie, she comes to from the hypnosis and it’s now also clear now she gets it all she she understands what’s been going on this whole time. Daddy Yeah, okay. Waking Up in strange places. St. Gabriel wanted for anyone who is in the with you here? Have you lost memory? Very deep in the back of your head. Until now, can we hear her say that he Gabriel was a memory buried deep in the back of my head. As she tells the police the killer is in fact, Gabriel, her imaginary friend. Now, all of a sudden, whilst confessing this to the police. The woman from earlier from that Seattle underground tour comes crashing into the living room. That’s right. This whole time she was tied up in the in the attic of Mattie’s house. Yes, Matty’s real blood mother was tied up in her own attic. And then God the cops were there for the big reveal. So so they arrest Maddie because they’re like, Oh, this bitch crazy. She’s dying over mom in our attic. We caught her. But while they’re questioning that he Gabriel calls, one of the policeman’s cellphones. So now they’re not sure what’s why they’re just like, I don’t know, lock Mark was crazy, Jacob. We’re gonna figure this out. And he says that. And Gabriel tells the cop on the phone that Maddie didn’t even know. He was nesting in her home, sort of exonerating her, okay. But he tells them that he is a figment of her imagination and ask them to ask Maddie, what his real identity is and guess what we find out? Oh boy, Gabriel. already called you. Back.
That’s right. It’s the devil. Yes, indeed. Over and over we see this recurring message. Make no doubts about it. The devil is in Mattie’s mind. It is a part of Maddie. It is So I don’t want to give it away. You know where I’m going to go with this maybe how long you’ve been listening to the show. We’ll save it for the end and that bird keeps chirping My apologies. I’m not going to tell the bird Shut up. This is life in suburban hell, you know what I’m saying is algos, birds chirping people mountain school buses. Okay, so Sydney and previously we talked about the bathtub, I got the screenshot of that image on my Instagram as well. And here’s another one, I’m going to have an image for Sydney. You know, Maddie sister decides she’s going to investigate to okay. She goes to the now defunct simian Research Hospital, which is where Maddie as Emily came from, and we see the wall, someone’s sprayed Welcome to hell. So again, another reference of the devil, and you can see that image as well, on the Instagram. We also see while she’s there, on the directory of the wall between the elevators there, there is a bunch of offices, right? And to the normal, untrained eye. There’s nothing of significance but me being the I’m the crazy folks, the truth or community. I looked and scoured and sure enough, I found something maybe it’s crazy, maybe it’s not Child Services is in room 17. Which, if you recall, we did a show back in the summer of 2020. Talking about the QA non thing, during which we talked about the gematria, the numerology of the number 17 and how that is the number for you right? Now, the reason that was important had to do with the resurrection of Osiris ritual presidential inaugurations. We’ve talked about all kinds of crazy stuff. And if you haven’t heard it, I will leave a link in the show notes. This was published on the free feed September 28 2020. Okay, it has to do with American secret destiny in the occult. Anyhow, you recall the QA movement, it was all about Save the Children remember that. In fact, when I’m driving around, around here in Salt Lake City, if you go out there’s if you’re if you’re familiar with Salt Lake City, there’s a there’s a really grimy, full nude strip club called southern exposure. Okay. And right by it, there’s this massive tractor trailer truck like the bed of a tractor trailer truck. And to this day, it’s still up, and it has the big Trump 2020 Save the Children posted on the side of it. Because that was the big mantra for the QA non folks will save the children. So how carry is that cue which numerology is the 17th letter of the alphabet? Okay. In gematria the Twilight language everyone call this numerology? 17 is q it’s the same thing. sort of find Child Services is in room 17. That’s very curious right? Now, and again, image on the Instagram. Anyhow, Maddie, she’s she’s in the prison. So because the cops don’t really trust her. They don’t know what to think. Sydney. Meanwhile, she gets the videotape files. So she’s got the full scoop about what happened with Emily Mae, aka Maddie at this research facility, so we find out that surina May, that’s maddies mom, that’s the one that come crashing down through the attic. She was 15 and pregnant from a rape when she first went into simian research facility.
And she went in for help because she was on her own. And that’s about all they give you and I wanted to know a lot more. Right? And you know what? When we look at the world of conspiracy theory, and MK Ultra type ideas, you’ll come across this idea that there’s dissociative identity disorder, there’s traumatic based mind control. And a lot of times it involves people being sexually traumatized, particularly people that are vulnerable that don’t have parents, right. which fits into the big narrative of why a lot of conspiracy people think they want to destroy the family unit because without a protective mother and father, then kids are left to be abused and you know, left to the desires of the Illuminati And we’ll revisit this in the conclusion. And the subsequent videos that that she Sydney plays reveals quite a horrific surprise. Quite a horrific surprise. This is where the big plot twist in the movie happens. Gabriel, we find now isn’t just an imaginary friend. No, no, no. Gabriel is what is called a teratoma. It’s a tumor with eyes, teeth, and a mouth on the back of her head. And these are this is real. Obviously in the movie, this is an intense version that I don’t think has any basis in reality. But Gabriel is a tumor in the back, connected obviously, to the back of the Matty’s head, and Gabriel’s got arms and legs and everything is connected to her brain and tell her to kill people out terrific. And we hear young Emily may refer to him again. Was this the third time? refer to Gabriel as the devil. Now this clip is a bit longer so hang in there, but this one tells the whole story as to what’s going on in this movie.
Unknown Speaker 41:19
Emily, are you okay? Are you scared? Don’t be he won’t wake up. I promise. I’ve given him a heavy sedative. It’s probably why you’re feeling sleepy, too. He just wanted a private moment with you without Gabriel listening in. We’ve noticed in recent weeks, you’ve become more aggressive. Can you tell us why? It’s been telling me to do things happens to people. Is that why you attacked Bobby Fay the obvious choice your size.
Unknown Speaker 42:19
Paper he’ll make space strong. Topic kill Bobby. He actually said those words. Sometimes he speaks words. And other times the words are in my head. And they are really words anymore. Just the links because I knew what he wanted me to do. pretends to be a devil. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 43:21
I’m going to wake him up. Why don’t you come around after I’ve injected him? What exactly is Gabriel? Gabriel is an extreme version of a teratoma, a tumor consisting of tissues, hair, teeth, muscles, bones, and more specifically, in this case, it’s a parasitic twin. When two embryos develop in the womb don’t separate like they should. One twin is dominant, while the other is underdeveloped, is not considered conjoined because the underdeveloped twin is dependent on the body of the other like a parasite. Gabriel feeds often
Isaac Weishaupt 44:20
the meta Pollyanna. So Gabriel is a parasitic twin, feeding off Emily. He is also the devil. We’ve confirmed it over and over and you get the whole scoop via this series of videos. Gabriel’s basically connected to the brain so they can’t remove the full body they had to push a small part of Gabriel back into Emily’s skull, that he’s always going to be there. Thus, when her male perspective baby daddies shoved her head into the wall, he woke Gabriel up because Gabriel was shoved in the back of her skull this whole time. asleep. And so so back into the prison cell Maddie, aka Emily. She’s inside this prison cell and she’s getting bullied, and Gabriel’s not having it. So he takes over her body. And this is where the movie really jumps the shark. And he starts smashing skulls. And somehow the police are also in a fight simultaneously with Gabriel doesn’t make a ton of sense. And then there’s this final showdown in the hospital room. And this and this is like, this is so bizarre. It’s like this matrix sequence. It’s really corny. In fact, this is where I was like, Okay, this movie’s dumb. But then, you know, they get out of the prison cell and the spills over to the hospital. There’s a final showdown in the hospital room where Maddie, aka Emily, her blood mother is in bed in the hospital bed. Because remember, she was tied up in the actual jacked up, Stewart through her hip out or something? I don’t know. So Sydney, blood mother, Maddie as Gabriel are all in there because let me explain this to the when Matt okay. So when when Maddie was in the prison cell, she’s getting bullied and she’s just Maddie. She’s weak, right? And then she gets mad like the incredible Hawk and she turns around 180 degrees. And in the back of her head, Gabriel comes out and takes over her body. Now she’s freaking Neo from the matrix. Okay, it’s very weird. She’s walking. She like, walks backwards. That’s how you know she’s Gabriel. I guess it is pretty awful. Then they’re in the hospital room. And Maddie is Gabriel. Right? She’s walking backwards. And Gabriel wants to kill everybody. Right? He’s just a homicidal maniac. He’s the devil. Right? The devil doesn’t have any, any survivors. And at this point, we see Maddie go into this black void with Gabriel, inner consciousness. And she declares her freedom from him. And talks about how she’s going to suppress him. And the reason the way she does this is by putting Gabriel into this jail cell in her mind.
Unknown Speaker 47:43
Now I can do all the mind tricks you can’t forget. share the same brain to you. You don’t deserve your body. By Can you better than you
Unknown Speaker 48:12
know. You don’t get to control me ever again. It’s offer. I’m taking it off my mind. My body? Like everything. No, do you get to live in a world that I agree.
Unknown Speaker 48:31
Jerry thought y’all might be stuck with me. seminar later I run out. I know. But next time, I’ll be ready.
Isaac Weishaupt 48:49
So Maddie successfully puts Gabriel into a mental prison. Okay, which will come back here in just about one second here. And when we hit the conclusion, she proceeds the lift is 1000 pound hospital bed off of Sydney for no apparent reason. And then she’s just like, a star Charlie Murphy. I got I got control of Gabriel now. I’m sorry. I almost killed everybody. Then the final shot that you see in the movie. You know, her blood mother and her sister. They’re all hugging. Right? But you see the light, the lamp in the room starts buzzing and making some static, which is what happened every time Gabriel came around, implying there’s going to be a sequel, which I would definitely not watch. So in conclusion, in conclusion, let’s wrap up what we saw here. The blood mother went through this initiation ritual. Because she was at the Seattle underground right underground is where the rituals take place. And the initiate to any secret society knows this. They simulate death. It’s a Without the resurrection of Osiris, right you have to simulate the death symbolizing the death of the old way the old person and a rebirth, the baptism into the new enlightened occult ways. So she goes from the Seattle underground to above Matty’s attic, way high up, right? She went from, this is a bit of As above, so below, this is the hermetic action reference to Hermes trismegistus. It’s not chemical concept. It’s a ritual magic concept. And she observed her blood child, Maddie, going through her own awareness. And then she redeemed herself by facing the death in the hospital. Right? Mary’s blood mother faced death in the hospital, a mother, she lived through it, she was initiated this whole time. And as there’s a sequel to this hot garbage, I would argue that the mother is probably going to be the focus of the movie. Again, I’m not watching it. So that’s enough of me. But you know what, like, not talking trash, because James Wan gave us some really great movies. I mean, he’s been 95%. That’s pretty good. Well, that’s not that’s not the right number. See, I’m not a sports ball guy. What would I say? He’s batting? Nine 950%? You know, I’m saying. So the mom goes through this whole thing, Serena Mae, right? She was raped at 15. Her mom couldn’t help her. And we, we, there’s a spiritual element to it because the mom wouldn’t her mom would help her. Because she said the pregnancy was a transgression against God, and the child was an abomination, which tells me there was some perhaps in sexual action going on here. And we already talked about how it seems in this traumatic based mind control thing. There’s an obsession with this type of stuff. Okay. And we talked about how in the hospital room 17, QA non room is where Child Services happened, could it be James Wan, is a QA Don kind of guy. And he’s trying to make this movie to bring awareness to the to the idea. Could it be? I don’t know. But if you read Kathy O’Brien’s transformation of America, you’ll see that there’s a coordinated ring of people that are definitely into abuse and the kids through repeated abuse of all kinds of the worst kinds. And that’s what Serena Mae went through and her her involvement in the research facility is very telling to because the kid would end up having a Bizarro weird alter identity which happens when you get traumatically abused and well should we hit that next? Now let’s hit the next big point that could do see is trophy remember the sword the Gabriel gets the dagger? It has the had the Twin Snakes on it?
Well, that’s the symbolism for the reconciliation of the opposing forces. right because Maddie was Maddie aka Emily May. So she’s got an alter ego right for the job, right? Maddie had another alter, which was Gabriel. So she’s got all these alters in her head. Then Gabriel was the devil. Now Gabriel, at the end of the movie, we find out Maddie goes into the dissociative identity disorder state she creates the amnesia barrier. And what I’m saying is that this is what this is how and look I didn’t come up with this theory. David Ike is the one that I learned from watching his videos many many years ago. He describes it as like if you get into a horrific car accident you your brain protects itself by compartmentalizing the memory because it’s so traumatic so like a lot of people will go through traumatic events and not have any recollection will have no memory of it. It’s like they went blank. And it’s the brains way of protecting. It shuts down. And don’t ask me why I’m not a neural neurologist. But the brain shuts down and it creates a sort of fragment, fragmented piece of the mind and that’s allegedly out of the trauma based mind control happens they traumatize these kids. And the kids create alter egos and they compartmentalize these horrific memories and that’s what she does to put Gabriel into the mental prison cell inside of her mind. She creates them music barrier which is pretty wild right? Now who was Gabriel? Well, I told you he was the devil and he came here to do the devil’s work he was actually the call young the youngin shadow of Emily and we may aka Maddie and we they kept calling him the devil we saw the facility was hell and said Welcome to hell. And in young in terms of the shadow was in fact the devil. The shadow is the dark side suppressed by mankind. And you know, Young was in all this gnostic duality stuff, with the idea that we need to reconcile the opposing forces of good and evil. We need to take a look at the evil that lies within us and embrace it. In order to have full enlightenment and understanding. We had to look at the shadow and embrace it in order to know it. I’m gonna read you from when I got this from a website because I was researching some of the young shadow devil connections. This is from the portable young by Joseph Campbell of all people from the guy wrote about the hero’s journey says the shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego personality for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality is present and real, is act as the essential condition for any kind of self knowledge. And it is therefore as a rule meets with considerable resistance. Indeed, self knowledge as a psychotherapeutic measure frequently requires much painstaking work extending over a long period. So there you go. It’s all about this wisdom, this enlightenment. It’s the initiation into the next phase for Emily, May, Maddie. And let’s go to another website. This is Academy of ideas calm about Carl young shadow dangers. When one desperately when one tries desperately to be good, and wonderful and perfect, then all the more the shadow develops a definite will to be black and evil and destructive. People cannot see that they’re always striving to be marvelous. And then they discover that terrible destructive things happen, which they cannot understand. And they either deny that such facts have anything, anything to do with them. Which is what happens when Maddie and Gabriel right? She has no idea that she’s killing all these people. Or if they admit them, they take them for natural afflictions or they try to minimize them and to shift the responsibility elsewhere. The fact is that if one tries beyond one’s capacity to be perfect, the shadow descends into hell and becomes the devil.
See, that’s what happens with Gabriel she, once she accepts the shadow side, once she accepts the Gabriel’s there and looks at him and points, the light and the focus and attention towards him. She’s able to control him and put him in his little amnesic barrier. Di D associate, dissociative state prison cell. Right. And I’ve talked about this many, many times. If you want more if you’re very intrigued, well, the shadow talk. I wrote a book called The dark path, which has hundreds and hundreds of great reviews. Thank you for leaving the reviews. I still do read them all. I told you I read them all and I do have hundreds and hundreds of hires on Amazon and audible. I specifically talked about the facing of death rituals like the one Mattie Mattie’s mother goes through In fact, I’m going to read you one passage from own book from the dark path. facing one shadow is the recurring theme found in occult rituals when the initiate is led to believe they are facing imminent danger or even death. They believe it is necessary to integrate the evil an employee the inner devil that can be viewed as strength. watts and I’m talking about Alan Watts here previously mentioned in the book. Alan Watts believed that without the shadow there cannot be a substance and I believe he may be somewhat correct. Why do I think he’s somewhat correct? Well, you ought to read the book find out that I got a whole stack of America because I was gonna do a lecture. You can get a signed copy gumroad comm backslash Isaac W. Or just get it on Amazon or audible. I don’t care where you get it. But it’s a really good book. It really is my like magnum opus, if you were to get one book of mine, I got nine books now. That’s the one. And you know, the proofs in the pudding. All the reviews are really great. So thank you for the good reviews. Now, why did Gabriel remove the serpent from that dagger? I think about the Kundalini energy, okay. This is the, the serpent energy that represents the fusion of male and female within a person. And these opposing forces, initiate the energy transfer through the chakras through a person’s body, oftentimes, engaged through yoga, or tantric sex or whatever. And they depict it as a coiled Kundalini serpent at the base of the spine, that will went on lot, ascend through the body chakra is to the tip of the head. And this serpent symbolism is used, because the release of that Kundalini serpent energy is a process of rebirth. And the snake sheds its skin. And that’s what you see with the Ouroboros symbolism of the snake eating its own tail. It’s this constant rebirth, because in the occult, or New Age, ways of thinking, it’s a never ending process. You can keep re rebirthing yourself and re, you know, understanding the world. And actually know, one of my therapists, I have a couple therapists Not to brag. But one of my therapists. He did a bunch of this stuff like he was. He knows a lot about Tantra stuff. He’s been India and all this stuff. very amazing guy. But he’s not illuminate confirm. He’s just a nice guy, saying they’re not all bad. Not all the people that do this stuff are bad, unless you ask the evangelicals, and they’ll tell you this is all straight from the devil. Even my man, what’s his name? I can’t think of his name, Father, Seraphim rose, to tell you, all this stuff is straight from the devil. And I look I don’t know what the answer is. I couldn’t tell you. I knows I love this man. He’s a great guy. I don’t I’m not advocating to do this stuff myself. But you know. Anyway, he told me he did this stuff. And he said he his Kundalini busted open. He said it was amazing. So I know it happens because I believe this guy, right? But if you read books, like Peter Levin does the Dark Lord, you can read all about the Kundalini serpent and the Tantra, sex and how the occultist were doing these practices for many, many, many years. And the question is, is it evil? Is it devil worship? Or is it a way of a person? Sort of doing some self empowerment stuff? That’s for you to answer not me. I can just tell you, I don’t have a dog in that fight. I love you either way. Now the caduceus with the snakes twisting around the staff, is what that dagger was right. And if you’ve never heard the legend of how that came to be, it’s pretty bonkers.
It’s and you’ll know that’s the symbol for the medical profession, right? With the two snakes in the staff. And it goes back into back in the old ancient days back in zipped happy time. diaries he is was traveling with a staff, like a big stick basically. And he taught the salt to snakes banging it out. That’s crude. Two snakes, Megan love, okay. And you’re trying to separate these snakes? Well, why I don’t know. let nature take its course buddy. But he decided to get involved in trying to separate these snakes, with his staff, and they climbed up the damn thing. And they turned him into a woman for seven years. And adult ask and they turn on a woman for seven years, until he’s able to find two more snakes making love and got them to climb the staff and turn him back into a man. That’s what are medical doctors used as the symbol for their profession. Now the staff was considered a very dangerous magical thing back then. Right? It wasn’t just a walking stick. So he put it in a cave that was shaped like a penis. And that is allegedly the birthplace of Hermes trismegistus. Hermes the thrice great and Hermes found this magical staff and he used it for heeling which is where the medical profession gets the symbol and why they use it. Wild story. So next time you’re in the doctor’s office, you ask them about that caduceus and see if it tells you it’s because snakes were making love and turning men and women and women into men, because that’s what it was. But the snakes like the Kundalini represent the healing in the immortal regeneration, right? The healing and the snake shedding the skin and being reborn. Now also should you not believe me about Gabriel being the shadow? You look to the bathroom mirror, because Okay, so the snakes, the caduceus is also seen on the the head of Baphomet, right? The goat with the boobs, because it’s a symbol for reconciliation of opposites, the opposing forces, we get into the Gnostic duality of good and evil, and this idea that you need to embrace evil, right? That’s kind of the idea. And you also see this in the film. In the bathroom where Gabriel first make contacts first makes contact with MADI which I have that image on the Instagram ad as it was outlines with Dr. Robert Sullivan. He wrote three great books that I highly recommend, called cinema symbolism and cinema symbolism three, which was just released not too long ago, goes through a lot of the mirror symbolism in several films. I’m already right from the book. Robert Solomon, a guest on this show. So shout out anyway, says the doubles. And he talks about how like when a character looks in the mirror, there’s like a double image right? The doubles refer to a representation of the ego that can assume various forms, Eg shadow reflection, portrait, double twin, found in primitive animism as a narcissist, narcissistic extension and guarantee of immortality. So you can see this goes a bit further and maybe the reconciliation of opposing forces her looking into the mirror and looking at her own shadow at her representation of the ego. And finding her double is a way of pursuing immortality. Maybe I don’t know what in the books Solomon goes on to discuss this idea that that Freud ran with right. It influenced the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde story, as well as the ideas of what a conscious and subconscious are. The idea of the suppressed dark side the shadow and he talks about how alchemy one was balanced these opposites by unleashing the inner beast and destroying the ego, so that the beast can come out again, it’s looking to the evil within us and allowing it out to reconcile the opposites. Even cites the da Vinci painting of Mona Lisa and Madonna on the rocks. Because he’s talking about how the Vinci he reconciled the opposites in some ways. He had these beautiful paintings, right beautiful inspirational paintings. But then he also made blueprints for tanks, killing machines. He said he sort of embraced the duality
and mirrors showing a reflection. Like the doppelgangers in Black Swan, if you’ve seen that, it’s all about the mirror shows the repressed shadow side, which the ego rejects. So when you stare into the mirror as a character in a movie, you’re literally looking past the ego, and trying to find a deeper, hidden Evil Within in some ways to be simplistic about it. But obviously, this can be very dangerous. And that’s what this movie is all about. It’s all about unleashing the Evil Within in order to enlighten oneself to evolve. In fact, in fact, you’ll also hear throughout this movie, a stylized version of the Pixie song that you hear in Fight Club. It’s the song where’s my mind? And fightclub has almost, I mean, almost as a very similar kind of plot. Tyler Durden is the devil the shadow and the narrator. Edward Norton. He’s kind of he’s the ego. He’s Maddie. Right? operation chaos unfolds. So there you go. That’s my analysis of malignant. Was it a good movie? No, it was okay. I would not Watch the sequel unless the trailer really grabbed me. But yeah, that’s what the movie is all about is all about reconciling the opposites in the end the snakes making love. So that’s it. I hope you enjoyed that analysis. I know I sure did. And I’ll put some links in the show notes for you where you can listen to the QA on part one where I talked about the symbolism of 17. I’ll have links for the dark path if you want to learn more about the shadow. If you end support the show, you know, you’ll be supporting me, you can get the signed copies@gumroad.com backslash either w or get it on Amazon or audible wherever you like to get it. I don’t have a preference. Whatever is easy for you. I narrated the one on Audible it’s really great. You’re gonna love it. So yeah, that’s about all I got for malignant. I’ll put the links in the show notes and check out the images on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt Boyce so many links for you in the show notes of you know where the show notes are. So I don’t know they’re actually on Illuminati watch calm. Or if you’ve got the right kind of app you can kind of like sift through the show notes. Alright everybody, you know what to do. Until next time, stay woke
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