On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we revisit the Facebook outage conspiracy as requested by you! Last week I did the ‘double donger’ episode with Josie Weishaupt (from BreakingSocialNorms.com) and several listeners requested a second take where I condense the information with just me, so here we go!! We’ll also add a new theory in the mix- the liberal agenda… We also do the Tier 4 Monthly Dedications!!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:04
Everybody you’re listening to conspiracy theories and unpopular culture I’m your host Isaac Weishaupt and as you maybe could ascertain from the title of the show today we’re going to discuss the Facebook whistleblower the Facebook downtime as it were the Facebook conspiracy and you’re gonna say well Isaac, you already did a show on this and you are correct. I did do a show on this I that you know, Facebook, Instagram WhatsApp, they all went down on October 4 for several hours and the conspiracies flew all around and I didn’t know if I had enough information really worth worth a damn to give a whole show on this podcast I invited Josie wise up on and we did the double Doner if you recall meaning we recorded the show and then I posted it on the show called breaking social norms I do with her and I also released it on conspiracy theories because that well you know whatever, two birds one stone and several people commented their dissatisfaction particularly on the Patreon and rockfon crew and I want to keep my supporters happy and so he’s asked for a redo Give me the condensed version Isaac because the breaking social norms show is more about conversations and distractions and going off topic because some podcasts do that and I appreciate that you all like my show because I tried to stick to the theme and boom boom bap get it over with So following that lead I will be providing you this show a much shorter version but hey if it’s what you want What I’ll give you and let’s start out with what happened like I said Facebook Instagram WhatsApp October 4 they all went down for like six hours and everyone collectively lost their minds the stocks for Facebook went down 5% from that one little stunt which is pretty significant in the world of stocks apparently. And there was a several ideas about why Facebook went down several conspiracy theories and and i will include one extra bonus one that was not on our show, because it wasn’t really a conspiracy theory back then. I’m going to save that for the last Well, now you know, I’m gonna do it first in case you don’t want to listen to this whole show. That’s how much I like this one. Cuz here’s what happened, right? And we’ll go through the conspiracy theories that I brought up on the other show. But first, a lot of the truth others jumped on this bandwagon of Dogon on the whistleblower, Frank Francis Haugen. Many people said she is in fact a transgender man. I don’t know why that would matter. But that’s what they say. Because the church movement is slowly being co opted and paid before by the right wing. I believe. That’s the conspiracy I believe now. And now people are like, oh, Isaac, you’re on thin ice, buddy. I know. But okay, you know what, like, we have to understand that politics is a divisive, theatrical, ritualistic play to distract us and keep us fighting amongst each other. While the elites continue to amass great wealth and power and they use wedge issues and topics to get people fired up particularly the christian right wing. And they’ll say all kinds of stuff because they know it gets under their skin. So anyway, there’s various about Francis being transgender there’s claims that this is all a big left wing conspiracy.
And look, here’s the thing I’m receptive to both angles, like I do believe there’s liberal conspiracies for sure. Like, there’s this claim that well, it’s not really a claim they did use it. CNN is now referring to pre COVID times as the quote before times, which is absolute insanity. I mean, the liberals have lost their damn minds completely. So in some ways, I get it right. Like we have to call out this crazy canceled culture stuff going on censorship, which is a flip flop of the 90s, the 90s. It wasn’t really like that. The liberals are always fighting for the free speech. Anyhow, let’s not get into this. But there is and shout out to Phil Goodridge sent me a tweet. Because I said why we all hate the whistleblower? What happened? Because like, aren’t we against Zuckerberg and Facebook? Don’t we agree that they spy on us and use our data for nefarious purposes? They toy with our emotions. I talked about the emotional contagion experiment many years ago on the blog, and you can Google that right that shows up as a real thing they did. They were messing with people’s timelines, eight years ago, and they got basically they admitted to it. Trying to see the reactions. It’s like social media should be called social engineering. And here comes a whistleblower basically revealing that yes, there are social engineering us. So when I watched the 60 Minutes interview with Francis Haugen, the whistleblower, thought, Okay, well, this is good, right? Let’s call out Facebook, let’s call it social media, for all their manipulation. But for some reason, the truth is, and the right wingers are like no, no, no, Zuckerberg is a good guy, Francis Huggins, the bad guy, which is why I believe the truth or movement is slowly being co opted by the right wing. You don’t exactly Berg’s got the money to pay off a movement to distract from his actions and make us burn down the whistleblower. But hey, you know what, let’s consider it. Let’s consider it. I’m open to hear anything. I am politically, what do you got? agnostic? Friend, okay, I want to read you from I can already tell this is not going over well with some people, but that’s alright, you know, all I can do is try to find the truth and try to relay it. The federalist.com is the link I was sent. Just from the title of the website, I can tell this as that patriot vibe going on, which is always synonymous with right wing propaganda. But that’s fine. Sometimes right? wing propaganda is correct. Right? I’m just All I’m trying to say is that we need a little bit of what do you call it? Equal sort of representation in the truth, a world of calling out different things? It’s like, did we forget the 911 was all about calling out right wing folks? Right? It seems to it seems to be tipping the scales correct me if I’m wrong, maybe I’m completely off base with that. Please advise and let me know if you think I’m completely wrong. That there’s a very, very obvious right wing presence in the truth movement. You think remember, Roger stone was making the rounds, Roger stone was going on conspiracy shows. I think they see the opportunity to take advantage and manipulate a group of people. Because I think there’s a awakening movement happening. Which is great. People are waking up to the idea that they’re being manipulated by all these different institutions. And they’re trying to take advantage of that, to sort of lay in this extra level of brainwashing. And I’m trying to I’m trying to make people aware of this. So they don’t fall for it completely. But the Federalist posts I’m going to read you right from it, says Francis Haugen, the so called Facebook whistleblower who leaked internal documents to the Wall Street Journal, lamenting that the big tech company wasn’t censoring enough content. Is it confirmed left wing activists and partisan operative Federal Election Commission record show and I did check the link that they provided, which was accurate. A simple search reveals that Haugen it seemed accurate at least I mean, I don’t know how to necessarily go through federal election commission database, but it seemed like it was legit I don’t know.
simple search reveals that having previously worked for other tech giants Google and Pinterest has made more than 40 donations to Democrats since 2015, totaling more than $2,000. So you know, that’s a couple 100 bucks a year seems like a threat. She’s freaking contributed to act blue in the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. In January 2020. She gave money to the congressional campaign of radical democrat AOC was another contribution to AOC courage to change political action committee, according to the daily wire. And that is basically what they’re saying. And they’re saying that they’re dressy, like, how does this fit in? They’re saying that it fits in, in a weird way to Trump, right? Because her lawyers are whistleblower aid. And one of the guys from that group was apparently involved in the legal allegations against Trump’s phone call to Ukraine. Remember, that was a whole big to do. Because that was a whole phone call where he was trying to get dirt on Joe Biden hooking on one of his sons with a job over there. Which like, Hey, you know, what seems like? Maybe this website is correct, right? There seems like some buggery afoot. And that’s the truth or arguments that they’re laying on the red carpet for this whistleblower? Who was on 60 minutes in case you didn’t know who we’re talking about. Because, oh, boy, let me back it up Sunday, October 3 60 minutes airs this Francis Haugen, Facebook whistleblower article or segment where she argues that, look, I work for Facebook, they purposefully were manipulating, you know, articles and stuff, to stoke traffic. And we need more censorship was kind of the takeaway, we need more or better censorship. And that’s where the truth is, are stepping in, they’re like, Yo, this is all just a big psyop to get people to support censorship. Which could very well be a big issue, right? There’s clearly a trend of big tech censoring folks, I’ve already been censored the crap out of by all of them. Most earthers have even non true, there’s people who just speak their opinion. And it really is a weird issue going on. And I don’t know what the answer is. But don’t know what the answer is. But the claim is that this is a liberal front. And, you know, I don’t know if that’s wrong. I don’t know that’s wrong. Now, the Federalist I looked up the, I looked at this website, cuz I don’t know anything about it. One of the guy, it was founded by this guy, Ben Dominic, who’s married to Meghan McCain, the daughter of john mccain. And, you know, he comes from this line of elite, Republican type folks, right. His dad was the was a dad, Douglas, Dominic, who was the assistant United States Secretary of the Interior for Trump, and also a George W. Bush political appointee. got in trouble for getting the EPA to hire his son in law. Now, anyway, you know, these these guys are quite a handful, but anyways, yeah, you know, take from that what you will. You could argue either point, and I’d be like, Okay, sounds good. But that’s the new sort of conspiracy theory to lump in there. The other conspiracies that I mentioned on the other show, one idea why they took Facebook down on October 4 was the Pandora papers. Because October 3, the day before Facebook went down, over 12 million documents were released. Here’s an explanation of what those documents were says. The leak expose the secret offshore accounts of 35 world leaders, including current and former presidents, Prime Ministers, and heads of state as well as more than 100 billionaire celebrities, and business leaders. Robert silvermine, Senior advocacy manager of Oxfam America said in a statement, that the pander papers is a damning reminder that the United States is two separate tax systems, one for the Uber rich and well connected and one for everyone else.
And what this amounts to is over $32 trillion dollars being hidden offshore, basically. And don’t ask me the details on it. I mean, I didn’t have the time to read 12 million documents, but someone apparently did. I don’t know. How’s that work? Some of the big names from this list Tony Blair poten. King Abdullah from Jordan, Shakira Julio Iglesias and Claudia Schiffer. Claudia shivers. I didn’t know she was still alive. Look at her go. Another theory. On October 2, there was an article about Trump is trying to get back on Twitter, which I found curious that two days later, Twitter’s The only social media that was working that day. Trump’s trying he sued Twitter to try to get his account reinstated and says the new suit cites a law passed in Florida this may that would prevent social media sites from knowingly D platforming politicians. Of course, with a Disney size loophole baked in the law would have allowed the state’s Election Commission to find social media companies 250 g, a day for takedowns involving public office candidates. It also allows residents to sue the companies if they feel they’ve been treated unfairly, which is almost certainly legally vague. And lastly would require the social media companies detailed bans are decided and enforce its policies consistency consistently, which look, these count these social media companies, when they ban you, they don’t give you information. They just say you violated the community guidelines read those. And you’re like, Cool, well, one specific thing that I say, because clearly if I’ve triggered something, what’s the thing and they rarely ever tell you? The other theory was that 60 minutes Facebook whistleblower, Ron Watkins, the guy who supposedly as QA none. The guy from h Chen. He claimed that this was in fact the catalyst for the shutdown, meaning Facebook didn’t want people sharing this story because it was a hot news story. And you know, the American attention span is it was more than a couple days old. We don’t care probably like you probably already forgot that Facebook was shut down last week or whatever, because he probably didn’t care. Right? Okay, right, moving on to something else, how it works. And he argues that Facebook didn’t want people talking about it because it was a hot news story, which I would argue maybe he’s right. Just the latest thing long enough to get outraged about something else. I don’t mess with Facebook. It’s just like, it’s such a breeding ground for arguing. I have a theory about these social medias. I think that all of them go that way. I started getting on tik tok. I enjoyed tik tok a lot. I couldn’t believe it. That annoying app that you hear the kids always playing the videos. It’s actually really great. Because it’s more about the videos and you know, sometimes it’s information it gives you sometimes it’s just a funny thing. Sometimes it’s a What do you call it? What do you call it? thirst trapping, sometimes or thirst trapping good looking people on there. I enjoy it. Because every social media slowly devolves into political arguments. Facebook went that way. Instagrams going that way. And tic tocs a pretty good place. I’m on there. If you want to follow me, I got a bunch of videos. And it’s really weird. They’ll send some of them viral and then some of them like no watches whatsoever. I don’t know how to crack that algorithm that link in the show notes Tick Tock am on. I think it’s just Isaac Weishaupt. Anyway, if you haven’t tried Tick tock, I was surprised because Josie watches the tick tock, and he used to annoy the shit out of me. And I’d be like, why are you watching this nonsense. And I finally broke down and got on there. And there was a lot of nonsense. I was like, I don’t get it. This is stupid. They’re showing me dumb videos. But you have to spy on you for long enough that it figures out what you like. And then once it figures out what you like it’s on poppin. Once it spies on you enough, and they figure out what what grinds your gears and what gets you moving, they’ll they’ll keep serving it up. Finally, the last theory, QA on the infamous 10 days of darkness.
And the theory is that and they’re still clinging to this I can’t believe it Trump and company are going to shut down all the media, social media and the news for 10 days while they arrest all the global elite pedos because they still think Trump’s coming back to be the president. He’s gonna be reinstated and like I always say, you know what, like if if you’ve got This the democrats and Biden stole the election send it my way that that Governor from Texas the lieutenant governor said he’d give you a million bucks if you can prove it. A million bucks. I’ll take it. Send me the evidence, please. I don’t follow this whole conspiracy that well, like maybe maybe it is clear that the election was stolen. I know the comments are gonna light up because everyone’s got an opinion on this. I don’t really follow the politics stuff that closely. I’ve seen a couple of the ideas like they’re like, well see, they stole the if you watch the video footage, they’re taking the boxes of ballots, and you see him pulling from under the table. And it’s like, Okay, well, how do we know that means they’re stealing votes, I don’t really get it. But anyway, if you got the evidence, if you got the proof, please, by all means, send it my way, I will gladly cash in that million bucks. Newsweek said this, we see this how politics is such a distraction gets people riled up. And that’s how you know you’ve been manipulated. That’s how you know you’ve been brainwashed. When you are getting upset and fighting with other people, about the rights of the elites, the elites have done a good job and like I always say, the left wing and the right wing are both in this together, it’s wrestling behind the scenes, they’re all laughing about us in their yachts and limos. I assure you of this doesn’t matter to them. It’s all under the same umbrella. It’s all the same spiderweb I know this and I’m not saying every single politician out there is part of this plan. But I think it’s like two gangs and there’s a lot of influence that these gang leaders have over the gang and I’m not saying that in I’m trying to I’m not going black pill. I’m not saying like Oh give up on the whole American way of democracy. Let’s just burn it to the ground anarchie style cued advocate for because what’s the other option? You know, the cue folks want to burn it down and make Trump the the fascist dictator? That’s what they would want. They would want a dictator because they’re like, Oh, no, this guy knows let let him tell us what to do. I think they should put in term limits for every single politician out there. For Senate for the house representatives need a term limit these folks. The anyways QA on Newsweek said this QA non john referred to a post shared on message board website 4chan on Monday written by someone who claimed to work for a major global Internet entity who claimed a global Internet outage would hit social media networks and then the rest of the internet and last for 15 minutes so they’re saying that on 4chan on the politics board the poll board before the outage happened someone is queuing on john found this post or someone said that now of course it went out for much longer than 15 minutes but maybe right maybe this was the blackout but then there was we they investigated and they claimed that this was actually posted after the after the outage happened which is kind of funny but it’s interesting because I think maybe the cue folks are promoting their event for God and country patriot doubled down in Las Vegas October 22 the they think that john got the election stolen so they’re going to go there to do like a protest for it right which is very bizarre the whole the whole idea is so bizarre to me of the right wing like they hate the government. They’re like we need to minimize government we want no involvement anyone’s lives literally just pave the roads which in some ways I can get behind them and Yeah, I agree. Like I don’t want the government in my life either.
I don’t I think we all agree we don’t want that and we don’t want them blown our money on crap. We can all agree on that. But anyway, there’s there’s this idea that they if you get the right people in government, they’ll somehow make sure none of this bad stuff happens. So the anyways, the 10 is darkness. They’ve been talking about doing this for years in any time zone. manias have gone down in the last like, three, four years. Instantly queued up. Oh my god, QE nine was right. The 10 days of darkness, but like no, the 10 is darkness is complete media blackout, no social media, no news. I mean, like apocalyptic type event stuff. And on top of that, I’m not really sure how that would work. Like, why do you need that to arrest? The these pizza, folks? Why not just arrest them? I don’t know. I don’t understand it. That’s why I never agreed with the Q sign up. Or I’ve taken many shots for that over the years. And yeah, so I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna harp on that, cuz there’s some people that listen to their cue folks. And like, you know what I’m saying, like, everyone deserves a seat at the table. Right? I always talk about this. And I, it’s always I am with it, like flat earthers. Like, I don’t believe there’s flat but like, of course, bring, bring those people to the table. I don’t know how to, I don’t know the answer to all of this Illuminati control system stuff. None of us do. But we all need to sort of have respect for each other and listen to each other’s theories and ideas. Instead of having inflammatory content, and arguing and fighting. So there you go. That’s the whole Facebook thing. I tried to I try to stress it out for at least 30. But you know, I said I, I brought Josie on because I wanted to stretch it out into a more of a discussion type show. And not everyone loved it. And I know Josie is not everyone’s cup of tea, it’s totally fine. In fact, we all if you listen to the breaking social norm show we we discuss it, we discussed the blowback of our show on there, if you want to listen to it over there, it’s the review show. But if not, it’s not gonna be a regular thing. And it’s very clear that a lot of us were very triggered by the whole thing. So I do not want to piss off. You guys. You’re the listeners, you’re you’re the you’re the customer, right? I’m not the guy that’s gonna be like, Oh, if you I’ll do what I want. Like, I’m not really like that I’m more of a people pleaser. So if there’s something you want, I aim to give it to you within boundaries, right? Like, you got to be respectful, like some people were disrespectful to josiane that, that burns pretty hard. And I don’t respect that at all. But some of us were very respectful. And like, Look, this just isn’t my thing. I like it better when it’s just you. And I’m like, Okay, cool. In fact, even on the Patreon, Charlie said, stuff that against you guys. couples are just annoying. And I’m like, you know what, I respect that. I think that’s actually pretty funny. So I get it, right. So yeah, that’s all Facebook show. I hope that clarified some things. And I don’t know what the answer is. Maybe Maybe it’s a liberal front, because the liberals are just as guilty as the conservatives of manipulating through the news channels and the sources and the social media, like they both do it. So that was actually pretty eye opening. I couldn’t believe that holy crap. Maybe this one’s real. But as always, you decide you choose your own reality. So what I’ve been saying, and with the advent of deep fake videos coming out, if you’ve seen that episode of 60 minutes yet, with Tom Cruise, Tom Cruise was on there playing the guitar, but it wasn’t Tom Cruise, it was fake Tom Cruise. Have you seen that the deep fake videos are coming and more than ever, we will be choosing our own reality because it’s gonna be hard to see what the truth is with your own eyes. Alright, thanks for listening to the show.
Like I say, I will be checking the reviews on October 31 31st. Excuse me, you’re going to have a podcast leave a review. I will read it out loud. I’m not doing a show on it. Okay, first off, but I will be reading so if you got feedback for me bring it drop a five star First off, they’ll be hit me with a one star BS. It’s gonna hurt the Show More than anything. Hit me with a five star and then tell me where the bear shits, who you like and don’t like. Okay. All right. Thanks for listening. And until next time, and you know what I mean that I really do. Thank you for listening because I challenge you guys sometimes. Especially when I started talking about politics, though, because I know most of you, statistically. Most of us are right wing conservative Christians. I would argue that’s by over half of the show. And I challenge those ideas a lot. So I appreciate that you’re strong enough that you can hear some things that maybe you don’t agree with. And I’ve tried to be respectful because like I don’t profess to know it all. But I do want to thank you for listening and until next time, stay woke
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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