On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we cover the second Doctor Strange film! Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) is a film LOADED down with occult symbolism! This will continue talk from last week episode on Doctor Strange (2016)- this one will go deep into the Scarlet Woman (the Whore of Babylon), the Illuminati, the Number of the Beast (that one is shocking), possession through yoga, Darkhold black arts, America being the Secret Destiny of occult practices and more! If you don’t know what the numbers 838 and 616 mean- you’re about to enter a new world of madness- so strap in!! Check out all the images discussed on the show at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
- ALSO Check out the analysis Doctor Strange (2016) Film Symbolism Analysis! All Seeing Eye, Saturn & the Occultists! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/doctor-strange-2016-film-symbolism-analysis-all-seeing-eye-saturn-the-occultists/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:06
Someone once told me that the reality I thought I knew was just one of many careful which paths you traveled down strong I don’t think there will be no consequences
Unknown Speaker 0:28
are in the
Unknown Speaker 0:31
game I sacrificed everything that nothing
Unknown Speaker 0:43
What have you done
Unknown Speaker 0:47
I never meant for this to happen you cannot control everything.
Unknown Speaker 0:56
You brought this on yourself
Isaac Weishaupt 1:01
you break the rules and become a hero. I do it and I become the enemy to the multiverse of madness Welcome back to conspiracy theories and on popular culture on your host, Isaac Weishaupt. Today we’re gonna talk about the second dr. strange film dr. strange in the multiverse of madness. Now, why didn’t they call it dr. strange to I don’t know, I didn’t realize that until I painstakingly assemble this analysis. Today when talking about the symbolism of the film, it’s a very important show. All right, this one’s what we call a banger in the biz. We’re going to talk about the Illuminati eschaton. The Scarlet woman, America’s role in the occult fantasies of bringing about the end of times. It was very blatant and very much in your face in this film. We’ve got a lot to get through. I’ve looked over and prepared for this analysis, probably more than I should have. Because I’ve got other things to research. And we will be continuing our discussion from the podcast last week for Dr. Strange from 2016. The first film All right, this one we’re going deeper into the horror of Babylon and her role as the scarlet woman. We’re going to talk about the mark of the beast which that one’s going to shock you I got some some truth bombs headed your way. Yoga, possession, oh my god, the dark hold the black arts. It’s all there. And of course, America, her secret destiny of the occult practices. As you know, in most of my film, analyses, I give him a hot take at the beginning. Should you watch this film because there’s going to be plot spoiling. All right. We’re going to spoil the plot. Should you watch it? Well, it’s a Marvel movie. All right, you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. That’s all you need to know if you’re into that. Go for it. If not, enjoy enjoy the show. How long is the movie itself? Well, it’s two hours and six minutes. And you feel every minute of it. I’ll be honest with you in that that old, tired old movie theater in the old, decrepit shopping mall. Who’s in this one? Well, you know, we already talked about the main character old Benedick, cucumber Bong. He’s in this one again, of course. But this time, we get Elizabeth Olsen she plays the role of the Scarlet Witch which As you could guess is going to be our Scarlet woman the horror of Babylon. funfact Guess who Elizabeth Olsen is related to? Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. That’s right. Those are her sisters. If you can believe that. If you know well the 90 show full house. You got it? Dude, I kept saying that. Remember those chicks? Well, this is her sister. Her Wikipedia says Elizabeth Olsen has been an atheist since the age of 13. Because she believes that religion should be about community and having a place to go and prayer not something that should determine women’s freedoms. Shots fired by Elizabeth Olsen actually actually agree with her stance on that. You know I’m saying I’m freedom of religion. But don’t look don’t try getting other people to believe your thing. I’ll let you believe whatever crazy thing you want to believe. Keep me out of your belief system and that goes from from a Christian warriors as well. You want to believe in the way of Christ Good on you. I can Man, don’t be trying to get these politicians to enforce the rules you believe in. Because I guarantee there’s all these different flavors of Christian out there. I disagree with a lot of them. But yeah, anyway. Massive rabbit hole alert, we’re not going down. What’s this movie about? What’s dr. strange to about it’s about the fourth phase of the Marvel Universe. I don’t know what that means. Not a big Marvel movie fan. But from what I do know the show on Disney plus called one division, which stars the Scarlet Witch, as well as Dr. Strange the first film, they both lead up to this second Doctor Strange film. All right. Now we’re gonna get into plot spoiler territory, you’ve made your choice by now.
And take note that this film analysis will not be typical of mine, I usually get to review the film a couple of times, I’ll watch it the first time and maybe take notes, maybe not. And then the second time, I’ll take more in depth notes. And then maybe even a third time if I need to put a five point on some of the ideas, capture some clips for fair use, of course. Pause subtitles, I get very thorough about it. Take notes. But this is this is a look. This was a movie I had to go in the theater to see and I wasn’t very happy about it. You’ve heard me talk about it. If you follow me on, I do a million shows now. And I’m on social media. And I don’t even remember I know I talked about this somewhere. So I won’t belabor the point. But I’m not a fan of the movie theater anymore. And I used to be a real big movie theater guy real excited to go to the movies and no longer, no longer no more fun. I’d like to see them at home. I don’t want to leave my house. Okay. It’s a wonderful home. It’s a wonderful home. So without this goes without saying there won’t be photos to go along with this analysis on my Instagram like I typically drop. Because obviously I can’t get screenshots unless you want your boy to get arrested for pulling his phone out during the movie. You know, I got yelled at once already. I’m not trying to catch that he I don’t want the smoke from the movie theater people. Nor will they’ll be video clips. And a lot of this will be an amalgamation of my memories of this film, which I gotta be honest. My memories are get a little fuzzy. All right. Combined with the plot description on Wikipedia. everybody’s eyes like I’ve got a top secret message for you a secret contest? That’s right. You probably know you’re gonna get involved in a contest today. Well, let me tell you something. Here’s what happened was when I recorded this show, you hear me throughout the show say well, you know, I couldn’t get any images because I was in a movie theater. Right? Well, that was a lie. results come back. That was a lie. What I did was I was able to comb through a bunch of online posts and trailers and crap. Anyway, what I did was I put together some very good exoplanet Tory image posts on my Instagram, where I explain these complicated symbols. So you can make a lot more sense of it, especially if you’re new to all this. For example, I’ve got I’ve got several of them. I got one where he’s doing the manual core noodle hand, but then you also see Anton LaVey, the founder of Church of Satan doing it why? Well, I explained it there. You see the magical Doctor Strange hand gesture, which is the civilian from John D. And I explained what that is. And you know, so on, we got yoga, we got all seeing eye, we got the Baphomet two finger salute. We’ve got America, it’s all in there. So anyway, go to my Instagram. If you haven’t already. instagram.com backslash Isaac Weishaupt link is in the show notes as always. And while you’re there, you can enter the secret contest. That’s right. It’s a total secret. Only you know, it’s an easy win for you. And what you will win is in official conspiracy theories and on popular culture t shirt, you’re gonna love it completely free of charge. I’ll even pay for shipping. Come on, let’s go. But here’s the rules. You got to follow me on Instagram. That’s one and you already do that. Right? And then also, you have to leave a comment on that Doctor Strange two posts, the one I’m talking about right now the one that has the images from dr. strange to where I explained some of the symbols and ideas. You got to leave a comment on there where you tag three people. Three people saw them out. Sell them, tell them you’re tagging them so that they can see the symbols. You know, tell them you’re just trying to win a shirt. I don’t care, whatever you want to tell them. Tell them nothing. Just tag him. I’m not gonna follow them. Not trying to message them or nothing like that. The goal here is I want more people to see this symbolism. That typically would not. Because it seems like nobody realizes or maybe nobody cares that any of this is happening. It’s in our face. A spiritual battle going on right now. Oh, my God. You can save the world through Instagram, who would have thought you’d have this kind of power. It’s all in your hands. So there you go, you can enter the contest to get a free, awesome t shirt. And also, while you’re there, subscribe, follow the Instagram instagram.com backslash Isaac Weishaupt link in the show notes. As always, also, to put the pressure on you. That contest is gonna end Tuesday, June 14 at noon, Mountain Standard Time. That’s 2pm Eastern Standard Time, I will be announcing the winner on my Instagram doing an Instagram Live.
So you can ask me questions. You can tell me how great the contest was. But yeah, you’ve only got a certain amount of time. So June 14 2022. It’s a wrap. So hurry up and get in there. Dr. Strange starts out he’s got a he’s having a dream, right. And in the dream, he’s sacrificing this young girl. In the multiverse, he’s saving the multiverse by blood sacrifice of this young girl who turns out her name is America. We don’t know that yet. We just see some girl. And he wakes up from the dream. Oh my God. And he goes over to Rachel McAdams is getting married. I forgot her name from the first movie, she was in the first one. Now she’s getting married to some other guy, not Dr. Strange. And she ordered a glass of wine. And Dr. Strange is there. And using his magic skills, he turns this glass of water next to next to him into a glass of wine. And he even says in case you missed it, the clear metaphor here. He says a bit, he says Was that too on the nose. Of course, this is the Apotheosis. This is the idea that these superheroes are gods that walk among us. And you’ll notice Christianity is devoid of all of these films always all the time. Science fiction can’t wait to get rid of the religions to replace it with the new old religion of paganism, right? That’s what they want. And the superheroes are the pagan gods that is the new pantheon of gods. So when he does that, it’s a clear reference shots fired towards the man. The man, just say the man, the myth and the legend, but you know, Jesus Christ Himself, capital H, our God, our Christian warrior God. Now if you see my if you listen to my entire lecture I did on superheroes that I was going to do at the local ComiCon the fan x in Salt Lake City there, already talked about this whole thing. And I realized I probably give mixed signals because I oftentimes condemned organized religion. And that’s kind of where I’m at in my current journey of trying to understand spirituality. All right. I don’t agree with everything that organized religion tells us but obviously these are heretical beliefs, right? Heresy for me not to believe some of the literal phrases from the Bible itself. The word from God Himself. My struggle right? You know me from the beginning, I tell you right off the bat, not a good truth or not a good Christian. Don’t follow me if you want the spiritual truth. I’m just pointing it out as I see it. So anyways, Dr. Strange is apparently Jesus Christ. Next thing we see dr. strange looks out the window, this trouble in the streets and he puts on his magical cloak, he starts fighting. He’s fighting a one eyed monster symbolically important here. Apropos symbolism for what we get at the end of the film. More to come on that put it in the back pocket. Fun fact, if you pay attention during the fight scene, there is a prominent restaurant sign during the flight. It’s in a large marquee. You can’t miss it. It says clams si l A M S. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen a restaurant that basically is called clams or, you know, boasts that it has clams. seems kind of strange, very prominent. And this might be a stretch, but it’s a theory I’ll throw out there you decide if you want to believe in it. I think it could be a reference to L Ron Hubbard and Church of Scientology and Jack Parsons because L Ron Hubbard once said that man evolved from clams that was the primordial form, and man retains this consciousness of the clan. The clan had one decision. It had one mission While while it sat on the beaches, sunning, it had one choice. Do I open the shell or do I not? And that according to L Ron Hubbard through evolution stays with us over time. And the way that the Church of Scientology can help you with your and decisiveness is through the clearing process. Now, ironically, the only reason I know that I’m gonna I’m not gonna pretend like I knew that off the top my head lawyers I know that is because I was researching
for this movie analysis. I was reading this book, ironically, the same time. John Dee and the Empire of angels by Jason Louvre. Fantastic book I’m about halfway through, but it is dense. The dense is dense, he mugged. denseness. All right. And I’d actually already started a couple months ago, because my man Jordan mailed me a copy. Thank you, Jordan. Shout out wind and sea coffee. And I’m reading this book. And then I watched dr. strange and the pieces are fitting together the Doctor Strange is in fact, John D, which we talked about on the first dr. strange film analysis. All right. So in preparation for this film analysis, I was going to read this entire book, it’s like, I don’t know was that 6000 pages, and I couldn’t do it. I was like, I’m never gonna get this done in time. So what I did was, I listened to some of Jason Lewis podcasts. He was interviewed by the great Greg Carr wood in 2018. on the higher side chats, a show I’ve been on how many times have I been on higher side chats five times? I don’t even know. I lose count. I lose count. So anyway, that’s where I heard this theory about the clams I thought, Man synchronicities left and right all day. So Dr. Strange, he’s in the movie, and he fights this one eyed monster. Also, metaphor for the penis. But hey, and what the metaphor shows us much like it showed him saying, Look, I am Christ now. I turned the water into wine. I am your God. On the nose, it tells you what it’s doing. Well, he saves the young woman, America, he sees America from the monster. All right. Well, we later find out that this dream Doctor Strange had at the beginning, it wasn’t a dream at all. It was real. And it was, what it was, was it was another doctor strange in another universe. And that one died. In America, I’m going to keep saying America, America is the girl in the film. Don’t be confused. Of course, we’re going to address this in the conclusion where we’re going to address all these topics. But we got to get through the film first. I got to catch you up. If you’re a guy like me, and you didn’t want to see this movie, I got to fill you in on what happens. So apparently, the dream wasn’t a dream. It was another doctor strange in a parallel dimension what they’re calling the multiverse. And America she’s she’s got this power to jump universes. And she does so and she proved the Doctor Strange that look, that wasn’t a dream. Because I put dr. strange from this other universe is dead. It’s a corpse now. And I put it up on the roof. And she shows it to him and he’s like, oh, okay, well, that’s kind of weird. And you’ll notice the costume of the dead Doctor Strange. It appears to have the Phoenix on its chest, the symbol of alchemy and rebirth. So there you go. We got the death and rebirth. Get it? Because he’s dead at the beginning. And then how but I’m just so excited. And potboiler of what happens. He embraces the dark arts and then he is reborn. All right. So the alchemical process. There’s some dialogue about how there are runes tied into all this, which makes Dr. Strange say, well, maybe we should talk to the Scarlet Witch or Wanda Maximoff whatever her name is. He’s like, look, this is this is. This isn’t sorcery. This is witchcraft. And she’s a witch so goes to talk to her but he finds out that she’s the ones been attacking with demons. And she’s trying to get America’s powers of jumping universes. Because what? Because you see what the Scarlet Witch wants is she wants to be rejoined with her two sons in this other universes, other multiverse. So she’s attacking America because she wants to harness the powers from America and that is the catalyst of this whole film. All right. So we see Dr. Strange and America that walking along the street and here comes Bruce Campbell from Evil Dead making a cameo. Only this cameo he plays the role of a street vendor serving pizza. And he calls himself pizza Papa. Now there’s some real strange ideas we can pull out of this right? I feel like pizza is awfully curious given the theme the movie as you find now is about sacrificing a child this is a very deep and dark rabbit hole. If you followed my shows the last few years you know we’ve talked about these subjects many times
but you also hear America talk about how how great this world is she says you know most of the universe’s I jump into the food is free. Very socialist propaganda which as you know, I’m very OG granola woke I’m a little bit of socialism is okay, right? Too much socialism is bad little bits. Okay, how do you find that balance? I don’t know. Don’t ask me. But we also find it but but like I said, I keep my opinions reserved. I’ll tell you what it is. That’s some socialism socialism promotion right there the idea that there’s gonna be free food right now, we also find out later that she’s got two mothers it’s very progressive movie very progressive ideas presented here by Marvel. Which isn’t surprising, right? Because Disney? Are people trying to cancel Disney. The right wing seems to hate Disney because they first they were too gay then they weren’t good enough and then they were too gay again. I don’t really follow it. I don’t know. All I know is a Walt Disney was into some occult stuff. But yeah, you see a lot of these agendas in these movies sometimes. Now Scarlet Witch she’s, she’s past right she’s trying to steal this America to jump but she’s she’s your Dark Hero. She’s your antihero. She’s got good reason to do bad things. And she attacks Kumar Tata Kamar. Taj, I always forget how they said it in the movie calm or Taj it’s the little Dojo where dr. strange learn how to be a magician. So Scarlet Witch is attacking calm or Taj strange in America, they transport to a whole nother universe because because look, America can’t control her portal jumping abilities, it just happens. She gets scared, and bam, there she goes. So they get transported to a universe. And we find out later that the universe they jump into is called Earth 838. And for reference, the one that jumped from the one there in most of the beginning of the movie is Earth 616. Now, those numbers hold very deep significance here, you need to hang in there. There’s gonna be more in the conclusion. And I’m gonna blow your mind. So hang in there. So Scarlett, she uses this technique they call dream walking to possess a body in this universe. She gets into a lotus position to do this. Now the dream walking is to possess another body. And this is the dark arts and we’ll talk a little bit about the Dark Dimension. We already covered it in the first film, but we’ll talk about the dark hold and all this black magic stuff. But here you see her doing this dream walking possession. And when she does it, she’s in the lotus position, which a lot of people you know you’re familiar with, you sit with your legs crossed and your arms with the Hindu Yoni, right the 666 hand. But now the lotus position is a position in yoga or meditation. It’s an Asana, Asana, Asana, Asana, and yoga. is a it’s an occult practice, if you go back to the origins of and I’m not saying yoga is bad. I’m not saying that as the relaxation, stretching form. I’ve done it many times myself, alright. I’ve even I’ve even felt strange energies doing it. Okay. Yoga means to unionize or to yoke, alright. And its origins originally, were meant to separate the consciousness of the practitioner from the body and tie it into the divine, right, the divine mind, God, this impersonal God. But like I said, Today, it’s mostly therapeutic yoga, right? Like my mom, she’s a she’s a very religious woman. She loves her, some Jesus Christ, some Bible. Some maybe even a little fire and brimstone sermon at church, I don’t know. And she does a little bit of yoga, you know? Don’t tell her Don’t tell her I said this. But, you know, yoga is original roots were very much not Christian. Now, like I said, I’m a very pragmatic kind of guy. I don’t think that that means you should be avoiding it or joining the picket line for it or whatever. I think it’s a different purpose, different practice, call like meditation, right? Like I do all these practices. You just got to be aware of what’s going on. Alright, that’s all. That’s all I think about it. But what do I know, you know, you talk to a pastor or priest, preacher, they’ll probably tell you otherwise. Like I said, Don’t follow me for spiritual advice, my friends. If you look at the New Age encyclopedia,
which is very much Christian soldier, slanted, I gotta forewarn you, it says this, it says if one considers the ancient yoga science of pranayama, controlled breathing, to have relevance, then one must admit that the manual manipulation of the nasal cycle during meditation, Dianna is the most thoroughly documented of techniques for altering consciousness. It’s all about altering the consciousness, which in some ways is good. Even if you’re a Christian warrior, you can alter your consciousness. Sometimes people have depression, sometimes people have mental issues, anxiety, we live in a crazy country. It’s a crazy culture full of crazy people. How do you deal with all these things. But in yoga, you use breathing and body positioning like the lotus position for a reason it’s achieving this altered state, you’re manually you’re using the body and the mind together, to more or less channel and move energies around the body, the chakras, the Kundalini, all that crap, your awakening psychic energy, your Kundalini spirit, the serpent. And it’s supposed to allow a person to know that they have this divine nature within them. And when it connects them into the global consciousness, which is interesting, because if you listen to my doctor strange one analysis, you heard how Stanley makes a cameo in the film. And what a Stanley doing in that cameo? He’s reading a book. And what does that book called? It’s called the doors of perception. And what’s that about? It’s about using drugs to make contact with the divine to alter the consciousness, the Samadhi anyway, back to the film. So she is doing so she’s doing the dream walking right. And she’s entered, she’s entering an altered state and she’s astral projecting into another person’s body. Actually, I’ve got one more, one more. Let me one more thing from the Encyclopedia of New Age beliefs. Listen to this. This one’s actually really good. Perhaps the most dominant characteristic and Kundalini arousal and other yoga practice is an experience of energy and fusion or possession. So there you go. She’s doing the yoga pose, the lotus position, to do actual possession. And right there in the Encyclopedia of New Age beliefs, it says that the most dominant characteristic and Kundalini arousal or yoga practice is possession. And then it goes on and says, The Taoist Master child P. Chen, observe that as time passes, demonic states will occur to the practice, practice or significantly, yogic energy manifestations and possession are sometimes initially sensed by the experiencer as the work of an evil spirit. So you can see these parallels. Like I said, you know, to put it into perspective, the Encyclopedia of New Age beliefs. The author is John Ankerberg. All right, he’s this Baptist minister, very fire and brimstone. Me, he’s got a show on Daystar, which is the, like gospel TV network. They’re a little bit eccentric sometimes. So take that for what it’s worth. Now. Scarlet Witch is in this possession and it gets broken up. When some other you know, witch sacrifices, just self and Scarlett ends up going to this ancient temple. So she can harness the dark, the Dark Dimension, that dark hold, they called in the film, to enable her to do more of this dream locking of this possession of this astral projection because it takes energy to do this. And we find out the temple is called Mount wound to Gore. And it’s actually a mountain that has all of the power of the Dark Hole within it. Now you’ll notice on the temple there’s a statue in that statues of the Scarlet Witch and it looks the mannerisms of appear to look just like the Mesopotamian goddess statues. Inanna Samira miss, whatever you want to call it. And in the movie, I wish I could show you the images. We see her embrace A carving that has arms and the Baphomet IQ as above so below stance, one arm up one arm down, as above, so below the hermetic wisdom of alchemy. So somehow she gets America into this mound wanting to go onto the sacrifice altar. And she starts trying to pull her soul from her body so she can have this ability to jump universes and be with her kids.
That mean and that’s that’s all happening Meanwhile, at the same time on earth 838 Dr. Strange in America. Oh, you know what? I think I jumped. Sorry. I told you. Look, I warned you. This is what happens when you get one shot in a movie theater. And you saw my notes. I posted the image on the Instagram taking notes in the dark. All right. Actually, kind of like told you. That’s kind of like the end of the film. Suddenly back up a little bit. Meanwhile, on Earth 838 Dark strange in America. It was before she gets on the sacrificial altar. Alright. There are this local magic dojo, and they get apprehended and they get put into these glass cubes. Rachel McAdams tells them about how there’s all these different universes and that’s when she reveals that they’re in Earth 838 And where they came from was Earth 616. So they put magic handcuffs on Dr. Strange and present him to a council that goes by the name. Wait for RIT the Illuminati That’s right. Illuminate confirm. They’re telling us right in your beautiful faces. Illuminati, and in this universe 838. They’re the good guys. It’s a group of heroes. On it has a bunch of long one I recognize was Reed Richards from the Fantastic Four, aka Jim from the office. And then Professor X from X Men and then a couple other I don’t know sidepiece heroes. But the issue is that nurse 838 Doctor Strange abuse the powers of dream walking of this possession state. And he did this with an entire universe. And I can’t even read my notes, everybody. I’m very sorry. Anyways, he did this. And he ended up killing the whole universe or planet or whatever. It was like a trillion lives lost. So he’s been a bad boy in this earth. 838 Because in the earth 838 He jumped to another one and killed a bunch of people. All right. That’s the handcuffs. All right. And what’s weird is that he’s a hero in this world at the same time, because what he did was he stopped fatals from killing even more people. All right. And to make it worse, he used the dark hole, which is the dark arts the black magic to do all of this. So they end up kids. So in this universe, a three eight, Dr. Strange was a bad boy and the Illuminati kills him. And he’s like, You know what, I deserve it, you got to kill me. So he could no longer longer harm other universes. incursions, as they call it all right. Now before they decide what they’re going to do with Dr. Strange, na three, eight, from 616 Scarlet Witch possesses a new body and 838. And she kills everybody there. Right? Except for Dr. Strange America and Rachel McAdams. And those three, they go into this void between universes to get this book of Ashanti something that they keep talking about the whole film. And what’s the book of the Ashanti? Well, it’s the opposing force that the dark hold. Maybe it’s the white magic to the black magic, something like that. Oh, and there’s also I’ve almost forgot to write this down. This just came to me. You’ll notice when Dr. Strange is at the Council of the Illuminati. They’re telling him about how look, we had to kill you in this universe because you were a bad boy. And he’s like, Hey, there’s a statue out front of me. If I’m such a bad guy, why do you build a statue? And they say to him? Well, everybody needs heroes. So what does that mean? That means the Illuminati knows there’s a version of reality they’re creating for the sheeple the mouth breathers the normies where they lie to them because the ends justify the means they’re like, look, we got to be the people behind here to make sure that The everyone doesn’t die. They’re basically the great reset the Klaus Schwab’s right the Council of Schwab’s. Anyway dr. strange
he ends up so, okay, I know it gets confusing, right? But it’s the multiverse of madness. What do you do? It’s maddening. Doctor Strange, he ends up getting away, fights another Doctor Strange and another universe. And you see him using these music notes. And a harp is actually a very cool sequence in the film. Probably Probably the coolest part of the movie actually. And what’s curious here is that wasn’t that Lucifer? Who in mythology is depicted as playing the heavens? The harp remember that he’s in the heavens playing the harp is playing beautiful music before he got booted. So it’s an interesting choice they made here to show Dr. Strange as a Luciferian force playing the harp. So Dr. Strange, from 616. Now, very confusing, he dream walks, takes possession of the dr. strange corpse from the beginning, which has the Phoenix on the chest, right? There’s your rebirth in order to try to stop Scarlet Witch at this ancient temple, the mount wound to glory, because remember, she’s trying to sacrifice America on the sacrificial altar. Now in order to do that, he’s actually attracting a lot of dark energy, a lot of dark demonic spirits from the dark, cold, they attack him. But what did he do, he ends up consuming them. So we can use the dark powers against the Scarlet Witch against the ends justify the means for some of these things. So he attacks the Scarlet Witch, the corpse possessed with the demons using the dark arts. And he ends up freeing America, who then opens up a portal and puts the Scarlet Witch through to 838 where she kind of wanted to go and she sees her kids. Only tragedy strikes, and they’re terrified of her. But she’s like, Hey, I’m not a monster. I’m a mother. But the kids ain’t buying it. They’re screaming. And Scarlet gets all sad. And she’s like, Alright, maybe I shouldn’t do this. Because she loves her kids so much. And you’ll also notice, and I could be wrong. Again, I wish I could review the film again. I think the kids are watching Snow White. Which is interesting, because it’s a story of a witch, right. So Scarlet Witch, she ends up having a change of heart. And she sacrifices herself. In order to destroy this dark hold the ancient temple, every copy of the dark hold. And everyone goes home to their universe. And that’s it right? Happy Ending. Then you get the little denouement. And Dr. Strange. We see him walking down the street at bam, he’s got the Third Eye pops open out of the forehead. And he’s doing the demon possession. So a very disturbing and dark film. Right. very upsetting. Fact, a friend of mine put me on to the law. People told me that I did want to watch this film. That’s why I went in. Alright. Went into the dreaded theater with the stinky nerds. And watch this movie. And I’m glad I did you know what I mean? Like it wasn’t my wasn’t my kind of movie wasn’t my cup of tea. But boil boil. Is there. Lots of talk about Disney taking a turn to the darkness. And that’s what my friend Hermione McGonigal? They’re, she’s the one who told me about it. She don’t really follow this stuff. She just said, Look, something’s wrong with this movie. There’s something dark about it. And then she was right. Now let’s unpack this whole mess. If you thought I’m long winded already. You ain’t seen nothing yet. In conclusion, I’ve got one I got another man. I probably got another half hour, maybe an hour. I don’t even know. We’ll just keep going. We’re gonna keep rocking. I’m not going to give you a two parter episode. I wouldn’t do that to you. We’re going to talk about the symbolism here. We’re going to talk about man, we’re talking about the Illuminati and more. We’re talking about the multiverse. We’re gonna talk about the Scarlet Witch more the dark arts. So let’s get into it. I gotta open the window. Standby. It’s a very strange time of year here. My apologies. And you probably think Isaac, you know what? You’re making podcast. You think you’re a professional? Why don’t you just pause it? Because I’m having a problem here. Right? I filmed video for my tier two and up supporters and my rockfon People All right, in conclusion, symbolism, let’s talk about symbolism. We see the two finger salute Dr. Strange is always doing this number right with the two fingers together the four finger and the middle finger.
And this is what the Baphomet does. Again, another reference to the Baphomet means as above, so below, two fingers up, two fingers down, bam, bam, bam. Thank you, ma’am. We also see him do the man Oh, cornuta. That’s like the I Love You hand. It’s the devil horns, all those things. And this hammer is at the end. When he’s harnessing the black magic, he’s sitting in the circle of candles. And using this exact hand gesture you’ve seen Anton LaVey, the founder of The Church of Satan using this it’s a witch hex. You see a lot of pentagrams. In fact, you’ll notice America every time she jumps, universes, she creates a portal and that portal is the shape of a star, which is a pentagram, by definition. It’s also I would argue, could be a stretch and homage to Jack Parsons, the original antichrist. Because if you know a thing or two about rockets, and I happen to because I worked with explosives in the military, that they will configure the powder in different shapes for different burn times. And guess what one of those patterns is to maximize burn time of a rocket. It is the shape of a pentagram of a star. We also get symbolism of the all seeing eye right? popping out of dark strange dumb head is the Pineal Gland opening up. You recall the beginning of the film, we saw the monster and had one eye it was the all seeing eye monster. And you know dr. strange in the whole movie, it’s about him harnessing and embracing the powers of black magic. Even his buddy at the end of the film, he was like, hey, was it worth it? Then Dr. Strange says something to the effect of well, Oh, you mean possessing my dead corpse and using demons to fight the witch. And he’s like it sure was. The ends justify the means. And that’s what opened up his third eye by the way. And if you recall on dr. strange one, I made a big to do about how we see Doctor Strange in the hospital on the gurney with one eye closed. It was symbolically showing us his eye was about to be opened. Because that was his first stage of awakening At the Dojo when he learned all these secrets of the occult. We also find lots of sigils if you look at the shapes he creates when he does his magic tricks with his hands, you see the little light shapes and such. You’ll notice it looks very similar, if not identical to jhandi and Edward Kelly’s Suzie Gilliam de Emeth. What was that you ask? Well, it’s a guide for making contact with the angels and controlling spirits back in old timey 1500s. It’s like the Seal of Solomon. The seal, of course, was two overlapping triangles making the hexagram. And that’s kind of what this surge ileum is. It’s multiple pentagrams and Hepta grams and flip flop Flama grams and everything. You name it, they got it on there. It’s all packed in there. And if you read Jason Lewis book on John D, he talks about this to Gillian de m f. And says it’s based on an even older grim wire, a spell book, if you will, called libre, your iris or the sworn book. And that book is a collection of knowledge from older magicians in a form is 93 chapters, by the way. 93 Of course, being the number of the Lima Aleister Crowley’s religion, and it’s a manual of summoning perverse and evil spirits. And he goes on about how demand purity as a prerequisite of its usage. So interesting that you see the sigils in the films, put right in your face. And a lot of people probably don’t know that. That’s a John D sigil. And I would argue that a lot of people wouldn’t know that the John D sigil. is actually exactly a manual of summoning perverse and evil spirits, which is exactly what happens. And Dr. Strange too. That’s exactly what he’s doing. The Illuminati they’re in the movie, we all know who they are. But in the Marvel Universe, There are a secret society that rules Earth 838.
And we hear that the Doctor Strange and eight through eight, put this group together in order to, quote make tough decisions, the majority of people are not ready to face. They’re laying in the acceptance of an idea of a group of elites that know better than the mouth breathers. That’s your Klaus Schwab’s, that’s your Great reset folks, your elites. And look, there’s good argument to say that maybe most people can’t handle these kinds of things. We do stay distracted. You know, I don’t blame the Illuminati for having that mentality. A lot of people don’t want to make these tough decisions. We know we’re supposed to do and sometimes we don’t. Right, we’re human. The tough decisions they’re referring to of course, is killing some in order to save the whole. They had to let Thanos wipe out half of the globe in order to keep him from destroying every single person. And Dr. Strange also had to use the black magic of the Dark Hole to find a weapon to defeat Thanos. But in order to do so wiped out an entire reality, a trillion people The ends justify the means. Just like the real Illuminati would do. There are the adults in the room. We just get to watch Marvel movies and go to work and whatever. We also find out they’re into manipulating the public when they tell Dr. Strange that look, we kept that statute because we need the heroes. This is what happened to Pat Tillman. Remember the story of Pat Tillman. The the football player that signed up to be a Greenbrae got killed by friendly fire. And they used it the military used in order to try to paint this superhero image of him. When the rally was it was friendly, finally got him and his family spoke out about this very loudly. In fact, I met Matt Tillman’s brother one time, if you can believe that. I had, it was back in. I don’t even know. I couldn’t even tell you 2010 to 2015 Somewhere in there. And made a bunch of friends did the me Josie and a bunch of friends went out to Lake Tahoe to do a Tough Mudder for wounded warriors remember that. And I knew the whole story. I read Pat Tillman’s book. I had seen Pat Dylan’s brother on TV is a fascinating, tragic story. Sad. But when he talks about propaganda and lying to the American public, it’s a very important story. And we did this whole Tough Mudder took us like, I mean, it was like eight hours. We were not fit. We’re not ready for it at all is a total nightmare. And we got done. I’m half hallucinating. I even had the what do you call the aluminum foil cape on? They give you when you’re like a car accident and you’re shivering and shaking. I went to Lowe’s. I don’t remember why I was in the state of shock about how fatten out of shape I was. And I looked over and I see Pat Tillman’s brother. I don’t remember his name. I keep calling him Pat Tillman’s brother. I should have done three seconds of research. I’m sorry. I didn’t think I was gonna tell the story. It just came to me. But bad. Dylan’s brother was there with I believe it was Donald’s girlfriend or sister or somebody. I don’t remember. I said. I said to Josie. You know, I’m always starstruck. I’m a real big star ever. But there was Brother she said what I call this call it I went in and shook his hand and all that was real cool. He was like Cool story, bro. Now he was really nice. But I looked up at him and I’d read his book at this point already. So it was kind of surreal. Anyhow, the Illuminati did that too. In this movie, now, the multiverse is talking about with the multiverse. That’s science fantasy. All right, the idea of parallel realities, infinite universes on infinite timelines. Oh, it makes your brain hurt when you start thinking about it. And also supports this quantum idea of superposition how something one thing can be in two different positions and at the same time, identically. You know they they run these quantum physics test where they
flip the electron spin of one atom over here and reflects in this other dimension over here. Don’t ask me. Even the scientists say it’s almost impossible to prove this theory about this parallel multiple dimensions and stuff. But if we take a step back, what we’re looking at is the scientific understanding of our world. And like I’ve talked about many times, modern science is rooted into the Ancient Alchemy and philosophies of the occult scientists who were trying to understand observable reality. They base their entire worldview on what they call the hermetic wisdom from Hermes Trismegistus, the the bird alien, in ancient Egypt. What these scientists like Isaac Newton, and John D, and all these 1500s, science, nerds, occult sciences, I should say, they were trying to understand how the world worked the observable world so they could understand God and God’s mind. The idea that we’re actually all part of God’s mind, the entire world is and if you can decode how God created reality, then you the new man could become the next guy and create his own reality, which is magic, which is exactly what Dr. Strange learns at the dojo, the calmer Taj. Now another one more interesting idea. We talked about with a guest to have on the show a couple of times SMQ he did the famous show, we we died in 2012 famous theory of his that’s back in like 20, I don’t even know 14 I did that show 15. CERN is making black holes. Gordie Rose is making an AI computer, a quantum computer, excuse me, that’s pulling data from other dimensions. And all of this could have a role with mandela effect. A lot of weird stuff here, man, like it makes your brain hurt when you get into that aspect of it. The dark old black magic, let’s talk about black magic for a minute. Dr. Strange uses it. And this is what causes all these issues. But he really doesn’t care. Right? Because you know, at the end of the film and the day, noon wise, Wong asked him how you feel and after all that, and he says, I feel fine. I’m okay with it. He’s totally okay, using the dark arts to get the job done. And the impression left upon the viewer is that yeah, that is okay. That’s how you get the job done. Sometimes. It’s an it’s a means to an end, the end justify the means. Now if you go to Marvel fandoms website those nerds say this. The dark holds pages contain a number of powerful black magic spells. However, its influence is so strong that all those who read it are corrupted, losing their souls and becoming possessed by cheatin. In a sense, it is the antithesis of the book of Ashanti which previously I said that was kind of the white magic side of the house. All right. And then it goes on says some stuff and it says a eons ago, the evil Elder God, known as shaitaan wrote all his evil works and spells on indestructible parchment. Originally written on flesh before being transcribed to stone and later a collection of parchments, often referred to as the Teton scrolls. The pages were later bound together into a tome of the Codex type named the dark old and also the sheep Yatra book of the damned or the book of sins. It is served as the source for other such books of spells as the Necronomicon What is he saying? What are they talking about? It’s a lot of Lovecraftian language if you follow HP Lovecraft jutaan. It’s spelled ch t h o n, is almost exactly the same as Cthulhu which is C H tu l Hu and you find out that the dark old is the source for the Necronomicon which is a fictional book created by HP Lovecraft and we hear how Tom put the spells into the scrolls of the dark hole so a doorway could be open between Earth and Tetons dimension, which is just like HP Lovecraft stories about Cthulhu Now should you have any doubts that the dark hole and Dr. Strange is universe is Lovecraftian listen to this, again from Marvel fandom. Doesn’t get any nerdier than that.
Alternatively, the Lego logo Mansur theorized that the dark old The Necronomicon the oracles of XO were asked her and other mystic scrolls and books were, in fact, simply a collection of imperfect copies of the ancient writings etched on the walls of really, really, really a by ancient and hideous things, the great old ones, among which she Taan was allegedly the greatest despite generally being recognized as an elder god. All that is language straight from Lovecraft. That word I can pronounce our apostrophe, ll y e. H. raelia. The great old ones, and Elder God, the Necronomicon, cheatin and Cthulhu. It’s the same thing. And why should we care? depressing, Isaac? You know what HP Lovecraft was just a great fictional writer, just having a good old time? Well, there’s a guy named Peter the vendor, and he’s very well knowledgeable on the occult. And he wrote an entire book called The Dark Lord. And in that book, he lays out how HP Lovecraft has some very strange parallels to Aleister Crowley too serious and of course, Satan. And I believe in that book, he talks about the Yazidi tribes worshipping Satan and all this crazy stuff. Now, why should you care about that? Well, years and years ago, I read all this stuff. then lo and behold, in 2018, or 19 Here comes Peter lavanda, working with Tom DeLonge. From blink 182 To write books about the alien phenomenon. They’re doing mass disclosure about what the aliens are. From, I would argue the occult perspective, they’re indoctrinating the occult ideas upon the masses. The fun fact the dark cold spells created the world’s first vampire varn a, again, a Marvel fiction stuff right. But you can confirm that the Dark Hole is all black magic. Outside of the HP Lovecraft satanic connection that I’m trying to say here, you can confirm his black magic by looking at the opposing polarity the book of Ashanti, it’s a book for white magic. Again, let’s go to the nerds from the Marvel fandom universe here. It says the book of Ashanti can contains the most powerful white order magic spells known many of them being counterspells to other magic disciplines. The original contents were written by Agha moto sometime before the fall of Atlantis. That’s the ilogger Moto right remember that we talked about them the first film analysis last week. Now Atlantis is very important all this Atlantis is the belief that a lot of these cultures have in an advanced civilization that perfected Utopia it guess where they said that was going to happen again? America Yes, America, the new Atlantis Francis Bacon described and so did Manley P Hall and secret destiny of America. And guess what the whole idea was? The whole idea was that you can have this perfected society this utopia, but it was based on a technocracy. What’s a technocracy? It’s science telling us what to do. They say trust the science. They’re laying the foundations for a future government based upon scientific principles. And look, I like science, nothing wrong with science. The problem is when science becomes your belief system. That’s the problem. But his book of Ashanti, they’re saying that it was also possessed by the Babylonian god Marduk. Marduk was the god of wisdom, the sun god and Sumerian mythology. He was the crown ruler of the Annunaki. Yes. Again, you’ve got this ancient alien overlap with HP Lovecraft, as well as the Marvel Universe. The Annunaki the aliens from the 12th planet of Nibiru. They claim all the pseudoscience mixes science and fiction, in reality, that’s why, if you are a supporter, you heard my bonus show for the month of May. I talked about that. You will FFO Congress meeting they had recently. And I went through the different ideas that they floated there. A lot of people were like, Oh, that was a nothing burger. No, it wasn’t a nothing burger. There was actually some interesting ideas that fell out. I’ll, I’ll drop one idea on you. They grilled the guy, the director of the new alien X Files group right at the Pentagon.
And guess what they said to him, they said they basically imply that because they’re like you, you’re a science fiction nerd, aren’t you? And he was kind like, a little bit. You know, everyone’s a science fiction nerd. And I think what they’re trying to do is I think they read my books, right? Don’t think that maybe though, that The ideas I presented my books are that these occultist they make fiction become reality. So the science fiction tales do become reality. And they focus enough energy. That’s what happens. And I think they were they kind of knew that. Now, in the film, they showed the book of this, the Ashanti, and if appears to have the star of Babylon on it, and you can see that the end of the movie, it’s on the back of the book, he removes it from a holder, I could be wrong. Obviously, I cannot pause it. But that’s what I thought I saw was the star of Babylon, which takes us into the Scarlet Witch talk, which we’re going to have. Now the first person to possess the book of Ashanti was none other than Varney the first vampire. Back in Atlantis, according to the fictional universe. Next a dhoti, there’d be some Mark of the Beast talk. And would you believe that the number of the beast is not 666? No. There is a theory that the real number, the beast is actually 616. I’m going to read you from the text of the gospels.com. One of the most well known textual variants in the book of Revelation occurs on 13th 18th. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man his number is, and then this is where the variant unit occurs. And they claim that almost all Greek manuscripts of revelation have this long Greek word I’m not going to try to pronounce of, you know, basically 666. But there’s a codex called E framing rescript us that claims the number of the beast is actually 600 plus 10 plus six, which is 616. There’s a bunch of theories and ideas on how this mistranslation happened. But we won’t get bogged in it. That’s, that’s just, you know, the one idea now why does that matter? Because in this movie, do you remember they said Dr. Strange was an Earth 616 And who came up with that number Rachel McAdams? Rachel McAdams did she says I study and catalog different universes? And we add 616 and 838. So it’s very important to have the Illuminati running the the Illuminati universe of Earth 616. Now America, Why is America in this right? Well, America is very important. It’s very literal. It’s very direct metaphor. She has the blood sacrifice you here to read the beginning of the film. And Dr. Strange his dream. He says America sacrifice is worth it in the multiverse. The ends justify the means. The name is not coincidental. If you look America, she’s got her Jan six fits on she got her denim jacket with the Stars and Stripes, which is a violation of the flag act, by the way. I know the that’s the crowd of people who say that they’re the Patriots will on the real patriot here. I won’t wear a flag because it’s in violation of the US flag act, but people insist on doing it. And I don’t care. That’s fine. Just saying now the beginning of the film. Dr. Strange goes to the Scarlet Witch and and and she says, and I quote off of my memory. What if you brought America here? She was trying to trap dr. strange and and bringing America to her. What if you brought America here? I think this is interesting. I think that this reveals the occult takeover there bring in America into it. Right. And of course, the wit Scarlet Witch eventually reveals how she’s going to sacrifice America on this sacrificial altar. Which further describes this weird occult fantasies they have about the eschaton about bringing about the end times? And you’ll hear them talk about these two realities colliding. And they say it in the film of say, America doesn’t have long. Is this a warning? Is this a warning film about the eschaton coming about the end of times?
If you go back to the occult doctrines, Manley P halls secret destiny of America describes how America will fulfill this fantasy. want to read you from this book. And in this passage, they direct the Illuminati, right. It’s called the order of the quest. This is the umbrella right and you gotta read Bill Cooper’s one of the first to lay this out the order of the quest is basically the Illuminati and of course you Illuminati is in this movie, Doctor strange too. But they talk about wisdom being the cure for man’s ignorance. This is the technocracy of science. The sciences are the most brilliant. It’s the Perfected social order the utopia, which oh, by the way, the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, guess what his family was his dad or his grandfather, a tech a technocrat. You went to prison for it. and Canada was illegal to be a technocrat and that’s what he was about. So get ready. Whatever it is kind of long. Stick with me. All right. Don’t don’t drop out yet, because I’ve got even more interesting stuff. Hang on, I’m gonna read you from secret destiny of America. All the sciences contained brilliant farseeing men who equally desire to contribute their part to the philosophic empire of the future. Secret societies were formed in their own professions, using the emblems established in their arts to conceal their social aspirations. Thus did the alchemist come into being the mystic chemist seeking the elixir of life, the wise man stone, the universal medicine and the agent for the transmutation of metals. The elixir of life is truth itself, the preserver of all things. The wise man stone is science that can work all wonders and solve all riddles of the mortal sphere. The Universal medicine is wisdom, the only cure for ignorance which is the universal disease, the agent for the transmutation of metals as the pattern of the universal state, the essence of the perfect plan for a world civilization by which all the base elements in human society can be can be transmuted in the spiritual gold of right purpose. In Italy, the Illuminati sought for the Pearl of Great Price hidden in the deep waters of moral corruption. In Northern Europe, the Knights of the holy grail dedicated their lives to the search for the chalice of the passion, Jewish and Christian capitalist pondered the letters of the Scriptures to find the secret of the crown of splendors. And the Rosicrucians in their hidden houses use the Rose of Sharon as the symbol of brotherly love. Blah, blah, blah. All these groups belong to what is called the order of the quest. All we’re searching for one and the same thing under a variety of rituals and symbols. That one thing was a perfected social order Plato’s Commonwealth, the government of the philosopher king to this end each consecrated that’s life and knowledge, exploring ever further into the secrets of nature to discover the greatest secret of all the secret of human happiness, ah, painful, painfully boring to read this stuff, right. But that’s what it says. You got to know that these elites, they sit around obsessing over this stuff, right? And that’s what they want for America. So when you see American Doctor Strange to just know, that’s literally what they want. They want America to be this new occult thing. Moving on Scarlet Witch. She is the female empowerment archetype of the which I love which is myself. But that’s what witches stand for is the powerful female. All right. In the one division series, you apparently hear that she is the scarlet woman. If you read, I’m gonna read you from Rotten Tomatoes interview with the creator of the show Jack Shafer. Through the years one is costume identity never took on a greater meaning despite her absolutely essential and sometimes chaotic contributions to Marvel Comics lore, tying it to that chaos and a destiny she’s yet to deny or embrace also created the possibility of further defining magic within the Marvel Universe. The witch zone was not explored, Schafer said we hadn’t seen witchcraft, we’d seen magic in the space of Dr. Strange and the sort of, I would argue more of a masculine magic not at all line was Salem, in our, our sort of Americanized version and feminized versions of witches and magic.
Now, what is she using? She’s using witchcraft, but she’s also using chaos magic. Which if you watch these movies, it kind of all looks like the same thing. But but I’ll give you the brief. My brief understanding of chaos magic, this is more of the anarchist style of magic. If you look at the occult encyclopedia it says Phil Lima that’s Aleister Crowley’s religion says the Lima Satanism in the left hand path coalesce and form new expressions in the meeting with underground artistic my lose. There’s that word I never know how to pronounce and dissemination structures. It’s saying that chaos magic is spreading online in a non initiatory channels. Sorry, that was the end of the call, man. I told you my brain is getting mushy. All right, folks. cuz that was the end of the quote in the meeting with underground artistic Milo’s and dissemination structures. See, what I do is I got a Kindle, right? And on the Kindle, I highlight the passage and I put the little note in there, and then I export it. So it’s got my note in here. But I’m supposed to read the note in a different format for you. Okay, so here it goes. So it says all that and what it’s saying is that cast magic is spreading online. In the internet, right? And non initiatory channels, meaning, not through a oral tradition, not through a mentor. It’s anarchy. There’s no authoritative structure, just anyone who’s doing it now. Which ties us into Alan Moore who wrote the watchmen comic, because he’s totally into the occult. But most importantly, the Scarlet Witch is the scarlet woman. She’s the Whore of Babylon. And there’s this whole massive topic about how you know men basically suppressed the true nature of woman and the feminine mysteries. You know, you want to talk about magic women create life. Right? Why we don’t put them on a pedestal and watch them as goddesses. They are I don’t know, I think there’s some serious patriarchy stuff going on there. I’m not trying to pander to my female base. But for some reason, we feel this need to suppress the power of the women. And this is where a lot of the content for Christianity and traditional structures come about. And women, they are given a subservient role in American society in some ways. According to the beliefs referenced in the Bible is where they say this comes from I look I’m no, I’m no scholar expert on female studies. But when but I will talk to you about the analog if you go to, I got a I got a quote here from George Frazier’s golden bow. He suggests that you look to the stars for discussion about the power of the female goddess. Because they ain’t they say that we came from an age of matriarchy before, says Sirius was the star of ISIS just as the Babylonians deemed the planet Venus, the star of a star to to both peoples apparently the brilliant luminary in the morning sky seemed the goddess of life and love come to mourn her departed lover or spouse and wake him from the dead. So what happened, right, women used to have this very high roll. And the claim is from what I understand is that when religion came about, they found a way to suppress this thing. And this ties into Gnostic ideas about the SOFIA goddess. This ties into the Bible discussing how Eve was the one that got seduced by the serpent. big massive rabbit hole. All right, but let’s talk about the eschaton. This is the end times which the Whore of Babylon the scarlet woman brings about. And this is strange. This is a philosophy that some politicians even subscribe to. They want to monetize the eschaton create heaven on earth through policy changes through law, or some kind of wisdom that will trigger the apocalypse, literally what they want to do. And of course, in Greek Apocalypse just means the revealing the revelation. But more specifically, it could be an entity revealing the mysteries to a human through visions through dreams. And eschatology is the end of the current age. So it’s the revelation the awakening the New Age, basically. And this is something Croley talked about with the aid of Horus
ironically, it’s what the Evangelicals talk about with rebuilding the Temple of Solomon Why do you think there’s so buddy buddy with the the with Israel, right? They think God is going to then come in to reward all the faithful and punish the heathens and they’re like bringing all we’re ready. And this goes into a few ideas. You’ve got the second coming of Christ, you’ve got the rapture, you’ve got the resurrection of the dead. The New Earth which in the in the Orthodox face, faith, you take the Nicene Creed and you in fact, every Sunday you go to church, you you say the actual Nicene Creed verbatim off the off the card and they talk about that welcoming the age to come. That’s a reference to the New Earth the eschaton This is a massive topic. I would need an expert to get on here to break it all down. Michael Heizer I’m sure it would be a good expert. I’ve communicated with him in the past. Very interesting topic though I’m actually reading and watching the stand right now, to see if there’s anything there we can talk about. Let’s go to the book of Revelation says the angel carried my spirit away to the desert, I saw the scarlet woman sitting on the beast with seven heads and 10 horns covered with blasphemous names. The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet and gilded with gold and precious stones pearls, with a golden cup in her hand filled with abominations and the unclean things of her fornication. on her forehead and name had been written a MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND of the abominations of the earth. I saw the woman was drunk from the blood of the saints and from the blood of the martyrs of Christ. Seeing her I wondered greatly. That was from Revelation 17. Now in terms of the eschaton the end times that these evangelicals and the occultist seek to bring about we know that Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley played a hand in this. All right. If you go to Jack Parsons, he wrote a book called libre 49 about it divided up in the book of Babylon and the book of the Antichrist, about his experience of trying to invoke this goddess force of Babylon. And it sounds a lot like scary Satan Ville, but he tells you what he was trying to do. And if you don’t know Jack Parsons is boy, Jack Parsons, major character in the recall, the guy who created JPL, the predecessor to NASA. He wasn’t a cultist, he wanted to destroy Christianity. He was in the science fiction. Very influential on the science fiction community, right. This is what his own writing say says the present age is under the influence of the force called in magical terminology, Horus. That’s Aleister Crowley’s idea, right. This force relates to fire Mars and the Sun that is to power, violence and energy. It also relates to a child being innocent. Its manifestations may be noted in the destruction of old institutions and ideas, the discovering Liberation’s of new energies and the trend towards power governments war, homosexuality, infantile ism, and schizophrenia. Now this was written in the 40s, right? Long time ago different world entirely. This force is completely blind depending upon the men and women in whom it manifest and who guide it. Obviously, its guidance now tends towards catastrophe. The catastrophic trend is due to our lack of understanding of our own natures, the hidden lusts, fears and hatred resulting from the warping of the lovers which underly the natures of all Western peoples have taken a homicidal and suicidal direction. Now, he seems to be saying, he seems to be subscribing to a Freudian idea of sexual drive, causing diseases. And that was his whole thing. He said he wanted to destroy the lying hypocrisy of Christianity, he thought that Christianity was suppressing all the sex. This is the 40s right before the 60s. And you know, America is not really known for their healthy views and attitudes towards sex. Almost done. Let’s keep reading though. This impasse is broken by the incarnation of another sort of force called Babylon. The nature of this force relates to love understanding and dynasty and freedom and as the necessary counterbalance, or correspondence to the manifestation of Horus. It is indicated that this force is actually incarnate in some living woman as the result of the described magical operation.
And that’s basically the magical operation he did. He was trying to bring in the new age, the eschaton. Right, see how it all fits together. And it’s interesting because all of this all of the ideas that Parsons was embracing, to try to bring about the scarlet woman or the horror of Babylon on Earth, came from Crowley’s book of the law which was dictated to Crowley from Luciferian spirit called a loss. And infamously Jack Parsons and all Ron Hubbard were in the deserts in March 1946, when they were started working the rituals of Babylon to try to bring about the end times. And this is where they met Marjorie Cameron, they thought Babylon had manifested itself through her and so on. And bar and Parsons was saying the Babylon was to be the Gnostic Sophia. This is the feminine Goddess that created the Demiurge After she rebelled from the Pleroma of God, it gets real deep, real quick. All right. But it goes this is what’s interesting, if you read through LIBOR. Boy was that book called Parsons wrote, I just told you, LIBOR 49. Get we’re getting ready to wrap it up. We’re about to mama, try to blow your mind one more time. Hang in there. I know. It’s been a long show, folks. I know it. If you read it, it goes through these very statements. It’s not really a long book, by the way. It goes to these various statements about awakening the new age. And the end, bringing the end times is what they want it and he signs it at the very end. Good. And guess what he signs it Balerion eight equals three. Which if you’re following closely here, coincidentally, is very similar to the other name of the other Earth. In Dr. Strange to remember Earth 838 inherit the end of the book of the Antichrist? It’s the Larry on eight equals three Earth 838 Could it be the same thing? So in Dr. Strange tool, we effectively have Earth 616 which is the mark of the beast the devil and earth 838 which is valerian eight equals three. Now what does that mean? Why did he sign it that way? It refers to a title one gets when they crossed the Abyss which if you listened to the dark, strange one analysis, I believe we talked about the abyss, the Dark Dimension, and eight equals three is a degree you get when you cross means you’ve annihilated the self. You understand there is no self there is who are you right? Well, there’s no you. Is you who you think you are? Or is you the person that other people see? Aren’t you just a collection of atoms? Just like the atoms that comprise the bottle of water you’re drinking? That is it the same kind of atoms? Or is it infused with a spirituality? What’s difference about about the atoms in the cup of water? Versus the atoms that comprise your body? The consciousness infused in it. What is your consciousness? Where’s it seated? Is it in the mind is it in the heart? Well, eight equals three is a degree one reaches when you identify the you are not one thing you cease to exist. Which oh by the way, is the name of the Charles Manson song that he wrote for The Beach Boys. Oh my God, there’s so many degrees of Luminate confirming this show. Now, I’ve got a passage here from sex and rock is the Book about Parsons. I’m gonna read I’m gonna briefly run through it, we’ve got to wrap it up. All right, says the beastly name Parsons then took the oath of the abyss. Crossing the Abyss involves total denial of the world and detachment from the ego. The oath has survived along with some of Parsons, other papers from this period. And basically, to it’s the Oath of the master of the temple, the Oath of the Antichrist, and I swear that my name is Belarusian, armless, all digital antichrist, whom come to fulfill the law of the Beast 666. And I hereby accept all things needful for the fulfillment of my will and do swear to perverse to persevere in this my chosen work unto the end. Now, did he do it? I don’t know. If he apparently didn’t leave a lot of notes about the process. But Crowley did it. And the way he did it was through gay sexy time we talked about this. Dr. Strange part one. All right. It’s a massive topic we can’t cover in its entirety. But the idea of a whore of Babylon woman bringing the end of the world
comes through the Abrahamic traditions, talking about Christianity, right? The Jews, the maybe not the Jews, because if it’s in the New Testament, always a lot of male dominated religions, though, right? They embrace this idea. And some would argue that it’s rooted in the idea is that women are evil, because they cause men to lust after them. And they were originally thought to enchant or glamorize male victims, like a vampire. And all this because Eve, you know, let Satan into the world after taking a bite of the apple. And then, of course, when we’re talking about Jack Parsons, guess what his real name was? Wasn’t Jack. Who was Marvel Whiteside Parsons, Marvel, bringing us back full circle to this whole Marvel superhero thing, right? The influences there, they pay their homage as to these occultist is there in plain sight. And then conclusion. Another In conclusion, the biggest In conclusion, what is this we’re talking about, we’re talking about culture creation, talking about creating reality by simply planting the seeds through fiction. We saw that UFO Congress where they grill the director of the new UAP taskforce about how he was a science fiction fan. Because they were saying, like, look, this informs your worldview, and we got to be careful about that. You might want to be a little too eager to find these aliens. And science fiction can create reality. That’s what all these occult scientists were doing. That’s what they were obsessing over going to the moon because they’d read them in the pulp magazines. In the old comic books, Verner von Braun, the Nazi scientist, he talked about it, Jack Parsons talked about how they all got this idea of going out to outer space from the comic books. And who, you know, the the OTO, the Ordo Templi Orientis. Because Theodore Roosevelt, the guy who founded that, he’s the one that created the the pulp, comic books. So it’s gotten these occult connections from the foundations. And, you know, that’s ultimately what’s going on here, science fiction, creating reality, it’s magic. That’s why it’s Hollywood, the magic wand, creating reality. If you want more, I wrote a whole book about this concept called the dark path, you can get it everywhere, Amazon, Audible, I self narrated it, you get signed copies, I got a whole stack of them on my shelf right here for you. If you go to gumroad.com, backslash, Isaac W get a signed copy for me. Or you can get the PDF, sign up for patreon.com/illuminati watcher. And I’ll give you the PDF instantly along with a PDF of Kubrick’s code to go with your ad free fee, two bonus episodes over 100 accounting My God. So thank you for listening. That was a lot to unpack. And I could have kept going, but I was like, Dude, I gotta wrap this up. This analysis is like, becoming massive. So those are all the topics I found, you could actually take each one of those topics and dive much deeper. But you know, we got other things to talk about. Right. So thank you for listening to the show. Thanks for everyone who reached out and said, Oh, Isaac, you got to watch this movie. I get those requests a lot. And if there’s enough request, I obliged, right. So thank you, everybody who hit me up about this one. You’re right. You’re on the money. Shout out Hermione McGonigal. All right. Thanks, everybody for listening. Until next time, stay woke.
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