On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we break down the symbolism of the 2021 Grammys! We’ll look at the eye symbolism of Bad Bunny, moon goddess and sun king opposing sexual union with Dua Lipa & Da Baby, Cardi B as the False Maria of Metropolis and more!
- Peep all the images discussed on the show at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
- Beyonce Black is King show: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/beyonces-black-is-king-crowleys-queen-bee-of-thelema-777-the-goddess-worship-and-alien-gods-through-disney/
- Metropolis Analysis: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/illuminati-symbolism-in-metropolis-film/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 00:06
Get ready to clutch your pearls everybody, because we just watched the 2021 Grammys and it’s full of illuminate confirm symbolism, my god. We’ve got symbolism of the goddess. The feminine energies unleashed. Can you handle it? We’re going to talk about bad bunny. We’re gonna talk about the all seeing eye we’re gonna talk about dual liba. Angels sent to us from above. We’re talking about who else I got on the list here. cardi B Magda, stallion. Oh, my God. This is, this is gonna be a quick wrap up of the 2021 Grammys. Because I watched it in its entirety, hosted by Trevor Noah. I don’t want to think about Trevor Noah. I liked jon stewart with the Daily Show. I know a real original opinion. Right. Then Trevor Noah came along and he was just bozo. Not a big fan. He’s fine. He’s fine, right? He’s just trying to entertain us. He’s trying to be funny. Is he a shill? Probably a little bit? A little silly. Well, you know what? I hate him. Let’s talk about well,
alright, let’s
Isaac Weishaupt 01:29
just get into it. Right.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:32
The theme for 2021 for the Grammys the biggest night in the Music Awards. The theme was big butts.
Big booties.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:44
Even john mayer showed up with his big booty. He put on the COVID-19 Oh my god. But yeah, everyone showed up with the biggest butts if you didn’t have a big but you better sit down on your uncomfortable skinny ass. Okay. Everyone had a big butt? Beyonce. Meg, Megan, the stallion. We had cardi B. who also was there with the big booty. Oh, Juan Dojin cat was all the booties you can handle. And I don’t know how much white America can handle big booties yet. Okay. We’re trying though. We’re trying. But that was the theme. But the performances right you come here for the performances. The symbolism breakdown is what I do. Every every show. I’ve watched every one of these award shows the Grammys, the American Music Awards, all those types of things. MTV Music Awards. I watched them every year since 2011. And they’re pretty painful, right? I mean, this thing was like what are the clock in at three hours? Good god, what am I watching Tennant? Which I did watch by the way, ironically, I watched it the same day I finally got around to watching Tennant will I do us a breakdown of it. I don’t know this too is made my brain hurt trying to watch this movie. In a lots of inversions symbolism up I’ll see what I can do that I’ll give you that much. I’ll watch it a second time. But don’t expect me to break down the physics of time travel and all that stuff. But there’s a lot of a lot of weird ideas of the universals and as above so below and all that kind of stuff. Quantum Physics but we’re we’re here to talk about the Grammys and your favorite celebrities. Bad bunny he was performing and I will have the images on the Instagram as always at Isaac Weishaupt and as always, like and subscribe link in the show notes as always. But you’ve already done all that so thank you bad money was on the all seeing eye stage. There’s no there’s no doubts as to what we saw there. They did. They did a bird’s eye view of the stage of the eyeball with him standing inside of it performing and I already saw some comments I think was on Twitter I posted like a just a poor quality photo of it with my taken with my phone on the TV. But I took higher quality images for the post that you’ll see.
Is that oh but Isaac he just likes the eye he does the eye all the time. He likes eyeballs.
Isaac Weishaupt 04:35
Oh okay, my bad. I’m bad dog. I will respond to that. With the same response I provided when he did the same thing in the 2018 American Music Awards because commenter You are correct. Yes. Bad bunny does always do the I thing he seems to like eyeballs. Let the 2018 ama’s. He showed you the third eye, his pineal gland opening up, which is the occult reference to the wisdom being bestowed upon the initiate, in the same manner that the serpent in the garden have been bestowed the knowledge upon Adam and Eve. The wisdom to be like Gods that’s what it all references, it all represents the same thing. And why do they do it? Why is a rapper showing us the symbolism? Is he in the Illuminati? Is he a Freemason? I don’t know. I don’t think so. The argument is, these celebrities just use the imagery. Because the handlers say do this, it’s edgy. It’s cool. Love it. Why do the handlers say that? Well, because they are the ones that know the truth. The truth, like elephants, Livy wrote about in transcendental magic with the magnetic chain which is what the response was to this commenter, because that is what during the 2018 ama’s I did an analysis as I always do have these award shows I’ll try to put a link in the show notes no promises no promises.
But the
Isaac Weishaupt 06:24
the map I’ll read to you from the book. To form the magnetic chain is to originate a current of ideas which produces faith and draws a large number of wills in a given circle of active manifestation. A well formed chain is like a whirlpool what sucks down and absorbs all the chain may be established in three ways by signs by speech and by contact the first is by inducing opinion to adopt some sign as the representation of a force What does that sound well? That’s like tenant right we’re trying to what are you talking about Isaac? Tom Ah, the symbolism has an effect it charges up this sigil or whatever on a subconscious level, they understand there’s an atomic level they understand that thoughts become beliefs become realities as I talked about in my alien book, they know this that’s what the occult sciences are all about creating the world they desire and that’s why they do these high profile rituals that’s why they have a huge night a huge event and they do this sort of thing. The large number of wills that’s You and I are part of the active manifestation so that’s that’s what went down that’s what always goes down. And when they say they establish this magnetic chain they established through the signs and symbols that’s old Bugs Bunny standing in the all seeing eye by speech through the spoken word, which is one of the ancient mysteries the logos how the world was created. And by contact got to touch you with is all seeing I don’t know what his contact me a physical connection to the actual symbol could be like a cross right? You hold the cross the crucifix you put the you put the crucifix to the demons head and it burns. Man, these are some of the ideas we’re playing with. Okay. And a lot of this man Ryan turned me on to a guy named James Selby downard he was a no g at this. He was talking about this many many years ago. I got to dig into his research I got I got a stack of books I gotta get through. Have to hack my way through the don’t kill yourself books first. First and foremost. First and foremost, they are the don’t kill yourself books. Okay. I just finished one yesterday so maybe I’ll move maybe I’ll start reading downwards book anyhow. Next, do Elisa My God. The most the most amazing angel sent to us from above. For for a joke. I love dua Lipa, his music. I mean, she’s not bad. Look, don’t get me wrong, but she did a song called levitating. Which when I first heard the title, I thought, oh no. What is this? levitating like the CDs, like the superpowers of the occult. The lyrics suggest otherwise, but it’s fine, but she performed it with rapper the baby and The symbolism that we saw, made my jaw drop. They did it in front of the Black Sun. Yes, the Black Sun made its self known once again. If you recall Demi Lovato who’s out channeling aliens with Dr. Steven Greer now, but Demi Lovato and Christina Aguilera performed at the 2018 Billboard Music Awards in front of the Black Sun as well. And I covered that I told you I cover all of them. There’s not one that I miss for going on 10 years now, that’s a 10th anniversary of my red pill journey. That hopefully you followed along on the back in the early blogging days on Illuminati watch calm. I blogged all this stuff for many years. Then I started writing the books then I started the podcast and I started YouTube and then the powers of be tore all of that asunder. But you can actually if you haven’t gone to Illuminati, watch calm go there, sign up for the free email newsletter, you’ll get my first book for free. For free, I will email it to you. You get four books for five bucks. What a deal. No, that’s my spiel. go sign up for the email newsletter. Now Okay, so dual LIBOR debate I have a really dumb theory about dual LIBOR Should I share it with you? I don’t know if I should. Should I do it? I’m on the fence about well okay, screw it I’ve already gone too far. Here’s my theory about dua Lipa. I don’t think her real name is do a lipo Okay. Now visually it is but I think she is here to represent the the forces of the feminine sex goddess. Okay. dua Lipa, it sounds a lot to me like dual lips, okay. Now I’m not trying to be profane here. Like, come on, right. Many of us this is the wacky idea that came into my head. But she she represents this, you know, she’s very sexualized, right? And look, I’m not hating. You know, me. I’m about as socially liberal as one could be offended. I’m offensively socially liberal. I don’t care. Go for it. Does everybody want to be a porn star? I don’t care. Go for it. You know, if you don’t like that sort of thing, morals are for people to live up to on their own, not for them to mandate upon others, okay? You don’t want to do these naughty things you don’t have to do. But I don’t like people oppressing other people. Because they live a different lifestyle or have different values. So that being said, Because look, here’s the problem. What happened in last five? Well, maybe not five years, maybe a couple years was that my my truth or world was hijacked by the republican right wing conservatives. Right. And I’m not a liberal. I don’t like the liberals either. I don’t, I don’t buy into the two party gang system. But what happened was the truth or community was infiltrated by the conservatives. And that’s all the voices out there are just peddling republican stuff. They’re falling in to the two party system nonsense. I can’t believe it. I’m like, I’m watching it. Like, why? Why are you doing this? They fell victim to it. I guess. Maybe there’s, you know, there’s a lot to talk about as far as politics goes the last couple years, but who’s trying to hear that? Why are we all of a sudden like, Oh, yeah, we’re all republicans now. What? Since Since when? There would have been no, I’m not a Republican. I’m libertarian. Like, okay, I mean, I get it right. Nobody wants the government in their lives, dictating to them what they can and should do. But like that’s the problem with the Republican Party. You know, there’s the same the Republicans won in your bedroom, the liberals won in your wallet. Like neither one is a perfect solution here, folks. Anyhow, so I remain dare I say the only voice to not Co Op the Republican Party in the truth community. Boom, I said it. Shots fired a big old Cannonball fired and I don’t care. They’re gonna they’re gonna stop interviewing me on the other podcast now. Maybe. I don’t care. I’m here for the truth. Then you and me we’re riding through over the truth land. So we’re talking about dual lipo, okay, let’s get back in what she doing the so called levitating with the baby and they’re doing it in front of the Black Sun. And then much to my shock and surprise, the next set that shows up in the background on stage is the moon. So we saw the Black Sun and the Moon. Why is this important? Well, these two things connect, believe it or not. This sun represents the king, the male patriarchy, the moon represents the queen, the feminine divinity. What you saw was a symbolic sex ritual. And guess what the ritual was all about. But the union of opposites, is about that go with the boobs was about the reconciliation of opposites and it was about sex. Because that’s what these occult rituals are all about. It’s always sex and death. And as the alchemical process unfold, the opposites they’re combined. Through the sexual union of opposing forces.
A new
Isaac Weishaupt 16:04
entity is formed the new birth of the new age and the new star child will use all the literal sexual union symbolically Of course, and it represents the Philosopher’s Stone the birth of the New Age. And here’s an interesting I was kind of doing a little bit of research catch know there’s a book called The Black Sun alchemy and the art of darkness by Stan Marlin. I’ve talked about this book before, when I did my breakdown of the weekend’s Superbowl performance. If you heard that show, that was a good one too. But I’ll read you the editor wrote this. Bah bah bah, while I was editing this manuscript, there was a lunar Niger a total eclipse of the moon by the sun shadow. Marlin writes about the shadow of the sun and its darkness. And where is this more apparent than in the Total Eclipse of the moon? Perhaps in our time, this represents the patriarchal Sun King in its shadow, which eclipses the feminine, whereas the Black Sun has no need to eclipse the moon. Because both have a soft glow one from within. And the other from outer reflection. So there we go. The Sun King, the Black Sun, the shadow eclipsing the feminine, but then in the performance, the feminine energies when which was the theme of the night right? And not to make it a race thing but there’s there’s lots of opposites can joining symbolically on the stage. You’ve got the baby who is a black man and do a lipo who’s a white woman and that’s what the symbolism reflects. It’s the psychological tensions in the roles of opposing forces. You got the black man and the white woman you got the Black Sun and the white moonlight it’s not the lyric she sings to. Got jus moon night stand I sound like I don’t know. But you know what I’m saying? The moon light is the white light. So the Black Sun is the dark light. It’s the opposites opposing forces sexual union when you have a sun and a moon it’s showing the same thing the moonlight is the whitening what they call the albedo opposing the Negredo the black Night of the Soul the first stage of alchemy and was also curious if you want to add more into this you know idea of the feminine divine the the great female Earth Mother Miranda Lambert performed on the status ship when he got a little person she she looks like she’s got I don’t really know I don’t really follow her. But anyway, get sidetracked Jacques. She performed on stage in what appeared to be a giant clamshell of sorts. This is the the mermaid Venus symbolism of the Great Mother which you saw from Lady Gaga when she did her art pop album. Same thing from the famous painting. So then, Megan the stallion performed and she was joined by cardi B. And again my jaw dropped all the way down because cardi B came out as the false Maria she came out with the robe will look like a robot stuff right he’s like a robot suit on. Well, that is from metropolis, the old 1927 film By Fritz Lang the master of darkness and symbolism and film, and she, cardi B joined the ranks of Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Whitney Houston. Even Freddie Mercury from Queen, Queen get it queen. You have all of these people portrayed themselves as the false Maria from the story metropolis. All of them and there’s cardi B doing the same thing. Why do they always do it? Why do they show us the false Maria the robot because and I’ll pull up I have a film analysis again on Illuminati watch calm. I’ll put a link in the show notes. I’ll give you the basics. So you don’t have to, you won’t even have to click it and read it. Basically, the story is about these elites, right? And they’ve got slaves down under serving this big, this big machine called mo lock, right? Get it Moloch they’re sacrificing the mall lock. Anyway, the elites are up top at the Tower of Babel, living their best lives. This is like the technological elites to suppose like Ilan Musk is up there. And they have Ilan musk there he hires a scientist to fuse a spirit into a robot to create the star child which the keep talking about the sexual union of opposing forces, but that’s kind of what that embodies. And this scientists wrote Wang, he does it. He does a blood sacrifice of his hand to fuse a spirit into this robot called false Maria involves Maria. She gets unleashed upon the idiots the slaves down under as the horror of Babylon. She’s, she’s putting the men in the city under a trance of sexuality. They can’t help themselves when they see her. She’s dancing. Dancing for money. And the men can’t resist and it puts them in a trance and it further enslaves them to keep fueling the elite to live their golden age to live their best lives. which prove me wrong. Is that now what happened in 2020? These technocratic elitist Jeff Bezos, Ilan musk made a lot of money. Do you think that the capitalist forces of America like Ilan musk and Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest men,
you think they
Isaac Weishaupt 22:50
when they in 2020, when they make more money than they’ve ever made ever? Because of a pandemic? Do they have an interest in in making the pandemic stop? Or do you think they’re like, no, let’s keep this rolling. Don’t you think? Don’t you think that they would want everyone else to keep suffering so they could keep making? I mean, they’re sick in the head, right? Like these people will never spend this much money. They don’t need this much. But they’re sick in the head and they need more. So of course, they would be fueling and I argue funding and agenda to keep America screwed up and sick through the pandemic. Now, how far does that go? I mean, that’s another show, right? But anyhow, this fall’s Maria is part of this storyline and the the Vasa Maria was represented by cardi B but in the story metropolis. Her purpose is to play the Whore of Babylon. used by the elite to dupe the masses, which your boy Alistair Crowley was into this too. He was all about bringing about the horror Babylon and the Scarlet woman to end the current age that we live in and bring about the alien of Horus because the horror of Babylon represented sexual liberation in the expression of the feminine divine. And that’s essentially why you see cardi B coming out as false Maria joining Lady Gaga, Beyonce Whitney, Freddie. Well, then, cardi B and mega Stein, they bowled trond up, and they performed the wet as policy on TV. Can you believe it? Can you believe it happened? I was tweeting I tweeted. Let me explain my tweet. Let me redo. I’ll read you the tweet first. I said, I’m watching the Grammys, fitting to find out what all this web app pussies about on primetime TV, what a time to be alive. Remember when they banned two Live Crew in the 80s?
Ha ha ha.
Isaac Weishaupt 25:05
Also very funny to me. Because I mean, now the two Live Crew is like any less crude. Don’t get me wrong, but I’m just saying we went from banning an album to showing similar content on the TV screen on a Sunday night was on the mainstream CBS stuff. I mean, are they going to perform it at the Superbowl next
Isaac Weishaupt 25:34
And look, I told you earlier, I don’t, I don’t personally care. I think it’s a parent’s job to parent. But I also sympathize with these parents when they’re like, traditionally, the things that used to build let your kids watch are a little more dangerous. Now me personally, I don’t care. Like I might, you know, my parents weren’t like that at all. They let me watch whatever I wanted. I’m totally fine. Look at me. But you get the point. You know, a lot of tutors will go down this path of the social culture wars, which I don’t disagree with them. I see it too. I think there’s something to this, but you got to be careful, because then it gets kind of shamy. Right? Because you also have this non conspiracy world where you have to understand that like, there’s just like how men have toxic masculinity, there’s a bit of toxic femininity, where they find value in being sexualized, and being sexy and beautiful. And like I talked about with the toxic masculinity, it’s not all bad. I fall into the toxic I subscribe to some elements of toxic masculinity. Like I want to be the most toxic now. I’m just kidding. But But the point I’m trying to make is like, we just need to be aware of these things as I’m trying to say. The women want to look sexy and feel sexy. Yes. I’m not saying let’s take that away and put them in Handmaid’s Tale outfits. say well, men, men want to be sexy want to be big and muscular. Whatever, right? Not saying let’s all abandon these things entirely. I’m just saying. Just got to be aware of it. Right. Don’t let it Don’t let it make you miserable. Like I’m watching. What’s the dumb show? I watch a lot of dumb shows. I watch floor Bama shore, right? My man Gus on there who’s now a Freemason? Apparently. I don’t know if you saw he’s got a Freemason ring on his hand. Anyhow, my man’s got sick abs. But he’s he’s in a rotten mood all the time. Because you can’t have it both ways. You can’t have sick ass abs and a good time. Prove me wrong. What I’m saying is like, I want sick ass abs, but I’ve got enough where with all the No. Oh, but for me to do that. I’ve got to be so miserable. That I’m gonna hate myself and everyone’s gonna hate me. And it’s not worth it. That’s all I’m saying. That was it. That was the whole award show. a cool way to end the show talking about abs. post malone was there he performed Hollywood’s bleeding with a bunch of hooded folks looked very ritualistic esque right. But you know I love post malone, white Iverson one of the Greatest Songs of All Time. So you know, I can say nothing bad about post malone. Billy Eilish, she was there she won, I don’t know Record of the Year whatever. I don’t really watch the award acceptances too much. Pretty much fast forward through most of this show. But she tried to give to Magnus Dion’s she’s a user of this thing not me. Beyonce hailed as the queen of Queens for they had a whole thing on the black is king was album or video album or whatever you call it. And I did a full breakdown of that. Again, I’ll put the link in the show notes. You want the link in the show notes. I’ll give you the link in the show notes. I broke the whole thing down. And boy boy if you thought the Grammys had symbolism that made you question What was going on? Wait till you hear my analysis of black is king. But that was that was 2021 Grammys. Thanks for listening. We’re gonna bring it home with a guy that should have won the track of the year. I’m gonna give you I’m gonna play you a song I never do this replay with sorry this guy should have won the Song of the Year. I’m nominating him. It’s father Phil from feelgood rich art. He did the UFO painting on my gallery wall if you ever watched my live streams, he submitted an entry into a contest I held a few weeks ago because my man’s on the Patreon as you should be. Because you know I got three systems I got the rock fan I got the Patreon. Then I got the Illuminati watch, calm VIP and all that good. Just sort of different flavors of stuff, but my man’s on Patreon. And I did a contest for all my supporters on those different platforms. And he submitted a song Oh my god, the man made a song is gonna we’re gonna go out with that. I’ll check out his podcast. It’s called a surfers path. He’s got this great episode on Kary mullis The guy with a PCR test?
You know,
Isaac Weishaupt 30:23
I don’t I don’t harp on the COVID stuff because like, to me, I kind of like whatever like we’re not doctors, I don’t know, who knows. Are they are they are they scamming us a little bit, I’m sure. I’m sure there’s so much fear being monitored. But like, ultimately, it comes down to like, I want everyone to be healthy and safe. So like, I’m not offering them my opinions or ideas. But uh, the Kary mullis show he did was pretty wild. So check it out. It’s called a service path. And here’s his track. I want you to enjoy it and until next time, stay woke.
You’ll turn that shit off.
This is your proof. For the
agnostic sneak diss track check one.
Your radical,
body checks drive Bible flex 200 troops don’t make you watch agnostic, myth busting.
Theoretical theoretical NACA body checks drive Bible flex 200 books don’t make him watch that. Nothing up the
phone. Just committed t shirts.
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Really enjoyed this blog. Really Cool.