On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we examine the classic 80s alien film E.T.! Steven Spielberg showed us the alchemical conjunction of the sun and moon and how the alien consciousness evolves mankind! We also get into the manifestation of thoughts into reality- a concept they overtly tell the audience multiple times in the film! E.T. was one of the biggest films of all time in progressing the alien agenda!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
He’s lost.
He’s alone.
And he’s 3 million light years from home in spring 2002, only in theaters and keeping him Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece, will come to life. Oh, for a whole new generation. Experience the mystery.
So scary
the wonder
the call
that started at all.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:00
Today we’re gonna talk about a movie called et maybe you’ve heard of it. directed by Steven Spielberg quintessential 80s film. What the mainstream analysis won’t tell you is that this has a hidden darker meaning than what the public thought. Yes. We’re going to talk about the film Today I’ll walk you through the film if you’ve never seen it. Plot spoilers, right? He knows what the plot from the 80s movie we’re going to talk about the real symbolism behind the alchemy of man. The evolution of man fiction becoming reality again, the themes I presented unusual illusion one manifest themselves in my use religion to book where we go through the films that support these ideas. But the big idea the biggest idea of the film is alien consciousness. Transfer. Yes. A technology they’re trying to perfect here on Earth. think we’ve lived here for millions of years and gone through the cycle many times? start to think we did. Oh, if you saw that there’s like a screw like a 3 million year old screw they found. Pretty sure we’ve lived multiple civilizations here on Earth. Now the movie itself let’s stick to the script here. Is it worth it? Well, I would I would come at you with maybe Okay, depends. Depends your frame of reference. This movie is damn near two hours long. Spielberg always runs too long. He could have got a half hour out of this easily. Shame on you. But I would argue that you need to see it from the sense of a having a full catalogue of film experiences under your belt. Now Funny enough, I’d never seen a movie till 2020 Yes. Weird, right? Well, I grew up in a household with a unconventional family. Okay. And they’re great and I love them. Shout out to my family. But we never saw et because you know, my pops rest in peace. He wasn’t gonna watch this mainstream bs he was he was about that action about the action movies and the horror movies. And you know, we this is a different generation. I know like Gen Z’s and millennials won’t understand this. But I grew up in a household where the kids were there to be quiet and you just kind of do what you were told and I was like, Okay, what does dad want to watch? That’s what we’re watching today. You didn’t question that we’re watching the Disney Disney Channel you kidding me? When ended Disney Channel if you were going to watch like Nickelodeon or something you better not have it on when when mom and dad were home okay. Like that’s that’s the kind of household because that’s the way it used to be right? Whether it was a kids were meant to be seen not heard or something like that. Now I’m not saying that’s a superior way of being brought up. I’m just saying that’s the way it was. So all that to say this I’ve never seen et even though I grew up in the 80s. Same with what’s the other movies that will blow your mind that I hadn’t seen. Indiana Jones never seen them. I mean, I saw him a few years ago. And I watched him and and Indiana Jones I watched and thought oh my god, these are great movies. Why hadn’t I seen these movies before? And it was weird because all my friends I go to my friend’s house for like a birthday party. We talked about Indiana Jones I had no clue what they were talking about. I was watching Nightmare on Elm Street, watching Nancy in a body bag and drove to the halls. You wonder why I’m weird. I don’t wonder why I’m weird. I think I’m normal. Anyway. Et not as good as Indiana Jones. So that’s why I say is it worth watching? Kind of? I don’t think it’s like a great movie, though. I mean, not maybe that’s, maybe that’s offending a lot of people. I just, I thought it was good. It was a good movie. Okay. I wouldn’t watch it multiple times, though. But it was great in the sense of like the 80s nostalgia, you like Stranger Things, you’re gonna love it. There you go. It was good. It was a good movie. Especially hit at a time when it would the timing was perfect. We’ll just say now, it was directed, of course by Steven Spielberg, whom I’ve talked about before, a controversial show that I had to limit to my supporter audience, I’m very sorry for the people on the free feed. I did it in 2019 or 2020. I did a show, Steven Spielberg and the Illuminati on you. So if you want to hear it, go to patreon.com slash Illuminati watcher or hit me on the rockfon. Everyone’s on the rockfon. Now, that’s a big party. Links are always in the show notes, always waiting patiently for you to join the winning team. But we talked about Steven Spielberg and all his weird Illuminati confirmed connections. So of course, this is the guy gave us et would the alien consciousness transfer stuff. The main character, a young boy named Elliot, as the character’s name is Elliot, played by Henry Thomas. Henry Thomas, of course, on a documentary on Showtime. I believe it was about child abuse in Hollywood. He didn’t really confirm anything along those lines. But if you read between the lines, maybe not curious enough. Henry Thomas still acting he was in the haunting of Hill House on Netflix, as well as the haunting of Bly Manor. As well as Doctor sleep, right, same director on all those movies. They’re all good. They’re all good. If you haven’t seen him, he was in Doctor sleep. He was the bartender, Lloyd Lloyd, who’s actually jack Nicholson’s character, the dad in the movie, right. Anyhow, oddly enough, what it what is interesting is that he was also in fire in the sky, which is the infamous case about Travis Walton who got abducted by the aliens. close encounter of the fourth kind. There’s a third kind, there’s a third kind. Not the fourth guy when you get abducted. I should know right? I wrote it. I wrote it in the book. But he plays a minor role in fire in the sky. He’s actually one of Travis Waltons co workers down in Arizona there. Another another major, major killer Drew Barrymore was in this movie. And you knew she grew up in the hollywood party scene. And she’s got a long history of that you can read about and I quickly was reading up on her. She actually had her first role in in altered states. If you’ve ever seen that movie. That’s a Bizarro movie. It was a small role. So he was actually her first big role. And obviously, she, you know, blew up beyond that, but she’s not a focal point of the movie really. Now, before we get into the movie, let’s Okay, a couple more points. And then we’ll get into the movie and I’ll tell you what’s going on. In case you haven’t seen it, or it’s been 3040 years since you’ve seen it. Spin Spielberg said officially in interviews. This film is about broken families. It’s about childhood imagination, etc. by luck. That’s no fun. That’s not what you came here for. You don’t come here for, for the the official mainstream narrative. That’s what he told the public. It’s what he told the sheeple. And then he also said infamously that Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the movie inspired Ed. And he wondered, he thought, Oh, my God, what if aliens? Were actually stuck here on earth with us? What would that look like? Fun fact, et was actually in Star Wars The Phantom Menace movie. That would be episode one, right? The Jar Jar Binks disaster. But anyways, you could see et in the Galactic Empire if you know, take a quick take a close look. You’ll see him. Very fun. Now. Let’s get into the movie. Plot spoilers. You’ve been warned. Let’s get it the film starts out and there’s two Et right et Of course meaning Extra Terrestrial I assume the dear listener knows that growing up I always because I had no affection for et. Not having seen it. Et to me Oh, just my extra testicle. Ha ha ha funny joke, right? It means Extra Terrestrial. And I didn’t tell you how I saw this movie. Let me tell you by the way, what is the best memory I had of 2020 the year of nightmares. Me and Mrs. Wise. We didn’t go to the movie theater at all the whole year. We went to a drive in movie theater. Being good a little sheep, social distancing. In the back of my sweet Nissan truck, my 2012 truck with the dense with the rust in the dense. We got in the bed of the truck and watched et and Shrek of the driving. And it was a beautiful thing for me beautiful memory. Why? I mean, there wasn’t a lot of people there. It wasn’t like a fun environment. But it’s just me and my squirrel sitting there under the stars. join this movie, having a couple snacks or whatever. That’s what it’s all about. Right? Yeah, keep life in perspective here, folks. Because sometimes when you get into these conspiracy theories and these rabbit holes you can get real negative real quick. Now, let’s get into the movie. Good lord. The film starts out there’s 282 aliens. There’s they’re scoping out the Hollywood Hills. I guess I assume that’s where they’re at. And you’ll notice that they have these chests that are red they’re light up the they light up red Okay. Now Fun fact, Neil Diamond Song heartlight is based on the movie et Isn’t that crazy? He paid et to us the idea isn’t that wild? I know of you know the song. I’ll do a little rendition for you. Turn on your hot light. Let it shine for the whole world to see that song that’s based on et isn’t that dumb? That’s what it is. So we see the two aliens. Some hillbillies roll up in the truck and they scare off to et you know this is your messaging humans bad aliens good aliens are just here to help and be nice friendly like a like your like your puppy dog at home here come to rednecks with their guns ruin and everything. And one of the in the 80s runaway the one makes it into the ship the UFO the other one the ET from the storyline does not and the ship takes off. It looks like D Glock by the way it looks like the Nazi bell. Back when? allegedly? Well not allegedly, realistically. Is that right? Realistically. You know what I’m saying? Hitler and Heinrich Himmler and all those Nazi occultist were trying to create a time travel device geek lock that allegedly landed in kecksburg many years later. And I’ll put the photos on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt You know the drill like and subscribe, link in the show notes. So yeah, and et you’ve got D Glock, very curious. Now the protagonists family here has the young boy the protagonist Elliot. We’re seeing we’re seeing inside the household here. And they’re having like a little household party or whatever. They’re playing Dungeons and Dragons, by the way, illuminate confirm or call. And Elliot he goes out in the tool shed and he sees et and he runs back and he tells his brother tells his friends and they go and grab a knife to check it out. Again, humans bad humans violent. And ironically, the boy who grabs the knife, guess what his name is? His name is Tyler, which we’ve talked about Tyler in the past the symbolic meaning of Tyler. It’s the guardian of the Freemason secrets. It’s also the name of Dr. Donna bussaco one of my most popular shows ever, rightfully so. Dr. sockos book American cosmic that had the the alien collegian secret society contact their event is based on it was an anonymous name right for based on Tyler Durden from Fight Club. Also know that in the film, when you meet the family, you’re like, Where’s that? That’s gone. He rolled out. He rolled out to Mexico. With new little booth Dang. Got a little mama Sita. Oh boy equa but he’s gone. Yeah, picture. He’s absolutely got this idea of absentee parents and enlightened children. The children are superior to the adults in these types of tells. Because the theme the messaging they’re trying to convey is that you don’t need a nuclear family unit. You don’t need to listen to the parents. You need to listen to fill in the blank. Entertainment. The great reset Santa Claus, whoever they want you to believe in. They’re like, leave the parents out of this. You come to Disney, if you want some information on how to live will tell you the right path. We all know it’s the wrong path. We know it’s the dark path. So Elliott’s like look, I’ve seen an alien out there. Tyler, the guardian of the Freemasons secrets grabs the butcher knife keelin and he goes out there. They can’t find them. They’re like Elliot, you’re crazy. Then later, Elliot he goes out in a cornfield. And he sees et again. And this is reminiscent of M Night Show Lalalala Lalalala man’s signs movie. Have you seen that? On the cornfield is where the aliens are. And this is where we get the biggest product placement campaign of all time. Reese’s Pieces. Now this is and this is curious because I’ve talked about the product placements infecting my brain in my subconscious because every Halloween I want Doritos because as a child they used to promote these to have these cuz I was always in the monsters and stuff right? And they always have Halloween Doritos specials and now I’m getting hungry thinking about it right now. Damn, GMOs gummy good. GMOs are buried in my brain. But Reese’s Pieces is the same thing. I want Reese’s Pieces. I never seen et but I seen the commercials. And they used to have Reese’s Pieces I used to get a mailman had a bunch of comic books, like a box of comic books he saved and there used to be in the comics advertisements for Reese’s Pieces with et. Now I hadn’t seen the film, but I was one of the Reese’s Pieces always made me think of et. I mean, I mean, it’s chocolate and peanut butter. It sells itself but still you know what I’m saying? But in the movie, it’s a form of alien sustenance. Alien food. Elliott, e Ll IO, t, t, e, t and e t exchange their candy. We’ll talk about the E t, from Elliot and et pon the play on words there. We’ll talk about that later. So Elliot, he’s hiding at the closet, like, okay, so he goes out and he sees et, he’s like, here’s some candy, bro. And eat. He’s like, Alright, let’s do this. So Elliot takes at home puts him in his closet. Probably no pun intended there. And he shows him he shows at the American way of life. Star Wars, drinking the Coca Cola eating the candy. I’m watching the movie I’m shocked at doesn’t drop dead immediately from all the poison he’s he’s feeding his mind and body. And later, he starts drinking cores out of the fridge. The Beast like a it’s like a college frat boy died here. So et le they’re getting closer, and et shows Elliot where his home planet is. And we get the first indication of a disturbance in the force here. No pun intended. And the Elliot feels the disturbance in his chest. Okay. And this is again where the hot the hot lines of et glows red. Right? And then you find out there’s alien hunters outside the home hot on the trail here coming to hillbillies with their guns. So that’s where we get a little suspense as they’re building up a little drama. It’s going to be the boy showing love to the alien versus the fear based thinking of the hillbillies. And when you first get the indication that there’s gonna be a connection here through the heart through the heart chakra, okay. The Heart Chakra is green, by the way, not red. But you know what I’m saying? So et he’s reading the ABC coloring book. And this point he mentally brings flowers back to life. He’s got these mental powers. He’s creating reality from his thoughts from his Mental emanations these are the capitalistic trope. This is the hermetic action. This is the occult magician. This is all the fantasies rolled into one. The CDs all the things, all the things are right here. If you follow the my Charles Manson stuff, Manson, he supposedly brought a bird back to life with his hands. I’ll put the image again I got the images up on the Instagram for you. Then we were never in high school or whatever, or junior high or whatever this is. And they’re dissecting frogs and science. Is this a is this like a rite of passage? I never got I don’t know, maybe I grew up in like a weird school, but we never dissected frogs. This is like a trope and every 80s movie is just one of those things that never really happened anywhere. Or Do people really dissect frogs. Now at Weill Elliott at school, he’s home, he’s he’s drinking brews. He’s consuming American pop culture. He sees UFOs on TV. And that’s when it hits him. He’s like, wait a minute, that’s me. Then he’s reading comic strips of Buck Rogers, which was an old alien, you know, comic. And he realizes, oh, I can make a communication device. Because that’s what they’re doing on this on this science fiction. And they call it a radar on the movie. It’s not really accurate. Okay. It’s more of a radar with an integrated transmitter receiver. That’s just the nerd in me talking. Pay no mind. Because he wants to build a communication device. He wants to transmit a signal to D Glock out in his own planet. So hey, come save me. They’re filling me up with cores. And Star Wars. Then Mike, that’s and that’s Elliott’s brother, a minor character. So we don’t i don’t go over minor characters. But Mike, he’s talking to Elliot. As I look at he looks sick. And they go through this whole dialogue. And you’ll notice how I keep saying we all the time. Okay. Meanwhile the feds are listening in. Because they they understand the consciousness element of this whole thing.
He doesn’t look too good
anymore. Say that. We’re fine. What’s all this we stuff? We say we all the time now. Really early. I think you might be getting Okay. Okay. Forget I mentioned.
Grab that first poster.
Isaac Weishaupt 22:59
Now you have to understand the intelligence agencies. They’ve been hip to the alien game for many, many years. Going back to john D double oh seven himself. So we see the feds listening in because they’re like, oh man, these aliens are going to transfer consciousness and they know all about this. Through Sri Stanford Research Institute, project Stargate, all these things, Uri Geller, all these things that we’re studying from the occult sciences that we talked about and Use Your Illusion one. Here we see et back in the closet again. And now some similarities here could be drawn from Interstellar or Matthew McConaughey is the alien in, in a sort of in the closet. He’s behind the bookcase. Just an interesting idea there. And Elliot, he cuts himself on a blade in the story. Is this similar to sleeping beauty? And the fairy tales of you know, Sleeping Beauty the girl she’s cursed, and she’s supposed to die when she pricks her finger and draws blood. And some people claim it’s an analogy for a young woman receiving her first period. But now is this related to the story? A death curse on young Elliot. I believe it to be so because he cuts himself. But guess who feels the pain et This is where the infamous glowing finger scene comes in. Elliot cuts his finger. He says Ouch. His finger lights up he touches Elliot and cures him instantly. This is what a lot of alien abduction experiences claim is that they have healing powers. But here’s where we confirm that they are now sharing consciousness they’re sharing the hutton light meanwhile outside the black van is the feds are creeping creeping on a come up right they’re trying to build suspense for the storyline here now the kids they take ed trick or treating what ensues is nothing less than a suburban fantasy what appears to be the greatest housing development ever a never ending flow children dressed up in costumes 80s mcmansion row and the hollywood hills houses worth millions of dollars they don’t tell you what mom does for a living but she is killing it she’s got she got the only fans money i don’t know what’s going on okay they don’t tell you but my god what a what a great halloween block party that is and this is where you get the infamous scene of et dressed in the ghost outfit the bedsheet and they’re doing the thing and then et is on elliott bike and this is where because we’re kind of done trick or treating and this is where the scene happens where they levitate into the sky the bike elliot et they all go up in the sky they go past the moon the iconic moon shot we all know that the moon is fake right anyway they go past the moon then they’re setting up the radar that he that he read about in the in the buzz or cadwell wasn’t you know what i’m saying buck rogers comic strip and he started communicating with his alien home planet elliot sad because he is trying to leave but 80s suggested he’s got an ouch he’s got an ouch in his chest and he’s like look i have to leave elliot i’m leaving i have to go i’m dying so okay so so ets trying to leave elliot said elliot’s immune system is now compromised from this sadness so he says coming down with the COVID and et he disappears i don’t know where he’s at and the feds are still snooping well the next day everyone kind of comes together they find et dying in a ditch with a raccoon trying to take a dump on them i don’t know they bring at home they reveal his presence to moms this whole time she had no clue we hear elliot tell mom we’re sick i think we are dying
he’s not gonna reach you
Isaac Weishaupt 28:45
so eat so elliott’s like mom we’re dying mom she’s a real jerk though she pulls the kids out and she’s like look i just want to die again evil humans parents are bad meanwhile here come the feds now they got astronauts with them with their nasa spacesuits they’re busted in the house chaos ensues because they want the et also and they put a big hazmat bubble around the whole house so they can figure out what is going on with the alien the et and that’s where we confirm he does have the cds the hindu superpowers of the tibetan monks he can talk and feel through elliott and he’s super intelligent
no matter what elliott
noticed any surface swing no lost any hair
he never had any hair or the children
build anything or write anything down no will you say it it has the ability to manipulate its own environment
smart communicates through elliot
elliot thinks it’s thoughts. Now, Elliot. Elliot feels his feelings.
Isaac Weishaupt 30:06
Then we also find out that through science through an eg scan, there’s coherence between Elliot and et. They’re doing experiments on an E t. And Elliot feels the pain again. These rotten nerds and NASA astronauts and scientists are they’re causing pain inflicting pain on purpose. Just because their nose you could just because they’re curious about what’s going on here.
We’ve identified the primary carrier.
Testing shows no deficit some FNS and HTS,
Eg analysis show complete coherence and synchronization of brainwave activity between both subjects.
To let’s move to hypertonic saline,
available at 32% 100.
respiratory rate 12 good air entry but decreased tidal volume on
the boy put them on out to five liters by nasal canula and draw blood gas and 2020 to 17 degrees centigrade,
get a hypothermia blanket in some ways. It’s an absolutely striking again, leave him alone. I can take care of him
Isaac Weishaupt 31:30
Dr. scogan here and set me up for a 2d cardiac echo
is cool and diaphoretic consider all shocky Diaz not
perfusing at all, he needs a trophic support. pH is down to 7.03 he’s
got a metabolic acidosis
Isaac Weishaupt 31:43
Swan was Spielberg on this cuz I’m like, Man, these nerves are gonna kill us. And he’s shown how evil the nerds are. Because to them data is God. Data is the end all be all they see et and alien suffering. They don’t care. They need the info. They gotta feed the the computer system, the big AI system maybe. So then we find out about this communication radar system. And it’s still working. And one of the suits he says something very profound, Elliot, if you listen, he says he came here because he wanted him to. Because he wanted him to. He’s been wishing This is what the suit saying. He’s like, Look, he came here because I wanted him to. I’ve been wishing this since I was 10 years old. It’s a miracle.
Elliot that machine. What does it do?
is still
It’s doing something. What?
It really shouldn’t tell
Elliot came to me too. I’ve been wishing for this since I was 10 years old. I don’t want him to die. What can we do that we’re not already doing?
He needs
he needs to go.
Elliot, I don’t think that he was left here intentionally. But his being here is a miracle. It’s a miracle. And you did the best that anybody could do. I’m glad he met you first.
Isaac Weishaupt 33:55
Now if you bought a signed copy of my first alien book, aliens UFOs in the call, it usually isn’t one. You’ll know that. My the signature that I signed with my little message to you should resonate with this whole talk about the miracle. How this guy has been wishing for the EA t to make himself seen and his presence on earth and it manifested into reality. Now et he’s dying. And he starts separating the brainwaves from Elliott, so he doesn’t actually kill Elliott. It’s a symbiotic connection here. Both got the powers, both draining and dying at the same time, though. creatures
pressure is bottoming out he’s complex as a slow and widening boy.
He’s converting back to normal sinus rhythm.
Separating Yes. separated.
What does that mean? The
point is coming back. We’re losing at
Isaac Weishaupt 35:08
So 80s dead. The nerds are packing it all up. They’re like, okay, no, no, no more use for us here. And the dude who was saying that he wished for it to come here since he was 10 he closes his eyes. Drew Barrymore and mom they both say they, you know, they the wishing to come back to life. And hear them both literally say it out loud to say I wish it comes back to life. There’s a magic speller speaking things into existence. Also, mom, she had a real change of heart real quick on et. Because like, just five minutes ago, she was like, and this is what I’m talking about in the past interviewed Mrs. Wise out and we’ve talked about kids the ultimate conspiracy. And this is what we talked about. your circle of concern gets much smaller when you when you have children when you bring life into this world. And everything you do is to protect that child. So when he shows up, mom’s like, EFF him, that he is dead. I gotta save Elliot. That’s all I care about my, my circle of care is restricted only to et or only to Elliot Excuse me. But then when she finds out, they’re connected through consciousness, and they could both die then all of a sudden, she’s gonna change heart. Now, the wishmaster guy here, we’ll call him the wishmaster. He opens up at his caskets. Ellie can say goodbye. And much like every, every every movie where they try to kill the bad guy. They’re like, you know, we’re gonna leave the room. Give you some privacy. So it’s all one lie. It’s all by himself with dead et. Le it’s like, I love you. And again, this is kind of like Interstellar. We’re love transcended dimensions and connected them quantumly entangled. Old Matthew McConaughey and his daughter, and it was all right. All right, all right. Boom, he wakes up. He’s still in the body bag. And ln, he wears the body bag better than that Tina from Nightmare on Elm Street has gone back to that. Who thought that would have connected into this conversation a second time. We are using the body bag he wakes up. Elliot unzips the body bag. He watches his plan. He’s gonna I’m gonna get it back to the woods. So the communication radar can summon the Glock bell. And you know, he can go get scooped up by his alien ship. So using some BMX bikes, some ingenuity, some outside of the box thinking they pull it off, because you know 12 year olds always outsmarting the Tum adults these idiots. So after a pursuit of including flying the bikes to the air again, and this time pass the sun, the flying past the sun, not the moon this time. And this is where we see the the sun and the moon reconciling the opposites reconciling the alchemical transformation of man is complete. They get it to the mothership. He says goodbye to all the people tells Elliot, I’ll be right here pointing his finger at Elliott’s head, meaning I’ll be in your mind. Are these memories he’s referring to? Is this a mental connection he’s referring to? Or is this the enlightened man is he alchemically transformed mentally He is someone different now. He gets in the ship off he goes, but a bing bada boom into the film. Now in conclusion, let’s talk about what this movie is all about. Three main ideas I want to present here. The first is the alchemy of men. Because the film ends with the music thus spoke Zarathustra, which you’ll recognize from 2001 A Space Odyssey which again is the alchemical transformation of men, as David Bowman makes contact with the alien and evolves him. Just like young Elliot gets the consciousness transfer and evolves. Its first contact of man and alien connecting together. In 2001, we got David Bowman, reaching the alien intelligence through the black cube the monolith out by Saturn. Then he goes into the hotel room and is reborn as the star child and he is now digital content. this but the alchemy and the alchemical messaging of the film is why you see the conjunction of the moon and the sun throughout the film they’re riding their bikes in front of it not they but elliott right he’s he’s going in front of the moon through the alien superpowers in the backdrop for the trick of trading seeing the scientists they’re approaching the house to build the lab in front of the sun so to the science to the aliens we get elliot riding his bike past the moon past the sun it’s all connected this is just like if you followed my analysis from march 2020 of the film’s the witch and the lighthouse you’ve got these opposites these themes these themes represented of reconciling the opposites of the moon in the sun the masculine and the feminine and curiously enough spielberg was working on poltergeist at the same time as et so he confirmed the same he confirmed this idea he was working with it on with toby hoover by the way a legend in the horror movie industry there on poltergeist but he said he said et represented suburban dreams poltergeist represents suburban nightmares see the opposites here was a mass ritual on the american public as they consumed poltergeists in 82 sides one coin fiction becoming reality is another main thing it’s what i talked about in aliens you ufos near call it your delusion one thoughts manifesting reality science fiction becomes science reality and you know if you didn’t pick up my book which you could have bought it on amazon or audible or on my gumroad get the signed copy with that little fun little message i was i was alluding to mysteriously but rob agar he’s got a great breakdown of the film meaty on his website and part of his analysis he talks about this he talks about the dream illusion of this movie could it be that elliott he wants to take part of dungeons and dragons at the beginning if you recall and that’s the start of the adventure that’s what in joseph campbell hero’s journey it’s the call to add to the call to adventure to start the journey and then on top of that he sees et at night implying that he’s asleep this is all a dream throughout film there was different elements of elliot being asleep or sleepy or looking through steam implying that it’s all an illusion and mom she’s reading peter pan to the kids and talking about making reality through beliefs and then of course like i told you about the suit the guy with the suit says look i manifested this i wished for this to come into existence and look at happened and mommy she’s even reacting to elliot he says he’s dying and elliot of course referring to et di mom you know it’s it she’s like no le is dying and she only cares about elliot well rob eggers asserting that like there is no et elliot’s making it up so when mom’s asking about elliot and she’s freaking out about elliott dying is because he’s the only one there and he’s only one dying and at the end of the film he says i’ll be right here and he points to elliott’s mind because it’s all in his head it’s on his damn head none of its real that’s what this analysis posits then sesame street is playing on tv you hear big bird sound or something coming from outer space and later 80s watching a ufo movie and he’s reading that comic strip remember that informs him of the radar the fiction created reality science fiction create science reality now spielberg he said he even told you it came from his fantasies he said the film was about the relationship between a 10 year old boy and a 900 year old extra terrestrial space person that came directly from my childhood fantasies now we could have went down a rabbit hole of like you know child abuse stuff because it’s like they they love this idea and they mess with the young kids he is 900 years old having a relationship with a 10 year old boy but we’re not going to go down that rabbit hole because if it’s because if it’s in the movie It’s not a huge theme. But it could be right. But to me, the biggest idea to take away from this film is the idea of the alien consciousness transfer. You got Elliott with the first and last letters or et no coincidence. And et, obviously the same letters, and I thought I made this bombshell discovery when I watched it, you know, because like I said, about 40 years too late to the party. I thought, Oh my God, that’s the same name. But then I read online, other people already connected these things so fine. Okay. Now, what was curious as Steven Spielberg, his first film was called the Sugarland Express, and has a real life shared in it and guess what his name is? It’s et Eliot. That’s his name. Curious, right. But what does it mean? In the film, they tell you what it means in the film, The scientist as brother, Mike, he’s like, he asked if Elliott thinks his thoughts and you know, talking about et you talking to Mike and he’s like, does Elliott think his thoughts and the brother replies, no, Elliot feels his feelings. Okay. Now this is an idea of transcendence. This is an idea of unconditional love. This is an idea of raising your consciousness. From being you know, wisdom is using your head and your heart. This is what Ellie is doing. He’s being evolved to a higher dimension of understanding a higher place of consciousness Spielberg said in an interview that et was a genderless plant which is confusing right because really well that means he loves evolved. According to the call history of mineral evolving did vegetable vegetable evolving to animal animal evolving demand? Yeah, the novel says ETS 10 million years old. But regardless, it doesn’t matter. The point is, Elliott is evolved to a higher level of consciousness, much like Matthew McConaughey and Interstellar, where love transcends dimensions. It’s a higher state of being. And that’s what the movie is all about. It’s all about the alien, evolving mankind. The alchemical, the alchemical process of man, the opposite conjunctions of the moon in the sun. Fiction becoming reality, which is the ideas I’m presenting a new delusion one I’m saying they’re telling us aliens exist because they want us to manifest it into reality in a capitalistic magician sort of way. And then here in the movie, we’ve got the alien consciousness transfer, wrapping up the whole package my god there we go. That’s my analysis of et I hope you enjoyed it. I know you did. And you can get my alien book alien UFOs near call usually one on Amazon or audible self narrated by the way where you get the signed copy gumroad comm backslash Isaac W. Links are always in the show notes. Be sure to check out the images on my Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt Luckett subscribe and until next time, you know what to do. Stay woke
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