On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we cover a topic so many of you asked for- the Great Conjunction of 2020! On December 21st, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn will conjunct and some suggest this will mark a shift of human consciousness or bring about the Golden Age- are they correct?… Find out what the granola new agers, occultists, and star nerds are saying about this massive event! We’ll see how it fits into Klauss Schwab’s Great Reset also! We’ll cover the Saturn symbolism, Saturnalia, Solstices, the Mystery Religion and a revisit to the “end times” of 2012!
- Saturn Symbolism article: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/decoding-illuminati-symbolism-saturn-black-cube/
- Great Reset Episode One: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/the-great-reset-pt-1-klaus-schwab-book-club-the-illuminati-globalist-agenda/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all Patreon Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is given to all Patreon supporters- join the IW Patreon team at Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher!
Great Conjunction 2020
Tue, 12/15 5:47PM • 51:27
planets, jupiter, saturn, age, people, sun, conjunction, star, saturnalia, aquarius, happened, big, year, day, monolith, consciousness, life, book, granola, shift
Isaac Weishaupt
On the December solstice, we’ll be able to witness something humans have not seen in nearly 800 years, Jupiter and Saturn will seem incredibly close to one another looking like one single bright star. It’s what stargazers called a Christmas star, or the Star of Bethlehem. although in reality, the two planets will be hundreds of millions of miles apart. If you want to catch the rare event, look to the southwest, about 45 minutes after sunset, the planets will dip just below horizon at about 7pm. So your viewing time will be quick. The two planets will be visible the entire last week of December.
Isaac Weishaupt 00:47
No, I’m not making a claim that at the very instant of this conjunction, the bright light will break through it all our problems are solved. I think we’re in a bit of a longer term process than that my personal belief is that we’ve got 5000 years of toxic patriarchy and Dominator culture to clear and what’s happening is instead of just a snap of the finger and we’re clear, all of that has to be purged up seen processed and recognized by the collective. So we’re in the midst of that process right now. That’s why the shifting from a darkness to a golden age is so messy because all the old mess has to be cleaned up. Did everyone talk about the great conjunction 2020 December 21 2020 the great awakening the Greek conjunction with the planetary movements change all of humanity we’ll take a look at the astrological ideas of the Age of Aquarius Saturn, Jupiter, Christmas Star soulstice Saturnalia 2001 Space Odyssey we’ll take a revisit to 2012 and the big hoax to find out is this just another one of these new age psychobabble nonsenses. So let’s get into it. And by the way, this is as you may or may not know. astrology is not a strength of mine, as well as the Tarot not to my strong suits. I know just enough to be dangerous. So I might and I, I try to hurry up and get this out to you guys. Because as you know, I’m actually working on the great reset series. Because that to me is the most important thing happening not say the Greg junctions not important. And you’ll and I’ll clarify that later. But the the great reset is that’s legitimately the big plan. I posted part one, a two hour book study of cloud shrubs the great reset COVID-19 book. But I’ve been dropping episodes 234 on my premium feeds. So if you’re not on the team, get with it. Go to rock Finn comm slash creator slash Isaac link in the show notes as always, through I’m dropping it all. Because while you’re there, you’ll also get access to inside the mind of a conspiracy. There’s a whole separate podcast I run about what it’s like behind the scenes. And of course, you can always as always get it on Patreon patreon.com slash Illuminati watcher where we’re actually doing the dark club or have the dark, the dark path book club right now you can still get on board with that. Still got a few a couple months left on that. Yeah, show your support. All right, get on the get on the winning team. Shout out to all my supporters out there. And you know, maybe it’s not for you and that’s okay. That’s okay. I still love you too. That’s all right. Yeah, check out the rockfon thing, because one subscription fee and you get access to all the creators on there, not just me, not just your boy. Yeah, I’ve been I’ve been deep into the great reset stuff. And I’ve also got a fun little 10 minute little more like six minute, little fuzzy sketch show I’m working on. Okay. more to come on that. So stay subscribe. I’m going to drop that on Christmas. That’s right, I said at Christmas. The happiest of holidays. Alright, anyway, that’s all about conjunction. Alright, and like I said, like I preface this, all you Uber granola hippies don’t crucify me because I get something wrong here. What the origin of this show, what is this from? Well, I’ve had many, many people reach out to me, particularly the one that finally tipped the scales to me saying, Alright, fine, I’ll look into it was Mariah on Patreon. So shout out everyone trying to tell me to look into this, I appreciate that. But basically what’s gonna happen is there’s a conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn. And it will occur on December 21 2020. Which, by the way, is the winter solstice. Now why all the new age granola hippies are freaking out is because it’s going to happen at the zero degree marker entering into the constellation of Aquarius, implying the start of the new age. And then your, your media outlets are saying, Well, you know, these planets are going to be the closest they could possibly be this happens every so often. And it’s gonna look like one big star, they call it the Star of Bethlehem. That’s the short version of it. And we’re gonna get into all the details all the occult symbolism behind all this. Now I went through, I went to many sources, two primary sources, though, if you wanted to dig into some of the ideas bustled calm, they had an article on the great conjunction and Aquarius affecting the zodiac signs. And then Duncan Trussell, who had the midnight gospel Netflix series, which I still owe you a show on, I’ve got all the notes, I got the clips, I just got to do it. Needless to say, 2020 has been insane. But Duncan Trussell has a podcast. He interviewed a guy named Connor Habib, who’s saying, you know, he’s espousing this idea that you’ll find in circles of people talking about this about there’s this whole idea of a massive shift in consciousness and awakening, a great awakening as it were. Connor Habib’s a porn star. Not to say there’s anything wrong with that. But he also says, eating food is poison, too. So you know, there’s that. So, some of the stuff he says, I like, I tried to listen to the whole thing. And I’m like, I don’t know about this guy. Some of the stuff he says I like, but I have a hard time with some of these people that goes so granola. So woke, reading the stars, because they to me, they’re too vague and too non committal. And you can’t disprove them ever. It’s just not possible. It’s like, it’s like arguing politics with people, okay.
And we do overcome it to some extent. And we also overcome, like the Wi Fi signals, 5g, all that kind of shit that is coming. But it becomes more and more difficult to take all of that in. And so we’re gonna have to do training, which is mostly spiritual training to generate the forces within us that can overcome the things that enter into us. Yeah, and we can do that with almost anything, by the way, but it it takes, because we’re the favored. We’re the were the favorite things on this planet. I mean, we’re, we’re the addresses of consciousness of God here. So we’ve got to go into a kind of, but we got to go into a kind of training to make that happen.
What does that training look like?
Well, huh, huh? It’s different for everybody.
Isaac Weishaupt 08:23
But anyway, those are two good sources I found. But I dig I dug into my archives of occult symbolism and stuff. But let’s talk about what are we talking about here? We’re talking about the movement of the Age of Aquarius, right? It’s the age of connective global consciousness. I talked about this in sacrifice magic behind the mic. Your boy, Mr. Gates, previous guests on the show. He talked about this on Hayter Razzi, the Jupiter turn, right, remember that. But basically, like I said, Before Saturn and Jupiter, they’re gonna align on the solstice and look like a double planet. A double rainbow who remember that remember, we made fun of the guy for the viral video about the double rainbow, simpler times. But now Saturn is going to enter this spot in the sky and the cosmos of the zodiac called the sign of Aquarius on December 17. Then Jupiter catches up on December 19. And they will both meet on December 21 at the zero degree marker of Aquarius. Now if you look around online because like I said, I’m anomalous with this astrology stuff. I’ve also read people say they’re leaving Sagittarius and entering Capricorn. I don’t know but the consensus seem to be they’re entering Aquarius and that they’re leaving Capricorn which is associated with The devil in the Tarot system, which will play a role, we’ll get into that. Now, what’s up with these planets, Saturn and Jupiter, are the two largest planets in our solar system. And they get close every 20 years. But to do a full conjunction, to join together as seen from Earth, when they match the same lot, longitude is very rare. Last time this happened was March 4 1226, long time ago, almost 100 years ago. So me being curious, I thought, well, what happened last time this happened. I went to the Wikipedia page for March 4 2026. Nothing doesn’t really I mean, stuff happened. But like nothing out of the ordinary that’s stood out to me. But you know, these, uh, these Whoo, mega granola types there, they’re sure this thing is going to be a game changer. It’ll be a cryptic game changer, I believe. They say, Oh, it’s a shift in consciousness. Something that’s completely unmeasurable, by the way. But don’t worry, the altering of everyone’s consciousness in the year 2020. With a global pandemic that literally changed everyone’s lives, billions of people’s lives. And the fundamental structure of how every single human being goes about their day will have nothing to do with this. It’s all gonna be because so two planets a bazillion miles away, are getting close to each other. That’s what’s going to be shifting consciousness to planets. So far away that you need an app to figure out where they are in the sky. They’re almost touching tips, and that’s going to change everything as we know it. Okay. All right. As you can tell, I’m skeptical of this stuff. Now they’re calling it the Christmas star in the mainstream media, a war on Christmas? Yes, I think so. They’re suggesting that this is the final ushering of the New Age. This is the climactic ending of bringing about the new age from the Ayanna Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, which as you know, the ANA Pisces is associated with the fish, which is symbolic of Jesus Christ, who made fishers of men, he evolved mankind. Well, now it’s time to move on to the age of connected global consciousness. The Age of Aquarius. And this idea goes back to 1614 Johann Kepler, he said that the conjunction occurred as the Star of Bethlehem which marks the birth of Christ again the age of Pisces. People, people are theorizing that there was actually a conjunction of three planets back then. And this is the allegory of the three wise men. And all of this, of course, supports the idea is that all the Bible’s just you know, metaphorical allegorical celestial movements, which is the occult version of history as we’ll discuss. But they say that we were under the rule of Capricorn previously. And you know, Capricorns got those authoritarian vibes, you know, but Aquarius, that we’re not gonna have that anymore, we’re gonna have the global collective consciousness and humanitarian causes, and it’ll be great. Now, could it be? This is what old Santa Claus, Santa Claus was saying. And COVID-19 the great reset at the World Economic Forum. As I’ve been ranting and raving about on the supporter feeds with a great research shows. Could it be that these new age granola astrology types are correct? And Klaus just doesn’t describe it that way. In the book, he knows the truth is that these planets are going to make this shift in consciousness. And he’s gonna try to say, Well, it’s because of technology. It’s because of people being locked in their home for a year is going to be because of this because of that, but a boom with a boom, could it be right? I look right. Like I always tell you I don’t I don’t know. I’m not the purveyor of truth here. I’m just telling you how I see it. I’ll give you the facts and then my opinion, but that seems to be what they say they say, As above, so below, right the cosmos, the macro effects life on earth. And look and to defend the idea before you know, because I can be I can be persuaded, but to defend the idea that Yeah, some planets a bazillion miles away are gonna really affect life on Earth. I mean, this is why stop dreaming drove up to this shithole town named Rexburg, Idaho. And sorry, no faster. We’re living in Rexburg. It’s a fine little town. I’m just joking. But we drove up there for the great Eclipse that happened in 2017. And it in fact, blew my frickin mind. Okay, well worth it well worth eight hours of traffic. To see and feel that Eclipse it, it was quite literally worse. What all these star nerds have been saying. And I wasn’t super into it. I just thought, well, it’s close enough. Let’s do it. And in fact, I will. I’m planning we’ll see what happens. I’m planning on going out to Ohio to hit the next one in Was it 2024. And you can see when it when it eclipsed when the moon blocked the sun, to feel it go dark and then to feel it got like chilly. And you think I mean, the sun’s pretty far away too, right? And you think and the realization hit me of like, I don’t know, maybe these maybe these As above, so below nerds are right. Maybe these planets and their movements have greater bearing on my life and my mood and my emotions and my intuitions than I thought. But like I said, I’m not very well versed in astrology. So the jury’s out, basically, for me, for me, just for me. Now the solstice This is December 21. An important day. An important day for the occult. So like your year is marked out with two equinoxes and solstices, right. equinoxes are equal parts day and night. Solstice are the other way around shortest and longest day were the winter solstice that is your shortest hours of light of the year because on this day, the well and we’re gonna do that here. But when you look at the call version of history, like the your site Geist stuff you saw on the Netflix or whatever. They think that well, this is the real story. This is the mystery religions story of Christ, Jesus Christ wasn’t real. And they believe they point to the movement of the sun, because the sun like Christ goes down to the weakest point and dies for three days. In the sun and the sun, its movement in the skies. It goes down and is resurrected at the Southern Cross three days after December 21. And I know it’s it’s kind of a longer story, but recall that on a lot of our shows, we talked about the mystery religion, they believe Osiris is the real God, the sun as un and of course it ties into loose fur. Turns out Osiris is really loose for that, you know, according to Bill Cooper and some other Oh, geez. But the idea is that the sun Sqn enters each sign of the zodiac at 30 degree intervals, right? Because the Zodiac is you got to picture it as a circle 360 degrees, and they chop it up into 12 equal sections 12 slices of the pie with 30 degree intervals called houses. And they’d say, Well, you know, Christ started his ministry at age 30. That’s symbolic of the 30 degrees. And the sun travels they say, well, the sun travels about one degree a day and processes through the full Zodiac. 365 days 360 degrees close enough. And the mystery religion believes that Christ was the actual son, as you add the Son of God that moved 30 degrees or 30 years through Capricorn and entered the house of Aquarius at the age of 3030 degrees when he started his ministry, which is why john the baptist baptized him with water because john the baptist is symbolic of the Aquarian water carrier Christ. The age of Pisces is here to bring about the Aquarius The Age of Aquarius, the water carrier and the beginning of winter, which occurs on December 21 with the solstice This is the point where the sun is as far south from the equator as it possibly could be. And to all these old dumb people they thought they thought the sun was gonna die. They were worried because you know the sun was tied to the crops which was tied to life. That was it back then. It was all they worried about was trying to feed themselves. Mega doodle winter. So the sun, they were worried they would watch and track because they didn’t have iPhones back then. Right? They didn’t have Netflix. So they just watch stars. And they watch the sun move. And they were like, Damn there goes. And it died. It stayed there. From the appearance on Earth. It looked like it went as far away as it possibly could freeze and as cold outside. They’re making, they’re making snowmen with sand out there and Mesopotamia. And the sun’s down at the very bottom is dying three days for three days. They watched and they waited and they thought, Damn, that’s it, it’s gone. And then boom, it’s back. It’s like Leo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street. I’m not leaving. But the sun would start making its ascent back towards the equator. Bringing longer days warmer weather, the crops, the life, etc. So the cultures, they would all celebrate such a thing. And this is where you get the Saturnalia stuff. This is where you get the cult of mithras in Rome. You asked what is the cult of mithras? Isaac? Well, lucky for you, I’ve got three hours of shows on raised by wolves, the HBO series, which is all about the cult of mithras, the Roman secret society, the secret religion, because that’s tied in all this. So we’re not going to dig through that again. Because there’s, like I said, lots of information on those shows. So thus, on December 23, the Romans they would sell, celebrate Saturnalia. And this is of course, the worship of Saturn, known as Kronos, aka the opposer, aka Satan. Because Saturn was the planet that was, it was the sixth planet at the time, it was the outermost planet, they didn’t realize we had a couple others. No offense to Pluto, which apparently isn’t a planet anymore, we only had eight planets. But they only had six back then. And this was where the sixth planet was six, six x right. It was the adversarial planet. It symbolized measurements, constraints, time and measurements. That’s why he’s father time, that’s where you get your crono stuff from. Because in the occult history of the world, Saturn needed to be the opposition force to condense matter from the spirit world. So the spiritual had to be condensed into the material world. And now we need to go the other way. Which again if you’re listening to the great reset series, I believe it’s part two old Santa Claus he talks about this the fourth industrial revolution is going backwards because we went from taking the material world and basically spiritualizing it when we took compact discs and made them mp3 right? We went from physical mediums to digital mediums material to spiritual and now work on a kind of go the other way. He says the fourth industrial revolution will be about going from thought the spirit world to material we’re going back which may be confusing, right? But what do you look at 3d printers? Right? That’s what we’re talking about. The next focus will be on thoughts creating reality. You have to listen to my part two that’s on part two, we talked about the fourth industrial revolution and out supports crawleys, Ayaan of Horus, which is your Age of Aquarius and all that stuff. Now, where were we here, okay, so Saturn, they started worshipping Saturnalia birth day of the unconquered sun again, reference to mithras. The Romans they of course, at some point they’re right they conflated the birth of Jesus Christ into the celebration because they needed to get their own people on board with it because their own people were worshipping a whole wide why wide spread of daisies and their pantheon of gods you kind of got to pick and choose which one you wanted. And then then here comes the the Roman con, was it a Constantine’s like Hey, wait a minute, we’re doing one God and one God only Jesus Christ. And they didn’t like that. So to ease the transition, they conflated some of the holidays so Saturday became the birth of Christ. Which was ironic because Saturnalia had debauchery of all kinds. You had the gambling and they were they were feasting. gluttonous, feasting, having orgies drinking the booze. They’d even do Oh, role reversal where the slaves were served the feasts by the masters. And this is why you have to do that at those awkward office Christmas parties while your boss has to serve you the food. least we have to deal with those this year right? Got to make lemonade out of these lemons. Right? You don’t get to see those losers for Christmas parties anymore. At least not this year. Now Saturnalia I’m not sure what Dave Ramsey. Dave Ramsey is out there. gizelle focused but he’s he’s having a big holiday party. They don’t care Saturnalia This marked the return of power to the sun as it made his journey back up into the sky towards warmer weather. And again has to do with the gods Saturn, agricultural Kronos dadey bringing the crops back to life. And this goes back even further. They think the Saturn was a dainty that rained during the Golden Age, if you listen to some theorist was David Talbot and I wrote about this many, many years ago. I believe it is in my first book, a grand unified conspiracy theory, which I don’t know if you know this, you can get it for free link in the show notes. All you gotta do is go to Illuminati watch.com slash start, sign up for that email list that I manage, and I do not sell, you’ll get a free copy of that book. But I talked about the golden age in that book that you’re gonna get for free when you go to the website. But yeah, they think that Saturn had this purple sheet of light over the whole earth and things were great. So you see, that’s where Santa Claus and the other elitist. They want to return to the Golden Age. Because for them, it sure is a good time for you not so much. So that’s Saturn next you got Jupiter, what’s Jupiter all about? Well, this plays a role in the occult history to old Zeus, their old, the father of the sky, Jupiter was part of the 2001 Space Odyssey monoliths show we did recently. And I’ll give you the brief recap. Because as you know, in the story 2001 A Space Odyssey they find the monolith and it evolves the apes into mankind through the alien intelligence because the Arthur C Clarke who wrote the book actually had the great monolith that evolved man through David bounce Bowman, out at Saturn. But in the film version, it’s Jupiter. Because Kubrick said he couldn’t recreate the rings. There’s theories the otherwise But anyway, the this is the this is the same, okay, so the model has the perfected dimensions, right, but aids and evolution. The astronauts go out that way. David Bowman’s only astronaut living through it, he finds the big monolith out by Jupiter. And he goes into the wormhole, my God, it’s full of stars. He wakes up in the alchemical transformation hotel to become the star child. Mankind evolves through the alien intelligence by Jupiter. Then in the sequel, 2010 A Space Odyssey you find out that there’s not just one monolith, there’s a ton of them. These are monoliths controlled by the aliens, consciously to the higher dimensions, which is what I believe the aliens are, by the way, I believe that the aliens are extra dimensional beings. Because as much as I don’t like the idea of us evolving transhuman, into the transhuman, digital matrix stuff, that’s where we’re headed. That’s where we’re going 1000 years from now, that’s us. Maybe less. But for sure, right? If there’s an advanced race of beings out there, they’ve already done this process they’ve already reverse the process and spiritualized matter. Like I always say these occultist. I mean, they’re not always wrong. I don’t agree with it. I don’t like it. But the writing’s on the wall through technology, this is happening. So anyway, these aliens, they’re in a higher dimension, and they increase the mass of Jupiter by assembling a infinite amount of monoliths and guess what happens, it creates a it blows Jupiter up. And it becomes a brighter sun than the one that we are familiar with. And they call it Lucifer. Doesn’t it at all make sense? Now in reality, there is a project NASA’s run called Galileo back in the day that orbited Jupiter it confirmed there’s an ocean of liquid water There’s been more missions since then. And if you recall, in 2020, there was a big, big to do about the, the presence of water out there on Jupiter. So now they are sending a Europa Clipper mission center probe look for life. By 2024 they say look, there’s probably life out there so much water has got to be life where I’ll find it. So Jupiter does play a role in this right? So you got Jupiter and Saturn conjunction, big deal for the occult. Now Could it be this bit and all the the star reader granola nerds are like a big shift in consciousness coming because of this. Well, if you recall, back in 2012, we went through the same exercise. When all these same folks were saying, Oh my god, no boo planted x. It’s going to it’s going to prairie dog into our solar system long enough to let the Annunaki aliens come back to earth like they did millions of years ago when they created mankind to slave away in the gold mines for their home planet’s atmosphere. While they were here they were making sexy time with the ladies and created a bloodline revered by the Illuminati to this day. Because some nutjob named Zechariah cichon wrote a book about this, therefore it must be true. Oh dear, yeah, we set this back if you remember, I don’t know how old you are. But I remember very clearly I was covering the blow by blow in that back in the day on the blogging days. 2012 the whole world was gonna end in this big shift in consciousness and all this crazy stuff. The Mayans they were so hot to remember them. They were so hot in 2012 there was theories of the all the new agers like all they you know these minds, they fled Atlantis. They made the best calendars. They track the suns and and the stars the best. They knew all about the cycles of time. And they said that the fifth and final 5000 year cycle was going to end finishing a larger 26,000 year cycle. And that’s the great cycle. So we were at the end of a 26,000 year cycle. Surely this would mark a new age coming this would this was going to restore the balance of Earth. The Mayan people knew it all along. And then nothing happened. And of course they’re like, well, we have the date wrong. Because you got to look at the Ethiopian calendar like oh my god, you guys, come on, get it together. And now supposedly this year is the real Planet X coming. Okay, wake me up when the aliens are at my door. Let me know. Let me know when they’re here. I’ll be sure to bake some cookies for him. Era they’re gonna come from me first. That’s true. Hmm. They’re gonna sneak through the window with that big probe of crying. We’re going off topic, okay. 2012. We also had a big galactic alignment that also happened all these things happen. It was December 12 or December 20 2012. I don’t remember. The sun was passing through the dark Rift. Again, the Mayans called this the black road. And this was the pathway to the underworld eggs of Baba Xibalba is out in the center of the Milky Way. So again, all signs point to massive shift in consciousness. However, NASA, they said, Look, we have no clue where the center of the Milky Way is. And the sun passes through that dark rift every single year. So not a big deal. But like for the new agers like that don’t look that’s not good for business that don’t, don’t sell devil sticks and hacky sacks. So we’re rolling with it. And they said that that’s what they claimed. Then they also said, Oh my god, the poles, the poles are shifting. Pure chaos when the pole shift there because they said look, the pole shift every now and then it’s going to briefly open this window of time when the earth is not shielded with the magnetic lines of flux protecting it. And we’re all going to collapse on the flip happens. So we’re going to get thrown off the axis there is going to throw out the axis. We’re flying through space. But the the science nerds they say yeah, the poles are constantly slowly flipping all the time. And there was no there’s no way anything serious is gonna happen. So 2012 to me was a big farce. Now 2020 though, maybe, maybe when we’re gonna wrap this conversation up because that’s the gist of it. Right? It’s an I dug through there’s so much vagary, and I mean even if you listen to that Duncan Trussell, Connor Habib show, you know, they talk about they talk about the shifting consciousness, we’re going to be more connected. Sounds great, right? You know, we’re all going to feel the pain of others, we’re everyone’s going to have empathy all of a sudden. And they actually say that if you’re not, if you’re not, if you’re not mentally ready for this, you’re just not going to make it okay. You got to work on your empathy to survive and do the work to understand what’s gonna go what’s gonna happen, because it’s just gonna blow your freakin mind, man. And, I don’t know, to debunk that he’s like, and they sit and they point to all these movements of 2020, right? They say, well look at 2020 over the last few years leading up to this, you’ve got the meat to movement. You’ve got the LGBTQ movement, you got the Black Lives Matter movement, we’re all feeling more empathy for one another. We’re all trying to raise awareness of equal treatment of other other human beings. And our, our, our individual, our individuality is going to melt away. The you know, the ego melts away, we’re all going to be in full understanding and complete empathy and, you know, all that stuff. What to me? Because, look, I grew up in the 90s, where we were very much like, a man, don’t label me Don’t tell them. I’m not gonna fit in your mold of who you think I am. Okay. Very defiant. And, you know, that’s why like Nirvana Kurt Cobain was wearing dresses and stuff. He wasn’t like transgender cross dressing. He was just like, dude, social norms are bullcrap, man. And this is what I said, I got in trouble on Twitter. Because some, some lady what happened some lady tweeted a magazine article cover with the guys from Silicon Valley, that show on HBO. And they’re all standing there, like looking like, you know, beta cock nerds with their hands in each other’s pocket. And she’s like, gross or whatever. And then there’s a whole argument suing about how, what happened to real men? You know, we’re emasculating men. And I said, My whole argument is like, Look, you guys, thank you. So woke, and like, Oh, my God, men are going away and like, What’s going away? Right, what’s going away here? The the social construct given you from Hollywood and TV telling you what a man really should look like. The traditional roles of all those who controller for so many years telling you, a real man does this. And a real man does that. And a real man wears this. And a real man looks like this. Which by the way, when you dig into toxic masculinity, you’ll find there’s no rules that make any damn sense. There’s no rules. They all contradict each other. Like these guys wearing their dorky clothes. Because on the one hand, this is how stupid it is. The people that sit here and say, oh, they’re trying to emasculate men by making them wear these like sissy clothes. And, but in reality, you’ll find that if you dress nicely at work, let’s say let’s say theoretically, you’re a pretty great looking guy. And you go to your office job, and you’re dressed and they call you Metro sexual and they make fun of you. And it’s because they say, real men don’t care what they look like. So there’s two contradicting roles and we can go on all day. We’re not gonna talk about that. No, no, no, we’re not. But anyway, My point being were, they say the individual individuality is melting away. But to me when you talk about the LGBTQ you talk about BLM you talk about specifically focusing in on race that is dividing ourselves into more categories, is it not? I mean, look at the LGBTQ it started out with like, LGBT, and then it was LGBTQ now it’s even more, because everyone’s like, Well, here’s my, here’s my label. And to me, this is all a big sign up, because as old Santa Claus is talking about, they’re using that data. They’re like, give it to me what specific category you into, are you uh, are you a pansexual, binary, Sis, hetero frickin nonsense. Because everyone needs to feel like a snowflake and make sure everyone knows where they want to put their Wiener and that they’re using it against you. How’s about like, I don’t know what I’m into. I don’t know. Maybe, maybe. Maybe I’ll decide next year. Want to be something different? What I do I need this label update, do I need Mark Zuckerberg to know my exact status of who I am to be happy. It’s all this cry for attention. And they’re using it against us. They want you to choose your label so that they can file you into a because look, I’ve done computer science classes. I’ve got an engineering degree, right? It’s all about metrics and data, the more data and the more metrics they can build, the more they can manipulate. You know, in program management, there’s a saying, if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. What do you how do you think that applies to the real world? They’re saying, If I don’t know what sex, gender, race, preference, self identify, you have, I can’t manage you. And that results in chaos and anarchy, and they want to be the adults in the room. All right, I’m getting off my soapbox now. But that’s what that’s where the contradictory statements are by Connor Habib and Duncan Trussell, where I challenged them on that. We’re not No, this isn’t gaining this empathy and melting of social constructs. We’re contributing to it by signing up for these different identifiers. But they’re arguing they say, well, the shifts in Cosmos are going to affect us on earth because of As above, so below the hermetic axiom. And that’s what’s actually fueling all this strife right now. And these revolutions, is because we detect a disturbance in the Force. We don’t know how to act out on that, though. And look was was 2020, The Great Awakening, or was it not? on some levels? It was. So again, I don’t know that maybe they’re right. Because look at what happened, you have this deadly virus, I know controversial statement. That either way, that’s how it was pitched to us. And that’s how most people receive it. You had this deadly virus floating around. And it forced everyone to reflect on their mortality. What does that sound like to you? That, to me sounds like the massive, free Masonic reflection chamber ritual rolled out on a global scale. This is what happens when they initiate a Freemason. They put them in the reflection chamber. That’s what the symbolism of the skull is for Skull and Bones. It’s reflecting on the mortality of your own life. What is really important to you. And that’s also by the way, what Santa Claus says, and his great reset books. They’re alchemically, creating a new world, whether you know it, whether you like it or not, it’s happening. This is the New World Order. This is how they’re gonna bring it about, could it be they’re also tying into these astrological movements? Maybe, I don’t know. But Santa Claus said this would happen. They call it the new normal. If you remember back then we all myself included, amongst all the other sheeple out here said, you know, one month into this thing, they’re like, well, things will never be the same again, I said, What the hell you mean things are never gonna be the same again. Watch your mouth, Santa Claus. I’m gonna, I’m gonna climb up your chimney with my boot. But they they psychologically planted this seed to be true. No matter what you want to believe, about the wool half flew? When no matter what you want to believe about the masks, because they are in fact, part of the ritual. But in the free Masonic rituals is actually a blindfold, not a mouth mask. But either way, I would argue that you could suppress the ego and the former sense of self and it plays into the idea of the new normal of the shift in consciousness, fill in the blank. Now in conclusion, in conclusion, you want my dumb two cents, I’m going to give it to you. Kind of like in 2012 I don’t know that I buy in on the level that I’m like, sell your house go up to the hills and all that stuff. It could be though, right? It could be contributing to this new normal thing. They could be using it in conjunction with their no pun intended, in conjunction with their great reset stuff. But to me like it’s also very vague. It’s also very QA Nani, right? Very non committal. So that gives it like the snake oil salesman vibes where it’s like, well, you know, it’s just a shift. Like, what are you talking about? How do you measure this? What specifically is going to happen next year that that wouldn’t have happened anyway. I think that they could be capitalizing on these gnostic pagan Illuminati ideas of Christ stealing their mystery religion of worshipping the sun. In fact, some people if you look this up call this the resurrection of Lucifer, the setting of the Fallen star. Now, if you recall, this is reminiscent to an analysis I did in the dark path I’m plugging, I’m plugging everything because I’ve been known about this stuff for years. Okay. Plug in the dark path available on Amazon and audible, you know where to go. I think in fact, I have a link in the show notes, you get a free copy of it if you are new to Audible. But anyway, I did an analysis of Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven in that book, where we talked about how Jimmy Page channeled these lyrics from somewhere else, some other dimension. And it’s about a woman pursuing her true will which is Crowley’s idea. right because Jimmy Page was a big croley fan. She is pursuing her true will and she does this when the universe speaks to her through the cosmos, to attain enlightenment via the occult philosophies. It has the the Piper leading her to reasons specifically the lyrics in the song say that, who is the Piper This is the horned god of pan aka Capricorn, which plays into the astrological Zodiac houses right next to Aquarius there. And in the song you hear them say everything still turns to gold, which is of course the alchemical process turning lead into gold forces of Saturn turning into the sun. Like I said, we’ve gone through an all chemical process in 2020, whether you know it or not. You’ve been reflecting upon your mortality for nine months. and counting. The Stairway to Heaven is the ascension of the chakra points from the base to the crown akin to traversing the capitalistic tree of life from Mount coot to Qatar. All of this based on the Egyptian pyramid texts, Chinese walking of the seven stars of the Big Dipper probably starting out of Wu Han, I don’t know, we’ll see. And all these things, right? Basically all these ideas are the enlightenment and the evolution of man through the energies of the cosmos. So there’s lots of cool connections that have to be had there, right. And I don’t mean to crap on the astronomy star nerds, I mean, on some levels, I like their hippie vibes. I’m just not there to the point of a full on belief in some of this stuff. And I know that’s gonna ruffle some feathers. I know that the stargazing astrology stuff makes a lot of boring. People seem interesting. And there’s a ton of guys out there who who get laid a ton by spitting this nonsense. So I’m not trying to stop their game. today. I just don’t I just don’t understand or by how much they think it really works. Like you can you can gas these these people with all the stargazing stuff, but like to me, I want some, I want some usable intelligence of what to do. And that’s what some people believe in, right? They follow their strategy, they get their charts read. And they they say they read the I mean, that’s why they’re in all the columns of all the magazines, people buy into it. They use it to guide their life and to guide their decisions. So, for me, I just I don’t know, to me, it seems so vague, that it’s hard for me to say 100% This is the truth, this is the way but you know, it could be right. Like I said, the jury’s out for me. I have a lot of skepticism about it, though. So what’s going to be different right? Next time someone starts talking about the great conjunction, oh, my God, shift of consciousness. Okay, on December 22, what’s gonna be different? You tell me what the big shifts, the big change is gonna be? Because it’s probably nothing. And this is the you know, it’s a new age thing, right? And they’re gonna be one you can’t matter. It’s not gonna be a discernible thing. Like, at noon, when they conjunct. It’s like, boom, big thing happens. And then their defense, maybe they’re right, maybe it’s like a gradual imperceivable shift, change of the environment. And look, ultimately, if this is true, I will gladly welcome it. I you know, I like a little bit of that. Peace, love unity respect stuff. Sounds good to me. I mean, at least this isn’t like 2012 when they said the whole world was gonna end with the alien invasion. So that’s cool. I mean, I remain optimistic for the great conjunction. Maybe this is maybe this is true. Maybe this is the shift the awakening of the masses to care for one another. I don’t particularly subscribe to it. I mean, you won’t find me promoting it. I hope it’s true. Okay. So There you go. A very vague stands for very vague theory. I hope you enjoy it. Oh, that brought some clarification. I know, a lot of us asked for this stuff. And to me, I had seen so many cryptic articles that I thought What the heck? How do we even talk about this thing? Because there’s all these theories out there, right? But like I always say, choose your own reality. Choose your own reality and that’s the theme of 2020. Again, Okay, thanks for your time. Again, you want to support the show I know you do. Hit the links in the show notes go to Roxanne Roxanne comm slash creator slash Isaac. You get all the great reset stuff. You’ll get my second podcast inside the mind of a conspiracy theorist interview. I interviewed your boy Jay Dyer, who did truth or drama. I got a whole show on the philosophies of they live the Communist Manifesto, and I’m dropping shows left and right on there. So go check that out at least see what you think of it. There’s a lot of creators on there you can see all the other creators on there you’ll get access to for one low monthly price, while also supporting you, boy. No commercials over there either, by the way, and of course, Patreon is always on and poppin patreon.com slash Illuminati watcher, whichever system you like better. Hey, I’m happy whichever way you go. Thanks for your time. Thanks your support, and until next time, stay woke
James says
Iam waiting for this conjunction the whole year! I hope the sky will be clear!
Hannah Wylie says
@mishtal. There is going to be a nuclear attack tomorrow in the united states and Israel. It has been planned for 75 years by nazis and the united states military. https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/december-21-2020-saturn-jupitet-conjunction-yule-symbolism-in-the-media.4170664/#post-65740822 if not tomorrow then soon. I have links to 6 pages of my research. If you are interested i will share with you. I hope you haven’t turned into an antisemite like every other moron in your profession. Because my research involves the study of antisemitism.
Tammy Davis says
The conjunction was yesterday on December 21st, not the 12th
Hannah says
I was wrong. It wasn’t the 21..I should’ve know they wouldn’t be so obvious. And I should have know the nazi “Christians” would never ruin Christmas. There is still 75 years of programming for an attack in 2020 related to the December 21 2020 conjunction and start of Yule. Yule is 12 days long. If it’s happening it will probably happen soon.
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