On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we talk about the recent death of actress Anne Heche. We’ll explore her mysterious death and the conspiracies about it. We’ll talk about her channeled alter ego alien “Celestia”, symbolism, her ex Ellen DeGeneres and her conspiracy connections to Epstein, sexual abuse and this human trafficking film she was working on when she died…
*CHECK OUT THE HORRIFYING VIDEO DISCUSSED ON THE SHOW as well as all the images I’m referencing (e.g. Ellen Frazzledrip, Anne’s all seeing eye, Alec Baldwin’s Disney weirdness, etc) at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:05
Welcome back to conspiracy theories and unpopular culture. I’m your host Isaac wise up today we’re going to talk about and Haish and her mysterious death or talk about her life, her death and the conspiracies about what happened there. We’re going to talk about her fourth Demesne fourth dimensional alter egos. Yes. And of course, Ellen DeGeneres, yes, I know. I know everyone’s everyone’s ready to talk about her. So let’s talk about her. We’ll do that the and actually, who was an Haish? Well, she was an actress. You may remember her from such films as Donnie Brasco. She played Johnny Depp’s wife, if you recall. She was in I know you did last summer. She was in six Days, Seven Nights with Harrison Ford. She was in the remake of psycho, which is actually was pretty good. It was almost a shot for shot. Copy. But I liked that grip, and a soap opera called another world. Fun fact. She did a show on Sirius satellite radio with Jason Ellis called Love and Haish. In 2017, then in late 2020, she started a podcast called Better Together with another partner. Now and self Admittedly, I don’t know a lot about an age. All right. I’ve never listened to her podcast. I don’t know much about her. Not a big fan. Not that I don’t like her work. I just, you know, you get what I’m saying. But on August 5 2022, she was in the wild car accident. And you can see there’s a few videos of this right? One video captures her from a ring doorbell I think a car her car flying through a neighborhood way too fast. And she would hit a house Damn near killed the owner of the home and her pets because it caused the fire to 59 firefighters an hour to put out the fire so that they could rescue Haish from the vehicle because she was in there the whole time. Everything’s on fire. Well, they put her on a gurney and there’s this terrifying footage. I found the best cleanest HD copy I could and I’m gonna put it on my Instagram if you haven’t seen it. I’m going to warn you. It’s horrifying. They put her on a gurney and they’re transporting her to the ambulance. And there’s drone footage or helicopter I don’t know. Of her on the gurney covered in a white sheet. And she tears to sheet and rises up like a horror movie. Because they everyone presumed that she was dead. In fact on the video that I caught from the Fox News. Hello chopper. They thought it was a male. They’re like Oh, there he goes. He’s He’s He’s not dead or whatever. Crazy it looks like some form of horror movie. But at the beginning, when all this happened, a lot of the conspiracies were that all she was in a body bag. And she unzips the body back now not really it’s more of a sheet. They just covered her because she was severely burned. Apparently I think I asked Dr. anteater, my assistant doctor and eater who used to be an EMT. And he he concurs with my opinion on that. Well, they think there’s there was drugs in her system. But the dogs ecology actually takes a couple of weeks. And they say that when she got into the hospital, she rose up from the bed but then lost consciousness again immediately went into a coma, got put on a ventilator. And on August 11, six days later, which is kind of weird because she was in the film six days seven nights. coincidental. She was said to have what they call an anoxic brain injury and she would not survive, but they kept her on the life support because she’s an organ donor, which is one of my big fears. And I’m very OG granola woke. I’m here to try to help other people in need. But I’m a little iffy on the organ donor. I used to always do it I was always marked the driver’s license like yeah, don’t name organs. What do I what do I need them for? The problem is, and this might be all conspiracy, you need to look this up in your own eye. This is back In the day, before people check the internet for things I heard that
they’ll they’ll do some horrible stuff to you. And I heard also that you can’t pick and choose like, you can’t just be like okay, yeah, take my my loved ones eyeballs. Like No Other if you check the box I heard I could be totally wrong on this. Don’t blast me in the comments. I heard that they just take everything. Nothing you need. Who cares, right? You might save somebody might save little Timmy. Little Timmy got, I don’t know, got into the dope sack. Now he needs something. Anyway. So on August 12, I declare her officially dead because in California, you can be legally dead when you’re declared brain dead. So in a way, she was still alive for the organ donor experience there. Hence, a lot of the mixed reporting about whether she was alive or dead. Now TMZ claims that there was cocaine and fentanyl in her system. How, however, just yesterday, I’m recording this on August 19. Just yesterday, or this morning, even I read it this morning, I think it was from last night. Her stylist at glass hair in Venice, whom she had visited prior to the accident said she seemed totally fine. I believe his exact words were she wasn’t speaking in cursive. So we don’t know what happened here. But the truth is always do. So we’re going to talk about what they say. Obviously, I don’t know how much of or any of this is real well, there’s gonna be components that are real. Now. I take that back, there’s gonna be a lot of components here. I’ll give you the sources. So who was at? Ah, well, she was born in Aurora, Ohio, which is kind of odd considering the Aurora Colorado connection there, right? I don’t know how, how new you the listener may be to the world of conspiracy. But back in the day, there was this film called Dark Knight Rises. And if you recall, there was this horrific mass shooting at the Aurora, Colorado movie theater release of the film. And what was interesting was that if you look at the film, there’s a part of the film where the camera flies by a building and says Aurora very well pronounced on the top of it also claims that Aurora ties in to Lucifer talking about the, you know, Corona and the brightness of the sun and all that. But, you know, again, a little bit of a stretch sometimes. But anyway, she was born in Aurora, Ohio. She and she had like I said she was an actress all this stuff. We’re gonna go through her autobiography here in a second. But she was infamously booed up with Ellen DeGeneres, the major character in the QA non movement. Right? And we’re gonna, we’re gonna hit them the conclusion we’re gonna deeper dive into Elon. So hold that thought, because first we’re going to talk about and haces autobiography a book called, call me crazy. Prophetically predicting how the world would dismiss her in death. Oh, she just did crazy person on drugs. Nothing to say here. Because that’s how it works. And sometimes it’s true. That’s that’s the kicker. Sometimes people have mental illness. And sometimes people do drugs. And sometimes they’re both. And that’s one way they can dismiss anyone looking into something is by just saying, Oh, they’re crazy. And they’re on drugs. Because it’s the thing that happens right? Now I’m trying to get a copy of this book. But I couldn’t find a full copy for sell. There’s no PDFs. There was no Kindle version. all you had was the physical version. And there was none on Amazon. I went on eBay, you couldn’t find a copy for less than $300. These capitalist pigs, these opportunistic pigs, so I couldn’t find a full copy. But I did find a Google ebooks searchable form of it. So we’re gonna get into that. Now, for me to talk about the book I need to tell you about this mental illness situation so she had no boy. Okay, so if you go to ABC News back September 4 2001. Strange timing right.
I’m gonna read you from ABC News. As an Haish says the sexual molestation she suffered at the hands of her father caused her to escape into a fourth dimension fantasy world in which she believed she was from another planet. I’m not crazy. Hey, she tells 2020 On Wednesday, in an exclusive interview with Barbara, Barbara Walters. But it’s a crazy life. I was raised in a crazy family and it took 31 years to get the crazy enemy. Further in it says, I had a fantasy world that I escaped to. I called my other personality. So last year, I believed I was from that world. I believed I was from another planet. I think I was insane. Haste traces her problems back to her father, Donald Haish, a choir director in a Baptist church, who began sexually abusing his daughter when she was still a toddler. She says he raved me he fondled me, he put me on all fours and had sex with me said Haish qualifying that the abuse is only in my memory. I think it’s always hard for children to talk about that abuse. Because it’s only a memory. I didn’t carry around a tape recorder. I didn’t chisel anything in stone. Anybody can look and say, Well, how do you know for sure. And that’s one of the most painful things about it. You don’t she says she contracted herpes from him. I had a rash. I had sores. I had welts on my nose. And on my lips, she says. Now, let’s take let’s pause for just one second here. Because I was actually listening to the great tinfoil hat podcast and they had a recent guest on there who was a New York City detective. The episode was called something to the effect of Manson and I’m trying to find it for you but I can’t Manson and the process church. We Okay, here we go. Mike CODEL was is his name, tinfoil hat 597. And he goes through this experience he had of talking to a guy who was a 1% biker who was in prison for this exact same thing. And he said any more or less, says like this is one of the most disturbing things ever because the guy the biker who was in prison for doing this stuff to his infant daughter was very blase blase about it very nonchalant. And he was like, Dude, I didn’t know anyone was capable of doing this. So if you want to say this stuff never happens. That’s not true either. Plus look to the story of Michael Hutchinson. Or Michael Hutchins from an excess right. He does a long story, right? We should probably do a whole show on Michael Hutchins, he was booed up with Paula Yates, who was Bob Geldof’s wife Bob Geldof a very prominent musician. And they had a daughter, whom after Hutchins died mysteriously, and then Paula Yates died mysteriously. I mean, they say drugs, but Bob took her daughter in on adoption, which is kind of weird, right? Not too weird, a little weird. Well, what’s strange is that Bob and Paula had a daughter named peaches and peaches had tattoos of the OTO. The magic order, very specifically about the magic order we talked about on the show. And she was Buddha with a guy named Ian Watkins. And he and Watkins was charged with let me make sure I don’t want to say the wrong thing here. I’m gonna look it up on the Wikipedia. Because Wikipedia never lies. It was the singer of lost profits. In 2013, he was sentenced to 29 years of imprisonment for multiple sexual offences, including the sexual assault of young children and babies. Now, the the even more disturbing is that the babies were provided by the mothers of the babies, I guess, because they were fans of him. I don’t really know how that arrangement goes. It’s all very disturbing. So, and Haish claims that this happened to her as a toddler from her own father. Is it true? No clue wasn’t there. That’s what she says. Well, the family was asked about these things. And guess what? They chalk it up to this well. Man has no he has mental illness. She’s fabricating the stories. But they forgive her in the sense that they, they think that she thinks that this was real.
And I’m thinking, why not? zapdat You know what I mean? Well, here’s what the news says her says, Hey, she did not learn that her father also had homosexual encounters until 1983. When he was dying of AIDS, when she learned he had the disease she feared for her own life. So he’s apparently living a double life. So the and I’m gonna keep reading here on Wikipedia says her father actually died in 1983. She was 13. He was 45. Okay. And it says on Wikipedia Haish said that he repeatedly raped her from the time she was an infant until she was 12 giving her genital herpes when asked, but why would a gay man rape a girl in a 2001 interview with the advocate hate replied, I don’t think he was just a gay man. I think he was sexually deviant. My belief was that my father was gay. And he had to cover that up. I think he was sexually abusive. The more he couldn’t be who he was, the more that came out of him in the ways that it did. And that’s true, right? That’s some outdated thinking to be like, Well, if he’s a gay man, he only likes man. Well, I mean, it could be by could be other things going on. So hard to know, right? But it’s interesting, because I remember how how in the 80s and 90s. A lot of people really have that thought of like, there was confusion, right, because we didn’t talk about sexuality back then, like we do today. Today. It’s, you know, listed in your bio with your pronouns and all that stuff. Now, her, okay. I’m trying to sift through my notes here. Her mother apparently became a Christian therapist and does conversion therapy, which is I don’t know what electroshock therapy tried to pray the gay away. It tried to take people gay people in the conversion therapy say they’re not really gay. Very controversial practice. I want to say the Mormons do it in Utah. I could be wrong. So this family is different. All right. A few months after her father’s death, her brother would died 18 from our car crash. And they said it was because he fell asleep. And Haish said it was suicide. Which makes me think and wonder what if she was trying to commit suicide? I mean, whoa, insane way of doing it, but is again, lots of oddities. Now. Here’s what’s even otter, she had four older siblings, three of them died. One from brain cancer at 49. One was an infant who died at two months from a heart defect and then the son that died at 18 from the car wreck from you know, some people say he fell asleep and says it was suicide. Now, strange background, right? Well, let’s talk about her personal relationships here. She in that article with Bob Walters, she details going from dating Steve Martin, who’s 24 years older than her by the way, too to Ellen DeGeneres. Ellen knew everything he says, including her identity as Celestica and her belief that she could speak to the dead. The three year relationship ended in August 2000. The day after the breakup, Haish was found wandering door to door in Fresno, California. She ended up in a stranger’s backyard deeply confused. I was told to go to a place where I could meet a spaceship. I was told in order to get on that spaceship, that I would have to take a hit of ecstasy, said hey, who adds that she is not a consistent drug user. Fresno was the culmination of a journey and a world that I thought I needed to escape in order to find love. That day. Haish says she regained her sanity and began to put the fragmented pieces of her life in place. That she would eventually leave Allen for a cameraman that was working on an Ellen DeGeneres documentary that a bit and she said he’s one of the few people I’ve ever met who actually embraces the same notion about sexuality that I do, which is that you love who you love. You fall in love with a person not a sex. Which is actually way ahead of his time, right? She’s done by like a pansexuality kind of thing.
No, So lots of strange things to consider here we’ve got the the Dan, who was secretly gay Baptist choir, whatever. alleged to be doing the toddler thing. And then her, you know, sexualities What do you call it? Non normative. All right. Let’s talk about this alter ego. Wikipedia tells you it’ll say, Han Shan on the Canton people. So lots of people tag me and Nick kittens post on the alter ego thing. We’re getting them on the show next week. So we’ll talk about hate. Well, we’re gonna record it. In about a week, you’re not gonna hear it for a few weeks. All right, I got a schedule to attend to here. He stated that she created a fantasy world called the fourth dimension, to make herself feel safe, and had an alter ego who was the daughter of God, and half sister of Jesus Christ named Celeste Jaya, who had contacts with extraterrestrial life forms. She’s making contact with aliens, folks. Hey, she says she recovered from her mental health concerns following the incident in canto Creek, and put her alter ego behind her. Now, here’s where we talk about the book. Again, could not find a copy of the book. I don’t think it really matters. Sometimes you can go to Google Books. And they’ll have digital copies and you can search within it, but they block certain pages out, right. So that’s all I’ve got to work with. And here’s some of the excerpts. In my world, there was no abuse given to anybody at any time. By the time I was an adult, the shame at experience had gotten so bad that I retreated to this world. This world became my reality. I called it the fourth dimension in my name there was Celeste. Yeah. I believe that many people think I went insane. I do not believe I’m insane. I believe I went through a period of my life that was insane. And it lasted 31 years. At the peak of my insanity, I never knew what was going to happen to me next. I was constantly hiding and being asked to hide it was confusing because I believed that was what was happening to me was really happening but I knew that other people thought I was crazy. I think he’s never solution. It works for a while but then it falls apart. By the time I finished shooting six days and seven nights, I felt like three completely different people all existing at the same time. I was an an Ellen the second half of the most famous gay couple in the world. I was an haste closeted abuse victim with a burning desire to be successful actress writer and director and a celestial spirit being from the fourth dimension here to teach the world about love the fight to keep all of me alive over the next three and a half years almost killed me interesting quote there the flight to keep all of me alive. Because like that video clip and if you haven’t seen the video that I’m talking about, I’m going to put it on my Instagram instagram.com backslash Isaac wise up it’s it’s likely presumed she was dead. And she’s she fights through the sheet. She struggles to sit up on the gurney, like she reaching out. I mean, it’s fine, most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen. Because it’s real, you know? Shot Oh, my, you know? firefighter EMT, cops, man, I see some crazy stuff. Like I always say, I’m not the biggest fan of law and order and police. But we need it. And those people go through a lot of crap, man. Not an easy job. Okay, where are we at her in a different section of the book. She talks about how she could use her hand as an antenna to receive information through and she says that she was able to see the future she was able to channel dead people. And she was felt like a superhero. And she would go on to say that it became worrisome for her. And she adopted a new mantra for this celestial superhero Alter Ego. She said, pretend that you’re normal and pretend she’s not here here and she will disappear. She also describes this fourth dimension from which celestial comes from, and she says there was no hatred. Everyone was equal here. There was no color, no race, no creed distinction. In fact, there was no gender distinction.
And of course, like every other contactee of extraterrestrials, spirit world, she was going to bring a message from the fourth dimension into the world. Old and lucky for us, it’s in the book. All right, here’s the message are you ready? Love is the understanding that all humanity deserves to have each and every one of their needs met with respect and honor and care, we can have complete love on Earth, we just have to agree to it all of us together have to agree, hey is an agreement we have made together. Hate is anything less than love. Hate is the belief that any one person is or deserves less than what any other person deserves. agreements can be changed, we just have to agree to change them. Change starts with yourself. We agree to not understand differences. We agree that we are right and those who do not believe as we do are wrong. To change, hate and to love. We must agree that all people are equal. All beliefs are worthy. All differences are beautiful. Anything other than that belief creates hate in ourselves. We reflect the truth of what we believe through our actions, or world as a collective reflection of those actions. We agree to war to famine, to abuse, each and every one of us plays a part. If we believe anything less than love for everyone equally, we are agreeing to hate. Our world just shows us. Our world shows us just how deep and committed our agreement to hate is our agreement is ugly and nasty and bloody and brutal. And we’ve all played a part by agreeing to less than love within ourselves. So I mean, take that for what it’s worth right. In the book, she talks about becoming celestial in her mind. She became Jesus, because celestial now is the reincarnation of God. Here to teach mankind about love right as the message says. She apparently wrote down a new Bible, which I could not retrieve from the Google Books because it was blocked. She says she didn’t understand what she wrote. But she knew the idea was that God is love the world is love. There’s no pain, all that stuff we just read. II Oh, and then issues, wars and ugly battle of ego, ego must die. We are all God and this sounds very occult like right, destruction of the ego. And we are God man can become God, the Apotheosis. The alchemical process, the Philosopher’s Stone. She says she was telepathically getting messages from God who went by the name Quinn s kennis. And it represented a genderless God that was both female and male, which is oftentimes how the occult history of the world describes God or describes the early atom as a hermaphrodite. Now what’s weird and I’ll put this image on my Instagram to instagram.com backslash Isaac Weishaupt link in the show notes. You can watch the creepy video and never sleep again. And you can also check out the cover of the book. It’s got her covering one eye yes the all seeing eye. And it was weird because the books copyright page says copyright 2001 by Celeste Jia films Incorporated. So she started a business off of this Celeste. Yeah, I guess. Anyway, the book. So there’s this weird alter ego thing going on where she’s channeling God. Now as far as the death goes, there’s lots of funny business going on here. First, I’m going to read you here. The LAPD said in the statement to page six Saturday, as of today, there will be no further investigative efforts made in this case, any information or records that have been requested, prior to this turn of events will still be collected as they arrive as a matter of formalities included in the overall case. When a person suspected of a crime expires, we do not present for filing consideration. So again, there’s a as she was on drugs, it’s a wrap. Nothing to see here. And maybe there’s nothing to see there. But one thing to consider is the creation of mind alters All right, she was traumatized as a child. And maybe that informed her ability to act. Because when you act, you take on different personas, right?
It says that she was at a school play in high school at age 16 When an agent saw her perform and she got the first role on the soap opera so she was very good at it from a young age. Well, she says that she was going through this trauma at the hands of her father at a young age. And this fits into a lot of the conspiracy theories about MK Ultra and Project Monarch and it includes the abuse of children because you can create amnesic barriers and alter egos and compartments of the mind through the trauma Some people go as far as to say that this is how they make programs serial killers. Because you make them it’s like Manchurian Candidate, they, they activate the alter ego. The information gets compartmentalized, they don’t even remember doing any of the stuff. That’s the theory. But now here’s the kind of the bombshell I thought this was truth or fake news because let’s be honest, there’s a fair amount of truth or fake news out there. Everyone’s eager to find the crazy story. So everything I read I look into first before I repeat it. Thought this was fake news, but it’s true. She’s starring in a film that comes out next month. That’s about human sex trafficking. It’s called Girl and room 13 and it releases September 17 2022. Room 1313 Curious symbolism. It’s an unlucky number. It’s a number of witches in a coven. It’s Christ and His 12 disciples. Remember, she thinks she’s Christ. Maybe haven’t seen the movie. I don’t know how that fits in. Here’s the here’s the synopsis. Grace becomes addicted to opioids after suffering a sports injury. She’s ready to leave her addiction behind under her mother’s watch. But her past won’t let her go. Richie kidnaps her in a motel room to sell her into human trafficking. Now what’s wild here is that it’s actually based on real events. Hidden remote.com says this girl in room 13 is inspired by actual events, it will explore the story of grace Diaz, who was addicted to opioids after her doctor prescribed them for a sports injury. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But the young woman is coerced by her friend in a meeting her former love interest in drug dealer Ricci mon Tezi. When she does, she finds herself in prison in a hotel room in no way out. Richie repeatedly violates Grace forces her to consume drugs and alcohol and starves her with the goal of breaking her down so she becomes compliant and can be sold into human trafficking. Her mother, Janie that’s played by Haish refuses to give up on her daughter, even when her husband and police believe Gracie is using again. She stops at nothing to find her daughter discovering the dark world of human trafficking. So the theory builds that well, she was about to expose, because the the original conspiracy I saw was, oh, and he was working on a documentary to expose human trafficking, which is what they say about everyone who dies, you know? And sometimes there’s elements of truth to that. Well, it’s, there’s elements of truth to that, because it turns out, she is going to be in a film that’s about this subject. And it was based on a real event. And, you know, she, on some level must have been interested in exposing this to the world, right. So, but here’s where I get hung up. Okay, so the theory is, oh, she was gonna do this film about all the, you know, that somebody will go as far to say, Oh, she was going to be in a film about Epstein. That was what political fact claimed. And I’m like, I didn’t see any of that anywhere on any of the truth or things. But maybe it was real. But they claim oh, these truths are saying this movies about and he was murdered because she was in a movie about Epstein. False. You know, I shared that on my Instagram already. Okay, bang up job, guys. Except she’s going it’s a sim. It’s kind of true. It’s a movie about human sex trafficking. So what if she was about to do a big campaign raising awareness for it? But the question is, What’s the motive here? If she was going to be a do a big campaign to raise awareness of it, that would be the motive. They want to take her out before she could, you know, raise awareness of human sex trafficking. Would it be lifetime? No, you know, maybe babies Lifetime movie. Maybe they want to get more viewers. It’s like when a rapper dies, their album sales go through the roof, you know? What about Ellen DeGeneres? If she’s tied into this, all these allegations, these QA non wacky theories, then yes,
and let’s talk about let’s talk about that. The theory is and I used and I want to underline that and emphasize it. This is a theory, not mine. The theory and this goes back to the heyday of QA Nan and human trafficking back in the summer of 2020. Recall we did several shows on these topics, the Wayfair conspiracy, which is one of my largest downloaded shows ever. Well, she was alleged to be involved with all this stuff, right and funny enough, I tried to research to see more about it and the inner Is scrubbing all of it from existence? Even Duck, duck go my friends. And I found a few mainstream articles, but they don’t even look into the theories. They just say all these crazy cute people are picking on Ellen with unfounded ideas that don’t make any sense. There. There’s one on Newsweek and then even picked on our friends Eddie Bravo and Joe Rogan. Back when Bravo was on Joe Rogan in January 2020. And said, q is 100%. Right, which, you know, I don’t know if you know this, but I went on Eddie Bravo’s podcast called look into it. And, you know, we don’t agree on everything. And that’s okay. We had a nice, fun spirited debate about Flat Earth because I’m not a flat earth guy. And he is. And we could probably go into the same debate about Q I don’t know if his opinion has changed. Maybe it has. Anyway, the internet is scrubbing all this Ellen DeGeneres, QA non stuff. It’s pretty wild, because I’ve been doing this research for over 10 years now. And I’ve never seen anything like this. But they scrubbed all that, but luckily, your boy here is the repository of conspiracy theory, pop culture nonsense. And I did four shows on QA down back in the summer of 2020. And I looked through my notes. And here’s a few that tie in to Ellen DeGeneres. We talked about Adrenochrome many times on this show. And the short version is that there’s this idea that the Illuminati or whoever, use the blood of the youth to extend their life or whatever or get off like it’s a drug, you know. And when COVID first hit, it’s never allegation allegations flying around about they’re like, Oh, look how bad Elon looks you know, because she would do live streams from home. The old she looks at me she is like 64 but they’re like she’s getting low on that. Adrenochrome Tom Hanks getting low on Adrenochrome, bro. But you recall the same people claiming this. We’re saying like, Oh, they’re arresting all the pedos you know, Tom Hanks, Oprah Elon, they’re arresting all of them. While we’re on quarantine, we’re gonna get the 14 days of darkness, where they shut down all the media, and they’re gonna get all these folks. Epstein’s people. Of course, that never happened because it was a psyop right? It was a psyop. Another symbolism is the bloody handprint aka the frazzled drip, frazzled drip. What a wild name. Now, this is based on a theory about a video. There’s this alleged surveillance video of Hillary Clinton and her assistant Uma, I think her name was is of them in a room and they take a kid and they cut its face off and put it on their face to absorb the Adrenochrome now I’ve seen the debunk of this, that it was like a deep fake video. I don’t know why do they feel walking around like Leatherface kind of a horrific video to be honest. But good luck finding all this stuff. The Internet successfully scrubbed all of this from the world. Because I’ve seen I saw the video I saw the and then I saw the debunk video anyway. But the bloody hamper this ties into the human furniture tag, the Adrenochrome, the pizza, email, all that stuff. And I did a Patreon bonus show that had some major bombshells on it. I don’t want to say it out loud. So I’ll put a link in the show notes. If you want to subscribe to my Patreon. For five bucks, you’re gonna get a copy of the dark path, you’re gonna get a copy of Kubrick’s code looking at Stanley Kubrick movies, Eyes Wide Shut Clockwork Orange, the shining, right 2001 Space Odyssey. And you’re also going to access over 100 Bonus episodes that are out there in the archives that you’ve never heard before. Wow, what a deal patreon.com backslash Illuminati watcher. And this mystery show that I’m talking about right now. And well, we’ll say
I was referring to an episode of unsolved mysteries on Netflix was episode one. About this guy named Ray Rivera, and his death had all kinds of Illuminati symbolism, and it was so sketchy. I actually had it on the free feed for a minute. But then I got bugged out. And I made a Patreon only because I felt like it hit too close to reality. And because Rivera have this suicide note, he was talking about all this Freemason stuff. And he went through this whole list of movies that he found to be compelling. And it included a ton of films right symbolism, and I go through it on that, that Patreon bonus show. One movie is identity, which has John Kuzak, who’s buds with Johnny Depp and Hunter S. Thompson. And the film pill. The film poster for identity shows us the frazzle drip the bloody handprint, which is like what’s the name of the movie castaway? Tom Hanks on the volleyball. Got the bloody Hanford on the volleyball. Walter. Now what the hell is it? It doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter this bloody handprint would be part of the cue stuff. You remember Justin Bieber was wearing the bloody handprint. And so it was Alan, but it comes from the artwork of John basky. At Bosque a Bosque out. That’s the official debunk of it. Okay. So that wasn’t so again dicey connections here. Decent rebuttals? I don’t know what to take this stuff right. On the set of Ellen’s show, there were these blue and white stripe buildings that looked exactly like the blue and white striped facility on Epstein’s Lolita island that we all know. You can find images of them maybe I’ll make it I’ll try to put that on my Instagram post with the video and the book with the single lie thing. Now it was alleged that Elon was visiting Lolita Isley Island, which apparently was not true, apparently. Now what is weird is that her show had the interview to get him Jesus campus. I watched this back in the day. This was the security guard from Mandalay Bay. I did have recalled podcasting about back when this happened in 2017. And it was weird as hell. This guy came out with a handler. And the handler was like staring at him like bro, you better watch what you say. One of the creepiest interviews I’ve ever seen. And it was the only interview the guy would do was on Ellen DeGeneres. But the hell’s going on? She also another weird one is she also had Alec Baldwin on there. A guy? Well, Alec Baldwin, who this is in 2020. And he did this bit about like, oh, it’s really difficult to get a family photo at Disney. And they play this montage of kids posing in photos with Disney mascot characters. But on all the photos, the kids are like, grabbing the junk or their head isn’t the junk of the mascot. Obviously the kids no idea that, you know, there’s just kids. And arguably the mascots are just like, I don’t know, this is probably just happens all the time. Right? And sure, that’s a joke, right? But it seemed a little out of place. Playing on a daytime show. With Ellen and her audience. I mean, not to stereotype, but I’m gonna guess it was like, you know, females stay at home mothers maybe watching this? I don’t know that they would think that the crudeness? Is that funny. Maybe they would though. I like crude stuff. But I didn’t. I didn’t think it was that funny. And then I have Alec Baldwin on their planet who later shoot accidentally on that movie set recently. And he was on the Lolita logs. And he did marry some young girl so it is just bizarre. And then after all of that, after all this back and forth about Ellen being illuminate, confirm, we get allegations of abuse onset, and how toxic or workplace culture was and even some, some impropriety sexually of the executive producers. And, and she she wraps it all up. And she’s like, Okay, I’m not doing the show anymore. And also, side note, I found in my research, the Ellen DeGeneres was sexually abused by her stepfather as a teen, which I found interesting considering the an Haish is alleging that her father did similar stuff. Now out of all this,
is there anything we can say? Yep, for sure. This is the thing that happened. No, not really. Lots of speculation, but lots of weird stuff. Lots of weird stuff. And sometimes when there’s smoke, there’s fire and sometimes there’s not. But I would like to wrap it up with a neat little quote, because I don’t know who and he is very tragic, though. Author Bret Easton Ellis had a podcast he recorded with that patient 2016 He’s the guy who wrote American Psycho, the book and this is what And he said we’re gonna wrap it up on Anabasis quote, everything we do we offend somebody, I don’t even know where you’re supposed to go to express yourself in a way that somebody isn’t going to use it against you. And I think that was very, very wise of her to say she knew this right. She recognized that because free speech is what what we really want to fight for. But I also advocate for being responsible with your free speech. Yeah, no. That’s why I’m not out here saying Oh, Ellen DeGeneres just killed her or whatever. You know what I mean? We don’t know. It’s all very strange things going on though. That’s all I do know is that there’s a lot of strange things happening in this world. And that’s where we talk about because it’s interesting. So there you go. Hope you enjoyed that analysis. A lot of requests for that one. Check out my Instagram instagram.com backslash Isaac wise, I’m gonna put the video of this W trigger warning. It’s terrifying. In this video, we’re jumping up out of the gurney or show you the image of the cover of her book and what else and image of Alan’s Lolita Island set so there you go. Hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for your time, my friends. Till next time, stay woke.
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广告代打 says
Hey, thanks for the article.Thanks Again. Really Cool.