On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we discuss the first Doctor Strange film from 2016! We’ll break down a lot of symbolism seen in the film: Lucifer, Baphomet, Tibet, All Seeing Eye, Saturn as the dark dimension, Doors of Perception which fits into the Multiverse theory of DS2 and we’ll of course talk about who Dr Strange is based on- some VERY important occultists that gave us western practices and SEX Magick- John Dee and Pascal Beverly Randolph! STAY SUBSCRIBED FOR NEXT WEEK’S EPISODE WHERE WE COVER DOCTOR STRANGE 2 IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS!!! Also check out images discussed on my IG at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Unknown Speaker 0:08
Doctor Strange
Unknown Speaker 0:11
you think you know how the world works
Unknown Speaker 0:18
what if I told you
Unknown Speaker 0:21
the reality you know is one of many
Unknown Speaker 0:27
This doesn’t make any sense not everything does
Unknown Speaker 0:32
not everything has to
Unknown Speaker 0:40
through the mystic arts
Unknown Speaker 0:42
we harnessed energy
Unknown Speaker 0:44
and shape reality
Unknown Speaker 0:48
to travel great distances
Unknown Speaker 0:51
in an instant
Unknown Speaker 0:56
get from here to there
Unknown Speaker 0:58
How did you become a doctor study in practice
Unknown Speaker 1:08
there’s a strength to him. But is he ready
Unknown Speaker 1:17
careful which path to travel down strange strong Amanda you have
Unknown Speaker 1:27
been paid
Unknown Speaker 1:31
real time exactly. Technique This
Unknown Speaker 1:36
is no other way
Unknown Speaker 1:44
I spent so many years sharing through time
Unknown Speaker 1:53
Unknown Speaker 1:54
for you.
Unknown Speaker 1:58
What’s up everybody? You’re listening to conspiracy theories and unpopular culture. I’m your host Isaac was out today we’re going to talk about the film Dr. Strange. I’m not talking about the new one.
Unknown Speaker 2:07
That’s next week. Next week we’re talking about Dr. Strange to today we are talking about dr. strange one.
Unknown Speaker 2:18
I don’t know what the long title is, you know what I’m saying? We’re not going to bother looking it up. Now, of course, I hadn’t seen this movie because I don’t I’m not a Marvel nerd. I don’t watch these movies when they drop.
Unknown Speaker 2:29
But when the second one dropped, I got so many requests. I thought, Okay, fine. And I watched the first one so I knew what was happening in the storyline.
Unknown Speaker 2:39
Then I went to the dreaded theater, watch the second one. And
Unknown Speaker 2:45
Meo Maya was surprised by all of the occult symbolism in these two films.
Unknown Speaker 2:51
Which means we’re going to cover this topic. It’s a massive, massive topic, I don’t have time to screw around. There’s so much to talk about. So we’re gonna break this up into two shows.
Unknown Speaker 3:05
The first one is going to be about the first film. And we’re going to cover all these topics Lucifer Baphomet, Tibet, all seeing eyes Saturn as the Dark Dimension, the doors of perception, which fits into the multiverse theory of Doctor Strange to
Unknown Speaker 3:22
and we’ll of course, talk about who this character is, who is Dr. Strange, who is he based upon?
Unknown Speaker 3:28
I will tell you he’s based upon some very important occultist that gave us Western occult practices.
Unknown Speaker 3:37
And most importantly, sex magic. Yes, we’re going to talk about
Unknown Speaker 3:41
should you watch this movie? If you haven’t seen it? Because I’m obviously going to spoil the plot today for you.
Unknown Speaker 3:49
Should you watch it? Well, it’s a Marvel movie. If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. This is from 2016. So you’ve had several years to watch it.
Unknown Speaker 3:57
If you haven’t seen it by now, you probably are like me and you don’t care? No, you don’t have to watch it. But if you’re in the Marvel, you’ve already seen it probably. It’s just under two hours. It’s fine.
Unknown Speaker 4:10
Who’s in it? Old Benedict Cumberbatch in their
Unknown Speaker 4:15
fun fact, he’s got the whitest name on the whole planet. His full name is Benedict, Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch,
Unknown Speaker 4:25
who was born into British military and government blood because his family was full of commanders of the Navy and British diplomats, and its actual parents were both actors. So this guy was
Unknown Speaker 4:43
destined for greatness. Apparently. His mom was in a sci fi show in the 70s called UFO.
Unknown Speaker 4:51
And she was also on a show called The Avengers, which ironically, is not about Marvel superheroes. It was about espionage.
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Then we also have the other big name and this one Rachel McAdams. It’s America’s sweetheart from Canada.
Unknown Speaker 5:06
Now her parents they were a nurse and a truck driver has some real Jack and Diane story right there. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 5:15
says when she was a kid she wanted to actually attend to Disney and Shakespeare summer camps Oh. Then in 2003, she made her film debut in the hot chick then on to greatness with me and girls, the notebook, Wedding Crashers all great films.
Unknown Speaker 5:31
Fun fact, Ryan Gosling was actually going to be the guy to play Doctor Strange. How fun would that have been if he would have got that role?
Unknown Speaker 5:40
But he didn’t.
Unknown Speaker 5:42
And what’s this first film all about? Well, it’s basically the origin story of Dr. Strange in the new Marvel Universe.
Unknown Speaker 5:51
Let’s get into it and plot spoilers come and you’ve been warned. It starts out there’s some bad guys doing little sorcery things at a compound called the calmer Taj. They pronounce the real weird in the movie that the subtitles cabotage or something I don’t know. Anyway, they’re stealing some secret pages from some magical book, a grim wire a spell book, if you will. And this sets up the whole plot of the film. And then you’ll eventually figure out who these bad guys are doesn’t matter right now.
Unknown Speaker 6:19
Then we’re introduced to Dr. Steven strange. He is an arrogant neurosurgeon. And he’s got the magic hands. All right.
Unknown Speaker 6:26
Got the magic hands, and he’s rewarded handsomely for it. So he goes to his fancy little home. And if you look very closely, you will see that and I’ll put the photo on the Instagram login subscribe link in the show notes. As always,
Unknown Speaker 6:41
the Instagram handle is at Isaac wise up.
Unknown Speaker 6:45
If you look very closely in his cabinet at home, he’s got a Caduceus.
Unknown Speaker 6:51
Now he is a medical doctor. And that is the symbol for medicine. But this comes from an occult background. There’s a reason the Baphomet that go with the Bob’s he’s got the Caduceus he or she they got the Caduceus on the forehead.
Unknown Speaker 7:11
Could use us of course to snakes wrapped around the staff. It’s a symbol of Hermes Trismegistus, or both or mercury.
Unknown Speaker 7:21
It’s about magic, right? These are all the gods of magic.
Unknown Speaker 7:24
And it’s also in terms of alchemy, the Philosopher’s Stone. All right.
Unknown Speaker 7:31
These are the snakes of wisdom. These are the feminine and masculine polarities intertwined, right.
Unknown Speaker 7:41
We’ve talked about as many times in the past on this exact podcast.
Unknown Speaker 7:46
Most recently, I believe in the Knights Templar episode on Friday, the 13th of May.
Unknown Speaker 7:52
So, Dr. Strange, he’s headed to a conference. And while he’s driving, he’s got an assistant talking to him about different cases that he could take on right. And he hears about a woman who was hit by lightning. And he says, Oh, that one’s interesting.
Unknown Speaker 8:10
Now, what’s interesting about that, is that the lightning bolt represents Lucifer. It also is representative of the capitalist tree of life, as one traverses down the tree of life from God, down to the earthly realm in the human prison that they call the human body. The path is that of a zigzag of the lightning bolt.
Unknown Speaker 8:34
Arguably, that’s why Johnny Depp has that tattooed on his hand.
Unknown Speaker 8:39
Who’s all of a sudden America’s sweetheart but we’re going to do a whole show on Johnny Depp and I will tell you why he’s not the most innocent guy on the planet. I know not a popular opinion, a lot of people. A lot of people think he’s the sweetheart and I’ll give I’ll tell you what, I watched some of those clips. And I say, You know what, that Johnny Depp is very likable. He’s a funny guy. The way he’s like, staring at the lawyers and mocking them. I like that. I like that snark levels on fleek.
Unknown Speaker 9:09
So Doctor Strange, he says that’s interesting, because it’s Lucifer. Okay. And then next thing happens is he wrecks his car,
Unknown Speaker 9:19
wrecks his car gets in a terrible accident. And the next scene you see him in the hospital on the gurney.
Unknown Speaker 9:28
And he’s got one I completely closed from the accident.
Unknown Speaker 9:32
Well, it’s about to be opened as he learns the path of the occult.
Unknown Speaker 9:38
And we’ll talk more about the all seeing eye later.
Unknown Speaker 9:41
So he gets in this accident, his hands are wrecked. He wants to fix his hands because he’s like, Hey, I’m a rockstar surgeon.
Unknown Speaker 9:48
But Rachel McAdams character Christine, she’s his I guess co surgeon. Assistant. I don’t really know.
Unknown Speaker 9:57
She is a surgeon but apparently lesser than
Unknown Speaker 10:00
And to him.
Unknown Speaker 10:02
She can’t quite make it happen. So he starts figuring out another way he starts dabbling around with other stuff. And he ends up going to Katmandu to a place called the car Mar Kumar Taj Kamar Taj, where we’re introduced to a character named The Ancient One.
Unknown Speaker 10:19
And she’s there training the Shaolin monks or whatever. And she teaches people how to heal themselves with their own mind, okay?
Unknown Speaker 10:30
Now all of this makes sense because if you get into any of these occult or counterculture religions, you’ll find that they just love themselves some Katmandu, some, this this Himalayan region of Tibet and Nepal. It’s the antithesis to the oppressive
Unknown Speaker 10:49
Abrahamic religions and the male dominated religions.
Unknown Speaker 10:56
Now we talked about Tibet, in Aliens UFOs in the occult Use Your Illusion to know your illusion one, I think I screwed that up on the last show, too.
Unknown Speaker 11:06
With or another was too Anyway, doesn’t matter. One of the two alien books. Alexandra David kneel visited Tibet in 1924 to study theosophy. And whilst they’re found that they subscribe to an idea called a Tulpa, which is a consciously manifested entity.
Unknown Speaker 11:29
And this ties and look, the Nazis were really into this area, they thought that Shambala was there and all kinds of stuff. There’s a lot of a lot of esoteric ideas that come from this region. Now, fun fact, Benedict Cumberbatch on there was an English teacher at a Tibetan monastery for a year.
Unknown Speaker 11:48
So old hat for him.
Unknown Speaker 11:52
Now the Ancient One, she’s dealing with this narcissistic neurosurgeon who thinks he knows everything. He’s like, Look, I know science. And this is pseudoscience, wacky tabacky stuff.
Unknown Speaker 12:04
And she successfully opens his pineal gland, his third eye,
Unknown Speaker 12:11
she pops it open and sends him through the multiverse via astral projection.
Unknown Speaker 12:18
And during the scene, if you pay attention, she mentioned that there is a dark force, which you see the bad guy summon a little bit later.
Unknown Speaker 12:27
But this is all important because this is the foundation for the second film, where he starts embracing the dark arts.
Unknown Speaker 12:37
So Dr. Strange, he’s like, look, I don’t believe this stuff. I think it’s kind of wacky, but you did just send me through a multiverse and open my third eye. So I’m down to learn. So he’s guided by the ancient one and another guy named morto. And you see him reading through these books. If you pause the screen, you’ll see that one of them’s called the Key of Solomon, and one of them is called the invisible son. I found that very interesting, because this is, of course, part of the history of magic. The Key of Solomon is a grim wire or a spell book allegedly used by King Solomon himself, who was using a seal a talisman to control demons to build the first temple.
Unknown Speaker 13:22
Unknown Speaker 13:24
a lot of people are talking about the second film and during the second film, we’re going to talk about the end times and the eschaton. And bringing about the second rebuilding of the song, the Temple of Solomon.
Unknown Speaker 13:39
Because that’s what this is all about.
Unknown Speaker 13:42
Well, when she’s teaching him, you’ll hear some very interesting lessons. Take a listen to how one can achieve this zen like Master state.
Unknown Speaker 13:51
You cannot beat a river into submission.
Unknown Speaker 13:54
You have to surrender to its current and use its power as your own or control it by surrendering control. It doesn’t make any sense. Not everything does not everything has to
Unknown Speaker 14:06
your intellect has taken you far in life. But it will take you no further surrender, Stephen. Silence your ego
Unknown Speaker 14:15
and your power will rise.
Unknown Speaker 14:20
The instructions for the Initiate to silence their ego to destroy the ego.
Unknown Speaker 14:26
And you’ll see this oftentimes in a lot of these are called ideas.
Unknown Speaker 14:31
And right or wrong, there’s a lot of good that could come from that.
Unknown Speaker 14:37
The idea that we are when he talks about destroying the ego, talk about how the structures of the mind were put together by Freud he talks about you’ve got the id, the ego, the super ego, the it is your reptilian, instinctual brain that triggers fight or flight that seeks rewards. You know, it’s all about sex.
Unknown Speaker 15:00
Death life, all those things.
Unknown Speaker 15:03
And then you’ve got the ego, which is the conscious part of your brain that kind of negotiates between the eight and the super ego, because the super ego is the social construct that says, you know, you shouldn’t really do these things, you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t bash that dude’s head and you shouldn’t have sex and you know, cheat on your spouse or whatever I don’t know. And the ego is the mediator that’s like, oh, yeah, I don’t think I should do that. Or, you know, maybe that social construct is wrong, whatever.
Unknown Speaker 15:35
So to silence or destroy the ego is to sort of find a way to
Unknown Speaker 15:43
understand that we’re all connected in this in a way. And this gets in this gets into some very highbrow conversation about who the occult
Unknown Speaker 15:52
people want to be like, a lot of people talk about how they embrace all elements of good and evil. Like, they’re saying, that’s a false dichotomy. There’s no such thing as bad. There’s just a social construct that says, hey, these things are evil, but really, nothing’s off the table.
Unknown Speaker 16:11
Right. And that would be some of your dark arts left hand path type. occultist, not all of them, right? It’s like white magic and black magic. Not everyone’s a black magician.
Unknown Speaker 16:24
So anyhow, you hear about in the storyline, how there’s these three buildings that come sanctums, there’s one in New York City, one in London and one in Hong Kong, and a camera Taj can transport you to any one of these. They’re connected right.
Unknown Speaker 16:39
Now, Dr. Strange,
Unknown Speaker 16:42
he embraces the powers of this thing called the eye of Alma Gato. And we find out through some conversation that this there’s another place called the Dark Dimension, and the Dark Dimension is where you can find eternal life.
Unknown Speaker 16:56
All right, but then in your back pocket for a minute. What’s up with the iomega Agha Moto, right what’s up with the eye the all seeing eye? Well.
Unknown Speaker 17:07
More Marvel creator Stan Lee and Steve Ditko created the eye of Agha Agha moto in 1963 and they fashioned it to be like the all seeing eye of the Buddha a protection amulet against evil.
Unknown Speaker 17:22
And it came from the storyline it comes from a mystic named Agha moto who was the sorcerer supreme in the past a long time ago.
Unknown Speaker 17:34
So when Dr. Strange gets the the ilogger Moto now he’s got the ability now now he’s the beef supreme. All right.
Unknown Speaker 17:43
And they call the weapon of wisdom. Which makes sense.
Unknown Speaker 17:48
Because in the Gnostic Gnosticism Gnostic means
Unknown Speaker 17:55
oh boy, and I already forgot it.
Unknown Speaker 17:58
Gnosticism na Gnosticism is all about wisdom and the Sophia means wisdom.
Unknown Speaker 18:05
And the Garden of Eden, the serpent supposedly is equated to these things, and had the wisdom gave the wisdom to Adam and Eve.
Unknown Speaker 18:17
And he opened the eyes of says, For God knows that when you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God knowing good and evil. So he convinced Adam and Eve to bite the apple which gave man the fall of man and the original sin.
Unknown Speaker 18:38
So the eye much like the all seeing eye represents wisdom and in the Christian perspective, it is the forbidden wisdom given to us by the serpent by Lucifer by the snake, Satan, whatever. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 18:55
So we hear about this thing called the Dark Dimension.
Unknown Speaker 18:58
And what’s the Dark Dimension? Well, what we do know about it, they say it has no time.
Unknown Speaker 19:06
If you go on the Marvel fandom page, it says it’s literally hell. All right, there’s no time. And it’s hell. That’s what we know.
Unknown Speaker 19:15
And they they’ve been saying the film that time kills everything. And they’re talking about the second law of thermodynamics and entropy and all that stuff.
Unknown Speaker 19:24
But let’s talk about this dimension beyond time. What’s this a reference to? Well, it’s a reference to Saturn. Yes, Saturn, the force that gave us constraints,
Unknown Speaker 19:35
which would be time and measurements.
Unknown Speaker 19:40
And this is a place apparently, it could be argued that this is the realm of Saturn or it’s beyond the reach of Saturn.
Unknown Speaker 19:51
We know it’s dark and it’s cold.
Unknown Speaker 19:54
And the further out from the sun you go obviously the darker and colder it gets.
Unknown Speaker 19:59
Unknown Speaker 20:00
So, why Saturn? Why do we talk about Saturn? Who cares? Right David Icke talks about Saturnian religions being associated with Satanism. All right?
Unknown Speaker 20:10
He’s not entirely wrong.
Unknown Speaker 20:13
Saturn, of course, being the sixth planet from the sun.
Unknown Speaker 20:17
And according to Ike the source of mind control matrix signals that gets sent to the moon and then repeated back down to us and broadcasted.
Unknown Speaker 20:26
But the actual planet of Saturn, you’ll notice on the North Pole, it’s got a hexagon.
Unknown Speaker 20:32
So you’ve got a hexagon, which is 6.6 lines, as the sixth planet from the moon. So as you could see, there’s a
Unknown Speaker 20:41
decent argument that this is either referred to as Satan, or the ancients knew that this was a satanic force of some kind. It brought about death for man and brought about the concept of time and measurements and constraints.
Unknown Speaker 20:58
Because before that, there was no time.
Unknown Speaker 21:01
There was no death.
Unknown Speaker 21:05
And this goes into a whole bunch of stuff. You could argue that Saturn was the earth sun at one time, this is what they call the purple haze, because it put up put a purple sheath over the planet.
Unknown Speaker 21:15
And the ancient religions talk about there was this dark malevolent force
Unknown Speaker 21:23
that knocked Saturn’s beautiful purple sheath, knocked out of place.
Unknown Speaker 21:31
It goes a million directions, right? The the Greeks that Cronos This is the God, Saturn, and he killed named his own kids with a sickle, because he was worried they would steal his power steal his throne.
Unknown Speaker 21:45
And this ties into ideas of blood sacrifice, and kids and all that dark stuff.
Unknown Speaker 21:52
So it goes into this conspiracy, which isn’t really conspiracy, but this idea of Saturnian death cults. So none of those ideas are really far fetched to basically sum up and say the Dark Dimension is Saturnian or satanic or hell are all three.
Unknown Speaker 22:11
Speaking of Saturnian death cults, I’m going to order some new Saturnian death cult shirts for my Gumroad store. So be sure to follow me on the socials for updates. Or you can go to my Gumroad store and check for yourself I got a couple of sizes left
Unknown Speaker 22:26
gumroad.com backslash Isaac W link in the show notes as always.
Unknown Speaker 22:33
Now, this
Unknown Speaker 22:36
this Dark Dimension, which I’m basically claiming is a satanic force, or hell or Saturnian.
Unknown Speaker 22:45
It contains this energy that they call the dark force now this plays a role in the second film. So put that in your one week back pocket. All right.
Unknown Speaker 22:55
So in the film, because we’re still in dr. strange one.
Unknown Speaker 22:59
The bad guys start attacking, attacking all the sanctums. Lots of good guys die. Dr. Strange, he ends up meeting to this magically charged Cloak of Levitation that he’s known to wear.
Unknown Speaker 23:15
And we find out that the Ancient One
Unknown Speaker 23:18
who is this good guy, she is immortal. And the reason she’s immortal is because she pulls power from the Dark Dimension from Satan. She signed the Faustian bargain, basically.
Unknown Speaker 23:32
And this is exactly what they were all telling Dr. Strange he can’t do that. Like you’re not going to do this. Don’t make that Faustian bargain.
Unknown Speaker 23:43
That’s what cos sylius was trying to get at the beginning of the film facility is being the bad guy. Now, this is a cult 101 All right, the pursuit of immortality to break free from
Unknown Speaker 23:59
the the matter the human body, the flesh prison. That’s what a lot of these Gnostics believe in. They think our spirit is trapped our divine spark that is actually God is trapped in these bodies on Earth, because God’s really a bad guy to them.
Unknown Speaker 24:17
So to unlock immortality is to ascend to become an Ascended Master. This is like the Philosopher’s Stone of alchemy. This is the promise of the serpent for man to be like God, and she did it. And how did she do it? Through the satanic dark forces in the Dark Dimension.
Unknown Speaker 24:40
If you watch the movie closely, you’ll catch the mandatory cameo by Stan Lee who is of course, dead now. And in this film, and I’ll put this photo on the Instagram you got to see it to believe it. He’s reading a book on the bus. What do you think he’s reading?
Unknown Speaker 24:55
Is it insignificant? Did he just find a book sitting around
Unknown Speaker 25:00
He’s reading the doors of perception by Aldous Huxley.
Unknown Speaker 25:05
Very important book in the history of esoteric occultism and America, written in the 1950s
Unknown Speaker 25:14
which gave us the 1960s which gave us a whole revolutionary timeframe.
Unknown Speaker 25:21
The 1950s, of course, was the time of the beatniks which birthed the hippies Charles Manson always said he was a beatnik he wasn’t a hippie. All right.
Unknown Speaker 25:31
Now, Huxley
Unknown Speaker 25:35
wrote this book about his trips on mescaline, which allegedly Aleister Crowley was the first to introduce him to this drug.
Unknown Speaker 25:43
And this was a drug taken for Dionysian rituals, the origin to overload the mind with drugs
Unknown Speaker 25:53
like the Native Americans performed, because it comes from peyote.
Unknown Speaker 25:58
But William S Burroughs, Cara, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, they were all about that action.
Unknown Speaker 26:05
And these were all very influential characters in the occult,
Unknown Speaker 26:09
borrows a big influence on a called artists Genesis po rich.
Unknown Speaker 26:15
My personal conversations I had with Genesis, whilst Genesis was still alive.
Unknown Speaker 26:23
Huxley also had written a book called the perennial philosophy,
Unknown Speaker 26:31
very short
Unknown Speaker 26:33
book, or is that one of those one of those short man my brains getting mushy do the doors of perception or perennial philosophy, one of them the short doors of perception.
Unknown Speaker 26:43
Anyway, he also wrote the perennial philosophy, which was this whole idea of a collective global consciousness based on Hindu teachings from the Katmandu All right. And there’s one single truth of who God is, according to this philosophy, all religions are correct. They all come from one divine source. This is ecumenist ism.
Unknown Speaker 27:08
This is Neo Platonism. This is a topic we’ve discussed at length in our Matrix films analysis I did at the beginning of 2022.
Unknown Speaker 27:18
This is the Prisca Theologiae. It’s the one truth theosophy believed in this as well, which ties into Halina blocky, who talked about the Superman this, she’s the archetype of what the superheroes, her ideas, and her philosophies, and her beliefs are what give us superheroes, if you listen to my lecture that I provided to you on the podcast feed. When did I do that? I don’t know. Six months ago,
Unknown Speaker 27:48
I talked about the occult background of all these superheroes.
Unknown Speaker 27:54
But this was embraced by a lot of alchemists, all these ideas, this this perennial philosophy.
Unknown Speaker 28:01
Godfrey Lebanese,
Unknown Speaker 28:04
who’s the guy who came up a lot in my studies in mathematics, when I took differentials, I believe, he derived a lot of the equations.
Unknown Speaker 28:13
So this ties into the occult sciences,
Unknown Speaker 28:17
which Dr. Strange is apparently all about.
Unknown Speaker 28:20
And here’s one line from the book from
Unknown Speaker 28:26
just from the doors of perception, I didn’t take a good note here sorry, this is a hectic amount of research. This is from one of Huxley’s books, it was the the perennial philosophy or Doors of Perception I must be Doors of Perception is I don’t think I have perennial philosophy
Unknown Speaker 28:41
says, No, this is a perennial philosophy idea. Oh, I am very sorry, folks. Okay, says this, that which in the language of religion is called this world is the universe of reduced awareness expressed and as it were, petrified by language, the various other worlds with which human beings are radically make contact are so many elements in the totalitarian of the awareness, belonging to the mind at large.
Unknown Speaker 29:12
When you read a lot of these called ideas, they,
Unknown Speaker 29:17
they inevitably go into the concept that God’s mind God’s thoughts
Unknown Speaker 29:25
are actually, all of us. We’re all connected, because we’re all part of God’s mind, which actually makes a lot of sense, honestly. God created our world, through mental thought through the Word through the logos. Right? So everything you see feel here do and since it’s all God,
Unknown Speaker 29:47
Unknown Speaker 29:49
if you want to be a good Christian soldier, I wouldn’t bring that up at church because I don’t think that they would prescribe to such a thinking.
Unknown Speaker 29:56
But to me, it sounds a lot like the multiverse.
Unknown Speaker 30:00
And the title of the book comes from a William Blake poem The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and it says, if the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is infinite, for man has closed himself up to he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern
Unknown Speaker 30:18
about limitations of the mind and not living up to your full potential. All right.
Unknown Speaker 30:24
Back to the movie, The Ancient One, she says, look, there’s this guide der mamu. And he is not in a place of paradise, but rather torment.
Unknown Speaker 30:34
He’s in the Dark Dimension.
Unknown Speaker 30:36
He’s the devil, he is the Satan character.
Unknown Speaker 30:42
And the ancient one ends up
Unknown Speaker 30:45
getting shanked by Casius, a magical shank and invisible shank.
Unknown Speaker 30:51
And she tells dr. strange like look,
Unknown Speaker 30:55
you’re gonna have to break some rolls to defeat the silliness.
Unknown Speaker 31:00
There’s no way around it, you have to be it to embrace evil just a little bit.
Unknown Speaker 31:06
Ultimately, the ends justify the means Doctor Strange.
Unknown Speaker 31:11
So this Dark Dimension, it’s consuming Earth.
Unknown Speaker 31:16
So Dr. Strange uses the AI to reverse time and create this repeating time loop. Just like the great Tom Cruise on the Edge of Tomorrow. He keeps making Dora Mamu kill him. And he repeats the loop for infinity. Because that’s actually going to keep the earth safe because it’s going to just kind of distract him and keep him busy.
Unknown Speaker 31:35
Do Mamu eventually gives up and he takes conciliate and these bad guys and he goes back and leaves Earth alone for good. Everything’s great. And the movie.
Unknown Speaker 31:49
Now in conclusion, what’s this movie about? This movie is about planting the seeds for part two, where we see where all the sorcery and occult practices lead at least a human sacrifice and black magic.
Unknown Speaker 32:02
Unknown Speaker 32:05
That Dark Dimension let’s talk about that a little bit more. Hill. Let’s talk about Hill sounds a lot like Aleister Crowley’s abyss as well. And Aleister Crowley described the Abyss as a gap in thought between the real and the unreal.
Unknown Speaker 32:20
He describes it as a chaotic place where things appear without law there is no order
Unknown Speaker 32:28
an area of insane delusions, okay. Which is kind of what it looks like in Dr. Strange to when he goes to the multiverse. It’s a lot of insane delusions. The How do you get there one way is through
Unknown Speaker 32:42
homo things, okay?
Unknown Speaker 32:45
And the idea and that’s not a that’s not a diss the idea, especially back then in the 1920s 30s
Unknown Speaker 32:53
was that one must go one must do something that goes against what they consider acceptable.
Unknown Speaker 33:01
So when you are heterosexual, you would do something homosexual.
Unknown Speaker 33:07
Unknown Speaker 33:10
Now another way of getting there, arguably an easier way would be through ceremonial magic.
Unknown Speaker 33:17
And Crowley formulates all these things. But in the abyss is where you would find the hidden sefirat of day off this is where the fall of man happened. Okay. It’s where you went from global consciousness with God that’s the perennial philosophy the mind of God the mind at large.
Unknown Speaker 33:34
Down in new descended you you went down in abstraction to the duality of man and nature.
Unknown Speaker 33:43
Now the guardian of this realm was called corona zone and I know a lot of you guys are probably like, Dude, you’re going way too deep right now, but we’re just going to bring it back. Alright, hang in there. So this demon corones own guard to this realm but of course we call it a demon but Crowley’s like, well, we call it a demon. But it’s really just this ailment of the consciousness, blah, blah, blah.
Unknown Speaker 34:07
I don’t know.
Unknown Speaker 34:09
If you make it across the abyss and pass this guardian korone zone, you become a master of the temple. And it’s an achieved an achievement, because if it’s done properly, it will destroy the ego which
Unknown Speaker 34:22
you heard at the beginning of the film. You heard about how she tells him You must destroy the ego.
Unknown Speaker 34:31
And also if you’re not prepared to cross this abyss, you will be annihilated.
Unknown Speaker 34:39
Now, what’s curious
Unknown Speaker 34:41
is that Corona zone. This guardian, this demon
Unknown Speaker 34:46
was actually first described by a guy named John D in the Nokian writings.
Unknown Speaker 34:53
And in the in the writings he’s described, Coronado is described as the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Yes, Ty
Unknown Speaker 35:00
All of this together, because Doctor Strange is of course, based on arguably two different people, and amalgamation, if you will. And one of those is John D, who we’re going to talk about. First, let’s talk about the other guy. He’s based on.
Unknown Speaker 35:19
Pascall Beverly Randolph, I had this anonymous source, hit me up.
Unknown Speaker 35:25
And he told me about this and because I, you know, I study a lot of his adult stuff, and I was not aware of this.
Unknown Speaker 35:34
But Pasco, Beverly Randolph, aka the Rosicrucian, is basically the godfather of Western occultism. And if you compare the images of dr. strange to to Randolph,
Unknown Speaker 35:48
you’ll see they are very similar. They do look exactly the same. Now my anonymous source tells me that Randolph was a sex magician, and the first large importer of hashish in the United States. And he was attributed with the starting of occultism in the US, if you go to Wikipedia, they say, Pasco, Beverly Randolph, born in 1825, died in 1975, was a multiracial medical doctor. occultist spiritualist, trance, medium and writer, busy guy.
Unknown Speaker 36:19
He’s notable as perhaps the first person to introduce the principles of erotic alchemy to North America. And according to EY, wait, establishing the earliest known Rosicrucian Order in the United States.
Unknown Speaker 36:34
If you go to the hermetic Library website, they’ll give you more details like how this guy’s teachers include LFS Levy, and Hermes. Trismegistus. That’s right, the Hermes,
Unknown Speaker 36:49
the god of ancient Egypt.
Unknown Speaker 36:52
And some of his students included Crowley himself, Theodore rousse, from the OTO.
Unknown Speaker 37:00
And he was friends with Abraham Lincoln.
Unknown Speaker 37:04
Unknown Speaker 37:06
obviously, Crowley
Unknown Speaker 37:10
must have just studied his work. I mean, they call him they say, Look, his students include these people, they must have just studied his work, because I don’t think the ages and the years line up for that, but that’s what it says, who might argue with the hermetic library.
Unknown Speaker 37:27
Now, and oddly, his enemies were included Helena Blavatsky, probably because she was racist. And Mr. Randolph was a black man.
Unknown Speaker 37:39
And also they claimed that he got a chain of authority through the order of Melchizedek.
Unknown Speaker 37:44
Now he was a black man, yet a member of the Great White Brotherhood and then these are the Perfected beings who share the teachings with humanity.
Unknown Speaker 37:56
The integrated Ascended Masters, aka the invisible church, or the Council of light, as Carl von Eckhart. roughhousing said in the cloud upon the sanctuary,
Unknown Speaker 38:09
the Golden Dawn is said to have been the earth form of this brotherhood. Fun fact, Randolph grew up in five points New York City, which is where they filmed the Little Wayne Big Sean video, my homie still, which was
Unknown Speaker 38:26
one of the first times I sort of went viral, I made I had watched the video. And then shortly thereafter, we had the tragedy of the aurora school shooting, which no,
Unknown Speaker 38:40
no comment about all that right now, but
Unknown Speaker 38:43
a thing that goes on here in America.
Unknown Speaker 38:47
And anyway, they film part of and a lot of the symbolism lined up to that actual event was very crazy. Like they had a theater with the exact same number of skeletons and all kinds of crazy stuff. But in that video, they filmed it was one of the last films of this five points that I think has been torn down since.
Unknown Speaker 39:02
So you know, whatever. It was just a fun fact.
Unknown Speaker 39:07
I meant it to have fun. I hope you had fun.
Unknown Speaker 39:10
But perhaps most importantly, Randolph’s the guy gave a sex magic, he influenced Crowley to pursue a lot of these sex magic ideas. If you go to a website called thalamic ordered IO. I’m gonna read you from this article.
Unknown Speaker 39:25
Randolph’s important to us is to some extent, because his life highlights the degree to which the esoteric has always been very much connected with non traditional mores and sexuality.
Unknown Speaker 39:37
Devotees Wayman, no Divini Rosemont continues, devotes much attention to Randolph’s multifarious activities in the international subterranean community of scholars, poets, madmen and charlatans known as the occult, which and this is to say, and this too is significant was one of the few Milu in which I you know,
Unknown Speaker 40:00
I keep meaning to look this word up and it keeps showing up in my face Milu me Lu, in which serious discussion of love was possible at the time, a view which contributes to our understanding of the Lima, not just as a practice, but as a major sexual and an intellectual counterculture.
Unknown Speaker 40:18
In his introduction to veiny says from the early 1860s, he was the Rosicrucian associated in the popular mind with crystal gazing drugs, especially hasheesh secret oriental Brotherhood’s and sex. He was infatuated with women from his earliest years and also spent most of his mature life trying to improve the lot of women trapped in Victorian marriages by teaching his notions of true sexuality. Beyond this, however, and fundamentally he was a practical occultist, and a sexual magician, with a coherent and imaginative view of the universal role of sexuality, he was the forerunner of modern occultism. And it was to him more than anyone else, that the transformation of the occult world from the 1870s through the 1890s is due.
Unknown Speaker 41:09
Now, he was not only sexual, he was dangerous, whose sexual and dangerous
Unknown Speaker 41:16
because he suggested that a woman should have to give consent for sex.
Unknown Speaker 41:23
Even to her husband, he said,
Unknown Speaker 41:26
which was a radical idea back then, if you can believe that back in the late 1800s.
Unknown Speaker 41:32
I guess they were just down to, you know, force their way upon all these women. I don’t know what a nightmare
Unknown Speaker 41:39
for women, right. So he was a very early component of the me to movement in a way
Unknown Speaker 41:46
he was critical of the spiritualism movement going on back then, because apparently they would view seduction and rape as some kind of skill to perfect I guess.
Unknown Speaker 41:58
Which was and is obviously gross, and ran all vocalizes opposition to it. See, not all these occultists are bad.
Unknown Speaker 42:07
sort of thing there. They’re the rational ones in the room. At some point. Sometimes when I read this stuff, I think, man, these guys are way ahead of the curve. In 1873, he was worried about dying, and passing on his knowledge of sex magic. He had previously written a bunch of private letters, but decided look, I’m going to publish some stuff. I learned so much. I got to share with the world.
Unknown Speaker 42:29
And that same website you can read this as well. He called this the secret of the answer Riah priesthood of Syria. He had written similar material since the 1850s. Under the term the golden secret, the golden letter, true, oriental secret as Gil’s rules and the grand secret. Now as the answer is secret, or as printed the answer Radek mystery, he would publish a core system of sex magic. And all of this
Unknown Speaker 43:02
came because you’re probably like, what’s Syria got to do it? Well, all of this comes from
Unknown Speaker 43:09
earlier people who wrote about a Syrian sects called called the Newser Erie and they believe spiritual union could only happen through you guessed it sexy time, carnal union.
Unknown Speaker 43:22
And it was believed to have God they believe is believed they got this from early Gnostics, the catheter Gnostics maybe.
Unknown Speaker 43:31
Now that thelemic Order website also says that the assassins derive their name from hasheesh was all fake news, which I previously had said on the show before when we talked about this subject, because that’s how I believe it to be how I heard it.
Unknown Speaker 43:48
Anyway, but also talks about links to the ZT. Remember, we talked about the ZT as a satanic cult,
Unknown Speaker 43:57
and the past?
Unknown Speaker 43:59
I remember going real deep. So that’s it. Right. Dr. Strange is based on this Pascall Beverly Randolph, but he’s also very briefly we’re gonna talk about John D.
Unknown Speaker 44:13
And, you know, if you want to learn about John D, you can refer to there’s a guy named Jason lube, who might be the expert of all experts. He wrote this book called John Dee and the Empire of angels.
Unknown Speaker 44:27
Set out wind and sea coffee.
Unknown Speaker 44:30
They hooked me up with a copy of this book.
Unknown Speaker 44:33
You can check out their website and tell them thanks for enlightening Isaac with your book, when didn’t see coffee.
Unknown Speaker 44:42
And Jason lube was on higher side chats in 2018 as well, all right.
Unknown Speaker 44:48
Now, I’m only maybe halfway through the book. It’s a big ass book. Oh my god. I don’t know how much research this guy took to write this book. But I’m about halfway through and some of the basics
Unknown Speaker 45:00
ideas you can get from these sources. John D is the father of modern medicine. Because this was after the Dark Ages, when we couldn’t really study science because the church had too much of a thumb down on it.
Unknown Speaker 45:14
And John D was into all this. He was a guy who, who basically helped popularize science completely, he was trying to understand the mind of God, there it is, again, the mind of God. He’s trying to understand it, and they thought they could, through observable natural world phenomenon they could try to understand and, you know, very engineer science minded to sort of
Unknown Speaker 45:37
figure out the rules and then have man write new rules.
Unknown Speaker 45:44
That’s what old timey science was. They’re trying to understand the real world because they’re like, well, that’s the mind of God, if we can understand that we can create new realities.
Unknown Speaker 45:53
John D was known for being the sorcerer, the physician for Queen Elizabeth the first. He’s the guy who termed, coined the term British Empire,
Unknown Speaker 46:03
a term he got from an angel, he was talking to these Nokian angels.
Unknown Speaker 46:08
He made contact with these, these angels that gave them the language that God used to originally speak with Adam in the Garden of Eden before it got all scrambled up in Crawley, and so on, they would use this language to make their own contact.
Unknown Speaker 46:22
Aleister Crowley infamously in 1917, made contact with lamb the first Grey Alien to be drawn on paper.
Unknown Speaker 46:30
So what’s the what’s the parallels with John D? Well, both Dr. Strange and John D. They’re men of science and
Unknown Speaker 46:37
superstition. pseudo science, maybe
Unknown Speaker 46:41
both doctors they called John dr. D.
Unknown Speaker 46:45
They both use magical seals. Obviously, they both practice magic, they both embrace this idea of understanding the mind of God to create a new reality.
Unknown Speaker 46:53
They both sought to bring about the end times the apocalypse. We’re gonna talk about that in part two, same thing Crowley was doing. Parsons was doing it.
Unknown Speaker 47:03
They want to bring Christ back.
Unknown Speaker 47:05
the eschaton
Unknown Speaker 47:08
because and all this comes through the evangelical movement, if you can believe that.
Unknown Speaker 47:12
They’re approaching the same ends just two different means. And we actually talked about this on my other podcast breaking social norms. I have an episode about Dr. Strange, where we go a little bit deeper into that idea of the end times and bringing Christ back and how all these seemingly opposing groups are campaigning for the same thing.
Unknown Speaker 47:36
In the Doctor Strange films, we see how
Unknown Speaker 47:40
he ushers in the end a few times, like in
Unknown Speaker 47:44
the second one, he wipes out a whole civilization. He’s like, Oh, human sacrifice is worth it sometimes.
Unknown Speaker 47:50
And in the second one, you also see the prominent role of the scarlet woman, the Scarlet Witch.
Unknown Speaker 47:56
On the one division show, they specifically call her the the scarlet woman the horror of Babylon. It’s important
Unknown Speaker 48:05
as a Croley called his women’s a scarlet women as well Parsons used this Nokian language from John D. To try to incarnate the scarlet woman
Unknown Speaker 48:16
so he could start the apocalypse. John Jack Parsons called himself the Antichrist Why do you think he did that?
Unknown Speaker 48:25
And should you have any doubts one last thing and then we’re gonna go
Unknown Speaker 48:29
Dr. Strange was directly referred to as John D. If you go to Wikipedia, they talk about how says the character has starred in several alternate universe titles in the miniseries Marvel’s 1602. Sir Stephen Strange is both the court physician and magician to Queen Elizabeth the first.
Unknown Speaker 48:48
Now they don’t directly tell you that’s John D. But you already know because I just dropped knowledge on you.
Unknown Speaker 48:55
Donde was the physician and magician?
Unknown Speaker 48:58
Queen Elizabeth the first. All right. Oh, sawston.
Unknown Speaker 49:04
But now we’re gonna get into the real good stuff. We’re gonna talk next week about dr. strange too. And
Unknown Speaker 49:12
look, we’re gonna go so deep. So deep, put your butt to sleep. We’re gonna go deep into the scarlet woman the horror of Babylon the number of the beast. That one’s actually very shocking. Hope you’re going to be ready for that one.
Unknown Speaker 49:25
Possession through yoga. Say it ain’t so. Say it ain’t so. Dark hold black arts.
Unknown Speaker 49:32
America being the secret destiny of occult practices, and so much more Dr. Fringe to I feel like might be the most difficult movie of all time. Unbelievable.
Unknown Speaker 49:44
Um, my jaw dropped as I watched it.
Unknown Speaker 49:48
So stay tuned, stay subscribed.
Unknown Speaker 49:52
And what else can I tell you to do? I always ask you to do things in your great noise. Do you know where to support the show? You know how to support the show?
Unknown Speaker 50:00
Oh until next time stay WOKE
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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