On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we discuss some of the conspiracy theories around the shooter at Highland Park Illinois Independence Day parade. We’ll talk about the culture of 4Chan, symbolism of 47, white supremacist groups, MKULTRA, Trump associations, Pepe the Frog and his alter ego of Awake the Rapper.
- My 2020 show on Q and Pepe: Q Anon and the Occult Pt 2: Pepe the Frog, Sigil Magick, Order Out of Chaos & Steve Bannon! https://wp.me/p2ijVF-aMX
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:00
If he brought a high powered rifle to this parade, he accessed the roof of a business and began opening fire on the innocent independent state celebration goers.
Unknown Speaker 0:18
Another city in mourning following another mass shooting in America 21 year old Robert creemos a third arrested and charged with seven counts of first degree murder, with more expected to come 40s believe primo fired 70 rounds into the crowd from an AR 15 style rifle which he legally purchased. Another legally purchase rifle was found in the car crema was driving when he was arresting somebody they say creemos spent weeks planning the attack. This picture shows the suspect in disguise as a woman prior to the shooting.
Unknown Speaker 0:53
Investigators do believe he did this to conceal his facial tattoos and his identity and help him during the escape with the other people who are fleeing the chaos.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:06
What’s up everybody? You’re listening to conspiracy theories in popular culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. Today we’ve got a very special emergency broadcast. Well, I don’t know if it’s an emergency. It’s going to be an emergency for me because I gotta squeeze this in because I got an actual bigger, better show for you drop in here soon when the finishing touches on it. So stay tuned for that. I’m going to talk about I got a couple shows actually, for you. I’m working. I’m working a Johnny Depp, occult symbolism analysis, and I’m also working a Google AI. It’s an insane shell. I’m hoping I can try to get it out here this weekend. But you’re not going to believe all this crap on all of the AI over at Google. It’s telling us all kinds of things that you’re probably not going to want to hear. So without further ado, let’s get with today’s very quick show. We’re talking about the shooting on July 4 Independence Day parade at Highland Park in Illinois. This guy, Robert Cremello Cremo. I don’t know I’m saying his name right. Actually didn’t listen. I didn’t watch any news clips of him. I read these articles. So I don’t know how you pronounce his name. Who cares, right. But this guy in the first 15 minutes of parade started mowing down people from a rooftop killed six injured 36. That’s as of this morning. You know, this is recorded early in the morning. Wednesday, July sick. Injured 36 killed I think a shot kids as young as eight years old. He was dressed up as a woman so he could escape escaped in his mom’s car because why not right. And Brian didn’t get caught till like eight hours later. Who was this guy who isn’t he goes by Bobby Bobby crime Primo. He some people say he’s 21 or 22. I’ve read both online. I’m sure he’s an INCEL. I don’t know. I don’t know. Is he an insult? I’m sure is his dad or somebody interviewed said you didn’t even have a job. Like bro. Like what is? Again? What are these parents doing? Like? You can’t let your 22 year old bum ass kid just chill in the basement like, kick their ass out. Anyway, this seems to fit a certain mold and we’re going to talk about that mold here in a minute. He’s got phased out he’s a white. He’s like a white kid. Right? Not the skin color matters. But you know, the mass shooter so probably white. Sorry, it’s early in the morning here folks. still waking out. And yeah, he’s got face tats, so very freaky looking. At his dad apparently was the president of Bob’s pantry and Deli in Highland Park ran for mayor in 2020. So he’s not nobody or his family’s not right. Well, it turns out he was also a rapper. He’s been making content under this rapper alias of awake the rappers since he was 11 years old. So a long time. And I checked into that, right, it’s got a hit. And they torched everything immediately you do everything. I mean, you couldn’t find any of those guys on social media is nothing. They’re getting really quick at this. As one thing about America, you know, we’re not really slowing down the mass shootings, but we’re we’re lightning fast on and torch and all the social medias and YouTube’s so we’re getting really good at that, right? But his YouTube seem to have a somehow pretty respectable following, and I can only track down one song is that I could actually listen to. And I’m not listening to it because, you know, I wanted to hear his cool art I listened to it because I want to hear what he has to say. Because what are these nutjobs thinking? Right? So we all want to know. And now because we respect what they have to say, because we want to know how can someone get this deranged? What’s wrong with someone that does this stuff. Any of this one saw called by the pond at him and some other rapper actually wasn’t bad at all. That was pretty good. I was shocked. Okay. But the YouTube the best I could find was a screenshot on as either Reddit or 4chan. I don’t remember which one. I scoured through the recesses of the forums.
And I’ll put what images I could find on my Instagram, go to eyes go to instagram.com backslash Isaac wise up and take a look at some of the screenshots I could find. And I’m going to I’m going to explain to you this weird symbolism he’s been pushing out to, by the way. But he had apparently a video of him in a school, right? He seems like you’re your profile of a school shooter. There’s a video of him in the school called on my mind had 50,000 views. The video was, ironically, three minutes and 33 seconds long. I don’t know if that was by design or not. But yeah, then he had one called toy soldier with about 6000 views and was apparently a cartoon of him shooting up kids. Now remember, everybody. YouTube says this is totally fine. They had all of it on there. Up until the shooting. They were totally fine with all of this yet, yet, and still, they torched my channel in 2016 or 2017. I always forget what year around them around 75,000 subscribers. But I did nothing of the sort. I just talked about the things I’ve talked about. So what’s really dangerous in this country? You see what they allow to actually happen. Isn’t that very strange? There’s also a track called Are you awake? And again, I couldn’t find a copy of it. I found a blog where they talked about it. And what he says on that track. And that says I need to just do it. It is my destiny. Everything has led up to this Nothing can stop me not even myself. Is there such a thing as free will or has this been planned out like a cosmic recipe. It is what I’ve been waiting for in the back of my head ready to be awakened. It’s what I was sent here to do. Like asleep Walker walking steady, with my head held high like asleep Walker walking blindly into the night. Now that’s gonna fit into this. This MK Ultra idea that we’re going to hit here in a second and then one of the screenshots from one of the videos as a newspaper says Oswald slain in jail, Oswald, of course the the suppose Id shooter of John F. Kennedy. Now here’s the big and then okay, it’s all about MK Ultra. There was allegations of oh my god, this guy’s MK Ultra immediately on Twitter. People immediately retweeting that he had posted to his Instagram, which again, I can’t verify because they torched it. He captioned that he was MK Ultra victim. This, this Twitter user at homilist. Row. It would be a shame if someone posted a picture where he said he was a leftist and had a picture of this Robert it was a screenshot from Instagram, said Robert underscore primo underscore i and then it said in the caption Robert crema the third Yes, I am a product of MK Ultra and I am a liberal so that’s the allegation that this Twitter user is posting but hold up if you look at says the dumbass put down the it says it was recreate created for were minutes ago. So after the shooting, this guy went to his page supposedly found this thing, even though it was dropped on the Instagram, quote four minutes ago, he didn’t even Photoshop it correctly. So that turned out to be fake news. Which is what you would expect, right? Twitter is full of Twitter bots. Elon Musk talks about it. It’s full of adversaries trying to stir up political bots. And I know myself, I get lots of those online accounts. Lots of irrational folks out there, or lots of foreign adversaries trying to make it seem like America is full of irrational folks. Now, what’s more interesting to me, is the symbolism this guy has been dropping.
Oh, before we get into symbolism, the we talked back in 2016. About one of the strangest events in modern history. The election of Donald Trump and the meme magic that was part of that. And if you don’t know the whole story, let me give you the very brief version of it. Because I’ve been, I’ve been very critical of Pepe the Frog Trump and the QA non movement since day one back in the summer 2020. I dropped four episodes on QA, not on the occult. And you can listen to those still. And in the second episode, we talked about Pepe the Frog Keck sigil magic being utilized by the users of 4chan, and the documentary about Pepe the Frog called feels good man. And the Orca, the archetype behind all of that stuff, Steve Bannon. And this idea of them creating chaos, so that they can provide the order through Steve Bannon, which ties into the Russia dark arts shows I did just a couple of months ago, because you got to look into the occult traditionalism philosophies of Putin and Dugan, and Steve Bannon, they all embraced this idea. And they, as I believe this theory goes, they were using Trump for their ends, and Trump was, I would argue, just along for the ride. That’s my theory. But Pepe the frog was born out of the there’s this forum called 4chan, okay. And if you’re not familiar with 4chan culture, it’s anonymous posting. And people tend to, if you go to one particular page or forum on 4chan called Pol, and this might be outdated by now, I don’t know if they’ve changed things. I’ve heard it went to eight Chan and I don’t I don’t follow this crap. But on the 4chan back in 2016, when Trump was running there were people users who would get on the on this pol forum. And they talked real tough, right? And most of us just trolling. Like they’re using the N word hard are they’re using their call, they’re saying like, the most horrific things, they’re just saying the most horrific things you could humanly think of. And it’s generally just to get a reaction. But then the problem is, the line starts to blur because some people aren’t, they’re mentally ill, and they don’t. They don’t see the joke in it. And they think all this is real. And I get it, right, because I’m like, That’s not funny. But to these people, it’s funny. They think it’s funny to call people the N word. And, you know, all that stuff, right. So there’s a bit of humor involved there. And it seems like maybe some people don’t really get the humor and they think it’s real. So out of this was born Pepe the Frog, they use the meme of Pepe the Frog. And they would dress them up as Hitler or whatever. And post all these memes, horrific memes, usually, and then it started sort of blending into Donald Trump. Donald Trump, of course, doesn’t understand what’s going on. He’s just like, Oh, cool. They’re making Pepe they’re, they’re making memes of me with a frog sounds cool. Or maybe he does No, I have no idea. And these 4chan slash gamer, nerds would use the Pepe image. And instead of saying, LOL on the forum, they would say CAC K EK. Like, that’s the laugh of Pepe. But then at some point, it was fun. On now that there was actually an Egyptian frog deity named CAC. And this was known as the god of primordial darkness or chaos. And the 4chan nerds were like, Whoa, we’re actually using chaos, magic or meme magic. Through this God of chaos, this frog God. And of course, you know how the media and in some weird way they were in the media, if you recall, called Trump the chaos candidate over and over and over in 2016 when he was running. So you’ve got these weird entities aligning.
But what happened was the 4chan All right, white supremacist sort of movement embraced all of these things. They embraced Pepe the frog and Trump in fact, if you ever seen Richard Spencer, he’s a famous sort of all right, personality. There’s a there was a famous video clip of someone punching him in the head. And if you look he’s wearing on his lapel a pin of Pepe the Frog. Well, part of that culture on the for Chan’s is looking up to these insoles in these shooters, which again, I guess the humor is supposed to be that you don’t look up to these people. They’re the worst degenerates and all of society. And the people are just trying to get a rise and troll and whatever. But again, we have to ask the question of the lines blurring of are these people really worshipping these guys? Do they really wish they could do these things? Are these trolls manifesting in real life? Is this chaos? Magic of Pepe the Frog spilling out into reality? Because it kind of did in 2016 because it was all a joke if you remember Trump was net that no way was he gonna get elected, not a chance. And sure enough, it happened. So that empowered these guys. They’re like, wow, this stuff really works. They’re playing with hyper sigils there’s a cult forces here. That’s the power behind mean magic. Well, there’s enough supporting evidence and I don’t know any of this to be true, but there’s enough supporting evidence to show that to indicate to suggest that this Bobby Cristo was one of these types of 4chan Pepe the Frog kind of weirdos. There’s a photo of him wearing a Pepe the Frog. What is it called the we look it up. It’s called sadboys. i There’s a lot of this culture that I don’t fully understand. I couldn’t find the info on it. But there’s a sad there’s like sad pet pays and half a pip is as long as the Pepe versions and you can see this photo of him wearing a sadboys Pepe sweatshirt. Alright. There’s photos of him at Trump rallies. There’s photos of him draped in a Trump flag. I saw a video of him welcoming Trump, as he got off of Air Force One and into some limos. There’s a lot of video and footage of this guy, seemingly embracing Trump, because that’s the big argument. Everyone, everyone in America, we want to politicize everything. And that’s where everyone’s at right now currently, as of this morning, arguing about oh, no, this guy’s totally a liberal. Look at him. He’s got face tattoos. And we’re blue hair, totally liberal. And even that guy had the fake MK Ultra thing was sure to put on the caption that I’m a liberal, right? Because there’s a political agenda there. But the reality as it’s unfolding seems to be quite the opposite. And what I noticed right away was, No, this guy is totally on the, on the conservative side of the house here. Now there’s nothing wrong with being conservative or that if you’re a conservative, you’re going to be a mass shooter. But if we’re going to label the party on this guy, because he’s got that 4chan, embracing of Pepe and chaos magic, sort of vibe about him. And the name he chooses for the rapper is called awake of the rapper. And anytime we talk to people because I know my tagline my sign off is stay woke. And there’s there was a time years ago, where woke meant you were enlightened. And somehow that got flipped on its head and now it’s tied into some liberal nonsense, canceled culture. bullcrap. All right. I have maintained my tagline because that’s not my usage of it. My usage of it is to stay enlightened, stay informed and stay away from the divisive lies and the manipulation, stay above it. And anytime you talk to them ones who’s conservative who hates the term woke. They’re sure to tell me that they are. They’re like I’m not woke I’m awake as a way of differentiating the two and that’s fine whatever. But he’s his rapper name was awake. He’s I’m not woke, I’m awake. So he’s got this little, this little twinge of truth or conspiracy theorist with for champ Pepe the Frog guy. And you can further prove this. He had a discord channel called SS, which is a play on white supremacy and the Nazis
and I’ve seen comments posted from him, his his name on the discord was awake, where he’s talking about effing commies commies everywhere. And this is again, more language that they use on those kinds of forums. If you recall the guy from Buffalo, the buffalo shooting, that was in May, he was another far right neo Nazi radicalized on 4chan. So there’s this weird sort of clique of these folks that get into this stuff. Now, this guy, he also uses the symbolism of 47. He had it tattooed on his face. His username on was Reddit. I think it was on Reddit was agent 47. And I looked that up, I thought, well, that’s kind of weird. What’s up with the 47? And people said, Well, it’s because he loved the Hitman game, which I’d never played the game. You’re apparently a hitman. Okay. That was his name, agent. 47. And if you look it up, it says, this character takes his name from being the 47 clone created as part of an experiment funded by various wealthy criminals that sought to create an army of obedient soldiers to carry out their commands, which is kind of alarming in a way if he’s got some kind of MK Ultra I don’t know. reality to the theory. What if you No, I don’t think so. But maybe I mean, time will tell we were just starting to crack this thing open. He allegedly has a manifesto. I don’t know my shout out. Doctor and eater. He’s given me a couple links. There’s a manifesto but it’s it’s ciphered that that showed up on the chance. Is it real? I don’t know. It’s hard to know. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it doesn’t. But the shooting you’ll notice happen on July 4, which is seven four. So there was some weird numerology at play with this guy. And then on top of that, if you look at his his symbol he has on his on his videos and stuff as the rapper he’s got this like it’s like a square with some triangles around it. Like interlocking sort of triangles. I was talking with Dr. Andy Harris it man What is this dude? And he was like, Dude, it looks like looks like interlocking fours and sevens. And sure enough, that’s what it looks like. And I thought okay, well that explains it right but let’s let’s take it a step further. And I was looking around and if you look up a thing called the Africa Ghana resistance movement and their symbol and again I’ll put this on Instagram so you can see it if they don’t take it down. They have a symbol of three sevens in this cream oh kid, awake the rapper. He’s got four of the sevens so it’s almost like he took a similar knock that’s not not the same but in the ballpark of this racist group the Africana resistance movement and utilize their logo but out of the extra seven and and that I got some notes on the Africa Center says it was a racist group started July 7 1973, which would be 7773, which there’s your three sevens. It says neo Nazi white supremacist paramilitary organization in South Africa. And it says there’s 5000 members as of 2016. What was interesting was the founder of the group Eugene Terry blanch, his Wikipedia page says under Terry Blanche, the AW beasts were to use violence to preserve minority rule. opposing any concessions offered to the African National Congress, an organization AWB supporters repeatedly branded as Marxist terrorists. And as we know, awake, the rapper was leaving comments, you know, calling people effing commies, that kind of thing which is a similar vibe to call on people Marxist terrorists. And the group gained notoriety for storming the Kempton Park Trade Center during bilateral negotiations in 93.
And, let’s see here and then talks about the symbolism they use says the AWB flag is composed of three black sevens forming a triskel, scaly on in a white circle upon a red background similar to the flag of Nazi Germany. According to the AWB the sevens, the number of final victory, stand to oppose the number 666, the number of the Antichrist. Red is considered to be represent Jesus blood in the struggle of the Christians, while black stands for bravery. The inner circle symbolizes purity and eternal life. So there’s some white supremacy sort of angles there. I again, I don’t know if any of this flushes out in the end, we’ll find out, I’m sure maybe. Then also, there was a smiley face thing he was wearing on the last video, there was a creepy video of him in a school with like the assault rifle bullets and stuff. And he’s wearing a smiley face shirt. And William Ramsay did a whole movie about the smiley face killers, alluding to the idea that several college aged men were killed. And there was sort of a call sign a smiley face call sign at the murder locations, which is very strange. So there you go. That’s what we know. Right now, as of this morning. Lots of questions. Did the parents not watch this crazy kids videos? You do seem to be alright with it. And don’t we have a? What about the bumble hive? As the bumble hive data collection, they’re collecting just everyone’s emails and texts and phone numbers. This guy was apparently talking about doing this stuff. I mean, allegedly right? As I don’t know any of this, as of right now. Read through a lot of forums on Reddit and 4chan about them. What are they doing with that information? are they letting some of it go through on purpose? Or are they just more incompetent than we then they’re just collecting the data and like, well, we got to figure out how to make sense of this data. Maybe I don’t know. Lots of questions. So there you go. That’s the latest on that. If I see more strange occult symbolism worth talking about, I’ll do a revisit. But for now, I’m going to work on this Google AI show. And this Johnny Depp show and you’re gonna love it’s gonna be great. So be sure to own it, and then be sure to check out the imagery. I’ll put it on the Instagram instagram.com backslash Isaac Weishaupt link in the show notes. As always. Thanks for listening to the show. Stay subscribed, because you’re not gonna want to miss this Google AI show. I assure you Till next time, stay WOKE
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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