On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we review the controversial film CUTIES on Netflix! Should we CANCEL Netflix?! Should we CANCEL CUTIES?!! Should we CANCEL EVERYTHING!?! Let me do the uncomfortable work for you and watch these 90 minutes of 11-year old horror and let you know what I think…
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all Patreon Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is given to all Patreon supporters- join the IW Patreon team at Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher!
Isaac Weishaupt
Are calls for a boycott of a Netflix film called cuties. It’s a movie about an 11 year olds experience in a dance troupe. Critics say it exploits young girls but the director says she made the movie to show how society sexualizes girls from a young age. So if it makes you uncomfortable, it should now Sarah, you watched it? What was your take? Did you see what the director was talking about? Well, my
first problem with this is a is the canceled culture of this that the boycott was boycott Netflix, cancel Netflix. I don’t know how we went from not just disagreeing about a film or talking about a film and having different opinions to cancel the whole streaming service. That’s my first problem with this. But when you talk about what the director said, I appreciate her intent and her attempt at doing What she did, which was to showcase how we sexualize young girls, as a mom and a viewer, I think she missed the mark and ended up sexualizing the girls but that I don’t think was her intention and I don’t think she should be castigated for that. There were critics at Sundance Film Festival that disagree with me and I appreciate that disagreement. There was a time where we could talk about art movies, books and say I liked this right didn’t like this and just have a conversation. Instead, we jumped straight to this being investigated by the Justice Department canceling Netflix. Gone are the enjoyable days of a glass of wine and a good conversation.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:39
All right, here we go. We’re going to talk about the most controversial film of the year. cuties I didn’t want to talk about it. I wasn’t going to the fact that wasn’t gonna touch it. It wasn’t anywhere near this thing. No pun intended. But I do think that the powers that be are seeking to remove this film from Netflix. So I decided to watch it. And, you know, I didn’t want to watch this film for a million reasons we’re going to go through. And this isn’t this isn’t my typical occult symbolism film analysis kind of spiel, this is more of a film review a reaction video of sorts. I’ll walk you through the film, though, so you don’t have to watch it. Because it’s uncomfortable to watch. I’ll tell you that. But we’re going to go through it and then I’m going to pitch you some controversial thought exercises as we go, just to keep it fun. Because that’s what I like to do. Yeah, I didn’t want to watch this film at all. There’s you know, first off I’ve disinterest in this topic altogether. There’s creep factors galore with this stupid, stupid movie. But I thought, well, you know, what if I watched it, and I took notes as a service to my dear listeners, because surely you’ve heard of this movie you’re probably like me or you heard about him or like, I don’t want to say it. But let’s talk about it because the truth or community has been talking about this movie before dropped. It’s in the news, the politicians are up in arms about it. So it’s relevant. So I’m gonna do you a solid, and I watched it and took the notes. And I’d rather watch, I watched a documentary about a man with an octopus on Netflix, no sexual relations. That I mean, at least either they showed me that was much more entertaining. Those octopus are so smart on every one again. And it’s Because I waited a long time to find someone that could cook a good octopus and I found it. Now I can’t do it. They’re too smart. Anyway, some thoughts going in some thoughts going in on this movie, because I kind of record it. So like, here’s my background of what I knew about it before we started. All the truth communities were up in arms since the promotional poster came out because the promotional poster came out like a month prior to the movie was released on Netflix. This was a movie from 2019 Sundance Film Festival. I did not see it, obviously. But it wasn’t until they released a promotional poster, they being Netflix that it became an ordeal because it showed showed a bunch of like 11 year old girls in like dance cheer costumes, doing like, I don’t know, to work movies or whatever. And then it alluded to like, you know, being a little liberating female coming of age story, something like that. And as the truth or community who’s very sensitive to the child exploitation theme, because for whatever reason has not picked up by the mainstream media. Everyone lost their collective minds about this movie and I’ll find that whatever, like, yeah, okay, cool. But like I reserve judgment until I see the movie. Because I think they they’re good at sowing chaos and discord. And I try not to fall into that trap. So my thoughts going into this, I thought, Okay, this is a movie it’s gonna be about, I don’t know, some young girls doing cheer or dance or whatever. But that but but going into this, and part of the reason I was disinterested was because I was like, Yeah, but isn’t this like normal in America? Isn’t this how this goes? For girls to be thought out and torquing it 12 years old or whatever? Is that normal? I don’t have kids. I don’t know. That’s just my casual observation of people that do have kids in that age range. And, and 12 as an adult who’s like, in, you know, 4012 like, incredibly young, right, but like, I remember when I was 12 you know, I remember being 12 your hormones are raging. I remember reading Stephen King’s it and they had, you know, sexy time scenes. And I remember seeing playboys. I mean, that was all at 12 I’m not saying it’s okay. I’m not but you know, I turned out all right. I’m not saying I look, I don’t know. I don’t have kids. I don’t have a degree in child psychology. I have no idea what that does to a child’s brain. I just know that like, I made it out just fine. And I was exposed to all that stuff. But like, yeah, my casual observation of American young girls is, this is standard fare. My second thought was that God This movie is only 90 minutes. Thank God then I didn’t and here’s what I did notice about the movie in the news prior to watching it, and we will get into the actual film here. I just got to set up the foundation. Calm down, calm down you. I’m gonna come up with a name for the long intro haters. It’s gonna be very mean to the conservatives. They’re losing their minds over this movie now. It’s picked up steam. Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton. They’re asking the Department of Justice to investigate the film. The truth is, of course, they lost their minds when the promo poster dropped. And from my research I found after the film after watching the film, I did a little research. The director apparently didn’t approve any of the promotional materials. She had no control over it and she actually didn’t like that. She’s been getting death threats by the So yeah, that’s the foundations. And this appears to be a a pearl clutching contest of who’s the most offended? Oh my god, who’s the most upset about it? Who cares more about the kids? Is it vigilant citizen they had an article that I found after I watched the movie to the title says it all says Netflix is cuties is about normalizing the sexualization of children, and nothing else. He was very triggered, he or she, the anonymous author of the vigilant citizen website, who many years ago, argued, took some of my content and never said to me, I wish I could remember what it was I was being I’m probably being petty. In fact, I commented on their website about it and they deleted the comment so guilty, I don’t know. Not to take anything away. We just isn’t actually posting decent articles. Usually, I just have this. Back in my blogging days, there was a little blogging, Tiff I had with a VC. So then Netflix, they defended the film. Because there was all these calls and cries for it to get shut down. Netflix came out and said, it’s a, quote, social commentary against the sexualization of young children. So that’s okay. That’s a different story altogether. Right? So we’ve got two completely opposite opinions about what this movie is. So what is the truth? I’m here to find out for you. So like I said, I didn’t read anything else on this film or listen to any podcast or anything. Because I don’t necessarily want to devote more energy into this thing, but so many people asked me about this movie and decided, you know what this is? This is my job. This is my duty for you. I’ll do it. Do you solid and watch it for you decide to watch it see what I think. So here’s my very long reaction video essentially is what this is. We’re gonna go through the movie it starts out there’s a girl named ami God Amy and this is a French film by the way. So ami she’s, you know they show her growing up in her house and her little lung you know condo or whatever she’s been told that women must remain covered and decent for Allah you know because she’s she’s a Muslim. And it’s clearly a sort of set up a staging, to say that women are oppressed by religion, specifically here Islam a little bit, because that’s what I thought this was. I thought it was gonna be a bigger part of the narrative, but it turned out it really wasn’t. And we’ll, you know, we’ll see that by the end of the movie, but that’s how it starts out. You don’t know when you watch a film you always gonna watch how it opens up. Kinda like the when I did the world, a world 2019 series documentary, documentary, film review series review the opening scene the girls getting the tattoo of the Black Sun, which plays a huge role in the whole film that sets the whole tone. And it’s part of the whole theme. So oftentimes the opener is the main concept that you only understand after the film is over. Now five minutes in already, the main character ami, she is walking through her condo, apartment, whatever. And she goes by the laundry room and there’s this other young girl dancing. And it’s a clear juxtaposition of a film device if you will, taking her from her religious oppressive home, telling her that a lot needs her to be covered in order for her to have worth as a woman to this other girl shaking her ass to some reggaeton And it’s messed up because the camera, it shows the girl from the back wearing the short. The short midriff like shirt and the leather pants. And she’s 11 mind you, I don’t know how she is in real life, but that’s her character’s age. And I find that very curious, right? So immediately I’m like, this is some rail pedal bait stuff here. But it’s clear to young girl from from behind. But they kind of you know, the way they film this whole movie that’s my major beef with this movie is like, they, they uncomfortably focusing on the female, the young girl’s body parts way too much. very uncomfortable. So they do this with this girl, she’s dancing and on me sees her dancing. She’s very intrigued by it, you know? And this is just a young juvenile girl. She’s like, starts ironing her hair. You know, it’s just like his, you know, 11 year old stuff right? Okay, then the next thing ami, she’s at school and she sees a bunch of girls wearing, you know, skirts and whatnot, doing a stupid one of these Tick tock, you know, freezing challenges or whatever. And amici her gears are turning now she’s like, well, Damn, I’m trying to wear less clothing too. Because she’s kind of dressed like a like a nerd, right? And I’m still thinking like, in my head, you know, the process of me watching this, I’m, I’m still thinking, Okay, well, I mean, this is kind of normal young girl stuff, right? They’re always trying to look older. When they hit this age, they want to start wearing makeup. They want to get attention from older boys. Like this is all very normal to me. Then, I mean, she sees the girls doing another like group dance like a tick tock. I don’t don’t ask me. I don’t have kids. I don’t know how this works. I just see dumb kids doing this dumb stuff. Another day Anyway, from dumb kids, I was a dumb kid too. So I get it. So she’s I mean, she’s watching these girls dancing and they catch her dancing or watching her so they start throwing rocks at her because they’re assholes. The little brats then me she sees a girl doing like a duck face selfie on social media. So she emulates she does the same thing. Like she started to. It’s all about her like kind of observing other girls and then emulating them doing the same thing. And she starts getting likes from this photo. And it’s fueling up the ego just like that other show on Netflix social dilemma if you watch that, just like it talks about on social dilemma they it’s sort of like casino for the brain, fueling up the ego. And if social dilemma Tami, anything that her next progression. She’s going to To start listening to Alex Jones and conspiracy theories and get another bull horn and you know warn folks about the global Chinese elite take it over that’s what social dilemma tells you and we’ll talk about that on a separate show so ami she’s a filling up the ego with the social media doing dumb stuff to win the wanting to do dumb dances and duck face. And she overhear some girls at school talking about boys wieners and she wants to fit in so they dare her to take a photo of some boys Wiener you know, I mean, you don’t see it in the movie. But you see her attempt to the photo. So you can tell she’s our she’s starting to like, you know, try to fit in here. So on me and the other main girl, I didn’t catch her name. They start you know, friend and up, and they’re dancing on the bed. They start watching a YouTube video of some other girl dance team. It’s like there Their competition right? In the video, it shows one of the girls dancing and her boobs slips out and you literally see her nipple. Like I said, She’s like, oh 11 and you see it. And that’s when the realization hits me. This film is one of two things. And I’m only like 20 minutes into the movie at this point. It’s very realistic in the sense that you’re watching just some young girls hanging out doing what young girls do. And while I think it’s stupid, I think what I always what I always tell you, it’s because it’s not for me. I don’t have kids. I’m not. I’m not a young girl. So none of this interests me. But then I think, well, who is it for then? It could just be for you know, women maybe nostalgia, reminiscing growing up. Could be for mothers. Could be for fathers. could be for little kids, or what the truth is, and the conservatives are all fired up about it or it’s peddle fodder for people that are really into this stuff. I mean, any one of those audience types could very well be who this movie was made for. So on me and her new best friend and the rest of the crew there, they they form up and they’re dancing, they’re getting ready for the dance contest. They’re at the park some boys approach and asked her ages and ami, like an idiot tells them that she they’re 11 and the other girls are like, like, mad at her because the boys are like, Oh, you know, he goes to jog and they walk away. And the guy goes like you tell them that we’re 14 What are you doing, you know, again, I think this is standard young girl stuff I would assume. Then me she starts doing stripper moves. She dances like a stripper. Somebody come get there. And she starts teaching the other girls how to do these stripper moves. And again, that does sound like a broken record, but I’m pretty sure girls this age are doing this stuff, right? I’m not saying it’s okay. I’m just telling you like with my own eyeballs and because I’ve been to a couple of these, what do you call cheer competitions or whatever. And I’ve got young girls in my family and like, this is what they do. Right? I’m pretty sure this is normal. not normal, like acceptable, but like this is what they are doing this film wasn’t making it up out of nowhere is what I’m saying. This movie just shows them doing it on their own. And it’s no different than dance mom shows or the cheer team shows. It’s no different than JonBenet Ramsey and those creepy beauty pageants they put their these young girls in It’s, it’s just showing us the reality of our strange, strange culture. And it’s just there’s an it’s an extension of these beauty pageants like JonBenet Ramsey was, and those are just an extension of this whole stripper dance thing that some parents let their kids do. So I’m halfway through the movie this point, I wish it was over. I’m very much over this film, and I’m done with it. And the whole time so far. It’s like there’s uncomfortably long film shots of these girls like butts and stuff. And I’m very much over this movie, but I press on, on me, she goes back to her family. They’re teaching her how to prepare food for her father’s wedding to the second wife. And now she’s very sad. She just wants to thought dance with her friends. And then in this second act, we we see the struggle between traditional home life, which is very dark and boring and oppressive, compared to her life with her friends or she finds joy, and she hates being at home now. So the girls are messing around doing some high jinks, they break into a laser tag and the guy working there tells them they need to give their parents or he catches them right because they break in the back door and he stops and he’s okay girls Give me your I need your phone numbers come calling your parents and these little brats accuse them of trying to grow for like to get out of this thing right. And they the one of them gets a text in the midst of this saying that they made it to the cheer competition or whatever. And they start screaming and carrying on and then another guy that works at the laser tag comes out because he hears the commotion like what’s going on in this guy’s like that what first he was like now I’m trying to get these guys phone number to call their parents cuz they broke in and then the girls start accusing him groping them to get out of it right to this new guy. And they start doing stripper dance moves because they’re cheering they’re there when and torquing. And the new guy, the second guy that comes over, he’s like, way too intrigued by the SEC. He’s like watching it. He’s like, enjoying it clearly right? And the first guy notices this and he’s like, oh, what the hell so he, he’s like, you know what goes, you got to get out of here and it kicks him out, and then he kind of like shames the second guy. Like, what’s wrong with you, man? It’s kind of what he says. Now, like I said, I didn’t research anything before watching this movie. But after the movie, I went to that, like I said, I want the vigilant citizen. And he or she claims this quote, this scene has two messages. One pedos who enjoy watching sexualized children are not a big deal to acting like a stripper is a great way for young girls to get what they want. Get out of trouble. I mean, I didn’t really get that message from it like, you see, the one guy isn’t like a pedo. Right? But the other guy in fact, shames him. So like, I didn’t get the feeling like this movie was promoting it like, Oh, it’s okay to do this. They didn’t necessarily condemn it too harshly either. So I mean, you could interpret that one or two ways. Now, these kids, they’re obnoxious, right? As kids are. And, you know, they’re doing a dance show for the YouTube channel or whatever. And again, it’s focusing on acids and legs way too much very creepy. I hate this. Mommy starts acting out in school. She’s dressing up a little bit more like her friends. She’s pissing her parents off. And her mom’s like, fed up. She’s like, just tells her that she’s acting like a whore. It’s Amelie humiliating her. Her words and online then means she takes a photo of her crotch, we have to assume it’s without underwear. They don’t show that. She uploads social media. And then everyone in school sees it. And then next day a boy tells her that she’s a slut and tells everyone that she’s posting nudes of herself online. So she stabs him in the hand with a pen. fun story. I was stabbed with a pencil in
in high school.
Isaac Weishaupt 23:36
Ben got a Ben Ben buyers. If you’ve been buyers next time I see you I’m gonna shank you with my pencil. Yeah, he stabbed me in the arm. I don’t remember why. But, you know, it was like, eighth or ninth grade is ninth grade. I have no idea why The another family they put on me through some form of exorcism because they think she’s possessed by a demon. And she starts and it’s again another creepy scene and she starts sort of like, gyrating. And again, the camera like zooms in on her butt and she’s like, essentially twerking in her underwear. And I’m like, at this point in the movie, I’m like, okay, who is this film for? This is like, some pedo bait stuff. So I’m very uncomfortable at this point. Then the friends, they think that ami took it too far with the naked eye. This is where things sort of take a turn for her. That that that photo she uploaded of her of her crotch. They said that, hey, you took it too far. And they don’t want to dance with her anymore. So even the other girls are like, Hey, hey, Tatiana, you took it too far. So now she’s kind of like in between In worlds a little bit, no one’s accepting her. But she loves dancing. So she shows up to the dance contest even though they don’t want her there, but they need her for the you know, fourth member or whatever. So they do the dance. And the whole time they’re on the stage. They’re doing all the stripper works and the grinding and all this stuff you see in the cardi B Meg, stallion, West movie video.
The whap video
Isaac Weishaupt 25:28
and half the parents in the crowd are like, they’re like covering their kids eyes and they’re like very disgusted by the whole thing. They’re like, What the hell’s happening here? Why is this happening? And that’s essentially how they do their dance and whatever. Then me and you don’t you don’t know like if they I don’t know. I don’t I don’t recall I didn’t write notes on this. I don’t remember if they like one or something. I don’t think they even went there. I think I just did the dance and I was it cutscene next you know ami, she goes home and grandma. See In her dance costume, and she says, What is this the clothes of the whore? So she says, the clothes of a whore. Now, I mean, she’s conflicted. She’s very conflicted. So the next day or maybe the same day, she’s in different clothing, it doesn’t matter. She is given a choice. This is the end of the movie, right? She’s given a choice. She can either join her family in their traditional dance party where they’re, you know, fully clothed with, I don’t know, Islam garments, or something. And they’re feasting and partying and carrying on in a wholesome manner, quote, unquote, wholesome. So she goes down there, she checks out that scene and she’s like, nope, and she goes out to the streets. And there she sees other girls her age, different girls, not the same crew. But they’re not they’re not dancing and thought now They’re just playing double dutch. So she joins in just playing double dutch. She’s wearing normal clothes at this point. She chooses the streets like future said she belongs to the streets. But like she’s got a big smile on her face. And the movies over Thank God. So what did we watch? What the EFF did we just watch? Well to me and and I wanted to have a more firm opinion before I recorded this, but I feel like maybe it’s not a clear answer for me. And for you, maybe it is, to me seems like the film is kind of what they claimed it was. It’s sort of this youth, you know, coming of age story of a young girl struggle with young girls wanting to be older at all costs. It’s also a false dialectic on some levels on one hand, you have to do what you’re supposed to root for this oppressive traditional structure where they’re calling this girl girl a whore if she’s not completely covered head to toe. Or you’re supposed to support this thought Tiana stripper twerking. 11 year old dancers, like, can we find something in between those two? I mean, why is it got to be one of those two? So like, on some levels, the truth or community, they always say the church there’s a right all the time. Someone was they are right. You know, this is they’ve been the voice of the opposed to the sex trafficking of kids for a long time, which I support, obviously, right. But it’s not my main platform agenda area of focus. I mean, it’s very dark. It’s very real. And, you know, I’ve done many movie analysis on these sorts of topics like Lolita Stanley Kubrick, I did a whole Lolita show wayfair consider versi Pizza stuff adrenochrome which is in my book, by the way, aliens UFOs in the occult now on Amazon it’ll be on Audible here soon too, by the way. I know I gotta get I gotta throw them in there. I gotta throw my pitches my plugs while I can. So yeah, but this movie you I easily could see how they say this was filmed for pedophiles to enjoy. And you could you would be right with that it was but what was their intention? Because I felt like it was more than that. I feel like it was more than just like, it wasn’t. It didn’t necessarily celebrate nambla, pedo pedo lifestyles or whatever. It wasn’t like that, per se. It was just filmed in a way that like if you were a person into that sort of gross stuff, like you’d be like, Oh, this is great, you know, but that wasn’t like the main theme I got from it. myself. So I got to go to the Hill, they did an article on this controversy and this is all after I watched the movie because at this point I was very conflicted. So I was like, Okay, I guess I got to do some research. They said, quote, it’s an award winning film and a powerful story about the pressure young girl’s face on social media, and from society more generally growing up, and we’d encourage anyone who cares about these important issues to watch the movie. That’s what a company spokesman on Netflix said. Now the play devil’s advocate here, on one hand, this film’s got the creepy pedo vibes for sure. 100% illuminate, confirm 100 but like, think about think about the movie stars from Hollywood that talked about how growing up on the on the sets how they got abused. Just to being like these shows and the movies. If you watch the documentary and open secret, though They’ll tell you all about it. Those films weren’t. You know, when you watch them, they weren’t clearly pedo movies. And they actually did abuse those kids. So to me in our own country here in America, Hollywood has got this horrific track record for doing this stuff to kids. And now here in America, we’re going to point our fingers. We’re going to aim our cannons over at the French
for this movie
Isaac Weishaupt 31:33
should we turn those cannons around on ourselves a little bit? mean there’s a pretty extensive history of kids getting abused by Hollywood movies. And in this like it was just a movie depicting not even abuse. It was just, you know, you know what I’m saying? Now Tessa Thompson she was from Westworld, I did a whole thing on Westworld, many moons ago. She said this was a beautiful film on Twitter. She said the film’s the film comments on the hyper sexualization of pre adolescent girls. And when I first read her and that’s another part of this component of this is the truth there’s and everyone or like, plain out calling out all these people who say this stuff. And when I read the, you know, she when she says it’s a beautiful film, that’s a very controversial statement, because I’m like, Dude, that was an uncomfortable film that was not beautiful.
Isaac Weishaupt 32:31
But is she right? Is that what this film is, is a commenting on the hyper sexualization of pre adolescent girls, I would argue that she’s right. I don’t agree there’s a beautiful film. But I thought, you know what, I’m not gonna read about what all these critics say about the movie, because like on Rotten Tomatoes, you’ll see it’s like a very high percentage of the critics like it, and then like a mega low like 12%. I’ll post the image to Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt As always, like And subscribe and I’ll post the image there and you’ll see it and I think I’m with the crew of people that are like I hated this movie because I did. But let’s see what the actual creator of this product is art said.
Isaac Weishaupt 33:18
and I’m gonna butcher her name. My apologies. writer, director, do care do cure, who is a sin. Senegalese descent said in a Netflix material press material that she had the idea to make cuties after watching a group of 11 year olds performed dance moves on stage copied from video clips. I was surprised because of their age do cure says I met with hundreds of preteens who told me their stories I needed to know how they felt about their own femininity in today’s society and how they dealt with their self image at a time when social media is so important.
Isaac Weishaupt 33:59
I mean Like I said, I think this film reflects reality like, I don’t think she’s making this up. And you know, this film reminded me of back in old 95 when I was a young boy, kids, if you’ve ever seen kids I was an ad baby as a 90s kid, 90s teenager. And, you know, we we celebrated that movie as young boys, because we were in all this cool stuff, you know, skateboarding and drinking and party in except for the end, when, you know, was in Casper, Casper, he rapes an unconscious girl. I mean, that’s pretty controversial. And I recall it being a big deal. I mean, this is before the internet, so I wouldn’t say anyone condoned it, it highlighted a problem, which is what I think Qt does. And even as a young Boy, we watched that movie and we celebrated most of it. And even as young young boys were like, Oh, he shouldn’t have done that. Right? It’s disturbing. It was disturbing. But like it opened up a little dialogue, even amongst us young boys. And, you know, like our parents didn’t watch it with us like, then discuss this with us. But much like cuties, it highlights a problem, which I think is what acuity actually does, as for the director, and she’s right, she’s not making it up. This is happening. And the problem, the problem is that the pianos could easily use this phone this film for their own weird little enjoyment. Some people think that and I don’t know why they would think this they they watch this and they think, Oh, this is gonna make people want you know, this is gonna breed pedos I mean, maybe I don’t know. I don’t know the psychology of how that works. Don’t think it does because like, when I watched it, I was nothing but uncomfortable and like, wanted to wash my brain and eyeballs. But I’d argue it’s, it’s, it’s like if I watched Brokeback Mountain, I watched Brokeback Mountain. Oh, it doesn’t make me want to go herd sheep and bone dudes in the tent. Right? And you know I bet maybe right maybe if I could flip some switch. We talked about symbolism on the show all the time and how it talks to the subconscious so maybe there’s something to consider there. I don’t know. I’m not a psychologist. I don’t know how that works with this kind of thing. But the director said this. Our girls see that the more a woman is overly sexualized on social media, the more she is successful. Children just imitate what they see trying to achieve the same result without understanding the meaning is dangerous. Isn’t she right? Isn’t she 100% correct with that? And that is apparently what her film is trying to convey. Now, did they do it in the best way possible? Not really. I don’t think so. But maybe that’s what this is all for to open up the dialogue. Now, here’s another. I can’t not say this. There’s another argument. The truth is out. It’s a good one here, the founder of the Sundance Film Festival, this LDS guy named Sterling van wagon. He co founded Sundance with Robert Redford. Well, he was arrested right after cuties played at Sundance in 2019. He was 71 at the time and he was charged with sexual abuse of a young girl and she was seven and nine years old when it happened, and he was convicted. That’s pretty gross. Is there a connection there? Maybe But like you can have two simultaneous things happening. You could have this director who wanted this film to have a certain a certain statement. And you could also have this pedo, who’s like, Oh, yeah, let’s put this at Sundance. I mean, some of this plays a ton of movies though, too. So now, here’s another controversial statement, because this is going to be controversial show, obviously. And you know, what else was controversial? I said that I loved blink 182. And for whatever reason, that’s the most controversial thing I’ve said this whole year. If you look at my, my Instagram or my Twitter, I made mad because I posted an image of Tom DeLonge, his neck tattoo that says illuminated. And I don’t know Sorry, I looked bleak. One day to me and millions of other people. What are you talking about? Take it easy. I was so upset about that. I want to apologize for blichmann It was great. They had some great Evolution of music throughout their career. Anyway, if we don’t, okay, here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. Here’s the controversial statement I’m going to make if we don’t acknowledge that these pedos need some kind of mental help to stop obsessing over young kids, that I don’t know if that’s going to ever go away. And the problem is in our American cowboy society here. You can’t have that you can’t make that statement. Everyone wants to be like, No, you just execute them. You’ll kill a ball. You know, which again, right like this is about as gross of a thing as one could do. It doesn’t get much worse than this, does it? I don’t know if it gets any worse than this. But like my thing is, you can either be Johnny badass and want to execute on the pedals and go full warrior mode. Or you can try to fix the problem and figure out why this is happening. And try to fix these people. Because if you can’t do that, you got to give these path these people a path of salvation. You gotta give them a path to fix themselves. You can’t just it’s like terrorism, right? You can’t just keep execute terrorism, you’re not just gonna nuke the whole terrorist state. And like, that’s it, it’s a wrap, like, you’re gonna create more terrorists. But similar argument, not the same, but you can’t just hope to catch them on kill them or make them disappear. Like that’s not the right attitude. So like when you see these articles from these, you know, mainstream media sources talking about like, pedophilia is a mental health problem. I don’t think they’re saying like, oh, let’s say it’s okay, which some people argue that that’s the slippery slope. Like and I get that right. I’m not saying they’re entirely wrong. Thinking that? I think they’re just saying like, how do we fix this thing? And that’s one way to fix it. That’s one avenue to fix it. The panels are in our culture and American culture is probably the one of the worst offenders of this thing. Do you want to fix it? Or do you want to beat your chest about how badass you are to want to kill all the pedals? Look at all of our music. Look at our films. You got all these films and music and it’s like there’s so many depictions of these adult men going after young women. You ever heard that song? Young girl Get out of my mind? What’s he talking about?
What about
Isaac Weishaupt 41:45
with a winger? She’s only 1717 Why are they talking like this? What about a Benny bernasconi your way? What’s his name? As you know the song, she’s just 16 years old. Leave her alone this a huge hits, massive hits. No one bats an eye. There’s something wrong in our country. How do you fix it? And apparently USA is one of the biggest trackers of children. So like, here’s the inheres and here’s where you’re going to, you’re going to be very triggered by me. Maybe this film is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do. It’s opening up a discussion here. And here we got the truth or community and the conservatives. They want to shut it down and cancel Netflix, and all Netflix ever wanted to give you as entertainment for 10 bucks a month. Right there, everyone wants to shut it down and make it disappear. Isn’t that just burying your head in the sand? Or is it better to have a conversation about this and try to fix I mean, people are disgusted by the movie which again I’m disgusted to. It’s not my kind of movie. What would have been a better ending though? How would you want this movie to end? The kids getting sexually trafficked? How do you open up discussion on this show the parents need to do their job and be a part of their children’s lives and understand and guide them through their awakening of sexuality and adulthood or whatever you want to call this. Do I think it’s okay for 11 year old girls to emulate cardi B now I don’t know the answer though. Like how do you how do you work this like you’re gonna get to make them Amish shut them down from the outside world and you know no friends I don’t know the answer. I know when I was young that I mean obviously I’m I was a boy so like, dancing like a stripper wasn’t my thing, but like I wanted to be at too I was listening to the two Live Crew and body count on like killing the police. Dr. Dre the chronic I think I was like 12 when that dropped, they’re dropping the N word left and right down like killing people. So I don’t know the you know, overall I didn’t like to film super cringy but if you believe the director’s own words and watch it from that filter that she says, This is what I was trying to do. I would argue that yes, I do see how she’s trying to raise awareness. I really do question the cinematography, though. It’s very uncomfortable to watch. But maybe that’s the point. Maybe it’s supposed to make you uncomfortable to have this conversation which is what I’m doing right now with you. And look like I’m a little more I’m a little different from the masses. Apparently nothing shocks or offends me. Most of your most of your standard truth is or, you know, Pearl clutching Bible thumpers can’t face reality for what it is. And like sometimes rallies icky, right? A lot of people want to live in this fantasy land or Disney Land. You tell the worst of this by the way everyone wants to be forever innocent and like that’s just not reality they were almost to pretend there’s nothing bad happening in the world there’s no bad people no bad things they just want to scream and you know lock up the boogeyman make me Make me not see this instead of taking ownership of the problem and facing the the boogeyman but you know what happens when you do that? It gives way to authoritarianism and Big Brother coming to save the day. So the movie made you uncomfortable like it did for me, then I think it did its job. It’s opening up the dialogue of how kids are being exposed to this over sexualization of women, by the gods and goddesses of our modern day Entertainment, which goes again goes into my theories I’ve been talking about for many years. the entertainment industry has much more influence than you think they are modern day pagan gods and goddesses as a Pantheon. cardi B is in the Pantheon. And the parents have to have a better relationship with their children. So they don’t get as negatively influenced by it. But what are your options? censorship, you want to censor everything and cancel everything canceled culture? Is that what you want? You want big brother encroaching on every element of your life. You want them to ban twerking parents have to do their job you have to be involved in the kid’s life is why don’t have kids because that’s that’s a tall order my friends. I get it but um, you know, it’s that’s the thing and that’s my warning I always gives like entertainment is very influential. So like when cardi B and mega stallion They’re doing the the wet asked buoy dance. Like your your young girls are watching that, I assure you they are. And they’re probably doing it with their friends.
Maybe as we speak, I don’t know.
Isaac Weishaupt 47:14
But the entertainment, you know, they push sexuality to make money. And it’s for the adults to enjoy. But the parents have to make sure like, you know, I don’t know if you know, and this is a parental decision, I don’t know filtering out the content is the right answer. Or maybe watching it with them is the right answer and telling them like look like, here’s the way the world works. These women are doing this, it makes money. They’re adults, though, they can do that. Whatever. I don’t know. Don’t ask me. I’m not here to lecture you on how to talk to your kids. That being said, this movie’s got so many uncomfortable moments. That I agree with. The truth is that this will excite the pedals, which obviously I don’t want a brave stance I know. But yeah, I walked away from this thing with two conflicting ideas that I argue maybe they both can coexist. On one hand, yes, I see how this is upsetting to people because they’re watching this and saying good night Netflix is giving pedo something to watch. We can’t do that. But on the other hand, like is it for the greater good? Is it waking up or starting some kind of dialogue with parents and their young girls? about whatever this whatever you want this to look like, whatever you want to call this this over sexualization, this early sexualization, I don’t know whatever you want to call this. And yeah, that’s my take on everyone wanted to know about cuties. That’s my take on it. I still love you. I hope you still love me. I don’t aim to offend. I’m just telling you how I see it. And yeah, I don’t know sign off in the comments already know you will. So I read all the comments, most of the comments and most of them socials, I might not address them but know that I do see it. So thank you for your time. Thank you for your open mind too. I appreciate you. And until next time, my friends stay woke
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