Today we’ll do something a bit out of the ordinary- a guest post from Indonesia! Let’s read this surfer’s take on COVID and some experiences with the pandemic of 2020…
“Love In The Time Of Covid”
by Felipe’ Malpauvre
On December 26, 2004 a magnatude 9.3 earthquake occurred off the coast of North West Sumatra. This triggered a tsunami that killed more than 225,000 people in 14 countries. Not only was it one of the highest death tolls in recorded human history, it also lifted coral reefs out of the water and permanently altered the waves of Nias and the Hinako islands. This is a Truth with a capital “T” because it definitely occurred- an irrefutable fact if you will. We as surfers collectively dream of empty lineups and tropical hollow waves. This is a truth with a lower case “t” because although most surfers would agree with this statement, there are a few outliers and contrarians who surf for different reasons— to be social or because its cool and a source of good exercise. I’m a 49 year old surfer from Florida. In around 1987 a small group of friends and I were in the next room with our ears pressed against a door. It was the night KS lost his virginity. This is another truth with a small “t” because it’s a fact to the best of my recollection and only two people are usually present at the moment of insertion. Growing up in the same stratosphere as KS was a blessing in many ways, but by 1989 it became painfully evident that I would never become a successful professional surfer. (Truth) I wasn’t quite ready to give up on that dream so I moved to San Diego to attend a University that had a view of a notoriously localised, hollow right hander. I received a degree in Studio Art(1993) and enjoyed the aforementioned wave despite years of harassment from the “locals”. In 1998 I made the spectacularly bad decision to accept the challenge to return to the beach and fight one of the younger brothers of the “locals”. I was consequently gang beaten, surfboard stomped into two and permanently exiled from my favourite wave. Being expelled from a surf spot was an entirely *new* sensation and nearly caused a mental *break* down resulting in a self imposed downward spiral into despair and drug addiction. In the year 2001 just days after 911 I was offered a lifeline from my father in the form of a passport and a forgotten $1200 savings bond. With some advice scribbled on a napkin from a friend who had recently returned from Nias, I booked a flight and began my second origins story- a twenty year love affair with Nias, the Hinakos, the Mentawais, and the Batu Island’s waves. I’ve experienced the waves before and after that Boxing Day earthquake and I can tell you with absolute certainty that the waves were affected and human lives were permanently devastated (Truth) I’ve met gurus, lifelong friends, underground chargers, scammers, charter boat captains and resort owners, all from refreshingly different countries and cultures.
When I arrived in Indonesia this year on March 11 I thought the “Wuhan Flu” would play out the same way as the bird and swine flus from previous years. Just a few days after my arrival, Indonesia completely closed its doors to all foreign visitors except for those with valid work permits. My initial reaction was, “cool!! no crowds! Let’s surf our ass off for a few weeks until this hype blows over!” Be careful what you wish for because when you rub that magick lamp and the genie appears to grant your wish, there isn’t a surgical mask in existence that can block that proverbial shit spatter. The waves this season have been mind numbingly consistent. The predominant Northerly wind pattern and South West swell direction means we don’t have to go anywhere past a few hundred meters walk. As the bliss blurred from days to weeks and people started losing their loved ones and sources of income, social media began to seem inappropriate for posting empty wave photos or paintings. We decided to turn off the WIFI at the resort because it’s expensive and slow so internet access has become a mile hike into the jungle, sitting on a certain log, and angling the telephone in just the right direction to get a few bars of 3G. This new development has been a revelation because it quickly puts your priorities into a regimented order. For me this means;
1. Check in with my wife.
2. Check the swell forecast
3. Check Social Media and emails(Social media without the mindless scrolling.)
4. Download podcasts (mostly conspiracy theories and political commentary from equal parts liberal/progressives (N.P.R., Sam Harris and The New York Times) and conservative (Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson)… The key phrase here is IN EQUAL MEASURE, and when I say conspiracy theory I’m not talking about flat earth or lizard people. I enjoy learning and researching alternative health and wellness, esoteric symbolism, and elite power structures.
The reason I’m writing this essay is not from a sense of self importance, but because the way this virus and race war is being orchestrated seems more alarming than anything I’ve ever experienced in 49 years on this globe. If we all just sit back and accept this malevolent mantra of “ the new normal” then everything we value as surfers, artists and sovereign humans could be slowly taken away. I’m a middle aged, privileged caucasian raised in a born again Christian family. This has put me in some strange, ludicrous crosshairs. I am choosing NOT to accept this narrative, so if you are someone peacocking your virtue around then I strongly suggest you stop reading this now.
My mother in law is from a small city in Northern Thailand. Her views of me and what I do for a living encapsulate me in a charmingly simple way. In the thickest of Thai accents she always says, “You go play in the water today?” “You sell paintings this week?” “Make money!”(huge smile), “Save money!”(sly eye wink). I hear her words in my sleep and they never fail to bring a smile to my face. The hours and months and years I’ve spent chasing hollow waves in Indonesia and building an art career sometimes cause me to question my own pursuits, with oscillating feelings of guilt, pride, nobility, fear and triumph. “Why is it so important to me to get barrelled?” These months of isolation and solo sessions have given me unprecedented time to examine this question and how it relates to the broader picture of what is happening in the world. There are so many clique ways to describe riding inside of a wave but that doesn’t diminish the satisfaction it brings me. When the waves arrive here traveling all the way from South Africa or even Antarctica and explode onto the shallow reef, I can honestly feel the energy and power of something dangerous, ephemeral and uncontrollable. It takes a level of concentration that I suspect any surgeon or scientist would find enviable. It requires faith that the moving space and vortex inside the wave will remain open. While traveling inside, time is affected, bending to our will and compromising with the will of the creator of all things. These moments NEVER get old or played out. There is a glorious simplicity to the act of surfing that requires very little money but it’s maddeningly complicated to master.
Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, George Soros and the Black Lives Matter movement are just a few of the names that we have been hearing in relation to what’s been currently happening in the world. They have pursuits, passions, projects and foundations that no doubt have affected millions of people in relation to world health and geopolitics. Each one of them believes that their cause is a Nobel one and I do not seek to argue about this. The problem I have with these and other men and women like them is when they attempt to make decisions for us. If you stop and go back to read interviews with these people, they have clearly stated their concerns and agendas. If you walk back even further and read about what motivates these people then it starts to become alarming and bordering terrifying. Bari Weiss, a centrist opinion columnist for the New York Times recently resigned. In her eloquent letter, one of many quotes that leapt from the page was, “A new consensus has emerged in the press, but perhaps especially at this paper: that truth isn’t a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job it is to inform everyone else. (she goes on to completely skewer the whole organization, and should be required reading i.m.o.) Her statement could easily apply to all the names I mentioned above. These thought leaders and pseudo health experts have completely ignored some common sense preventative measures. To build a healthy immune system we can reduce sugar intake, alcohol and processed foods. Spend some time in the sun and absorb some vitamin D. These are just two examples being ignored by Gates and Fauci.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the major donors to the World Health Organization. The WHO and then Anthony Fauci dictate the current policies of how to handle this “global pandemic”. Many of the policies are based on models and simulations, two of which are: “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” Lock Step by Peter Schwartz ( 2010 Rockefeller Foundation, page 18) and Event 201 (2019 Johns Hopkins University, Gates Foundation and The World Economic Forum) If you search Google for these terms you’ll discover some shocking truths. First, You’ll find articles debunking claims that the pandemic was planned by these forums.. This is double speak meant to confuse and it’s not the point I’m trying to make. It’s true they were merely simulations and models, not plans to infect us, but If you read the actual documents it’s shocking to discover just how accurate these predictions were, especially ‘Lock Step’ ( link to the entire document here) which states: “Scenarios are not predictions. Rather, they are thoughtful hypotheses that allow us to imagine and then rehearse, different strategies for how to be more prepared for the future- or more ambitiously, how to help shape better futures ourselves”…”Scenarios are a medium through which great change can be not just envisioned but also actualized”. Lock Step scenario is then described as “ a world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback” (Did you catch that? If not, go back and read it again) Lock Step is based on a pandemic of a virus (an influenza strain from wild geese) which infects nearly 20% of the world population and kills 8 million people in 7 months. The paper goes on to describe its deadly effect on economies: “mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers”. It also goes on to criticise the United States Government’s “initial lenient policy of allowing citizens to continue flying ; which proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders.” (If you read the entire document- it gets more terrifying).
The Event 201 was a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences. Event 201 simulated an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. Among the selected “players” as they were called, was the professor George Fu Gao, who is director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention since 2017. Prof. Gao was joined among others at the panel by the former Deputy Director of the CIA during the Obama term, Avril Haines. She also served as Obama’ s Assistant to the President and Principal Deputy National Security Advisor. Another of the players at the Gates event was Rear Admiral Stephen C. Redd, Director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Rounding out the group was Adrian Thomas, the Vice President of Johnson & Johnson, the giant medical and pharmaceutical company. Thomas is responsible for pandemic preparedness at J&J including developing vaccines for Ebola, Dengue Fever, and HIV. The Gates Foundation and related entities such as CEPI (Center for Epidemic Preparedness) constitute the largest funders of the WHO. Its current director, Tedros Adhanom, the first WHO director in history who is not a medical doctor, worked for years on HIV with the Gates Foundation. Tedros Adhanom is one of the leaders fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Gates Foundation monies via CEPI are financing development of a new vaccine method known as messenger-RNA. They are co-funding the Cambridge, Massachusetts biotech company, Moderna Inc., to develop a vaccine against the Wuhan novel coronavirus, the SARS-CoV-2.
Currently we are watching the race for a Covid 19 vaccine. Billions of dollars are on the table. People are lining up to volunteer for the human testing phase. I am not an anti vaxxer. Do not get my words twisted. I did not father any children so my feelings about vaccinations do not involve children who can’t make their own decisions and will not affect your children. I am not sick, have not been sick and do not plan to inject anything into my body that I don’t find to be necessary. I will not be guilted or pressured into injections for “ the greater good”. However, if and when vaccines become a requirement to travel freely then a line will be drawn in the sand and these elite billionaires have no idea the resolve I have, and what I’ve been through to achieve my current lifestyle. In a June 3, 2020 article in The New York Times by Kevin Roose the journalist writes: “If and when a Covid-19 vaccine is approved for widespread use, people may be required to take it before being allowed to fly on certain airlines, attend certain schools or enter certain businesses” the journalist asserts “That’s a good idea, public health-wise, but it would play into some of the worst fears of the anti vaccine movement”. ( I reject that latter opinion.) Bill Gates is on a strange public relations crusade to assure us that the vaccine will be safe. Does anyone else find it ironic that the ruthless former Microsoft CEO behind software that is notoriously famous for contracting viruses, is now giving us medical advice?
By the end of May when things were slowly returning to normal and states were starting to open their economies back up and allow the citizens to go outside again, George Floyd was tragically killed by an act of police brutality. The impending backlash was fuelled by the frustration of our citizens and the Black Lives Matter movement. I completely understand the phrase, “Black Lives Matter” and how it pertains to the BLM movement. It is an insult to imply that caucasians cannot understand the nuances of this irrefutable statement. I agree that African Americans have been unfairly treated and often brutalised by law enforcement, but I have a major problem with the fact that because I believe that every single life matters that this is a signal that I am a racist or insensitive to the cause. The BLM movement was cofounded by 2 women who are self proclaimed Marxists and its mission statement along with defunding the police includes “We disrupt the Western-Prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children.”- “We foster a queer-affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual”. It’s a mistake to assume that the “nuclear family” is unique to Western culture. Academic research has shown the ‘traditional’ family is what is most likely to strengthen and empower Black Americans and their children. ‘Traditional’ in a modern sense meaning a two parent household. (husband/wife, husband/husband, wife/wife) This statistical fact applies to people of all races. Shelby Steele, a leading black intellectual said in a television interview: “We need within the black community to work on the institution of marriage. Our families have fallen to pieces. 75 percent of all Black children are born out of wedlock, without a father…I don’t care how many social programs you have. You’re not going to overcome that.” Bill Galston, who served as President Clinton’s domestic policy advisor and is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute, expands, “ It is no exaggeration to say that a stable, two-parent family is an American child’s best protection against poverty”. Just because an organization like BLM adopts a phrase that is undeniably true does not mean that its agenda is undeniably true and admirable. Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are only able to push their agenda if they have the money to do so. One of the major sources for that money is radical leftist billionaire George Soros (convicted felon-insider trading- France 2002) . In 2016 according to a Washington Times analysis of George Soros funded tax returns he gave at least $33 million to BLM groups in one year. Soros comes from an anti Semitic Jewish family and was pressured to be a Nazi collaborator. In his own words in a CBS 60 Minutes interview he stated: “My mother was quite anti-Semitic and ashamed of being Jewish”, “Given the culture in which one lived, being Jewish was a clear cut stigma, disadvantage, a handicap-and therefore there was always the desire to transcend it, to escape it.” Soros later said in the interview that he did not feel any remorse “about confiscating property from Jews as a teenager.” “ I don’t deny the jews their right to a national existence-but I don’t want to be a part of it.” Soros has financial ties to more than 30 mainstream news outlets, most notably Pro-Publica’s Journalism Advisory Board who’s members include editors and executives from, The New York Times, ABC News, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, NPR, The Seattle Times , CBS News, and The Washington Post (just to name a few) He gave $9 million to pro-Clinton 2016 Super PACs and also funded the building of Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago to the tune of $160 million. I could go on and on about Soros and the like but I’m confident that most people reading this have already tuned out so in conclusion…
If you feel the need to lobby for me to be canceled on social media and labeled as a tin foil hat-wearing, privileged, racist, middle aged white dude, then so be it. (I reject those labels) My art career was effectively canceled back when Facebook and Instagram changed their algorithms to favour people with the most followers. People who collect my original, handmade paintings do so because they like them or they’ve met me and admire the life I’ve chosen to pursue. The beliefs and facts I’ve expressed above are not an indicator of a lack of empathy. The months I’ve spent here on this tiny island in Indonesia have allowed me to reconnect spiritually, and I’ve taken a break from drinking alcohol so my mind is clearer than ever before. I carry love in my heart for people of all races and cultures, but I firmly believe that Technocrats and celebrities are actively trying to steer us away from Religion or spirituality and towards reliance on technology and artificial intelligence. These thought leaders and secret society members have studied the history of occult and esoteric ancient knowledge dating all the way back to Pythagorus and further continued by Alistair Crowley and more recently by celebrity Cabala enthusiasts and modern day practitioners of witchcraft. Some of these elite 1% who have more money than they can spend in one lifetime, seek a higher calling- what the Freemasons call “The Great Work”. These are men and women that seek the evolution of consciousness (Elon Musk- neural-link) to create a new world in which man becomes a god with the help of technology. Instead of fighting between conservatives and liberals we should fight against these arrogant men and women that seek to further dilute our individual voices by consolidating power into a singular world government. If you read these words and conclude that I am affiliated with a specific political party, you would be incorrect. I can offer no better suggestions of what can be done to prevent these terrible things than the beautiful words of Rosa Koire. (happily married, lesbian democrat) In her book “Behind The Green Mask-UN Agenda 21” she brilliantly describes how to fight against what is currently happening. She gives simple instructions and suggestions about things that can be done at a local level. While it’s true that I used a nome de plume for this essay it is not because I”m afraid to expose my real given name. I’ve made it quite simple to decode in the hopes that if this information upsets or hopefully fascinates you, it would start with a translation app and then lead to you doing your own research. Perhaps try a different web browser like Brave which uses the search engine, Duck Duck Go. It will not bury unpopular articles and will not attach targeted ads to your social media feed. This is a warning- don’t be a coincidence theorist!
-peace out
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Website publisher of and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat, Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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