On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we review the simulation theory film Free Guy! Sunglasses to shield the true sun, love connecting us to the real god, Sophia the goddess of wisdom, union of opposing forces and more! It’s like an even more occult Deadpool as Van Wilder goes into the simulation world!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:02
Welcome back to conspiracy theories and on popular culture. I’m your host Isaac wise up. Today we’re gonna talk about free guy. Yes, the movie. Ryan Reynolds movie. Van Wilder in the simulation world. And you asked for it for several weeks, maybe even months hell, it took me that long to get around to it. And let’s talk about it. It’s it’s got all it’s got all the Gnostic creation myth ideas. The Jesus Christ avatar heresy, okay. Got elements of all the movies we’ve talked about before that we know and we love Sophia the goddess of wisdom, the union of opposing forces that Fafa met that goat with the boobs. He’s back, she’s back, they are back. I believe the bafflement is a non binary I would assume more occult symbolism than Deadpool. So, without further ado, let’s talk about should you watch this movie? Oh, by the way, before we get into a T shirts, right? You want to support the show. You can get a t shirt, go to my Gumroad store. gumroad.com backslash Isaac W I’ve got a few options there. I got a 70s ringer t shirt. I’ve got the classic logo. In the Ultra Soft tri blend shirts the most comfortable shirt you’ll ever wear. I’ve got the these nerds are gonna kill us on the back sighs mediums. I’m gonna I think I’m gonna order a couple of the other sizes because I’ve had some requests. And then I’ve got a bunch of the stay woke. Right? The classic phrase stay woke. Check them out. Should you watch? Free guy? Yes. My final verdict is yes, it’s 115 minutes. But they did real good with it. Because it didn’t feel that long. Didn’t do the thing that when movies go longer than 90 minutes, it seems like they’ll do this thing where at the 90 minute mark, it’s a proper place for the ending because that’s how long a movie should be. But they tease the ending and they’re like, No, there’s this other thing that needs resolved. And here’s another 3045 minutes in you’re like you know about you but me I roll my eyes and I’m like, really? Why don’t you wrap this up? We’ll call it part one. And then take my money twice it give me a part two and wrap that 45 minutes extended out to another 90 and make double the money. But hey, you know what? I’m not in Hollywood. What do I know? I just known if it goes past 90, you better do good with it. And they did great with it. So shout out to whoever did this movie. Do I not have that written down here? Terrible, terrible film analysis host I am. Why don’t I just stall? So I can look it up? And well, I’ll tell you who did this film. Produced and Directed by Shawn Levy. Actually, I think that is in the analysis somewhere, isn’t it? I don’t know. He did. Oh, yeah. Cuz he did Stranger Things I think we talked about I think we talked about somewhere in here anyway. Ryan Reynolds is in it. Okay, who’s in it right? Like to tell you should you watch it? Yes, because they’re gonna be plot spoilers. I’m gonna ruin this movie for you. And I think it’s pretty good. I paid like five bucks to rent it. I don’t know if I would buy it right. I didn’t love it that much. It’s not a $20 investment. Five bucks. Yeah. Worth it. Unless you’re doing that ghetto ass red box. And it’s I don’t know how much is red box $1. Who’s in it? Ryan Reynolds of course is in it. Everyone hates him. Everybody hates Ryan Reynolds. I don’t think he’s great. He plays Van Wilder and every roll they say hey, works every time so the haters are gonna hate. I’m here for all the Ryan Reynolds movies. Ironically, I’ve never seen Van Wilder. You know? Sorry, my dog’s monkey to Toy throwing me off here. The the dude from the director Sean levy did Stranger Things. There’s the note right there. I am a great host. I am a great film analysis host I had it written down here. I thought I didn’t though. It’s also got some other characters lil rel. Howery. I don’t really love him. No offense. I don’t hate him. I just I don’t I don’t think he’s that funny. Channing Tatum shows up. He actually is pretty funny. Alex rexon there for two seconds, two seconds, his last appearance before he died.
Tons of cameos in this film apparent I didn’t catch like any of these. Tina Fey’s in the rock. Hugh Jackman, John Krasinski from the office. I didn’t catch any of those. And like I said, only rented it. So I was, and I watched it twice. I did want to see if to enjoy it. And then the second time to prepare this analysis for you. And then after I watched it that second time, I started digging into the research. And I found that out and I said, I don’t I didn’t see no, none of those people. I saw Chris Evans, he made a cameo. You know, he’s the captain america. Anyway, it was supposed to drop in July 2020. But you know what happened? Back then? You know? And do we care that movie theaters are dying? Do we care, I bought some of that AMC stock back during the remember that moment where we were really going to stick it to the man with a Gamestop, an AMC bought some AMC stock, it actually did pretty well. And I should have sold it. But now it’s back down. And I remember when 2020 hit, thinking, this is terrible. The movie theaters are going to go away a staple part of my life. Go to the movies probably once a month, right? Easy date night. And turns out, I don’t really care if the theaters go away. I haven’t been to a theater. I’ve totally been able to. I’ve done many things during this pandemic. I’ve traveled internationally. And I didn’t go to the theater not once in the last two years, and I don’t even care. I’d much rather go with a model that they seem to be. I hope continuing of you could pay 20 bucks and watch it at home. I’d much rather do that all day. Who woulda thunk, right? That old Klaus Schwab guy was right there talking about new normal this and that. Turns out, this is actually a very preferred way of living for me of herding up in my little home with my little Chihuahuas. Me and Josey hug hugging up on the couch. I can pause it if it’s more than 90 minutes. Great. I don’t care make it 10 hours, I’ll pause it and do the things I want to do. You’re not in that theater with idiots chatting behind you. You know, just that alone is worth it. Anyway, there’s a lot to talk about need to keep it moving. There. And the idea of the movie if you don’t know. There’s this guy goes by the name guy. Right? He is Ryan Reynolds. And he’s in a simulation where he’s in a video game and he doesn’t know it. He, he is what they call an NPC a non player character. Like when you play if you ever played Grand Theft Auto, your character is in there. And they’re I don’t know walking down the street. And there’s pimps and prostitutes and non player characters in this game, maybe that was a bad example. You know, I don’t play video games anymore. But because I think this more fits the the type of game that what they call, what do you call multi massive players online, where you and a bunch of other nerds throughout the world are in I guess a Grand Theft Auto. You’re all different characters walking down the street. And then there’s like pimps and prostitutes. Those are non player characters. Nobody’s controlling them. That’s like AI. And that’s what Ryan Reynolds character is. He is a guy named guy. And he’s supposed to be an NPC. Now, this film was great because of so many influences you find on other Gnostic type films that we’ve talked about on this podcast. If you go back enough years, you’ll find all of them. Obviously the matrix we did all of those dark city, Truman Show and they live. If you go back about three years, I think you’ll catch the Dark City one and Truman Show and all that anyway, plot spoilers coming up.
Without further ado, let’s get into this movie. It starts out with an introduction to who guy is and listen to what they say. They say. He lives in paradise. He works at the bank, you know, all these fulfilling things of life. He’s the typical rat race hamster on the wheel. He even you know, it’s just like the people at work. You know what I mean? Repeating the same phrases all the time, no originality. Just rinse and repeat every day is the same as You know, he keeps he keeps reaching for that dangling carrot, that big old carrot. He wants to grab that big carrot. And the carrot here is a pair of fancy shoes. So implying that guy is really no different than you and I. Hamsters on the wheel. My name is Guy,
Unknown Speaker 10:21
and I live in paradise I’ve lived here in free city my whole life. I’ve got a best friend. I’ve got a goldfish, and I work at the bank. What more could a guy want, if that
Unknown Speaker 10:41
makes it warm and sunny? Just a scattering of drive bys. Great day for the beach. Not Hitman’s Beach, which will be mine and spray with high caliber fire from renegade gun chips. Don’t
Unknown Speaker 10:50
buy it every morning. I start my day with the most delicious coffee in the whole wide whole world of coffee cream to sugars unexpectedly odd. That’s good. It’s like losing my virginity. But in my mouth. Thank you for making such love. You’re welcome. Officer John a good one guy. Don’t have a good day. Have a great day. All the fudge You mean to tell me that nobody snapped up those bad boys. Today’s the day like every other day
Unknown Speaker 11:27
I’ll be back for those
Unknown Speaker 11:36
close this is the greatest cup of coffee of all time I want to write a song about
Unknown Speaker 11:42
dance to that song but body.
Unknown Speaker 11:45
It’s about find your lane and just staying in
Unknown Speaker 11:47
a calm comfort zones are so damn comfortable.
Isaac Weishaupt 11:51
Now you’ll notice they say he lives in paradise, right? Because that’s supposed to be eaten in this Gnostic creation myth. format. He’s given everything he needs. Just like an Eden, right? Except for one thing he needs someone to love. And at this point, I realize this is kind of a matrix type thing. He needs a woman the love of a woman to wake him up to the truth of reality. She is of course going to be the Gnostic Sophia, the the wisdom, and the conclusion. We’re going to go so deep into trying to understand the the Gnostic creation myth. It’ll All Make Sense. In the end, I assure you if you’ve had questions about what Gnosticism is, which I do too, right? It’s very confusing. I’m going to wrap it up in a very, I racked my brain to try to find a way to convey this point. So that made sense. And we’re going to do that in the conclusion. But let’s get through the film first. Okay, because some of us haven’t seen it. And you’ve decided to go ahead and not take my advice and you want that plot spoiled so you get what you deserve. Now a female shows up this female player, she asked for the secret clip. Okay, she’s on this little mission. And you’ll notice the secret clip is clip number 56. Which you’ll also notice that’s the number of the coffee shop in the game. If you look close enough now that it plays a huge role in anything here, and I’ll put the photos on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt login subscribe link in the show notes as always. Now the woman and Ryan Reynolds guy, they are walking down the sidewalk can they cross each other’s paths? The film sets it up as a sort of destiny. He knows this is his dream girl. Okay. But as buddy low REL, whose name is Buddy very confusing names. He checks him and he’s like No, no, no friend, guy. It’s not for you. Those are the sunglass people. sunglass. People are not one of us. You can’t even talk to them. Right? sunglass people means they are player characters. And buddy and guy are non player characters. They’re NPCs. And he knows that. And buddy’s trying to keep guy locked in the matrix essentially, right? Trying to keep him ignorant. Can’t talk to her. She’s got the sunglasses and then guy. He don’t care man. He’s the rebel. He’s the rebel Angel. And he follows her and a train hits him because he got too close to the boundaries of the game. This is very much like Truman Show. When Jim Carrey’s character can’t get off the island. He literally can’t. He tries and they have all these things programmed to block him. Now, previously, it It turned out to be I don’t know the most controversial show of the year somehow. We talked about twin flames and the soul mates idea of the occult as it pertained to Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox. And this is very similar, right Destiny seems to be drawing these two together. But then there’s this other idea floating around about how it’s a simulation world. And again, like kind of like the matrix that brings all these ideas of freewill versus destiny and all that stuff. Now, he spawned, okay, so guy gets blasted by the train, my biggest fear by the way, and he spawns into a new day. And he goes through his same programmed actions. Just like you and just like me. Yeah, no more my programmed action is I get up and I get the coffee. And guess what, that’s what he does. He goes to coffee shop number 56. Except this time, he doesn’t order the coffee the way he always orders it, he orders a cappuccino and all the other NPCs they’re kind of triggered by this and they’re like, kind of like how Buddy was like, bro, you can’t doctors you got sunglasses. Everyone else is looking at but a guy near like, you don’t order the cappuccino. But what he doesn’t realize is that he starts red pilling. People with this kind of thought he read pills the barista. She starts to question her nature of reality. There’s a chain effect a butterfly effect, if you will. And then he you know, he bails on it. Because everyone’s kind of like pushing back like, bro, you don’t order the cappuccino. And then he’s like, ha, just kidding. That’s not what I want.
So it’s it’s kind of like, if you ever listen to David. David, it was one of my red pill people. And he talks about the prison without the bars and how it’s set up. You can’t govern and police. 7 billion people, you know, if the alumina if the shapeshifting lizard people are there’s 100 of them. They can’t control 7 billion people. How do you police 7 billion people you get the the sheeple to police each other. That’s what’s happening in this film. So guys walk in, he sees this girl. And he’s like, I’m gonna take some sunglasses from some other guy put them on, and I’m gonna talk to my girl. So he puts on the side so he doesn’t get sunglasses, put them on and boom. It’s a whole new world. He sees the video game graphics everywhere. And he’s like, What is this? And in the in the film, it’s presented as augmented reality. So these are terms you’re going to have to learn because we’re headed to the matrix. I don’t know if you know that with the metaverse. But you put on this, the glasses and you see everything around you, but it’ll have graphical overlays. You know, like the pokemon go right? Pokemon Go was augmented reality, you see a different reality through the screen in your phone. Well now picture that screen on your glasses, then picture that screen on your cornea as a contact lens. That’s what Ray Kurzweil said. What he said he was they were gonna do glasses, then cornea. Then Elon Musk gets the neuro link chip in your brain. That’s like, gotcha. What are we talking about? Okay, so he puts on the glasses, the whole new world, right? These are red pill glasses, just like they live. And now he’s playing the game. And he sees like medical suitcases and he learns how to steal money. And now he can be whatever he wants. It’s a whole new world, right? And this is very much like they live which was a critique of capitalism and shapeshifting lizard people. Whereas free free guy is more spirituality and Gnostic creation myth. So that were introduced to two guys, keys and Mouser. They are two Game Programming nerds. They’re the ones that program this game. That guy is apparently in he’s the the digital AI in there, right? And they notice it, they can see in the code, kind of like Neo in the Matrix, that guy, he’s awakenings red pilling. And they’re like, Hey, there’s this NPC, who’s like playing the game like a character. And they can’t have that. So they decided to enter the game and intervene. And they still are confused. They’re like, Oh, it must be a real player, but he’s got an NPC skin. And they’re like, take your skin off. And he’s like, how? Because they’re confused about who he is. And they come to the conclusion that the column blue shirt guy. They come to this conclusion like, this must be a glitch. Something’s wrong. And it’s interesting you hear how the one guy keys. He was this genius programmer from MIT. I’m gonna guess he got some funding from Epstein and gates, right if you recall. Anyway, he and this this woman, Millie, this other programmer, they created this this version of Okay, so the let me back up. So the game that guy is living in and playing and everyone’s playing in is called free city kind of like Grand Theft Auto. Essentially. Well, million keys while they were in college made this sort of pre free city type of world. And it was peaceful. There wasn’t all this GTA kind of nonsense of robbing people and beaten hookers and all that stuff. But then, they sort of, I don’t know, bailed on it for whatever reason. And now Kees is working for this guy Antoine and Antoine is the CEO of the gaming company that owns free city. Alright. Millie, on the other hand, she does not work for him and she’s mad because she thinks that Antoine basically stole their code, but keys he’s just kind of going with the flow like whatever man it’s fine, you know? Emily’s like no, he stole our game code and use it for free city I know he did. I’m gonna prove it to the world and keys he just wants to go along to get along as I look I’m not trying to ruffle any feathers. Everything’s great.
So Millie, ironically, she is the the female protagonist in the game. And the game she’s known as Molotov girl. And the reason she’s in the free city game is because she’s trying to find this file 56. Remember, because file 36 will prove to the world that Antoine stole her code her and Mr. Keys code. This paradise world they had created that Antoine took and corrupted. Right? Sound familiar? Hang in there. So guy. He’s very much drawn to Millie or Molotov girl I should say because that’s her digital avatar. So he befriends her and multiple girls telling guy how free city works. She’s like, look, you know how when you put those glasses on, you see all these different augmented reality overlays. You build these experience points and you get money, you kill people. And he’s like, I don’t want to kill people. I want to help people. And she’s like, wow, that’s an interesting idea. You can gain points by helping others. That doesn’t make sense. But he proceeds to do just that. So her guidance to him about these experience points is her dropping the wisdom on him. Right? She is the Sophia, She’s the goddess of wisdom. She is dropping the knowledge upon guy about how the world works. And he’s like, Oh, well, let me sort of see what I can do with that. We’ll come back to who these characters really are at the end. So again, here’s keys mouse or the game are nerds. Back in the real world they start to notice all this and this blue shirt guy comes as pop culture phenomenon because he’s helping people instead of killing people. Because nobody realizes he’s an NPC yet. They just think it’s a player with a NPC skin. Alright. So guy in the game, obviously he goes to work. And he’s talking to buddy because guy works at the bank. Buddy is the security guard at the bank. And the bank hilariously is getting robbed all the time as one would expect in grant in a free city. Grand Theft free city, right. So guy he’s at work, talking to buddies trying to Red Pill buddy, and listen to how he describes himself as one of the sunglass people now that multaq girl that Sophia, goddess of wisdom had dropped the knowledge upon him.
Unknown Speaker 24:19
Well, well, look who decides to come to work today? Look, what have you been? I’ve been worried sick about you. What is this shirt? Where’s your collar? Where’s the rest of the buttons and and it’s not tucked in you look sloppy? artifact you look horrible. Did you pick up some Muslim student or somebody else said pumping you up?
Unknown Speaker 24:36
Sorry that I haven’t been around. But I’ve been I’ve been figuring some stuff out to
Unknown Speaker 24:41
me figure stuff out. It has nothing to figure out. Okay, you go to bed. You wake up. Do you get some coffee? Do you come to work and you repeat the same thing tomorrow
Unknown Speaker 24:49
the girl? Oh my god. I talked to her. Sunglasses, sunglasses. Yes. I talked to one of the sunglass people. I’m one of the sunglass people
Unknown Speaker 25:05
What if I could tell you that you could be more your life could be fuller, you’re free to make your own decisions, your own choice are in the middle of something changed my life, and they’re going to change yours too.
Unknown Speaker 25:22
Cool. Now, you know, we don’t wear sunglasses.
Unknown Speaker 25:24
Oh, we do now. Mike, are you kidding me? Put him on. No, life doesn’t have to be something that just happens to us or just put the glasses on and you’re gonna see you’re gonna see I can’t Okay.
Isaac Weishaupt 25:53
So he’s trying to wake buddy up to this idea of free will. Right? Free Will a very simple concept. taken for granted, I would argue. Now, it’s interesting that they use this sunglass metaphor just like in they live. But this movie has a new twist of spirituality, because he’s trying to get the people to wake up his buddy. And buddy won’t put the glasses on he refuses something so simple. People want to live in their ignorance. This is what when when we did the matrix series, we talked about Immanuel Kant, about how people choose their heaven or hell, Buddy is choosing hell. Even though something so simple would release them from that. Then we’re introduced to Antoine he is the CEO of tsunami video games. They’re the ones that created free city, okay. And of course, he’s the tire tire, ironical maniac he calls his workers stupid, and they’re nerds which is true, and how and he talks about how he’s gonna screw over all the fans a free city because he basically lied to them about how the new free city tool would be backwards compatible with free city one. But listen, and try to take away the idea of who this guy is is the essence of how awful this guy is.
Unknown Speaker 27:21
Yeah, no, in fact, no. And he used the skin in free city two Oh, art nerds. We’re gonna make some upgrades to blue shirt right brought him out make him a hitman or something. And we’re already way behind porting over the skins for free city one skins don’t even worry about that that won’t be usable or free city to
Unknown Speaker 27:37
Antoine you told the fans free city two was backwards compatible. It was in the commercial. You said there’d be the same characters in the sequel? Well,
Unknown Speaker 27:43
here’s the thing when I said that those fly a
Unknown Speaker 27:47
listen Antoine. The game is already buggier than ever. I got a stack a user complaints like a mile high. Look,
Unknown Speaker 27:51
I know it sucks. But the IP recognition is rocket. Okay, so don’t worry about I’m just saying we could make an original game. Making original. Why would I do that when I can make a sequel SQL so we can make it better? IPS and sequels. That is the thing that people want. Let me ask you a question. Okay. You love Kentucky Fried Chicken right? No, if you love Kentucky Fried Chicken and I make Kentucky Fried Chicken and I know that you love Kentucky Fried Chicken. Why would I make another restaurant called I don’t know. Alburquerque boiled turkey. Okay, makes no sense homie. What am I gonna get you a sequel? Kentucky Fried Chicken Chicken. But to
Unknown Speaker 28:29
yum. Drop the news. No, no.
Unknown Speaker 28:33
I want you to stress that glorious shampoo commercial hit of yours about it recently too is going to be Jumaane just slower.
Isaac Weishaupt 28:42
So you hear how Rudy is and how he was talking about KFC too. He’s like no, you just make a sequel. And that’s gonna make more sense when we learn about the real Gnostics Gnostic creation myth. Which again, we’re going to hit in the conclusion. I’m gonna get off the path of the story. So guy and Molotov girl, they keep friending up he kisses her she doesn’t realize this is an NPC yet. And she’s like, why don’t we meet up in the real world but he has no idea what that means. Right? Because here’s the whole world is free city. Meanwhile, keys is trying to figure out who blue shirt guy is. He realizes it’s an NPC. He runs the Milly’s and is like, dude, Anton really stole our code. And then the reason I know that is because our code created the first real AI which is guy self aware software. And apparently, some of the other NPCs are evolving too. Which by the way, this is how the matrix starts out but okay. And they realize, Antoine is making free CD to not as an upgrade but an actual replacement and all a free CD one will be destroyed so the gods save their creation this AI that they’ve created that evolved now this is basically when he when he’s saying I’m creating free city to, he’s calling that’s basically the post flood world. Free City. One is the first world that God had to destroy. free CD two is the post de leurs world. We’ll come back to it. Now back in the game, multaq girl or Millie, she keeps red pill and guy. She takes him to the lounge, the Players Lounge and tells him Look, your whole world is just a video game, bro. And he’s in denial. Then he realizes it because he runs out to the ocean and there’s this invisible wall. Just like in Dark City. So guy tries to tell the other NPCs but they don’t quite get it. Right. He employs buddy to help him get clip 56 familly from all top girl. Here comes Channing Tatum, he shows up. And it’s pretty funny. By the way, he plays the role of a gamer called Revenge revenge woman. And of course, it’s a real player who’s a nerd in his mom’s house. And, you know, fun fact, he’s got X Files and Deadpool and a poster behind him. So people start cheering on guy, but Antoine being the angry guy that he is he wants to kill guy because he wants all the attention just like the guys getting all the attention. So he starts bringing the game down completely and destroying free city one he’s destroying the world that this is his first attempt to do so is by rebooting the characters. Which means guys no longer sort of awake sort of woke right now after the reboot, all the memories are are wiped, right and you’ll hear buddy talking to guy as they’re walking to work to the bank, and got him buddy says what’s the difference between light and dark roast? Very interesting. Take a lesson.
Unknown Speaker 32:16
Front of warm, dry gunfire mixed with late afternoon stabbings fiddling in the streets wet with the blood of innocents by early Tuesday
Unknown Speaker 32:24
night. What really is the difference between the light rose in a dark room?
Unknown Speaker 32:28
Nobody knows. Don’t have a good day as a sunglass,
Unknown Speaker 32:34
I don’t know kickboxing
Unknown Speaker 32:35
got you know me. You know this. You set this clip show to police you’d seen before I need to know where the data has been erased but it’s in your head. Please try to remember this is really important. Please guys think the ice cream the swings?
Unknown Speaker 32:51
Oh my God loves me.
Unknown Speaker 32:52
It’s pretty city Harbor Park. There’s a great swing set there. Have you been nice?
Unknown Speaker 32:56
We have bubblegum ice cream. Oh em. Gee, I love bubble gum. I love the bubblegum ice cream. Yes, I know we had it together. Remember? Please guide y’all. I’ve got
Unknown Speaker 33:11
I’m sorry, lady. I think you have the wrong guy.
Isaac Weishaupt 33:15
So Millie, she confronts guy, as he’s like, hey, the data was erased, but it’s still in your mind. Because guy doesn’t know what’s happening. He totally forgets that he’s red pilled he totally thinks he’s just working at the bank again. But she’s like, look, it’s in your mind. It’s the splinter in the mind as they talk about in the matrix. We’ll revisit that as well. Now keys he talks about how guy was originally programmed to search for the girl of his dreams. And the purpose was to evolve him and wake him up. Which again, matrix What’s the new one called? resurrections? That’s kind of what Thomas Anderson does he creates this new Morpheus to wake himself up so she find so in the game, multaq girl finds him but guy was programmed to find her they kiss him they wake up again boom through love guys able to wake up again this time much faster. Now keys and Millie they decided they’re going to build this bridge across the ocean to try to get guy over to that paradise world that they created because Antoine hid this paradise world in free city. And guy tries waking up the other NPCs he’s like look, you gotta follow me to this paradise world. But they make this reference to be sure that Antoine doesn’t find out because he’s angry right? And was angry, but he’s not stupid. He’s gonna try to stop these NPCs from leaving his free city. So Antoine does find out that these NPCs are embracing their freewill and they’re doing it Digital walkout which screws up the players and want to get in there and kill the NPCs and he decides, you know what? I’m not rebooting characters I am gonna destroy the whole world of free city by taking down the servers with an axe. Now what’s curious is that Antoine tells these art nerds released this new character dude. And if you get a screenshot of the code which I did like around that job, I pause it and I got the photo you check it out on Instagram of course. You see the menu items have a symbol next to them and that symbol is the cube of Saturn right now guy, guy runs across the bridge and swans destroying the world and essentially it floods out the bridge and it’s flooding out the whole world which of course is the Great Day lose right the flood but guy makes it he makes it a paradise it looks like the Garden of Eden. Meanwhile Millie in real life she gets into the server room she negotiates van til Antoine to spare that last server where the paradise world is because at this point he’s destroyed everything else in free city except for the paradise world. Antoine accepts and when she’s like look you can have all the money and fame from free city to because he’s a total scumbag. Which even though it’s using Millie and keys as code, she’s like you can have it all I just want paradise. He’s like fine. So guy on Paradise, he comes to the conclusion and the realization that Millie can’t stay in that world. She created it but she can’t stay. He loves her but she’s like look, it’s just a programming that makes you feel that way. And guys, like somebody out there was the author of my program as she realizes, keys wrote the character based on the woman of his dreams. Therefore, Millie is in love with guy but guys really keys because keys is really in love with Millie. So in real life, keys and really fall in love. And the final shot of the film, you see keys and million brace but you’ll notice some items in the background. Nothing too conspiratorial, but worth discussing. Because everything’s put here on purpose, right? You’ll see a neon thing it says Love Me talking about love overtly. Again, we’ll come back to this in the conclusion here in just two seconds. There’s a flyer for the agitators. I looked that up. It’s a book about women’s rights and abolition. There’s a promo for a play called boy by Anna Ziegler. This is a play based on the true story of a doctor from the 60s who convinced two parents to raise their biological son as a girl after an accident from a circumcision it’s another big conspiracy why we don’t circumcision still right? I’m anti circumcision.
But you know not I’m not a medical expert. That’s not medical advice, but just should if you don’t know anything about circumcisions look it up. Big conspiracy. It’s a big pharma money grab conspiracy. And apparently, this doctor botched circumcision. They he was like, You know what, just raise your son as a girl. Crazy. Anyway. Okay, so that’s the movie right? Now, let’s get into the conclusion. But the conclusion is very lengthy. Because all these characters are part of a Gnostic creation myth. What is that, I’m going to break it all down to you give me 10 minutes. And this will all make sense. Maybe probably not the maybe. So the real God, when the whole existence started, there was a real God, right? And the real God was all there was. And the real God thought about itself. And it created for thought, also known as Barbado. Now, this is the closest we can get to understanding the real God. God is a collection of thoughts, because four thought was one abstraction from God, okay. The womb. And the fourth thought creates a multiplicity of thoughts and creates a bunch of other thoughts. So you got the real God, you got for thought or Barbado which was an emanation of thought from the real God this is the closest we can get to know the real God if you if you’re watching the video version of this you can see my hands giving you a good demonstration. Okay. Now from the bar below, aka the forethought, it had its own thoughts and those created different pairs right perfected pairs of male and female polarity now this is where the duality idea comes in because a perfect stability you’ve got a perfect male and female pair and these are all the male female power two aspects of one reality okay? In his totality these are all aspects of God but it’s like us right it’s got to think of the God as you’ve got as us. Yeah one mind and that one mind will have multiple thoughts Okay? Yet all of those thoughts are separate, yet separate thoughts are all part of one mind. That’s kind of how this works. Now one of Barbado aka four thoughts, one of its thoughts is the self originate and the self originate came through was created when through a sexual intercourse when bar bellow gazed upon the original God in aka invisible spirit. I know this gets confusing and I don’t know how do they know this? I don’t know. But that’s the Gnostic Trinity Okay, you got the invisible spirit, the real God, who had the thought the bar below and bar bellow looked back and gazed upon the real God in admiration and love. That’s like the sexual intercourse and it created the self originate. Alright, that’s the Trinity in Gnosticism. And this trinity appeared to John according to the Gnostic texts, the Apocrypha of John, okay. When John saw this, God, it kept changing its sort of presentation. Now the self originate it creates multiple male female pairs called the luminaries. Not to be confused with that shitty band from a few years ago, right. And one of these pairs these aviones is includes the wisdom, aka Sophia, right. And the Gnostics say that humans when they say humans were created in our image as the Bible, it was referring to the archetypes and patterns of humans that came from the luminaries. I know this is all very confusing, but hang in there.
So all was harmonious, all these perfect male female pairs, everything was great. Perfect to duality and, and Sophia, she started tripping. She’s like, you know, I want to create my own thought. Without my male consort, my required polarity perfected male partner here. What do my own thought? She’s like, just like I said, how our mind is composed of multiple thoughts, but is still one mind. Because she was like, Look, I’m God to do what I want. I can create through thought as well. I don’t need a male consort to tell me what can go. So she did it. She created without her man’s okay. And it was an ugly baby, because it wasn’t perfected. You need the male and female perfection. And it was an ugly baby. And she’s like, Oh, no, what did I do? She cast it out of this big realm that God existed in. So get out of here and then she gave it an ugly name y’all to both. And this is the God of the Abrahamic religions is Jada both according to the Gnostics a flawed a boarded rejection from the real God from the real heavenly realm, the Pleroma. So in conclusion, in summary, I should say, the Gnostics think, God the Father, the Abrahamic God that the Muslims and the Jews and the Christians all worship is a loser, a total reject a flawed version that has an aspect of the real God but it’s a flawed creation alright. And we’re over here worshipping this idiot this this jealous angry psychopath that’s why the Gnostics want to break out of this simulation fake world so let’s let and this will make more sense when we look at the characters Okay. guy played by Ryan Reynolds. He is the AI creation in the story right he is the Savior figure though he’s the savior to the other people. Recall how at the end he walked on water towards Paradise because Antoine the the Yalda, both guy was flooding the world. And he essentially walked on water, brought the followers with them. Now this fits more into the Gnostic idea that Jesus Christ was an avatar Jesus Christ wasn’t the Son of God and God and the Holy Trinity and all that. No, no. Christ was an avatar. He’s not a real person. Yet he was God. And if you again this is you look up there’s all these different sort of sects of Gnostics may believe different things. But the general vibe from what I understand is that Christ is not what the Christians believe him to be. Instead, he was some avatar. There’s this website Gnosticism explained where they talk about it says, DOS, DOS artists took Paul literally when he said in Romans eight three that Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh. Because the Gnostics this world and our bodies and everything is the worst. To material hell. Jesus only seemed to be a flesh and blood human, but in reality, he was a spirit that had a merely phantasmal body. Interesting, huh? So that’s Ryan Reynolds character, he is the Christ avatar. Because he is not a real thing. He’s this spiritual, digital spiritual thing was AI. Now, Antoine, he’s clearly y’all to both. That’s who they think the god is that if you’re a Christian, you pray to this God and enter the Gnostics like, why would you pray to Antoine? He’s a total dick. And this comes from various called ideas you get into Neo Platonism. And then Demiurge. It’s this malevolent force that brought materialism. And recall Antoine, he calls all his workers stupid, he’s rude. He’s obsessed with control and power, and he’s jealous. He floods the world. He says, Why would I make an original world when I can make a sequel? Because that’s what the Yalda both did. You see the out of both only caught a glimpse of the real world Pleroma, the real heavenly realm of the invisible spirit. And he created what he what this glimpse was that he had and it’s fraught with problems, because God’s perfect. And our world is not perfect. It’s a scary place sometimes. And the Gnostics say, Well, that’s because the God who created us in this world is a crazy psychopath. And he’s an idiot.
And that’s what he talks about when he’s like, why would I make an original thing when I can just make a sequel? That sequel is the world we live in? He compares it he’s like I can make KFC to versus Albuquerque boiled turkey. Right? Because that’s what the false god did. He made a fake Pleroma and he’s a jealous God. Because the real guy was stealing all his thunder. And you know, in Exodus, God says, You shall destroy no other God for you know, the Lord is a jealous God. And he destroys the whole world because he’s angry at the defiance of his people. Which is the de luge which explains why the company is called tsunami right? You he takes down free city entirely. So it’s no coincidence that chosen ones walked on water and survived the flood. Then you got Millie, she’s the Sophia wisdom, she’s the one to create a gal to both which happens, right? That’s a direct metaphor in the game. She created Antoine the outer both. In a sense, she, she created the code which Antoine used right. And guy, the Christ Avatar was programmed to search for the wisdom, the last word, the Sophia of wisdom goddess. And it’s kind of like Neo and Trinity. Male is the feminine aspect of the real God. She’s the female side of the pair, and keys, the computer nerd guy. He’s the male consort, they call this the CG the paired off aviones. He’s part of the Pleroma the totality of the divine essence of this real God. And it’s interesting because the occult types, they refer to keys, right you’ll hear this term often. Some called it’s called calls, or incantations, or grimoires or spell books. And what the keys do is they open doorways to the other worlds or in this case for bid knowledge of the alternative reality of the paradise world. And Freemasonry represents the interests of the Temple of Solomon guarded by the twin pillars Boaz and yaki. Anyway, million keys. They sort of you can see their creative godlike elements here and they make their own offspring. Right. Which turned out to be The autumn both are the Demiurge and she was ashamed. She wanted to hide it from God. In the Nasi creation myth, she rejected it from the Pleroma Jada both created his own stupid false world, which is full of crime and awful things. Based on this limited memory he had, and this is what David like talked about, he talks about our cons, they can’t create anything, they can only take what’s in existence and invert it. When he goes to that whole deal about how good is bad and up is down and you know, schools don’t educate, you know. Now so, okay, so the epilogue, I gotta wrap this up here. So the epilogue, they’re in paradise. And the last line of the film guys talking to buddy and buddy says, what do we do now and Guy says anything we want, because it’s about freeing man from this oppressive creator. They’re moving closer to the real God, this is the sun behind the sun, the grand creator, the Mon AD, the one the invisible spirit, the noose, whatever you want to call this. This is the cosmic consciousness, the mind of God. And you remember, after Antoine the outer bolus, wipe to the memories of all the people and Buddy and guy are walking down the street and Guy says what’s the difference between light roast and dark roast? And buddies responses? Nobody knows the difference? Well, there’s that duality idea baked in. What’s the difference between light and dark? And nobody knows the difference? Because it’s a reference to these paired off perfected pairs in the Pleroma. It’s this Gnostic philosophy of the two realities. You got good and evil, which is spirit is good matter is evil. Because again, the material world was created by Antoine the Demiurge the elder both. There’s also this theme that guy has to try and remember what happened. Right? When Milly’s like you got to remember it’s in there guy, you got this. This is the splinter in the mind of the matrix. We talked about all this already. It’s this idea like the archaic remnants of Plato, the the world history we all know about. It’s just not accessible. Helena Blavatsky Akashic Record,
it’s all out there. We just got to make contact with it. And of course, the sunglasses are a metaphor for the red pill, but also very interesting because you remember in the matrix, Neil walks through the doorways of light, he’s approaching the sun behind the Sun serious. And to the occultist, this is everything. And what would you do? You would put on sunglasses because it’s so bright. And finally, one last idea to float and we’re wrapping it up is love connected to the Pleroma as a way to remember because you see it in the matrix stories you see it in this film. Love is the way that they connect through it some ways it’s like love is this magnetic force kind of like this soulmate twin flames idea. It’s a cosmic force. And is it supposed to connect this to our opposing force? The other perfected pair? The male female pair the CG the AON? Is it the way we find our way back to the true God, the invisible spirit, the divine? Is it the one thing that did in fact, transcend from the original God, all the way to us as we’re trapped in this material prison of flesh on Earth? I think it’s still I think it’s an idea that the Gnostics are floating in this film, as well as the matrix movies, right? Because love is this sort of destiny that no one can seem to get around. Like, there’s this force that just can’t be stopped. It’s a million Mack Trucks. And there you go. That’s the whole film analysis for free guy. There’s a lot back there. I know it got heavy duty at the end there. But it’s very important. We talk about the Gnostics all the time. And it’s not a very crystal clear thing, right? I mean, there’s lots of different versions of Gnosticism to go by. I’m definitely not an expert. But that’s what I can piece together in a way that makes the most sense. But thanks for listening. Thanks for sticking in there. And considering it, but yeah, watch the film. If you haven’t seen it’s pretty good. It’s entertaining. Pretty funny. Very entertaining, and yeah, you’re gonna like it. So thanks for listening to the show. Thanks for those who sign up for my VIP Section I appreciate you all. There’s a lot of people that signed up. You got in on that discount. Enjoy that discounted price for two full months. Thank you for all your support. A lot of people sign up for Patreon, too. I see you guys shout out, shout out, shout out. Thank you very much your support keeps this thing going. And I appreciate all of us. And if you’re interested in signing up, you can sign up whenever you want. Links are in the show notes, you’ll get ad free version of the show, over 100 Bonus episodes of counting. My goodness, to free books. I’ll give you the dark path and Kubrick’s code, I think is the 50th anniversary Clocker cards this year last year. Anyway, that’s in Kubrick’s code. Check them out and then if you know if you’re already down, get yourself a t shirt to check out my Gumroad store. I got signed books, T shirts and all the things doo doo doo link in the show notes. Till next time, stay WOKE
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binance says
Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.