On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we talk about the Netflix film “Don’t Look Up!” This analysis has a bit of every theory and conspiracy there is: viruses, Alien Disclosure, Alice in Wonderland, Kabbalah, Twin Pillars Boaz and Jachin, Cronos, Saturn and the Death cult! Strap in as we talk about the world’s greatest actor and the climate change propaganda (or warning?…)! Check out the photos (*and the ringer 70s ringer shirt I modeled so beautifully) at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is not real. This is not real. This is not real. This isn’t happening. Keep telling me this isn’t really happening.
Unknown Speaker 0:18
I hear there’s something you don’t like the looks of,
Unknown Speaker 0:21
we’ve discovered a very large comet now, for you,
Unknown Speaker 0:24
it’s headed directly towards Earth.
Unknown Speaker 0:27
This comment is what we call a planet killer.
Unknown Speaker 0:31
At this exact moment, I say we sit tight and assess,
Unknown Speaker 0:35
sit tight, and assess, sit tight,
Unknown Speaker 0:38
and then assess. The sit tight part comes first and you got to digest it. That’s the assessment period. This is the worst news in the history of humanity. He just blew us
Unknown Speaker 0:48
off. What are we gonna do?
Unknown Speaker 0:49
We have to release the information so we just leak it. Yes, today I’ve made a pretty big discovery in space. How big is this thing going to destroy my ex wife’s house? Is that possible? There’s a
Unknown Speaker 1:03
100% chance that we’re all going to die. Hey, well, the house of astronomer can go back anytime but the yelling lady not so much.
Unknown Speaker 1:18
We’re gonna get the news out there one way or another? Real and it’s coming. Jesus Christ you could have just called me
Unknown Speaker 1:27
this comic contains $30 trillion
Unknown Speaker 1:29
worth of material what a trillions of dollars mattered. We’re all gonna die you guys discovered a comment? I have a tattoo of a shooting star my back. Oh, that’s that’s terrific. This could be a complete disaster. This is already a disaster now can you see
Unknown Speaker 2:19
I did have the FBI put that back over your head. They don’t do that the CIA does, but I made them do it. You know, I had a feeling it’s a good feeling because that is what I did. And it was very funny and cool.
Isaac Weishaupt 2:36
What’s up everybody. Today we’re gonna talk about don’t look up the film on Netflix. You’ve seen it. You’ve seen it. You know you love it. Got a lot of requests for this one. And unlike some requests, this was one I was going to do regardless. Right. You know, you know why? A number one actor heartthrob Leo DiCaprio is in there. Who doesn’t love Leo DiCaprio? Who doesn’t like Jeff Bezos? Probably trying to rob his girl. Nah, just kidding. Yeah, we’re gonna talk about don’t look up. It’s on Netflix. Plot spoilers are gonna come. We’re going to talk about all kinds of stuff. This movie’s got it all it really does. It’s got the nerds got the occult. It’s got all the topics we’ve talked about for years. And I’m gonna break it down for you. And this one’s gonna be pretty good. There’s a good shows on the banger as they say last year at a couple bangers Hocus Pocus is one of them. This one’s close. It’s it’s really close to hocus pocus levels of truth bombing on data as we’re going to, we’re going to break down and this is going to get uncomfortable in the conclusion. I’m going to wrap this up and I’m going to float you a theory and you might not like it. No, you will not like it. I know you. I know my audience. Oh my god. There’s a poltergeist in my house. Those were the shipping packages for my T shirts. Which I’m rocking right here right. So I got a 17 ringer t shirt. If you’re on rockfon you can see it on the video I’m giving you or Patreon or the VIP I got video versions for those folks. If you’re listening to it the show go to my Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt look in the shownotes you’ve already liked you’ve already subscribed but take a look at the I modeled for you I thirst trapped in my 70s ringer shirt. I’ve got them on sale on the Gumroad store at a great low price. Go check it out get them all I got them what are we talking about? Oh yeah, so there’s all these things in the movie we got we’re gonna talk about viruses Alien Disclosure, Alice in Wonderland Kabbalah, twin pillars. Boaz Yaqeen Saturn Cronos the death cult nerds, it’s all there. It’s all there in this movie, this is going to be a long show. So get comfortable right? Or for your work. Pull up a spreadsheet and put your little air pot in and act like you’re, you know, rearranging the columns and the rows and whatever. The one more thing of housekeeping on my Instagram, did you see the video breakdown of ski masks the slum Gods alien, the hell’s a was a video called Cole Bennett shot a new video with ski ski mask. I talked about ski mask during the triple X tentation death podcast I did a couple years back lots of symbolism. So check that out while you’re there checking out my my super hot photo that I took of my 70s ringer shirt. Did you sign up for my $2 offer yet? You got till January 31. Go to the VIP section Lunati. Watch calm. For two bucks. You’ll get for two bucks for two full months. I’ll give you two bucks a month for two full months. You’ll get all the things clock is ticking. I don’t know if a comment will hit us if you don’t sign up. But I don’t know for certain that it won’t. Show your support for the show. Give me your $2 I’m like the kid in was it One Crazy Summer the 80s movie $2 I won’t stop whining about it. You got till January 31. I’m gonna keep whining about it. So there you go. Alright, let’s get into the movie. Before we get into the movie, how long is it? It’s 138 minutes clearly violating my 90 minute rule. It happens. Who’s in it? It’s an all star cast. Everyone’s in it. Leo DiCaprio plays Dr. Randall Mindy probably the main character I’d argue. Well, that’s kind of sexist. Kate DB ASCII is played by Jennifer Lawrence. She might be the main character. They both have equal prominence in the film. Okay. Jonah Hill plays probably the best the funniest role in the film. He is the son of the president. He is a Chief of Staff. He’s a bro Cate Blanchett plays a journalist anchor type character. Ron Perlman shows up. He’s this cowboy astronaut badass.
The President played by Meryl Streep, a legendary actress. I don’t really know what else she was in that I liked. I just know she’s a really great actress. They say Right. She was great in this movie. So hey, you know? And then of course, my favorite little little Ariana Grande. Little areoles Grande and Kid cut. He was in there a couple cameos? Do I recommend this film? Absolutely. My second favorite film of 2021. Behind dune. Granted, I didn’t see a lot of new movies in 21. There wasn’t much to offer from to choose from. You know what I’m saying. But I’m going to give you the trigger warning not only for this show, but also if you end up watching don’t look up. If you’re one of those truth tellers that really hates your climate change propaganda, this might not be for you. Because that’s basically what this film is officially, unofficially, which is where all the truth resides. I will tell you what this film is all about. It’s not entirely about climate change. Even though, you know, look, when I went to college, I took a couple physics courses, we went through this whole rigmarole about climate change. I remember being really interested in it for a good six months, I saw a lot of documentaries about it through my alma mater, Penn State. And to me, it was very clear back then in the mid 2000s. I said climate change is a real thing. We’re all gonna die. Now, I could have been wrong, I could have been manipulated. I could have been presented this information, but I don’t think so. But you know, I could be wrong. I mean, that was a pre red pill. That was while I was red pilling. So I’m gonna take another look at it. I keep saying it when I don’t know soon, because it’s the next big boogeyman and it could be like, the thing from 2020 That’ll never go away where maybe the truth lies in between maybe there’s an element of truth in it and maybe they’re gonna use it to their advantage to do all the things that all the truth was trying to scare us about. I could very well see that happening. They don’t let a good tragedy go to waste. You know what I’m saying? Yeah, I just watched Elon Musk interview even he says there’s some truth to this climate change thing. But I’m kind of in for once in my life. I’m kind of with Elon Musk on this He’s kind of look, I think it’s a thing. I don’t know if the reaction needs to be as dire as they’re making it seem. But what the hell do I know? I don’t know. But again, we’ll tackle that topic sometime. Give me a year, maybe two, maybe three? Because that’s a big topic. And again, not my field of expertise. What do I know? I look like a climate change scientists. I am not. A fun fact the filming was supposed to start in April 2020. Bad luck, right. So obviously, they pushed it to November 2020. So this whole thing was filmed during Officially, the pandemic. There’s going to be plot spoilers, I think let’s just get into the movie right. There. You heard my piece about it, you should watch it. I think I liked it, I thought was great. Let’s get into the movie. Jennifer Lawrence, she plays Kate DB ASCII, which is a very confusing name for me, I have a hard time with it. Because all I can think of is Ted DiBiase, the million dollar man. But whatever she plays, DB ASCII. She’s an astronomy nerd. She’s a doctoral candidate at Michigan State University. She’s in like a big astronomer telescope, lab of sorts, just listening to Wu Tang, right? Gotta love that. She finds a comet. And that’s what the story is all about. It’s common that she finds. Now in the lab, there’s all these jokes about Schrodinger, his cat and photos of Darwin and Galileo. And it sets up to me when I watch this, it sets up this argument of science versus faith. Because that’s the problems that Darwin and Galileo primarily faced his opposition from the power of the church. That was that was a huge part of their legacy. Now, Leonardo DiCaprio. He is the sort of head nerd in charge of this astronomy lab. He’s like a professor at Michigan State something to that effect. And he shows up to check out DBS these findings to celebrate. And they’re all kind of passionate about doing their nerd math thing.
After doing some calculations, he realizes that comments head to Earth and thus begins his hero’s journey of he basically goes underground like the initiates. And that’s what this movie is about is his understanding of the world as he knows it, and he becomes a changed man, when he starts having confrontations with Hollywood and entertainment and the news. And he realizes there’s this massive control system. And he’s got a fight against it. politics politics is in there too. So Leo DiCaprio he plays Dr. Randall Mindy. And that’s our two main characters, Dr. Mindy, and DB ASCII. Jennifer Lawrence Wright, the Dr. Mindy he gets in touch with the planetary defense Coordination Office to report this near Earth orbit finding. He says this thing is five to 10 kilometers wide. This will create an extinction level event. Shout out Busta Rhymes with his to extinct level nine albums. But they basically tell Dr. Mindy and Dibiase like, hey, you need to get out to DC and brief the President on this with the quickness. And it’s interesting, they go to great lengths in humor, I suppose to prove to us the viewers, the audience that this is a real office that really exists this planetary defense office. Now this is probably to cement the reality and the impact of science. Or maybe it’s to prepare us for a role that it could play in the Alien Disclosure, which we’re going to talk about that in the conclusion. So put that in your back pocket. I’m gonna tell you a lot of things you got your back pocket is going to be full. Because in the conclusion, we’re going to wrap a lot of this up but you got to get through the whole story. Alright, here’s your hint. I got a key word for you. Well, Cyrus, alright. But yeah, we’re gonna revisit that and I’m gonna put the photo of the patch for it. I don’t know should I not? should do that. Well, that one doesn’t really have a big to do, but I’m going to put some photos from this film analysis on my Instagram wire. They’re liking my thirst trap photo with my 70s ringer shirt. Check out the don’t look up photos because these are going to be good. You’re like these. So, Mindy, Dr. Mindy and DB ASCII they hop on a plane a, an Airforce plane to go to the Pentagon or not depending on the White House to brief the President. And it’s funny because Josey was watching this with me my wife Josey wise up and I was in the Air Force, right so she was like, we’re gonna plan is that? I don’t know. I have no clue. I worked with explosives. I know nothing of airplanes. It’s my it’s my burden and my curse. Anytime I’m around Air Force guys or I meet someone who was to talk about military stuff. They’ll go into airplane stuff and I’m like, sorry, I’m not your boy for that. You went about bombs and dynamite and try nitro tootling? I got you. I got you fam. If I had to guess it was a C five. I don’t know. I could have looked it up. If you know what it is. Tell me on the post for this. What kind of aircraft that is like it’s a C five. C meaning cargo. That’s what I that’s a little bit I know about aircraft. Um, anyway, where are we here? Okay, so they have on this air force, plane, jet, whatever. They get to DC. And there’s a general general themes. He’s this liaison to the president. He’s like, Hey, she’s running late. Because she it’s Meryl Streep, right? She’s the president. So, Dr. Mindy and Debbie ASCII. They’re, they’re tripping. Right? They’re like, Dude, we’re about to tell the President of the United States that the human species is about to go extinct in six months if we don’t do something about this comment. And the character I mean, my God, look, if you don’t believe me that Leo is the greatest actor to ever do it. You gotta watch this film. He’s oozing with anxiety so perfectly. Got a little bit of insecurity. Even Jennifer Lawrence, she’s doing great. She’s not my favorite actress. I mean, she’s good, right? Obviously, she’s better than me. But she did great. This movie. She’s, she’s melted down. It’s very funny. Very, very comical. The movie has a very funny tone for about seven eighths of the way. So the president and her entourage they show up and they’re too busy. You know, they’re like in a hurry. Turns out they’re screwing around. And it’s, it’s actually very funny. Jonah Hill does awesome in this movie.
And Meryl Streep, she’s president or lean. That’s her name. And Jonah Hill plays her son Jason, or lean. And Dr. Mindy, and this whole crew now, guy from the planetary office. Jennifer Lawrence DB ASCII. They’re just wasting away the lobby being ignored for hours and hours. And they’re just on their phones. And they know how nobody on social media is talking about this comment. And it’s probably because at this point, all that was revealed was that it was a comment. Nobody knows that. It’s gonna kill everybody yet. And they’re like, Wow, no one’s paying attention to the comment. They’re focused on these celebrities Riley Binah Bina and DJ cello. Riley Biden, what a curious name that as well put it in your back pocket. We’re coming back to that. That’s a little Ariana Grande. Now late at night. They’ve been there forever. Jason, that’s Jonah Hill. he pokes his head out and he says, Alright, guys, you got to wait till tomorrow morning. We’re dealing with a crisis over here. And it’s for their Supreme Court nominee who’s like this cowboy nudist guy, whatever. And Dr. Mindy he they go back to their hotel document he calls home. And there’s this weird subtle nod to Big Pharma in here. Because we already know Dr. Mindy’s got anxiety we already know he’s on Xanax. And he asks his wife about his son he’s eight how the new meds treating our son. So it seems like if you’re to paint a picture of this, Dr. Mindy. Before he goes on his little hero’s journey, he’s he’s team science all the way science can do no wrong and I know people like this. People so buried in the science about things that they just think science is the answer to everything. And that includes Big Pharma because if you you know if you look at how people deal with mental illness or depression, there’s a lot of people on on medications for it. Right, no judgments. There’s also other ways of dealing with anxiety and mental illness through therapy and counseling. But in America we have this obsession, this fascination, this reliance on pills as the answer and that’s just a big pharma thing. Now, and it’s probably just that they inserted this into the film And I think, again, and when you watch this movie, you could take this either way, like my analysis could be flipped around entirely on TED. But it just shows this dogma of science as the solution for everything in Dr. Mindy’s family. So the next morning, they finally make it in and their briefing President or lien. Everyone’s gonna die. And Jason, that’s Jonah Hill. He’s like, they’re gonna they’re all this nerd speak about astronomy and comets. And he’s like, so bored. Just tell us what it is. His characters easily the funniest in the whole movie. And President or lean, that’s Meryl Streep and her son, Jason Jonah Hill. It seems like they’re supposed to be kind of like Donald Trump and his son, probably more like Don Jr. Than Eric. Although it’s strange, because you see a picture pictures on the president Orleans desk of her hugging Bill Clinton, and hanging out with celebrities and stuff. So it’s kind of hard to tell. But I would guess I would venture this is supposed to be analogous to Donald Trump. Which, ironically, he does have pictures of themselves hanging out with Bill Clinton and Epstein and Robert Maxwell. But you know, everything’s fine. Fun fact about Jonah Hill when I was reading about this movie, he modeled his character, he said, I thought what if fire festival was a person, and that person had power in the White House. And that’s exactly what he does. Now we’re gonna, we’re gonna play some clips here. We hear about how the president and her political team decided to take this news of a comment that’s gonna kill everyone on Earth, and they want to politicize, it
Unknown Speaker 21:48
will be far more catastrophic. There will there will be mild, high tsunamis fanning out all across the globe. If this comet makes impact, it will have the power of a billion Hiroshima bombs. There will be magnitude, earthquakes, you’re just trying to articulate the science. I know. But it’s like so stressful. I like trying to like, Listen, I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation. I’m trying to articulate it the best I can. I
Unknown Speaker 22:20
don’t know, Madam President. This comment is what we call a planet killer.
Unknown Speaker 22:25
That is correct.
Unknown Speaker 22:31
So how certain is this?
Unknown Speaker 22:32
There’s 100%. certainty of
Unknown Speaker 22:35
impact, please don’t say 100%. So we just call it a potentially significant event. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 22:41
yeah. But it isn’t potentially going to happen. It is going to happen.
Unknown Speaker 22:46
Exactly. 99.78% to be exact. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 22:51
great. Okay, so it’s not 100% What
Unknown Speaker 22:53
scientists never like to say 100%
Unknown Speaker 22:55
Call it 70%. And let’s just let’s move on. But it’s not even close to 70%. You cannot go around saying to people that there’s 100% chance that they’re going to die. That’s, and we should get some of our scientists on this. You know,
Isaac Weishaupt 23:11
the doctors, the scientists, they’re saying it’s a 99% chance. Because they can’t say 100% Because scientifically, it’s got to be black and white. I mean, 100% is, you know, it’s like, if you ever read about how they determine universal law versus theory, it takes a pretty steep amount of evidence to prove something as a universal law. It’s why there’s so many theories. But the President is like, let’s just call it 70. Because it’s always about perception management, because like I had talked about many times, and in fact, I got I posted recently about on my Instagram, about how I saw this clear deception and manipulation to make people believe, and maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not they wanted to make people believe that the left this fringy left wants zoom meetings at work for people to wear masks. So that they could accommodate the fears of people who are scared of unmasked faces. And just like, do you remember years and years ago, there was this thing going around about how all there’s this health medical website and they’re there, they refuse to call it a vagina anymore. They call it a front hole. And I mean, he was like, Dude, there’s so much sign up propaganda going on, because they know that’s going to flip people out. Right? A lot of this sensational stuff, I believe is a political sign up. Just like this, who that no one’s asking anyone on a zoom call to wear mask? I’m sorry. Like, I just don’t believe it. Is it possible? Sure. It’s possible maybe but I really refuse to believe it. In fact, You have to see my Instagram post going through it but Adam Carolla tweeted it. I saw a lot of people that I follow and I’m friends with that retweeted it also this this zoom email thing and I dug into it. And Adam Carolla, someone asked how call How do you know this is real, which was my beef with I was like, come on, takes two seconds to make a fake thing like this. And Adam Carolla was like, well see, here’s this conversation if someone asking if this was real, and the person claiming it was real, this whole phenomenon, the SQF, fear of unmask faces, they were referencing this doctor and lesbi and I made this whole point about saying, dude, you guys are being trolled by non player characters. NPCs. Dr. lesbi, and you know what I mean? And if you look at her profile, she’s from ACL University, that’s ACLU. There’s no such thing as ACL University. She says she wrote this book was called like bigots and something doesn’t exist. You’re being trolled. Adam Crowell is being trolled. Either he doesn’t look into the information. He’s retweeting, or he’s part of this control, manipulative, SIOP. And that’s all I’m trying to say, I’m not here to make friends, I want people to be my friend, I want to I want to have a good loving place. But I also want people to know when they’re being manipulated. I want my friends to know when they’re being manipulated. And I don’t like that it’s not cool to manipulate my friends, right. Anyway, why are we talking about all that? I went through a whole rigmarole on my Instagram, you can read about it if you want to, of course, the comments section lit up on such a claim. But you got to understand with Paul, that’s what we’re talking about. Politics is always about theater, perception, management, managing expectations, manipulating fear. That’s how they maintain power. And the truth is, I’m on Team truth are, you know, we got to take her own advice when people said, Look, you want to make the thing for 2020 Go away, just stop watching the news. I stopped watching the news about that stuff. Kind of. I mean, for the most part, I mean, I still keep abreast of the situation. But I don’t when it first happened. I was obsessed with it, you know, like everyone, like just panic and fear and like, what’s going on and wondering. But they really, they really grabbed the attention of the whole church community. And now it’s like the one and only issue and all this other stuff is flying past us. We’re not catching any of it. And I’m like, trying to zoom out from and be like, dude, they’re manipulating us. This is all a diversion tactic. Anyhow, that’s what they do in the movie. All right. That’s all I’m trying to say. While they’re briefing, they go through listen to this, they go through this list of, you know, world killers and listen to what they mentioned. Take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 28:01
I can’t think of another president that I’d ever want to see. In playbook
Unknown Speaker 28:03
how many? The world is ending me meetings that we’ve had over the years economic collapse, loose nukes, car exhaust, killing the atmosphere, rogue AI
Unknown Speaker 28:14
route, famine, plague, alien invasion of population growth home, the
Unknown Speaker 28:20
ozone, Jason, hey, read the room for once.
Isaac Weishaupt 28:24
Sorry, ma’am. They mentioned aliens, which again, in the conclusion, we’re going to go deeper into this, because there’s not a lot of talk about aliens in this movie. But I argue that that’s what this could be all about. And I’ve got good reason to believe it. And you will, too. So Dr. Mindy, and this this crew that he’s assembled, they decide that well, the President’s not taking it seriously. So we got to go to the press. Right, which is a beautiful thing about America is we have an independent press, in theory. Now, we’re introduced to at the same time, we’re introduced to this company called bash, and they’re very much like a apple type, Tesla type company. And that’s what it represents represents this big tech. And then we’re talking about this new phone called life, which is life without the stress of living. Because that’s the way a lot of these hardcore science nerds want to, you know, it’s like, like Dr. Mindy taking the pills. Doesn’t want to feel the anxiety. But that’s the that’s the human purpose. That’s the reason we’re here. Our body so we have an emotional body and a physical body, okay? The physical body is something we relate to because we feel pain telling us something’s wrong. Oh, I just, I just clean and jerk too heavy and I tweaked my back. My back hurts. Something’s wrong. That’s your body sending you a signal. Maybe you’re not ready for the big boy, CrossFit life. You know, I’ve had it before I’ve been on I’ve been on the ground crying and had to listen to A body. But there’s an emotional body to that you that is a more ethereal concept. And if you want to get into deep into this, if you look at I’ve heard theories about, like the history of patriarchy, we live in a patriarchal society, whether you want to believe it or not. And there’s a difference between male and female and in the ways that we’ve been conditioned. Now, fundamentally, we all have these same inherent abilities. But we’ve been conditioned through social norms and the social construct, to embrace some things and deny other things. Women are very intuitive. Men can be intuitive also, but I’m speaking in generalities here, women and the and the that’s why it’s the All Knowing goddess Sophia, they’re very intuitive. And that’s emotional intelligence. Right? If you ever take emotional intelligence tests, kind of similar idea. In our society, there’s not a lot of emotional intelligence. In fact, people will take tests to figure out their IQ, and then brag about it or whatever. And that’s how we compare people. That’s how we talk about people sometimes is what their IQ, like if you go to court, and they want to prove that you’re too stupid to know what you’re doing, they’ll, they’ll be like, well, his IQ is, you know, 80 or whatever. I don’t know. I don’t know what a good IQ is. 100 110 But there’s no value in our society on emotional intelligence. There just isn’t. And that’s the way science wants it to be. They don’t want us tune into the emotional sort of ethereal woowoo stuff, spirituality, faith. They just want you to focus on the material realm. And you’re going to hear some stuff here. The guy who runs bash Sir Peter ish, well, clearly tells us he is Saturn he is Kronos. He is the Kronos is the material constructs. The power of the god the data of Saturn introduced time and the material, the limitations, right. Anyway, I don’t wanna get too deep in the weeds yet. But you hear that life, the phone is life without the stress of living. Because that’s what they want to do. They just want to get rid of all things good and bad. That’s no way to live. Listen to what’s her name? Brene Brown. Just talks about shame and vulnerability. You got to be vulnerable. You got to have those highs and the lows. Don’t live in the middle live in the high in the low. Anyway. So Peter ish. Well, he’s the CEO, he’s your Elon Musk, Steve Jobs. Mark zuchini Berg, amalgamation. And you really hate him. You really hate him. You hate everything about him? Immediately. That’s so
Okay, so this phone that he’s talking about his new life phone talks about how Oh, it senses all your vitals and your moods and it makes you feel better. And it’ll even schedule a therapist appointment. So you never have to deal with these sad feelings. The sad feelings never returned.
Unknown Speaker 33:30
Oh, my life’s work. Really icy has been driven by an inexpressible need for a friend who would understand and soothe me and and you know, now all those years of work have come to fruition with bash life. Our new bash 14.3 phone is fully integrated into your every feeling and desire without you needing to say one single word. If I feel sad or afraid or alone, the bash 14.3 form would set to the life setting instantly senses my mood through blood pressure. heartbeats and
Unknown Speaker 34:12
your bibles showed that you were sad. This will cheer you on Peter.
Unknown Speaker 34:29
It also seriously schedules a therapy session with a nearby professional so we can make sure that these sad feelings never ever, ever return me I say something. No.
Isaac Weishaupt 34:43
Now that’s the attitude of the scientist and big tech. They want you to believe that perfection is the key for the human experience. You’re going to reach perfection with this technology and never experienced that as well. I’m sorry, but sometimes you got to experience that This is the way it is. I’m reading this whole book on grief right now. You know, grief is not a problem to be solved. That’s what it tells you. Grief is a burden you have to carry with you. Because grief is an extension of love. If you didn’t love something, then you wouldn’t grieve it, right? I told you this year’s Red Pill year I’m like, tired of playing with these hoes, Mother Red Pill anyway. But they want perfection of the human experience. Man becomes God, that’s the short version, right? They want to get rid of all bad things. Every disease has to be gone. That’s what Bill Gates is hard on for is we got to eradicate polio forever, which, you know, on the surface, it’s like, you know what, that’s good. Like, I don’t, I’m not teen polio. I don’t want people to have Polio. But then their, their ego gets in the way. And they insist on doing things that maybe the people aren’t interested in doing, or they’ll get injuries or whatever, you know. Sometimes the solution might be worse than the the was that the thing you’re trying to fix? What’s the true motivation? It’s clout power and wealth. Bill Gates wants to go down in history as the guy who eradicated polio. So Dibiase Jennifer Lawrence, she, she tells she’s dating this guy right here is a scumbag. She tells her boyfriend that they’re walking down the street, and she hasn’t quite told him yet. The public doesn’t know. Yeah, what’s going on? All right, at this point, just the president and team Leo DiCaprio there. And her boyfriend’s like why are you bugging you tripping? And she’s like, You know what? says that a comment larger than the one that killed the dinosaurs is on its way. And what’s interesting, when she says this, I watch this film twice. I’m gonna put this photo on the Instagram. This is one of the good ones here. When she says it very clearly. Right behind her. You see a man in a dinosaur costume handing out flyers. What’s the purpose of this juxtaposition? Are we the animals doomed for extinction? Is that what they’re trying to show us here? Subconsciously subliminally in a way. You know, it reminded me of those you see that video with the where they tell people to focus on basketball players dribbling a ball or something like that. And then a guy in a big gorilla suit walks in and you don’t even see the gorilla suit thing. That’s kind of what this was. I didn’t catch it the first time. So Dr. Mindy and DB Oski. They get on the TV, they make their first TV pants where they’re gonna drop the truth bomb on the world. Because the President can’t be trusted. She’s she’s not gonna do it. Right. And they’re on this show called The Daily rip. It’s a very vapid morning show, as you would expect. And Dr. Mini’s in a full panic attack. His wife and the family they’re at home and it’s very difficult, right? They’re just like, oh, just, I want him to help you just breathe and you need to speak up. You know, she the wife calls on the phone. Just breathe and speak up. You can do it, you know, very loving thing. Right? Very typical. And here’s where we see Dr. Mindy and DB ask you there in the greenroom and across from them is the celebrity RYLA. Riley Binah. Who of course is little Ariana Grande of the worst Ariana Grande impersonation you’ve ever heard? Second, uh, Nick Cage. No. And Dr. Mindy starstruck by this any, any plays this so perfectly like this, this kind of, you know, I don’t know, super fan cuck kind of character, because he’s so nervous to talk to her. I can’t believe it’s like blown his mind that she’s right there in front of them. She tells him to mind his own business. It’s just like, okay. It’s so good. And she gets on the TV. They’re interviewing her talking about her relationship with his DJ cello guy. And she does this hand gesture. And she called like, you know, they got those followers. They gotta have stupid names for people that follow them. She calls them the room room army and she puts her hands up in the peace sign as the V for note ins summoning the beast from the abyss. Maybe Maybe that’s the case here. I don’t know. It didn’t play a huge role in the movie. So maybe it’s just coincidence. I’ll put the photo on Instagram. You decide for yourself.
The back at home. Dr. Mindy’s kids, they’ve got the bash phones and the phones are blowing up. Well, little Riley binder is talking about DJ cello because they end up making up on the TV live. And the phones make them buy the new DJ cello single and is blown off by the love affair updates. But you can see how this is all coordinated, right? It’s like we’re all part of watching this massive fake movie go down. It’s an occult ritual. It’s psychodrama theater. Anyway. So DB ASCII Dr. Mindy they drop the news that guess what the whole plan is going to be destroyed. And the host, which is played by Tyler Perry, Cate Blanchett. They, they make a joke of it. And PBS because she loses a call and she’s screams like, we’re all gonna die. And then she storms off. And that moment goes viral as a meme. And everyone’s worried about making fun of this girl, this woman excuse me, this woman instead of talking about what really happened here, what’s going on? And Dr. Mindy, he’s, you know, he’s kind of like the the nervous sort of guy and he’s just he makes light of it. And you see an attitude shift. He makes a sort of joke making light of her storming off, like, oh, maybe I should have gave her my Xanax. And the host immediately shift their attitudes toward the whole thing because at the time, they were like, Oh, this is going bad. But then Dr. Mindy makes the joke. And then all of a sudden they’re they love it, and they embrace him making light of it. And Cate Blanchett is character brie. She warms up to document he calls him the handsome astronomer because they’re grooming him. They’re grooming him for what transpires in the movie. It’s a little stick and carrot if you will. And they they tell them afterwards like, Look, you did fantastic. We’re gonna bring you back for more. We’re gonna put you on the cover of magazines. But her DB ASCII, she needs media training, something wrong with her, because she can’t be controlled, wild and untamed. And they do a little post mortem wrap up in the office about this whole event, right. And the data analyst determined that the only the only impact the segment had was on DB ASCII, swearing and storming off, because of all the memes that started. And what’s curious is that they flash a bunch of memes. And if you look, one of them, shows her taking a bite of a baby, a reference to Adrenochrome right here in this movie. Whoever made Adam McKay, who directed wrote this movie, he must be in a conspiracy on some level. Gotta be right. I’ll put the image on the Instagram of that too. But in this, so this whole thing happens. dB ASCII becomes this meme. Dr. Mindy becomes a sex symbol. And it turns out, nobody cares. Nobody cares. The thing that was of more interest was Riley binos romance with DJ cello. The head of NASA even even does a little disinformation campaign and says this whole common thing is but more near miss hysteria. And Dr. Mindy is like, Dude, what are you talking about? I did the math, this is clearly going to happen. And he figures out that oh, she’s just a donor to President or lean. She’s an anesthesiologist. She’s not even an astronomer. Many doctors are the only medical doctors there are in America. You’ll never guess. We’ve been arguing back and forth about the virus stuff, right? Oh, this doctor says this, that doctor says that. There’s a million doctors in America a million. Just because someone’s a doctor doesn’t mean you should trust him. That’s all I’m saying. But anyway, as you can see, there’s the smear campaign going on. The President doesn’t want the people thinking about this comment is going to kill him. You know, cuz she’s got other bigger fish to fry about getting reelected. Little funny part Dibiase programs the moment of impact on a diet app countdown thing, which is hilarious. She says when my diet ends, and her boyfriend breaks up with her. So doctor, man, he’s back home. He’s on the on the Twitter, social media or whatever. And he’s reading conspiracies about the comment that people are making up. And he mentions a Jewish conspiracy about confiscating our freedoms by scaring us. The Jews, the Jews never get off the hook. You know what I mean? But as I was saying, there’s someone who’s really involved I mean, you don’t have to be like super smart about conspiracies, but you got to know a little bit to talk about the things I talk about in this movie.
So the FBI, they arrest Dr. Mindy, they arrest DVR ski, they arrest the head of planetary defense because they need them back in the Oval Office. So they get back in the Oval Office. And it turns out, they’re getting an apology. And the President’s like look, I overlooked this. We ran into numbers were confirmed. It’s all true. DBS he points out that look, I see through this. This is a ruse. You’re just doing this for reelection for midterms technically. Because President Orlean just got in trouble for sending nudes on some, you know, scandal. And this is when that that head of NASA, the chiefs or the chief science advisor, the anesthesiologist, Dr. She originally said that the comment wasn’t going to hit us remember the smear campaign two seconds ago when she got to resign, present Orleans like, look, we’re gonna turn this thing around. And she’s like, Yeah, I’ll just I’ll resign in disgrace. Tomorrow. You got a buddy. Again, all political theater. President Arlene announces that they do this big like freedom, you know, Fourth of July look in press conference. And she now says the world like, yeah, this column is gonna come for us. But we’re gonna send this hero, this pilot hero to nuke this thing and save us all. Dr. Mindy is kind of like, hey, like, you could do this remotely, you don’t need to send a person up to die. But she says Washington’s always got to have a hero, always with the propaganda, right. And it turns into this total Hollywood movie PR stunt. And they’re using the ideas of Carl Jung’s archetypes and symbols to build the story. Including Dibiase, they want to be asked you to be the one to connect with the misguided youth. Because she portrays the archetype of that, the role model for that. And they do this massive speech in this campaign and she’s winning in the polls and you you watch a flash of scenes and you know, when you when you slow it down, like like I did like a real psychopath. You’ll you’ll catch some real particular imagery, some real peculiar images. And I’m going to put these on the Instagram. You gotta seem to believe them. George Bush, George Bush between two obelisks to twin pillars, if you will, to impose a Boaz antiochene which hold that thought. Put that in your back pocket. We’re coming back to that. You’ll see Dr. Mindy Leo DiCaprio on the cover of a magazine with the Hidden Hand tucked into his coat. You’ll see Dr. Mindy on Sesame Street which is ironic because we just saw the stabby mug jabbers being promoted by Big Bird. Everything’s connected a little bit right. And in the midst of all this fame, Dr. Mindy starts sleeping with Cate Blanchett. Its character Bree. She’s the co host of The Daily rip. Now, she looks really good too for age ma’am. Cisco. I, you know, I Cate Blanchett is a name I’m familiar with. And I had no clue who she was. Until this movie. I was like, oh, that’s who she is. I’ve heard her name a million times. So it’s launched and she plays a very gross character, by the way. You did not like her at all. So on launch day, when they’re gonna send this hear up, save the world. You get all this propaganda. This American hero commander Drost. As Ron Ron Perlman right. From was it from Sons of Anarchy. He prepares for this kamikaze mission to save the world. Previously, he had made a quote that he took from Saving Private Ryan and Jonah Hill’s character, Jason. He denies it came from a movie but again, it’s all Hollywood propaganda. They know what they’re doing. Now they’re inside this control center where they’re launching off this this thing, right? And here comes Peter, he’s the, you know, Steve Jobs. Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk character, right, big tech. He shows up. And Jason’s like, Oh, he’s a platinum Eagle donor. He’s got access to everything. Because document he’s like, Hey, what are you doing here? He has access to everything. He’s a platinum Eagle donor. Money gets access. As if you didn’t know that. You knew that. And right after these rockets launched on this mission to save the world, they’re grilling up hot dogs and stuff. Peter pulls the president aside he actually barks at her to get out in the hallway and she’s like, okay, yes.
And reveals to her some inconvenient truths of his own. That’s a super pun. I don’t know if you caught that super pun. He revealed some inconvenient truths to her. And we’re not really sure what’s going on. But we see that he’s clearly in charge here. Because when he does or get in the hallway, barks orders that are she jumps. And you know, the whole time while commander draft is fine, he’s making a bunch of problematic statements. He says a bunch of neurons does like this for all the hard work and white folks. You know, whatever. And they all defend it like AWS is a different generation. Now meanwhile, in America, we’re doing what we do best here. Entertainment, they people start doing launch challenge dances and viral videos, or they’re blown up fireworks in their face and all kinds of dumb stuff. And the President Orleans, she comes back on back in after talking to Peter, and all of a sudden we find out that a commander drank and the team that turned the mission around to hell, what happened? And they appoint Dr. Mindy as the new White House Chief Scientist, and they pull them into the secret Briefing Room to reveal to him what happened. Why did they turn the mission around? And here’s where you’ll hear a lot of stuff a lot of stuff, we’re gonna have to unpack it. This is Peter. That’s your mark zuchini Berg, Steve Jobs character. This is him dropping the knowledge about what they’re really going to do here.
Unknown Speaker 51:12
Ladies and gentlemen, what we thought what the world thought was an impending and terrifying danger. Turns out to be an astonishing opportunity. Our allies are very confused and demanding answers will tell them to wait. According to the most recent spectrometer readings of common to be ASCII. Made by the Astro geologists at bash cellular we’ve discovered something something truly miraculous. Peter, Peter,
Unknown Speaker 51:46
oh, thank you, Jane. As some of you may know, the most valuable minerals in the world are fast becoming those that are deployed in manufacture of cell phones and, and computers atrium, terbium osmium, Dysprosium. On Anon, Anon, we’re running short. And the problem is exacerbated. Course, because China has a big panda paw firmly on almost all the mines that produce these valuable rare earth assets. So you can imagine, wow, just how happy we were at bash from when our asteroid geologists discovered and determined that this comet hurtling towards us from deep space actually contains at least $32 trillion of these critical materials critical to technology, I’m sorry.
Unknown Speaker 52:43
That why you’re aborted this entire mission is because you’re trying to mind the club.
Unknown Speaker 52:49
We should hold all questions until the end of the presentation. And you might find that your questions are answered. Yes, madam person,
Unknown Speaker 52:59
when you when you when the other metals are factored in, the comment actually contains almost $140 trillion worth of assets
Unknown Speaker 53:09
but 40 Truly, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 53:13
What? What are these trillions of dollars even matters if we’re all going to die from the
Unknown Speaker 53:19
same question Janie. In all due respect.
Unknown Speaker 53:26
Obviously, one giant comment is a major an existential threat to our planet, but 30 smaller meteoroids, we can handle our beads that stands for bash, explore and acquire drones that you see, attached themselves to the comet and scan it with nano technology developed by Nobel Prize winning scientist Dr. Gary Tuchman, and then we immediately deploy don’t we? Nobel and Pulaski Prize winning scientist Dr. Nas is micro targeted quantum fission. Explosives you see deep into the object. Dr. Nez would you like to explain what’s happened to Peter,
Unknown Speaker 54:14
we’ve been developing phase fission reactions in the CERN particle accelerator that can Splinter the comet into smaller pieces with breathtaking accuracy. These segments are then steered and decelerated by each bead into the Pacific Ocean for reclamation by waiting US Navy ships when these
Unknown Speaker 54:33
and when these treasures from heaven are claimed poverty as we know it, social injustice, loss of biodiversity, all these multitudes of problems are just gonna become relics of the past. And humanity is going to strike through the pillars of Boaz and Joanne, naked into the glory of a golden age of interplanetary Interstellar. intergalactic existence for the human
Isaac Weishaupt 55:10
so there you go bash cellular, they find out that the comets full of these valuable minerals. We previously heard Peter was the third richest human but he wants more. He can’t he doesn’t have enough. It’s a sickness. It’s an illness with these people. He wants this $40 trillion of money on the minerals on this comment, because they want to blow it up into little pieces and retrieve them. Jason drops the funniest lies. Oh, what do we do for rich ever safe? Pretty funny. dB ASCII, she’s confused. She’s wondering why the general charge me for these free snacks. A riddle that kind of never get solved. We find out that the CERN particle accelerator was being used to create phase fission reactions. So that CERN particle accelerator which some people argue create a black holes that already killed us, and we’re living in multiple realities, right now, it plays a role in the movie a little bit. And they advertise this as all you know, Peters, like, Oh, it’s a big moment where we can solve all these problems of social injustice. And, you know, all these things will be solved as humanity strives through Boaz, and you’re keen into inner galactic civilizations. And isn’t that what this is all about? Boaz in your keen intergalactic travel, leaving Earth, leaving behind? What used to be the species evolving, man? That’s what this is all about. And if you haven’t listened to my 911 shows, I beg you to do so. Or maybe you’re new. If you’re not caught up, I’m going to give you the brief version, right? What is Boaz in Yaqeen. The idea here to take away two becomes one, just like the Spice Girls song, which ironically had the Twin Towers in it by the way. It’s Kabbalah thing you wouldn’t understand. But Balani keen, it represents the interest of the mystical place the realm of the New World. Okay. You got to understand in Freemasonry, the twin pillars are the entrance to Solomon’s temple, this mystical place where initiates transcend the material world and go into the unknown. Like, what they claim the Atlantis could be reached through the Pillars of Hercules. And I argued that 911 was a big mass of psychodrama this whole time on a massive level. Because Francis Bacon talked about how America was to do Atlantis. But the Boaz, new king, they represent opposing forces, the sun and the moon, or bronze and 10. When or like, if you look at the Wizard of Oz, you’d have the lion and the Tin Man. When opposing forces are considered, when you successfully reconcile these opposing forces, you have this balance this harmony, which again, sounds great on the surface. Like I always say, like this occult stuff. It’s not all entirely bad, right? It’s just a matter of what are they doing with this? Why are they doing it this way? But if you look at the cabbalistic tree of life, you’ve got three vertical pillars, you’ve got strength and wisdom on the outer pillars and harmony up the center. That’s the pillar of consciousness, as opposed to the pillar of severity, the pillar of mercy. Again, opposing forces masculine, feminine, positive, negative, that’s what they are. And if you read a book by Michael Hoffman, which I haven’t completed it yet, but it’s a really good it’s an old school book, old school conspiracy book. He said that Boaz was the mystical New Age Gnosis the hidden wisdom, the Sophia. Yo King, way boys and yucky shocking is the authoritarian government of the New World Order described in the Babylonian Talmud. Now doesn’t that fit for this film? The authoritarian government of the New World Order, bom bom, bom. Now, symbolically with all this equilibrium talk, there’s an idea of the sacred marriage inside man reconciling the opposing forces. A sacred marriage of the Kundalini snake and the energy channel, filling the body with a divine light of wisdom. But the takeaway,
the twin pillars, Bosnia key and they’ve got deep meaning for these occultist in the Freemasons. That’s why they talk about in the movie. Have you ever heard of this before but like This comes up all the time of this studies of the occult. It’s in the Harry Potter story. He goes to the twin twin pillars of the first book, he’s going to be initiated and transformed. There’s an esoteric meaning of transforming society, mankind evolving it to the transhuman. They believe if you read the unfortunate mystical Kabbalah, there’s no manifestation without differentiation into the pairs of opposites. Just know it holds value to these occultist. And here Peter says it in the movie, which I’m sure is what have you heard? When you reached out and told me Isaac, you got to do an analysis and you are right, my friend. Good call is actually a lot more in this film too, though, as you will you’ll you’ll hear her in a bit. We hear about this intergalactic future of humanity by the end of the film, you find out who’s invited to this future and it ain’t us. It ain’t us. Now, DB ASCII, she spilled the beans about all this publicly at a bar and it gets out FBI snatches her up again. They make her agree to know Lauren to a public appearances or talk bad about bash cellular because it’s an oligarchy. So in some way it’s a technocracy who’s really running the show here. The Corporation’s Dr. Mindy, he’s doing commercials now. He’s sold out completely. He’s doing commercials for bash and FEMA, promote promoting they’ve got like a telephone line for people who are have questions about why the government isn’t destroying the comment. And now they have questions about the jobs created from the comment. Meanwhile, Dr. Mindy gets caught by his wife cheating. Wives very disappointed with him because he’s cheating with Bri. The public they’re not responding well to all this 23% of people don’t even believe there’s a comment at all. Which curious because Discordia number the law of fives number 23 utilized by temple of psychic youth Genesis P origin occult magic group. So again, Adam McKay got to know a thing or two about the occult. Here we’re introduced to a character played by Timothy Shama, Les, I think is how you pronounce his name. He’s been a lot of big movies has been in Dune, which was my favorite movie of 21. And he’s going to be the next Willy Wonka. Alright. He plays this rebellious, teenage skateboarder type stoner guy. His name is you’ll just like the pagan holiday of you’ll we heard about that in my Christmas episode recently. But he is the anti capitalist embodiment. unplugged from society and the social norms was buds. A natural love interest for DBR ski. Now, Peter, he’s showing off his devices that because he’s given these briefings, right, he shot these devices that are going to usher pieces of content back safely to Earth. To the President and Dr. Mindy. And there’s one that he named primo meaning his first child and he says and I quote, because he talks to it like a pet right? And he’s like, It’s your father. Cronos he tells him you’re gonna be like a god in the sky. And I’ll put the photo that on Instagram. But Peter is the Father. He says it literally he says I’m the father Cronos which makes perfect sense when you get to the end of the movie because I mean, I already told you plots boys are common. So if you if you didn’t turn around yet, I’m gonna drop the nd on you right now. Everyone dies he says I am Cronos and then Kronos does what Kronos does best it kills everyone. He’s the nerd that’s gonna kill us. All. Right. Kronos and Saturn, the same, the same deity. They demand the human sacrifice. The purveyors of death, keeping heaven packed with fresh souls, as they say in full metal jacket. So Dr. Mindy, he’s starting to wake up, you know, everything’s falling apart now a lot. He lost his wife and he’s questioning everything. And he pushes back against Peter. He’s like yo, the scientific peer review process is shaky on this bro. He thinks Peters ignoring the data. And you hear this whole deal
Unknown Speaker 1:04:46
mankind’s Savior fast, fire prone.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:51
It’s incredible. It’s incredible,
Unknown Speaker 1:04:53
isn’t it? I call this one Primo. The first. It’s like my first child.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:16
Are you at all concerned about the the sink on the beat explosions? Study Sharon’s
Unknown Speaker 1:05:22
questions, fears.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:26
I have a report here from Dr. Gomez and just take a look at this study.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:32
A lot of my colleagues, they’ve either been removed or resigned from this project apparently for asking too many questions about this, this mission here. So I just want to make sure that, that you’re, you’re open to the scientific peer review process and you’re not approaching this entire mission like like a businessman, you know. I want to know if you’re,
Unknown Speaker 1:05:53
you call me a businessman. You do campus a businessman? You think you know, me, doctor. This this is evolution. So the evolution of the human species? What are you doing bring this bash? There’s over 40 million data points on you and every decision you have made since 1994. Doctor, I don’t want you to have colon polyps months before your doctor does you got four or five at the moment? Actually they are they’re not, you know, concerned, but I’d have a checkup as soon as you can. But more importantly than that, much more important than that. I know what you are. I know who you are. My algorithms have determined eight fundamental consumer profile types. You are a lifestyle idealist, you think you’re motivated by beliefs, high ethical beliefs. You just run towards pleasure and away from pain. Like a like a field mouse.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:05
I just want to make sure that the science is sound on this project. I
Unknown Speaker 1:07:08
hope you understand our algorithms
Unknown Speaker 1:07:09
can even predict how you’ll die. To 96 96.5% accuracy. I looked you up after we met. You test was so unremarkable, and boring. I can’t remember the details apart from one thing. You’re going to die alone. Alone. You’ll excuse me married person. I’ve got some work.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:48
To do my job. You are just so
Unknown Speaker 1:07:50
lucky that Peter adores you.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:07:54
So you get down to it. And it’s all about evolution to Peter. He is God. He can predict the future using the power of algorithms and data gathering and how he’s he’s the new god. Meanwhile, yo he hooks up with DB ASCII. And Dr. Mindy he’s starting to crack he realizes the oligarchy is pushing real science aside for what they want their science. He blows his top on the daily rip revealing the truth. It says on TV the President’s lying we’re all gonna die. He ends up with a bag on his head too. And very leaves his ass. He’s he’s now officially like woke to the whole thing. Like, oh, man, what happened? What did I do? I fell for it. Right? I thought of the fallacy and bargain. So meanwhile, Yo, he’s having some pillow talk with DB ASCII. And he reveals that he believes in the Christian God because He was raised in evangelical. He says, Look, if God wants to destroy the planet, he’s gonna do it. And here’s an interesting, conflicting idea, this film on one hand, you could argue that they’re talking about how science is the Savior, but the true science not this science, but that science. Because the true science is being suppressed by the elites, the wealthy elites, the Illuminati here. And on the other hand, it also proves the argument for God and faith when we find out that God actually does destroy the Earth. That’s what happens. And that’s what you’ll says here he says, Look, if God wants it to end he’s gonna make it end. And sure enough, God wanted it to end and it ended. So meanwhile the world they see the actual coma for the first time. And you get all these flashes of humanity and animals and babies and hippos. It was the best animal there is the strongest animal you know, their teeth are like 20 inches long. Hippo would destroy everything. I think. You don’t any animal in the ark beyond against the hip. The hippos winnen prove me wrong. There’s this viral hashtag of hashtag just look up as Dr. Mindy he represents this growing movement to look up at this common realize we’re all gonna die. Realize that present we’re Lean is a fascist. Dr. Mindy, he’s got the support of Riley Binah. They’re doing concerts, the UN is on his side. And President Arlene and her followers, they’re the conspiracy theorist. And they, they say stuff about how Doctor Mindy’s just fear mongering, and she’s got a don’t look up campaign don’t look up. There’s nothing up there fake news. And you know, all these scientists, they just, they just want you to be scared. And this is all about taking your freedom. And people are calling Riley buying a communist skank because she’s singing about how you got to trust the sciences that we’re all gonna die soon. And there’s this growing divide in the country, you see how the capitalist side uses and manipulates the conspiracy theorists because they know that how how to trick people. And that’s what my argument has been about a lot of things. We got to understand there’s a lot of finances. A lot of financial interests involved in stuff. They use the conspiracy theorists to get their message out because it seems like the people that don’t trust the news as I agree, I don’t trust the news. I’m not saying everything they say is wrong, though. But like, You got to be skeptical of the news you’re hearing and a lot of people will they’ll take that and run with it and say, Why don’t trust you know, CNN and NBC and Fox News. I’m gonna listen to the alternative media, the conspiracy theorist on the podcasts. I can trust them. And the fact is, you might not be able to you never know what’s going on. It’s hard to tell. But that’s what they do in the movie. They manipulate the conspiracy theorist to in turn manipulate the people there’s a political rally for the don’t look up and the president and stuff and the people they look up and they see the comment, and they realize they’ve been duped, but it’s too late. The you know, the UN mission through other countries fails. So now we’re really humanity’s really down to the bash mission. Peter, Peter zuchini Berg here
and on the real big picture here is the hermetic axiom the laws of Hermes hear the as above so below, yes, rusty on Patreon. You nailed it, buddy. You nailed it. It’s all about as above, so below, don’t look up, don’t look down, up and down, as above so below. And again, to use that analogy of the bow as and you know, Keanu got the reconciliation of opposites. left versus right, up versus down evil versus good. And in a way, maybe the way out is to be the elitist and just leave entirely. They bounce the opposing forces of Kabbalah you could argue that now this part of the movie it takes a real somber turn. It was fun and jokes. Until this moment here Dr. Mindy DVR ski you’ll and the the guy from the planetary whatever defense, they all drive back to Wisconsin or Montana or wherever documentaries from it’s a joke. It’s a joke from the film. I guess he’s from Michigan. Anyway, the the meanwhile, the bash rocket mission is launching a couple of his devices. They’re called beads. The beads are failing. And he’s like, Oh, just anticipated margin of error is like annoying voice. And you see this nice transition, sort of split scenes going on. where on one hand you see the bash mission failing tough. Then on the other hand, you got Dr. Mindy, the return of the hero’s journey. He’s learned something about himself. He wants to reunite with his family. There’s things more important. He wants love is more important. So it’s him. dB ASCII who’s learned a thing or two she’s in love with you’ll and Oglethorpe. That’s the guy from the Planetary Division. They all they all come together to have one last summer supper, pun intended again. And the President calls Dr. Mindy. Okay, so then the bash mission fails completely off the rails. Total Loss and everyone’s gonna die. So Peter and the president they kind of sneak out and get on this other plane because they got a ride to catch. And this ride is a private you know sort of plane that what he called shuttle. And she calls Dr. Mindy from this shuttle on a, I don’t know, satellite phone, I guess and she’s like, Hey, look, the mission failed. We got this plane with 2000 cryogenic pods and I got room for you and a plus one. You can bring your little girl girlfriend Bri, you bring your wife I don’t care. And this mission the shuttle is going to was Peter zuchini. Berg in their weather. Look we’re headed to we’re going to go into cryogenic frozen, and we’re going to go into space and find the next and habitable Earth like planet in the Goldilocks zone. And he declines he’s like, No, you’re not getting me again. And, you know, she realizes she left Jason to die in the Control Center Room. They really get in there come up and and they’re at the dinner. Dr. Mindy. He’s with everyone that matters to him. And he’s like, Look, we’re not very religious in this household because again, like they’ve embraced science, their whole life for everything. Is like love. We’ve never been real religious, but we need to do a prayer. And you’ll who’s the Christian here is like, look, I can make the prayer happen, buddy. You’re talking to a Christian here. And meanwhile in all the cities all the people are going nuts much as savages. And if you look real close, you’ll see a rooftop bar and it’s like an orgy full of people having sex you got to look real close though it’s it happens. And you see the comet hit. While they’re flashing some of these beautiful things from our world. Bees, manatees and oceans and babies and love and sex and all the things that make life worth living. Not phones that spy on you, right? This is the human experience that God created for us on our time on this earth which is limited, which is the dual edged sword makes life worth living is that we die God gave us all this in the mystery of why we have to die I don’t know. Is it because it makes life all that much better? Maybe. But Peter in the science nerds like that they don’t want to die. They want to live in mortally in the digital matrix. So they want it anyway.
An amazing part of the film. Dr. Mindy Leo DiCaprio says something really amazing. I want you to listen to it.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:47
Think of it is we? We really he really did have everything didn’t we?
Isaac Weishaupt 1:17:57
Think about it? There you go. How powerful The thing is, we really did have everything. Tragic. Love good tragedy for some reason. Now, here’s the fun fact. To bolster my claim that Leo’s the best actor to ever do it. This was an ad lib. This wasn’t in the script. This guy. This Leo DiCaprio is such a great actor. He came up with this beautiful line off script ad lib and the director kept it in he said it was so stunning and simplistic and beautiful. Like I had to leave that in. Oh my god, Leo. What are you doing, buddy? He’s the best. And yeah, that’s how it ends. We see the comet tearing through the houses slow mo killing everyone in an instant a horrific instant. And NASA that’s a wrap. We’re dead. And the epilogue because there’s an epilogue, right? Because you remember President or lean and Peter zuchini Berg, they’re they’re flying through space in their cryogenic pods. You see the debris of our world spinning through space and all the dumb stuff. We’ve been focusing on phones and garbage and overpriced shovels. And this escape ship with the worst people of all of our civilization. They make it they’re on board this ship. And we see the pods and who’s in them it’s all these presumable high donors. It’s text con oil and vendor lobbying and all these people right these scumbags and the credits roll and you find out that 22,000 plus years later, the ship lands on a habitable planet. And all these naked people get off the ship. And Peter’s looking at his device and Damo Wow, we had a 58% success rate of the cryogenic pause, you know, meaning like half the people died. And President or lean, she gets eaten by Bronto rock, just like Peter predicted with his algorithm. And Jason wakes up he survives, but he might as well be dead. This is like post credits, right? Cuz you can’t post on social media, you know? Like if it didn’t happen on social media doesn’t exist. So that’s the film. It was funny for a bit, then it got real serious. But it the whole thing is got a call elements. Let’s unpack this all in conclusion, in conclusion, what did I feel let’s talk about me, I felt serious anguish. This was like a very fun dark comedy. To this what felt like a very sobering reality here. And visually, it’s about it’s an allegory for climate change. And how we’re, we’re watching this thing that’s going to kill us. That’s the idea. I don’t know if it’s true. What the hell do I know? To me? It seems like it’s true. Could be very wrong. Now, let’s zoom out. And again, here’s where I need you to keep an open mind for me here. I need you to stay with me. Stay with me. You know, I’m going to have some theorizing. I’m going to think outside the box a little bit with you. Don’t chop my head off. You got into this trough of the world to hear some uncomfortable things, and we’re going to go there with it. Think about this movie who’s the good guys who’s the bad guys? We all agree that Leo is a great person, your document. He’s a great person. And we all agree that Peter zuchini Berg there and the president. They’re manipulative, self centered, gross people seeking to risk everyone’s lives for some profit and power. And the worst thing is they had an escape plan the whole time. They weren’t going to go down with the ship scumbags. You know what a little bit I do know about leadership is people like that are cowards, right? Look at Ted Cruz, man who skated out to Mexico or whatever was that big scandal he was in? Cowards, straight cowards. So it’s clear who the good and the bad people are in this movie to me. Now, the movie is ultimately about the nerds. Because that’s who’s in this movie is primarily nerds. They have all the control. And that’s what Carl Sagan said was gonna happen eventually. With technology, like not everyone understands this. It’s like buying Kryptos is very confusing.
And in the, in this scenario, the nerds, some will kill us, some will help us. It’s a perfect metaphor for science in my opinion. Not all nerds are evil. And in this film, Leo’s the good nerd. Peter is the bad nerd. He’s this emotionless robot. But he tells you he’s the evil nerd. He says, I am Cronos as evil right, he’s in the death cult, this attorney in death called. And recall that we saw Dr. Mindy on Sesame Street. But only after he was only allowed on there after the political and economic interests allowed it to happen. Was Dr. Mindy wrong about the science? No. Was it still propaganda? Yes. Right. Propaganda can be real too. And that’s where a lot of the mistrust and the confusion resides and all this and it kind of makes you mad sometimes trying to figure it out like maddening not mad like angry. It’s hard to know where the propaganda ends. But in this instance, the propaganda wasn’t wrong. Dr. Mindy said on Sesame Street, like look, there’s a comic over the wrong gonna die if we don’t do something about it. But he was only allowed to share that information with the public through Sesame Street after the political and economic interest allowed it to happen. Now let’s consider this this is where I need you to stick with me because I don’t know that this is true. This is just a theory that stuck in my head and I want to share it. This has to do with the thing from 2020 That will never go away. Maybe and hear me out. What if the real scientists who are talking about the virus are like Dr. Mindy. Okay. What if? What if they’re trying to warn us like look, you got to listen to the science yet corporate interests are using a different set of science through Peter trying to convince us otherwise. And they’re, they’re, they’re led through the gates to, you know your Joe Rogan’s and your Adam Corollas and your Adam Curry’s and all these people, right? Maybe the death call this attorney and death called is secretly funding to make people make decisions that would keep the heavens packed with souls while making a profit. It’s also very curious, right? Because like, for instance, and I know we’re gonna get real uncomfortable here, but look, look at Donald Trump. This guy had a general sort of anti stabby vibe about him, right? Anti mask anti stabby the whole time. And what did he end up doing? He took all of them. And very recently, he got in trouble for Tamayo. He took the booster. So why is he? Why is he putting out this portrayal? Right, why is he portraying this other image? And I’ve heard the same about Joe Rogan. I don’t know if any of this is true, but I just I just feel like there’s a massive psyop a mass manipulation going on? I don’t know what to tell you about it. I don’t know. If it’s true. I don’t know what to believe. I’ve been feeling very confused and conflicted lately. I just know my six senses is going crazy right now. I don’t know what to make of it. But there’s this idea. There’s not a popular theory, but it’s something that’s always been in the back of my mind is I’m always theorized and thinking, man, what could be the real truth here? Right? which I obviously don’t know what’s really going on. But could it be that the thing from 2020? The thing that will never go away? Isn’t what we think it is? What if one thing that concerns me here is that this thing was created in a lab. And the powers that be the big like, remember, remember Apple shutting down immediately. And back in like, February 2008, we were all like, over a cold Take it easy. No one had really died yet. Why they shut these things down? What do they know that we don’t? Could it be there? Again, just a theory, don’t shoot the messenger, the theorize are here. What if this thing was made in a lab? People in the know were like, Oh snap, this thing is going to get out of control. It’s it’s designed to mutate and evolve in a way that everyone’s going to die? Well, obviously, they can’t tell us that. They don’t trust us with that information.
What if this thing is designed to wipe out a large population? We all talk about how the Illuminati want population reduction. They want this? How are they going to get it? They can get it through a disease through a virus. Now, who are the ones they want to get rid of? Bill Burr said this a while ago and I can’t stop thinking about it. Bill Burr made a joke about how Look, why would the Illuminati want to keep around the people who weren’t obedient? They they want the sheep who are going to listen to everything they say listen to the fears that they push out. They don’t want the wolves What if that’s what they’re doing? What if they want to wipe out all the wolves and keep the sheep because that’s who they would want around right? And look at the people who survive this comment. It’s only the people that worshipped Peters who Kinberg their kin Kronos and the high donors to President or lean only the people that played ball just an idea. I’m just floating out there. I don’t know. I don’t know the truth here. But let’s stick to the occult realm here because we get we’re not done with little Ariana Grande yet. Okay. Riley Binah. She was used to push an agenda, right? But you’ll notice she has no clue what’s going on. She’s just there, right? She’s just along for the ride. And she uses she’s used for her ability to assess she uses her ability but she’s used for her ability to control the behaviors and the mass ideas of the masses, right. In fact, I’m reading this book called the mastery of love by Don Miguel Ruiz. Try To stay well versed, okay, you got to balance out all this negative occult talk with positive stuff sometimes. And it talks about how the same concept of how as children we are blank slates. And we just seek love. That’s all we really want. It’s a very simple programming, as a baby, as a child, all you want is love. And like the Beatles song, a song about that. And the parents, they want to love their kids to they want to give them love and receive love. So what they do is they have they instill the social constructs and the social norms. And they use this fear of removing the love from the child to make them act, right. Okay, and here’s what the book says it says, they referring to the parents, they hooked our attention and put information into our mind through repetition. This is the way we learned this is the way we program a human mind. Is that not what’s happening here? Hollywood and entertainment, they’re the focus of the attention. The Illuminati knows this. That’s how they program us. I talked about this with the episode I did about the Travis Scott Netflix documentary, where you there’s a scene where the mayor of Houston uses Travis Scott to reach the kids. Why? Because the kids don’t care about the mayor. They do not care. He has zero influence on them. Travis Scott, on the other hand, does, he can tell them what to do and when to do it, and they will do it. That’s Riley Binah. Now we’re not done with Riley Binah because the binary is a Sephora on the tree of life. If you recall, back in the blogging days before I got sued, there was a video she did called break free and on it she uses the cabbalistic Tree of Life. I’ll put the photo on the Instagram on this post you’re gonna know when you see it, but by not is the Sephora on that tree of life. And it’s described as the Palace of Mirrors that represents understanding what you see in the movie under the skin, we’re Scarlett Johansen. She’s the Alien and she looks in the mirror and she sort of becomes awakened. It’s also connected to the High Priestess tarot card. This is the goddess archetype of ISIS. Could be maybe Sofia, if you want to stretch it out, I don’t know. But this goddess archetype of ISIS, guess where she’s at? She’s between two pillars. The twin pillars of Boaz and the keen Yes, the same ones. She guards the hidden knowledge. This was also so there you go the connection to buyers and it came from earlier from Peter. It’s it’s to be found Oh Riley Binah. And this was I covered this analysis in Wonderland, Alice. In the second book, I think it’s called through the looking glass.
She bounces the opposing forces she is holding the black kitten, which name is Dinah very similar to Binah. She holds the black kitten, which is the Red Queen, while there’s a white kitten for the White Queen, right? The black and white opposing forces. So you got all this stuff. But another idea to throw this movie? Are they grooming us to trust science? And why? And these are some kind of unanswered questions that I want you to think about. Are they doing this? They say officially it’s for climate change, which could be right Leo is a big like climate change, dude. Are they saying this for dealing with the viruses? Are they saying it because there’s a comment coming? Or are they saying it for Alien Disclosure? Or is it have to do with extinction and the evolution of humans could be whatever you want it to be could be Elon Musk going to Mars, it could be Jeff Bezos going to the moon. But to me, the Alien Disclosure is a component here because you remember that planet defense Coordination Office that they made a point very clearly to show us it really existed, right? Remember that? They wanted to, they wanted to develop and create a sense of authority here about who they were? Well, if you look them up, they were established in 2016. And they were part of the OSIRIS REx mission. Which if you recall, I’ve talked about it in my books, aliens UFOs. In the occult, usually version one and two, I think is where that came from. If I didn’t talk about in that book I talked about somewhere. But there’s an OSIRIS REx mission. And this mission is to take a sample of an asteroid kind of like a kind of like Peters being the the robots he was going to use to get the devices off the common you know what I’m talking about. But the OSIRIS REx NASA mission, they’re going to take a sample of this asteroid because they want to understand the evolution of our solar system. Look for organic compounds that seeded life on Earth is supposed to land in September 2023. Curious name though Osiris, right? Because you know these occultist are always into their pagan Egyptian gods, Greek gods. But isn’t that curious? That because I postulate that OSIRIS REx mission is going to be the thing where they say, Look, we came from the space we came from aliens, not God. There is no God. There’s aliens, though. And through panspermia, they created us. That’s what they’re gonna tell us the next five years. And they’re gonna use OSIRIS REx to do it, I think. And in the movie, Dr. Mindy, he says, Look, Peter’s ignoring the real science. And Peter asserts, like, no, no, no, my plan is gonna work. We did the science. And this has always been my beef with science like, which science do you want to believe? It’s hard to know, when you’re not a scientist, it’s hard to know. Remember the scene where Peter is saying he’s Cronos. And then Dr. Mindy is pushing back. And he’s like, Hey, is this science even good. And Peter expresses that scary nerd anger. And he tells Dr. Mindy flexes on me like you don’t we hear bash. I’ve been collecting data points on you since 96. We know how you’re going to die to 96.5% accuracy. And he says document you’re going to die alone. And it turns out the data was wrong. The science was wrong. Dr. Mindy dies around all the people that he loves. And, you know, I’m always you know, I’m Team Lee. I’m biased. My always my long standing conspiracy is to have a general distrust for super wealthy elites. I think they’re mentally ill like Peter in this movie, I think is never enough of these people. He’s the third richest man on earth, but he’s willing to risk everyone’s life including his own for a little bit more like for what what do you need it for dude. And it’s clear from the movie like that’s what they want you to think is like, dude, what a rotten human being this is. And that’s what the movie is kind of about in? I mean, there’s a few ideas there, right? It’s a bit of a depiction of science versus faith. And the good guys on the good science, right? You got Dr. Mindy, you got dB ASCII, you got you’ll, by the end of the movie, they end up embracing religion. That’s what happens.
And I like that. I like that balance. Science is a tool. It doesn’t answer everything. It doesn’t satisfy every human need. Peter and the corporations and the the politicians that are bed with these corporations, they want you to believe that. And it’s just not all there. They want to feel your head through social media, make you feel bad about yourself that you need to buy some stuff to make you feel better. Maybe you need to buy a 70 ring or T shirt to make you feel better and look cool. They want you to believe that they mess with your head. How rotten? How manipulative is it to make someone feel bad. Give people depression, make some people commit suicide, all just to try to turn a buck. Is that not evil? Is that now what Peter tells you he is he says I’m Cronos. He represents this attorney in dark forces. And the great the greatest actor to ever do it Leo DiCaprio. His character who’s a scientist and is like, look, science is the truth, right? But it’s not all the truth. By the end of the movie, he finds faith in God to be part of the equation and that’s the way you live. According to me, that’s what I think. But what do you think? Come to your own conclusion. I give you a lot to think about. Or Thank you for listening. Thank you for keeping an open mind. Maybe consider some of these ideas that don’t rattle around a bit. And, you know, if you want to support the show, you know how to do there’s so many ways. Go to Illuminati watch calm at the VIP section two bucks. For two months, you’ll get ad free. I’ll give you a couple of books even you’ll get a couple books on that deal. Check it out, see if it’s for you. And until next time. Stay Woke
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Very interesting info !Perfect just what I was looking for! “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts about reality.” by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.