On today’s episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast (formerly known as CTAUC Podcast) we decode the occult symbolism of the 2023 Grammys! We’ll talk about Sam Smith and Kim Petras satanic ritual, Beyonce’s Goddess symbolism and the deification of celebrity culture! We’ll talk about the purpose of the high profile ritual and how this all played into channeling the lunar energies of the full moon! We’ll cover Jay-Z’s occult religion, Mary J. Blige’s goddess symbolism and get into the Clive Davis pre Grammys party theories, Kenneth Grant and Aleister Crowley!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast (honorary member of Mount Crushmore), Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter! Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
*STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes.
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:06
You’re listening to occult symbolism and pop culture. I’m your host, Isaac, what’s up? Today we’re going to talk about the 65th. Grammys.
Unknown Speaker 0:14
My goodness, the the high profile ritual of the occult and their occult Babylonian religion on full display on full display, not holding back and guess guess what else I’m not holding back anymore. I’m tired of playing with these hoes. I’m going all in on these on these.
Unknown Speaker 0:33
These false gods, right
Unknown Speaker 0:36
2023 is the year of the Holy Spirit rolling through Isaac. That’s right.
Unknown Speaker 0:42
And we’re going to expose it all today.
Unknown Speaker 0:47
And look, the grant let’s and here’s what we’re gonna talk about today. I like to give you a little preview of what you’re in for. We’re gonna talk about the big event was the Sam Smith and Kim Petras. Satanic ritual.
Unknown Speaker 1:00
But don’t forget about Beyonce. She’s the the false goddess. And we’re going to talk about all the symbolism of her and his deification of celebrity culture and celebrity goddesses.
Unknown Speaker 1:14
And we’re going to talk about the purpose for the high profile ritual. What are we talking about? Because you’re new to the show, you’re gonna say,
Unknown Speaker 1:22
Look, I don’t know what a high profile ritual is, well, I’m gonna explain it to you.
Unknown Speaker 1:29
And we’re gonna get into why this all happened? Because they timed it with the full moon. And we know how the occult practices all started from the Babylonian astrologers who were tracking the sky. And this ties into hermetic wisdom and all this stuff, but don’t get bogged down yet. But the purpose is they channel the moon energies, because it’s the full moon. Why would that happen? Well, it’s because it’s the female goddess energies. And that was what was on full display. Last night.
Unknown Speaker 2:06
We’re gonna cover Jay Z’s a cult religion, Mary J. Blige. Clive Davis has pre Grammys party theories. Remember, that’s where Whitney Houston got get back in 2012. KENNETH grant, Aleister Crowley, it all plays into this. And it all plays in and if you want to take from the highest perspective here, it’s all about this new age the AON horse trying to usher in this new age of man as God, that’s what this is all about. All right.
Unknown Speaker 2:40
And people will fall for it because people blindly fall into celebrity worship.
Unknown Speaker 2:47
Unknown Speaker 2:49
let’s get into it. The Grammy Oh, and by the way, I got a look. I don’t know if you notice if you’re watching the video,
Unknown Speaker 2:55
I got my occult symbolism and pop culture shirt on. It’s the new version. It’s gray instead of black I got I got new shirts coming in stock here soon. So sign up for my free email newsletter on Illuminati watchdog comm where you will also get my first book for free.
Unknown Speaker 3:12
If you’re new to this journey, that’s the way you can take your first step. Go get a free book and get on the email list and you will find out the minute I get these shirts in stock which is going to be any day now.
Unknown Speaker 3:27
Now listen,
Unknown Speaker 3:29
the high profile ritual alright.
Unknown Speaker 3:32
What is this about? It’s about the creation of culture. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 3:37
I watched a clip of the OG my red pill. Sensei, Bill Cooper, back before he got killed.
Unknown Speaker 3:48
He was talking about he said low why? Why do you think celebrities and sports ballplayers make millions and millions of dollars? Are they doing something that’s particularly great for society? Not really.
Unknown Speaker 4:05
They get paid that much. Because the system the powers that be placed their value as such. Okay, so what is their value? Their value is in creating culture, pop culture.
Unknown Speaker 4:20
And that’s what this high profile ritual is all about is the celebration of this pantheon of false gods and goddesses. We are literally living in modern day Rome is happening.
Unknown Speaker 4:34
And the high profile ritual is all about programming the subconscious
Unknown Speaker 4:39
charging sigils and symbols through what a magician named LFS Levy,
Unknown Speaker 4:47
termed the magnetic chain
Unknown Speaker 4:52
and we see it every year. That’s why I watch the Grammys every year and I do a show every year. Last year we saw a little NAS X summoning the devil
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Unknown Speaker 5:01
oh, but it’s just a stick. Oh, okay, well guess what happened last night.
Unknown Speaker 5:07
Then in 2021 we saw Cardi B as the metropolis fosse Maria, which is a transhuman, Scarlet whore of Babylon sort of symbol.
Unknown Speaker 5:18
Bad Barney was doing all seeing eyes and doing the, what’s the thing they do they do the kiss ritual.
Unknown Speaker 5:27
And he of course, lots of the gay kiss thing he did.
Unknown Speaker 5:31
Then in 20 nights, I don’t know if that was at the VMAs or was that at the Grammys, either way.
Unknown Speaker 5:38
But he’s got all this all seeing eye symbolism. It’s on his new album that was up for Album of the Year or whatever.
Unknown Speaker 5:44
In 2019, we saw Cardi B as the black bird that shows us she was being initiated into the process of alchemy as the first stage. They called the blackening, the integrado. And the alchemist use coded language and symbols. And they use birds to show us the progress and it starts off with the Blackbird.
Unknown Speaker 6:08
Maybe that’s like, The Beatles song right black bird, which was speaking to Charles Manson, if I recall, I’d look into that. I don’t know. I’ve never thought about that till just now.
Unknown Speaker 6:21
And, you know, Miley Cyrus had done the Blackbird symbolism and look at her she’s blowing up right.
Unknown Speaker 6:27
2018 Lady Gaga was the fallen angel. Travis Scott was showing us the all seeing eye way back then. Right? He’s always been on my radar. Then he did the big satanic concert and blood sacrifice a bunch of kids, allegedly, allegedly.
Unknown Speaker 6:44
But there’s no allegedly about the symbolism of the symbolism was there he showed you a dove flying out of a cave on fire while wearing a shirt with demonic devil horns and all this stuff.
Unknown Speaker 6:57
And then he wanted to walk it back like, oh, no, no, none of that. Okay. Got it.
Unknown Speaker 7:05
You know, people are gonna want to dismiss all this stuff. Oh, Sam Smith wasn’t showing you the devil. He just is saying like, you know, the church doesn’t like gay people.
Unknown Speaker 7:17
Okay, and same a little NAS X last year. And same with Travis Scott at the concert. Okay, all just jokes and stuff. Got it.
Unknown Speaker 7:29
Sorry, it’s early in the morning, folks. I got up before the dreaded day job to make sure you got to hear all my nonsense.
Unknown Speaker 7:38
Then 2017 Beyonce, she channeled this pagan deity named Al schoon.
Unknown Speaker 7:45
And I believe this is in the realm of that Yoruba religion from Africa that she has been pushing.
Unknown Speaker 7:53
And you know, and so what it goes back, right, Lady Gaga was the Prometheus with the Saturn cube, you know, same symbolism over and over constantly. But it’s all just conspiracy theory and people over looking into things, okay.
Unknown Speaker 8:10
Now, if you want to look at it from the perspective, we’re gonna keep, I’m gonna, I got a little bit more, and then we’re gonna get into the current events. All right, because I know there’s some new folks that are probably wondering what the, I gotta I gotta lay in a good foundation. Because there’s a lot of people that are probably looking this up because they’re like, What are these crazy conspiracy people talking about? So I gotta lay a little more foundation. We’re gonna get into the Grammys in about two minutes.
Unknown Speaker 8:33
Marina Abramovic, right, remember her?
Unknown Speaker 8:37
The occultist artist, the spirit cooking artist, tied into the pizza emails and all that stuff and Aleister Crowley’s cakes of late rituals and stuff.
Unknown Speaker 8:48
Well, she talked about how the, the connection between rituals and performance go hand in hand. All right.
Unknown Speaker 8:58
And she said, the connection here is a transformation process. And she says after you go through the ritual,
Unknown Speaker 9:07
you become something different.
Unknown Speaker 9:09
Right and in the performance, you’re channeling the higher self in order to get through the performance. And she says the stronger the performance, the stronger the transformation.
Unknown Speaker 9:21
And this, my friends is why the high profile ritual and these entertainers are doing this, they make contact with their higher self, which is very similar to what Aleister Crowley called the Holy guardian angel.
Unknown Speaker 9:37
So what they’re doing is they’re transforming their self through the ritual through mass devotion of energy.
Unknown Speaker 9:44
They can channel energy and become something higher. What are the what is the ultimate endgame? It’s to become gods and goddesses.
Unknown Speaker 9:54
That’s my opening argument. All right. So let’s, let’s move on to Clive Davis.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
Big Time record or record, executive type dude, right been around forever. Every year he does a party
Unknown Speaker 10:08
the night before the Grammys now, he hadn’t done it since the pandemic hit. So this was the first year back.
Unknown Speaker 10:17
And he did this infamously he had the party, the night Whitney Houston in the same the Beverly Hills Hotel.
Unknown Speaker 10:28
She died in the bathtub, lots of conspiracy theories about how she was murdered, possibly, or somehow a goddess blood sacrifice crossing over in the bathtub which is an actual practice right in witchcraft. They call it the cleansing ritual.
Unknown Speaker 10:43
You can see it in Kenneth angers.
Unknown Speaker 10:48
In which film is it, I got the image on my my computer
Unknown Speaker 10:54
causing Lucifer rising is in Lucifer rising.
Unknown Speaker 10:58
You can see the guy preparing the subconscious
Unknown Speaker 11:02
for the transfer into the new dimension through the bathtub. I did a whole show on this and all this right
Unknown Speaker 11:09
but anyway, she was sacrificed in the bathtub and then you know Bobby her daughter later infamously died the bathtub as well. What do you think that’s about? And then they they put her into this free Masonic? Funeral Home?
Unknown Speaker 11:22
Yeah, so So Whitney Houston dies at the pre Grammys Clive Davis party, and no one misses a beat they’re like so but because they all know there’s some kind of weird occult Babylonian religion involved in this so
Unknown Speaker 11:39
it’s probably like when the the with the Aztecs or the Mayans would do a blood sacrifice at the top of the temples.
Unknown Speaker 11:48
Nobody more than two they were celebrating. They’re like, yeah, here we go. Feed the gods the blood they want.
Unknown Speaker 11:55
So this year, a
Unknown Speaker 11:58
lot of celebrities were were itching to get an invite. That’s what I read on the celebrity tabloids everybody’s dying to get into this. Clive Davis party. Cardi B went off set Lizzo Lars from Metallica. And so Oh, and Tom Hanks, Tom Hanks, hey, you know, maybe
Unknown Speaker 12:21
and then I’ll and also Jay Z started doing this rock nation brunch as well. Yes, the day before.
Unknown Speaker 12:30
And, and, and I’m going to pick on Jay Z later, but I want to lay in a seed here.
Unknown Speaker 12:36
Van Jones had a show he started I think it was his first episode several years ago.
Unknown Speaker 12:42
And he had Jay Z as a guest and he has Jay Z. He was in the Illuminati.
Unknown Speaker 12:48
Jay Z said, and I quote
Unknown Speaker 12:51
I’m in that new Illuminati.
Unknown Speaker 12:56
Okay, all right. Joking, though. It’s all joking. Lots of jokes. They love joking. These celebrities boy, love a good joke.
Unknown Speaker 13:06
So Clive Davis has pre Grammy party is the thing to do. It’s known for being a place for breakout artists to get their foot in the door. What I read that as it’s the place for the gatekeepers to let them in. The question is do they make them?
Unknown Speaker 13:21
Do they plug them into all of this rampid sexual abuse you hear about in Hollywood?
Unknown Speaker 13:28
Some kind of occult satanic rituals? I don’t know. Right? And oh, by the way, is how Whitney got her breakthrough was at a pre Grammy party and then you know, years later she would be basically she would die on the same night.
Unknown Speaker 13:44
How ironic right?
Unknown Speaker 13:47
Paying the ultimate price perhaps the Faustian bargain. I don’t know. I’m not involved here. There’s other people that are involved who get glimpses of these parties and such and they suggest there is
Unknown Speaker 13:57
some kind of satanic
Unknown Speaker 14:00
buggery afoot.
Unknown Speaker 14:04
Now, okay, then billboard.com posted about the Clive Davis party, it says, also back for the pre Grammy party, we’re Davis shout outs to music superstars in attendance. Janelle Monae Olivia Rodrigo, Luke combs, Machine Gun Kelly, Demi Lovato and Chance the Rapper. were among those to be mentioned from the stage. Yeah, the biggest Ovation of the night came for Nancy Pelosi, the former Speaker of the House and perennial Davis party guests as well as her husband, Paul.
Unknown Speaker 14:38
Oh, boy. I mean, let’s let’s unpack some of this stuff. Janelle Monae, she’s, she’s illuminate, confirm 100 she’s pushed tons of occult symbolism I used to you know, I have a blog over there on Illuminati watcher.com That’s where this all started back in 2011. I would blog about these such events.
Unknown Speaker 14:58
And you know, over the years, I get
Unknown Speaker 15:00
it banned and kicked off of everything, for having an opinion about this, because I think it’s true. And they’re trying to suppress the truth.
Unknown Speaker 15:09
And I had a great post about she had this movie called Dirty computer.
Unknown Speaker 15:14
All right, if you watched it, and I had images posted
Unknown Speaker 15:19
i the whole analysis of this film back in 2018.
Unknown Speaker 15:25
And then when you know what I get sued,
Unknown Speaker 15:28
my blog gets sued, so I have to take it down. You know, and you probably think I’m making this up because it sounds crazy. Who would sue a medium to low level blog?
Unknown Speaker 15:42
I wrote a check. I wrote a check, and then took everything down. It happened.
Unknown Speaker 15:49
Which tells me I am on to the truth. I don’t know what else to say, you know, I’m not saying I’m the purveyor of truth or look at me. I’m so smart. I figured it out. I’m just saying. I oftentimes doubt a lot of conspiracy theories. And I oftentimes wonder, Man, am I being paranoid, or all of all the truthers digging too deep into this
Unknown Speaker 16:12
but then I think about all the hassles that I get.
Unknown Speaker 16:16
I think gosh, maybe right.
Unknown Speaker 16:20
But the the here’s I’ll give you the short version of what was on that post. She showed us the metropolis false Maria again. And this the false Maria of Metropolis is something you see only celebrities embody. Okay. Whitney Houston did it Beyonce did it. Madonna did it. Lady Gaga did it. Over and over.
Unknown Speaker 16:42
And here Janelle Monae did it.
Unknown Speaker 16:46
But in the dirty computer movie, she shows us symbolism of the Baphomet she shows us Hoda Ruskies holy mountain which is an occult film.
Unknown Speaker 16:54
She shows us the you know the reconciliation of opposites. The samarium is dove with more goddess symbolism.
Unknown Speaker 17:04
And she even portrays herself as Christ at the Last Supper, which is again a theme you see often And arguably, it’s what you saw. At the end of the 23 Grammys when DJ Khaled set with Jay Z and Little Wayne and a bunch of rappers were at a table it looked like the last supper
Unknown Speaker 17:25
it’s because the Babylonian a call religion is a heretical religion.
Unknown Speaker 17:32
And one of the oh and to bring home one of the major themes you see in dirty computer is that talk about people called torches. And these torches help people acclimate to the new environment, which is the whole point of all this. It’s Luciferian enlightenment. All right.
Unknown Speaker 17:48
So that’s the pre that’s the Clive Davis party. Right? And of course, you know, mg MGK.
Unknown Speaker 17:54
Tried to fight Sam Tripoli. Oh, my goodness, you can hear about that on broken simulation podcast. So we know he’s illuminate confirm, right.
Unknown Speaker 18:03
And then your machine, just love them too. I couldn’t believe it. Couldn’t believe it. And who knows what Nancy Pelosi and her husband are into outside of buying in using insider info for stocks and allegations of secret sexual things and oh my gosh, there’s so much right so much.
Unknown Speaker 18:24
Now also, there was the red carpet event where celebrities come out and
Unknown Speaker 18:31
tabloid magazines gush about what they’re wearing. Right.
Unknown Speaker 18:36
And we saw Dojo cash who’s wearing this black vinyl, leather thing they refer to they refer to it as bondage chic.
Unknown Speaker 18:47
We saw Cardi B and offset Tongue Kissing like lizards. We saw Blac Chyna. As the Blackbird again here’s the alchemy, first stage of alchemy,
Unknown Speaker 18:59
symbolism, you know, they love the Blackbird.
Unknown Speaker 19:02
Then we saw and Sam Smith, he was the
Unknown Speaker 19:06
super gay red cloak from Eyes Wide Shut.
Unknown Speaker 19:11
And, and you know, I actually did on my Instagram.
Unknown Speaker 19:16
I’d have to find when I posted it.
Unknown Speaker 19:19
On my instagram i posted an analysis of Sam Smith’s video, the one that he performed at the Grammys with all the satanic symbolism in it right?
Unknown Speaker 19:32
And I posted it November 7 2022.
Unknown Speaker 19:37
And in it you see symbolism he does the 666 hand which is the womb of the Illuminati.
Unknown Speaker 19:45
He does the all seeing eye and of course the devil himself.
Unknown Speaker 19:53
As it turns out, like all that would be repeated again right, obviously. But he also did a video called I’m not here
Unknown Speaker 20:00
To make friends it says new video.
Unknown Speaker 20:02
And it starts off with the shooting star a falling star symbol of Lucifer.
Unknown Speaker 20:10
And you hear a quote about going over the rainbow. Which if you’re listening to my Wizard of Oz deep dive, you’re gonna find out why that matters. And part two of the Wizard of Oz deep dive is coming this week for my supporters, free feed losers get it next week. So stay tuned.
Unknown Speaker 20:29
We’re gonna go into over the rainbow and all the craziness behind this song. All right, you’re gonna see why that matters. And in the video goes to this mansion. It looks like the Mentmore mansion from eyes wide shot, but it’s actually the Ashridge estate. But what’s interesting is that in the video, he does this on the full moon. All right.
Unknown Speaker 20:51
That’s going to play a role in the performance at the Grammys.
Unknown Speaker 20:56
And speaking of Full Moon The video has lots of dudes with assless lingerie chaps. All right.
Unknown Speaker 21:03
Samer, Sam Smith’s walking around with
Unknown Speaker 21:07
baloney tits with pasties on
Unknown Speaker 21:10
it’s a very gay video. Not that there’s a problem with that. You know, I’m alright with a big supporter of the LGBTQ folks. Don’t rope them into all this Babylonian occult nonsense
Unknown Speaker 21:24
Unknown Speaker 21:27
Oh, and
Unknown Speaker 21:30
well, let’s get into the let’s get into the performances right. So I started out and a lot of these Grammys performance a lot of these Grammys shows. Lately I’ve been kind of like, Man, I don’t know the not really pushing a lot of the dark occult stuff. Like back in the day when Nicki Minaj was being having demons exercised from her party. I was like, wherever those days I had a lot to talk about right.
Unknown Speaker 21:52
No little NAS X did a satanic ceremony last year. And
Unknown Speaker 21:58
I thought maybe it started off. I don’t know if this is going to be anything. You know, Smokey Robinson and Stevie Wonder Come on.
Unknown Speaker 22:07
And they look like they’re in their 50s. But they’re actually in their 80s 70s and 80s.
Unknown Speaker 22:14
Or they pay or they drink in the Adrenochrome I don’t know.
Unknown Speaker 22:19
They look pretty good for being at 89 or whatever.
Unknown Speaker 22:25
And it was everything was cool. But halfway through I’m like two hours into this thing. I’m like, I don’t know there’s much to talk about tonight. And then it happened. Sam Smith, Kim Petrus came out to perform the song on Holi now the song unholy.
Unknown Speaker 22:42
Here’s to play fair to play devil’s advocate No, no pun intended.
Unknown Speaker 22:48
The song is about
Unknown Speaker 22:54
people having adulterous affairs and being persuaded by
Unknown Speaker 23:01
devilish acts and Sam Smith plays the devil All right.
Unknown Speaker 23:07
And you could argue it’s also an anti religion song because you know it sounds was gay. Kim Petrus is a transsexual, transgender Excuse me.
Unknown Speaker 23:16
Don’t pay don’t come after me here guys.
Unknown Speaker 23:21
Like I’m old enough that I get a slight pass. All right.
Unknown Speaker 23:26
I let Boomer say things like Orientals because sometimes they don’t know better, right? I get to say, you know, because when I grew up, I listen to Howard Stern.
Unknown Speaker 23:36
All right, that was one of my influences growing up. So you could imagine how much I tried to filter and censor my filthy mouth to be nice, you know, that’s what’s just be respectful, be nice to people.
Unknown Speaker 23:50
So anyways, Sam Smith and Kim Petrus. Perform on Holly. And boy boy,
Unknown Speaker 23:56
do we see it all? He comes out? Sam Smith comes on. He’s got a bunch of demonic figures dancing around him. He does the 666 hand. the womb of the Illuminati, aka the the overlapping three sixes.
Unknown Speaker 24:13
I know people want to constantly make excuses for these artists. Oh, Beyonce does it because she’s from the sixth ward. Oh, Drake does it because he’s from the six area code of Toronto or whatever. Oh, fill in the blank of all the rappers that do it because their bloods or whatever, right? It goes on and on and on.
Unknown Speaker 24:34
Everyone does it.
Unknown Speaker 24:37
There’s one underlying theme you could pull from it and it’s worshipping the devil. All right.
Unknown Speaker 24:45
And furthermore, he does and a very, very occult, two fingered salute. If you look closely, and I’ll put these images on my Instagram, he does this number where he puts two fingers up, the thumb and the other. The pinky in there.
Unknown Speaker 25:00
ring finger down.
Unknown Speaker 25:02
This is a magical gesture. We talked about this on my Doctor Strange film, deep dives, whatever Dr. Trains to came out I did to Dr. strated. One and to film symbolism things. We talked about the two fingers to loop. It references, the hermetic wisdom, meaning as above, so below, again, the basic version. It’s the Babylonian astrology stuff.
Unknown Speaker 25:31
And the astrology is definitely present in the video. Because, you know, like I said, with Sam Smith’s new video with a call again, I’m not here to make friends. They show you it happening on the full moon, the ritual. And what do you know, February 5, the night of the Grammys, we got a full moon and what do you know, they’re doing a satanic ritual. And what do you know, in the background, you see a moon of blood red moon, again, put the images on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt you better check it out.
Unknown Speaker 26:05
And I think and of course SAS was wearing the devil horns hat if you still didn’t get what was going on. Kim Petrus is within the cube. This attorney and cube a symbolism of the cube and Saturn is important to these occultist.
Unknown Speaker 26:19
Saturn represents Satan, the sixth planet, right? There’s your 666 again, because back in the days that these occultists were making their religion up, it was the outermost planet it was the adversarial force because they believe again and this Gnostic idea of opposing polarities of black and white good and evil.
Unknown Speaker 26:43
In the full moon is important, right? To this occult Babylonian religion, the mystery religion. No, you could call this many things.
Unknown Speaker 26:54
Because they revere the Sun as the father. That’s their God as the sun god as you when.
Unknown Speaker 27:00
And the moon is the mother. Right? Because that’s what Hermes Trismegistus told them this alien, pagan Egyptian god.
Unknown Speaker 27:10
And this I’m reading this from LFS lovies, transcendental magic book,
Unknown Speaker 27:14
right from her.
Unknown Speaker 27:16
And of course, it all relates to sex magic, channeling energies.
Unknown Speaker 27:22
We did We did two episodes of sex match a deep dive into sex magic.
Unknown Speaker 27:28
So deep.
Unknown Speaker 27:30
Why is it? Why would sex magic be involved?
Unknown Speaker 27:35
Well, it’s interesting, right? Dion fortune, wrote a book called mystical Kabbalah.
Unknown Speaker 27:43
Unknown Speaker 27:45
if you look to Kenneth Grant’s magical revival book I’m gonna read you from
Unknown Speaker 27:51
Kenneth Grant was a colleague of Aleister Crowley very much into the occult and ritual magic and sex magic and all this stuff right.
Unknown Speaker 28:01
In his book magic revival, it says this.
Unknown Speaker 28:04
Dion fortune, in her turn evolved a system for creating the magical personality from the debris of everyday life. Her work involves the use of lunar magic, she used the energies manifesting through sexual polarity
Unknown Speaker 28:19
or the again the polarity is wrong with the sun and the moon, black and white good and evil.
Unknown Speaker 28:24
Her novel Moon magic explains the mystique if not the actual mechanism of the process. She stressed the close relationship between the endocrine system and the chakras. The centers have magical power in the human organism.
Unknown Speaker 28:40
Her controlled dreaming technique derives from the Golden Dawn spirit vision and recalls aspects of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, Loyola, who founded the Society of Jesus, whatever
Unknown Speaker 28:55
we’re talking about, using the energies of the moon,
Unknown Speaker 28:59
specifically the feminine energies.
Unknown Speaker 29:03
And in that same book, magic revival, he has a chapter on moon magic, the lunar magic, and it talks about how lunar magic is, of course, part of the Gnostic system of opposing forces. He describes it again, to simplify black and white good and evil sun in the moon. He explains it as demonic forces pulling down and angelic forces pulling up ascension and dissension.
Unknown Speaker 29:29
He also claimed is that Aleister Crowley practice Moon magic, specifically for the purpose of recharging his sexual energies because they use sex magic and sex energies for magic rituals.
Unknown Speaker 29:43
And after one is done, he was exhausted and back then, you know, they didn’t have Gatorade. So they do some Moon magic.
Unknown Speaker 29:53
And, of course, this ties into the Sam Smith, satanic ritual that we saw
Unknown Speaker 30:00
All because it’s tying us into the Eyes Wide Shut sects ritual within the video of one holy, where you see basically what looks like an Eyes Wide Shut sex club.
Unknown Speaker 30:11
So very much in your face, very much satanic, very much a cult very much illuminate, confirm
Unknown Speaker 30:20
all these things tie in together, then to make it worse. Trevor Noah, who I think is not funny at all, I didn’t think he was funny when he replaced
Unknown Speaker 30:28
was named Jon Stewart on The Daily Show.
Unknown Speaker 30:33
Big time, she’ll
Unknown Speaker 30:36
just you can just tell the guy he’s just repeating whatever information is being fed to him.
Unknown Speaker 30:42
He does good for the system. You know.
Unknown Speaker 30:45
Trevor Noah covers up for Santa Santa Smith and Kim patches do this insane, satanic ritual thing. And
Unknown Speaker 30:52
I’m at all like, are you serious right now? And you wonder why all these Christian conservative parents are losing their minds, right?
Unknown Speaker 31:01
This feeds into all that.
Unknown Speaker 31:04
And look, that’s not me. I’m a Christian, but a crappy one. But I’m not conservative. I’m not a parent. Like these aren’t things I tend to get outraged about. But when I see this stuff, I take the sign of the Christian conservative pairs. And I’m like, well, like, we want you know, these people got kids and they’re trying to raise them right. And you’re showing them satanic crazy stuff. Like, what do you think we think is gonna happen?
Unknown Speaker 31:32
But it’s all division, right? You know, I used to compare politics to wrestling.
Unknown Speaker 31:39
And I’ve got had a realization, it’s more like Pepsi and Coke.
Unknown Speaker 31:45
They, they both have different branding. They have different colors. You swear they’re two different things completely. You’re like, No, I love Coke. Because I used to be I used to love Coke. And I’m kicking it. drinking Coke every summer.
Unknown Speaker 31:56
I was like, No, I love Coke. I would never drink Pepsi Cokes, my drink.
Unknown Speaker 32:00
And then me and Josie did the what he called the Pepsi Challenge.
Unknown Speaker 32:05
Neither of us could tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke.
Unknown Speaker 32:09
Worse yet, we then repeated the Pepsi Challenge with Sam’s cola Sam’s choice or whatever the hell it’s called. The Walmart generic Coca Cola. Because you can get a two liter for like one cent.
Unknown Speaker 32:23
Again, could tell the difference.
Unknown Speaker 32:27
And that’s what’s going on here. That’s what politics is. That’s why there’s never any change. The only change you see is progression down the path of this Luciferian a call Babylonian religion that’s the only one that seems to make it through all the with the wickets.
Unknown Speaker 32:43
So after this insane satanic performance, they go to commercial. They come back
Unknown Speaker 32:50
and listen to Trevor Noah shilling like hell for the machine. Take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 32:55
Yeah, I gotta go. I gotta go. Alright, I got no mom. No, mom. It wasn’t the actual devil. No, they were just dressed as the devil man. They don’t. Yeah, no, I have I have to go. Yeah, yeah. You did warn me about Hollywood? Yes. Yes, you did, ma’am. You did. Yeah, I will. I will. Thank you. Thank you. She said she’ll be praying for all of us. Thank you. All right. She’s loving the show. Is Oh, it’s not the real devil. Oh, this is you know, and then in the market. They joke about it. Oh, my mom says she’s warning me about Hollywood.
Unknown Speaker 33:27
eyebrow. There’s a lot to be concerned with with Hollywood.
Unknown Speaker 33:31
There’s a lot going on there. All right.
Unknown Speaker 33:35
I haven’t seen it. Yeah, but there’s a movie called Babylon. With Margot Robbie. And I think Brad Pitt’s and I haven’t seen it yet. I’m gonna watch it.
Unknown Speaker 33:43
But I think it’s based upon the debauchery of early Golden Age of Hollywood, which you can read about in Kenneth angers, book, Hollywood Babylon.
Unknown Speaker 33:53
That he wrote many, many years ago.
Unknown Speaker 33:57
Yeah, Hollywood Babylon. I got on my bookshelf, had a consult, make sure I had the right title.
Unknown Speaker 34:03
So that was the big event. But wait, there’s more. Mary J. Blige. She came out immediately performing on the triangle, and the triangle, of course, illuminate confirm.
Unknown Speaker 34:17
In some ways, in a call ritual magic represents the manifestation. Right? You manifest the spirit through the triangle.
Unknown Speaker 34:26
But I believe in this instance, it’s the the feminine symbol of the female goddess, the water goddess, all these things. Again, another reference to the feminine energies just like the moon.
Unknown Speaker 34:38
And when you look at the Tarot,
Unknown Speaker 34:43
you could see there’s an animal card and the animal card represents the subconscious female aspects.
Unknown Speaker 34:52
And it personifies all parts of the unconscious mind that aren’t fully integrated into the ego
Unknown Speaker 35:00
All right.
Unknown Speaker 35:02
And they say that men will put women up on a pedestal as a goddess due to the animal projection. Right? Like when the term the woman of your dreams
Unknown Speaker 35:13
it’s because the woman represents the
Unknown Speaker 35:17
the unconscious feminine goddess.
Unknown Speaker 35:21
And this all comes from Carl Jung’s archetypes studies.
Unknown Speaker 35:28
Unknown Speaker 35:30
what I’m saying is this projections of the subconscious get transferred over to feminine qualities. What I’m trying to get at here is that I’m not, again, I’m not an expert on this stuff. I’m just trying to make sense of it.
Unknown Speaker 35:44
The idea of the takeaway, they push symbols and rituals, and it goes into the subconscious. They don’t care if you think Sam Smith is trolling you, or you think Sam Smith literally worships the devil doesn’t matter. They’re channeling the energy into your subconscious, the masses, the collective unconscious, because they’re going to cause a change. I studied Systems Engineering at Penn State in grad school.
Unknown Speaker 36:12
And they talked about this there’s a think less chatty errs,
Unknown Speaker 36:17
equilibrium systems principle or something like that, where he says if there’s two systems in place, by merely introducing a third system, the first two
Unknown Speaker 36:29
must rearrange themselves to accommodate the third system.
Unknown Speaker 36:34
So they throw this Luciferian crap out because they know they have to introduce it.
Unknown Speaker 36:42
The back of this finished the Grammys though, we’re gonna wrap this up. They did this big 50th Hip Hop’s celebration thing. It was fine.
Unknown Speaker 36:52
Run DMC was there run looking like the nutty professor?
Unknown Speaker 36:58
Missy Elliott was there I guess if she was like Damar Hamlin wearing the full mask and stuff like I’m like, is that really her? I don’t think it was her.
Unknown Speaker 37:08
Nelly came out remember, Nelly? He was possessed about a week ago by something? If you watch that video, and they went viral looks like he possessed by a demon.
Unknown Speaker 37:19
I’m just glad he didn’t bring any underage girls on stage. Or
Unknown Speaker 37:23
they, they? And then you know, they were going through every like the 80s and the 90s. You know, and I I’ve long been a hip hop guy. So I’m following up and following Mr. Coco Coco, then.
Unknown Speaker 37:35
I don’t know where they jumped from the locks 2003 to little baby 2020. I’m like,
Unknown Speaker 37:43
did you just glossed over 17 years.
Unknown Speaker 37:49
I don’t get it. And I think a little baby is overrated.
Unknown Speaker 37:54
Glow Rayleigh performed.
Unknown Speaker 37:56
And she of course, accused of being illuminate confirmed. You can see it on her Instagram profile picture. She’s covering up the one eye, her devotion to the Luciferian agenda.
Unknown Speaker 38:08
In fact, interviewer asked her if she was illuminate confirm just a couple of weeks ago.
Unknown Speaker 38:14
What did she say about that?
Unknown Speaker 38:17
I think I think I had in my notes because I’m working on a TMZ show. That doesn’t matter. Who cares what she said right.
Unknown Speaker 38:24
And then finally, Luzi vert comes out the main,
Unknown Speaker 38:28
the final act of the hip hop progression, showing us the progression from Public Enemy, which was, you know, actually fighting for some kind of social justice to Lil Uzi Vert, a guy who worships Lucifer and Satan.
Unknown Speaker 38:46
I mean, that’s his name, right? Lil Uzi Vert means Lucifer. He adores Marilyn Manson. He’s the only one he follows on Instagram. Manda Madson an honorary priests in the Church of Satan.
Unknown Speaker 39:00
It’s crazy. It’s craziness.
Unknown Speaker 39:03
But that’s what they they were here to show us. And they did it. Then Oh, then Jill Biden comes out. You don’t like
Unknown Speaker 39:13
these these Christian conservatives?
Unknown Speaker 39:16
Again, not my team. But I have to take their side on all this stuff. Because it’s like, you got all these liberal representatives, you know, Jill Biden and Nancy Pelosi tightened all this nonsense. They’re essentially co opting all this crazy stuff. And I’m like, don’t make me Don’t make me take the other teams side here. But I have to, you know, because again, politics is Pepsi and Coke doesn’t really matter. They’re all in the same team. It all tastes the same.
Unknown Speaker 39:46
But Joe Biden comes out and presents The Song of the Year and weirder yet it goes to Reba McIntyre.
Unknown Speaker 39:55
Who’s, who’s choosing these things like clearly this is not a popper.
Unknown Speaker 40:00
their vote right?
Unknown Speaker 40:03
The weirdest strangely that was the weirdest moment of the night. Then the finale DJ Khaled,
Unknown Speaker 40:11
music Khaled and company came out and did a song called God did.
Unknown Speaker 40:16
And here we see proof how we are not all
Unknown Speaker 40:22
referencing the same God in quotes God.
Unknown Speaker 40:27
DJ Khaled I believe he’s a Muslim. Jay Z is a Five Percenter Muslim, or an occultist. Whatever, guys on Sirius XM on shade 45 And I got blasted by people I talked. I said love Jay Z thinks he’s pursuing this idea that he can be God man can be God and boy, oh boy, did they hate that.
Unknown Speaker 40:50
They hated it so hard. They call in and Oh, Jay Z is a Five Percenter, which you know, is Oh, I think it’s like a spin off of the Muslim faith. The Wu Tang Clan or Five Percenters?
Unknown Speaker 41:04
They think the White Man’s the devil.
Unknown Speaker 41:07
Okay, you got it.
Unknown Speaker 41:11
But anyway, it’s a Jay Z. He’s part of this. This and the ensemble of this last track is around a massive table of massive feast. Very much reminiscent of The Last Supper of Christ with His disciples.
Unknown Speaker 41:30
And JC finally he starts out his his verse. And he started out with the line Hovde did which is a play on the song the song is called God did and HomeStart Jay Z starts out with Hoeve did and the name whova is reference to Jehovah.
Unknown Speaker 41:46
Because again, JC thinks he’s God. And He wants you to believe that too. And he proved it when all the callers call him to defend their God.
Unknown Speaker 41:55
From Well, it’s serious. Not that I’m bitter. You know, it’s fine.
Unknown Speaker 42:02
Some people take some time to wake up. They’re not awake yet. It’s fine.
Unknown Speaker 42:08
But he if you look at if you look at the lyrics to what Jay Z’s verses he talks about how he is God because he may he made at least three billionaires.
Unknown Speaker 42:21
Kanye West Rihanna, who by the way is going to be the Super Bowl performing next week. And you know, your boy will be covering it. So stay subscribed to the show. You’re not gonna want to miss it.
Unknown Speaker 42:34
And LeBron James, I guess he’s on rock nation. But all three of these people are PSAs all of them give us weird symbolism.
Unknown Speaker 42:44
Illuminate confirm all of them.
Unknown Speaker 42:47
And in the Lair JC says these eight songs these is hymns because I’m him.
Unknown Speaker 42:53
It’s Psalm 151. This the New Testament the book of hope. Jesus turned water to wine for home. It just took a stove.
Unknown Speaker 43:02
Again, JC thinks he’s God. He’s comparing himself to Jesus. He
Unknown Speaker 43:09
he says the book of hope. And Americana was did this too. He said this should be I should be a character in the Bible.
Unknown Speaker 43:15
blasphemy, heresies, all these things. They’re normalizing it like it’s totally acceptable to do this stuff.
Unknown Speaker 43:24
And Psalm 151. Again, I’m no theologian, I looked it up. Apparently about David and Goliath. It’s in the Septuagint
Unknown Speaker 43:33
and so on. So is is okay. Okay, JC is referencing the Bible. He maybe he’s a Christian? No, he’s not. If you watch the performance even does the Muslim prayer pose with his hands?
Unknown Speaker 43:50
And if and for people who don’t believe if you go back, he had a song I think was on the Magna Carta album called heaven.
Unknown Speaker 43:57
He says question religion question at all. Question existence until those questions are solved. Fair, fair, right.
Unknown Speaker 44:08
They says I’m secular till the hecklers settle down, which means calm down. And then he then he likes to rhyme heckler. A bunch. It wasn’t a different song to
Unknown Speaker 44:21
y’all religion creates division.
Unknown Speaker 44:26
So that’s interesting, right? And he said,
Unknown Speaker 44:29
For the record, I of course believe in God but but I believe in one God, he said, if people must know my religious beliefs, I believe in one God, I don’t believe in religion. I don’t believe in Christians, or Muslims.
Unknown Speaker 44:43
Which is a weird thing to say you mean Christianity or Islam? Because you don’t have to believe in Christians and Muslims to know they exist. Right Jay Z. He says I think all that separates people. I think it’s one God. I think it’s all the same God and I don’t believe in hell.
Unknown Speaker 45:02
Unknown Speaker 45:03
he, of course, is talking about the perennial philosophy, which is the occult, Luciferian. Religion. The idea of the one, the monad, the monism. This is all according to the core belief systems like Gnosticism.
Unknown Speaker 45:18
It of course, he says he doesn’t believe in hell.
Unknown Speaker 45:22
And I, this brings us to the conclusion because it’s important to understand that there are people who don’t believe in Hell, they think it’s all about the self. That’s why they’re messing with the kids. They don’t think there’s going to be repercussions to their actions. In fact, I heard a quote, have you ever seen this guy on social media, Dan?
Unknown Speaker 45:43
Blitzkrieg or something. And he’s this one of these alpha hustle bros, and he’s got private jets and 100 Bad chicks with them all the time. And he tells men how to be men.
Unknown Speaker 45:56
But he talks about he says, you know, for me, I’m so I’m so wealthy. Life so great. For me, it kind of sucks. Because every meal I have is a great meal.
Unknown Speaker 46:08
So that means I can never have another mind blowing meal. Every Chicka bang is super hot. So I can never be, you know,
Unknown Speaker 46:18
what do you say, I can never get with a super hot chick and be you know, into it. Because that’s all I do. And that’s the mentality for these folks. They’re gods and goddesses. They’ve got it all. What happens when you have it all, you now have to go into the taboo.
Unknown Speaker 46:33
And unfortunately, I think that means they go for the kids.
Unknown Speaker 46:39
Hey, don’t blame me blame Epstein and all the people on the flight logs, right?
Unknown Speaker 46:44
People are into that. Why? Why?
Unknown Speaker 46:50
You know, what’s the phrase about having idle hands? The devil, the devil comes in. That’s what happens when you have too much money on your hands. Right?
Unknown Speaker 47:00
The root of all evil, they say.
Unknown Speaker 47:04
But yeah, these people they don’t always believe in hell. They believe in man as God.
Unknown Speaker 47:09
It’s not about doing God’s will. It’s about doing your own will, pursuing whatever you think you should do. It’s the age of the self there ushering in the AON of Horus Aleister Crowley caught it. That’s why Jay Z wore the Aleister Crowley shirt. This is do what thou wilt. If you look that up, you can find that
Unknown Speaker 47:26
because he means that that’s his religion.
Unknown Speaker 47:30
And when Beyonce talks about channeling goddesses like Oh, schoon and Sasha Fierce, like she’s not joking.
Unknown Speaker 47:40
Is there any conclusion? Let’s wrap it up.
Unknown Speaker 47:43
get nauseous talking about these, these false gods. In conclusion, we had a night dedicated to the moon goddess on the full moon.
Unknown Speaker 47:53
Lots of you know, Mary J. Blige is on the triangle. And you know, there’s all this moon symbolism and the feminine goddess and Beyonce Of course, put on her pedestal. Oh, most Grammy wins ever. Oh, wow.
Unknown Speaker 48:05
As if that’s not coordinated.
Unknown Speaker 48:08
I mean, Reba Maga Darwin’s A Song of the Year, come on, give me a break.
Unknown Speaker 48:15
I’m roasting Reba pretty hard tonight. I don’t know why. I don’t know why.
Unknown Speaker 48:20
But to me, it’s amazing. The level of wokeness around these events, right?
Unknown Speaker 48:27
They, they, they try to be so inclusive and so woke about an end, their version of woke not my version of woke, okay.
Unknown Speaker 48:37
Two different walks.
Unknown Speaker 48:40
Unknown Speaker 48:42
you know, they, they, they think they can sort of show us the way to live,
Unknown Speaker 48:47
to be inclusive to everybody, which sounds great, right? But then they do a whole night celebration of hip hop,
Unknown Speaker 48:54
which is chock full of violent misogynistic, homophobic lyrics.
Unknown Speaker 49:02
And again, big fan hip hop.
Unknown Speaker 49:05
But I’m telling it as it is, so don’t give me this crap. And I’m okay with it. Because like, I’m not a Kancil culture guy.
Unknown Speaker 49:12
But I just think the hypocrisy is insane
Unknown Speaker 49:17
and of course, Beyonce was a big thing broke to broke the record for the most Grammy wins ever, which is coordinated, whatever, it’s scripted. Who cares?
Unknown Speaker 49:27
And she’s always been illuminate confirm.
Unknown Speaker 49:31
I wrote a whole like, I don’t know 50 page book, talking about all the symbolism she’s been given us.
Unknown Speaker 49:38
In fact, she
Unknown Speaker 49:40
in fact, she showed up to the pre Grammys party wearing an outfit. That’s the board’s a lot of this stuff. If you go to Harper’s Bazaar, it says it says the alien superstar singer because that’s the name of one of her tracks on her new album, with the pale horse of the apocalypse on the cover.
Unknown Speaker 50:00
The alien superstar singer paired the eye catching piece with silver platform pumps by anima, Marathi, and her hair was worn down in a curled wetlook.
Unknown Speaker 50:10
Well, that’s interesting. And oh, by the way, she posted that image on her Instagram. I’ll put it on mine too for you.
Unknown Speaker 50:17
But she’s standing next to a ladder, no less, which symbolizes the ascension into Freemasonry. Again, indoctrination and initiation into the occult and ascending the ladder, towards man being deified as God.
Unknown Speaker 50:31
But what’s interesting is that the shoes
Unknown Speaker 50:34
This is the silver platform palms by anima, no, M Inna melotti, which is very similar to the name Anima Mundi,
Unknown Speaker 50:44
which is kind of the topic related to the topic we talked about earlier. With Carl Jung and the Anima or the the feminine energies, right? The animal represents femininity in the male psyche, while the Animus represents masculinity in a female psyche.
Unknown Speaker 51:02
And the you know, represented in the yin and yang, right, you get that.
Unknown Speaker 51:08
And what’s interesting is that Beyonce, of course, became famous. Right? When she was talking about how she was channeling the spirit, Sasha Fierce, she said, I could feel the spirit channeling into me.
Unknown Speaker 51:20
And, you know, Coriolan talked about all this stuff, right? The archetypes speaking to the subconscious, derived from Plato’s primordial images.
Unknown Speaker 51:30
But these archetypes of the collective unconscious that can’t be seen directly.
Unknown Speaker 51:37
Since they are, are buried in there, so we can only see them through projection, reflection, and in the manifested form, which is what I think these goddess celebrities are doing. They’re manifesting the forms.
Unknown Speaker 51:51
Because the archetype of the Great Mother or Goddess is depicted through the manifested forms of Virgin Mary ISIS Semiramis, which again, is why Beyonce, she did the the ocean, she manifested the ocean goddess, that the 2017 Grammys, right.
Unknown Speaker 52:09
And, and in a way, it’s kind of what a lot of this gender bending stuff could be about, you know, we saw last night from Harry Styles, Sam Smith, there was that dude that was basically Prince wearing the heels, Kim Petrus, and so on. But that’s the point in today’s artist, the argument is that they’re not really artists at all their shells are puppets.
Unknown Speaker 52:31
And if you look at the occult practices, like in the OTO, magical order, they use symbols and rituals to transmit entities through a practitioner, which is arguably what’s happening here.
Unknown Speaker 52:43
And why it’s to evoke knowledge, to gain energy, which has a financial motive.
Unknown Speaker 52:52
And finally, what about the satanic symbolism? I mean, it was a satanic ritual.
Unknown Speaker 52:57
You could argue, you could say, look, it’s just a stick to piss off the Christians.
Unknown Speaker 53:01
Well, you can also argue as the real thing.
Unknown Speaker 53:05
You know it. And here’s another idea, another theory, I’ll throw out.
Unknown Speaker 53:09
What if Sam Smith is trying?
Unknown Speaker 53:12
Whether he knows it or not? What if he’s being used to stoke hatred of gay people and to keep us further divided? Right?
Unknown Speaker 53:21
Because, you know, and I know, and Sam Smith knows, this is going to be controversial. Same way, little NAS X knew it, too.
Unknown Speaker 53:31
And it’s going to piss off a lot of people. Because a lot of people will guess what don’t like the devil.
Unknown Speaker 53:36
And to me at a certain point,
Unknown Speaker 53:40
we could all be held accountable at some point for our actions. But look, that’s between Sam Smith and God, not I got nothing to do with it. Like I disapprove of it. I certainly wouldn’t be dancing around like the devil and showing demonic energies and stuff. And I think he’s pulling in some dark energies with us to be honest.
Unknown Speaker 53:59
And what does that mean for Sam Smith? I don’t know. We’ll find out, right?
Unknown Speaker 54:04
You play around with his dark energy and dark things happen.
Unknown Speaker 54:07
And arguably, that’s what the whole music industry is about. And you see it all the time and hip hop, all these rappers die constantly.
Unknown Speaker 54:15
I mean, it’s horrific, right?
Unknown Speaker 54:17
Yeah, they want to celebrate a lot of this stuff. And pretend to everything’s fine.
Unknown Speaker 54:22
You know, look at Travis Scott with the concert right, pushing all the satanic symbolism and then something really dark happens.
Unknown Speaker 54:30
So there you go. That was the 2023 Grammys. I hope you enjoyed it.
Unknown Speaker 54:35
What a mess. All right.
Unknown Speaker 54:38
What’s a good call to action for you? If you if you’re new to the show? Subscribe to the show. I’ve got almost I got like 500 Some episodes. And we’ve been talking about this for 10 years now. There’s a lot to catch up on. And if you want to I’ve written nine books you can get my first book for free of Rand unified conspiracy theory.
Unknown Speaker 55:00
Get it for free. Go to Illuminati watchdog calm and sign up for the free email newsletter just that easy. And I’ll send it to you. Isn’t that great?
Unknown Speaker 55:09
All right links are always in the show notes till next time Stay Woke
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
Kell Brigan says
I don’t get how you can look at all of this and then say that you’re okay with homosexuality. Homosexuality is by definition about violating and ignoring natural, innate taboos, including the aversion to anything having to do with human feces. Involvement in anal sexual activity has been linked for centuries with the worship of Satan. A clear, unredacted examination of the lives of people who identify as homosexual (because no dysfunction or sin is intrinsic to our identity) shows people whose lives are in crisis, full of drug abuse and violence as well as vulnerability to greatly increase rates of cancers and other illnesses. Most men who identify as homosexual were raped as children. The act of being anally violated is itself part of a ritual of MK ultra-style destruction on the bodies of victims, especially children, and opens them to all sorts of delusions and weaknesses. You said that you are a christian, and the Bible is quite clear on the intrinsic dysfunction that is homosexuality. How can you ignore what are repeated, crystal-clear statements condemning homosexual practices? Pretending everything is fine is to leave these victims, these tortured souls stuck in hell on earth. We are called to tell the truth. That is their only hope, that that Truth remains available.
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