On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we take a critical look at Johnny Depp! We’ll go through some of his strange friendships, occult symbolism and this crazy trial with Amber Heard! There’s a lot of connections vampires, illuminati killers and more! You can get the full 2015 e-book of Johnny Depp here: https://gumroad.com/isaacw and peep all the images discussed on the show at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:06
Johnny Depp is back on the stand today facing withering cross examinations about embarrassing texts he wrote about Amber Heard.
Unknown Speaker 0:17
I will burn corpse afterwards to make sure she is dead. That’s what you said that you would do after you burned her and after you drowned her. Did I read that right? You certainly did. Yes. And you wrote that about the woman who would later become your wife
Unknown Speaker 0:30
is death also sent his bodyguard this text
Unknown Speaker 0:34
on January 17 2013. You texted I’ll smack the ugly around before I let her in apologies again to the court and the jury for this language. And then you close by saying did that worthless hooker arrive that I read that right? You did, sir.
Isaac Weishaupt 0:51
What’s up everybody? You’re listening to conspiracy theories and unpopular culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. Today we’re gonna talk about Johnny Depp. Yes, he’s your favorite. either love them or you hate him. And today we’re going to talk about his illuminate confirm, oh, my God, what’s going on Johnny Depp was going on. I think there’s some weird agendas going on here. I wrote a book, a little mini book, way back when 2015 I think it was as a little ebook, and it was called Johnny Depp, vampire, satanist or Illuminati. Which, if you’ve heard some of my interviews, I’ve been making the rounds on some podcast here and there. I wrote that at a very overzealous time. In my my life. And the title was, of course supposed to be provocative and as it was provocative. So what I want to do today, is I want to go through that book. And if you want a copy of the digital download, you can get it on my Gumroad store. gumroad.com backslash Isaac Wu, where you can see the images and talking about but I’ll try to extract a handful of them and put them on my Instagram. So you just can look at the picture. For free. Yeah, no instagram.com backslash Isaac wise up. So what I want to do is go through that book, because a lot of us probably don’t even know it exists. We’re going to go through it and then we’re going to talk a little a little tiny bit about the court case, and some weird stuff, some weird messages he was sending. And some just general hot takes about Johnny Depp. Alright. So the I mean, I hesitate to read this word for word, but I’m, I’m kind of going to do that. Because it kind of matters, right? Because this is the way it was originally presented. I’d like to further pursue my critical thinking of the occult to see if one of the world’s favorite actors and heartthrobs is actually a Satanist, a cultist, or a member of the supposedly Illuminati. While many of you may think the lovable Captain Jack Sparrow from Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean couldn’t possibly be into such dark forms of evil worship, I beg you to take a look at all the evidence below and come to your own conclusions. Perhaps Johnny Depp is a great guy who would never do such things. And I have no idea what I’m talking about. Or maybe he falls in line with many other closeted Hollywood occultists that pursue their own beliefs behind the scenes, while the public is presented an entirely different image. Now, the first chapter we talked about some of the people he associates with, and they’re not the greatest, okay, so they say you can judge someone by the company they keep so judge I will. Johnny Depp got his start when a guy name guy named Nicolas Cage told him that he should. He said, Johnny give give acting a shot. And that’s a terrible, my Nick Cage accent fell way off. I haven’t practiced it and many months. But Nick Cage told me to give acting a shot. So you know, shout out Nick Cage, right? We all love Nick Cage. But Nick Cage has a history of these weird Illuminati ties. They say he’s a Knight of Malta, or they point to his pyramid at the St. Louis cemetery that he’s supposedly going to get buried in. And there’s a phrase at the bottom in Latin and it means everything from one which I kind of think is a phrase, isn’t that a phrase they put on that? That soap bottle the shampoo bottles that you can get it through the OG health granola stores that have all the writing on it. Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s called like, Dr. Donner soap or something like that. And then because I’ve read through them one time, and it says stuff like everything from one all over it. So anyway, the phrase, everything from one, but he hasn’t explained why he has this. And I think maybe there’s some new age beliefs involved with him. And the idea is that there’s a global consciousness, one consciousness that connects all of us. And in Buddhism, they talk about Indras. Net, and how we are just points of consciousness on the net, right. And maybe it’s true, I don’t know.
The pyramid is important to the Illuminati for various reasons, with the most obvious being the Egyptian pyramids at Giza, which were utilized for ancient occult rituals. During these rituals, the initiates are shown the reenactment of the secret occult history of the world. At the chamber of the ordeal, the Initiate would fall through a hole and experience the fall of man as he descended into a pit of snakes. Much like Indiana Jones, by the way, symbolizing the forces of evil that came into existence gave mankind the ability to have emotions, desires, and sin. Perhaps cages aware of these important aspects because the Giza pyramid was believed to be an X carnation machine, used to transport souls into the planetary spheres of the cosmos after death. And if you’ve ever seen some of the Ancient Aliens theories, they talk about this. And the idea was that it would result in a faster reincarnation so that the practitioner could, you know, go to the reincarnation and instantly improve upon their previous life’s lessons. Then you have all these films that have a cult connections, he, you know, he did the the awful remake of Wicker Man, Wicker Man is one of the greatest movies of all time from 73. I think 71. And they redid it in the late 90s. And it was absolutely terrible. And it started in a cage, unfortunately, there was also national treasure which has like Freemason stuff in it. You got Season of the Witch with witchcraft, magic and the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, and so on. So there’s a bunch there. So that’s one of his buddies, right? Well, Johnny Depp is also a musician, and he was in a band called the kids. And he was a friend of Keith Richards, of course, from the Rolling Stones, and the Rolling Stones of songs like Sympathy for the Devil. The album from their Satanic Majesties Request, which has magician and Saturn’s symbolism right on the cover. And then of course, you’ve got the the ultimate Music Festival. We’ve talked about this. In the Star Wars conspiracy, ironically, is where I think we talked about this mostly about the stabbing in the murdering of Meredith Hunter, from the Hells Angels. And that’s what shook Mick Jagger off of the occult black magic stuff. Right? He got spooked. Then, anyways, Keith Richards and Johnny Depp were declared Brother Blood Brothers in the Rolling Stone magazine, which would play out later as DEP declared himself a brother of Damien Echols. And, you know, they talked about this brotherhood thing. And they show us the same symbols. Like for instance, Keith Richards, shows us on the cover of his book, the all seeing eye with the skull ring. And that, of course, you know, you look at the skull, and you talk about Skull and Bones, and the Freemasons and all that. And there’s a plethora of pictures of Johnny Depp with skulls and all seeing eyes and all that stuff, right. But Johnny Depp is also buddies with Marilyn Manson. Yes, Marilyn Manson. The the honorary priests in the Church of Satan. Also, Guy involved in some real meat two issues right now with Evan Rachel Wood allegations. They, and there’s a picture of them. And I don’t know if it’s real or not, but it looks like Johnny Depp leaning into kiss Marilyn Manson. And does that mean they’re homosexual? I don’t know. Does that mean they are practicing the upper levels of initiation in the Ordo? Templi Orientis. The 11th degree of homosexual sex through the anus? I don’t know. Might be a stretch there, right.
But Johnny Depp not only is he performed with Marilyn Manson onstage He actually performed with D and word, the guy from ninja from Dr word. And the N word is a subject that I’ve covered on my blog back in the golden age of blogging because in a lot of the DM word videos, they’re very clearly into worshipping Satan. With no doubt. It’s doesn’t seem to be for stick. And if you listen to a show, I did I think it was the monthly microdose for April or May. We talked about I know as a TMZ show I did with deviant word and allegations from one of their I believe, adopted daughters or sons or something. And they claim that they were abused horrifically from ninja, so weird allegations really dark stuff. So Johnny Depp was associating with this guy as well. And Johnny Depp was in the film, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas because he was close friends with a Hunter S Thompson. In fact, they were so close that Thompson told Deb when he dies, he wants DEP to shoot his ashes out of a giant cannon. And he in fact, did that for him. Now, Hunter S Thompson is kind of a weird dude. Right? I mean, he’s a very odd, strange character. But he’s got claims that he killed other people and had knowledge of the inner workings of the Illuminati and even talked about purchasing Adrenochrome in the Africa, which I think is a fear and loathing is the name of the book. I don’t know I never read it. I think it was a book he was writing when he was on the on a campaign trail or something like that, where he talks about scoring some Adrenochrome from a Satanist. And I think he was a child abuser to on top of that. But we can never tell how serious he was. A lot of people dismiss all those ideas. But Thompson apparently killed himself with a self inflicted gunshot. Some people claim it was a stage suicide, but he died in Colorado, what he called the owl farm, which had some Bohemian Grove parallels to it apparently. And he died in 2005. Not long after his he wrote something very cryptic on September 12 2001. Obviously, the day after 911, he wrote, The towers are gone now reduced to bloody rebel along with all hopes for peace in our time in the United States or any other country. Make no mistake about it. We’re at war now with somebody and we will stay at war with that mysterious enemy for the rest of our lives. This is going to be a very expensive war and victory is not guaranteed for anyone, and certainly not for anyone as baffled as George Bush. All he knows is that his father started the war long time ago and that he the goofy child president has been chosen by fate and the global oil industry to finish it. Now. He will declare national security emergency and clamped down hard on everybody no matter where they live, or why. If the guilty won’t hold up their hands and confess he and the generals will ferret them out by force. There’s another key figure from the counterculture of the 60s that Johnny Depp admired and that was Allen Ginsberg. Allen Ginsberg supporting new age and Eastern religious movements. But he was also and more importantly, I’d argue and outspoken member of Nambla, the North American Man Boy love association that promotes the free love a young of young boys. Allen Ginsberg has a quote on nambla.org It said I’m a member of Nambla because I love boys too. Everybody does who has a little humanity. Lee they Well, Interview magazine interviewed Johnny Depp and he said the following. I met Ginsburg when we were doing this documentary called United show I tried Johnny Depp impersonation to spice this up a little bit called the United States poetry night it. Boy, that’s not good. I met Ginsburg when we were doing this documentary called The United States poetry in 1985. I was reading some Kerouac for the movie. Afterward, I offered to give him a ride home. He was a relentless flirt. Every time I saw him, he’d want to hold hands. It was sweet. I think he just wanted I think he just wanted affection on whatever level
weird right? And now on that cover of that Interview magazine, Johnny Depp is seen holding a teddy bear. How weird is that, though? Pedobear symbolism on the article the interview where he talks about hanging out with Ginsberg now, Johnny Depp also met Winona Ryder in 1989 at a premiere Great Balls of Fire. And the reason that matters is because Jerry Lee Lewis, who that film was about, notoriously married his 13 year old cousin when he was 22 and held the coincidence with Hunter S. Thompson because he was given the nickname the killer. So Johnny, being hooked up with Winona Ryder must have been influenced by Ryder and her liberal leaning family which included Timothy Leary as her godfather. And of course Timothy Leary takes you in the lineage of Aleister Crowley and Aldous Huxley and LSD and psychedelics and all that stuff. So you’ve got a lot of strange connections there. But then DEP ended his relationship a few years later with Ryder covered up his Winona forever tattoo with wine over forever. And some people claim that she went on to have interest in actor River Phoenix, who would you know, we’re gonna talk about that in a second. Although the photos of them together were typically in reference to a film that they were actually shooting with one another. And the reason we mentioned that is because River Phoenix died on October 31, which is the sacrifice blood sacrifice night of salween. In 1993 he suffered a fatal overdose at the Viper Room, which is a club co owned by Johnny Depp. Yes. The next chapter we talked about West Memphis Three. And this is the most notorious friend of Johnny Depp, Damien Echols. He was convicted as a murderer of children. And if you watched the HBO Paradise Lost documentaries, you, you know the whole story. The whole story is that in Arkansas, Damien Echols and to his friends, were into, you know, dark stuff, and Metallica and black metal shirts and the locals. Pin them for the murder of some small boys. And it seemed very much like they were innocent, and suffering from some real Satanic Panic stuff. Because they were interested in all this black magic and occultism and all that stuff. Well, a lot of people and myself included wanted to get these guys out. And that included Johnny Depp. A lot of celebrities were into this stuff. Because they were like, look, it’s not fair that the small town small minded people would arrest these guys when they didn’t even do it. And I agree with that. But then if you read William Ramsay’s book on the subject, it seems like maybe they did do it. But that’s But since then, I’ve reconsidered my stance on him because the reason I believe that maybe they did do it was based upon some of the interviews the police did with them. But I’ve learned over the years that I don’t necessarily trust what the police do in those interview rooms. Sometimes they beat these guys down for hours and hours and hours. Sometimes people get false confessions. I mean, it’s really tough, right? I mean, I don’t know if they did it or not. And in fact, Damien Echols tried to get some new DNA testing done to prove who the murderer is really worked and the local authorities there when let it happen, which seems like some odd behavior if you really want to try to prevent more kids getting murdered right anyhow, Eccles gets out of prison on a an Alford plea which basically means you have to confess guilt but you get out on time served. So he’s like whatever do Just get me out of here. So so quite literally is a convicted child killer right? Unfortunately, whether it happened or not, that’s is His cross to bear. But he’s been really into this occult artwork and in ritual magic since he’s got out he’s, if you follow a lot of the images, he’s got a ton of tattoos Pagon pagan, stag gods, satanic Red Dragon tattoos, Croley, Selenite, universal hexagrams, and all that right. And like I say in the book, just because you’re in the Satanism black magic, the account that does not make you a killer. That does not mean you want to murder children.
I don’t know that echo and his friends actually murdered the boys of the Renaissance. I mean, it is interesting, though, right? It’s interesting that all these symbols and ideas are connected around certain People in certain events. Not really sure what to make of all that. Now, if we go on to the vampire thing, let’s talk about Johnny Depp as a vampire. He told Us Weekly that he was going to battle Robert Pattinson who was the star Twilight. Do you remember Robert Pattinson? When the Twilight films came out was said to be blood relative to Vlad the Impaler and Johnny Depp was like, No, we’re gonna fight for it. Johnny Depp said there’s room for two vampires on this block. As long as he remembers. I am the Alpha vampire. All right. So he says he’s a vampire. List duck code at UK had an article that discusses a room in his mansion dedicated to meditation upon vampires. Yes. Says the Public Enemies actor is fascinated by the mythical blood sucking creatures and has a space in his London home full of items relating to them. A source explained the National Enquirer magazine. Johnny has a whole room devoted to vampires. He’s fascinated by them. Johnny uses the room to relax, meditate and be alone. Among the items in the space are masks, capes, posters, bags, and a rare copy of Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula. Johnny 46. As previously admitted he is fascinated by vampires claiming he found 60 Supernatural showed dark shadows and throttling. He said Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows was a huge obsession of mine. I loved Barnabas Collins more than I love the Harlem Globetrotters. I wanted to be Barnabas Collins so much that I found the ring. It was probably one of my mother’s rings and I wore it on this finger and I tried to comb my hair like Barnabas Collins, and I was trying to figure out how I could get fangs. It really had a heavy impact on me a heavy influence. And Johnny Depp bought the original Bela Lugosi, the first book Dracula right. Well, I used to freak out Nosferatu the first one but below ghosts he’s the most famous portrayal of Dracula. Well, he had his home on Sunset Strip, dubbed the castle and Johnny Depp bought that in 1995 for two and a half million bucks. And geographical locations are important to these occultist because they believe that energy is left behind or condensed. And there is an area in Los Angeles where there used to be a spiral staircase. And this is where the Manson family became possessed by evil spirits that possessed them to brutally murder others as per Charles Manson, because they were doing they were hanging out with a bunch of weirdos doing a bunch of rituals and satanic stuff. And while they’re at this place that had the spiral staircase, he said, that’s when I felt like the spirits took over or whatever. Now here’s what’s weird. Bela Lugosi owned the spiral staircase at one time. So again, lots of weird six degrees of separation between a lot of these occult forces. Now, then, I got an image from a People magazine 2009 They list Johnny Depp as the sexiest man alive. And you’ll notice on the same cover, Robert Pattinson is featured in the same magazine. So we got two vampires on the cover and Johnny wins, right? He said, I’m the Alpha vampire. And of course, he has the bigger full cover. Johnny Depp also is in a band called The Hollywood Vampires. And it references a group of 70s rockers that used to hang out and drink all night. And various members appear on the album. It was actually released on September 11 2015. But it’s got Marilyn Manson, Alice Cooper, Dave Grohl? All of these people have some kind of a cult story behind the Dave Grohl, particularly with the theories of the blood sacrifice of Taylor Hawkins. I’ve covered that on a few shows recently. It even has a voiceover from Christopher Lee on the album, who you know Christopher Lee in all the great occult films, Lord of the Rings, Wicker Man, Star Wars and so on. And guess what he was also Count Dracula in the Hammer Horror series. Yes.
So, depth would go on to portray a vampire Barnabas Collins in dark shadows manifesting his own destiny and He would star in Edward, which had a portrayal of Bela Lugosi, which is all very interesting, right? Then we get into a chapter where we talk about how some roles that these actors play, arguably could possess them. On some level. He Johnny Depp got his start in Nightmare on Elm Street, one of the greatest films of all time. And the film actually did a film analysis on it back in the blogging days, but that was his first film, right? Which was about a guy a murderer who murdered children and you know, abused kids. He, again we he played the field director at wood, which again, Martin Landau play the role of Dracula, Bela Lugosi. We talked about Hunter S Thompson. But he was also in a film called The ninth gate which I’ve since done a huge film analysis on. Definitely worth checking out did that a couple of years ago. The film was directed by Roman Polanski about the search for an ancient when grim liar that opens up the portal for the devil through a magic spell. And it’s odd that plants he would do a follow up after Rosemary’s Baby considering how the dark spirits responsible for influencing the Manson family ended up with the murder of his wife and unborn child. And again, we already talked about how debt purchased the Lugosi residence on Sunset Strip and how it goes he previously owned the spiral staircase which is what the Manson story allegedly they got possessed by the evil in there’s a book called Manson in his own words, I believe is where I found that information. Don’t quote me on that. I’m pretty sure that’s where I got that from. So again, very strange, right. He also played an alien possessed astronaut in the astronauts wife, and took the important role of precipitating the birth of an alien human hybrid. With Charlie’s their own character. You know, Charlie’s their own was seen wearing a cabbalistic red bracelet and Hollywood loves showing us these demon aliens and the birth of the moon child in films like Alien and Prometheus, which Prometheus also stars Charlize Theron, right, and you remember that movie, Charlie Holloway, the one doctor, she gets an abortion and the abortion is an alien human hybrid. The antichrist. What else we got? We got Sleepy Hollow, which features a lady named Lady von tassel. Who makes a Faustian bargain a deal with the devil until Johnny Depp could intervene. And this story would later become a TV show that has Freemasonry in the plot, portraying the Freemasons as heroes with their knowledge of how to defeat evil forces in the world. And all that unknown the movie poster. Johnny Depp has the one darkened eye the all seeing eye. He also played in a movie called from hell about Jack the Ripper, because Johnny Depp is obsessed with Jack the Ripper, so this was a good fit for him. And the film uses a theory laid out by a guy named Steven Knight that the murders were conspiracy cover up involving the Freemasons, the Illuminati and the royal family. Okay, says here, the movie The movie description says Gaul a high ranking Freemason begins a campaign of violence against the five women brutally murdering them with the aid of a barely literate carriage driver John netley. While he justifies the murders by claiming their a Masonic warning to an apparent Illuminati threat to the throne, the killings are in God’s mind, part of an elaborate mystical ritual to ensure male societal dominance over women. Crazy, right? So, again, this idea of Illuminati Freemason Hitman ties us into Hunter S. Thompson, who claims that he was some kind of assassin murderer, I don’t know. And then of course, you’ve got the most famous role of all Captain Jack Sparrow and Pirates of the Caribbean, a film by Disney one of the biggest creators of reality,
and they push the symbolism into the mind of the young. And in the pirates film series. There’s a character named Davy Jones That is cursed to Captain his ship in search of souls to harvest and work on it. Now that named Davy Jones comes from the infamous Davy Jones locker legends of sailors who die At the bottom of the sea. Now, what’s curious here, the idea of entrapment of human souls ties into the ideas of the Illuminati mark of the beast with the beast of the abyss or Typhon. And the idea is that the Illuminati, whatever you want to call these folks, the occultist, they use the symbolism to try to perform the same thing Aleister Crowley was doing, it’s all about contacting fallen angels and demons from the abyss. And the spirits could be demons disguise that whatever the contact is seeking. Like ghost hunters and mediums and alien people like they don’t know what they’re talking to. We also have a movie called Secret window which shows us the all seeing eye on the cover. He was Willy Wonka and Charlie in the Chocolate Factory again with the all seeing eye on the cover of the movie poster. He also was an Alice in Wonderland as the Mad Hatter which of course, you know, all about Alice in Wonderland and all the mysticism philosophy. Lewis Carroll also allegedly involved with little kids. But the whole the whole theme of Alice in Wonderland is to bring us through the initiation. With the various themes and lessons that Alice goes through and the power of the mind. She begins to question reality. She’s led through different stages of initiation. She’s led down the path right. She questions the norms of reality and social constructs and sees the world upside down sometimes. But yeah, this guy wrote, I mean, it’s a great story, right, one of my favorites, but Lewis Carroll his real name was Charles Dodgson would allegedly apparently take photos of nude kids and he had interest in a girl named Alice Liddell is where the story came from. And she was four years old when he met her and allegedly tried to marry her when she was 11. So you’ve got that weird child angle. And look at Nambla Allen Ginsburg. So it’s all very strange, right. He was also in a film called Into The Woods, where he sings a pedo song. It’s called Hello little girl. And the lyrics say, look at that flash pink and plump. Hello, little girl tender and fresh. Not one lump. Hello, little girl. This one’s especially lush, delicious. Hello, little girl. what’s your rush? You’re missing all the flowers. The sun won’t sit for hours. Take your time. Which is very questionable, right? And you probably think well, you know, it’s just about a wolf and he’s going to eat the girl. Right? He’s not talking about that. Well, the UK stage version of the story depicts the big bad wolf with a massive phallus and erection so maybe not. Right. So again, I can’t help but draw these comparisons to his, you know, his friendship with Alan Ginsberg. The six degrees of separation. He’s got to you know, through Wynonna Ryder and Timothy Leary to Crowley and Crowley was all about doing any kind of deviant sex. So he was really extreme with it. And if you if you look at the ideas of Alice in Wonderland, like it’s kind of the idea about inverting the norms and questioning what we’re told. Johnny also was part of the transhuman movement, if you look at the film transcendence where he helps move towards the singularity where basically computers take over, they’re smarter than men. And in it, he uploads his consciousness to a computer, which I believe is the ultimate end game for these Illuminati folks. And the transhuman Movement seeks to overthrow God’s creation of mankind. It’s the next evolution and science will be the new religion. I think Curley said something to the effect of you know, religion is our aim but sciences or method, something like that. They think they can perfect mankind and make us a mortal. This all ties into ideas of alchemy and so on.
But yeah, he basically shows us the uploading of consciousness in the film transcendence. Then we’ve got all the crazy tattoos. All right, he’s got a lot of tattoos. He shares tattoos with Marilyn Manson and Damien Echols. There’s a photo of him with Damien Echols, sporting the eaching tattoo of Windover heaven Some people say this a Luciferian reference to the prints of the air you know and prints of the air takes us into ideas of UFOs and aliens and all that stuff, right. But there’s other tattoos he shares with Damien Echols, which includes the skeleton key, the lightning bolt on his hand, the crow, magical sigils. You can see, he has the skeleton key with the words silence, exile and cunning right above it. And these words come from a avant garde novelist James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and it says, I will tell you what I will do and what I will not do. I will not serve that in which I no longer believe whether it call itself my home, my Fatherland or my church. And I will try to express myself in some mode of life or art, as freely as I can and as holy as I can, using for my defense, the only arms I allow myself to use silence, exile and cunning. And if you look at that James Joyce’s work, it reveals an allegory for his own life, with the protagonist being the alter ego of James Joyce, and this character Steven did, Daedalus parallels Joyce’s life, including time spent as a Jesuit school in his youth. And Daedalus would eventually rebel against the institutional aspects of life, politics and religion. And he’d rather live in asceticism through silence, exile and cunning. And the Jesuits they’re known for, you know, an Illuminati affiliations. So it’s no wonder the Joyce was well versed in the process of pursuing self consciousness, artistic visions. And on Johnny Depp’s chest, you can see a magical sigil. Again, the idea that he practices ritual magic, it’s an occult practice pursuing his own will. And the practitioners they use sigils as reminders or sort of a physical manifestation of their will. They’ll write down a word that has power to them, they’ll take out the vowels, scramble the letters, draw them one on top of the other, so it doesn’t really make any sense to other people when they see it. Only they know what it means. And this sigil that he has tattooed on him allegedly is to indicate that he and Damien Echols are bonded as brothers. Because the Theban alphabet on the outside of the circle says brother and the inside sigil is the names of Johnny Depp and Damien Echols. Johnny Depp told The Associated Press, September 9 2012. This one Damien designed it’s one of my all time favorites, and it means quite a lot to me, it translates to brotherly love or something like that. And you’ll notice Johnny Depp also has a big lightning bolt tattooed on his hand. There’s a lot of competing theories out there as to what this really means. But if you look at if you if you consider the prints of the air tattoo and Lucifer, you could talk about the lightning bolt being representative of Lucifer and the Bible when they say felt like lightning. Or you could look at Aleister Crowley’s unicursal hexagram which again, Damien Echols has tattooed on himself. The actual hexagrams Well, you could draw just half of that and you’d have the lightning bolt and they share that tattoo. Damian Nichols has it on his hand as well. And my theory is that maybe Eccles has one half and Johnny has the other. They kind of looked like a big S. Anyway, yeah. Then we talked about and echoes as the whole universal hexagram tattooed on his elbows anyway, just like your boy Dave Navarro, right. And that was also tattoos of Red Dragon symbol for Satan supposedly. Then, Johnny Depp’s other hand he is a tattoo of a CRO, which in various traditions symbolizes the power of magic. And if you look at what Johnny Depp said about two people.com
says, a news article called Johnny Depp a map of his tattoos and says the black crow on the back of his right hand was done in support of the documentary west of Memphis. And depth shares the tattoo with one of the subjects in the documentary Damien Echols. And May if you were like me say why would a crow represent West Memphis? Three? Well, Echols Damien Echols told People magazine The following he said the art is a nod to the 1984 movie The Crow, but a man who was murdered but comes back to life. When somebody comes back to life, it’s the crow that brings them back to the living. Interesting idea, right? A death and rebirth thing, an alchemical symbol to begin with, with the Blackbird the Negredo or you could say it’s Crowley. Aleister Crowley some people say that the black crow symbolizes Croley. But some say there’s magical aspects to the black crow, which I mean echoes studies that are and you know, he’s maybe he’s like, look, magic works got me out of prison. So who knows, right? And Damien Echols actually has another Blackbird tattooed on him as well. So it’s not just one there’s two of them. He also has a tattoo of the number three, and says the number three a quote magical number for me, Johnny Depp said, comes into play on his hands with three rectangles on his index finger and the number tattooed on his left hand. And it shows up many times he’s obsessed with number three and he said once, three is a sort of magical number for me, it’s a very creative number triangle Trinity, you know, two people make another person three is a mystical magical number. He also has a inverted black triangle on his arm, arguably for the same reason. He’s got the skull and crossbones. You know, I got scars on my I got, I got a lot of skulls tattooed on me, doesn’t mean I’m going to call this die there, though, right. But the idea if you want to look at it from the occult perspective and Freemasonry, there’s a belief that death is certain and Nobody escapes and the higher degrees of Freemasonry, they, the initiates sits in that chamber of reflection room with a skull, where they reflect upon their mortality, which is apparently important to Johnny Depp, because he was also a member of a club that he called the death of certain Club in 1990 with Iggy Pop and gee, Jim Jarmusch. I don’t know. He also has tattoos. There’s no reason that he shares with Marilyn Manson and Damien Echols. So I mean, there’s some beliefs this guy has in a cult systems for sure. Right? And he’s buddies with some strange, folks. That’s the idea. Then I’ve got a chapter we’re talking about random stuff. In 1997 is Vanity Fair. Johnny Depp addresses the idea that he’s got demons. Let’s see there. How about the church? If you’re a true Bible Belt, or I ask, you seem to have packed away a few demons in the baggage you’ve hauled around all these years. And then Johnny Depp responds. When I was a kid back in Kentucky, we went to this church where my uncle preached, it was kind of a weird Baptist full on kind of place, people kept running up to the pulpit, and grabbing his ankles and being saved lots of crying. Even then, at six or seven, I questioned how pure the emotion could be if it were on such display. That’s where I found music really, where I started playing guitar was in the church through that uncle. He had a little gospel group. We’re all a mishmash of extremes. I know that I have demons, Dev confessors firing up one of his ever present cigarettes. I don’t know if I want to get rid of them altogether. But I would like to experience them in a different way, maybe go face to face with them. I’ve never really had time to go to therapy. Well, here and there, but not enough to help. There. And then in all, a lot of his films, they say that and in Vanity Fair on the cover, it says the truth about Johnny’s demons. That’s from 2011. That was a different one. Right? So Vanity Fair asked him about his demons in 97. And then they put it on the cover in 2011, which is very strange. Is it not? Very odd. There’s a weird one. There is a book written by Jonas Alexus called in the name of education. And in it well, it’s called in the name of education, how weird ideologies corrupt our public schools.
There’s a section it says, I’m going to read you bits of it says, Lovelace prophecy has come true because a number of actors and actresses are now admitting to being possessed while acting. The average movie goer will be stunned to know that many of these actors and actresses admit they’re not genius enough to perform on stage spirits or demons are being conjured up. Denzel Washington declared on 60 minutes. Basically what I did was I got on my knees and sort of communicated with the spirits and when I came out, I was in charge. I couldn’t have acted without the spirits. Robin Williams agrees. Yeah. literally it’s like possession all of a sudden you’re in, you just get this energy that starts going. But there’s also that thing it is. It is possession. In the old days you’d be burned for it, but there’s something empowering about it. Actress and New Age guru Shirley MacLaine likewise notes. I had seen so many channels and mediums over the past few years, I decided I would apply the same thing to show business. I simply channeled a character that we had created this time, I allowed the character to inhabit me, I trusted that the magic would work. Channeling inspiration had become one in the same Johnny Depp who became famous for his performance in movies like Pirates of the Caribbean declared. I know I have demons. I’m 30 Different people sometimes. And it goes on and on. It’s actually pretty interesting. So there you go. He was on the cover of Rolling Stone giving us the Illuminati Freemason hidden hand. And I don’t mean, let’s rewind a bit. Yeah. So Johnny Depp says he possessed by 30 Different people sometimes. And this is after how many Vanity Fair articles talking about how he has demons? Is it true? And then we’ve got countless images of him doing the all seeing eye, the Illuminati vow of silence, and so on. So that’s the basics of that book. If you still want to get it and look at all the images and reread it. You can get it on my Gumroad go to gumroad.com backslash Isaac W. I believe it’s on my Amazon profile if you go to Amazon. But that was basically it. So you don’t have to. I’ll put some of the images on my Instagram instagram.com backslash Isaac why so now let’s talk about the case. The trial Johnny Depp won this this court case, and he was not fazed here and we’re gonna go through the case here in a second but he’s 8 million up hammertoes and like 8 million bucks is bad. The Hollywood Vampires are still touring his Dr. ad for Savas still airing on primetime. He he went and spent 60 grand on a dinner to celebrate the win he’s winning hard right Amber Heard you know she I guess people some people feel bad for Amber but it seems like more people felt bad for Johnny Depp people set up a GoFundMe for Amber Heard that like like it was a disgrace. She was abused. But then GoFundMe shut it down. But there’s a you know there’s a whole thing there right now the trial Why Why was there a trial let’s let’s go there because this is actually a very long I’m gonna try to make this like a 10 Minute. Consolidation of a lot of information. All right. New York Post as the reason why they went to trial says they were married Amber and Johnny Depp are married and divorced between 2015 and 2016 until they’ve been reunited in court. Deb accuses heard of damaging his public reputation and thus his career when she wrote an op ed in The Washington Post alluding to domestic abuse he had allegedly caused and apparently they had a divorce settlement in 2016. Where Mr. Hurd got 7 million as she said she would donate to the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles and the ACLU within 10 years. And ACLU apparently only got half a mil. And there’s claims that it came from Elon Musk, not even from Amber Heard because Elon Musk was dating. Amber Heard at a certain point. It’s a real mess. And there’s even Johnny no Amber herds lawyer allegedly is a fan of Johnny Depp. Because there’s footage of a red carpet premiere of Johnny Depp’s Lone Ranger from 2013 and shows a woman who looks very much like Amber Hearns. Lawyer. So was the fix in I don’t know. I don’t know. Lots of weird stuff happened though. Lots of weird stuff.
The I’m gonna go do a run through so I watched. I certainly didn’t catch every minute of this footage. I mean, this went on for like a month. It was crazy. I watched a leaves on Hulu, a sort of summation of what went down lots of crazy allegations and who knows what’s true, right? She claimed he did a he did a cavity search on her for a drugged witness claim that Johnny Depp said oh, we’re married now and I can punch her in the face. Now that’s serious stuff, man. I’m trying to make light of it. She claimed that he constantly Hit her and constantly slapped her. He said that she threw bottles at them. And one of them took the tip of his finger off. And she was like, No, he was drunk. He did that to himself. He was late to her birthday party, she got mad at him and took a dump on his bed. And then she took off for Coachella. She claimed it was one of the Yorkies the ones that they had smuggled into Australia. And if you remember that they got in trouble for smuggling your keys into Australia had to do an apology tour on that. There’s photos of bruises on both of them. They both accuse each other of faking the photos. They divorced and sign an agreement not to talk bad on each other, which obviously didn’t work. And the son like a tabloid magazine in the UK, they call him a wife beater. So he sues them for libel. And he lost the trial because the judge found 12 of the 14 Domestic Violence allegations were true. He was then fired from Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean six because of this. And he was like, I’m doubling down. I’m taking the court back to America against Amber Heard. And this is all because of that op ed she wrote about him. So herd was dragged back into court by DEP and a lot of people thought that was a bad move by death. Like do don’t do this twice. But heard said all this guy’s crazy he was jealous he accused her of having an affair with James Franco, which I found curious because James Franco many, many, many, many, many, many, many years ago, was involved with reenacting and Aleister Crowley ritual at one of these art schools. Back in the golden days of blogging on Illuminati watch her.com. I had that up there. But she had lost her credibility. This point she pledged to donate that money from the divorce settlement to charity but did not. She was also arrested for domestic violence against one of her girlfriends, even though the charges were dropped. But still, she also brought up during the court case, this rumor of Kate Moss being pushed down the stairs by Johnny. So they called Kate Moss to testify. And she’s like, Nope, that never happened. And Josie told me she had heard that I guess she got caught saying she was raped with a bottle. But it was her friend in Brazil. I don’t know if there’s so much going on here. But I think the reason that they gave it to him was because the only actual evidence of abuse was audio where Amber Heard is talking about how she actually hit Johnny Depp. So the jury sided with heard and hit hit her with hit her with some millions, right? And what’s what’s kind of messed up is the jury was able to go home every single night. And the argument is that social media influenced this decision. And that’s when I look, I was following social media and I kept getting these like tick tock videos, portraying how great Johnny Depp was and how awful Amber Heard was over and over and over to the point where I was like, wow, she’s looking really bad.
You know, I, and like I always talk about with the social media, there’s a lot of money and influence behind this. How do we not know that Disney and pirates and because look, Disney needs Johnny Depp for pirates. They need it. You don’t think there’s some financial interest in making Johnny look good so they can get their pirate sixth movie done? Of course there is. So could they have flooded the internet with memes trying to make Amber Heard look crazy. So that Johnny Depp could win? Because that’s what this is all about is getting his publicity and people back on his side. Because if you listen to all the allegations in the video footage you like, man, both of these people are crazy. I don’t think one of them’s innocent entirely. I think they’re both kind of like not great people. And I just ran through all of the occult connections, which look, you might think it’s good or bad. I don’t know. I’m not here to tell you whether it’s right or wrong. I’m just saying that he’s got some dark interest. He says he’s got demons and he loves the vampires. And look, I like vampires too. But I don’t know. It was a very strange thing. And I wonder if that did not influence the jury. I mean, everybody I know everybody I know was like poor Johnny Depp. I was like really? Like he seemed kind of unhinged, and most of those videos, thrown bottles and slam and stuff. But you don’t know videos of him hitting her so or audio Now, the some of the curious things that went viral She said her dog got stung by a bee and she made this weird face and went viral with all these jokes. And it’s weird because then he showed up with a B pin on his lip. I’m going to read you from E Online. For the first day of the trial, the Pirates of the Caribbean alum showed up to the court wearing a gray suit paired with a Gucci tie with a B lapel pin. The following day heard was similar ground sambal and on April 13th, were very similar be lapel pin, and tie to complete her dark colored outfit. Which is all very strange, right? What’s up with the bees? What’s up with the bees just like Nicolas Cage and Wicker Man. There we go full circle rent. Well, the bees I’ve talked about these many times in the past the bee is basically a symbol for magic. If you’ve listened to my Beyonce shows, we talked about the Beyhive the beehive and if you live in Utah, you see bees everywhere on all the the free Masonic, or I’m sorry, the LDS Mormon symbolism iconography, it’s always about bees, because bees are a symbol of magic. So what’s up with that? Is Johnny Depp employing the same magic that he’s got the tattoos he shares with Damien Echols, who’s really into magic, I believe itself. Then, the while I’m gonna read you from TMZ Johnny Depp is getting grilled on the stand with Amber herds lawyer showing the court text messages from DEP that say he would do unspeakable things to hurt corpse just to prove she was dead. The actor’s testimony continued for the third day and a string of texts between him and one division actor Paul Bettany one division of course a show about the scarlet woman the horror of Babylon right yes. These texts were presented during cross examination talking about burning Amber’s hurts body and what Deb would do to her after she died. He’s Johnny Depp says Let’s burn Amber. Bettany says having thought it through I don’t think we should burn Amber she’s delightful company and easy on the eye. Plus I’m not sure she’s a witch. We could of course try the English course of action in these predicaments we do a drowning test thoughts. And b I don’t know what that stands for. NB I have a pool. Tiny Deb says let’s drown her before we burner I will blurt out I think it’s fu CK. I will her burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she is dead. My thought and then Benny says my thoughts entirely let’s be certain before we pronounce her a witch. Yeah, that’s what he says I will fvck her burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she is dead. A source close to Johnny Depp tells us the drowning line was in reference to the she’s a witch scene from Monty Python one of Deb’s favorite movies. However, it still doesn’t explain the whole having sex with a corpse thing. As the text continued depth talks about being mentally messed up talking about drinking bottles of alcohol and taking pills. Bettany is also expected testify in this trial.
Blah blah blah. The letter reads more texts from Deb referring to heard from 2013 calling her a worthless a worthless Hooker and saying things like I’ll smack the ugly see you auntie around before I let her in. Don’t worry. So isn’t that weird? Right? Isn’t that where the Amber Heard had the thing on tape of saying that she hit him but he texted all these Alec all these things. So I guess those don’t count. I don’t know. Gianni also talked about his drug use using with Marilyn Manson and being introduced to drugs at such an early age. He said let’s see. Oh yeah. And they would talk about the fecal matter and so on right. And then there was another text that says I have no mercy This is Johnny Depp I have no mercy no fear, not an ounce of emotion or what I once thought was love for this gold digging low level diamond doesn’t mushy pointless, dangling. overused flappy fish market. I’m so effing happy she wants to fight this out. She will hit the wall hard I cannot wait to have this waste of a see who M goes they’re out of my life. Oh dear. I watched that scene from Monty Python. The Shiza which scene and I mean this shirt on talk about FEC came the burn corpse I afterwards to make sure she’s dead. So I don’t know. Boy, this one’s really, really messed up, right? So think about how weird that is how we’re all defending Johnny Depp, everyone’s defending dynamic, greatest guy ever, right? And look, I’m not involved in their marriage, they’re probably both a little crazy. They both seem like they’re a little off. And that’s sometimes to be expected by these celebrities. I mean, they’re, they’re not normal human beings. They’re sort of treated like gods and goddesses. Given all the money, all the fame, I wouldn’t know what that would do to do my brain. But nonetheless, I wanted to go through all that. And while there’s no hardcore, you know, what do you call it, like smoking gun references here to be like, Oh, my God, he’s totally illuminate confirm. There’s a whole lot of strange connections he’s got, like, I’ll go that far to say, the jury’s still out for me. I think he might be a strange dude into some strange things. But I’ll admit, man, when I’m watching some of these Tiktok videos, I’m like, Man, Johnny does one cool, dude, man. He’s kind of a funny guy. And he’s kind of, you know, laughing off some of this stuff. He seems like a cool dude. So maybe he is maybe he’s a cool dude, and just has a lot of dark occult sort of interest. Could be that too. It’s hard to say. But I just wanted to sort of show a different side a different angle, because I know everybody’s in love with Johnny Depp. And Amber hurts the worst person ever right now. But you got to see through all the, all the negative publicity and see where there might be some financial interest involved here. I think it’s strange that all these videos went viral. And the jury was left to go home. And I you know, that they caught wind of some of these videos. That probably influenced the trial. Maybe Disney could have gotten some beneficial involvement by getting Johnny Depp’s name cleared up a little bit more as like, hey, come get that pirate six money. Alright. So there you go. There’s Johnny Depp. Again, I’ll put the images on my Instagram, you can check it out. Or you can go download the book. If you want to support the show and go download gumroad.com backslash W there’s Johnny Depp ebook, you checked out. Thanks for listening to the shelf. If you’re into these topics, maybe this is the first time you’ve heard my show. I talked about celebrity Illuminati and call it symbolism all the time. And in fact, if you want more, if you want to hear why this is all happening, and in depth discussion about it, I’ve got a book that I wrote called the dark path. And it goes through the whole thing from A to Z as to why this is happening. And it’s got hundreds and hundreds of great reviews. Thank you for leaving the reviews on Amazon and audible. I narrated the book on Audible, you can check it out there. Or you can get a signed paperback from me, go to gumroad.com backslash Isaac W and order your copy of the dark path. Thank you for listening to the show. Thanks for sport till next time Stay Woke
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