On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we run through a gamut of UFO Disclosure updates! The big report drops in June so things are heating up on the news and they’re talking about ALL THE THINGS! Demi Lovato is embracing the occult arts to make contact, Q’s Ron Watkins wants to get in on it and OREO is even getting the public into summoning these things! We’ll hit some very curious statements former President Barack Obama made and a mass ritual conducted by Doja Cat!
Today we’ll also hit our Tier 2+ shoutouts and a Tier 4 “Conspiracy Considerations” with Southside Tarot!! This time he’ll talk about aliens and Thelema, Greer’s magical practices, New Hampshire as center of Thelema, cryptos and more!
ALSO- “Aliens, UFOs & the Occult: Use Your Illusion II” is now available on Amazon Kindle and Apple Books! Amazon Kindle version can be found here: https://amzn.to/3gpbkD9 The Audible version has been submitted and should be out by mid-July and the paperback version SHOULD be out by June 21 on Amazon and signed paperbacks SHOULD be on my Gumroad.com/IsaacW store by July! This book is in color and has images from the films supporting the theories presented in Use Your Illusion I (which you can get everywhere right now!).
- Tier 4 unlocked- share your message on ‘Conspiracy Considerations’ by signing up at Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher or the VIP Section: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/
- Our guest from Conspiracy Considerations this week can be found on his website (his book will be on Amazon soon!): https://www.southsidetarot.com or on his Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/southsidetarot/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Well they have to when you’re making contact you actually like you want to meditate you want to say a few things you want to say please make contact if it’s safe for you
Isaac Weishaupt 00:17
ready for a special we got a special today the disclosure special it’s happening. Never thought you’d live to see this would you? Did Yeah. The sorry I got a fan off here. Sweating so hot. No, it’s actually beautiful. Got the got the windows open, got the breeze kicking up in the studio. a cool name for the studio. The woke zone the woke pet. more to come on that. But today we’re talking about disclosure, this is a it’s gonna be a big beefy, special. There’s a lot of content here. Usually I try to get you in and out within an hour. we’ll forget that today. We’re in for the long haul. It’s might be a long one the day of the longest show I’ve ever done. Oh, my God. But it matters. Because as they told you last year, June of 2021, they were dropping the the big. They were declassified in this big report on the existence of the UFOs the UA PS as they’re rebranding it through the propaganda channels. So I’ve been keeping an eye open but mostly I’ve been writing as you know, as you know, aliens UFOs near caught your delusion one’s already been out. People love it. I’m blessed, shocked, honored, humbled, by the great reviews I’ve been seeing everywhere. I’ve had some pretty big names contact me and say they liked the book, which is a huge deal to me, it means more to me than anything else. So thank you for the reviews everybody the ratings. Well, that being said, you know the deal your Guns and Roses fan like myself. There’s got to be aliens UFOs they caught us losing two. Well, there is it’s done. I wrote it. I wrote it. Then I watched all these movies. And most of the you’ve heard many shows that are chapters from the book. And of course the books more polished, right? It’s a little more professional, but the books gonna have images from all these movies supporting the theories. Because usually listen to is basically the the, what is the demonstration of the principles in user illusion, one, all these ideas, I’m talking about how the occultist know there’s a hidden realm, the artistic zone, the mob zone, the entities can be channeled through magic to the focusing of wills. And my argument is Hollywood’s been doing this for many years. And lo and behold, an article I found in the mainstream media we’ll talk about today supporting it, talking about how Hollywood has been influencing your mind to believe in the UFOs. So yeah, usually listen to I wrote it, got the images in there. The Here we go. Here we go. The world’s loudest studio on the planet. I’m sorry, I’m out here in suburban Hell, I can’t help it. We get these black helicopters. Should I be worried? I don’t know. They keep buzzing around. I don’t know what’s going on the I narrated the audio book and I’ve submitted it on Audible, you will see that July, maybe mid July. It takes them forever. They got to do whatever it is they do on their end. So the audible version is going to be out in July. The Kindle version is out right now. The iTunes version is out right now. The paperback which is what everybody wants. I’ve got the proof coming in the mail. Once I see it and read it and like it, and subscribe to it. I will release that so we’re talking. You’ll see the paperback in the next couple of weeks depending when you’re listening to it. So mid June you’ll see the paperback it’s gonna be hot girl summer it’s on and poppin but today we’re going to talk about the disclosure is the disclosure about mainstream media, their lockstep messaging of telling the mouth breathers out there today you will pose a real Now get ready we’re gonna talk about Oreo sigils I know love Oreos Who doesn’t? Obama’s talk about the new religion. Hollywood’s involvement in the UFO agenda doji cat high profile ritual at the I Heart Radio awards. Demi Lovato proving the theories that Father Seraphim rose warned us of many, many years ago, 50 years ago now. Tucker Carlson pushing the right wing military industrial complex, beefed up the Intel and then we’re gonna round it out with some cute talk. Yeah, I said it Ron, watch The nerd that almost killed us all. He’s involved with the Alien Agenda to which should raise a lot of eyebrows, I would argue, okay. If you didn’t have an eyebrow raised yet, you should by the end of this show, if you didn’t have an eyebrow raised of the voices being used to perpetuate the message over the years, Tom DeLonge. lead singer of blink 182 Well, not not lead singer is he? No, he wasn’t blink 182 I will say that. The Freemason hanging out with Peter venda shout out Peter venda big fan. I’ll never do my show. I hit them up all the time never answers me Never responses. He doesn’t like me. Guess I don’t know. I want to pick his brain. He knows at all this guy knows at all. He’d really knows it all. And he teamed up with Tom DeLonge. And that’s when years ago when I started talking about this. I said something’s up with this. I don’t like where this is going. Because Peter woman Amanda knows all about the call and the practices and all that the techniques. Anyhow, we’re gonna talk about all those things, you maybe you’re already familiar with all those. A lot of you woke stars out there, you’re more steeped into this than I am. I’ve been living in the world of proofing and reading and editing this damn book. Can’t wait to get back to podcasting 100% of the time. But I’m a writer at heart, I can’t help it. So now, what’s my next book, I don’t know, evolution, maybe I don’t like the idea of evolution. But we’ll see. Then today, we’re also like I said, you better get cozy, it’s gonna be a minute. Today, we’re also going to hit our supporter shout outs from Patreon and VIP section. And we’re going to be joined by a tier four supporter, conspiracy consideration your favorite segment, we want to use gets up on stage and you tell us some kick some nods to us. And we’re going to have a returning champion there. So stay tuned for all that I’ll put all that stuff in the middle of show because you’ve had enough preamble, you’re ready to rock you’re ready to roll. Let’s do it. June 27. That is now the new date when they’re dropping this, this report on the UFOs the UA PS previously was June 1. And that’s why I was scrambling to get this second book done because I wanted to beat it. I want to get ahead of it. So now they’re saying June 27. Some people in the media have seen it, apparently, because you’re getting little leaks here and there. I don’t know why all the secrecy. It’s like they’re hyping up an album release or something. Playing little snippets of songs and release in one track and whatever. I guess. That’s all I know. That is the propaganda here. There’s a lot of reasons I know there’s propaganda here. And look, I don’t know the answer. I don’t know the answer. Are there aliens from another dimension here? I would argue Yes. Are there aliens from another world here from another planet? I would argue No. Okay, I think it’s a spiritual thing here going on. And wouldn’t it be something of David it was right after all these years, talking about the reptilian shapeshifters shifting into our dimension needing the human fear the human emotion to feed off of one that’d be some shit if he was right this whole time. For a while I thought that was crazy. But now I’m kind of more into I’m like, I think I think he’s right. David like might be right about that. But there’s one thing I do know, this report dropping you if you if you’re paying attention. You’ll see everyone talking about this UFO Disclosure in lockstep. Like I said, it’s like they’re advertising a new album to get dropped or something. When you’ve got the government, the military, the Pentagon, the mainstream media, the corporate oligarchy. You got TV shows all over the place. You got podcasts all over the place, all talking about it like there. Maybe I’ll get the same script, I don’t know. Or you want to play Mr. rational. Maybe everyone’s just looking for a money grab. Could be it’s an unsolved mystery, the greatest unsolved mystery of all time. And if you listen to Dr. Steven Greer, he argues that this will be flipped into a threat that can be used for all kinds of advantages to sink money into as the big threat that we can never actually overcome. I mean, we can’t even look we sunk all that money after 911 and a TSA and that’s not really helping that much. If you look at the reports, are they What do you call it? They run like exercises trying to get weapons and illegal contraband through and they do it like 90% of the time. It’s the illusion of safety, okay. I’m not like this big libertarian anarcho libertarian conspiracy guy like whatever. I’m just saying like, don’t live fare on this stuff. Sure, let’s make some money and do it. Why not? I mean, we’re going to the frickin moon for the first time ever soon, right? Jeff Bezos, you go to the moon now. Oh, he stays there. No, I like I like I like Amazon. I mean, he’s the villain behind Amazon. But I’ll be damned if I don’t use the hell out of Amazon. Same with Netflix. Right. Edward Bernays, his family propaganda style stuff, you can’t deny that you can’t deny this propaganda there. But I’ll be damned if that’s not a good value for your money. Extra facts. So that’s one idea that it’ll be, it’ll be used as a threat, to scare the taxpayer scare the sheep into sinking even more money into weapon systems and quote unquote, protection from these things. That’s one big thing. And we’re going to talk about all these as we go through all of these examples today. Or it pushes us down the road that so many truth is before me, I stand on the shoulders of giants have talked about the global great reset. The great reset, cause clash, Rob. He wants to aliens, right? one unified Ronald Reagan said this many, many years ago, one unified threat is all it takes to get everyone to band together. It’ll change the entire concept of life and reality, and spirituality. If you just get this fundamental shift in consciousness, then when they said there was a new normal coming, don’t you find it odd? That was the same time they told you UFOs are real march of 2020. And now their brain at home? They know what they’re doing. But the question is, are they right? That’s the big question. I always talked about in my early truthing days, when I went on shows I would talk about the systems engineering concepts because at the time I was in grad school for systems engineering, shout out Penn State, which by the way, also proud, so proud to be a student at Penn State. And I shit you not my first semester, ever growing up watching going to the football games going to Beaver Stadium. And being proud to be accepted into the graduate program at Penn State was like a 30% acceptance rate. But I’m a total nerd. And like a 3.9 GPA and undergrad. I got accepted. I said, holy crap, I’ve made it. I’ve made it to the top. I made it to the top. first semester in boom jerry sandusky bagging kids. I was like, oh my god. Are you kidding me? Now I gotta have no I gotta be ashamed about this thing I did. really took all the wind out of my sails. That damn sports ball boy really breeds bad behavior sometimes. An old job Ah, man, like still hanging out? I didn’t understand the whole thing. Why Joe Paul hanging out with this guy like, bro, he bang boys in the shower. And you’re like, still like, no, I told them. I told the leadership. And and you know, big conspiracy, right? They all covered it up. Big conspiracy. Nonetheless, shout out Penn State, I guess. I guess, still paying my bill. I still pay my tuition. And they still send me stuff asking me to be pay alumni dues. And I know until this college loan is paid off. Anyway, you’re not here to talk about my college stuff. We talked to I talked about systems engineering, right? And this is the idea. Let’s shotty errs equal equilibrium law is the idea that I learned in grad school that influenced my understanding of the conspiracy world. The idea is you’ve got to, let’s say you got two systems in place. But let’s use politics as an example. You got basically the democrats and basically the Republicans, you basically got a two party system. If you introduce a third party, a viable third party, not like the ones that exist now. The other two parties will in fact accommodate and create a new equilibrium. That is why I would argue the DNC has such a heart on to make sure Bernie Sanders doesn’t get in there. They they screwed them twice. Because they’re shady as hell. They’re worried about the new equilibrium. But the point of this, how does this apply to aliens? Well, let’s say you got two religions. I mean, obviously, there’s more than that. Let’s say there’s Christianity and let’s say Christianity and atheism. Well, you introduced this idea of aliens. Now these two competing religions, because atheism is a religion, I would argue, have to change their perspective. And Christians have to kind of be like, well, I guess like God made the aliens to. And then the atheism, atheists will be like, well, I guess the, the aliens exist, too, they got evolved from a different kind of goo than we did. And it just raises a lot of questions. But anyway, the point is, all the systems have to change. So it doesn’t really require when they say there’s a new normal and a great reset, all they have to do is drop in a new system, they have to coordinate a system drop it in, and all the systems will rearrange themselves to accommodate the new system. They don’t have to like, put the gun to your head per se. To introduce it. It’s a there’s a slide the gun on the table, I guess. A gun slides on the table and change your tone. there anyway, the whole idea here, I would argue where are they digging this? Well, I mean, like I said, this could go many ways. Infinite funding for defense system, infinite privacy, invasion, the name of defense of global government to unite over one threat, or, and or a religious shift, a new religion, an alien religion, the religion of science, that’s all science needs. It’s basically a religion already. I mean, when you had I mean, look, the objective method there of science scientific method. It’s a good system. But the problem has become that science has different interpretations at this point. Look, I mean, we went through the whole year of arguing back and forth about is the virus real is vague. How does the things work? How does this work? And you could point to studies supporting whatever theory you want. Meaning, there’s not one clear consensus with everything in science. So there’s a little bit of belief there, okay. So this would be the new religion. They wanted a scientific religion, they wanted a global religion, a global government, and this is how it’s gonna happen. If you hear nothing else from me today, please understand that. Now, what’s the right answer? I don’t know. I certainly don’t know. But when I see all these mainstream media sources, talking about one thing over and over and over, believes something’s going on 60 minutes, they did a piece on it even twice, they did it in the last couple of months. There was in fact, there was a night on a Sunday night, I’ll remember I saw this, I watched them. CNN had a special on the origins of the virus, we’ll call it. And 60 minutes also had a special on the origins of the virus. Same night, they both floated the possibility that the virus was a lab leak, both of them did. And this was before, this is back when you got banned for talking about it. And now fast forward a few weeks and now there’s like confirmation that there’s a classified report, and people leaked the Yeah, there’s high plausibility that will plausibility that this was a lab leak, and they’re asking to do a deeper investigation into it. So it’s a very real possibility at this point. And if you get into the spars theory, which I discussed on my rockfon channel inside the mind of a conspiracy theorist rockfon calm slash creator slash Isaac like and subscribe to get all my stuff, commercial free. The idea of spars was that a few years ago they ran exercises on viruses and stabby jayvees and how it would go down and in the scenarios, and shout out Jay Dyer I don’t want I’m not trying to steal his thunder he’s been ranting raving about this for weeks now. And not ranting raving. I’m sorry. I don’t like I’m not trying to start truth or drama. Jay has been speaking on this for many weeks. In fact, Jays talk about spars is what made me say, Okay, I’m gonna look into this. Because, uh, you know, Alex Jones was deep into it, and he’s like, Oh, it’s the smoking gun is the smoking gun of the newest, the 2020 virus. Anyway, the idea he presented in the spars documentation, as you read the pandemic scenario, was that there was Fallout after the virus from the stabby jaggies. And reactions people had all kinds of stuff and They had to point the finger to someone and they pointed a finger to the government and the politicians to be the fall guy so that big pharma could be protected in all this. So the idea presented is that Fauci is going to be the Fall Guy, according to the spars pandemic, exercise. And it’s very possible because as you know, back when I reported on this in March 2020 voucerhs, NHS was involved in sending a millions of dollars over to the Wu Han lab for gain of function testing, which was previously banned for a few years. And then they lifted it because they were like, Cool nerds go for it make make accelerate the evolution of viruses, so that if it ever leaks, it’ll have us all sitting inside for a year with mass on our dumb face. So what happens when we confirm that this lab did in fact, make us and it was done with funding? from Mr. Fauci, Dr. Fauci, if that happens, and there’s gonna be hell to pay, right. He’s gonna be the Fall Guy, and the spars theory will be proven true. Now. Let’s talk. Let’s keep it on the report, though. Why are we talking? Oh, yeah, we were talking about all that. Because the idea is like, when you see all these mainstream media sources in lockstep, you know, they’re given the marching orders to talk about it. Or maybe it’s just like the most interesting story of all time, I don’t know, could be that to the play fair. But the government says it on USA Today, on June 4, they’re talking about the talking about the big report dropping in June, and sources that saw the report said they could not the government did not confirm that these crafts are aliens, but they didn’t say they weren’t. But that’s right. That’s true, right? Like they have no way of knowing how they know what’s inside those things. They can’t even catch it. There’s also arguments that could be Russian or Chinese crafts, which they say would actually be a scarier scenario because that would mean that these other countries are more advanced technologically and now are a bigger threat. So either way they get the they get the fear stoked, right. But two news outlets cnn in new york times were both briefed on the contents of the report but they were not authorized to speak publicly on it but why the vagaries? right why like I said, it’s like it’s like they’re teasing an album release or something. It also supports this idea that we’re going on to have a money grab to investigate it some more sell this as a threat Who knows? But another idea floating is that how many people will now be reporting UFOs uaps excuse me how many people now they know like the government saying you look your nose is on identify stuff flying around that skies all over the place. Now everyone’s gonna be out there do what I say it if I happen to me this weekend hanging out with some people and we saw it it was a balloon it looked like a six but you couldn’t tell because it was so far up there you were like whoa, what is that? Pretty sure it’s a UFO it’s not Emma’s gonna be manifesting this into reality, which is what my Use Your Illusion books are talking about? This is how they want it. They know now how to focus the wills of the masses. They’re going to use it to channel entities into our world. It’s a stretch but someone’s got to talk about it. Someone’s got to drop that information that idea. Corporate America the oligarchy they’re in on it. Oreo the oligarchy cookie. Says the Oreo offering is sending a sign of peace in unity to any extra terrestrials out there with a playful offering of Earth’s number one cookie. Earth number one cookie. Is it though? It might be the number one you know, what’s your favorite Oreo? I’d like to know Like and Subscribe, like in the show notes comments. Let me know. I myself. I know this is gonna sound blasphemous. I like a golden double stuffed is my favorite Oreo. Now of course they use like palm oil and stuff like they’re right. not healthy. Right? Okay, got it. Not everything we eat is healthy, and that’s fine. You got to live a little What are you going to live forever? You’re going to make contact with the aliens and they’re gonna give the lexer it’s not going to work. You’re seeing promethium that’s what happens at the end of their alien ribs. Is that off? But now the commercial for the Oreos shows two dudes. And there, they see a crop circle with the big Oreo logo. And if you know the Oreo logo, it’s got the sigil of the double cross. This is the cross of Lorraine used by the Knights Templar, which has all these links to the occult. I’ve talked about them many times. I won’t belabor the point. But it also is seen on the Leviathan cross for the Church of Satan, which allegedly was taken from the Knights Templar who originally created the Leviathan cross. And the argument the Church of Satan presents is that the double cross stands for protection and balance. Maybe it’s the symbol for sulfur historically associated with brimstone. And the devil and and Dave Navarro. It’s got a tattooed on his neck, Oh, my God. And he’s got the dilemma. unicursal hexagrams tattooed on his elbows. That’s why I said he’s in the Illuminati. Because he is. Now Dave Navarro, maybe. Maybe he’s got the sulfur tattoo because it’s an alchemical idea. And it represents the male, the active principle, the solar power is the King. And in alchemy, the you had the you have the combination of the sulfur and the mercury. Were like the mercury is the spirit the sulfur is the soul. That’s from paracelsus he talked about that kind of stuff. And you know, the alchemist they use like three essentials. It’s called the sulfur, the mercury and the salt. And all living things are composed this including that bird right outside the window. The drone bird watching me. And yeah, like sulfur and Mercury, they’re kind of opposites. They’re kind of opposing forces, like feminine masculine, and you got the reconciliation of opposites idea there and so on, which ties you into the Batman, which ties you into the Knights Templar, worshipping the head of Batman all that stuff. Anyhow. Anyhow, the Oreos. The commercial concludes with saying, make your own Oreo offering What is going on? They want you to be a part of this. Just like and when we talk about Demi Lovato? It’s, it’s all connected. You know, it’s all connected. They want you to be a part of this. It’s a master. It’s the mass of this mass ritual ever. So in conclusion, the Oreos, another odd connection of the devil with the UFOs. This time through America’s number one cookie, or sorry, Earth number one cookie? I don’t know, I’ve had a lot of good cookies, I would say the number one processed on the shelf cookie, I’ll give you that. President Obama, former US President Obama, who by the way appears on the back of the cover of my new user illusion to book because I use this quote, because almost serendipitously proved, all the things I’ve been saying. So shout out Obama on that one. But he was on as reclines show for New York Times. And they asked him, they said, How about this existence of aliens? Would it change your politics? And he said, and I quote, it wouldn’t change my politics at all, because my entire my entire politics is premised on the fact that we are those these tiny organisms on this little speck floating in the middle of space. Now, to be fair, Obama’s stick was always like pragmatic and hearing out other parties and other people and all that stuff. So like, he’s not making that up. Like that would make sense. But now, here’s what’s alarming. Here’s what made it to the back of the book. Obama added that were aliens to be proven real, he has no doubt that it would impact the political and social climate on Earth. There’s your lash out two years. The systems engineering idea, this equilibriums idea. So he said, he had no doubt that it would impact the political and social climate on Earth, saying there would be immediate arguments like well, we need to spend a lot more money on weapon systems to defend ourselves. Catch that. So there you go. They’re late planting that seed but then Worse yet, he says, new religions would pop up. New religions would pop up. There’s your science, religion, your alien religion, the global religion, the religion of the antic. Christ, as I take it to, and why do I take it there? Because that’s what so many people have been saying for so many years. And they can sugarcoat this all they want, but like, the fact that there’s all these years of like prophecy and understanding of what this was, and we’ll talk about father Seraphim rose in the Demi Lovato section. A Alright, let me complete his thing he says, and who knows what kind of arguments we get into we’re good at manufacturing arguments for each other. That’s pretty good. That’s pretty good. Well, yeah, he says new religions will pop up. We need money for weapon systems and defend defend ourselves. Who knows which way we take it? Maybe it’s a bit of a freewill argument. We can decide whatever we want. Because there’s going to be two camps there’s going to be the like, hippie camp of like, Nah, man, we show them love. And then it’s gonna be like the right wing camp of like, No, we blast these things out of the sky. We got at least knock one down so we can take a look and see if there’s an alien inside of it. Right? I would I’m more likely to believe that these are art of artificial intelligence created things like these are drones from another dimension. Like they’re able to cross dimensions and then manifest stuff. And it works both ways. Like we can kind of manifest things. That’s what they talked about. That’s a Peter venda talked about in the the first alien book he wrote with Tom DeLonge. By the way, that’s about manifesting both ways. And that’s why are you they can channel the energies in the wills and the beliefs of the masses to their own wills. Now, the mainstream media, when they start talking about the stuff that I’m talking about, I get a little nervous, get a little nervous, because they’re talking about symbolism of the aliens in the film’s great timing. In fact, I wish I wish I would have written written my book, a month prior may would have made it into the article and of the big times, because they interviewed one of my heroes, Dr. Diana pustaka. She was on the show she graced us with her presence last year because she hits in the same areas that I’m hitting on. And she’s obviously much more intelligent than me when it comes to religious stuff and alien stuff. And she’s hanging out with these guys, these secret societies, of UFO people like she’s hung out with them. And yeah, there’s a there’s a, there’s an article on NBC News called how pop culture set the stage for the coming UFO report. For better or worse. I’m going to read you from some excerpts, says UFOs were fodder for Hollywood long before they headed to the Senate. It’s a potentially transformative moment for the American public as intelligence agencies prepared to deliver a report to Congress about what they call unidentified unidentified aerial phenomena. But it’s an especially peculiar time for artists who have long shaped our collective understanding of mysterious flying objects. So there you go. I mean, not nothing, insidious there. But like, that’s what I’m arguing in this huge allusion to like, the films and the artists have a way of forming, forming our worldview, especially when it comes to the aliens. And when it talks about artists, like we talked about the artists going into the Mavs zone, like kind of grant talks about these artists have the way to tap into the zone of where other entities exist. And I argue the HR gieger did that for alien. I mean, he basically said that, as you’ll read in my alien chapter, on user illusion to let’s keep reading because this one’s actually pretty good. Barry sonnenfeld Feld, the director of all three installments of the original men and black trilogy said he feels terrified about what we might learn. Quote, it’s scary. If there are aliens out there. I can’t imagine they’re nice, and I don’t think we deserve to be treated particularly nicely. Let’s face it, humans are the virus of the planet. That’s kind of what really scholars saying to Ridley Scott was saying that the aliens are coming for us. And like, the idea is like on some levels, we deserve it. We’re just a populating virus that needs to be checked. And what’s better is to make us transhuman, make us new, evolved into another species in the digital matrix where we can no longer harm each other or harm Mother Earth and all that stuff. That’s the basis of the new religion, the alien religion. They’re not gonna have any aliens in like flesh and blood. I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen though sure be interesting if it did, but it’s gonna be some unprovable thing. Right That’s why I think but they’re gonna base it’s gonna be another religion they’re gonna base it on the faith that these things are further evolved species and they’re going to give us the secrets on how to get to their point let’s keep reading Hollywood’s role in shaping public attitudes about UFOs. What is considered socially acceptable dinner party conversation, which accounts have purported settings are taken seriously is hard to overstate and difficult to pin down. The mass media’s interest in UFOs has often been a double edged sword feeling legitimate interest in the topic while sensationalizing it to sell tickets or boost ratings. Diana Walsh bussaco Professor of Philosophy and Religion at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and author of American cosmic UFOs religions technology said UFO themed entertainment can be divided into roughly two categories that have coexisted for decades and sometimes overlap. In the first are titles in which the UFO event is revealed to be detrimental to humans, such as Independence Day, and other violent disaster epics. In the second are projects in which UFO encounters take on a gently philosophical dimension and strange visitors are essentially benevolent such as Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and et the Extra Terrestrial, which is in my book, by the way, a huge allusion to is gonna have et in the first chapter. The Sokka, however, said she believes that some mass media depictions of UFOs along the government’s attempt to manage national narratives have impeded serious study. Lots of people think those who believe in UFOs are weirdos and friend and marginal. She said, The credible serious study of UFOs has been impacted by how people who believe in them have been represented in culture. In other words, mass entertainment has made it easy to dismiss believers as conspiratorial cartoons, rather than treat UFOs as potentially pressing matters of scientific inquiry or even national security. So there you go, there’s, uh, you know, Dr. pusaka, who I mean, if I was to point to one expert that has a pretty good view of how this all works, I would say that’s her. So she’s saying that if I’m not gonna put words in her mouth, or the way I read this, that the, the historically UFOs, much like the original concept of the conspiracy theorist, quote, unquote, the the mass understanding of what they were was something that opened up to ridicule. And for 6070 years, the masses just were like, oh, you’re crazy tinfoil hat person, which we all know, right. And now, they’re trying to sort of flip that. And I think that’s why you see this on so many shows. Now, they know the entertainment is influential. So between the news and the like the Pentagon reports, but more importantly, Joe Rogan’s podcast, which is like a bigger following than the news. And expedition unknown, that show on travel channel, I was watching one the other day they talking about this stuff. All these shows on TV are talking about it now. And they have access to some level of information on this. Because some of them break it down pretty deep. And you’re like, Whoa, that’s more than what the news is talking about. So I think that the powers that be are reaching into different realms to get the message to the masses, because there was so much damage done from these movies in the past. But like I say, ultimately, it all as long as you believe is all that matters. That’s what I think they want you to believe Good, bad doesn’t really matter. They want you to believe in them. And if we want to take it to the cult perspective, they want to focus your energies and beliefs and thoughts in manifesting them if you want to get crazy, I want to get crazy so that’s why I take it Alright, everybody, you know the deal. You know, this show survives and thrives through your generous support. I’ve got three systems in which you can support links in the show notes as always, you can go to rockfon comm slash crater slash Isaac and that gets you a certain set of goods. Or you can go to Illuminati watch calm to the VIP section that gets you a different set of goods. Or you go to patreon.com slash Illuminati watcher and that gets you very similar to the VIP section but yet different. And you can compare all three on my website Illuminati, watch calm, go to VIP and you can read all about the differences and what you get. Now for the VIP section and the Patreon you get a monthly shout out because I want to take the time to personally thank you. And it’s a big list. So without further ado, I say let’s get into let’s start with a VIP section. We’re going to go down through here with the tier two folks. The the Oji granola walkers. Let’s go. Leslie James. That’s James H. And then we got to James v right after that’s the jams you right there. Cosmic Blue 27 Winston, Papa DOM, Jim. Joshua T. Matthew K. Allen. David G. Felix. Kristen Hunter. Timothy. Yes, Trina crystal, Marisa holding them down with Marisa Jo. Jo F. So some of the names I’ll give you the first initial, I don’t like to air out people’s last names. Unless they specifically tell me to. I get the if it’s a common name that I’ve seen on here multiple times. I’ll give you the last initial. Okay. Is it weird? Yeah. I’m a weird guy. Blake jeyapaul in house depot, one of the first supporters of all time. Salvador, Rachel and many of those names, these. Many of these names you’re gonna hear on the shout out are going to be a special thanks to the book. If they followed all the steps, the rigmarole I made them go through to get in the back of YouTubers do. Let’s keep moving. We’re up to tier three, tier three these alkaline Oji granola woks there’s on the VIP section. Cheryl was holding it down. Jason, Brandon. See, Rosa, Linda and Darrin. And then of course, last month, these are tier four conspiracy considerations. Jordan sellside Taro in the house. Now let’s move on to Patreon. This is all mixed together. Right. Let’s go down the list we have Brandon g. d. Holly. Ryan, Todd. Samuel, Annie violent. Jennifer Antonio, Genevieve Moser media level so Jay say murder in the house Luke. Sarah backbeat. Jessica Dee. Dee sign up on we are, you know, I do a podcast with Josie Weiss called breaking social norms. Shout out all the people to sign up over there for that Patreon. Appreciate you. Marie says over here too. Then some of you guys are on multiple platforms. I appreciate it. I hope you know that. I mean, like, I appreciate the support by all means you don’t need to support across multiple platforms but thank you very much. Aubrey. zary jiggy Mama. Stephanie. jams Ian house. Amy. Eddie Terran g man. g man Jacko. Sorry, Tyler, Kirby. Liz, Marjorie. Rusty shackleford. Emily, premiere 65 Christy, Vermont hip hop collective Jo sauce. B. Charles, Daniel G. Charlie the great Zack. Russell dragon. Chris G. Ramona. Tanya Oh. Marcia W. Jacob. Allen C. Sam. I am fulbrighter jarred Payne UFOs surfen. Brooke, Jason s. Sue’s w half cast sorts of tinge. Betty Thomas. That’s Thomas. p. Mariah, Frankie, Roxy Roxy. Brian, Brian are Ashton alley w Renee. cc. Spry. you’d hold it down over here. Joe nips in the house. Brandon Lord, Aaron. Brian B. Yak on the axle in the house. Sorry. Yak. Sorry. I go what goes by Yak. Yak. Em give Darcy de l Mack Tony g profits seven Denali, Jade pragmatic chick, Robert. Robert z Excuse me. William B. Alexandria. Skinny, fresh. Oh, skinny fresh always hold it down. jt katg. Dave W. Sarah, Brandon C. Jennifer Barry w crystal D. Taylor Blake, big physique. Let’s talk to big fuzzy the other day. And I confirmed for the first time ever what that’s rose from Princess Bride under the giant Shut up. Cara, john P. While he was our tier for conspiracy considerations. Last week was out last weekend. Joshua v. and Cheryl, those are all you know, those last four, those are all tier four conspiracy considerations. Like I always say I sent you guys messages, but hit me up if you want to come on the show and do your thing. Hit me up. Okay, that’s our supporters. Thank you everyone, for your support, you keep the show going. If you want to be a supporter to maybe you want to get a shout out, you know where to go. There’s three places you can go if you want to compare them, go to Illuminati watch calm, hit the VIP link. And you can compare all three supportive systems and find the one you like. Everyone likes different things for different reasons. I’m not here to tell you which one to choose. I just thank you for your support. Hi, everyone. We’ve got the the great segment conspiracy considerations where you, the audience, participant, you get up on stage. And you tell us some of your theories and ideas for 510 minutes. And you have a good time. And you talk to me and we make it happen and we chop it up and we’ve got returning champ Southside Taro he’s back. He did the first conspiracy considerations. Well, he’s back for more. And this guy’s got a lot of interesting information actually. But today he’s going to share some ideas about aliens to Lima the religion Alister Crowley religion you know, the Lima the magical practices of Steven Greer, how he’s opening up the portals with Demi Lovato how to change the minds of the masses in order to change reality which they’re all these are all very familiar topics if you’ve read my user illusion books, talks about New Hampshire as the center of the Lima he’s only got something interesting. So check it out. Here we go. Southside Taro in the house. All right, my man South Side Taro, the first guest on conspiracy considerations is back at it again. What’s going on, man? Hey, man, thanks for having me back again. Yeah, I enjoyed the first time definitely. Okay, you got a lot of knowledge in that brain to get out. So let’s get into it. I know you. You had some interest in? I don’t know UFOs. Steven Greer Kabbalah maybe where they all intersect? I don’t know. Any anything burnin. I know, the alien subjects on fire right now in the mainstream media.
Yeah, you know, I’m really wondering how fa leymah plays into all that, or salema or Tulane? I’ve heard it kind of pronounced a few different ways. Because that was you know, that’s that’s key to Crowley. And that’s, that’s key to, I think a certain magical practice. Where you’re just, you know, you’re you’re taking everything in. And I think maybe that’s something to do with this. You know, Steven Greer, kind of UFO channeling thing about just bringing everything in without any. I mean, you use the word discernment, which is, I guess one of the things I worry wonder about too, with people doing esoteric occult practices on a global scale without really knowing what they’re doing, or how it may change them as a person.
Isaac Weishaupt 48:21
Yeah, that’s true. That’s, that’s something I’ve thought about was, maybe the idea here is they want more people trying to open up these portals or whatever. Because like, the energy, they’re able to sort of pull together to make it happen isn’t enough. And they’re ready to sort of try to rip the veil open, but they need the mass belief to give it enough momentum or enough force to actually allow it to open up. You know, I
don’t know what, well, that’s, I mean, you know, I listened to Steven Greer, I think one of his last YouTube videos and that was kind of what he was hinting at was that, if enough, if enough of us do this, or enough of the people that are doing these rituals, then the things will happen regardless. And so from a tarot perspective, you know, again, I gotta approach it from an occult, one of the key topics and reading Tarot is talking about what I would say frames of mind. So, like, your disposition towards a certain thing, and that can be kind of called a spirit as well. If people are changing or doing things that are changing their points of view towards certain things, their ways of looking at certain things, then yeah, changes are going to happen from that, at least if, if the esoteric stuff is correct. But do people know that? Are they aware? You know, if people are, I mean, I live in a tiny house, right? Are people being aware that they are is being pushed towards a what a mechanic call it the archaic revival, like making a little bit making things a little bit more wild. Because that seems to go in line with the great reset. Oh, interesting to kind of, you know, moving away from the techno world towards a more wild world, I guess,
Isaac Weishaupt 50:23
ya know, they talk a lot about the coffin apartments and the ideas of people sort of stacking on top of each other. And I guess if you’re not into that, which who would be necessary? That’s the other option, right? Moving out to the out of the year?
Well, I mean, that. So that stuff is, you know, on my radar, because of where I live, I mean, I live in New Hampshire, which you might consider the extreme end of the leymah. I can, you know, obviously, we’re far from interstate 93 is right. Next to it, Vermont is on the opposite end, kind of the epitome of socialism. So these kind of two energies are kind of bouncing off each other. So I’m wondering if some of this division as well, is part of whatever esoteric, the the resolving the opposites or bringing the opposites together? And just seeing what happens, I
Isaac Weishaupt 51:18
guess, interesting. Yeah, I’ve thought of that recently, often is that it feels like maybe the the virus of 2020 was part of a death and rebirth ritual for the masses where it was, like, we were all confronted with death, sort of in a theatrical way, then they kept telling us from this will be sort of reborn into the new normal, the great reset, nothing will be the same again, all that sort of stuff. So in some ways, it felt like a mass ritual theater. And then, you know, a lot of people had doubts and all of the things happening, and, but it didn’t really matter, so long as we just all went through the motions, just kind of what insight.
Yeah, I mean, it’s like, there’s stories like this in the Bible, I mean, not just in the Bible, and lots of texts, you, you go into the desert by yourself, and you’re confronted with God, or the voice in your head, or wherever you want to call it, and I think that, you know, making everyone stay inside and, you know, are not making the necessarily, but I guess steering the societal confidence towards Alright, you know, better be at home by yourself. As that’s just going to lead to this, you know, okay. What is what am I doing in my life? What is going on
Isaac Weishaupt 52:40
here, though, man, that is what happened. The isolation and like the purification, and, and I myself one thought through too, because I was, you know, immediately, I was just used to going into an office environment for the day job all the time. And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, it’s like, boom, now I’m home. And I got so used to it. I was like, dude, I’ll never go back into that office again. There’s it sucked going in.
Well, I’m always wondering about how coincidental coincidental it is that cannabis has become legal and psychedelics in many states are becoming more legal around the same time, like is, is there a handshake going on between whatever doorways in the mind are being opened up? And the I guess, time allotted to reflect on those because in a really busy, hectic office, you know, type of lifestyle, American lifestyle, maybe the latter half of the 20th century. But it’s not really time for psychedelics or time to reflect on Oh, this, what happened? What did I realize from that experience?
Isaac Weishaupt 53:48
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And it seemed like everything kind of got, it got shook up enough for people to I mean, I don’t know about other people. But I know myself is sort of, sort of gives you time to miss the things that you truly want to continue doing. And also put things into a different perspective. So like, yeah, I think conspiracy or not what happened was, in some ways, a big mass ritual. And that’s a the occult calling guard, too, right. Like you look at the Church of Satan, they were all about that sort of stuff. The melodrama was,
Well, that seems like they’re all they always have a hand and flipping over regime or flipping over ruling order. And, I mean, not that, you know, to talk to us respectfully, but like our leaders during all this seem to be kind of clownish. I mean, like, it seems that they’re, you know, they’re wearing the suit and they’re pitching the line that everyone’s kind of expecting them to say where it just seems like all right, well, of course, they’re going to say this of course, they’re going to say where the mask or or you know, the Pro, you know, whatever intervention that we don’t really know what’s going to happen yet. Yeah. So are you seeing like all the new that all new at the same time? I think there might be a global realization like, wait a second?
Isaac Weishaupt 55:09
Yeah, I think definitely. I think a lot of people saw through and said, like, for some reason, it always shocks me that, like, people put that much faith into some of these political leaders, as if they really had the answers and the keys to, you know, making the decisions for for you. And a lot of people. I don’t know, I think a lot of people woke up to that idea for the first time ever, and that drew a lot of people into the conspiracy world. Wanting to what?
Yeah, I mean, the out I mean, you know, obviously, no one likes talking about politics. But I mean, you know, two grown adults living in a country thinking that they want to have some involvement in the civil process, because that’s, there’s some importance to that. It’s almost like people want to take that back. Like, wait a second, you know, maybe there’s a, you know, a decentralized way of looking at things. Because right now, it seems that Biden kind of rules from on high a little bit.
Isaac Weishaupt 56:09
Interesting. Yeah. Yeah, the decentralization idea, the, you know, pops up, obviously, crypto currencies and stuff. And now it seems that America is even embracing the idea of creating an American dollar, crypto dollar, or whatever they’re calling it.
So, in New Hampshire, there’s a thing called the Free State Project. And it’s basically a lot of voluntariness, libertarian types of folks moving out, you know, to start communities or whatever. And crypto is big. And it’s been, you know, big, I’ve been here for about five years. But I’m telling you, for me, it’s, it’s hard for me to cross the line with it. Because no one really knows where it came from. I mean, there’s like the theory. And it’s a red flag for me, the D o T is supposed to be this, you know, data, you would think someone will step forward and say, okay, for the safety of, or for the sake of what we’re doing, we need to disclose what’s going on with cryptocurrency and where it came from? And it’s still like, Oh, we don’t really know. Like, you don’t know who the person who created Bitcoin was. For me, I mean, for me, it’s it, you know, it. If you don’t know where it came from, and you’re assuming good me, it might not be right. So I don’t know.
Isaac Weishaupt 57:25
Yeah, I’ve always been skeptical of especially with that. NSA document from I think was like the 80s or 90s, where they were talking about basically, the similar things to what the Bitcoin white paper talked about.
Yeah. Well, yeah, it’s very interesting to see what it does to people and how they live their life, at least from my experience here. It’s, it’s very like the, they measure things down and transactions down that you wouldn’t normally monetize. So for example, if you were hanging out and you needed me to come pick you up and take you to work, there would be a Bitcoin transaction and point or crypto 2.0015, whatever. And it seems like more and more interactions are broken down those ways, which I mean, for someone who tries to be tech light. It’s something that I don’t want to go down that road. Now.
Isaac Weishaupt 58:17
Yeah, it’s definitely kryptos is not an easy way of transacting fun. I hate myself, I mean, I’m, I’m, I’m morbidly curious. So I’m invested very lightly into it, but like, I hate everything about kryptos I think it’s a stupid idea. I think it’s executed poorly. I think it’s, I got a million gripes about cryptocurrency but overall, like, I mean, I could see us going that direction. So I’m kind of like well, maybe.
Yeah, I mean, like I said, New Hampshire is one of those places that it seems to be at least that’s what they say. Right? They say like, Oh, you know, this is the place to go for cryptocurrency. But I don’t I mean, down in Keene, New Hampshire, Ian Freeman, this radio guy. There’s this thing called the crypto six where six people were arrested over certain Bitcoin transactions that weren’t above the word whether they were they were supposed to be or something like that. So here it’s definitely part of the local news. As far as there’s some that are not necessarily against it, but are saying that the people who are using it are taking advantage of the system or whatever. Which I mean, you know, you can misuse anything, honestly.
Isaac Weishaupt 59:39
Oh, cool, man. Is there anything else you wanted to cover? No, that’s pretty much it. What can we plug for you? Where do you want them to go?
I mean, South side’s hero, Instagram or the website the book will be released on Amazon pretty soon so Oh, really? Okay. Is that Yeah, yeah. You know, make it official and do all that fun stuff and have it published and everything so nice. That’s coming up. But apart from that, I’ll just, you know, dig, dig in the dirt for the guard. And that’s pretty much it.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:00:12
Right on brother. Well, cool. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us again. Appreciate it. Alright, man, thank you. All right, there you go. That was Southside Taro. You can hit him on his website, South, South Side tarot.com. link in the show notes, hit him on the Instagram Southside Taro on Instagram, and his book is going to be on Amazon any day now. And if you want to be a part of that, if you don’t know what tier four is, is the top tier, I’ve got the support platforms, right? I’ve got rockin Patreon and VIP section well, VIP section and patreon are the two places you can sign up for top, top tier, top dog status. Tier four. You’ll get on the show you get up on stage, you share your theories with everyone in the whole audience. It’s a great time, we’re gonna have a conversation, you and I. And you share your ideas. And we’ll make it happen. Everybody gets to hear your thoughts. You also get all the other stuff you get with tier three, two and one. You get the I’ll mail you a signed paperback of user illusion. One, you’ll get every ebook I’ve written, you’ll get the tier two shout outs, you’ll get the live stream, you’ll get the ebooks dark path, Cooper’s code, no more ads, no commercials, no mercy. Plus, every bonus show I’ve put out for the last few years, you’ll get it all. And again, if all the slots on Patreon are sold out, head over to Illuminati watcher.com with the VIP section and there are slots available over there. Thank you for your support everybody, no matter what tier you’re on. Even if you’re not on a tier, you’re just a listener. I appreciate you. Okay, let’s get back to the show. Thanks. Guy. That was a fun little, little break. Now let’s resume the big disclosure special continues this time we’re going towards doza cat Yes, the singer. She and let me make a note. I have to put the images I got images. I got screenshots that I will post on the Instagram at Isaac wise I’m like unsubscribe link in the show notes. I got images from this performance she did for I Heart Radio. Originally, the only copy I could find to the performance was this very low quality grainy. Not so good version on the YouTuber. But then my mag Vince came through he actually sent me an It’s like he knew I was researching it sent me the link to the big HD. So I redid the images. And now, of course use the trope of the aliens, which I think she’s she’s done that many times. And in fact, she’s dropping a new video on June 11 that appears like it’ll have that sort of vibe about it. But in this video in this performance she’s in the cornfield, which I wrote about how strange it is that the corn seems to be related to the aliens for whatever reason I wrote about that and usually allusion to in the ET chapter because that’s where he meets the alien in the corn just like in M night. She la blah blah blah in was that movie signs? Which I watched that but I didn’t include that in the book. There was some there was some close misses on the chapters. There’s some I did not do I wanted to do alien covenant but I decided not to I thought that was too many alien films. Anyhow, she’s in the cornfield. But it starts out with her watching the television set for reasons completely unknown. I’m here to put those pieces together for you but like she’s watching the television programming its programming her mind to accept the existence of the aliens which is my argument and use your allusion to she sit on the cornfield watching TV and then the aliens come and they and then they abductor when she levitates up and there she goes now what was curious and in fact let me I’m going to read you a redo from user illusion to from the E t chapter. After the search for the creature in the tool shed ends up fruitless Elliot continues his search for whatever it was he saw. He would go on the cornfield and make his official contact with et. This parallels are the parallels to M night shall Amman’s. Cheyenne Malone’s 2002 signs are worth noting because there that is also where the alien presence reveals itself. First to crops. circles, which I believe to be some form of sigil then in full manifestation in the cornfield. And what did you see on the Oreos commercial? The sigil in the cornfield of the devil’s cross. Is there a connection to high fructose corn syrup if they’ve been programming our DNA with the high fructose corn syrup? Oh my God, I’ve cracked the code. I have no idea. But she levitates at the end up from the cornfield. It’s kind of an alarming idea to put in the minds of the masses. Honestly. The whole the whole lore there they’re making it look I don’t know enticing. Your celebrities are doing it. Why aren’t you doing it? Why aren’t you getting abducted? How much fun Dota cats having but if you re if you read usually version one, you read about all the the naughty bits of what happens to some of these people. Not everybody gets miracles and healing. Some people get you know, alien sexy time. And that’s not so fun. I would argue. I mean, I don’t know. I don’t you don’t know to try it twice. But I’m not volunteering. There. Okay, Demi Lovato, Thomas celebrity selling you on and worshipping the aliens. Demi Lovato is putting it into overdrive. She is she was on the show. So Kesha has been a subject I’ve talked about for many years. As you know, she started a podcast talking about the supernatural. And she had Demi Lovato on there. Demi Lovato constantly in the mix on this stuff, too. It was also by the way, come out non binary. Oh my god. Which is fine. I guess. No one asked, Who cares? No one knows. Like, why do you need to advertise it? Like no one cares. snowflakes. Listen up. Unless I’m talking to you personally. No one cares. The sound sounded rude. I retract that. No, I just don’t i don’t i don’t get it. Like, are they now I get it in a sense if they’re talking about gender constructs, because I agree that gender is a construct and like it’s stupid. Like, I don’t like I am born biologically I’m a male. But like, Am I a man? Well, I mean, that’s subjective. Some people would be like, no, Isaac your cup cuz you don’t like guns and whatever. Which I’m pro Second Amendment. I just like I don’t I don’t. I don’t collect guns. I don’t care about them. I just I’m pro second. I haven’t I agree with that sentiment. I have one gun. Plenty. Plenty of guns. I don’t care about them. But like some people be like, Oh, you’re not a real man. You’re not a real man. So like, yeah, I reject it in some ways, like toxic masculinity tells me I need to do all these things. I need to not have emotions. Not have feelings. So like, in that way, like? Sure. I guess I’m non binary. Because like everyone has like aspects of feminine and masculine everyone everyone does. But I don’t know what she means by that. She must be talking about the construct because biologically, she’s a female, right? So what is she talking about? Why are we even talking about this? I don’t understand it. Maybe you know what, let me talk to Josie wise up on breaking social norms. We’ll talk about this subject. Like I get it, like some people like they identify, like transgender or whatever, like liberal, like, you know, I really feel very masculine, and I’m in a feminine body. Biologically, I’m a female. But mentally I’m a male. I get that. I get that when there’s like a clear distinction, but like, this non binary thing, like I don’t get that at all, like that’s like some next level stuff. Anyway. At the same time, she’s also got a YouTube show called dancing with the devil. But she’s on kashia. She’s on the cash app podcast cache in the freebies. And she’s talking about how she was hanging out with Dr. Greer. And I thought about Dr. Greer in the past, but he does talk about clothes kind of the fifth kind that whole documentary. And I talked about her hanging out with Dr. Greger she posted the images and the videos on her Instagram. And she talks about it on the show but she’s channeling UFOs with Greer on Joshua Tree and she talks about his blue orb which by the way if you if you listen anything from Ryan burns, shout out Ryan burns skinwalker Ranch guy He was on tinfoil hat with me Thomas skinwalker once he’s seen the blue orbs out there at skinwalker Ranch, so something with the blue orbs but the thing that the sentiment I’m trying to get across here, Demi Lovato is selling this as a spiritual experience, okay, and everybody wants that. I want it to give me the spiritual experience. And if I would argue if the main Abrahamic religions don’t give you that spiritual experience, you’ve you’re longing for, well, guess what could summoning the aliens channeling the aliens. And this would support the new global religion that Obama said would pop up. So she talks about how, like I said, they’re really trying to sell it to everyone she’s like, you know, what I’d rather do is have a night of meditation at a club, or a night of meditation than to be at a nightclub. And listen to what she says. She says, Only under one condition, though. And then that’s all happening.
Are you just like, Are you freaking out? Oh, well, I, I really love doing this. And I love meditating so much that it doesn’t really it’s, to me, this is fun, like I, I would choose a night of meditation over a night out at a club anytime, especially if it is going to result in contact.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:11:33
She says, the meditation has to lead to contact, because that is the ultimate pursuit. And some could argue that meditation is all about making contact. That’s what Yoga is supposed to mean means to unite to yoke to the spirits. And we’ll talk about that here in a minute. But let’s let’s look at another clip. She talks about when you’re making contact, you have to focus your intent and your will, and you meditate towards it right. And somehow these aliens will feel only the good vibes, they’re like, they’re only about hanging out with the humans that give them good vibes. So they can feel safe to appear? Well, they have to when you’re making contact, you actually like, you want to meditate, you want to say a few things you want to say please make contact if it’s safe for you. in Palm Springs on my birthday, I realized that they only showed up for like 10 to 15 seconds. And I think it was because they were in the middle of an airspace, and like something may have could have happened. Maybe that’s why they didn’t stay longer. You know, you have to make sure that you’re coming from a good intention place that the environment of who you’re with is loving and supportive. You want them to feel safe, and otherwise they won’t show so Oh, so this was the the next the second night. I think there’s this red light just shooting across the sky. So what do you think about that? If you you think you have the discernment to know whether or not this is a good or bad spirit coming towards you. Let’s go back to Father sarofim roses orthodoxy and the religion of the future book. written like 5060 years ago, had a whole chapter called the meditation invasion. Chapter Four. I got some notes here. Eastern meditation invades Christianity. We should be he these are like his arguments. Okay, I’ll give you my this is my Cliff Notes. He’s saying we should be trying to enlighten non Christians, but not giving them a voice or a dialogue, which is what Demi Lovato is doing here? And this is kind of what man Where did this come up before? That’s that there was a show I did. We talked about poor people, right? And they said it was like fine line between, like, hearing out poor people and versus letting them call the shots, kind of. And it’s kind of what father roses saying, too. I mean, it sounds kind of cold. But he’s saying we should try to enlighten the non Christians but don’t give them a voice or dialogue. But like, clearly, through entertainment, they’ve got a voice a giant voice, right. He claims that something has entered the air in the past two decades that promotes this cooperativeness of the 60s Age of Aquarius stuff. That was his big thing. When he wrote this. He talks about yoga coming through. He says in the supposedly non religious but the Hindus who created this stuff, says the aim is in fact spiritual, and that is the original intent. And if you’re not doing it to communicate with the gods, then it’s treasonous. That’s what they originally believed. And they detail how using yoga for physical well predisposes you towards certain spiritual attitudes and experiences. And to discard everything in the mind and realize, well, you know, who’s the divine God me? I am, man. And that’s the new religion man is at the center. Now, should you not do yoga? I don’t, I wouldn’t take it that far. But like, I don’t know that he’s wrong. I don’t know that he’s wrong. Same as with like, he talks about Zen meditation. Transcendental Meditation course brought to you by the Maharishi from the Beatles right through Hollywood through entertainment. You’re supposed to practice it first and then look into the theory later is how that’s was set up. It’s a deception. The same thing as the Hindus try it see that feels good. And sometimes it does. Sometimes it does. They use secret terms secret mantras, which he calls out to be the same as in black magic, Mormonism and witchcraft. His words not mine with the idea that if you know someone’s name you can control it which we talked about. In fact if you follow Megan the stallion she’s coming out with a new alter ego. They’re still doing it. Tina snow i think is her name. could be wrong. These secret magical aliases. But the tn transito meditation is similar to the drug experiences. Lefthand pastors who use drugs get in touch with the gods. And you guys the superpowers of like levitating, become invisible, you could fly. But the sad reality is that a lot of people go insane. mental illness, suicide, murder. It’s murder, demonic possession. All that stuff. Now here’s the final word on the final bit of Bible thumping here. While the rose is warning I’m gonna read you write from the book. Okay, well, I’ll paraphrase. He says Orthodox Christian, you must stay away from these practice practices because they are, quote, an entrance to the cosmic spiritual realm, where the deepest side of human personality enters into contact with actual spiritual beings. These being in man’s fallen state are first of all the demons or fallen spirits who are closest to man. Sorry, go. Father, Rose was a gay monk by the way. He anyway, so. So Demi Lovato is she’s trying to get the word out to the kids. Channel. These aliens see if it feels good. She said the idea of astral projection. It’s kinda like ghost hunting. Right. But it’s also very intriguing. On the other hand, I do not judge. I’ve done some ghost hunting myself. In fact, I would be very interested to see a UFO. If we need to start a GoFundMe to pay for my ticket to go hang out with Dr. Greer, because it’s only like $10 million to go hang out with him and find the UFOs. But the Yeah, that’s all interesting stuff. Right? But you gotta you got to listen to these words of these spiritual people like father rose or said no, no, no, my friend don’t do that. opening yourself up to the the demons of the Fallen spirits? Who’s right? I don’t know. I don’t know. Okay, next story. Tucker Carlson, you know, he wears bow ties. He is arguing that we need to funnel money into the military industrial complex. So you see where he’s at on this. He’s in the sort of right wing pro military angle, because it’s not, you know, it’s not socialism with the money goes into the big, the big weapon system in the name of protection from the boogeyman. in your, in your in here, a lot of this is all like this, this drum beating for the beefing up of intelligence agencies, so they can really figure out what it is to see if they can protect us. And I’m gonna play the clip. And at the end, you’ll even hear about how earlier we talked to these things could have been drones. They thought maybe these drones from Russia and China with further evolved technology, but they argue on this show. No, they’re not.
I thought Lou made a very solid point. And I’m embarrassed I hadn’t thought of it before, which is this is among other things, whatever these objects are a potentially very grave threat to nation states. So where was the intelligence community in wanting about this and learning more about it? What were were they?
Well, that has to be answered. Absolutely. I mean, we are under siege. It’s like there’s a war of nerves going on. And if this was drones belonging to a foreign adversary, there would be an absolute outcry. And yet the situation we’re in, but we don’t know what these things are and they might even be extraterrestrial. That’s worse. So I agree with Luis Elizondo on this, this is a potential catastrophic failure of intelligence. And if it happened, because skeptical bureaucrats were just saying to themselves, it can’t be therefore it isn’t, then there must be a reckoning.
So you say and and that is such a great point. And nicely put, but you described it as a seizure, give our viewers who don’t follow this topic closely a sense of the magnitude of data coming in about these encounters.
Yeah, I mean, this is absolutely extraordinary. And every day, it seems like new information drops things that the public and the media weren’t told. So for example, former director of national intelligence, john Ratcliffe just threw into the conversation the other day, the fact that the satellite imagery of all this and some of the speeds being reported, seem to blow the theory about foreign drones out of the water, we must be told what’s going on here. And we should think of this upcoming report to Congress as an intelligence assessment of the phenomenon itself, and one that’s long overdue.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:21:30
Rather can’t be drones because you know, aliens, right. But he’s, you know, they’re hyping up this. They’re hyping up this report. They’re trying like fox is really good at scam people. They love it. I mean, all, like all politics, all news. They get off on scaring people because you know, fear sells. But he says, Nick, Nick Pope told Tucker, we are underseas it’s like there’s a war of nerves going on. Oh, my God. underseat. terrifying. A potential catastrophic failure of intelligence. My God, we better. We better give them more money. That’s what they want you to think. And are they right? I don’t know. Maybe we should find out if there’s aliens. I’m down for that. I want to know more. But can we trust? We’re going to be told the whole truth we’ve been apparently lied to for 60 years now. 7080 years? They’ve told us overnight, no, no such thing. No anomalies, no nothing. And now they’re, they’re turning it around. Who do you trust? I tell you not to trust. Ron Watkins. That’s right. Last last story, and then we’re done with our big disclosure special. Because if you’re not suspicious of OSI, I’m involved with this UAP UFO Disclosure yet? This is the one that should tell you. Ron Watkins, I’m going to read you from vice. Because Did you see the HBO show? on cue? It was like six episodes. It was really good. And basically, this Ron Watkins guy admits that he’s Q. He’s doing it the whole time. And that’s an oversimplification. Like, there’s a little bit of nuance to it, like, the argument is that he took over the cue account at some point, but who knows. But he’s now into the alien conspiracy. Oh, great. A key wasn’t a big enough sigh up we need a bigger one. Already from vice. Ron Watkins, the one time administrator for eight Chan, and the man who facilitated the rise of QA non once people to send him documents about aliens so he can share them with the public via a forthcoming website called alien leaks. Quote, the alien leagues project is going to be an anonymous Dropbox for anybody to send documents to. It’s inspired by WikiLeaks and the work Julian Assange did with government accountability. When instead of focusing on government accountability, the goal of alien leaks is to focus on Extra Terrestrial disclosure that he said on the Alien Agenda podcast. This is all interesting stuff, and I’m sure there’s people around the world sitting on troves of documents. Watkins announced the new project on his personal telegram channel. Quote, with humanity, humanity on the brink of alien disclosure, do you really trust the government to tell you the whole truth? He said in a post announcing the project. He also launched a new telegram channel on telegram as it must be a social media thing. He also launched a new telegram channel dedicated to alien leaks. Quote, the government is currently gearing up for some kind of soft alien disclosure. They will only be the tip of the iceberg. A brave scientist, researcher or specialist may just step forward to leak documents that show us the full iceberg. So there we go. If you trust trust that Ron Watkins guy, he’s gonna give you the real truth and I think he’s connected if you watch the HBO show it seems like he’s connected with some people in the on the inside like they were they were apparently seem like they’re feeding him information to put on the keyboards I don’t know what’s going on I know there was a whole lot of weird stuff going on I’m glad I’m not involved I think it was a psyop on many levels if you listen to my four shows about it I never bought into it wasn’t my thing. Anyway, it’s not my not my bag. But what’s what sucks is like some of that stuff I believe we do need to look into some of the adrenochrome stuff which Oh by the way, we’re the world’s Season Two just started and there already are saying that because if you don’t know well I don’t want to give you a plot spoilers. Listen to our world the world season one show I did last September. And you’ll you’ll hear pretty shocking ending to that. Okay, that’s it though. you’ve discovered common hot girl summer, June 2021. It’s going down and be on the lookout for my new book. Aliens UFOs new call us illusion to now available amazon kindle now available on iBooks or Apple books or the hell it’s called? paperbacks coming soon to Amazon, I would argue they’ll be I would argue the paperback will be available by Monday, June 14, maybe and then I’ll be able to do some signed paperbacks by the end of June. If you want to wait for the signed version. I’ll sell them through my gumroad gumroad comm slash Isaac W. Where you can go right now and get usually just one. Get your signed copy get ahead of it. Because your full disclosure coming out fast, man. Alright, thanks for listening. Thanks for your support on the on the things the rockfon on the VIP section in the Patreon. Do the shout out so get on there for the next month. You got to get on tier two or higher. If you wanna get on the on the shout outs. You can make it on for the July shout outs and yeah, sign up for my email newsletter for news on the book. If you’re waiting for the paperback, if you go to Illuminati watch comm sign up for the free email newsletter. Because I will definitely be blasting out links once I got it. It’s gonna be color. This one’s gonna be in color color images from the movies to support the theory all in fair use. You’re gonna love it. Hi, everybody. Thanks for time till next time that we meet. Stay woke
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