On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we look at the symbolism behind Lil Nas X’s controversial new video MONTERO! We’ll break down the satanic shoes he’s selling (with human blood on them), the Gnostic occult messages of androgyny in the video, the forces of Eros and more! Learn about how Lil Nas X is being initiated into a false god and he’s aiming his cannons at the children!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Did you see the video? Do
Isaac Weishaupt 00:08
you see that little NAS x video Montero? Well, if you haven’t seen it, you’ve surely heard about it. And that’s what we’re gonna talk about today I’m going to reveal the symbolism behind it. The insidious messaging behind it the real meaning of why little NAS x dropping this satanic video, it’s more than just rebellious imagery. There is some deep occult symbolism behind lots of stuff in this video, and I’m gonna break it all down for you a lot of people getting offended because it’s, you know, a gay black rapper twerking on Satan. But I’m here to tell you, it’s more than that. I don’t know if you’ve seen the video. I’ll explain the video a little bit. I mean, I’ll explain what you need to know because I’m going to break down this. Basically, most of this show is going to be explaining one image from this video that I posted on
on the
Isaac Weishaupt 01:16
social medias, on Instagram, on the Twitter and zoom in I did have one shot from the video and you see some symbols and a message and that’s what I want to focus on mostly. And we’ll talk about those shoes. Sorry, my voice is a little probably sound a little hoarse early Sunday morning and woke up really early this morning. Why not? I don’t know I couldn’t sleep in. And I wanted to get this out to you as quick as possible.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:55
it’s a little it’s it’s so early it’s too early on a Sunday morning to be talking about gay rap satanic videos, but here we are. And we’re gonna do it. Now I talked about little NAS x in the past. And you know my he’s the guy did the old town road song that everybody on the planet heard a million times over. Pretty good song of fact, I did a Twitter survey about asking you what was the best rap country crossover? I don’t remember if he won or not. I think he won. The other one was Bone Thugs. Right. Remember the Bone Thugs? Shoot. I don’t remember. Sorry. It’s early. I’m only one cup of coffee and folks. Okay. And yeah, you know, little NAS x’s. And in September 2019, I posted on my Instagram, I did a show about the VMAs. And if you were call your boy little NAS X was wearing a jacket and on the jacket. It had the all seeing eye. It had the triangle, and it had the serpents and I’m sure a lot of us, myself included probably thought okay, I mean, he’s not in the Illuminati, right? He’s not worshipping Satan, like serpents are like kind of a cool little accessory to any fashionable statement. But it turns out he is becoming a Luciferian I believe. I don’t I don’t know if this ends is just a publicity stunt. But Furthermore, the real concern is that there’s an influence to be had on the children. That’s right. And you know me, I’m almost always on the progressive side of the argument, defending the artist at some in some ways. But in this case, this one’s disturbing. wait to hear the conclusion. Stick around for the end. And you know, this is where I give the point to the conservative pro clutches because I think they’re right. I think they’re right on this one. Because it’s something I found from January, that little NAS X was doing that’s gonna blow your mind. It blew my mind. I hope not hyping that up too much. But hanging Gillian. Now this video dropped immediately flooding social media everyone talking about it. My man’s Billy Ray Valentine hit me up said Isaac, you gotta watch this video. My man Hi, right. Hit me up. Isaac, check these shoes out what’s going on man? And I say okay, okay, okay. That’s kind of busy. had a lot of things to knock out this weekend, got him knocked out. And let’s talk about this whole mess. And for what it’s worth. Some people already attempted some symbolism breakdowns and in typical fashion, the mainstream media failed miserably. BuzzFeed there’s a BuzzFeed article on all the symbolism behind The video is laughable at best, it basically interprets the whole thing through the lens that lil NAS x wants you to interpret it. He says, this is all really about gay sexual freedom, which I would be okay with and nine times out of 10. That’s the approach I would have taken to this video. And that’s what I would have said was that yeah, I mean, it’s a riff on is a homosexual lifestyle. Which, you know, big supporter of the lbgtq Plus, whatever community here, right. I have zero problems with all of that stuff. But what to me? I think the the, I think the Illuminati played their hand a little too hard on this one, and I’ll explain why Yeah, there’s a couple of rolling stones in analysis garbage. These guys like did you even do any research? I mean, they’re terrible. This is anyway, I don’t want to go on that. That’s too long. Let’s talk about shoes. First, before we get to the video. I want to read you from TMZ because there was a lot of rumors floating around, and I want to get it right. From TMZ I’m gonna read it says the rapper pop stars putting out a limited release of Nike sneakers that are all about the prince of darkness and his kingdom, right down to the box, artwork, and even the shoe design itself, which features at pentagram emblem sitting on the laces. The shoe body is a Nike Air Max 97 which mischeif the company behind the campaign has reinvented with NAS X’s new Montero song and video in mind. It’s got a Bible scripture emblazoned on the side, Luke 1018, which references Satan’s banishment from heaven ever what it’s worth, that’s the verse where they say that Satan fell like lightning from the heavens. And many times, I’ve talked about that symbolism of the lightning bolt which sometimes plays into the cabalistic tree of life, the path through the tree of life, but I don’t want to overwhelm. But the curiously enough, not, oh, I don’t know how many days ago was just recently, between now and Friday, little NAS x posted a video on his Instagram of him thanking his fans. And what kind of earrings is he wearing? The lightning bolts? Yes. He is embracing this. Which has always been my argument of why. And I get it right, like the Christian faith, like it’s a very traditional faith and it says, Look, this was a sin. But here’s the problem when you like, hang your hat on that and you and you want to die on that hill. You drive people away from the teachings of Jesus Christ. I’m not saying like, Look, I’m no theologian. I don’t know. Maybe it’s a sin. I don’t know. I have a hard time believing that. But I’m just a mere mortal. But my whole shtick is like, Why? Why pump the shame into people that are I believe born this way. I don’t think it’s a choice. I think it’s pretty clear. Why pumped that much shame into a community of court. Like if I if I was gay, like no way would I be a Christian? No way. It’d be like, you know what, if you guys I’m out. I’ll burn in hell, thanks. And that’s what lil NAS x is doing. Now. He’s embracing Satanism. Was it worth it? Right? You’re still not keeping the you know? The ones from going in the twos? You know what I’m saying? It’s still happening. I don’t know. It just seems like a weird approach to try to. And I suppose you just supposed to love everybody, right? Anyway, and we’re not going to get into that discussion. What was tangential rabbit hole that could have been? Alright, let’s get back to the shoes. Geez. There’s also a 666 reference towards the back of the shoe with another number in front of it, alluding to which limited unit it is where it is. mischeif and Nike are only dishing out 666 of these puppies to the public. So if you have six of number 666 that means that seems to mean you got the six model. here’s the kicker. Apparently these shoes will contain one drop of human blood somewhere along the soles. And no, not the metaphorical blood, sweat and tears of the factory workers it will presumably put these together like actual plasma filled red stuff. Unclear whose blood exactly is being used for this, but it’s provocative without a doubt. Like a TMZ coming in with jokes. They got the jokes about child slave labor. real funny. Anyhow, the curious that the number 666 is going to be on the shoe because that’s the number of the perfected man, as Manley p Hall tells us and that plays a role in this video. Because that’s what this is all about. Lil NAS x thinks he is God he thinks he is the perfected man he thinks he’s the perfected Andrew Jain and I will prove this to you. And that’s what these shoes are all about. 666 And like I said, like they they put this front of cheeky Satan rebelliousness on it, but there’s a deeper called meaning behind all of this. And I mean, come on, it’s been blood in it. For about that blood, the other shoes there. Let’s see what else I want to say. Okay, so I’ve read elsewhere the shoes are $1,000 $1,018 not $666 paddler goes on sale March 29. There is in fact 666 pairs now. The shoes of course made by Nike. It’s got the swoosh of Saturn, right? That’s a Saturnian corporate logo. The Dark Forces of Saturn, the adversary the sixth planet. Right. See how it all fits together? And now the reason they’ve got the Why do they got the blood? Well, they got blood Isaac. Well, I’ll tell you why. Because these occultist, they practice the occult magics and there’s a thing called sympathetic magic. This was something revealed by the in the golden bow. And basically, sympathetic magic is some people view this as an umbrella term for Magic there’s underneath within sympathetic magic. There’s contagion magic, imitation, magic and opposition magic. But the idea is that two things can be connected over distance, a bit of quantum entanglement, if you will. Two things remain connected after the contact and the remain with an influence upon each other. The phrase is once in contact, always in contact. And little NAS x isn’t the first celebrity to do this. Kesha, she collected her fans teeth. Machine Gun Kelly just last month, revealed he had megan fox his blood on a necklace that he wore Angelina Jolie didn’t her and Billy Bob Thorne where they’re each other’s blood. Sabrina from that TV show she used nail clippings on the show in a magic ritual Lord of the Rings had the One Ring remember the ring? Well that was sympathetic magic. And it was actually based on a real the divine ring found at the temple of Newton’s knowns Of course, being our satanic pagan god. Note ins is what ties into typhon which ties in the set which ties into Satan. The adversarial day the for these occultist so yeah, the shoes are illuminate confirm to the full to the max as it were. Air Max. But what’s the song about? You’re 13 minutes into the show and you’re like, Damn, bro, I’m just here to hear about the video. And I’m gonna tell you about it the song. What’s the song about? Well, it’s about it’s about little NAS x having sex with a dude, who I I think doesn’t want to admit he’s gay. I don’t know. And little NAS x he’s down for whatever this guy wants whenever he wants it. Any sort of takes a short turn into like two Live Crew sensationalism inspired I would assume by the way as
Mooji song
Isaac Weishaupt 14:11
and the whap song. There’s a line here. There’s no swear words in this but ear muffs if you’re very sensitive. It says he says shoot a child in your mouth while I’m writing. The a I don’t know the logistics of how that goes down. Exactly. But that’s what he says. So clearly an explicit kind of song right?
Isaac Weishaupt 14:43
sure enough, it’s number one on YouTube. And who do you think is on the YouTube? You know, YouTube wants to ban me. They they don’t want to they did right. They banned me in 2016 yet, when as policy and then of sexual Satan videos number one on the trending. And you wonder why people question the nature of reality here and who’s running our world? I mean, these conspiracy theories sell themselves folks. Okay? I mean, what’s more harmful here? Some open minded free thought. or turning them kids. Which again, again, right? sexually, I’m a very progressive, open minded guy. But like, I mean, here’s my thing that I was like, kids are very impressionable. And like, whether it’s in the lead like these legs are very explicit. I mean, this is your explicit lyrics. You don’t want to you know, 12 year old nieces and nephews walk around talking like this. Yeah. I mean, you got to shield them from this stuff for a little bit. Geez. Anyhow, the video Jesus getting the video. It starts out and it basically the scene is basically in Eden. And I think Eden is called Montero but Montero is, little NAS x his real name. And as the name of the track is Montero, call me by your name, which I’ve got some notes here. The little NAS x shared the statement above the video and addressed himself at age 14. And this is the the odd statement that he made. He said, Dear 14 year old Montero, I wrote a song with our name in it. It’s about a guy met last summer. I know we promise to never come out publicly. I know we promise to never be that type of gay person. I know we promise to die with the secret. But this will open doors for many other queer people to simply exist. You see, this is very scary for me. People will be angry. They will say I’m pushing an agenda. But the truth is I am the agenda to make people stay the EFF out of people’s lives. Is that dictating who they should be sending you love from the future? So again, I don’t know not a bad, not a bad statement, right? Because I’m with that I’m like, Yes, Stan other people’s lives. Tell them what to do. While they’re not harming you. But he says I’m pushing an agenda, right? Let’s not ignore that. And to the masses to the profane, they would say, well, the agenda is equal, you know, gay rights. And I’m here to tell you, it’s more than that. I think this is the deification ritual of little NAS x. So in the video, he’s in the he’s in the Garden of Eden. And here comes the serpent. Looks like an alien looks like a shapeshifting our con there and he makes out with it. And then and then then the most interesting part, he’s, this is the I mean, right off the bat, we’re, we’re going into the heavy duty stuff. This the tree of the forbidden knowledge. The Tree of the forbidden knowledge is we zoom in on the video, and you see some symbols and a message in written in Greek. The people who made this video and I don’t know if little NAS x is in on this or if he’s just being used. They weren’t doing this satanic imagery for shock value. This isn’t some satanic panic stuff. And I’m gonna prove it right now. Because the symbols you see around the Greek message, which you can check it out on my Instagram, and I was like why stuff like and subscribe, like in the shownotes. You see, first and foremost, the universal hexagram is Alister Crowley’s little symbol here. And it represents the pentagram, which you could see on Nadex ish Nike shoes, but it represents the pentagram with the inner five petaled flower. And the five points are your earth, fire, air, water and spirit. That’s the microcosm. That’s the material realm. Then you’ve got a hexagram around it. This symbolizes the macrocosm. This is the universe. This is the source of the magic in the divine powers that these practitioners are toying with. And it’s basically the law of correspondence it says as above so below these things are connected the microcosm and the macrocosm are connected. And these are called magicians seek to play with that sort of thing. The we also see a spiral. The spiral indicates the evolution of man and I’m going to explain to you what where that supposed to go the evolution goes you also see the inverted peace sign that is the life rune the norse life rune because you know the peace sign right the peace sign regularly that is the death rune so this is like the inversion this is the life and then you also see the leviathan cross this marks jesus christ’s cross it’s also an alchemical symbol for the masculine means sulfur or brimstone right brimstone fire and brimstone and it’s oftentimes paired with mercury the feminine which you do not see this was a symbol allegedly created by the knights templar in fact if you watch ghost adventures there was an episode on the tv and zack correctly cited this on in one of the houses they ran i was very impressed i wasn’t sure if he knew what he knows now let’s get into the meat of this show the greek letters the greek letters on this tree and i went to when i first saw it i thought well i sure don’t read greek that well or translate greek that well i’m gonna look this up and buzzfeed and their lame ass article was was the first one i found it says the writing isn’t terrible this is terribly uninformative this is they say the writing on the tree was pulled from plato’s symposium which for those who don’t know me is a philosophical text about some men gathering in a banquet in honor of the god of love and desire hot that’s it that’s all it says way to dig deep i’m glad buzzfeed is you know part of the mainstream media good job then i read the rolling stone article they didn’t even bother translating it and guess where i ended up finding it gets right to finding the translation on reddit and you see this is why people don’t trust the mainstream media this is why they don’t trust the news that’s why they say everything is fake you know everything’s fake news and i’d like to not believe that i’d like to believe that not everything is fake news but i mean they don’t do themselves any favors with this kind of stuff and this is also on top of that why the power structures won censorship that’s why they want to censor things like reddit or whatever they want to dominate ignorant and look into them for their uninformative answers they want it they want it to look like if you don’t believe the mainstream media and you go to reddit for your news that you’re going to be in the qa non called doing wacky dumb stuff leaving crazy stuff but like everything else the truth is in the middle you don’t have to believe everything the mainstream media tells you you don’t have to believe everything reddit tells you got to put it through a little filter of awareness and that’s what they’re you know they’re going hard on the queue and look i don’t like the qa nonmovant either i think they’re full of crap but you’ll notice there’s lots of shows exposing them right now because they’re really trying to drive this message home so anyway i had to go and read it and this is what the poster said i said the greek in the video is a reference to plato’s symposium specifically section 191 eight lines five through six which this person translates as so in the beginning when they were cutting to the yearned for each other’s half which is a reference to the original humans who were supposedly connected like a wheel zeus feared their power cut them into so they were to wander the earth forever looking for their partner and that’s basically true i found another translation actually i hit up a guy i know it was greek and he sent me this this way to another another translation says from the time when human nature was torn into each craving the other half of itself so we go to the actual document the symposium document from plato and i’ll read you exactly what it says this is the most revealing part in the first place let me treat of the nature of mankind and what has happened to it for the original human nature was not like the present but different the sexes were not to as they are now but originally Only three, there was man woman and the union of the two, having a name corresponding to the double nature which had once in once a real existence, but is now lost and the word androgynous is only preserved as a term of reproach. So he’s implying that there was a sort of perfected being and of androgyny that’s both male and female, the unionized sexes. And earlier, like, when that one translation talked about how human nature was torn in to each craving the other half of itself, the time like arrows, and if you read into symposium, that passage comes from a guy named Aristophanes. And, you know, and I’m not the smartest guy with all this Plato stuff, but like, in terms of occultism, like neo platonism is one of the the three foundational ideas and concepts. Right, and you got like, the other ones are like, the Kabbalah. And then like the hermetic stuff, the hermetic wisdoms. But there was a website Damien oficina. talks about this passage in more detail in the origin of Eros. And basically, he rose is masculine and feminine. Right. But then there’s also this force, this androgyny. Which also if by the way, if you’re taking notes, if you’re a subscriber to the podcast, I dropped two episodes on eyes wide shot, and I’ve got three more going deep into the novella, and the making of Eyes Wide Shut with all these details. And they’re all going to be on the bonus supporter feeds. Okay? If you don’t know what the supporter feeds are linked in the show notes, it’s gonna, it’s like the Patreon, I got it on Illuminati watcher.com in the VIP section, or rockfon. But the supporters we’re gonna, we’re gonna go deep dive in. And of course, the whole thing with Eyes Wide Shut. It’s about this masculine feminine duality. It’s what it’s all about. It’s about the arrows, the sexual force, driving the two towards each other. Okay. And I’m dropping those Eyes Wide Shut deep dive bonus shows here in the next week or two. That just depends how long it takes me to get through some of the stuff. But we’re gonna go deep into it and like, you’re going to be shocked from what I found in those in the book. And in the making of basically Kubrick knew, he was basically showing you, I’ll give you the short version, he’s basically showing you that the secret societies, the elites understand the mystical properties of this union, the union of opposites, and the sexual nature. And there’s lots of wild things along the way that I will reveal on this show. So if you like Eyes Wide Shut, and you want more, this is going to be the place to get it. I assure you, no one’s going to do a deeper dive and Eyes Wide Shut than what is going to be on the podcast now. back to old timey, Plato stuff says here the gods cursed the androgynous folks, dividing them into two. And this guy in this website he’s saying the Eros is this magnetic force that drives us to go towards each other. It’s what drives men towards woman and woman towards men. Because we have this instinctual desire to get back to the androgynous state that we originally were. And this all goes back to this golden age idea that there was this duality generated by these opposing forces because because in the Golden Age, everything was in perfect balance the androgen he was perfectly balanced. And yes, this is the same perfected Andrew Jain of Alistair Crowley. But the gods they split the Andrew Jain because they were worried man would become
Isaac Weishaupt 29:45
and the gods were jealous. So they divided them in this division created the force of heroes. Okay, that’s that’s the short version of this. We strive to become perfect affected by finding an opposing mate, male finds female, female, female, and on some levels become God become an androgynous God. And in the in the document, he presents some intriguing ideas about how, in this whole process the ego becomes an emergency that only surfaces. The ego only surfaces when you’re in a relationship. It’s what keeps you separated to know that like there’s an eye and a Wi Fi, right? The identity associated with the ego is led by this Eros force. You it’s like saying, you know, you’re separate from someone else. So that this Eros force can drive you towards another. So anyway, in the video, that’s the gist of what I wanted to talk about, because the rest of the video is Shock Value stuff. He goes into like this tribunal people are judging him.
And then he’s,
Isaac Weishaupt 31:08
then he’s ascending into the sky towards the Luciferian. Angel. Then he falls like lightning down a stripper pole into Satan’s realm into hell. He’s doing a twerk and lap dance on Saenz lap, on top of a pentagram. I mean, it’s kind of funny on some levels. But uh, he’s, he’s doing the, he’s doing the twerking dance. And then he breaks Satan’s neck and remove Sainz horns, and puts them on for himself. He is now the prince of darkness. So what’s this all about? Why, I mean, like, in conclusion, why do we care? Isn’t isn’t little NAS x, just begging for attention? is not what this is. It’s just a, you know, shocking imagery to get us talking, because that’s what we’re doing. I think it’s more than that. I think this is the occult litmus test to see how the public handles these concepts of Satanism. Because these elites are luciferians. Okay. They believe this Satan and Lucifer, they’re the real good guys in this story. And, well, here’s where here’s where it got. Here’s where I got a little pro kludgy. Because here’s where I actually draw the line a little bit. Back in January 2021. NPR interviewed lil NAS x and the article is called lil NAS x says children are his core audience right now. And that’s okay. So not only did two months ago, three months ago, little NAS x say, like, he was aware that children are his audience. Okay. And like, I don’t have kids, but I would imagine most people would be like, I don’t really want this guy that my kids look up to, to be doing all these sexual things and doing satanic things on the video. Like I personally don’t care, like doesn’t bother me one bit. What do I care? But I don’t have kids that I’m trying to raise into this world that are very impressionable by these celebrities. So he knew this right. And worse yet, when you read the article, when you read the interview, it’s more than just the headline. Because guess what he did? He wrote a children’s book too called C is for country. Now a lot of the sort of very conservative right wingers throw fits over this kind of stuff. And like this is the one of the few times where I’m with them on this. I think, you know, if you know, purposely you’re driving kids towards your audience as your audience. There’s a little bit of responsibility you need to take right? Like, what if this was on the Disney Channel? He got this. I mean, this is a guy he got mainstreamed real quick with old town was an old town. Road. Yeah. I can’t think of Old Town country Old Town road. It went viral, massive. Hip Hop country pop crossover him. A couple little hits afterwards. Like Panini mean the kids were really drawn to this guy, and then he pulls a switcher rune is like doing this crazy stuff. Once again, like Personally, I don’t care. Like I’m a fan of all the crude things. But like, I don’t know, like, you know, when I was a child to live grew was the big controversy. And the controversy is what made a lot of us try to get that album the cassette tape, you know, tried to get the cassette tape of the two Live Crew, and they weren’t saying all the same stuff. They didn’t have the satanic spin that lil NAS ex has, but he’s really pumping it up a notch or two. But the real message of the video, I believe, isn’t to say that isn’t necessarily pushing. The Gay Agenda isn’t necessarily pushing satanic agenda. But it’s putting a very occult spin on things that I think a lot of people aren’t aware of. And that’s why I think this is an important thing to understand. What’s this? What’s this deal with the Andrew Jain? He’s promoting the Andrew Jain. Right. That’s what’s happening here. Let’s dig into it. What is this? Well, if you read Joseph Campbell’s hero with 1000 faces, says androgyny is an art of the first form of mankind before the introduction of duality, just like Plato’s symposium says. He cites the cabbalistic teachings of the medieval Jews and the Gnostic Christian writings of the second century represent the Word made flesh as androgynous. And he says this was indeed the state of Adam as he was created before the female aspect, Eve was removed into another form, and among the Greeks, not only hermaphrodite hermaphrodites excuse me, the child of Hermes and Aphrodite, but he rose to the divinity of love. The first of the gods according to Plato, when sex both female and male So God created man in his own image, the image of God created him, male and female created he them. The question may arise in the mind as to the nature of the image of God, but the answer is already given in the text. And it’s clear. When the Holy One blessed be He created the first man He created him androgynous. The removal of the feminine into another form, symbolized the beginning of the fall from perfection into duality. And it was naturally followed by the discovery of the duality of good and evil, as the tree of good and evil that little NAS x is making out by and then carved with this message in exile from the garden where God walks on earth, and there upon the building of the wall of Paradise constitute of the coincidence of opposites. So Joseph Campbell’s basically pointing to the same thing. And he’s, he’s pulling these ideas from the Gnostic writings as well, which it always goes into the Gnostics. There’s another concept and we we look at this, we can look at this concept in many ways. Another one is in mystical Tantra. And the idea there in Tantra, is to raise the Kundalini fire snake to meet up with Shiva and this is the third eye right? And they have the the sacred marriage. Then that’s the androgyny the perfected form of the male and female meet together. And they call this the union with the absolute that’s the union with God created everything and that’s like the Gnostic God right the absolute, the invisible creator. And they achieve at VEDA, this is non duality status. So man becomes God through non duality. And if you’re not picking up what I’m putting down yet, hang in there, we’ll get there because that’s your boy lil NAS x. The perfected non duality. He is the perfected Andrew Jain, the male and female all in one. He is putting on a ritualistic performance to show you that he is now God. This is what I argued that many rappers do and sacrifice magic behind the mic. They talk about becoming God. There’s an occult flair to this. And Alastair Crowley’s magic in theory in practice, he said the devil does not exist. The devil is merely the God of any people that one dislikes and he likens the serpent to Satan, but not as the enemy of man, but instead the perfected Andrew giant or bafflement of perfection. Yes, the goat with the boobs. Because the girl with the boobs is all symbolic of the perfected energy and the duality concepts. It’s the male goat with the female breasts. It’s an alchemical term. You see it as the rebus the perfected duality in the imagery so in conclusion what is little nas x pushing and who is the audience right who’s the audience tell me it’s not kids tell me it’s not kids when he said two months ago his core audience has children and he’s okay with it and then he wrote a children’s book and then the next thing he pushes is this music and what’s this video showing it’s showing the occult concept of the perfected android of man becoming god and i would argue that the masses think this is merely a you know satanic video but you got to understand what’s going on here he’s embracing the gnostic wisdom that came by the way of the serpent who bestows the knowledge of the perfected non duality he’s the perfected androgen the male with the feminine qualities and he is god that’s the takeaway the entertainers they’re they’re showing us that they are god and that’s what it must feel like to be them they can have whatever they want they are worshipped but this is a very dangerous path this this is the path to the occult god and to drive the point home further one last takeaway before i let you go at the end of the video he removed satan’s crown his horns and he puts it on his own head and now he’s wearing the horns and the two the two petal horns of mlok the two button horns of satan here they also represent the brow chakra which is the pineal gland aka the all seeing eye and if you recall from the the tantra sex magic the kundalini performs the sacred marriage to the third eye the all seeing eye and what was the jacket he was wearing at the vmas not two years ago the jacket with the all seeing eye the pyramid and the surface case closed little nas x illuminate firm and he’s trying to tell the kids i guess so there you go hope you enjoyed that analysis i sure found it a fascinating moment all right so if you want more sign up for the supporter feeds links in the show notes you can check it out i got a discount going on the illuminati watcher.com vip section use promo code hot girl summer you’re going to get a big discount i only got a few spots and those expire here real soon except for the supporter feeds and you’ll go deep deep deep into the world of eyes wide shut along with all the other bonus content and you get along with no more ads i mean come on isn’t that worth it no more ads early access bonus content depending on which one you get you get a free copy of kubrick’s code you get a free copy of the dark path that’s all there for you it’s just waiting for you so go sign up if you’d like to show support it and until next time stay woke
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