On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we get it on with alien news! We’ll cover some occult Kabbalah symbolism in the Star Wars universe of the Mandalorian show, Katy Perry’s new music video, we’ll look at the possibility of a Galactic Federation, the symbolism behind the Vatican Nativity, monoliths, Ryan Phillipe and more!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all Patreon Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is given to all Patreon supporters- join the IW Patreon team at Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher!
Recently you took your son Deacon on a road trip,
we want to hear about this was it a surprise?
And so I picked him up and we started heading out to the desert Joshua Tree. I had rented an alien themed Airbnb, and then revealed to him that the actual intent of our trip was to try to make contact with alien civilization.
Oh my gosh.
We didn’t. So
there’s a there’s a UFO ologists named Dr. Steven Greer. And there’s a couple documentaries about him. And we he has an app. And so the app is supposed to take you through steps that increase the chances of making some kind of contact. The problem is we went too deep into Joshua Tree and lost signal. So we could use the app. But we did lay out in the middle in the middle of the night we laid in the rocks and had a great father and son bonding moment, but no alien.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:09
It’s going to be an alien Christmas here on conspiracy theories and on popular culture. I’m your host, as always Isaac Weishaupt. Today, we are going to cover the Alien Agenda as it fits into pop culture. That’s my steez that’s what I do all the time. Right. We talked about the occult and the Alien Agenda and about all the symbolism embedded in your entertainment for you to digest, for to soak into the subconscious to later manifest as reality. So we’re going to talk first we’re going to cover this Galactic Federation nonsense at this professor Haim ashad from Israel’s talk about the secret space program. We’ll cover that a little bit. And I’ll try to find you some evidence of why that could be real. Then we will briefly hit some other topics like the monoliths and Ryan Philippe that Vatican tivity scene. Then we are going to cover Katy Perry’s Alien Agenda in her new video not the end of the world. which ironically, ironically, there’s connections between Katy Perry’s video, the Vatican nativity scene. And Star Wars because Star Wars unleashed another layer of occult agenda in their show. I don’t watch the show, but I read about it. And we’re going to cover Well, welcome cover, we’re gonna blow your mind. Okay, so strap in. Because we’re gonna go to Taiwan, the Lord of darkness. Star Wars. Star Wars is revealing itself with the capitalistic tree of life. The Mavs zone, the Center for Creativity. And that’ll all make sense all are explained to you at the end of the show. We will Booba we’re gonna get into this. Let’s do it. First. Let’s talk about the this goofy Galactic Federation nonsense. Okay, I’m gonna read you from Jewish press.com and shout out a million people told me to check this out. I mean, it was on the news. Huge headlines. Jewish press calm said I’m gonna read you says Professor hymas. Shed served from 1981 to 2010 as the head of Israel’s security space program, in over the years received the Israel security award three times twice for confidential technological innovations. So if you went nuts and that’s possibility is always open. It had to happen over the past decade. And the reason we think the good Professor may have lost his marbles has to do with an interview he gave seven days the Shabbat edition of you dose harana Sorry, my yudish is bad here. Israel’s largest circulation for pay newspaper in which he says quote, The aliens have asked not to announce that they are here. Humanity is not ready yet. He proceeded to tell them and here’s where you get into his statements. Professor shuddh said the UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here humanity is not ready yet. Trump was on the verge of revealing but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying wait, let people calm down first. They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make a sane and understanding they have been waiting for humanity to evolve and reach a stage where we will generally understand what space is spaceships are. There’s an agreement between the US government and the aliens. They sign a contract with us to do experiments here. They too, are reap. They too are researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe. And they want us as helpers. Sorry, it’s taking me a long time to read this. It’s almost like I got to translate it on the fly the way it’s presented here, okay? There’s an underground base in the depths of Mars, where they’re represented representatives are, and also our American astronauts. If I’d come up with what I’m saying, today, five years ago, I would have been hospitalized. Wherever I’ve gone with this in academia, they said, the man has lost his mind. Today, we’re already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. I’ve received my degrees in awards, I am respected in universities abroad, where the trend is also changing. So to me, I read that as this guy is highly decorated guy is basically saying that aliens exist and we’re in contact with them. And humanity is not ready to hear from them. I like most of the alien disclosure, the, the psyop component of it. It’s a cash grab. Because what like, like anything else in the news, you see these celebrities and people talking to the news, there’s a reason for it. It’s because they got something to sell. That’s why I’ve been going on all these shows. I’m trying to get the word out that I got a book about the Alien Agenda. It’s just the way it goes. Now, does that discount his ideas? Is he wrong? Is he lying? I mean, I don’t know. It’s hard for me to know, I haven’t been present at the Galactic Federation meetings in Mars. But yeah, he’s got a book apparently. And he loves the idea that they were hypothetical. I’m gonna read you from times of israel.com. Quote, his ideas on space, including on aliens are outlined in a new book written by author Hagar younai called the universe beyond the horizon. Conversations with Professor hymas. Shed. According to Isaac, Ben Israel, chairman of the Israel space agency, a shed went too far with his claims which are published in an interview with the Israeli daily yetta with we already talked about that. But his seriousness shouldn’t be questioned in his standing as a leader in this field remains intact. If I would have to choose one person to be called the father of Israel space capabilities, it would be Haim, a shed. Now, I wanted to fact check all this. Because, you know, I don’t trust anyone just because they’re talking. But this guy’s like a retired general. He also he did an interview with not him, but the guy who interviewed him. Where the statements were made was on Jeremy core Belle’s YouTube channel. I watched that 20 minute video and it was of no use, don’t waste your time. I mean, you didn’t get any more information out of it besides like him. You know, core Bell is kind of like, Well, do you think he was telling the truth? And the guy was like, I think so. But like, there’s nothing extra behind it. I was hoping to get some kind of behind the scenes confirmation or something, but not really. Now, I wanted to find the book couldn’t find the English translation. But I found an article that describes what is in it on haaretz.com. And this is what they say. What would advance space shifting space time bending cultures who have done away with war and the corporeal form one with dinky idiots like us? Turns out has less to do with our intellect than what we’re sitting on. A shed says that nine aliens represented the Galactic Federation have signed a contract with us to conduct experiments. Now let’s pause for a minute. You’ll notice he said there was nine aliens, okay. Now if you’re well aware of the alien phenomenon in the history of this whole thing, you have to know about the the nine right that’s the nine aliens. This goes back to the 1950s Dr. Paul horik. This guy got together a bunch of rich folks, they were doing a bunch of channeling experiments. With the rich folks and scientist. They were in this new age channeling group with that included like a Hindu mystic, for good measure. Right? They they channeled the nine what are the nine It was a group of entities and aliens, disembodied entities that were in contact with humans, they say going all the way back to ancient Egypt. This Council of nine and basically they made contact for a period of time and then the group split up this group that harkat put together Then in the 70s things heat back up, blowhard hypnotizes, Uri Geller. And he reveals that he got his superpowers from a conscious supercomputer on a spaceship named spectra. And I kind of I kind of almost believe that because that’s where we’re headed right like that’s what I talked about is the evolution of man goes into the transhuman which will inevitably go into digital consciousness. If I were to believe in a further evolved alien form, that would be it. think that that would be the next step and maybe some interdimensional action involved in there. Yeah, that’s what your yellers hit hypnotize was was claiming and Quark is like our computer on a spaceship. Yeah, but what about the nine? And then this spectra super spaceship computer alien. Through Geller was like, Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, the nine. The Nine programmed Yuri as a child of the superpowers. Okay, so I guess it’s the same thing, different versions of the same thing. Who knows? But curiously enough, after that Buhari put together another group of folks to try to channel the nine he called it the lab nine to keep talking to these aliens. And it included Gene Roddenberry from Star Trek right, who gave you Deep Space Nine. JOHN Denver allegedly was in the group. And, most Curiously, the Brahmins Yes, the Brahmins you know who they are. They’re the the rich folks who started Sega drums which if you read sacrifice magic behind the mic, you saw they were tied into Death Row Records and should night right, you remember that? But more importantly, the Bronfman family were funding Nexium the sex called the sexual Cosco sex cult. So to zoom back out, Professor shed says that the nine aliens representing the Galactic Federation, sign a contract with human beings to conduct experiments. probing I don’t know, I don’t know what they were into. Now, the reason why to get back to what Professor shed is saying he says Earth has some precious resources, water, biodiversity, and one could assume that same us this contracts just that the representatives who sign on Earth’s behalf or STEM majors stem being the acronym for science, scientific, technical, etc. Maybe I don’t, I don’t know what the E M stands for. But science nerd stuff. who signed on Earth’s behalf were STEM majors who slept through their humanities requirements. Because anyone who’s lightly dabbled in history literature, or Disney’s Pocahontas knows that allowing a group with superior technology unfettered, or any access to society’s Natural Resources even for a fee generally ends badly. One would hope the US representative would have recognized the sale of Manhattan and the English representative their entire history before signing away the Atlantic. In fact, the country’s a shared list as involved parties. United States Russia, Japan, England, and China are all current or former colonial powers. No one should know the risks better, which makes us even scarier. By letting et take the wheel. The planet’s most powerful governments are effectively saying that our resources are out of their control and whatever they’re receiving from the Galactic Federation, is valuable enough to let them put the entire planet in the position of the countries and cultures they plundered slash are still plundering. I know the guy wrote this banged his head on the keyboard but sure doesn’t know how to put together a story that makes sense, but that’s what I’m reading to do directly from this thing. Because I couldn’t find an English copy of the book. Very sorry. I’m gonna keep reading. The Galactic Federation, a shed says has interviewed or has intervened and here I’m talking crap about this guy came Reed has intervened in Earth’s potential nuclear crises, averting an unspecified atomic disaster Cuba’s bay of pigs. Chernobyl isn’t mentioned so we can assume the aliens let that happen out of some deep seated grudge towards Ukraine and Belarus. Hi, jokes. He’s got jokes. But like, Do you recall, if you watch the phenomenon, the documentary is pretty legit references and data Say evidence that UFOs and aliens have been messing with nuclear weapons. There’s a lot of people speaking out about this a lot of like, high up officers and stuff in the military. They were there when it happened. So I’m I used to be very skeptical of that. But now I kind of believe it more. Maybe, maybe I’m just falling for the psyop. Let’s keep reading. We’re almost done. The proof is in the framing by the international media. A senior Israeli aerospace official says that not only is there life on other planets, but it has already made contact. They don’t delve into the harder to believe claims in the dose report like his story of a Utah cattle mutilation by shape shifting alien that can only be seen with advanced instruments tuned to specific frequencies. Or that space tech entrepreneur Robert Bigelow was given a massive payout by NASA to take the footage straight to the Pentagon. Saw you skinwalker, Utah alien nerds out there. I know you’re listening. Take note, that’s what this guy’s saying. Apparently, I don’t know. I’ve read the book. But now here’s where you could say that maybe this guy’s telling the truth. Because here’s the deal with the Galactic Federation. That is scary. Go back to 2001 2002. You remember a hacker nerd named Gary McKinnon, who hacked into a bunch of American systems at NASA and the government hacking the computers. He’s looking for evidence of UFOs and free energy suppression and he said he found it. He said NASA has been actively removing photos of UFOs. He said and most importantly, he said he saw an Excel spreadsheet titled non terrestrial officers. And he assumes that there are outerspace forces. He said that he saw a list of Fleet transfers and ship names and he looked up the ships. And those in fact, were not on the Navy’s roster. So he was like, yeah, these are spaceships. Now he also said he had a real bad problem with smoking pot when he hacked in. So he doesn’t recall. Luckily, he doesn’t recall the names of the ships. But he does recall the names being prefaced with S S S. As opposed to s s. Like the Navy names their ships, right? Like the SS minnow. Is that a navy ship? A little little pop trivia for you there is the SS minnow a Navy battleship. They didn’t extradite Oh boy, though, because I guess he’s got Asperger’s and they claim that he would actually kill himself and he’s mentally ill. So I mean, there’s that too, right? And they of course, lump him in with the conspiracy. There’s this. There’s another conspiracy nutjob. Thanks, buddy, appreciate it. And then I read through actually read through some FOIA requests. of some UK government workers talking about MacKinnon arguing about who he was or what he was doing. And here’s an interesting sentence I pulled out of the email discussion that these people were having. One person says the other the simple fact is that people believe what TV tells them to believe a TV tells them that people who believe in UFOs and aliens are crazy conspiracy nuts, we will probably never know whether or not this is actually true. The subject has become so obscured the truth is most likely unobtainable at this point. Who said government workers were dumb Oh, my goodness, that person’s dropping the heat. That’s the truth. Right? TV. That’s what I’ve been saying. Since day one is 10 years ago, when I started this project of researching all these things. Entertainment is way more influential than they want you to understand and acknowledge and realize. Also, we’ve got and by the way, Guess who I mean? Guess who? Who? Who knew this Francis Bacon back in the day old William Shakespeare himself. He talked about this, he said is easier to you know, push a message through entertainment and to lecture at people directly because people are we have short attention spans, you know, people like entertainment, they like to be entertained. And by the way, I talked about I know you’re probably curious, because I know somebody is out there like oh, Isaac, William Shakespeare, that’s the name of the first mail to receive the stabby for the virus. And in fact, I did cover that on a show I did on rockfon because as you know, censorship is alive and well. So if you want to hear that episode, you got to sign up at rockfon I know. I know. rockfon comm slash creator slash Isaac link in the show notes. And not only for one subscription fee you get your boy because I got A second show that I do exclusively only for rockfon put out a couple episodes a month where we talk about taboo stuff like that that I can’t talk about over here and we talk about the story and I talked about William Shakespeare and the irony of that we have for one subscription fee you’ll get all kinds of stuff you get me you get Sam Tripoli you get Mike cernovich you get Charlie Robinson you get Jamie Deluxe. Oh my god the list goes on and on.
Isaac Weishaupt 20:29
sorry I get off track easy now. We’re Oh yeah. Now another one more point to drive home then we’re done with this topic. So here you got this retired general this is really the head of the Israeli version of NASA saying there’s a galactic federation and Trump was going to reveal it to the masses but then they decided not to. Then you’ve got Gary McKinnon 20 years ago hacking into everything saying Yep, there’s a there’s spaceships and outer space Federation’s. But but roughly 10 years ago, do you recall the disclosure event that Steven Greer put on a it’s called unacknowledged is the documentary. And it covered the news events of all these high up folks coming out and professing their acknowledgement of the aliens in the UFOs which included the Canadian Minister of Defense Paul hellyer, who said the same thing. He said there’s a federation of aliens in contact with our Earth governments. I don’t know if folks this sounds crazy. It sounds crazy. But it might be true. Or maybe it’s part of the psyop maybe it’s a slow rollout and they’re using us to pretend this is real. Nobody knows. monoliths quickly quickly we got to keep it moving. monoliths they have you know as you know over the news. This is kind of old news at this point, right? They were they were been popping up and disappearing and back and forth and baba baba do to do someone on Patreon actually gave me a there was a monolith in Seattle back in 2000. But this was actually more like qubix monolith like the black you know the dimensions of one by four by nine perfect squares. One by one two by two three by three. Unlike these weird monoliths that are showing up that aren’t they’re not really monolith, meaning a single piece right? But they’re calling a monolith you know what I’m talking about? Turns out another cash grab these aliens are good for the cash grab. I’ll tell you that much. Not hell maybe that’s maybe that’s why I managed to write three books on aliens. The big cash grab. There was a artist called the most famous artists that turns out there was making these things but notice how the news they didn’t pump that part of the story out like they pumped out the model and so did you notice that because I don’t even recall the news talking about it. I actually saw it or someone gave it to me on the Instagram. Yeah, these artists called the most famous artists revealed themselves back in like December 3 on their Instagram page, and the news kept pushing the monolith stories. Now to be fair, Mashable wrote about it the same day. But my argument is that it shouldn’t propagate the same way. Mashable actually had a pretty funny it said, what better way to end this Fw year than to let the world briefly think the aliens made contact only to be disappointed that they’re the most famous artists playing a bad joke. Next, Ryan fleabay he’s back from the dead. My God human share going going to do a world tour rising from their sarcophagus from the 90s he took it he looks great by the way my god I think this guy’s drinking the adrenochrome him and Tom Hanks are drinking adrenochrome in Australia I think he took his 17 year old son out to look for aliens. All this was covered on the mainstream news you know those daytime talking talk shows for the brain dead. And people calm wrote about it I’ll tell you about it goes a little something like this. He discussed the starring role in the upcoming ABC drama Big Sky and a surprise short road trip to Joshua Tree National Park that Hina son recently embarked on in celebration of Deacon 17th birthday. We did some rock climbing and this and that I ran it an alien themed air b&b and then revealed to him that the actual intent of our trip was to try and make contact with alien civilization said fleabay 46 Oh my gosh, did you save Kelly rip excitedly we did admitted Felipe explaining that he and his son were initially looking forward to leveraging and app that’s supposed to take you through steps that increases the chances of making contact. Rather than as we went too deep into Joshua Tree and lost the signal, he added laughing alongside rippa 50 and co host Ryan Seacrest, so we couldn’t use the app. Now besides my voice sounding like a challenge, Nick Cage Hello, how you doing Ryan Philippe voice. But the point I’m trying to make here is that they are referencing old Dr. Steven Greer from Close Encounters of the fifth kind. And I talked about him in the alien book user illusion one I talked about him there was a whole show, I think it might be on the Patreon only feed and it might be on the rockfon because on rockfon I imported most of the Patreon BONUS stuff I I uploaded in rockfon because Rocklin gets the bonus stuff too. Okay. But long story short, Steven Greer the app all the celebrities are doing it. Demi Lovato is on Kesha and creepies talking about she’s hanging out with Greer posting UFO photos. Ryan Philippe’s on the desert was kids having a good time? What could go wrong? The Vatican Nativity that’s what could go wrong. Lots of requests on this one. In fact, Betty from Patreon, she made a pretty good connection with raised by wolves worth talking about. Let’s talk about the nativity scene first. There was so St. Peter’s Square, where you’ve got all this occult symbolism with the obelisk and all that stuff, right? They unleashed a avant garde nativity scene statues that were actually made a long time ago in the 60s and 70s at an art institute in Italy, but the the big stink is that it includes an astronaut that some are calling Darth Vader which of course if you read the Star Wars conspiracy you already know day off Vader which we’re going to get into that is the connection point the three degrees of separation between this Katy Perry and and Star Wars but it was like a Darth Vader standing in back of another astronaut holding something I can’t even tell what I mean it’s really bizarre right? Darth Vader he looks more like the mystery Lord helmet from raised by wolves as a as a very pointed out and patreon to me there you’re right does look a lot like Lord helmet who was you know town rapist on raised by wolves if you listen to my three part show on that now the Nativity resulted in people mocking the Holy Family. Oh my goodness they’re making fun of baby Jesus Virgin Mary. How dare they and this is by design supposed to push us through the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter into this Age of Aquarius the new age the final Kelly you with the age of Matt. All these terms. The final age of man where we evolve into the next stage we ascend to the higher dimension. Now you will call the Vatican also said that they would baptize the aliens so there’s that too. So is the Vatican in on this seems like it seems like they’re illuminate confirm. Now hold that thought about the Darth Vader character in the nativity scene because we’re gonna get back to that in a minute. One more quick piece on Netflix there’s a show called alien exness not Christmas alien exness with literally an axe. Now, curiously enough, I watched a film called possessor I don’t know if you’ve seen this quite a gory little tell. It’s sort of a trend that has trans humanistic elements to a future realm where one straps a helmet on and can control the mind and body of another person, consciousness transfer, if you will. But you’ll notice if your watch that movie, which I gotta warn you right now today for the kids is pretty gory. But it’s got the the x over the eye, the mark of the beast, the call of tie Fon which will connect us also. And so like that’s what I’m linking to alien x Miss with the x. Now hold that hold that in your other back pocket. You got Darth Vader nativity scene in one back pocket you got X the mark of the beast the call of typhon in your other pocket. And let’s talk about Katy Perry. She has a video called not the end of the Work, was it not the end of the world I didn’t know the world is not what’s called though, you know what I’m saying. And I actually did a reaction video, you can watch my live first time viewing reaction video patreon.com slash Illuminati watch a tier two and up. Lots of ways for you to support whatever, whatever way you want to support. I’m happy with it. You could just sit there and listen for free. I’m happy with that. You know what I’m saying? I’m happy you’re here on the team. in whatever form you take, but anyways, I did a reaction video. It’s a little perk I throw out there for my tier two and three folks. Where you can watch my live reaction and boy oh boy, was it a reaction? At the beginning Katy Perry who’s actually played by Zoey Deschanel. That’s the joke is that the aliens have ducked, who they think is Katy Perry. It’s actually Zoey Deschanel because she looks similar. So Zoey will call her Katie. She’s reading a newspaper at the beginning and you see a headline if you zoom in. And I put these images on Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt link in the show notes you better like and you better subscribe. There’s a newspaper if you zoom in the headline says aliens are coming. That’s on the small font. And you can see it right now we’re called back when Katy Perry did the Super Bowl. I was covering this on the glory days of blogging and YouTubing which came out as the horror of Babylon writing a topper great beast. But before the Super Bowl, I made a prediction that there would be some UFO elements to it. And sure enough, there was there was a depiction of an alien invasion right before her performance. Implying that she came from the UFO. Which, if you recall, she had that song et which is all about making sweet, sexy time to the alien. That your boy Kanye West was in Mr. Star seed himself. He said he was an alien. That’s an alien action going on. Anyway, in the video, you see the aliens coming there blue. This is important with the that’s the primordial Buddha that’s the avatar. In Hinduism. The data is always depicted blue like the avatars of Vishnu. Vishnu the main god he’s blue represents life represents rain and water. Like I discussed in sacrifice magic behind the mic is a long, rich history of ancient cultures sacrificing human beings to the rain Gods for rain. Yeah, that’s true. It’s very true. So aliens are blue. And they zap up Zoey. They bring her on her ship. Now they they talk. They say that. If you look at the lyrics, right, let’s look at the lyrics. They’re talking about the New World Order. The great reset. The aliens coming to enlighten us because us humans are just so dumb. We’re gonna blow it. They’re gonna we’re gonna kill the planet. We’re morons. We need the aliens. Katie says it’s not the end of the world. No, not the end of the world. Throw on your fancy attire fears in the fire. Don’t lose hope. It’s no funeral we’re attending. Actually just the beginning throwing your fancy attire fears in the fire Don’t lose hope. Now, so they’re saying it’s not the end of the world things are gonna change. Okay, great reset. Now the lyrics. also talk about the sky coming down which you recall. I talked about raised by wolves with the mithraic called which could be who these real Illuminati folks are. Her lyrics say if you can catch a star if the sky is falling down, there’s a golden lining up in every single cloud. You can take a frown turn it all the way around, all the way around all the all the way around. Fortune Teller told me the power is in your mind. You might see a cliff but I see a way to fly. Oh, my God is Katy Perry telling you to jump off a cliff? I think she is. No but this is what I talked about in user illusion. One that’s I’m saying there’s a there’s a spiritual psychological component, where we need to believe in the aliens for them to manifest in our reality, the power is in your mind. We Use Your Illusion means. We also see an alien with a hat that looks similar to hold around skis. alkemist, sort of. And then you see and here’s the thing. here’s the kicker. The one alien does the V over the eye. This is the call of Thai Fon note ins over the all seeing eye and this is of course from an Android Jain alien. And Katy Perry she’s done the symbol many times as you saw on the Instagram post about Katy Perry. I threw a couple of them on there for you. And now this is the perfected man the Andrew Jain because the polarity of forces are present and it’s this The true purpose of the alchemical great work all represented in the androgen. But the V as Alistair Crowley advised Winston Churchill is the call of type on the column note ins it summons the beast from the abyss. So, if you’re keeping score, I told you, Darth Vader, the nativity scene in one pocket the X the mark of the beast calling typhon in the other pocket, which, which I know is quite confusing. So we’re talking about V’s and axes. There’s just a couple of ways of talking about this, because it depends on who you read. And it’s all very strange, right? I don’t profess to understand it myself. KENNETH grant talked about the x and the O is the mark of the beast, bringing about typhon buckroe. Lee talked about the V and the mark of snowdens. Calling Taiwan who is Taiwan? Well, we’re gonna get into that right now. When we talk about Star Wars, and shout out to my man Freeman fly. You know, he put me on as the first podcast ever. And he wrote about a lot of this stuff. I got a lot of my information, my head start from him, so shout out for him to fly. I’ve been on the show a few times. You can check him out. Baba, Baba, bah. Okay, here we go. Now, some background info. This is from the Mandalorian show and Disney plus I’ve never seen it. I don’t care too. Thank you very much. I hear it’s great. I love that for you. Appreciate that. But there’s a baby Yoda. I know who baby Yoda is and that goes by the name of grow guru I guess I don’t know doesn’t matter. I’m going to read you from Den of Geek because this is where I got the information. pty THON pty Fon with a p but tython with a T. Close enough though I think tython a mythical planet located in the deep core or center of the Star Wars galaxies home to the ruins of what scholars believed to be the first Jedi Temple. Inside this temple which is the top of a mountain is a seeing stone that can amplify forces users power can’t it’s there that a Shaka? Oh boy, the Shaka says grow who has to make a choice. If he reaches out through the forest, there’s a chance to jedem I sense is presence and come searching for him a Shaka says and again there aren’t many Jedi left. To some fans. This line implies that the only other known Jedi act of five years after Return of the Jedi is on his way to the Mandalorian. Yes, we’re talking about Luke Skywalker. But that’s the whole other article for another time. The biggest question is what other Jedi knowledge might manda and grow goo find on tight on the planet was first introduced in the old legends count continuity in the pages of the novel Darth Bane will have to and even then it was treated as a place of great importance to the early history of the Jedi. This ancient history was more heavily explored in the comic book series Dawn of the Jedi. In this series, they explored the birth of the Jedi how the concepts of light and dark sides of the forest were first established and how the conflict between the two sides began in the year 36,000. before the battle even I don’t know this, you don’t seem saying like I just don’t get it a long time ago in a cosmic event reminiscent of the appearance of the monolith in 2001 A Space Odyssey massive pyramid ships known as though your arrived on several planets across the galaxy to ferry pilgrims to Taiwan where they learned to use the Force. These early force users formed the Jedi Order the group that turned into the Jedi Order. Tie that was ordered by two moons Ashkelon, bowgun celestial bodies, representing the Jedi belief in balance between light and dark. Ashleigh represented the light Bogan represented the dark. When Jedi stray too far out of the dark he was sent to ash law to reconnect with light and vice versa. Neither side was treated as good or evil by the Jedi who believed that both sides were key to wielding and understanding the force. Boys are a lot to unpack there. So let’s unpack it. Well, what Okay, how we’re gonna do let’s talk about day off first I got a I got to build up the information in case you’re unfamiliar. You’ve got this capitalistic Tree of Life 10 emanations from the mind of God who created the world and the occultist believe in this stuff. They believe there’s a dark hidden center abyss, the Heart of Darkness all day off, where the initiate must prepare themselves to enter because they can lose themselves to the Dark Void if not. And this dark path is the shortcut. And Star Wars, Yoda warns Luke about taking this dark side and also and you find out what happens when he does when he confronts the dark side, the Darth Vader the day alpha beta and Episode Five he loses his right hand because he ain’t ready. Now of course dow day off represents the outer adversary. adversary the planet Saturn. So I Darth Vader’s always an all black he’s gone full dark side. Peter talks about the dark side in his book, The Dark Lord, which I highly recommend. It’s the primal materia. One cannot know life without death, because the dark side is where seeds are planted, dreams are born, creativity resides etc. It is the seller of the soul, the cave where the beast resides. It’s the unconscious mind. It manifests with dark impulses and desires This is like the shadow the Carl Jung talks about the catalyst they call it the sitter citra. aura, the realm of the damage gods. These are the alien demons. And the day off is the entry point in you have to understand they don’t they think that good and evil are constructs. A real master balances the two reconciles the opposites. Without order, nothing exists without chaos. Nothing evolves. That’s what the rapper Bill said. But it’s actually through Oscar Wilde who he published a work by the way called the Picture of Dorian Gray. about a guy who thought the fulfilment of life was the fulfillment of your fantasy was only thing worth pursuing in life very cruelly and right it’s very do what thou wilt. And in the story, he sells a soul via a fasting and bargain to stay young. which ties us into rightfully a soul to soul the devil. No, but he’s but in the story during raid says the only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it very clearly and right. Is it curious that there’s a guy named Christian Grey also? In that 50 Shades of Grey book, Dorian Gray, Christian Grey, Oscar Wilde, it’ll bill are they connected? I don’t know. Anyhow, the point being chaos. Chaos is related to set Okay, symbolically, metaphorically, whatever, relay to set or Saturn, the adversary the outer. The terms of a call history, it’s the necessary evil. Because you have to understand the way the according to the occultist, the way the world was formed. The spirit world needed materialized through the necessary evil through the forces of Saturn. The skull needed to form in order to contain the brain in order to for man to even exist to have thoughts which eventually man will become God according to that logic that these occultist abide by that kind of grant. He’s like, let’s do sexy magic. Let’s do tantric ritual. And we’ll get into that dark side where typhon resides as the Dark Lord as set. He is the power wielder of the mob zone. As he says, This is the hidden side of the tree of life. This is the day off. That gets you into it. And he says this is where all true magical power originates. Because grant, he was an old ancient alien guy himself. He said that all religions point to the one universal truth a single magical order that comes from the cosmos. And this is where we get into typhon or tython, whatever you want to call it. Now bonus info. Crowley he referred to a was as set a was or shaitan a was referring to set or set the Egyptian god of evil. And the Greeks, they identified the the you know, because they they translated the gods over there, the Greeks were like a set, we’re gonna call you typhon. So de auth is the entryway to the dark, the dark force the dark side. And you need to get over to Taiwan tython through which is another term for set. It’s kind of like your devil character. Well, when you read about Star Wars, their description of Taiwan let’s see how this could very well be just representing Satan set the powers of darkness, the the day off the hidden entrance to the mob zone, on the cabbalistic tree of life. They say that it’s in the center of the deep core just like day off on the tree of life. They say it’s the first Egyptian temple at the top of a mountain there’s a seeing stone used to amplify your power. It’s very cultish. Right, you read my analysis on Twitter. Truman Show talks about the mountain, the holy mountain. What that represents the evolution of man to become God. They say in the history of tython that they were pyramids long ago that ferried people to tython this is an even compared to the monoliths. Yes, alien intelligence assisting in the evolution of man, this is the first Jedi. They evolved man into the first Jedi warrior through the alien intelligence, the alien flying pyramids, just like the monolith. Finally, we find out those the force has the light and dark side and conflict represented by the two moons. And you know, if you were a Jedi that had too much dark side, you go over to the light side if you too much light go to the dark, or vice versa. This is the reconciliation of opposites Carl Jung talked about this all the time you need to integrate your shadow Carl Jung said he’d rather be holding good. He was a gnostic Jedi Knight himself apparently. Because these people believe that neither side is good or evil. These are constructs. Society builds and a true occultist can find his or her path by embracing both reconciling the opposites which is the symbol of the bathroom at the Android Jain which is in Katy Perry’s video. And Darth Vader the day off Vader is of course in the Vatican Nativity for Christmas. The next Netflix has the show alien eximus with the you know the X the mark of the beast, so it’s all connected as you can see Wow, that was a lot of stuff a lot of aliens for Christmas this year. But I wanted to get that information out because there’s a lot of crazy action happening is the Galactic Federation real seems like it there’s enough people claiming it maybe it’s true or the model is real turns out they’re not. Are the model is real in the science fiction tales of evolving man and Lightning Man through the alien intelligence. Yes, it turns out it’s true. on Star Wars on 2001 A Space Odyssey Katy Perry showing us the tie farm tie phone in order it’s a wild world So anyways, if you want more on alien Jen of all this crazy call stuff, check out my book. And then aliens UFOs in a call usually one now on Amazon self narrated on Audible check it out. You’re gonna love it. read the reviews. People are loving it. I appreciate the reviews, by the way. Thank you, everyone dropping reviews. I read them all. I’m blown away. You’re very kind to me. Thank you very much. Until next time, my friend. Stay woke
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