On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we take another look at the ongoing Britney Spears saga! We’ll briefly address the Jason Alexander situation and Britney’s Mandela Effect skirt before taking a look at some leaked emails proving there was a plan to control and drug Britney (*allegedly). We’ll then look at some now-deleted statements she made that pointed to blood rituals, bathtubs and MKULTRA. We’ll get into Aleister Crowley, Kabbalah, Seal of Solomon and even Madonna! Peep all the images discussed on the show (Britney’s Mandela skirt, Kabbalah, etc) at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
- Jason Alexander interview from 2021: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/freebritney-jason-alexander-returns-court-transcript-and-conservatorship-updates/
- Jason Alexander interview from 2020: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/britney-spears-ex-husband-jason-alexander-interview-free-britney-movement-hollywood-control-system-and-more/
- Britney Spears 2019 MKULTRA Show: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/britney-spears-breakdown-mkultra-mind-control/
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- Peep all the images discussed on the show at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:05
Welcome back to conspiracy theories on popular culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. Today we’re gonna talk about Britney Spears.
Unknown Speaker 0:11
I’ve done many, many shows on Britney, many shows, I’m Brittany.
Unknown Speaker 0:16
And today we’re gonna get a little bit a little bit weirder than you might expect.
Unknown Speaker 0:23
We’re going to talk about some strange messaging she had before she deleted her Instagram or maybe had it deleted.
Unknown Speaker 0:34
We’re going to make some connections between
Unknown Speaker 0:37
some leaked emails.
Unknown Speaker 0:41
And that prove that they were trying to drug her
Unknown Speaker 0:46
as well as Believe it or not.
Unknown Speaker 0:50
King David and absorbing energy from young virgins. were gone. That’s how far we’re going today. We’re going deep down the rabbit hole.
Unknown Speaker 1:00
Stick with me.
Unknown Speaker 1:03
There’s a lot this actually came together in such a weird way. And I’ll walk you through what’s going on here. A quick little update.
Unknown Speaker 1:13
Man, Jason Alexander still locked up. Remember Jason Alexander. We had him on the show. Twice. We had him on the show that was Britney’s first husband in Las Vegas, the infamous 55 hour marriage.
Unknown Speaker 1:25
Unknown Speaker 1:27
was forced to be a Naled.
Unknown Speaker 1:30
Hey, you know the control system was evident back then.
Unknown Speaker 1:36
Unknown Speaker 1:38
as you may have heard, Britney got remarried to Sam. I forget his last name, Asha, Gary, whatever. You know what I’m talking about?
Unknown Speaker 1:47
A very famous
Unknown Speaker 1:51
marriage, right? It was all over the tabloid papers, but the papers, websites all over the tabloids.
Unknown Speaker 1:59
But Jason, he went in there to
Unknown Speaker 2:03
say his piece and tried to shut it down, I guess I don’t know. I don’t know what his intentions were. But he was apparently on the on the property and infamously got arrested.
Unknown Speaker 2:16
And I believe they’ve given him a restraining order.
Unknown Speaker 2:22
But anyway, I want to reach out to Jason, but he’s still locked up. All right.
Unknown Speaker 2:29
So that happened, and we’re actually going to revisit that. I’m going to give you a little more info.
Unknown Speaker 2:35
That will I’m not gonna say exonerate Jason. Because
Unknown Speaker 2:41
I don’t know the guy personally.
Unknown Speaker 2:43
I’ve exchanged messages and texts with him. He seemed like a good dude. But I don’t know him. Personally, I don’t know what he was thinking or what was happening there. I’m not going to get into any kind of litigious situation,
Unknown Speaker 2:59
advocating or defending.
Unknown Speaker 3:02
But I’m going to more or less throw out an idea that could defend what was going on. That’s all I’m saying by the end of the show, so we’re going to revisit that.
Unknown Speaker 3:13
We’ve also had if you heard my appearance on tinfoil hat, I flew out to LA to hang out with the big dogs on tinfoil hat, Sam Tripoli, x, g. Johnny J. Nice.
Unknown Speaker 3:27
And we talked about Britney and the new mandela effect that has happened since certain fired up and the Mandela effect was that Britney now apparently, is not wearing a plaid skirt. In her infamous first video, Baby One More Time. No, no, no, it’s now a black skirt. I couldn’t believe it.
Unknown Speaker 3:49
I was actually a big fan. I actually bought Brittany’s first CD way back when was it? 99
Unknown Speaker 3:55
it came with a pollster I had the pollster.
Unknown Speaker 3:59
I was in the the I was in the in the military at the time and added above my little dorm bed lowering my m&m poster right it’s 99 it’s pretty cool back then.
Unknown Speaker 4:10
And I swore it was a plaid skirt. But it wasn’t and in fact I was on board as oh my god Mandela Effect certain fired up changed our reality.
Unknown Speaker 4:21
Well, I got back on on my little laptop and I looked through my rolodex of Britney Spears images. And when you know from 2019 I took a screenshot from that video for research purposes of VHS All right, keep your minds out of the gutter everybody.
Unknown Speaker 4:41
The but it seems like she’s wearing a black skirt. Unfortunately, I know I thought man when that’d be something if I had a screenshot and it was the plaid skirt but it appears to be the black skirt I say appears to be because the screen image I grabbed shows only
Unknown Speaker 5:00
The first couple inches of the skirt but her backup dancers clearly are wearing black skirts and hers appears to also be black. So I’m not gonna say the jury’s still out a little bit, but it might be
Unknown Speaker 5:13
but I’m going to post that on my Instagram post for this show. So go to my Instagram, Isaac Weishaupt link in the show notes. You better like and you better subscribe
Unknown Speaker 5:25
and check it out see what you think it’s it looks like a black skirt to me, unfortunately.
Unknown Speaker 5:31
Now let’s catch up here. What’s going on? New emails leaked in July 2022 proving there is a coordination
Unknown Speaker 5:42
between Britney’s father,
Unknown Speaker 5:45
and some legal management team to abuse and conservator her
Unknown Speaker 5:54
I’m gonna read you this. This is from okay magazine.com
Unknown Speaker 5:59
Britney Spears lawyer Matthew Rosen guard believes Tristar sports and entertainment may have played a bigger role in the princess of Pop’s 13 year conservatorship than the company is willing to admit. Court documents obtained by Oka revealed email conversations sent and received by Brittany’s former business manager Luis Lou Taylor,
Unknown Speaker 6:23
who owns Tristar discussing details of the conservatorship before it even started.
Unknown Speaker 6:31
Quote, I talked to the girls about Andrew wallet, he and Tristar were will serve as CCOs with you like I guess that’s conservators with you. Lulu row and one of the emails dated January 2008, referring to a lawyer who later became co conservator of Britney’s estate.
Unknown Speaker 6:52
The conservatorship was not granted until February 2008. That’s a month later.
Unknown Speaker 6:58
A second conversation took place between Lou and one of Jamie Spears attorneys seemingly days before the father of three plan to appear in court. Quote,
Unknown Speaker 7:10
this is the big one you got to pay attention now. Don’t don’t want to lose your hair and all this reading.
Unknown Speaker 7:16
Unknown Speaker 7:18
We have run into a problem with our judge selection. The only judge who will be able to hear our case on Friday is the one now this is where it gets a little where it says drug but it’s as the SAIC which means I think it’s a Latin word for misspelling, I think they meant to say Judge here but like, so I’m gonna read it. I’m gonna read it the way it says but I’m gonna say drug. But it’s gonna mean judge all right. It’s kind of important, because the next sentence, okay. The only judge who will be able to hear our case on Friday is the one drug who will not give Jamie the power to administer psychotropic drugs to be
Unknown Speaker 8:00
the lawyer told Lou in the email, the first time she is off the bench is Wednesday. That is the first safe day to be in court on this matter if we go earlier, all of this work could well be for virtually nothing.
Unknown Speaker 8:15
So there you go.
Unknown Speaker 8:17
The lawyers Jamie. They’re talking about the control of Britney Spears the conservatorship of her the power to administer psychotropic drugs to Britney Spears that to be is
Unknown Speaker 8:36
a full on plan of drugging her.
Unknown Speaker 8:40
We’re gonna come back to that in a second. Let’s wrap up this Tristar talk
Unknown Speaker 8:46
and okay magazine talks about Tristar and I guess the claims going around is that Tristar was basically nothing until they got conservatorship over Brittany that propelled them to higher levels of management, including representing the Kardashians, Travis Scott,
Unknown Speaker 9:04
not great company to keep in my opinion.
Unknown Speaker 9:08
The Tristar came out, and I’m gonna give them a fair shake. Right? This is what they said to defend all of this. This is what they said. Quote, this is materially misleading. As all the evidence makes abundantly clear. The conservatorship was set up on the recommendation of legal counsel, not Tristar and approved by the court for more than 12 years. In fact, Tristar was not even the business manager for the conservatorship when it was established. cherry picked excerpts from emails cannot change the facts, which is why this nonsense will end once will all end once and for all when records are unsealed. Now I want to try stars website.
Unknown Speaker 9:53
Very suspicious website it says it’s under construction. No catalog of artists not
Unknown Speaker 10:00
Unknown Speaker 10:01
very strange.
Unknown Speaker 10:03
So there you go. That’s the latest email leak
Unknown Speaker 10:07
drystar claims it’s misleading.
Unknown Speaker 10:11
I mean, to me, I read in think this kind of supports every conspiracy about Britney that we’ve been hearing about by them trying to control her and drug her and tell her how to live her life.
Unknown Speaker 10:23
which ties into I did a whole show on Britney Spears. MK Ultra, right.
Unknown Speaker 10:32
I was actually talking to Alyssa here.
Unknown Speaker 10:36
My man, Nick. I was actually talking to him about
Unknown Speaker 10:41
this recently, when April 2019, posted the Britney MK Ultra show,
Unknown Speaker 10:48
if you want to check that out. And I like I said, I’ve done several Britney Spears shows over the years. This is just one of many.
Unknown Speaker 10:57
So let’s revisit those claims of Britney in MK Ultra, which is all about mind control through psychotropic drugs.
Unknown Speaker 11:09
I’m gonna refer you to that show. Basically, there’s a long history of these allegations that the conservatorship the handlers have been dragging her and forcing her to do what they want her to do.
Unknown Speaker 11:26
Well, here’s what’s interesting a few months ago, she had made a post on Instagram, which has since been deleted because she had her whole account wiped or shut down or something. But luckily for us, your boy was on the case
Unknown Speaker 11:40
actually had copied and pasted the captions onto a document which I still have right here in front of me.
Unknown Speaker 11:48
And this ties into all of this. So take a listen. We’re gonna refer to two different Instagram posts made like I said it was a few months ago. I would go and confirm the dates for you. But like I said they’ve been deleted.
Unknown Speaker 12:03
This is what she wrote on the one in a world where it’s okay to lock your daughter up and make her work seven days a week 8am to 6pm no days off. 105 people are in and out of a small trailer home weekly. No private baths, seen naked when changing, drugged.
Unknown Speaker 12:24
She says right there drugged. Can’t even speak or talk has to be available to the treatment people and show up every day for 10 hours a day. If not, we’ll have to stay longer. never given a date on when you can leave 9pm bed every night. Like eight gallons of blood weekly.
Unknown Speaker 12:47
This happened to me for four months after I worked for my dad and my family for 13 effing years.
Unknown Speaker 12:53
I gave my all when I worked only to be literally thrown away. I was nothing more than a puppet to my family. Yet to the public, I just performed on stage and did what I was told to do. But it was worse than that because it was accepted and approved by the people I love the most.
Unknown Speaker 13:10
looks are deceiving. I must have had it nice on vacations lol after 13 years Damn straight I should go. I was treated less than demoralized and embarrassed.
Unknown Speaker 13:22
Nobody should ever be treated the way I was. The reason I bring this up is because ending the conservatorship is a huge deal. But come on. That’s it. They all got away with it.
Unknown Speaker 13:32
If you’ve ever been in shock for four months threatened for your life,
Unknown Speaker 13:37
you would be upset to I’m not done. I want justice and won’t stop until something is done to those who harmed me. And yes, I was harmed. This is a message to all who have been threatened for their life you are not alone.
Unknown Speaker 13:51
Now that four months ago, reference in there
Unknown Speaker 13:55
goes to
Unknown Speaker 13:59
2019 when she was forced into a hospital, which she assured us back then had nothing to do with her family being forcing her which tells you the controllers were making her send that message back then.
Unknown Speaker 14:12
But she says if you’ve ever been in shock, and then there’s emoji of the horrified emoji.
Unknown Speaker 14:19
It’s still a shock treatment shock therapy.
Unknown Speaker 14:24
I think so. I don’t know maybe.
Unknown Speaker 14:27
But listen to what she says here.
Unknown Speaker 14:30
I’m gonna I’m gonna go through the highlights again. She says no private baths, which we already know because we did a whole show on the symbolism of the bath tub. That’s where they put the goddess for the cleansing ritual.
Unknown Speaker 14:42
Right. We’ve talked about this many times over the years. Look up Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina.
Unknown Speaker 14:48
Look up how Kanye had his breakdown when they put Kim Kardashian in the bathtub when they robbed her in Paris.
Unknown Speaker 14:58
And then understand
Unknown Speaker 15:00
in witchcraft, there’s a cleansing ritual. It’s the passage of the goddess as she passes to a new dimension through the bathtub. Now are all these things are called related? I don’t know.
Unknown Speaker 15:12
I mean, we don’t get the full story on our end. I posit to be so. So she makes mention to the bathtub. She says I was drugged.
Unknown Speaker 15:23
She talks about how she has to show to the treatment people. She talks about how she has to give eight gallons of blood weekly, which obviously it’s not that much blood, but you know, lots of blood she’s donating lots of blood. Why was she given the blood for it? Well, by the end of the show, you’re going to find out these you’re gonna hear all my crazy theory is about it.
Unknown Speaker 15:42
She says I was nothing more than a puppet.
Unknown Speaker 15:45
She says they all got away with it. She was in I argued shock treatment for four months or she was in shock for four months, whatever you want to believe. She confirms Yes, I was harmed.
Unknown Speaker 15:55
Over these 13 year conservatorship period.
Unknown Speaker 16:00
Well, there’s one more, there’s a video of her dancing. She has many videos of her dancing on her Instagram. This was one of them. She said, I recorded 30 videos of dance when I was in Maui. That’s fun to me. I know I’m not the best answer. A lot of people make fun of the way I move. But honestly, as long as I’m moving and expressing my body outwardly in some way at this point, that’s healing to me.
Unknown Speaker 16:27
Therapy is all mind work.
Unknown Speaker 16:30
So you hear that, that? Put that in the back pocket.
Unknown Speaker 16:35
I did that 10 hours a day, seven days a week when I was abused. There’s nothing worse than torture of the mind.
Unknown Speaker 16:45
I’d rather someone slap my face than F with my mind. Dancing, you don’t think at all. I know my actions are not perfect. But if you knew how good it feels to feel with my body, I think most would get it bear with me. I’m learning God bless you all.
Unknown Speaker 17:01
So she was in therapy. She says 10 hours a day, seven days a week when she was abused. And I would argue this is not regular therapy, right? I go to therapy have done for many, many years. That’s not regular therapy. She was in some abusive MK Ultra therapy.
Unknown Speaker 17:18
So as she says, she’s so anti about it right?
Unknown Speaker 17:22
Torture, she was in torture, torture of the mind as exact her words not mine. She was in torture of the mind not therapy.
Unknown Speaker 17:31
Now one thing worth noting is that this video is particular video, which I actually sadly did not get the screenshot before it got deleted. She does this weird hand gesture.
Unknown Speaker 17:43
And I’m not making an allegation because I think, you know, I like Britney.
Unknown Speaker 17:49
I don’t think she’s into the occult stuff. But the concern is that
Unknown Speaker 17:55
she talks about how the dancing is a way of
Unknown Speaker 18:00
sort of freeing her mind and an occult practices. That’s one way of reaching the altered state.
Unknown Speaker 18:07
When you look at the ideas of Dionysian rituals
Unknown Speaker 18:13
and channeling being forced to channel spirits as a medium that’s one way to do it.
Unknown Speaker 18:19
But it’s very concerning because during this one video that same video with that same caption I just read
Unknown Speaker 18:26
we see you’re doing this V hand gesture not a peace sign necessarily was more of a it was reminiscent of if you ever saw Lady Gaga was really creepy Coachella intro video she did long ago back in the golden age of blogging before they sued me they the Illuminati sued me so I think
Unknown Speaker 18:47
I had to take it down. But I made I think all my posts down Illuminati watchdog calm was the place you could find all the articles 1000s of articles about all the symbolism and all these things. And wouldn’t you know it?
Unknown Speaker 18:59
Wouldn’t you know? Oh, firstly, Shadow banned me from Google. And then oh, then they kicked me off of YouTube. And then all they were getting sued for what?
Unknown Speaker 19:10
Because I’m, I’m guiding you down the past the truth to what they’re doing, I think, right? And the longer I do this stuff, the more crazy I get about it. So don’t listen to me.
Unknown Speaker 19:22
I have a certain worldview at this point where I fully believe they don’t want you to listen to a guy like me because I’m giving you a rational perspective. They want you to listen to the crazies that like go to the crazy side, go to the political side,
Unknown Speaker 19:37
stormed the Capitol, they want you to do all the crazy stuff and I’m over here trying to say like, No, we don’t. We have to understand the occult ritual here.
Unknown Speaker 19:44
To understand what’s happening here. This is a spiritual battle. Don’t be fooled. In all these earthly worldly matters, they’re employing occult practices.
Unknown Speaker 19:56
They’re using energies and practices that have been hidden from
Unknown Speaker 20:00
The public for hundreds of years and they want it to remain that way.
Unknown Speaker 20:04
Anyway, in this in this video she’s doing the V handouts are just like the Lady Gaga video, look up the Lady Gaga Coachella video, you’ll, you’ll freak out. In fact, let me make a note. You know, I’m just gonna put it on the post, so you better go to my Instagram. Isaac Weishaupt link is in the show notes.
Unknown Speaker 20:23
I’m going to post the image from the 2019 of the black skirt. I’m also going to post that Lady Gaga creepy video where she does this weird V with her hand, right? Which tells me that’s not a peace sign. Because in that video, she’s got this weird, alien tentacle coming out of her mouth very HP Lovecraft. But the video ends with her doing this weird two fingered salute.
Unknown Speaker 20:46
Which, as we’ve talked about many times in the past, this is the hand gesture of nodes, the summoning of nodes, which plays a part of the history of the peace sign.
Unknown Speaker 20:57
Because Aleister Crowley told Winston Churchill Hey, you want to batter battle the occult powers of the swastika you have to summon NOTAMs from the abyss. And that’s the V the note ends the Typhon the gesture is the V.
Unknown Speaker 21:14
Now does that mean Britney Spears is trying to channel Typhon? And note No, I don’t think so.
Unknown Speaker 21:19
Was that something that she subconsciously did during the dance where her mind is able to sort of shut off? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 21:29
Did it manifest from her programming and abuse?
Unknown Speaker 21:34
Because there’s a theory that these celebrities these females are used as goddesses to channel energies from other dimensions channel spirits.
Unknown Speaker 21:43
Kind of what like, with as you’ll listen to when I do my sex magic show next week I’m working on it’s gonna be killer. We’re going to talk about Shakti and Shiva. The tantric view of the world as the universe locked in opposing polarities
Unknown Speaker 21:58
sexy time between the god and the Goddess. And guess what happens when you’re a practitioner of Tantra? The female becomes literally the avatar of Shakti the mill becomes literally the avatar of Shiva it’s the God and Goddess locked in opposing polarities as above so below
Unknown Speaker 22:17
see on all makes sense. Why goodness.
Unknown Speaker 22:21
Now, she also had a third post that we got to talk about that the reason I have notes on all this is because I wanted to do a show about it, but things have been crazy. And once I saw this email leak, I was like, okay, now’s the time. That’s the catalyst.
Unknown Speaker 22:37
All right.
Unknown Speaker 22:40
The next sorry, I I’m doing a video recording a video if you’re on the rockfon or your tier two supporter on Patreon. You get the video version of the show. And the sun’s peeking through. It’s early in the morning at the sun’s peak. It was beautiful. I got my 80s wrestling hair. You got an 80s wrestling Isaac today.
Unknown Speaker 23:00
Anyway, okay, so there’s other posts he had was of the Vatican.
Unknown Speaker 23:04
I think it was, I looked it up. They say a church in Rome, but you know what I’m talking about? Like, it’s like this beautiful ceiling or whatever. Seems like it’s the Vatican. I could be wrong, though. So I had three images. I had what I think is the Vatican,
Unknown Speaker 23:19
an image of Australia,
Unknown Speaker 23:22
and the six pointed star of David, which is the Seal of Solomon. Now, if you recall, they got Brittany roped into Kabbalah many years ago Madonna got her into this after the the infamous kiss in 2003. All right.
Unknown Speaker 23:39
In fact, Brittany has the tattoo of Kabbalah on her neck. It’s the amulet of protection right
Unknown Speaker 23:51
Unknown Speaker 23:55
sit the Seal of Solomon Well, we’re gonna come back to that the Star of David aka the Seal of Solomon is used to control spirits and we’re gonna come back to that there’s actually a lot to unpack with just that one. That one image you used right
Unknown Speaker 24:11
okay, so
Unknown Speaker 24:14
Okay, so here’s here’s the caption she’d wrote, again deleted.
Unknown Speaker 24:19
So people know my last post of the church symbolizes togetherness, equality and a place to live freely and worship is one chooses. The star is representing righteousness.
Unknown Speaker 24:31
As the six pointed star David, the stars representing righteousness and your highest self to have the right to live as one pleases. Now if you know a thing or two of mine, Aleister Crowley in the call, those words might be triggering. All right, we’re gonna come back to that.
Unknown Speaker 24:47
I honestly didn’t know that was a pic of Australia. I thought it was London. And it was posted because it’s my dream to live there.
Unknown Speaker 24:56
I took it all down because people don’t like the truth and honestly, it’s hard for me
Unknown Speaker 25:00
Need to? Oh, I never actually gave eight gallons of blood it was eight tubes of blood. Anyways, enough serious talk. I think I need a vodka tonic.
Unknown Speaker 25:12
Wow, a lot to unpack there.
Unknown Speaker 25:15
A little strange. He thought Australia was London. I’ll give you that.
Unknown Speaker 25:19
But but it’s nice. She clarified it wasn’t a gallons, which is great, right? It’s like only a gallon of blood in the body. It was eight tubes.
Unknown Speaker 25:27
So that’s that. But she talked about the star she says it symbolizes righteousness and your highest self to have the rights to live as one pleases.
Unknown Speaker 25:39
Now the Star of David, aka the Seal of Solomon
Unknown Speaker 25:44
is using cannibalistic grimoires, and spells and incantations
Unknown Speaker 25:50
to control spirits.
Unknown Speaker 25:53
Because if you go back and look at all these occult practices, you’ll find this lineage of general ideas that there’s these cosmological bodies out in the universe, they have an influence on the earth. And we can use magic to control the interaction between the two as well as summon spirits and control demons.
Unknown Speaker 26:14
And through this oral tradition of Kabbalah. It explains how these pieces fit together. And how you can master these things and become like a god.
Unknown Speaker 26:26
When she says it, the star has to do with being your highest self. I can’t help but think of a Aleister Crowley
Unknown Speaker 26:36
who talked about channeling your holy guardian angel. That’s the highest form of yourself.
Unknown Speaker 26:43
And then she says the rights to live as one pleases that sounds like very Aleister Crowley do what thou wilt. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 26:53
But we also talked about the top Sephora, the highest self, the highest Sephora, on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life of catheter. It’s the heavens becoming God.
Unknown Speaker 27:07
What’s interesting is that
Unknown Speaker 27:10
you know, there’s a connection between Kabbalah and Aleister Crowley because Dion fortune wrote probably a book called mystical Kabbalah probably the most, I don’t know famous book on Kabbalah. And she was the filmlight. She’s a follower of ours to Crowley, which will all make sense here soon.
Unknown Speaker 27:28
But all of this will take you to this highest realm of astral magic, using the astral light, which is this sort of energy connecting everything and as above so below, all right, go in and out alchemy here a little bit, but you’re messing around with these highest spirits. And there’s this book called The pika tricks. That was into all this stuff.
Unknown Speaker 27:52
Specifically, it was about worshiping Saturn and bringing down energies, Saturnian energies
Unknown Speaker 27:58
and there’s the there’s a there’s a Gnostic Saturn group and what they do is practice bodily positions to emulate the cosmos in alignment.
Unknown Speaker 28:10
It just goes on and on right.
Unknown Speaker 28:14
But when she talks about your highest self, and this do what thou wilt sort of talk.
Unknown Speaker 28:21
The holy guardian angel comes from Kabbalah or Aleister Crowley got it from it goes back to the book of sacred magic of Abra Mellon the mage written by this capitalist named Abraham worms. Pretty cool rap name if you ever want to be a rapper, I would advise
Unknown Speaker 28:39
Abraham worms
Unknown Speaker 28:42
to be your name.
Unknown Speaker 28:44
But yeah, Cabalists wrote that, and it’s about how these Egyptian magicians
Unknown Speaker 28:49
taught him the secrets of Kabbalah. Now if you’re an old loser like me,
Unknown Speaker 28:55
Egyptian magicians may ring a bell because that was on the Jerky Boys tape or the Jerky Boys they used to call the prank call was back in the 90s. Everybody
Unknown Speaker 29:04
did they used to have escaped by the Egyptians magician.
Unknown Speaker 29:08
Well, interesting enough, that was a real thing.
Unknown Speaker 29:12
Because we’re talking about the area where alchemy was born
Unknown Speaker 29:17
in Egypt
Unknown Speaker 29:21
Well, this stuff was later translated from German into English by a guy named Samuel Mathers for the hermetic order of Golden Dawn which ties into western esotericism and Aleister Crowley and all kinds of stuff.
Unknown Speaker 29:34
And John D did something similar. But the book of Abra mallam had a bunch of magical squares and a form of magical spell. You see with the the, if you ever seen Tennant, it’s the Seder square. It’s about burying meanings within meanings. Hidden in Plain Sight is the messaging, which is kind of the argument we’re having about these posts that Britney Spears is giving to
Unknown Speaker 30:00
US hidden in plain sight she’s giving us a buried meanings within meanings.
Unknown Speaker 30:07
And the Holy guardian angel idea is basically saying there’s angelic intermediaries between this world on the next between man and God. There’s something in between the two. And Aleister Crowley was studying that Book of Abraham Elam. And that’s how he made contact with all kinds of spirits.
Unknown Speaker 30:27
Now, what’s curious is, if you listen to my Brittany Murphy episodes, a few months back, we did that.
Unknown Speaker 30:33
Unknown Speaker 30:35
Unknown Speaker 30:37
the Brittany Murphy home.
Unknown Speaker 30:40
And she also felt spirits in there. And also, we talked about Courtney Cox, she had spirits in her Laurel Canyon home around the same time, what’s going on in Hollywood, they’re making all this contact with the spirits? Well, I think it’s because they’re subjected to some of these practices.
Unknown Speaker 30:58
And I think that’s what Britney is trying to more or less reveal to us.
Unknown Speaker 31:05
So in conclusion,
Unknown Speaker 31:08
what’s going on with Britney?
Unknown Speaker 31:10
Was she dropping truths about MK Ultra abuse? Was it a call ritualistic abuse?
Unknown Speaker 31:18
Why did she post the Star of David seems on when you look at these connections, to Kabbalah that she’s got
Unknown Speaker 31:28
it’s something you’ll find strange when again, when you listen to my sex magic show, I’m working on it, it’s gonna be a killer. It’s gonna be mega banger coming out next week.
Unknown Speaker 31:37
New this is my sex magic show. There’s, you’re gonna hear about this connection of this idea of using
Unknown Speaker 31:44
blood from the youth.
Unknown Speaker 31:47
And Brittany went on and on about how she’s given all this blood away all the time. Why? What are they doing with all this blood?
Unknown Speaker 31:54
Well, there’s an idea that they are vampires energy through the blood. And this goes back to King David, which was the father of Solomon, which is where your seal of Psalm in the Star of David comes from the same lineage. Because Solomon was in the controlling spirits infamously with that six pointed star.
Unknown Speaker 32:17
And one thing we’ll talk about on the sex magic shows is going to be about how King David was the guy who started this practice called Shuna mutism. I mentioned it on tinfoil hat. If you listen to my tinfoil hat apparents you got to check it out.
Unknown Speaker 32:33
I think it’s number 586
Unknown Speaker 32:36
is a great episode. I’m getting tons of positive feedback. In fact, they say might be my best one I’ve done on there yet. I don’t know. You’d be the judge of that. That was my 11th appearance. Yeah, the number of magic is 11.
Unknown Speaker 32:52
But we have this shoe rheumatism was this idea that an old guy like King David was getting old and tired, and he would lay with young virgins not make sexy time now. minds out of the gutter my friends know he would lay with them to absorb their youthful energy. Some people take it as far as the drinking the blood.
Unknown Speaker 33:12
What’s Brittany given up all that blood for? What are they doing with it?
Unknown Speaker 33:16
Are they vampire ring her energy? Or were they
Unknown Speaker 33:21
ever recall she was wearing that Seal of Solomon aka the Star of David necklace. The night she shaved her head and guess where she shaved her head at a salon called Esther’s which is a cabbalistic name.
Unknown Speaker 33:37
Remember, and remember, she got into Kabbalah because of Madonna. Guess what Madonna’s cabbalistic name is? Esther. Yes. It’s all connected. Is it? I don’t know. Are we going crazy.
Unknown Speaker 33:49
She also wore that red string cabbalistic bracelet in the video. I think it was for every time to great Spring Breakers song.
Unknown Speaker 34:00
And in the video, she’s in the bathtub. See how it’s all connected. She’s in the bathtub, and she’s got blood coming out of her head.
Unknown Speaker 34:08
In fact, let me make a note. I’m going to post that image too. I know you guys are taking them crazy right now. So I’m going to prove it to you. Go to my Instagram instagram.com backslash Isaac wise like and subscribe.
Unknown Speaker 34:19
I’m dropping truth hammers today all right. But that’s why she had his captions talk about how she’s in a tub and give him blood and all this Kabbalah references. If you didn’t know all this stuff, you wouldn’t think anything of all this crap. She’s saying? She’s giving us the Seder messages? Maybe maybe not. I don’t know. I don’t know her.
Unknown Speaker 34:40
Not trying to not trying to motivate someone to crash her property again. You know what I mean?
Unknown Speaker 34:48
Like my man Jason over there, was he trying to honestly protect her from this subjugation?
Unknown Speaker 34:54
Was this what happens if all these crazy conspiracies we’re talking about does when it goes too far?
Unknown Speaker 35:00
learn anything, man. We gotta say, Brittany, they’re doing all this awful stuff to my friend. I don’t know. I don’t know.
Unknown Speaker 35:07
I don’t know, Jason personally, I don’t know Brittany personally.
Unknown Speaker 35:12
What interactions I’ve had with Jason he seems like a really nice guy seems like a good dude.
Unknown Speaker 35:19
But I don’t know what what’s going on with his in his life.
Unknown Speaker 35:23
You know, he was one of the first experienced the control of Britney. And, and her business. He’s been vocal about it the past few years after years of being silenced about it.
Unknown Speaker 35:35
So to me, I think it’s very possible that she still could be under control. And maybe that’s what Jason’s motivation was, maybe he knows this. I don’t know.
Unknown Speaker 35:44
The day before he got arrested, he actually messaged me.
Unknown Speaker 35:48
And we actually had a discussion about he had posted a video on his Instagram.
Unknown Speaker 35:56
With the background, basically,
Unknown Speaker 35:59
an image or so about Lance Bass, the guy from NSYNC. And Lance Bass.
Unknown Speaker 36:05
was saying that Britney still under control.
Unknown Speaker 36:09
He thought he was still under control as well.
Unknown Speaker 36:13
And if you look at that post, I
Unknown Speaker 36:17
I look for it myself. i If you see who liked it, Britney’s own mother liked the post.
Unknown Speaker 36:24
What did these people know? What are these people on the inside know about this?
Unknown Speaker 36:28
What’s going on with Britney? Is this another level of control this marriage?
Unknown Speaker 36:35
Officially officially According to TMZ, and stuff, she come out and condemned Jason doing what he did and visiting and, you know, unprovoked visitation on the property and was like, No, we hit him with a restraining order.
Unknown Speaker 36:49
That’s what the tabloid say. I didn’t see your mentioned that on the Instagram. That doesn’t mean she didn’t know, right? It’s hard to know, how do we how do we balance this realm of looking at these ideas, taking them serious enough to be concerned?
Unknown Speaker 37:07
But not taking it too far? I don’t know. I don’t know the answer to that.
Unknown Speaker 37:13
So take everything with a grain of salt. But
Unknown Speaker 37:16
if you want to look into this stuff, there’s a lot of weird things. If nothing else, the one thing we can take away is that the emails before the conservatorship took place show that they were trying to give her father the ability to administer psychotropic drugs to Britney Spears. Why would she need that?
Unknown Speaker 37:38
And maybe she’s got mental health issues. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know personally.
Unknown Speaker 37:44
All I know is I stand up for people who are being oppressed or controlled. I’m against that 100%. And there’s pretty much no limitation to that.
Unknown Speaker 37:54
Thanks for listening to the show. Please consider these ideas. Don’t go too crazy with it. Consider the ideas and take a look at my Instagram. I’m going to post those images you’re gonna like what you see. Or maybe not, I don’t know. instagram.com backslash Isaac was up. Stay tuned because we’re gonna talk sex magic next week, and it’s gonna blow your mind. You’re gonna look at the world completely differently. And let me be your guide.
Unknown Speaker 38:18
Thanks for listening the show till next time Stay well
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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