On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we do a film analysis of Everything Everywhere All at Once! It’s the movie everyone is talking about- and for good reason! We’ll discuss the many themes of the film: Gratitude vs Nihilism, Life vs Suicide, Love vs Hate, Joy vs fighting, also MKULTRA Mind Fracturing, Multiverse, Consciousness Transfer, Order out of Chaos & more! We’ll talk about the hidden subliminal images in the film as well- see them on my posts with film images at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt! ACTION ITEM FOR YOU: Share this episode with someone who has seen the film!!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:00
I know you’re fighting because you’re scared and confused confused all day don’t know what the heck is going on. Somehow this feels like it’s all my fault the only thing I do know is that we have to be kind please, be kind. Especially what we don’t know what’s going on.
Isaac Weishaupt 0:57
Welcome back to conspiracy theories and unpopular culture. I’m your host, Isaac was up today we’re going to talk about a movie that might be the most important movie ever made. Might be. It’s a subjective claim depends on your current mental state. It’s got everything everywhere all at once. Yes. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. Today, we’re going to break it down. Now, against my better judgment, we’re actually going to do this in one episode, it’s gonna be really long. You know, I don’t like two hour episodes. I like to keep it as close to one hour. But I feel like if I broke this up into two, it might not be the best listener experience. All right. And it’s really important to me that you hear what I’m about to say, on this movie. All right. I’m going to do a little preamble, we’ll talk about what the movie is. Before we get into the plot. Then we’ll get into the plot. I’ll walk you through the whole movie, plot spoilers, of course, in that section, then we’re going to have a lengthy conclusion. Where I’ll explain Illuminati symbolism. I’ll explain the theories. I’ll explain what you just watched. All right. So anyway, yeah, all right. That’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna try to get it done. But I gotta warn you, okay, first, let me tell you, so I’m gonna let you get a little inside scoop. My air conditioner went out. It’s 100 degrees. I’m absolutely dying. It’s miserable. Okay, so you want to support the show? Get your voice America conditioning. Go to all my links.com backslash Isaac w you can find I got a Patreon. I’ve got my own little Patreon called the VIP section on Illuminati watcher.com. That’s your cheapest option because you can get an annual plan. Or you can go on my rockfon link. I don’t care which one you do. They’re all great for what they provide. But you will get the ad free experience you’ll get over 100 Bonus episodes going back to the few years that I’ve done this and keep adding to it. You’ll even get if you pick the right ones, you know, you get two free books. I mean, you’ll see just check it out all my links.com backslash Isaac W I’ve got a link for the Patreon I’ve got a link for the VIP and I got a link from a rockfon Depends on what you want depends on your budget. Thank you for supporting the show and getting your voice American listening. All right, everything everywhere all at once the show’s dedicated to the great Sam Tripoli. The great Sam Tripoli from tinfoil hat podcast. I believe I’m still the reigning champ of most return. Guest appearances on that show. Very honored to be on the Mount Rushmore along with the likes of Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo. And I heard through the grapevine that he loved this movie. And here’s the thing. I love it too. Because I know a couple of commenters on the Instagram said, Isaac, you’re going to break Sam’s heart. And I said, Oh, is that so? But the truth is, I love this movie too. I think it’s one of the best movies ever created. Now, should you watch this movie because we’re gonna plot spoilers. Okay, I like to give you a little advice before we get into this. Should you watch this movie before you listen to this episode? Yes, absolutely. Yes. Triple down. Yes. But take this word of caution with you be prepared. All right. You might have to watch this one twice. And you might not like it. Especially with my experience if you read. I’m on letterbox and I posted my review of the film, a very short review of the film. When I watched it, it took me three sessions to get to the movie because it’s two and a half hours long. You already know how I feel about that. And to be honest, the first time through, you feel every minute above the 90 Minute perfection time. It felt really long. The first time I watched it, like I said, three sessions to get it done. And when you first watch it, especially the first half of the film, you’re kind of like, Dude, this is silly. This is stupid. I don’t even know where this is going. I don’t really understand what’s happening. It seems like a rip off of the matrix. That’s what I thought. But I will help you make sense of all that. And in fact, I think the directors did that on purpose, which is why I think is so genius. And I’ll explain why that is. Hint, order out of chaos. All right. But I do think this could be the most important film of all time, from a existential humanity, philosophical perspective, all right. And either you’re going to get the message, and it’s going to be beautiful, it’s gonna move you to tears.
You might hear that you might watch it for this first time. And it might be a seed that gets planted to initiate changes in perspective, it’s an alchemical process in the way that 2001 A Space Odyssey kickstarted a transformative event on the mass consciousness, evolution of the consciousness, they say. And that’s what this thing could do. But for the better for the good. This isn’t some weirdo occult, you’re going to start worshipping demons and aliens. No, it’s none of that. It actually has, you know, the origins, the roots of Jesus Christ and Christianity. Go to love, love for your brother and sister, love for one another. You love everyone. Like God loves you. That’s the roots of it. What happened after that, hey, I’m not making commentary on that. You know, my stance is organized. Religion isn’t my favorite thing ever. But it’s reflective of mankind. Mankind is flawed, just like our systems and our organizations. But you know what, those organized religions they’re doing their best hopefully, sometimes maybe. Maybe they cover up things that aren’t good, though. All right. Point being this movie is about love. All right. This is the biggest hit to date for a 24 Studios, which is one of my favorites. They give a Spring Breakers. I did an analysis on that you already know that’s in my Top 10 Top Five actually, scratch that for the record top five. Shout out James Franco, shut up Vanessa Hudgens. Two of my favorites they did under the skin which is in my second alien book aliens UFOs. And they call it user illusion. Two I did a bunch of film analysis on alien movies under the skin another tremendous movie. They did Ex Machina great movie they did the which one of the greatest movies I did an episode about that in March 2020. juxtaposing that with another a 24 film called Lighthouse, which I think is one of my more genius, back to back episodes because we talked about the symbolism of the the female and the male, the opposing forces the reconciliation of opposites, how they they did those, you know, and anyway, and then, of course, classic, Ari Astor films, hereditary one of probably the most horrific horror movie of all time. And midsummer which is also equally fantastic. So that’s, yeah, that’s what you’re in for right? And thank goodness, a lot of people are loving this movie. We need to support these kinds of films. Otherwise, you’re gonna get vapid Marvel horror Marvel superhero movies the rest of your life you know, and and Disney cartoon stuff, which is great love that for the families love that for the kids enjoy, knock yourself out. But the adults in the room need something to expand the consciousness not keep us dumbed down with that Roman bread and circus nonsense. Now who’s in this movie? Well, it’s directed by Daniels. That’s the name they give these two directors that work together. They did the DJ Snake video for turned out for what, which I thought was a little John song, apparently is DJ Snake. My bad. They’re relatively new directors. This film was produced by the Russo brothers. Those are the guys and they did a ton of Marvel films which you can kind of see in the DNA of this film. stars Michelle Yeoh aka Michelle Khan. She plays this character, the main character Evelyn. She was previously in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. She was previously in James Bond Tomorrow Never Dies. Her role as the main protagonist was originally written for Jackie Chan. Another main character, Stephanie Sue. She plays Evelyn’s daughter Joe way or Jobu as we’ll explain, we also have one I’m gonna butcher his name K koi Quan. He plays at Waymond. At data, he’s data from the Goonies. If you’re an 80s baby like me, go to the Goonies is one of the most classic films of all time. And he is data. Yes. He also played short round from Indiana Jones he was ahead of the class if you remember that. Jenny Slate she’s I don’t know if she unless now comedian type. She plays Debbie the dog mom, very small role. James Hong. He plays Gong Gong. He’s the dude from little trouble in big China. He’s like 93 Good job, buddy. And then of course, Jamie Lee Curtis. She plays the IRS agent. Deidre.
Okay. Now the synopsis from wiki it says it’s about a woman being audited by the IRS who discovers that she must connect with parallel universe versions of herself to prevent a powerful being from causing the destruction of the multiverse. Sounds interesting. Here’s the themes of the film. And there’s a last thing I want to give you before we get into plot spoiler territory. Gratitude versus nihilism opposing polarity forces, life versus death, life versus suicide, love versus hate, Joy versus fighting. We also have Illuminati symbolism occult topics MK Ultra mind fracturing the multiverse, consciousness transfer order out of chaos, it’s all here. Strap in and get ready this one’s going to be a long show and you’re really going to enjoy this you really got to stick with it alright. If even if you get lost with the film part of this stick with it wait for the conclusion All right, because it’s very important. So without further ado, it’s plot spoiler time. You’ve been warned. Let’s go
Unknown Speaker 12:05
Mrs. Wang Are you with us?
Unknown Speaker 12:07
I am paying attention
Unknown Speaker 12:11
now you may only see a pile of receipts but I see a story I can see where this story is going
Unknown Speaker 12:25
good first, I’m here because we need your help.
Unknown Speaker 12:48
Very busy today hold tight to help you
Unknown Speaker 12:51
across the multiverse Evelyn’s you can access memories your emotions to skills there’s a great many verses and you may be your only chance of stopping
Unknown Speaker 13:17
go make before you I am really good
Unknown Speaker 13:20
I don’t believe you he’s waiting in the wings the universe speaks of the senseless rains so much bigger than you realize
Unknown Speaker 13:52
all the places like up I just thought to just shoot this thing.
Unknown Speaker 14:00
Remember our mission consider the fate of every single world of our infinite multiverse
Unknown Speaker 14:07
there is no way I am the Evelynn you are looking for
Unknown Speaker 14:12
if we could tap him every disappointment here this moment distract you from it
Isaac Weishaupt 14:31
Alright, so the film starts out and I’m gonna tell you right up front. I got a lot of photos. This is a man I’m taking a massive dump of photos. Massive photo dump on you on Instagram. You got to see it on the Instagram instagram.com backslash Isaac wise up links was always in the show notes. And I’m going to put a lot of photos from this and you got to see all these photos to see what I’m talking about. All right. It starts at oh and by the way, I also started I decided, and I’m not committing to this, but I decided that for every new signup I see on Patreon or my VIP section because I get these email notifications when you sign up. I’m going to take the time it takes to take a little screenshot, scribble out your last name and your email address. So it’s nice and private. And I’m going to post it on my Instagram and a little shout out. What do you think of that? We used to do shout outs here on the podcast, mixed reviews on that we’re going to do but I want to recognize you guys. So I’m gonna start I’m gonna start doing that. No, I’m not committing to it, but I’m gonna try like hell depends on how busy I get. I mean, if 50 of you sign up in one day, I’m gonna have a hard time with that. But you know, you guys give me your best. I’ll give you my best. We’re gonna go for it. So another little perk of signing up. Starts out. You see this family? Right? They’re all I believe they’re Chinese Americans. All of them rent. They’re in the living room. They’re doing some karaoke having a good time. And you see this through the reflection of a mirror. Okay. And in the image, if you take if you look at the screenshot, and I got it for you, I did the screenshot you can see there’s some books on the shelf behind it says, One was called How to be a singer. One of them’s called non traditional family units. Can’t really make out the rest. But the reason I say this is because those are actually plot part of parts of the plot. So what the purpose here of telling you that is because any little piece of symbolism in this movie is put there on purpose. All right. It’s been thought out very Kubrick, Ian. Very Kubrick, Ian. But they’re doing the karaoke that all of a sudden boom, it kind of flashes out. And now you see a mom she’s working in the office behind the laundromat where they live. stressing out over everything. Big pile of receipts on the table. She’s cooking a meal for her father who lives with her who’s in his 90s. She’s juggling, tending to her father to tending to her husband, who’s this dolt. He’s this overly optimistic happy go lucky guy. That’s Waymond. She’s running the laundry mat. She’s paying minimal attention to her daughter. In fact, this woman is so busy that Wayman, her husband, has actually got divorce papers locked and loaded. He’s about to hand them to her. Not so happy go lucky anymore. But she’s ironically, so busy that she that he can’t hand them to her. That’s how busy she is. Okay. Very typical for an American family. You could argue this kind of stuff. Mom’s busy. Now, now let me before we go further, there’s a reason why I took that image of the family doing karaoke in the mirror. All right. Let’s go play a role a little bit later. We’ll get back into it. All right. So, Evelyn, that’s mom. Her daughter Joy comes up to her and she’s got her girlfriend Becky with her. All right. And she wants to introduce Becky to her family. Which now it makes sense why they have a book on what’s the book called non traditional family units. Right? Because Evelyn and Wayman, know that their daughter Joy is gay. So she wants to introduce Becky to the family and to grandpa Gong Gong, but you know, grandpa, he’s old. Some of these some of these older folks, they got a different societal norm structure. But there’s this whole big drama about letting Gong Gong know that Joy’s gay. Evelyn mom, she’s covered it up. She won’t admit it. Which of course induces shame upon joy because joy is like, Oh, you don’t want to tell grandpa? Because you’re ashamed of me ashamed of who I am. That’s how Joy looks at it. But Evelyn mom, she looks at it. She’s like, Oh, you know, Grandpa Won’t he won’t understand. We don’t even want to open that can of worms. She has good intentions. But those intentions go awry to joy who takes it shamefully. Her shame button gets pushed, right.
But yeah, mom, she’s Evelyn she’s overly stressed. She’s short with everybody. She’s mean, dad. Wayman. He’s just this happy go lucky guy. He embraces Becky. Joy’s girlfriend. But mom, she’s frustrated because she’s like, Oh, I gotta choose the right pronouns. However, I talked to her blah, blah, blah. And Evelyn is overly eager to try to get her father’s approval. Right. She’s just She’s the provider in this family, she tries to make sure everyone’s getting fed. But she’s not picking up on any of the cues from her family members that seem to just kind of want to be happy and just kind of live their life with mom, mom’s Devlin. She’s just she’s got tasks. She got all these tasks. She’s like, why don’t you help me with a task set of playing around with girlfriends and playing around with dancing around with these guys at a laundromat because woman’s like, carrying all of these guys at the laundromat that that 10 There, you know, everyone’s trying to enjoy life. Let one example is the family has to go meet with this auditor Jamie Lee Curtis, his character Deidre. And then to go meet with the auditor and Netherlands complaining about how Waymond actually baked her some cookies, and names just like oh, she she likes cookies, you know, very optimistic guy. But everyone’s like, Jane having it. So we’re busy, busy. So another example, Evelyn, she needs to get a bag of clothing for customers that had dropped it off for cleaning. She can’t find it, the clothes are missing. And it’s actually order number 42, which is important in terms of symbolism. So she’s running around Where’s 42? Where’s 42? And, and the number chosen here is a reference to the hitchhike Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which they say the 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, everything. Very directly related to the theme, and title of this movie. Now, in terms of occult symbolism, we’ve referred to the oral tradition of Kabbalah. 42 is considered a very profound number. Okay. It’s described as the number at the root of creation that affects our lives directly. I’m going to read you from this website, I don’t even know how to pronounce it, beta munna.org. Each particular number has a unique meaning that speaks to its significance and 42 is no different. Whenever we speak of the significance of numbers, we are speaking of a mystical meaning, which must be explained in the physical world. Yet it requires a teacher to lead us to understand its significance. And the catalysts, they say that the name of God contains 42 letters. And the next question is, well, what’s the name their smart ass? Well, they say that when the priest originally uttered it, he immediately swallowed it. So we don’t know what it is very weird. So Evelyn, she’s looking for 42. That’s where the movie starts. She’s looking for the purpose of the universe. She’s looking for the root of creation. She’s looking for God. And she finally finds the bag, but she’s annoyed because Waymond was putting these googly eyes stickers on everything in the laundromat just to try to be fun. But she’s just irritated by it. Because remember, she’s busy. She’s like, less time putting stickers on bags more time helping me fill in the blank. So we find out. And this is only something I pieced together because I watched this movie twice. Which oh, by the way, the first half of this movie, you might not like the second half, you’ll be like, Okay, that’s pretty good. The second time you watch the movie through, you’re gonna say, Wow, that was really profound. Once you understand what’s happening, unless you’re really smart, and you pick it up on the first round, which I did not. But I never profess to be a really smart guy. But after watching it twice, after what are once when you watch it the second time, it’s very clear that joy, the daughter who’s gay, she wants to kill herself. Also recall that mom and deuced the shame Evelyn induced the shame upon joy, remember that by not admitting to her father, the joys gay. And she even tells her, you’re getting fat. You need to eat healthier, like Shame, shame, shame, shame, shame, shame.
Well, we hear that Evelyn wanted to be an actor, which is very interesting when you see the different universe versions of Evelyn. This is all an opening sort of scene. Everyone wanted to be an actor and she sort of melts into bliss for about one second she’d watching the TV in the laundromat as an actor on TV. And she kind of melts into for a second and boom, back into reality. She’s busy, busy being miserable. An irony here is that everyone is sad. Mom included. Nobody’s happy. Wayman seems to be happy but he’s not really he even wants a divorce. He tried to make everyone else happy. He’s a people pleaser. All right. So finally, part one starts. You see the credit for part one starts and the whole family they’re headed off to the IRS to talk to Jamie Lee Curtis is character Deidre and Wayman wants to talk about how they should go on a family trip together. Because remember, he’s the fun guy. He’s the optimist. Everyone’s like, if I have to think about one more thing, my head’s gonna explode. Then, you know, we did a bunch of shows on the matrix and philosopher, Immanuel Kant talked about how we create our own heaven or hell, I’m paraphrasing. And she’s apparently choosing hell. So they’re in the elevator, headed, you know, headed up to the IRS floor, and Waymond sort of downloads this new personality. And he leans over and he tells everyone he’s like, You have to make a choice about what you want out of life. You’re gonna have two choices when you get out of this elevator. And she’s like, what? And she’s a little confused. She can tell it’s not really Wayman there. It’s like someone who possesses the body of women. And she’s confused and then boom, women’s back to normal self. They get off the elevator now she’s got a choice, right, left hand or right hand path through to the and you see her flashing back to her childhood. Her falling in love with Wayman, her leaving her home for the first time starting this life with a laundry mat having a baby and how things that from there kind of spiraled out and became just stressful and fighting. So women, they get off the elevator and she’s got this choice, but she’s kind of like, that’s weird. I don’t know what’s going on. She proceeds to the desk of Deidre. So we got Evelyn, we got Wayman, we got galunggong and they’re talking to the IRS auditor Deidre and Deidre is going through some receipts, because she’s auditing their taxes right for the laundromat business. And Deidre, she pulls a receipt. And it’s a receipt, if you look at it for a karaoke machine. Remember the beginning of the movie, the show the family very happy. They were karaoking in that little mirror, right. And the karaoke machine is the catalyst for this whole film for this whole journey, this hero’s journey for Evelyn. Because obviously tax law says, you own a laundromat, you can deduct a karaoke machine as a business expense. But we hear women say oh, she’s, she’s a great singer. She’s gonna be a singer someday. And you remember that first scene, she saw the the singer and the actor on TV and was like, that’s what I wanted. But it didn’t happen. And we hear those receipts for stuff to be a teacher, a singing coach, a Watsu technician, a novelist and a chef. And Evelyn’s sitting there and she’s like, You know what I’m going to, I’m going to do the thing that that spirit that possessed Wayman, in the elevator told me to do. And they call that spirit, the alpha Waymond. And that’ll make sense later. There’s basically another universe called Alpha Ville. And that the parallel universe that that Wayman, of alpha Wayman possess the body of, I don’t know, normal women, I guess. Anyway, it doesn’t matter, Evelyn tries to follow the advice. And she follows the steps needed for her to take the path to unlock new dimensions. You’d have to watch it to know what it’s all about. It’s way too hard to explain.
And it’s interesting because she looks into the mirror on the IRS desk on the auditor’s desk, the looking glass, which if you followed any of my, the book I wrote about Alice in Wonderland. The method for traversing dimensions is through the looking glass. Right. And when she’s looking in this mirror, it fractures right, and it’s fractured. And you see one version of her sitting at the IRS desk and one version of her in the other dimension which is in the janitor’s closet. That only makes sense if you watch the movie. So there’s two universes now happening in her mind a split fractured mind with a cracked me error and want and a mirror. The idea of a cracked mirror is that once it cracks, you can never go back. Right? That’s the idea of the cracked mirror. It’s like trying to unring a bell, similar idea. Alpha, Wayman explains in the janitor’s closet and the other dimension of a woman explains to Evelyn, he’s like, look, we need your help. I’m from another universe. I’m from a parallel universe. There’s evil and chaos spreading. And we need you to stop it.
Unknown Speaker 30:35
You can’t then deduct it if it’s in.
Unknown Speaker 30:38
Good. Go. I don’t know if you and I are in this universe yet. So hopefully, I have some time to explain. I’m not your husband. And he’s not the point. You know, another version of Ultima another life path another universe. I’m here because we need your help.
Unknown Speaker 30:54
Very busy today. Hold tight to help you
Unknown Speaker 30:58
guys, if great evil has taken root in my role, and it’s because it’s chaos to like the many verses. I have spent years searching for the one who might be able to match this great evil with an even greater good and prepare ballot. Authors years of searching have brought me here to this universe. Do you want to take him right now?
Unknown Speaker 31:18
Mrs. Wang? Hello? Look, I’m sure you have a lot on your mind. But I cannot imagine anything mattering more than the conversation we are now having concerning your tax liability. Need I remind you that there’s already a lien on your property? repossession is well within our rights. I know. I am paying attention Do you see these you don’t get one of these. Unless you’ve seen a lot of bullshit. Excuse my
Isaac Weishaupt 31:58
typical Evelyn she says I’m too busy. Evil spreading throughout the universe. She’s too busy. But Alpha Wayman is convinced he’s like no Evelyn, you’re the Savior. This in the hero’s journey is the refusal of the call. That’s what she’s doing. And is the call to action of the hero’s journey to by the way. Well, they’re sitting at the desk. Deidre points out. There’s a lot of little funny jokes in here, which the first time I watched the first time I watched it, I actually thought it was kind of irritating because you know, my stance on on comedy horror movies, I’m like, Don’t mix the genres. You’re ruining both. And that’s kind of how I felt about this. I was like, Look, I want this to be all sci fi. I don’t want humor mixed in here. But that actually works pretty well. And Deidre. She points to some statues the IRS gave her their, their, their little butt plugs. But there’s nothing more nihilistic than a solid black butt plug at your desk in cubicle hell, that’s as dark as it gets folks. So alpha Wayman, he’s trying to negotiate with Avalon and he basically basically lays it on her. He’s like, look, you’re responsible for saving the multiverse. And there’s evil forces. They’re going to try to stop you trust no one. And then in that universe, evil Deidre breaks through the door and they tried to kill her right now. They the back and this is going to be a little confusing. So in the regular world, they’re at the IRS desk and they get up and they’re leaving. And Wayman shows her the divorce papers. And Evelyn, she’s shocked. She’s like, Why? Why would you divorce what’s happening, you know, so now she’s really conflicted. She’s a whole mess. And she doesn’t even know what dimension she’s in. She’s like, Am I in the janitor’s closet dimension where people are trying to kill me or am I in the IRS? And here comes Deidre, the IRS auditor and Evelyn punches her in the face because she’s confused. She thinks, Oh, she’s trying to kill me. But that’s wrong universe right. It of course prompts a bunch of security guards to come apprehend her. And this is where things get really wonky right, alpha Wayman takes over normal woman’s body. And the use of this trick throughout the film, they put these Bluetooth headset headsets on do something really wacky and out of the ordinary. Like, for instance, the first time he eats chapstick. And this enables this multiverse download from any of the parallel universe versions of yourself where you can download whatever relevant skill that other version of you has in to that dimension. So alpha Wayman takes over normal humans Body downloads, martial arts fighting capabilities and fights off to security guards. Well, then we see Evelyn approached by joy, but it’s not joy. It’s a different version of joy. It’s Jobu, who’s kind of like evil joy. It’s join another dimension. She’s introduced as the All Knowing. All right, because you find out later that Joe Boo is a person that can experience. They don’t Joe does have to download anything. Jobu can experience every dimension at the same time. That’s why a job who is the All Knowing? Well, Job was looking for Wayman and Evelyn. But Job who doesn’t realize it’s Evelyn, and that’s kind of the whole story is Jobu trying to sort of take out Evelyn and Evelyn being told she has to take out Jobu that’s basically the whole movie. And there’s actually a good part in here where alpha Wayman explains to Evelyn how the whole multi verse theory works. Kill the
Unknown Speaker 36:16
spider How can you be the same person?
Unknown Speaker 36:18
You underestimate how the smallest decision can compound to significant differences over a lifetime? If we tiny decision create another branch of universe? And we’re not paying attention before? Of course, you’re just very
Unknown Speaker 36:29
bad at it. Oh, my God, we forgot my brother. Don’t worry. We’re monitoring them safe. Usual, yes. This is your universe, of lava flowing into cosmic form of existence. Every surrounding bubble has like variations. But the further we get from the universe, to because of differences. This is what I am from the alpha the first universe to make contact with the others coming out for women in this wall, but he brought him on your search to prove the existence of other universes. You discover wait temporarily make your consciousness to another version of yourself. Accessing author memories, the skills, even their emotions.
Unknown Speaker 37:27
You with the fanny pack.
Unknown Speaker 37:29
Exactly. It’s called first jumping into it right now. Right now. It may be a chance of getting out of your life.
Isaac Weishaupt 37:39
So you find out every decision will branch out ripple into new universes. And that’s how the new like what are they called like the bubble theory. I move on to Alpha Wayman is from the Alpha verse. What I call I call it Alphaville was this Dr. Seuss. Alpha Wayman is from Alpha verse And they call that because it’s the first one to figure out how to make contact with all the other universes. And alpha Evelyn figured out how to do this consciousness transfer that they call verse jumping. All right. Well, waymon tells Evelyn that Joe Boo is trying to murder every Evelyn in every universe. How did I
Unknown Speaker 38:31
die? I’ve seen the dice 1000 ways and 1000 worlds. And every single one you are murdered. Anybody wants to kill me? She’s an omni virtual being with unimaginable power. An agent of pure chaos with no real motives or desires. You’re just picking up the sound when you exhale
Unknown Speaker 38:58
so let’s have destroyed the other bubbles. You said there’s so many of them. Maybe it’s okay if we lose some but just please me out of it.
Unknown Speaker 39:07
It’s not so simple. She’s been building something. We thought it was some sort of black hole. But it appears to consume more than just like a matter. We don’t know exactly what it is. We don’t know what it’s for. We can all feel it. You’ve been feeling to haven’t yet. Something is off your clothes never wear as well the next day your hair ever falls in quite the same way. You have in your coffee tastes wrong. Or institutions are crumbling. Just to enable anymore and you stay up at night wondering to yourself how can we get back? This is the alpha for US mission to take us back to how it’s supposed to be. But that begins with fine He’s the one who can stand up job was posted shot of chaos.
Unknown Speaker 40:05
Did you think it’s me?
Unknown Speaker 40:07
Why is what we risked everything to get you out of here?
Isaac Weishaupt 40:18
But we’re confused. We’re like, Why? Why does job we want to do this. When we find out job who has no real motives or desires, and this is the philosophy of nihilism. She’s creating this thing they called the everything bagel. It’s a big black bagel meant to absorb and destroy all light and all matter. Kinda like the nerd certain making black holes just for fun, right? What could go wrong? And we hear women say something interesting. He says, he says to Evelyn, your clothes never fit the same the next day and your hair never falls in quite the same way. If you were like me, my spidey sense kicked off. I said, Wait a minute. That’s the lyrics of a song. And we’re gonna talk about that and the conclusion. That’s why guys stick around. We hear that the institutions are crumbling. Nobody trusts their neighbors, which is arguable that that is the current state of affairs in America or in the world. And alpha verse is trying to take the multiverse back to the way things were trying to make the multiverse great again, through Evelyn, because they need Evelyn to take out Jobu and the bagel of annihilation. We’re talking about the apocalypse of the whole Multiverse. Everyone’s gonna die. So Wayman, he tries to stop the evil Deidre, I guess is the because there’s different versions of these people that show up right. So Wayman is trying to stop evil Deidre from getting to Evelyn. And like I said before, he has to download new capabilities and do something wacky in order to do such and he paper cuts between each of his four fingers. Very uncomfortable scene. And yeah, so he does that. And then we hear Alpha Wayman, talking to Alpha dispatch back on when I call Alphaville. Why do I Why do I not remember what it was? God just said it. Alpha verse, excuse me. He’s on. He’s talking to Alpha verse dispatch. And they now need Evelyn diverse jump and downloads and stuff, but she’s not ready. And Wayman asserts No, she is ready. She is the one. There’s another matrix reference. Okay? Just like Neo, He even calls Evelyn and guides her through this cubicle hell maze. Just like Morpheus does with Neo in the Matrix. It’s the same thing. And Wayman says, If I didn’t love this movie so much, I would call it up because I love the matrix so much. When I first watched this movie, I said, How dare they? How dare they? I told Josie, I said, this is a ripoff of The Matrix. I want my money back. How dare they? And she didn’t even she like No, not really. I’m like, Look, I’ve seen the matrix a million times. I know what I’m watching here. But I think it was more of an homage to the matrix, to be honest. And it very plays a very small part of the movie. Once you figure out what’s going on.
Unknown Speaker 43:37
Women says
Isaac Weishaupt 43:39
and there’s a lots of jumping around. I’m going to try to keep this really simple because you got to see the movie, it’s very hard to explain. But there’s different versions and different worlds happening at the same time. And Wayman is in a van with Evelyn dama the river. And he says, he says, You said maybe it would be better if we never got married. She says, I never said that. And he says You didn’t have to, it’s the way you look at me. brings tears to my eyes just just hearing it again. This is a very moving movie. I’m so happy I didn’t see us in the theater. I’d be bawling like a little baby. But, you know, if you’re if you’re a real, semi toxic masculine like me, you gotta cry by yourself. You can’t let anyone be around you. You’re as funny as Josie took me to see the notebook. I was actually believe I was doing a short tour overseas in the military, you know, short tours a year. They’d let you come back home in the middle of it for a couple of weeks. And I came back and she told me to see the notebook. I was like, okay, whatever. Now, early in the early we were just dating Early in the romance period as okay, you know, today I’d be like, I haven’t gotten to see no romance movie. But as okay as watch this thing, I’m watching it, like, just open. I need some real I need a real movie. Now. Just kidding. I actually loved the notebook. But man, I got to the end, I was fighting tears and it just blurbed out and the whole theater heard it was like so awful. Anyway, back to the movie. Trying to be vulnerable with you guys. Okay, so, Deidre. She comes with Evelyn. And here’s something really interesting, because there’s in the universe where they’re fighting still right Deidre attacks Evelyn, and the wacky thing that Evelyn has to do, instead of eating chapstick or paper cutting between your fingers, the the wacky thing that she does is to say I love you, which goes to show how closed off she is. She does not have an open heart chakra. She says. She says I love you to Deidre which works. And this is kind of important, right? That her saying I love you is just as absurd as someone paper cutting between all their fingers, which is very painful. So it’s painful for her to say I love you. She’s she sees her life from the different path of what would happen if her and Wayman never got married. And she sees this parallel universe version of herself, becoming a kung fu master and an actor just like she always wanted. So she’s in a way she’s getting a glimpse of the parallel universe version. And she’s like, I kind of that’s what I wanted. There we go. Maybe I shouldn’t have married Wayman. But she ends up seeing Waymond when you know when she’s rich and famous in that world, and she’s kind of intrigued by women in that world but her kung fu master won’t allow her to talk to him anymore. And she handcuffs her to her profession of being an actor. So just a glimpse of what’s to come. Back in the regular sort of thing. Alpha Wayman explains the Evelyn how all of this started how all of it happened.
Unknown Speaker 47:26
You’re right. In the Alpha verse, we began training many young minds to boost jump. There was one who was far above the most gifted, however Explorer, you saw her potential. So he pushed her beyond her limit. unstable. Those awful lot of mine usually dies instead of respect your honesty.
Unknown Speaker 48:02
Now, my mind experiences every every possibility, at the same exact time, commanding the infinite knowledge and power of the multiverse seem too much. He says morality, any belief in objective truth only knows. All we know. It’s just looking for you.
Isaac Weishaupt 48:32
So apparently, they were training people to jump. They saw potential in joy. All right. And they pushed her beyond her limits. Now, this is a commentary, I believe, on parenting. Because sometimes parents get a little overzealous, they want their kid to be, you know, Johnny, football star or whatever, are forcing their dreams upon their children. And sometimes this puts them under too much pressure. Just saying, Now, her mind fractures, Joy’s mind fractures from all this pressure. And now her mind experiences all the personalities at the same time, and she’s even lost horn her entire sense of morality. Now, if you look at we want to talk about conspiracy talk. Cathy O’Brien talked about her experience. They apparently allegedly they do this kind of stuff with the kids. If you look at the MK Ultra experiments, there is a theory which was officially only done on adults. At least as far as we know, they destroyed all the documentation. But the idea is that they do this to kids. A lot of people claim that the Disney kids go through this they fracture the mind. Create amnesia barriers where they shut off the trauma, create alter egos and you see this oftentimes, this is I got covered in great detail and sacrifice magic behind the mic. With the hip hop music industry and how the different personalities come through. Sometimes they talk about being possessed by different spirits, different names, aliases, altars, all that stuff. So we see the mind fractures present in this film with joy from from Alphaville Alpha verse when the pressure was put on the trauma she was subjected to. So the film has a lot of cat and mouse between Joe boo and Evelyn. Again, like the whole story, Joe boo has got these magical powers to manifest a reality into whatever it is she wants. Evelyn realizes now that Joe Boo is actually inside of joy. Her daughter, and Evelyn blames Joe boo for possessing Joy’s body, which is kind of true, right in a way. But then she tries to say stuff that that’s the reason Joe got tattoos as the reason Joe thinks she’s gay is because Joe boo possessed or which this is a reference to some of the Christians out there that think that being gay is some kind of demonic possession or something wild like that. At least that’s how I interpreted Well, Evelyn is jumping through different universes. She even goes one where these people have hot dogs for fingers, we get a 2001 space odyssey reference with the apes, implying that the apes had a hot dog fingers and they evolved from there. You hear Jobu explains what happens when you put everything on a bagel? Absolutely everything. It collapses in on itself. And it shows you the truth. And that truth to her the ultimate truth is that nothing matters which is the truth behind nihilism. As she says it, you know it feels nice because all the things you think mattered, they go away. None of it matters. So she embraces nihilism as a philosophy of life. And you can see where that leads because she wants to annihilate the whole world philosophy of annihilation, hence the name, nihilism.
Unknown Speaker 52:38
Now Alpha Wayman,
Isaac Weishaupt 52:40
he tells Evelyn like Look Out of all the Evelyn’s and all the universes, you’re the worst one. Because and how every failure of Evelyn has spun off into some other universe to become a successful version of Evelyn.
Unknown Speaker 53:03
Sir, I have this under control again, you deliberately disobey me and cause another bind to be compromised. And now, you know what we must do?
Unknown Speaker 53:19
No, please. She’s unlike anything we’ve seen. She could finally start to get to pocket.
Unknown Speaker 53:26
You mean the monster that is inside my daughter? Why did you tell me about it earlier? What else are you Alpha people not telling me?
Unknown Speaker 53:33
Did you see a 10 cent back?
Unknown Speaker 53:36
There is no way. I am the Evelynn you are looking for
Unknown Speaker 53:40
now? I see so clearly.
Unknown Speaker 53:43
See what? I’m no good at anything.
Unknown Speaker 53:49
Exactly. I’ve seen 1000s of everless. Like never, ever like you. You have so many goals. You never finished dreams. You never followed. You’re living your worst. You can’t repeat the worst. What about the hot dog one? No. Catch. You see, if we fail you’re here branched off into a successful another Everleigh and another life. Most people only have a few significant alternate life paths so close to them. But you hear you’re capable of anything. Because you’re so bad at everything
Unknown Speaker 54:34
what’s good, it’s all that power when our mind is already sir. Coming to that chaos.
Isaac Weishaupt 54:43
We find out that Evelyn has all these unfinished goals and dreams. She’s living her worst self. She’s capable of anything. Because she’s so bad at everything. All right. Now Alpha Gong Gong That’s the grandpa from Alphaville. He says that he sees Evelyn’s mind succumbing to the chaos he’s given up on her. And also you see a painting in this in this scene in this office. It’s an I looked it up. It’s a painting by Abraham, Honduras, Han Hondius. And it’s a fight between a dog and a crane. And this symbology of the painting shows us. We don’t know if the dog is about to get the hair on the Barbican as I lose an eye. We don’t know if the bird is about to lose its leg to the dog biting it. It’s fighting. It’s a theme of the film is fighting in chaos. And none of it makes sense. Why is the dog biting the bird? Why is the bird trying to pick out the dog’s eyes? They’re just fighting for the sake of fighting. Fear, fear based thinking. So Evelyn tries to explain to normal women and normal joy that she’s trying to explain to them what this experience is and they don’t know. And she’s like, look, it’s like a spear possesses yourself. Like how there’s this character Racker Cooney possesses a chef to cook. It’s a philosophy of evil genius. If you’re in the philosophy stuff. Now Alpha Gong Gong he wants Evelyn to kill don’t Joy Jobu. Right. And you hear him say it’s a sacrifice that we need to win the war against Joe boo. This is the same exact argument we hear in dr. strange too. If you listen to my show about that, they say sacrifice your sacrifices necessary to prevent this evil force. Jobu has created the multiverse. But Evelyn won’t kill her. She’s like, that’s my daughter. I’m not doing that. And alpha Gong Gong says, hey, look, you’re the one that created this Jobu because you pushed your daughter so hard that she broke back in Alphaville. To Gong Gong, he pulls a strap. He’s ready to catch a body. But Neverland she downloads a language pack and tells Gong Gong she’s going to try and become strong like Jobu so she can save joy and not have to kill her. She wants her cake and eat it too. But everyone from Alphaville was like no, ah, you’re gonna kill this girl because you need to save the multiverse. But everyone’s like, that’s my daughter. I’m not doing it. And everyone jumps around to different universes. One of which is a BDSM world and you hear the song that I alluded to earlier story of a girl and it’s in another language if you listen closely. So alpha Gong Gong he’s passed. He tells the rest of Alphaville that Evelyn went rogue. She succumbing to the chaos that we got to take Evelyn out to. So Evelyn tells joy, that, look, this Jobu character has possession of your soul. And we need to defeat her. And like I said, everyone in the multiverse is pissed off, they think they’re all going to die. Because Evelyn just won’t kill her kid. So they all attacker, she wins. But then Joe will comes out. And Evelyn tries to harness like she said earlier, she wants to meet Joe boo with the same powers job who can possess a job who can experience and download every single job, whoo and every single universe at the same time. And everyone’s like, look, I’m going to do that too, to match her. And she tries to do it and she dies. She dies, because she can’t handle it. And that’s and then some fake credits roll and we find out that that’s the end of part one. She dies at the end of Part One. Okay. And then part two starts.
Well, what happens is, Evelyn comes back to life, another matrix, matrix reference to the death and rebirth. This is apotheosis if you follow in terms of the Joseph Campbell mono myth or hero’s journey. So Evelyn’s consciousness, went back through every universe version of Evelyn and decided to transmit her consciousness into the dead body to resurrect herself which ironically is also what happens in Dr. Strange to remember that dr. strange too. There’s a dead version of Dr. Strange and he possesses the body and brings it back to life and reanimates it parallels here, just saying. So Jobu talks about. And this is where the thing things get real deep in the second half is definitely the better part of the two. I mean, I don’t know if it’s better. But the first time through, I liked Part Two better than part one. Job was talking about how everything is just random particles and the state of superposition in a sea of any probability. This is quantum thinking, this is quantum physics. All right? Quantum magic, if you will, which is kind of a theory, collapsing a wave into particles to magically create your reality. And that’s what Jobu has mastered. And Jobu tells Evelyn that she felt everything that ever happened to joy. And Evelyn says, I was only doing what was right for you. Because job was like, Look, I felt all the things that joy fell, and you were inducing a lot of shame you. You called her fat, you denied her being gay. And everyone says I was only doing what was right for you. And Jobu says, right, while right, is a tiny box invented by people who are afraid. It’s the social construct, right? The collective unconscious. The super ego depends on how Freudian you want to get with this analysis. It’s the social construct which we as truthers always question, right. You got to question everything. And she says, Look, you’re just trying to make me conform to the social norm, basically. And she knows what it’s like to be trapped in that box. So Jobu says, look, look here, Evelyn. I got some for you. It’s called the everything bagel. And it transitions. Jobu shows Evelyn this black bagel, okay. But the way the film catches it, it transitions into the all seeing I’ve Evelyn. And I’ll put these images on Instagram, because it’s very interesting because you’ve got the blank bagel with the obviously, you know, center, a white center flipped over on to Evelyn, which is a white outside with a black center with a pupil. The All Seeing Eye Of course, we know what that means. So Jobu says she wasn’t trying to kill Evelyn she was trying to. She was looking for her to find someone who could actually feel what she feels. And she felt like, well, you know what, my mom’s probably the best one. And she’s like, I want you to feel this bagel of nihilism and despair. And feel what I felt as joy. Ironically, your name is Joy. Right? Again, there’s another opposing polarity. Forgot that you could add that to the mix. Joy is actually in despair in the whole movie. So Evelyn, she finally feels the nihilism from the bagel. And you see her she starts getting loose, she starts getting drunk. She’s like, you know what, nothing doesn’t matter. You’re right. Jobu she signs the divorce papers. She’s like, look, life is just a useless, unnecessary cycle of laundry and taxes. You know what, you’re right, Joe boo. Who cares? Nothing matters. And then Evelyn, she starts destroying everything. She starts destroying her own laundry business. That’s how much she agrees with Joe boo. And there’s a part where you get tons of flashing images that I had to take the film down to the software and you take it down to point seven speed because they flash so fast
I as I Oh, there’s something in there. And again, go to my Instagram to see them. I’ll put I’ll put them all on there. Not all of them. But the ones that are relevant. There’s lots of frames. Very interesting. The most interesting one, of course, is one that says it’s a YouTube thumbnail. I’m spitting getting so upset. YouTube thumbnail. It says Illuminati symbols hidden in Hollywood films for one frame, obviously a meta reference to itself. And maybe they knew maybe they knew some Illuminati watchers out there. We’re going to find it. Found it. What do I win? Do I win the prize? Do I win a crown? I don’t know. I’ll take whatever I can get. There’s also a framework Jobu is blinking again. We got the all seeing eye. We see one with Evelyn with the black goo coming from her eyes with three heads. That’s the triple goddess symbolism you see in Wicca of the triple goddess. Also the same symbolism of Billy Eilish had in that one video with the black goo The black goo represents alchemy and the first stage of the process of transformation. We see some very dark stuff though. If you look there’s one of the demon in the desert. There’s one with a nun that’s just a skull a skeleton. There’s one with the UFO radar photo captured just like on the cover of my books, aliens UFOs new called user illusion one and two. Now available on Amazon and audible self narrated just for you. And then there’s one have a green alien in front of the Egyptian pyramids now, the idea is that these are all different versions of Evelyn in different universes, I think. So I find it curious to see the green alien in front of the Egyptian pyramids which are also stacked reflected one upon the other as above so below the hermetic action coming from the place where Hermes Trismegistus first dropped the ideas of alchemy in Egypt, near the Nile River. That’s where alchemy comes from Al Chem, the black soil where the dark arts came from. So a lot unbagging the flashing images My goodness Well, Evelyn, she goes to a universe where her enjoy can find some peace and have an actual conversation and this is the universe where there’s two rocks all right. And Joy reveals the Evelyn that she created the bagel to see if she could destroy herself because remember, she became all powerful they all knowing she’s like I had she wants to kill herself she wants to commit suicide
Unknown Speaker 1:06:57
you know, I actually built the bagel wasn’t to destroy everything was to destroy myself. I wanted to see if I went in and could I finally escape like actually die at least this way. I don’t have to do it alone
Isaac Weishaupt 1:07:33
out of five she just wanted her mother to go with her. And that’s why she’s trying to convince her that nothing matters. She She kind of wanted to do mutual, you know. And in the film, Evelyn subscribes to this for a few minutes, right. But Evelyn gets pulled back into her normal reality when she sees Wayman, talking to Deidre right, she, she, she’s worried that he’s gonna make things worse, because in the whole movie, she’s like my husband’s Navy, and I’m going to check on him and everything he does. But it turns out, Wayman actually does the right thing here. He’s able to negotiate to keep the IRS from confiscating the laundromat. And joy being the nihilist that she is she’s like, Oh, that’s just a statistical anomaly. Don’t don’t find hope in this and Wayman, he talks to Evelyn and he’s real vulnerable, something she’s not very good at. And he says, You think I’m weak don’t you and we find out women’s perspective of the whole thing. Now half of this is going to be in Chinese or Cantonese or whatever, I don’t know the language. I think it’s Cantonese have it’s in different language. So you’re not gonna hear all the stuff you need the subtitles for some of it but it’s very important kind of long. But take a listen. He’s explaining his perspective on everything.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:13
Else Doran NTN manga and cosa Tanya and I just hope you find this thread over there same time as you thanks to Tasha to ADA
Unknown Speaker 1:09:33
please stop fighting to see a tank or the city of Trenton so what mean by the what those activities your sample regimen I know you’re fighting because you see They’re confused. I’m confused I don’t know what the heck is going on. Somehow
Unknown Speaker 1:10:20
it feels like it’s all my fault. What do I say cannot sit in how the mere couple CEO retention should be a shoe. Yeah. It’s also with a century to that have the only thing I do know is that we have to be kind. face big kind, especially when we don’t know what’s going on. When we see the full swimming example to some strange electronic function
Isaac Weishaupt 1:11:20
AMOLED Wayman says, You say the world is full of fighting, and it’s bad. But all he sees is people that are scared and confused. And he reveals that he’s been putting on this naive, happy go lucky attitude as a means to survive in the world. And the only thing he does know is that it’s better to be kind and everyone needs to be kind. He says, Look, that’s how I fight. I fight against the nihilism by being kind and trying to spread kindness, which is pretty amazing, right? But Jobu she grabs everyone’s attention again. And she’s like, Look, you got a choice. Here you got the bagel of nihilism where we can both die, or Wayman with his path of kindness and a dark world where you’re going to be disappointed anyway. And they jumped to a world that that world where everyone became an actress, and she’s rich and famous and she meets a rich sort of version of women. And Wayman says that he’d prefer to be in the other world where they could just do laundry and taxes together and love each other. And he’s willing to give it all up. And this is very touching to Evelyn. And the final fight and Sue’s job who brings the bagel into Evelyn’s world. She wants everyone to annihilate and jobos people under her spell, they attack Evelyn they they’re shooting at her. But she’s able to stop the bullets, another matrix reference, and she turns them into googly eyes. Yes, googly eyes, the googly eyes, that she was irritated by her husband for putting on the laundry bags that used to irritate her. She stops the bolts and turns them into she transfigures the violence and the hate and the bullets into something of kindness, the googly eye and she puts a googly eye right in the middle of her head. On the third eye, the all seeing eye, the pineal gland, she has been enlightened. She tells women I’m gonna learn to fight like you. I’m not gonna I’m not gonna try to fight like Joe boo. I’m gonna fight Joe boos nihilism with women’s kindness. So every time she attacks someone, she makes them like fall in love. She makes them feel better. Like she fixes a guy’s neck. She puts a ball gag in the BDSM guy’s mouth and he loves that, but that’s how she fights she fights with kindness and Jobu. She sees this all going down. But she’s like, Nope, she proceeds towards the bagel for herself. She’s like, Well, I’m just gonna go out of myself. And we flashed to the parallel universe where there are rocks and it shows Evelyn’s rock shifting towards Joy’s rock. And now Ellen’s got the googly eyes on the rock. Right, so Evelyn is trying to save Jobu from jumping off the cliff as the rocks. But Gong Gong he’s not having none of this. He tells Evelyn he’s like, look, you’re not my daughter. And Joe who’s like see everything balances out you thought you had all this kindness. But here comes all this mean stuff. Nihilism will always come through. Miles will give up. And Evelyn says yeah, things are messy, but I’m not going to disown joy like you disowned me. Everyone gets a balance in order to make their lives Great. Joy’s got this girlfriend makes her happy. I’ve got Wayman that’s the balance. It’s not about focusing on the negative. It’s about seeing the positive and seeing the balance, Brett conciliating, the opposites, if you will. So Jobu proceeds to the bagel symbolized in the rock universe as the rock approaching the edge of the cliff. And Evelyn goes after her to try and stop her from committing suicide. With, of course, women’s love fighting. But Jobu she’s still not having it. She thinks the bagel is the only place where she can find peace from this nightmare of nihilism. And we see this play out on three fronts. You see it in the bagel world there you see it in the rock world, and you see it in the laundry mat. And they’re all sort of the same joy or Jobu. And Joy says, Look, Mom, I’m really happy that you were able to find happiness and all this like that’s great, great for you. But I’m tired and I don’t want to hurt any more. Enjoy things that for some reason. The connection between her and her mother is not good. It’s not healthy. And she’s like, I just want you to let me go
Unknown Speaker 1:16:25
stop. Good for you. You’re figuring your shit out. That’s great. I’m really really happy for you I’m tired. I don’t want to hurt any more. And for some reason when I’m with you, it just it just hurts the both of us so let’s just go our separate ways. Okay. Just let me go.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:17:48
And Evelyn’s she just says, Okay, let’s go. And she kind of just you know, let it happen. It seems like she’s letting joy just choose the path of annihilation. Like she’s just really gonna let her go. But then Evelyn grabs her. says look, Edelen er, looks look joy. I think you’re getting fat. I don’t like your tattoo. And, you know, maybe this Jobu nihilism thing is right, maybe none of this makes sense. Maybe there’s, maybe there’s something else that’s going to come along and confirm that us humans are insignificant, and none of this really matters. But why do we have this attraction this need to keep trying to be with each other?
Unknown Speaker 1:18:40
Wait you’re getting fat, and you never call me even though we have family plan. It is free. You only visit when you need something. You got a tattoo, and I don’t care if we’re supposed to represent our family. You know, I hate tattoos. And of all the places I could be. Why would I want to be here with you? Yes, you’re right. That doesn’t make sense.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:12
Everland the Shola gola Let
Unknown Speaker 1:19:15
her finish
Unknown Speaker 1:19:19
maybe it’s like you said maybe there is something out there. Some new discovery that will make us feel given small pieces of shit. Something that explains why you still went looking for me to slice and why I do what I still want to share with you.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:50
I will always
Unknown Speaker 1:19:53
always want to heal with you So what do you just
Unknown Speaker 1:20:07
ignore everything else?
Unknown Speaker 1:20:10
You could be anything anywhere
Unknown Speaker 1:20:17
why not go somewhere where you’re
Unknown Speaker 1:20:23
where your daughter is more than just this here all we get are a few specks of time where any of this actually makes any sense that will challenge these few specs push the button 14 Thanks. So awkward sideboard right do you still wanna to the party? We can do whatever we want. I think matters
Isaac Weishaupt 1:23:12
Joy doesn’t get it. Right. Why would you ignore all the nihilistic thinking? Why wouldn’t you truly choose a world where like Joy’s like, why wouldn’t you? Mom? Why wouldn’t you be in a different universe where your daughter is something that makes you proud and doesn’t have tattoos and isn’t gay and isn’t fat, right? And Evelyn realizes she receives the Gnosis. She downloads the knowledge, that that’s what life is all about. It’s about embracing all these little moments. And in some ways, that’s what art is, is embracing imperfections. That’s the beauty of life is the imperfections. And you know what? Those little moments of happiness that might be all we have? And you know what? That’s great. We’ll take them right. And her perspective gets through and joy chooses life. Can you believe it? She asked if they still want to throw this party for grandpa Evelyn’s like Sure. Because you know what? You’re right. Nothing matters. And this is the yin and yang. This is the same idea with a different perspective. Enjoys nihilism, nothing matters. And that’s negative, but an Evelyn’s optimism, nothing matters, but it’s good. And with Evelyn’s there’s something to grasp and hold on to and look forward to. And Joy’s nihilism is about giving up and not even playing the game. And this is very much like the ending of this movie is very much. I would argue like the lessons of vulnerability from Brene Brown, where some people won’t invest in relationships because they’re scared of being hurt. They end up taking a safer path of being, you know, single, because it’s more predictable, it’s less risk is more loneliness, but it feels safer. And the human experience is meant to feel those ups and downs. That’s what this is all about. And the trick is to really embrace and focus on the parts where you’re up. You’re gonna feel the downs. But that’s the point of being vulnerable. That’s the point of the human experience. You can’t just get rid of the downs. You have to be present. You have to be there to feel them, you have to have a healthy way of dealing with them. You can’t have this oversimplified world that the nerds want to create. They want to create the metaverse like all everything’s gonna be perfect. There’s nothing wrong, everything’s great. Because we’ll will ban all the bad users. No more bad comments you don’t want to hear. There’s no no dangerous things to worry about here. But that’s not really living, is it? All right. And the movie ends we get the day new mwah all as well. Evelyn and Wayman even share kiss. And Becky is embraced as part of the family now. And, you know, she even tells Becky like, Look, you need to grow your hair. You know, she’s still mom. Yeah, whatever. Suck it. So I’m gonna tell you what I think. And that’s it. And that’s the movie. And like I said, I didn’t watch this thing twice before it really had an impact. Second time through, I was crying like a baby. Unbelievable, unbelievable movie. Now, let’s get into the occult symbolism. We talked about film analysis on this podcast many times. The most basic here, we witnessed a hero’s journey. This is the monomyth This is what Joseph Campbell was talking about. You see this in Star Wars, I wrote a whole book about the Star Wars conspiracy. Melbourne, Amazon and audible s. And we talked about the hero’s journey in that. And Evelyn, she’s the protagonist, she goes on the hero’s journey. She goes through the transformation the alchemical process, if you will, she’s initiated into she gets this call to adventure in the elevator when alpha Wayman talks to her, she refuses the call originally. But then goes for it. And she gets the supernatural aid when she just jumping universes downloading the different, you know, not all skills. And she begins her transformation with the helper, the mentor, alpha Wayman, who you know, moves on in the movie. As she gets all the way down to the BIS, she literally dies. She embraces nihilism. But then we get the transformation, we get the atonement, she returns with the boons for humanity, she achieves a bit of apotheosis changes the world for the better.
Now, we have this nihilism topic in here. And this is a big topic, and we’re not going to we’re not going to blow past that. The bagel is talking about the bagel, the bagel is a metaphor of this. And this is what I think I think when Deidra the IRS agent draws the big black circle and marker on the receipt of the karaoke machine. That’s the bagel. I think that’s the beginning of the bagel. It’s in an abstraction thing, right? You go from this two dimensional flat plane where they drew the circle, the black circle, to this three dimensional black bagel is the Platonic solid. It’s an abstraction of a higher dimension. The tax issue on the karaoke machine is the catalyst. And since everyone down this path of despair and fighting, and so on. Now, there’s platonic solids. You know, that’s like, you go back to the early Greeks and Plato. They thought that geometry showed the harmony of the universe in God’s mind. Because God’s mind expresses itself through geometry. And Plato thought that cubes and squares, I guess, cubes, and like what he called tetrahedrons, they had these proportional sides that best reflect God’s mind, basically. So this bagel is the nihilistic element. But it’s also chaos. It’s, it destroys everything. It has everything on us that everything bagel, so it’s, it’s like a sun, right? It’s too dense for its own good. It’s gonna cave in on itself and create a black hole like a Sunwood. And what’s kind of weird is that nihilism seems to be the path not only towards darkness, and oblivion and annihilation. But from finding an absolute truth in a higher power of God, if you will. And some could argue making contact with entities. If you refer to my, my greatest book when I this is the fourth book, I plugged on this thing, I wrote a book called the dark path that’s actually the best one out of all of them. I’m going to read you a passage from there. The philosopher Frederick Nietzsche created the nihilist philosophy that seems to dominate the postmodern artwork and entertainment, but he also had great insight into the reason and method these artists are able to make contact with entities. William Irwin’s book called Black Sabbath and philosophy touched on an important concept we’ll explore further in this book, the process of Apollonian and Dionysian practices used to make contact with otherworldly forces. In mystic left hand path techniques. Quote, Nietzsche argued that a synthesis of the group drinking singing of Dionysus, and terrifying images of Apollo made the ancient Athenian tragedies possible, I think we can also find the gods in Black Sabbath and the origin of heavy metal. Black Sabbath was a group of men drinking and smoking and snorting and playing loud music together with frightening lyrics of visions, and nightmares and madness. So is that where this leads? Remember how that we had those flashing images of the shows aliens and demons? Maybe right? Maybe that nihilism opens up the gateway to that, to these dark forces. We also had the Yin and Yang and the opposing forces relevant throughout the film the whole idea. The googly eyes, right, you had the black, you had the black bagel with the white center, right? I mean, a non existent center. A black circle with a white center is the bagel. Whereas you had the googly eyes, which is a white, outer circle with a black inner circle. So you got nihilism and darkness on one side, and connection and happiness and love on the other. And if you look at the E Ching that’s pretty relevant here. It’s a Tao philosophy. It classifies energies of the universe under Yin or Yang. Opposing forces, right? Yin is your passive, female watery moon. And your Yang is your male active fire, Sun force. And in terms of occultism, they use eaching for divination. It’s called the Book of change. And they view the world as a moving pattern. Everything’s connected. This is what’s interesting, I got this from a book called called in the Oh call that I’m reading. In eaching, they view the world as a moving pattern, everything is connected. There are no discrete particles or objects. Thus, time and fate are dynamic and flowing, never the same from one moment to the next. And that’s kind of some of the heady philosophies of this film. Right?
order out of chaos, we’ve got all this chaos around us. And a lot of that chaos can lead to nihilistic thinking, and destruction and depression, and even suicide, his way of resolving these things. And trying to think thinking, you can find peace in that, but doesn’t have to be that way you can choose to put together this existence with love and connections. And I believe because black symbolizes Saturn, and a lot of this talk about evil and chaos. I think it’s a reference to Saturn and Saturn is the force that brought about time and measurements and even death limitations. Second Law of Thermodynamics, some would argue, and the introduction of death. So in the occult philosophies or the occult, understanding of the creation of man, Saturn come along this principle of death and limitation and it what the skull represents the skull is sort of dead matter. But without that dead matter. our frontal lobes could not have evolved to give us these higher levels of thinking. So through death, you find life, kind of. And without death, we could not get a glimpse into the mind of God. Which is the love we experience if you believe in that sort of stuff. The Greeks had three forms of love they had Eros, which is sexy time you had Philo’s which is brotherly love and then you had agape, that’s God’s love for humanity. Now, it’s interesting. These films show us multiple universes, which is a scientific theory, yet there’s the spiritual component and an evil threat. So it’s like even if this future technocracy of science, they still find a way to weave in spiritual components. And in one of the clips we played, there’s a talk about evil versus light in a cosmic battle. And we talked, we talked about the eschaton. The Armageddon, the N times in the dr. strange episode when we talked about John D. And the idea is that there’s two sides, there’s like a lay in the dark side, pushing us towards Armageddon and destruction of everything. The you got the Croley Parsons left hand path or types, embrace embracing Dark Forces, and then you’ve got the evangelicals, and they all are pushing down the same path. And that order out of chaos order at Keio, as the Freemasons would say, could also be part of alien consciousness. And when if you read my alien books, we talked a lot about how thoughts create beliefs in which create reality which we can somehow manifest the correct path to take. And that’s if you listen to the interview I did with Ryan Bledsoe. That’s what the entity said, we can choose love and stop these misguided people from bringing about the end of the world. Doesn’t that sound nice? It’s almost what they’re asking Evelyn to do. In the movie, and this can get real deep. There’s a guy named Don Hoffman, who talked about this idea with a thing called the interface theory of perception. And he’s saying that our minds, they just can’t understand everything. Carl Sagan talked about this, too, with technology increasing at such rates, there’s no way one person can know all the nuts and bolts of everything, right. And the analogy he uses, it’s like a computer graphic interface. You know, you type on a mark on a keyboard. But what what you’re really doing is toggling ones and zeros and applying voltage to transistors and allowing current to flow through those transistors, which creates a binary one, or two or one or zero. And, you know, you have this perceived awareness of what’s happening. But it’s not true. You think, Oh, I hit this button on the keyboard, and it creates a letter on the screen. I mean, kind of, it’s your limited perceived awareness of what’s happening, but it’s not really true. And they call the fittest beats theorem, which sounds like a gym class thing or something. But the idea is that we as humans evolved, moving forward, even if we don’t understand the technology, we understand.
It’s practical results. What he’s saying is that objective reality is not what it seems. Right? If you brought an alien down, and you show them a keyboard, you’re like, Look, you hit this and that that same thing appears on the screen. That’d be way easier than trying to explain exactly what’s really happening. I mean, you know, oh, we got these engineers, and they write the software and the software does this. And then you hit that, and then a voltage applies to the transistor, and then the current flows through and I mean, it’s wild, right? And then, of course, you got the multiverse theory, right? The dirts trying to kill us, there’s always that you got this idea of consciousness transfer. But it’s really interesting. There’s, in some ways, this already exists, right? There’s multiple versions of you out there already. Because I’ll give you example, you go to work, you present one image of yourself, probably the least authentic, to be honest. You go home, talk to your spouse or whatever, cat I don’t know. That’s a different version of you. Maybe more authentic. You’re by yourself. Doing whatever it is you do, by yourself. That’s a different version of you. You don’t show the same version, you go to church, a totally different version you there’s different versions of you. And if you ask the person that only sees you at church, hey, what’s so and so like? Well, this person’s like that. You go to your work and talk to your boss. I was like, Oh, this guy’s very productive, great guy, and so on. They all have a different idea of who you are in their head. And none of it’s really true. Which one is it? And Joe Bucha became the most powerful because she found a way to be all of the versions of herself at one time. These different fractures of the mind, become this weird dual Edged Sword of becoming more powerful, yet closer to breaking down completely. Enjoy or Jobu she had kept jumping until her mind fractured and she was pushed to do that from our own family. And she wanted mom to experience that too. She wanted Evelyn to break too. And she kind of did it. She kind of got what she wanted but Evelyn through Wayman found the way through. Because Evelyn chooses to embrace positivity and love and connection and fix all the problems in her life. And this happened when she opened up her third eye, right? she expanded her consciousness or pineal gland or all seeing eye. Neverland showed us the path to avoid the apocalypse, the eschaton I would argue through love, which is the same message that Ryan Bledsoe family got from the entity. Now, one last fun thing before we wrap it up. I kept talking about that song, there’s a there’s a song night by a bank on nine days, called absolutely he’s from 2000 is a pop song. And it’s when Wayman says your clothes never wears well, the next day, and I heard that I was like, that’s a lyric to a song, but I didn’t think much of it. I didn’t put it together until the second time through and I was like, Okay. Like in the BDSM scene, you hear a different version of it. Of the actual song itself. I was like, Okay, why is this in here? And I looked at the song on Wikipedia, and it says, the guy wrote a Hamsun confirmed in 2003 interview with music magazine impose that it was written for his wife, Teresa Savino, who was his girlfriend at the time it was composed. Its Genesis stem from an argument the two had prior to a concert the band was playing on Long Island. After their fight, he saw her talking to someone across the room, and she started laughing. I realize that as much as she aggravates me, I absolutely love her when she smiles. Isn’t that beautiful? Isn’t that beautiful? Isn’t that exactly what this is saying? Especially like when it comes to having a significant other, you might fight about all kinds of stuff, they might do annoying stuff. But you got to find that little bit that you love. Stay connected to it, embrace it and hold it and cherish it. If you watch the music video for that song, it’s kind of irrelevant. There’s a there’s a girl in a bathtub, no, no illuminate confirm that there’s a girl in the bathtub, it overflows. She’s in this apartment complex, and the guy living underneath. He’s the slob. He’s wearing a wife beater like I do. And he’s watching
an infomercial, right? And her bath water that’s overflowing from the bathtub ends up dripping through and on to the TV and the TV catches on fire. And he gets up. And then a cigarette falls and lights to catch on fire. And this chain reaction causes the whole apartment complex to catch on fire. And the sprinkler systems go off right? Well, on one of the party, one of the floors are having a dance party. They’re having this great time they’re dancing, here comes the sprinklers boom, they don’t even care not even phase they love the things great. And the slum and the girl and the time they both join the dance party. And you see the whole city’s Light Grid go down. And you could argue that that video. And then obviously the song is all about finding joy in the chaos. And that’s exactly what Evelyn does. She finds her daughter Joy in the chaos
Unknown Speaker 1:43:38
and gives her the path to light. All right.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:43:43
Now let me wrap it up with my second in conclusion. It’s important, it’s very important film. I’m telling you. This is going to change someone’s life out there. And that’s what it’s all about. Right? And when I watched like I said the first time I watched it the first hour me hingeless here but like, this is stupid. We didn’t we almost didn’t finish it. I was like This is silly. This is dumb. This is a ripoff of The Matrix. You know, it’s very similar to this existential sci fi love story. The character goes on a hero’s journey unlocks abilities instantaneously into her world. She stopped and bullets she died. She’s reborn. And even in the movie, you see the security guard jumping. The same as Morpheus does and the one scene like this is a blatant ripoff. This is awful.
Unknown Speaker 1:44:36
But the film is genius. Because the first half that I hated. It didn’t make sense. It was just fighting. I didn’t even know where it was going. But then I got it, man. I got it. The next morning I was thinking about the movie and it hit me as like the film is a metaphor, right? To metaphor for life. It’s a metaphor for the message in the film. It’s all fighting in chaos. It’s all fighting chaos. But by the end of the film, you Edelen gets clarity.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:45:09
And it’s like, it’s like the human life experience at the end of the human life is only when some people get clarity. And they’re on their deathbed. And you know what they say they don’t say, Oh, I wish I would have worked harder this year, I wish I would have connected more, I wish it would have slowed down done, the more important things matter.
Unknown Speaker 1:45:26
Which I would have loved more instead of fighting, right? Instead of fighting on social media.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:45:36
And it’s all about this film is, I think all about making sense of our world. bringing awareness to suicide, finding a path out of nihilism.
Unknown Speaker 1:45:50
And, you know, could be the most powerful film of all time, you know, it’s very real.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:45:57
You know, 2001 A Space Odyssey is a transformation film. But it’s like some real out there woowoo, nerd sci fi stuff. Like, oh, that’s like saying, oh, you know, we’re going to populate Mars someday. Okay, sure. Maybe not in my lifetime. That’s not very helpful.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:13
Isaac Weishaupt 1:46:14
not very helpful. What helps us get through today? Right, what helps us live a better life today? What helps us connect with the people we love what’s important to us? Those things that are that are here now in front of me in my face, how do I deal with it. And this is a you know, this film is very transformative in a way that actually helps right now. And nerds like musk and Zack, zucchini Berg, they’re, they’re upset, oh, we’re gonna fix everything by making new digital avatars and you can isolate not talk to each other ever again.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:54
We’ll move to Mars. You know,
Isaac Weishaupt 1:47:01
avoid dealing with the are insignificant as a race of humans by becoming superhuman, that’s what we’ll do. That’ll bring us happiness. You know, typical, typical behavior, right? Flee the problems, or fight the problems with aggression or replacement of a better human transhuman a better way of living. Instead of embracing the point of all this, which is something they say the best thing in life of free, right? That’s what this is. It’s love connection. And yes, the world can be a real awful place sometimes. And yes, people can be really horrific and evil. Absolutely. People make mistakes. That’s what we do. We’re always going to do that. We’ll never fix it. You can’t fix it. The only way to fix is to get rid of the human race and become the trans human. Because that’s a program that’s a robot. That’s not how God intended us. That’s not how God created man and woman. And a lot of people they ask me all the time, I get this question all the time, that like, how do you do this research? Find all this stuff. And not not give negative not go black pill. Because I’m Wayman, I’m blaming in this scenario, I didn’t realize that I saw this movie. I really only try and look I’m not good at it. But I really try to worry about what’s going on in front of me what’s really happening and what’s really important in front of me.
Unknown Speaker 1:48:32
I don’t you know, I
Isaac Weishaupt 1:48:33
don’t I don’t like that all this crazy stuff. sapping I don’t like that I see all this symbolism of pizza, listen, pizza, that, right? You know what I’m saying? Like, I’m not trying to be apathetic and just say all who cares. I try to do best of what I can what’s in front of me, you know. You just can’t let yourself turn into the bullhorn guy, because fear, Stokes fear. You start becoming mad and angry and fearful that all these things are happening all the time, which maybe they are. But if it’s affecting you, so that you can’t show up as your best form of self and spread love and kindness, and you’re now spreading hate and fear, and yelling at people, making other people angry, so that the anger turns into anger and it escalates out of control. That’s what the path to the bagel man,
Unknown Speaker 1:49:23
you don’t want a bagel.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:49:26
And the first half of that movie is the metaphor of what we’re all experiencing today of our daily lives. They’re doing martial arts, which is really cool to look at. But it’s way cooler to look at that then what’s really happening, the real fighting that goes on in our lives, social media and politics and religion. The fighting we’re doing all the time, that would have been a boring movie, right? They show it and it’s a metaphor for the real human experience. So there you go. One of the greatest movies of all time, unbelievable. Like I said, Before I would argue you got to watch it twice. It was definitely worth your time. All right, everybody. That was great, great time. I did it. We did it. I think we got it done under two hours maybe. And I want to thank you for support. If you liked the show, share this episode. That’s it. You don’t have to sign up for the supportive platforms and go out free and get 100 plus bonus episodes. You don’t have to do that. But what you can do share this with a friend. Maybe you know someone that watched this movie that loved it, maybe you know someone that watched this movie that was very confused by it. share this episode with a friend. And let’s spread the love the spread the kindness and the awareness of it right.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:45
We need lots of that. We don’t have enough of that. Do that. That’s what I want.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:50:52
Alright, thanks for your time. And again, check out the images on my Instagram instagram.com backslash Isaac Weishaupt link is in the show notes as always, I got a lot just from this movie. Really worth checking out. Thank you for listening. Till next time. Stay Woke
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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