On today’s episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast (formerly known as CTAUC Podcast) we’ll do a film analysis of a classic film from 2006; Mike Judge’s “Idiocracy!” We’ll talk about how this comedy has slowly become a reality as we examine corporate oligarchy takeovers of the government, society spiraling into its base frequencies and the false depictions of the Illuminati new Atlantis!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the premium feeds on Patreon) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Coast to Coast AM, Tin Foil Hat podcast (honorary member of Mount Crushmore), Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, Richard Syrett’s “Strange Planet,” “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, Newsweek, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
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*STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes.
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:06
Welcome back to occult symbolism in pop culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. And today, we’re going to talk about Idiocracy. That’s right. We’re doing a film analysis of the classic film for 2006. Mike judge’s Idiocracy. We’re going to talk about this dystopian comedy, and how it has slowly become a reality. As we examine the corporate oligarchy, takeovers of the government, society spiraling out into its base frequencies, and the false depictions of the Illuminati, new Atlantis. It’s all gonna get covered today. And before we get into the film, a couple quick items of housekeeping. All right. One, you’ll notice my voice is better. I finally shook out all that congestion. And we’re ready to rock and roll folks, too. Did you hear me on tinfoil hat I had my 12th appearance. On tinfoil hat with Sam Tripoli and x g. And Johnny Woodard, we talked about the Wizard of Oz. And it’s a great time, you got to listen to it. You can watch the full video interview on Sam tripoli.com. Right now, as we speak, it’s out there. Three, I’ve enabled Apple premium. That’s right. If you’re listening to the show on Apple podcast, which I know you are, I know it’s like 90% of us out there. Alright, so listen up, listen close, you have no more excuses to be a free feed loser anymore. I’ve made it so simple. With the click of a button, you can now join the ranks of all the great supporters. And of course, I’ve still got Patreon, I still got the VIP section, I still got the rock Finn, I’m giving you another method of doing it. This one is the easiest one by far. If you’re on Apple bog has just hit the button you’re in. And I did a whole 10 minute show last week discussing it. But you basically get the same you basically get the same benefits, you’re gonna get all the bonus shows 160 170 Plus, going back to 2017 Because every month I give my supporters extra exclusive content, one episode a month, you’ll also get the ad free version of the show. And early access as well. And I will no longer call you a free V loser. Which is not the best. You know, I’m joking, you can be on the free feed. You know a lot of us liked that you like it when I call you a free feed loser. So I’m gonna keep doing it. Because I think it’s funny. Because I think it’s funny. You know, I grew up watching 80s wrestling. And I was always drawn like a magnet to the bad guys. I loved him. Remember, when was it a million dollar man who’s gonna pay that kid to dribble the basketball? He knocked it out of his hands. Great moment. Anyway. So those that’s the housekeeping, look at that two minutes, and we’re done. Moving on. Oh, and today, one item of warning today. Today’s show usually I don’t swear or have much swearing in the shows. Today we’re going to have a lot of explicit content. explicit lyrics, because I’m gonna play you clips from the movie. Very sexual in nature at times. Lots of swear words. So if you’re if you don’t want to hear that, this isn’t the show for you. Moving on. Should you watch this movie before we do the analysis? Analysis of course. And I’ll give you a fair warning that I’ve given many people and I received this fair warning and it was accurate the first time you watch this, you’re gonna think it’s stupid. I didn’t like it. The first time I watched it. I was like, This is dumb. My friend let me borrow it. Ironically, the same friend who let he read pilled me the same friend. Let me borrow David Ickes freedom rode on a bootleg VHS tape. So my red pill friend also gave me he was a Marine, right? So we got along talking about all kinds of stuff and making fun of people. And he knew he knew I had it me. So he read pilled me with David Icke and Idiocracy. And the first time I watched it, I thought, This is stupid. But then, and I made Josie watch it with me. And but then after, you know, a couple of days, it soaks into your brain. And you start, you start bringing up clips and quotes. And he talks to other people that have seen it. And then it’s funny. Like, this is one of the funniest movies ever. So there you go. You should watch it. Not a big deal. If I ruin the plot for you. Who cares, right? It’s just, it’s a silly comedy, so you should watch it. You don’t need to watch it before you listen to this. Oh, and before I forget, shout out to Sheryl. All right. She’s my top supporter. She’s my top G All right. She requested I do. You know, Cheryl has been on my team so long. And I She’s got everything. She got every book, every shirt, as I don’t know what else I can give you. I don’t know what else I can give you, Cheryl. She said, I want to see a show about Idiocracy. And I said, Consider it done. And I’ll be honest with you. At first, I wasn’t sure that I could actually make a full analysis about this movie. But I thought, you know, I’m gonna do it for Cheryl and I gave it a watch. And I thought, there’s a ton here. There’s a lot we could talk about. So we’re gonna do it today. The movie is the perfect length. It’s less than 90 minutes. It’s 84 minutes, because he knew how to keep it moving. All right. Starring Luke Wilson, he plays Corporal Joe Bowers, aka not sure. Which will make sense when you watch the movie. This is of course, Owen Wilson’s brother. The Wilson they’re actually born to a television executive. So you know, go figure. They become actors. There’s a trend of what do you call it? There’s like a term for nepotism. Nepo babies or whatever. It’s like when you’re born into wealth or Hollywood, and you make it like, it’s not a shock, right? Everything’s been laid out for you. Well, Luke Wilson, in his personal life, had a relationship with Drew Barrymore. You recall she was a child actor. She was put onto drugs and partying from a very inappropriately young age. infamously addicted to coke by the age of 12. My Rudolph she’s also in this, she plays Corporal Joe Bowers, Consort. She is a prostitute named Rita. She also was born into the entertainment industry. Her mother was a singer and her father was a composer. We also have Dax Shepard who plays Fredo Pentaho. He’s, yeah, Dax Shepard, that guy, the armchair quarterback, podcast guy. That guy he’s in this movie. His parents were not in entertainment, says he’s from Detroit. His parents worked in the automotive industry. It’s a real Jack and Diane story. All right. Actually, don’t mind that separate. I’ve actually listen to a couple of his podcasts. He’s fine. Terry Crews is in this movie. He plays President Dwayne Elizondo, Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. He’s also from Michigan. He’s from Flint, Michigan. I had a friend in the military from Flint, Michigan. He was a white guy. And he’s always taught me how hard Flint was. I had no idea. You know, I grew up in PEI. I’ve never been to Michigan. And you know, he was one of only a handful of white people in Michigan. But yeah, Flint, Michigan and Terry Cruz’s from there is a tough city. It’s a tough city. I mean, and look at Terry Crews, right? This guy is amazing, right? He played in the NFL, from a greedy acity named Flint, Michigan. Flint, Michigan also where they’re making them drink the poison water. But this guy, he was part of the metoo movement. Right? He accused this high level executive this. I think his name was Adam. I can’t even pronounce it. vennett from metallic company. He accused him of sexually. misconduct, abuse, harassment, some that effect. When he was coming up in Hollywood. devout Christian, he said he had a bad porn addiction. Right. And, yeah, I don’t know our specter occurs. And you know, I’m a pro porn kind of guy. But that’s not to say some people don’t get addicted. It’s like, it’s like anything else. Right? alcohol, gambling. Some people are susceptible to it and that’s a real shame. But yeah, Terry Crews shout out Terry Crews to Justin Long. He’s in this he plays Dr. Dr. Lexus. He also was in a relationship with Drew Barrymore at one time. And last but definitely not least, the rapper Scarface from the ghetto boys. He’s the pimp. He plays upgrade with two Ds for the double dose of tampin. Now this movie was created by Mike Judge. This is a guy that gave us Beavis and Butthead. And King of the Hill. Now king of the hill, had a character named Dale. I never actually watched king of the hill. But there was a character named Dale and he used this alias of rusty Shackleford
apparently, right And I see this rusty Shackleford all the time, usernames on people on my Patreon and commenters on Instagram and stuff like that. Even what’s that guy’s name? The McAfee guy, right? That he, he’s allegedly, there was a guy taking drone footage of Epstein island on YouTube. Around the time the McAfee, John McAfee died. And people allege that that was him. And the username for that YouTube channel was rusty Shackleford. I spoke too soon about my voice being fine. It’s better. It’s, it’s like 90%. Alright. But my dad gave us office space and Silicon Valley, as well, as well as Idiocracy. So interesting guy, right? He’s done lots of films. And before he did films, he worked in Silicon Valley. And Wikipedia says he moved to Silicon Valley to join parallax graphics. They start a video card company with about 40 employees based in Santa Clara, California, disliking the company’s culture and his colleagues. Oh, that was period disliking the company’s culture and his colleagues. And the they quote him he said the people I met were like stepper Stepford Wives. They were true believers in something and I don’t know what it was. Now, isn’t that interesting? That’s just like, we did the film analysis for Don’t worry, darling. It makes me think about that, right. Stepford Wives, of course, written by our 11, the guy who wrote Rosemary’s Baby. Now, Idiocracy is release in theatrical release is somewhat of a conspiracy as well. So let’s talk about that for a brief second. I’m gonna read you from Wikipedia, it says, judges third film Idiocracy, a dystopian comedy starring Luke Wilson and Maya Rudolph was given a limited release the accurately by 20th Century Fox in September 2006. Two years after production, the film’s original release day was intended to be on August 5 2005. According to Mike Judge, in April 2006. The trailer, a release date was set. For September 1 2006, the film was released without a trailer or substantial marketing campaign. The film was not screened for critics beforehand, as is usually done. Lack of concrete information from Fox led to speculation that the distributor may have actively attempted to keep the film from being seen by a large audience, while fulfilling our contractual obligation for theatrical release ahead of a DVD release. So why would they try to suppress this? Well, I think we’ll find out right? They had spent two and a half million hours to make the film and it only brought in about a half a million dollars in the box offices. So total failure, but it would go on to have a very large cult following, as you will hear today. So without further ado, let’s get in. And let’s get into Idiocracy. Let’s go. So at the beginning of the film, it shows it shows us a demonstration of the theory of Darwinism and evolution. And it goes through this pretty hilarious explanation of how Darwinism and the evolution of man is not working as intended. Take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 13:49
As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point, natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators within the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most and left the intelligence to become an endangered species.
Isaac Weishaupt 14:42
Now, what’s interesting is that they show us what the theory of evolution and the technocrats in the Illuminati subscribe to. And it of course shows us the new Atlantis and this is the world that these occult has wanted to bring back. This goes if you look At Manley P halls, secret destiny of America. If you look at Francis Bacon’s new Atlantis, which new Atlantis this was a novel from the 1600s Francis Bacon wrote it about this island and it had this educational system this college, it was a state sponsored scientific institution and it was called Solomon’s house. And they call it the eye of the kingdom and this utopia called New Atlantis, it uses science as the new priests. And science is here to decode and to conquer nature, that is referring to taking over for God. And this this book influenced the early Rosicrucians and all that. Now, if you go to Manley P Hall, secret destiny of America, he was calling for a universal global order of very much a you know, Alex Jones is always ranting raving about the globalist New World Order. That’s one of the ideas where he gets this from I propose he wanted this universal Manley P Hall and the Freemasons, allegedly one of this universal New World Order. And in secret destiny, they call it the Platonic empire. I want to read to you from secret destiny of America, it is reasonably conceivable that in secrecy and anonymity, well ordered aid has been given to the struggle for human equity and justice that has been America’s Destiny through the past into our present time, it is our duty and our privilege to contribute what we can to this universal plan, it will go on served by the unknowns, until the Platonic Empire is established on the earth, and the towers of the new Atlantis rise from the ruins of a materialistic and selfish world. Now, if you hear what he’s saying, they’re about materialism, a suggestion that materialism is evil, which is a very Gnostic idea, they think the material realm and God’s earth. And our human bodies even are limiting the true nature, the capitalistic spark of men. But in the movie, let’s get back to the Idiocracy in the movie era, they’ll say they use the law to say, with no, no natural predators to thin the herd. Right? Well, that’s a very Darwinian idea. And who subscribes to social Darwinism, the Church of Satan. That’s right. They don’t believe in turning the other cheek. They believe in a very capitalistic idea of, you’re allowed to punch someone in the face if they do you wrong. Sona was introduced to different types of couples. One is Cleavon, with an IQ of 84. And he’s got a ton of kids, then they got Trevor with an IQ of 135. Who’s scared of the economy, too scared to have kids. Scared to put down on some sick driver scared to put down on some thick, that’s what it is to worry about school and economics. But then they show the show Cleavon Jr. Who’s the first child of kleavon. And his IQ is even less goes from 84 to 78. And he’s busy, he’s playing football, he’s bagging all the cheerleaders. And oh, an interesting fun fact, his jersey number is actually 33. Right? Maybe a reference to the 33rd degree of Freemasonry, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. So it’s 2005. And in the basement of this army library, were introduced to private Joe Bowers, Luke Wilson. And he’s been chosen for this human hibernation experiment with the idea that what they can do is, and they’re and he’s an idiot, right? They’re just going to use him to experiment on because what they want to do is actually save their best pilots when they’re in their prime for when they need them later down the road. So they choose Joe Bowers, for this experiment, because he’s, as average as anyone could be is the perfectly average he is but he’s no family. He’s an only child. His parents are deceased, which would have made for a nice Disney plot, right. And so they choose him and they choose a prostitute named Rita, to undergo this experiment for hibernation. And Rita was a prize destitute. And her pimp is upgrade played by Scarface, of course. So these two, they go into hibernation, and they’re under hibernation for a year. But while they’re in hibernation, the officer, the military officer, who was under control, the program gets arrested because he started hanging out with upgrade. And he’s a pimp and too, so he gets arrested for pimping. And no one realizes that these two are in these hibernation pods. So the one year turns into two and three, and four, and so on, right? So they’re in these hibernation pods longer than expected. And they’re in the future now. And we’re not sure what year it is yet. It’s 2505. We find out but they’re in the future. And they’re tearing down the, the, these army buildings because now it’s you know, 500 years later. And they’re tearing down the buildings. And you find out if you look closely, and I’ll put the image on the Instagram or if you’re watching the video version of the show. When they’re 10 on the building, you see that it’s the building number is also 33. Just a coincidence? I think not? I think not. So the narrator who walks us through the story, he talks about what happens to society. While these two are stuck in these hibernation pods, take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 21:31
Sooner after Collins arrest and the massive scandal that followed, the bass was closed. It hadn’t even been a year, and the entire project was simply forgotten. Things looked bleak for Joe that they were even worse for mankind has Joe and Rita laid dormant the years past, and mankind became stupider at a frightening rate.
Unknown Speaker 22:06
Some had high hopes that genetic engineering would correct this trend in evolution. But sadly, the greatest minds and resources were focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections. Meanwhile, the population exploded. And intelligence continued to decline until humanity was incapable of solving even its most basic problems like garbage, which had been stacked for centuries with no plan whatsoever, leading to the great garbage avalanche of 2505 which would set in motion the events that would change the world forever.
Isaac Weishaupt 22:49
So they’re in the hibernation pods and the great garbage avalanche happens. And outcomes, these hibernation pods they bust open right now it’s the year 2505. And the characters the society is full of morons, right? Doc Shepherd plays one of the morons. And they’re doing dumb stuff like they’re eating cheese from a bucket. They’re watching shows on a thing called the violence network shows like all my balls, and it’s just a guy getting kicked in the balls over and over again. Very much like jackass, actually, like jackass. But I’m also a simpleton. All right, the future is going to be just fine for people like me. And they’re eating at places. Because they lose the ability to spell over time. And Fuddruckers the restaurant, which I haven’t seen one of those in forever. But anyway, Fuddruckers slowly morphs into but fuckers by the end, 500 years, right? And if you look, you can see different advertisements, right? And what was interesting to me was that they had an advertisement for Google. It said, Google my Google for $599 a day. Now, I was interesting, because Google back in 2005. I mean, they were a big company. Don’t get me wrong, but certainly not the name they are today. Right. But everything you see in the future has corporate advertisements all over it. There’s not an inch of wasted space, everything’s gonna have corporate sponsorship. It’s on the clothing. It’s in the courtrooms. It’s all over the hospitals. And this is the corporate takeover. This is exactly what they want. And that’s how we do it in America. Right? Our healthcare system is a for profit system. It’s not possible that you’re going to see Carl’s Jr. ads in the hospital. And we’re going to talk about this morning to come in the conclusion. Because there’s actual real conspiracies about corporate America preventing the release of this film. Why do you think they didn’t want this out? Other, right? Because they want us eating buckets of cheese and watching the violence network while they rake in the dough. They was wearing a shirt to say Carl’s Jr, all over it. So anyway, what’s his name Luke Wilson’s character? Bauer’s private Joe Bowers. Right. He gets up. He’s like, what? He has no idea what year it is or nothing, right? He just wakes up. He’s like, what’s, what’s happening here, right? And he goes to a hospital named St God’s Memorial Hospital. And everyone’s giving them grief. They’re saying he talks like and, and look, there’s a word they use. Back in 2005. Out of out of respect, I will not say the word I’ll spell it out. But they’re say talks like an F A G. Because he doesn’t have the the future dialect is a mixture of hillbilly and slang and he doesn’t have that. Okay. So they make a joke out of how he talks like an F A G, all right. And in this hospital, they’ve got slot machines, they’ve got water fountains that don’t provide water, they provide Bronto, which is like a Gatorade. It’s a thirst mutilator with electrolytes. Which I remember watching this in 2005, how silly that seemed. And I mean, I’ll be damned if you’ll see I mean, shit, I buy electrolytes. A biome over drink has electrolytes in it now. So I mean, another another, another accuracy of the film. And the fun factor was actually a website bronto.com. And if you go there now, it takes you to Omni consumer products that I am pretty sure it’s also a fake website that has various movie products like it has the Fight Club soap. I don’t know if you can actually buy it or not. But I checked it out because I was curious. Anyway, so corporate Bowers goes to this hospital. And because he’s like, he wants to get checked out. And he talks to Dr. Lexus. And this is a very funny clip, and I’ll play it for you. But Dr. Justin Long plays Dr. Lexus. And you can hear that we’ve incorporated some of these, some of these dialects. I do it myself. We all have valley girl slang. Instead of saying I think Bill Maher was making fun of this the other night. He said, You know when people talk nowadays, they say they don’t say they don’t want to tell the story. They’re like, well, he said this and she said that they say, Well, he’s all like this. And I’m like that, like it’s valuable sliders true. I do it all the time. I’m not above it. But take a listen to this dialogue.
Unknown Speaker 28:05
Yeah, all right. Well, not so good. You know, I don’t really know what’s going on. But I’m seeing things I think it might be because of these drugs the army put me on but if you could just get me well enough to get back to base
Unknown Speaker 28:18
right? To guess. Don’t want to sound like a dick or nothing but says on your chart. You’re fucked up. You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded? What I do is just say like,
Unknown Speaker 28:38
No, I’m serious here.
Unknown Speaker 28:41
Don’t worry. Sgro. Now there are plenty of targets out there living really kick ass lives. My first wife was targeted. She’s a pilot. Now.
Unknown Speaker 28:49
I need for you to be serious for a second here. Okay, I need help.
Unknown Speaker 28:53
There’s that fag talk we talked about. Right? So that’ll be this many dollars. And if you could just go ahead and like put your tattoo in that shit.
Unknown Speaker 29:04
This thing has a sameness printers that magazine wanted the answer.
Unknown Speaker 29:08
Where’s your tattoo tattoo? Why don’t you have this?
Isaac Weishaupt 29:14
Now look, I’m not gonna go over every single joke in this movie. I just there was a couple I wanted to pull out that are funny. That was one of them. All right now. So they find out that corporate Bowers doesn’t have the tattoo, which is what they use for payment. They, they use a wrist tattoo for payment. And they freak out the common unscannable right. Back in the day, I remember. I remember. Tattoos were viewed as the mark of the beast. That one of my early formative moments as a child in the grocery store, I remember seeing one of those little pamphlets. There’s a name for it. I forget it all the time. Paranoid American made a bunch of MK Ultra versions of these pamphlets. And I remember seeing about this market Nice talk. I’ve actually heard a defense from a guy on Tik Tok. That made a lot of sense, right? And obviously, I’m covered in tattoos. And of course, I want to believe that this is not gonna give me eternal damnation. But what do I know? Maybe, right. And this guy on Tiktok s Allah Tiktok, it must be true. References The Book of Leviticus 1928. And he claims and I’m no theologian, I could be very wrong about this. He claims that this is the only scripture that says you shouldn’t do tattoos in the Bible. And he says, If you want to look at, if you want to look at that whole Book of Leviticus, you’ve got it tells you not to trim your beard, tells you to eat rare steak tells you don’t cut the size of your hair. And Leviticus was written to the Levites. So even with all that in mind, as long as you’re not a Leviticus priest, you’re good. It turns out. And then in the book of Matthew, they asked, Jesus said, Jesus, what’s the most important commandment? And he said, Love God, love people. That’s it. Just that easy. Amen. Paper, it’s easy. In reality, not so easy. In Corinthians, it’s mentioned that something to that effect, that something about how everything on this Earth doesn’t necessarily benefit you, right? So the idea is, okay, you can get a tattoo, but know that it’s not necessarily going to make your life better, or be in your best benefit. So that’s kind of where it lies. It’s, it’s one of those things, it’s like, well, I mean, you can, you’re not gonna go to burn in hell, but is putting on the right path towards God. And that’s a subjective question. But the tattoo is the mark of the beast for payment is where it comes in, in this film, because the Mark of the Beast is needed to buy and sell a lot of people think it’s going to be the cryptocurrencies via embedded chips in your hand. Or maybe a lot of people were worried that this was going to be the new vaccine card, right? Remember that. But either way, in the film, they find out he doesn’t have this mark of the beast, and they’re all freaking out. They’re freaking out. They don’t want to be near him. Because he’s not fitting in to what society is demanding. He’d be like. And in the movie, people they go to kiosks to order food. A kiosk is called Omni, bro. Which again, and I’ll put that image on there, too. Again, that’s happening right now, when you go to McDonald’s, you go to the screen in order, right? This is happening. There’s already an Omni, bro, at these fast food places. In this example, in the film, it’s actually Carl’s Jr. But you know, their slogan is called Jr. Fuck you. I’m meeting. And what’s ironic is that the, the CEO of Carl’s Jr. was actually Trump Donald Trump’s nomination for Secretary of Labor back in 2017. But the guy backed out. So Carl’s Jr. in league with the government almost happened in 2017. So anyway, the cops that come and they arrest them, there was Joe Bowers for being an unscannable. And they sent him to trial at a courtroom, right. And they forced him to get the mark of the beast, they force him to get this tattoo. And the machine, he put his arm in the machine to get the tattoo. And they asked him his name. And he gets confused by what they’re asking him. And he says, not sure now that now his name is trying to have a conversation with this AI machine. And he, and they scan him with a tattoo. They mark them. And now his name is not sure. Okay. And they sent him to prison. And he takes an IQ test while he’s in prison. And he finds out that he’s smart. He’s really smart, compared to the mouth breathers that he’s surrounded by. So he gets this idea. He’s thinking he’s starting to realize that he says, maybe I’m smarter than everybody here. And maybe I can just walk right out of this prison. And so he walks up to the guards, he says, Look, I’m supposed to leave right now in there and they say, okay, and he walks out, right? And this whole time he says, Look, I don’t want to be in 2505 I gotta find this time machine. And he goes back to DAX, Shepard’s character, Frito, pan de Hall, and Fredo says, hey, they got One of those time machines at Costco so he says we’ll take me there so they, they they make it to Costco. There was no time machine. All right. But the cops pick him up again they take him to the White House, because now they realize he’s the smartest human being on earth because that IQ test and here’s where it meets the president, Terry Crews, Dwayne Elizondo Camacho, porn star wrestling the WWE SmackDown champ and President of the United States. And President Camacho says, Look, you’re not sure you’re the smartest human being, you’re gonna fix this dust storm, you’re gonna fix these dying crops. You’re gonna fix the colony. As he puts it. He says he’s going to do it all in one week. All right. And we find out that they’ve been watering the crops with this Bronto this Gatorade? So not sure he’s like, well done. What are you guys doing that for? And he finds out that the FDA Bronto lobbyists, the Bronto bought the FDA and the FCC so they could say and do whatever they want it including changing the food pyramid. Now that don’t sound like a real conspiracy. I don’t know what is right. Some real stuff is lobbyists revolving door which is to me the biggest problem they will back and forth government, military, the lobbyist lobbying for corporate America. So fixes the Dust Bowl. It fixes the plants by simply giving them water. All right, by undoing what the corporate oligarchy has managed to screw up. The problem happens though that Brando this, the stock drops to zero and everyone loses their jobs. It’s not unemployment rates through the roof. So now they’re mad at not sure. Again, this is okay. You screwed up again. Now you’re getting punished. They sent into this Roman gladiator deathmatch that called Monday night rehabilitation. It’s like, it’s like the Running Man. Right? It’s televised entertainment, of someone going through the punishment and possibly dying. And he’s about to get killed. It’s about to get torched by beef supreme. When, when all of a sudden, Fredo pendejo he puts up some footage on the main screen in the stadium there of the crops actually growing because of the water transition. So President Camacho he gives not sure a full pardon. saves him makes him a vice president. And all is good, right? He saves the world. And the movies over in the day new moi we find out that the time machine at Costco that freedom of thought was there was just a carousel ride. And it shows the world history. And not sure sort of accepts that now he’s stuck in the future. There is no time machine he’s done. And the UN is recognized as the ones to what they say on Nazi the world, right? On this on this time machine read. And in the future, not sure and Rita they end up having three kids. And they tell you that free open day has 32 kids. Again, very close to 33. Another 33 reference perhaps. And then if you watch the credits as opposed credits clip, you’ve got upgrade the pimp. He wakes up in the future also. He’s in a hibernation pod. And now he’s in the mix. Presumably, he’s gonna end up doing better than not sure. So in conclusion, Idiocracy this whole plot of social Darwinism going the wrong direction, is this possible? Well, from just an opinionated, casual offers,
I gave the opposite observation of current society versus what Idiocracy showed us almost 20 years ago. 20 years ago, he was saying, Here’s what the future is going to look like. People are, are vulgar. They’re stupid. They’re covered in tattoos. They’re entertained by violence. Corporate America rules everything. Even the government. everyone’s obsessed with sex and masturbation. I mean, in the in the future, you can get a handjob at Starbucks. So there’s that right. It’s the Roman bread and circus. So I think Mike Judge was looking at the past, to look at the future. And yes, there’s a theory called dis Genex. Which is this idea that there’s traits that we desire. And those traits that we, you know, to be more intelligent, more understanding, higher free ascending of the ladder of consciousness. They’re called the ladder of Mithras, I believe. Ascending consciousness, like we talked about with Wizard of Oz. Did you catch my four episodes on Wizard of Oz yet? We’ve talked about ascending consciousness. Well, there’s an opposite of that descending consciousness dis Genex. And they say that over time, due to social pressures that disfavor, the reproduction of the quality traits. Things will go the wrong direction. So that intellectual couple, they’re busy thinking about the economy. They’re busy worried about having enough money to pay for this kid. They’re, they’re worried about the future world, they’re worried about climate change. They’re too worried davek Child meanwhile, Johnny Football he’s, he’s doubling the clip, he don’t care. And I believe that YOLO is pushing us into this kind of attitude. You know, Johnny Football, he’s actually having a much funner life than the intellectual guy. Intellectual guys, like, No, we got to get to college. Let’s make some good investments. First, let’s pay off the bills. He’s holding back he’s restraining Johnny Football is having a great time. Johnny Football is posting it all over social media. And others are gonna see and they’re saying I want to live Johnny footballs life too. Because social media paints a false picture of reality, people end up chasing it. Everybody’s an entrepreneur. Right. And there’s a book by Richard Lynn called dis Genex genetic deterioration in modern populations, right. And he wrote it back in 96. And his concerns. When I read I didn’t read the whole book. Obviously, I could barely read the title. says Richard Lynn lists three concerns. deterioration in health, intelligence and consciousness. No conscientiousness, excuse me. Lien claims that unlike modern societies, natural selection in pre industrial societies, favor traits such as intelligence and character. So when you read all these occult philosophers, it makes me think, you know, over 100 years ago, when a lot of these occultus were around, maybe there were higher orders of thinking back then. Because it was the modern philosophers. Now we’ve got, like, Jordan Peterson, we’ve got Sam Harris. I mean, are all the vet seems like back in the day, everybody was a philosopher, as always big names, right? We still talk about Plato. All these philosophers being suppressed? Or do they not exist? Or is it just too heavy and no one wants to look at it. No one wants to think about this stuff. Or, you know, maybe there’s not on my radar, because I’m not in that that world. But it just seemed to me, it seems, again, casual observation seems that maybe it was more prevalent 100 plus years ago, to talk about philosophies and higher order ideas. But it’s also possible I’m totally wrong with that. But anyway, because I’m sure back then there was no dummies. Working the farm that had no clue what the Renaissance thought leaders were up to. And just for fun, I thought, Alright, let’s do a little comparison. Comparison here on this theory of who’s having all the children. Okay. Nick Cannon has 12 kids. Jordan Peterson has to Sam Harris toolkits Joe Rogan. Two kids. Neil deGrasse Tyson, two kids. So those four I’d say pretty intellectual folks. As far as you know, and I’m not saying Oh, I love you guys, Tyson. Like, I don’t really like him. But I mean, those are four kind of thought leaders of modern society. Those four even together have less than Nick, Nick Cannon. Right. So, so, again, casual observations and opinions here. That’s all I’m saying. And if you look at I watched a lot of cyberpunk movies recently, this shows this patina Until future this is called high tech, low life, you know, the technology keeps increasing, but our lifestyles decrease over time. Now, there’s actually one interesting thing. We’re gonna wrap it up here soon. Mike Judge considered the name of the film, to be 3001. And that’s actually what Arthur C Clarke wrote a book, The last book in the the Odyssey sequels. Was 3000 won the final Odyssey. Which I found that to be interesting. Now, of course, Arthur C. Clarke released that book prior to my judges movie. So I don’t know if he did that, to emulate it or what, because in 3001, I read all those books, I highly recommend them. 3001 They, they show the final plan for humanity is evolving us into digital consciousness, getting rid of the human form, and abandoning this evil material realm, going out into the space. But anyway, let’s look at why they kept delaying the film, right, because Wikipedia reports that there were multiple outlets saying it was intended to be delayed indefinitely. They didn’t even want to release this film. Why, though, right. That’s why there was no screenings. That’s why there was no press kits. There was no trailers, there was no advertisements for this movie. In New York Times claimed that maybe fox didn’t want to offend the audience or offend advertisers, you know, because the advertising plays such a prominent role in this film. But I think it’s because too close to the reality of what they want a corporate takeover. That Terry Crews, he said, I’m gonna read different Terry Crews, he said, The rumor was because we use real corporations in our comedy. I mean, Starbucks was giving hand jobs. The, these companies gave us their name, thinking they were gonna get pumped up. And then we’re like, welcome to Costco. We love you. All these real corporations. We’re like, wait a minute, wait a minute. There were a lot of people trying to back out, but it was too late. And so Fox who own the movie decided, we’re going to release this in as few theaters as legally possible. So it got really a release in probably three theaters over one weekend. And it was sucked out into the vortex. So yes, it was suppressed. Corporate America suppressed this thing. Because that’s the truth is that we live in this oligarchy state, the corporate takeover. And it’s like I always say, it’s not necessarily the government that controls us. It’s the corporations who have infiltrated and influence the government through lobbyists. The root cause of our issues, I believe, are mostly from corporate America. And one last one last item approved, Donald Trump was also a wrestler, and slept with a porn star, which is close to being a porn star. And he became the president. And Mike Judge, they actually asked him about this when it happened in 2016, or whatever. He said, I’m no prophet. I was off by 490 years. So there you go. And then good in double conclusion, Idiocracy. It’s not possible. It’s actually happening. So there you go. Hope you enjoyed that film analysis. Thank you again, Cheryl. For that, that idea. That was a good one. Hope you enjoyed it. And again, if you want support the show, you know where to go. Everyone sign up, they’re gonna add free there to unlock and all the bonus episodes, you should join them patreon.com/illuminati watcher, or now on the Apple premium podcast app, you can just double click and you’re good you’re in. 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